Lesson Plan - Science 4 - Effects Force
Lesson Plan - Science 4 - Effects Force
Lesson Plan - Science 4 - Effects Force
I. Objectives
In this lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Explain the effects of force when applied to an object.
2. Conduct an experiment about effects of force to an object.
3. Shares your group experiment observation in the class.
III. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preparations
Good morning class. Good morning, teacher Fina.
B. Motivation
Directions: Teacher will tell an
action that the students need to
Example: Tap
-Students will tap something, like
their table or chair.
C. Presentation of the Lesson
Based on our motivation, what did The paper becomes half when
you observe to the object, when you tear it.
you perform those action?
The plastic bottle change it
shape when you squeeze it.
Excellent! All of your observations
are correct and those are the effects
of force on an object.
D. Lesson Proper
Again, what is force?
E. Fixing Skills
Direction: Put a (✓) on the blank
if the size of an object may
change when a force applied to it
and put an (X) if not. Answers:
_______1. Watching tv. 1. X
_______2. Sharpening a pencil 2. ✓
3. ✓
_______3. Tearing a paper
4. ✓
_______4. Pressing a keyboard 5. ✓
of laptop
_______5. Pulling a chair
F. Generalization
Did you understand our lesson for Yes, teacher.
Then, base from our discussion and We learned about the effects
activity. What did you learn? of force when applied to an
G. Application
The class are divided into 2 groups.
IV. Assignment
Directions: Draw or cut out 5 pictures that shows pull and push action.