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Deep Neural Networks For Marine Debris Detection in Sonar Images

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Deep Neural Networks

For Marine Debris Detection

In Sonar Images
arXiv:1905.05241v1 [cs.CV] 13 May 2019

Matias Alejandro
Valdenegro Toro, M.Sc., B.Sc.

April 2019.

Dissertation submitted for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering.

Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland.

The copyright in this thesis is owned by the author. Any quotation from the
thesis or use of any of the information contained in it must acknowledge this
thesis as the source of the quotation or information.
Copyright © 2018 - 2019 Matias Alejandro Valdenegro Toro.

latex template based on https://github.com/tufte- latex/tufte- latex , which is

licensed under the apache license, version 2.0.

Final version, arXiv release, April 2019. Compiled on May 15, 2019.

Garbage and waste disposal is one of the biggest challenges currently

faced by mankind. Proper waste disposal and recycling is a must
in any sustainable community, and in many coastal areas there is
significant water pollution in the form of floating or submerged
garbage. This is called marine debris.
It is estimated that 6.4 million tonnes of marine debris enter
water environments every year [McIlgorm et al. 2008, APEC Marine
Resource Conservation WG], with 8 million items entering each day.
An unknown fraction of this sinks to the bottom of water bodies.
Submerged marine debris threatens marine life, and for shallow
coastal areas, it can also threaten fishing vessels [Iñiguez et al. 2016,
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews].
Submerged marine debris typically stays in the environment for a
long time (20+ years), and consists of materials that can be recycled,
such as metals, plastics, glass, etc. Many of these items should
not be disposed in water bodies as this has a negative effect in the
environment and human health.
Encouraged by the advances in Computer Vision from the use
Deep Learning, we propose the use of Deep Neural Networks
(DNNs) to survey and detect marine debris in the bottom of water
bodies (seafloor, lake and river beds) from Forward-Looking Sonar
(FLS) images.
This thesis performs a comprehensive evaluation on the use of
DNNs for the problem of marine debris detection in FLS images, as
well as related problems such as image classification, matching, and
detection proposals. We do this in a dataset of 2069 FLS images that
we captured with an ARIS Explorer 3000 sensor on marine debris
objects lying in the floor of a small water tank. We had issues with
the sensor in a real world underwater environment that motivated
the use of a water tank.
The objects we used to produce this dataset contain typical house-
hold marine debris and distractor marine objects (tires, hooks, valves,
etc), divided in 10 classes plus a background class.
Our results show that for the evaluated tasks, DNNs are a superior
technique than the corresponding state of the art. There are large
gains particularly for the matching and detection proposal tasks. We
also study the effect of sample complexity and object size in many
tasks, which is valuable information for practitioners.
We expect that our results will advance the objective of using
Autonomous Underwater Vehicles to automatically survey, detect
and collect marine debris from underwater environments.
Do not be sorry. Be better...
And you must be better than me...
kratos - god of war (siee, 2018)

Hope is what makes us strong.

It is why we are here.
It is what we fight with when all else is lost...
pandora - god of war 3 (scee, 2010)

Dedicada a mis queridos Abuelos: Paulina,

Rubén, y Sergio.

Many people have contributed or helped in the development of

my Doctoral research. First I would like to thank the European
Commission for funding my research through the FP7-PEOPLE-
2013-ITN project ROBOCADEMY (Ref 608096). The project also
supported me during my research visit to the German Research
Center for Artificial Intelligence in Bremen, where I currently work.
For this I acknowledge the support of Prof. David Lane, Lynn Smith,
and Prof. Yvan Petillot during my PhD.
Acknowledging the support of the European Union is a must in
the uncertain times during which this thesis was written. People
have to know that the European Union is a project worth pursuing.

This vital funding through the Marie-Skłodowskca Curie Actions

(MSCA) allowed me to freely develop my scientific ideas and steer
the project into a direction I believe is positive for the environment
and common good. Science must always be performed for the
benefit of humankind and our planet.
Leonard McLean at the Ocean Systems Lab provided key techni-
cal support in experimental setup and data capture. My Best Friend
Polett Escanilla supported me during good and bad times. The
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (Sankt Augustin, Germany) allowed
me to advise their students in R&D/Master Thesis projects for the
MAS program, which gave me vital experience in advising and
mentoring people. Prof. Dr. Paul Plöger, Iman Awaad, Anastassia
Küstenmacher, Maria do Carmo Massoni, Kira Wazinsky, Miriam
Lüdtke-Handjery, and Barbara Wieners-Horst from the previously
mentioned institution provided key support after my time in Sankt
Augustin and during my PhD when visiting the University.

The Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg was created as compensation to

Bonn for the move of Germany’s capital to Berlin after reunification,
which makes me feel a special bond and debt to Germany. It was
in this city that life-long friendships with Octavio Arriaga, Maryam
Matin, and Nour Soufi, began.

Elizabeth Vargas provided invaluable support and physically

delivered this thesis to the University’s Academic Registry, and for
this I am deeply indebted to her.
The Robotarium Cluster provided the key high-performance com-
puting resources I needed to train over 1000 neural networks during
my Doctoral Research. I acknowledge and thank Hans-Nikolai Viess-
mann for his support administrating the Cluster.

Finally, this thesis uses computational implementation of algo-

rithms from third party libraries. For this I acknowledge the authors
of Keras, Theano, and scikit-learn. Without these open source libraries,
the development of science would be much slower than currently is.

Abstract 3

Acknowledgements 5

Symbols and Abbreviations 13

Neural Network Notation 14

1 Introduction 15
1.1 Research Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.2 Feasibility Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.3 Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.4 Thesis Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.5 Software Implementations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.6 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.7 Related Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

2 Marine Debris As Motivation For Object Detection 28

2.1 What is Marine Debris? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.2 Ecological Issues with Marine Debris . . . . . . . . . 33
2.3 Proposal - Marine Debris Recovery with AUVs . . . . 35
2.4 Datasets used in this Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.4.1 Sonar Sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
2.4.2 Sonar Image Capture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3 Machine Learning Background 47

3.1 Classical Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.1.1 Training as Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.1.2 Loss Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
3.1.3 Activation Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.1.4 Weight Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.1.5 Data Normalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.1.6 Regularization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.1.7 Optimizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.1.8 Performance Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.1.9 Hyper-parameter Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.2 Convolutional Neural Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.2.1 Convolutional Layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.2.2 Pooling Layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.2.3 Convolutional Network Architectures . . . . . 71
3.2.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

4 Forward-Looking Sonar Image Classification 76

4.1 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.1.1 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
4.2 Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks 86
4.3 Experimental Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.3.1 Evaluation Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.3.2 Convolutional Network Design . . . . . . . . . 89
4.3.3 Template Matching Baselines . . . . . . . . . . 92

4.3.4 Comparison with State of the Art . . . . . . . 94
4.3.5 Feature Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
4.3.6 Computational Performance . . . . . . . . . . 101
4.4 Summary of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

5 Limits of Convolutional Neural Networks on FLS Images 108

5.1 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
5.2 Transfer Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
5.3 Effect of Object Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
5.4 Effect of Number of Training Samples . . . . . . . . . 117
5.5 Combining Transfer Learning with Variations of the
Number of Training Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
5.5.1 Varying the Training Set Size . . . . . . . . . . 123
5.5.2 Varying the Training and Transfer Sets Sizes . 124
5.6 Summary of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

6 Matching Sonar Image Patches 131

6.1 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
6.1.1 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
6.2 Dataset Construction and Preprocessing . . . . . . . . 141
6.3 Matching with CNNs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
6.4 Experimental Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
6.4.1 Evaluation Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
6.4.2 Model Comparison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
6.4.3 How Much Data is Needed? . . . . . . . . . . 152
6.5 Summary of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

7 Detection Proposals In Forward-Looking Sonar 155

7.1 Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
7.1.1 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
7.2 Objectness Prediction with CNNs . . . . . . . . . . . 166
7.2.1 Objectness Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
7.2.2 Detection Proposals Pipeline . . . . . . . . . . 167
7.2.3 Network Architectures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
7.3 Experimental Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
7.3.1 Training and Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
7.3.2 Evaluation Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
7.3.3 Baseline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
7.3.4 Proposals from Objectness Thresholding . . . 172
7.3.5 Proposals from Objectness Ranking . . . . . . 174
7.3.6 Comparison to State of the Art . . . . . . . . . 177
7.3.7 Objectness Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
7.3.8 Generalization to Unseen Objects . . . . . . . 182
7.3.9 Missed Detections Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 183
7.3.10 Proposal Localization Quality . . . . . . . . . 186
7.3.11 How Much Data is Needed to Generalize? . . 187
7.4 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
7.5 Summary of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

8 Selected Applications Of Detection Proposals 193

8.1 End-to-End Object Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
8.1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
8.1.2 Proposed Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
8.1.3 Experimental Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
8.2 Tracking by Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
8.2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
8.2.2 Proposed Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
8.2.3 Experimental Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
8.3 Summary of Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207

9 Conclusions and Future Work 209

9.1 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212

A Randomly Selected Samples of the

Marine Debris Dataset 214

Bibliography 226

List of Tables

1.1 Survey of AUV Sonar Sensors across different manu-

facturers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2.1 Classes Available in the Marine Debris Dataset. . . . 41

3.1 Summary of commonly used activation functions. . . 54

3.2 Architecture of AlexNet as defined in Krizhevsky et
al 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

4.1 Numerical comparison of validation accuracy of dif-

ferent network configurations as function of number
of modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.2 Template Matching with Cross-Correlation and Sum
of Squared Differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.3 Comparison of Machine Learning (ML), Template
Matching (TM), and Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNN) methods for FLS Image Classification. . . . . 97
4.4 Feature dimensionality of evaluated layer/module for
each network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
4.5 ClassicNet performance as function of number of
modules and convolution filters . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
4.6 TinyNet and FireNet performance as function of num-
ber of modules and convolution filters . . . . . . . . . 106

5.1 Numerical summary of the effect of object size/scale

for different CNN models. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
5.2 Mean and standard deviation of test accuracy as the
number of samples per class is varied . . . . . . . . . 120

6.1 Comparison of different models for matching . . . . 149

7.1 Comparison of detection proposal techniques with

state of the art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179

8.1 Summary of tracking results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204

List of Figures

1.1 Survey time in minutes as function of sensor range . 19

1.2 Battery life as function of sensor power requirement 20

2.1 Surface Marine Debris at Manarola, Italy. . . . . . . . 28

2.2 Surface Marine Debris at the Union Canal in Edin-
burgh, Scotland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.3 Photos of Large Submerged Marine Debris at the
Union Canal in Edinburgh, Scotland . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.4 Photos of Small Submerged Marine Debris at the
Union Canal in Edinburgh, Scotland . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.5 Photos of Surface Marine Debris in Stockholm, Sweden 31
2.6 Nessie AUV with ARIS Sonar attached in the underside. 37
2.7 Samples of Bottle Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.8 Sample of Can Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.9 Sample of Chain Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.10 Sample of Drink Carton Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.11 Sample of Hook Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.12 Sample of Propeller Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.13 Sample of Shampoo Bottle Class . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.14 Example of one Scene Setup for Data Capture . . . . 42
2.15 Sample of Standing Bottle Class . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.16 Sample of Tire Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.17 Sample of Valve Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.18 Histogram of Samples per Class of the Marine Debris
Dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.19 Selected images showing beam interference producing
wrong Sonar images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.20 Sample Sonar Views of Scenes with Bounding Box
Annotations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
2.21 Sample Sonar Image Crops from our Dataset, by Class 46

3.1 Saturating Activation Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

3.2 Non-Saturating Activation Functions . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.3 Effect of Learning Rate on the Loss Curve during
Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
3.4 Architecture of LeNet-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

4.1 Basic Convolutional Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

4.2 ClassicNet Network Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.3 TinyNet Network Architecture, based on the Tiny
module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.4 FireNet Network Architecture, based on the SmallFire
module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.5 ClassicNet Network Depth versus Validation Accuracy 91
4.6 TinyNet and FireNet Network Depth versus Valida-
tion Accuracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
4.7 Template Matching Test Accuracy as a function of the
TPC with two similarity functions . . . . . . . . . . . 94

4.8 TinyNet5-8 t-SNE Feature visualization for the output
of each Tiny module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
4.9 TinyNet5-8 MDS Feature visualization for the output
of each Tiny module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
4.10 ClassicNet-BN-5 t-SNE Feature visualization . . . . . 102
4.11 ClassicNet-BN-5 MDS Feature visualization . . . . . 102
4.12 ClassicNet-Dropout-5 t-SNE Feature visualization . . 103
4.13 ClassicNet-Dropout-5 MDS Feature visualization . . 103
4.14 Computation Time comparison for the HP and LP
platforms on our tested networks. . . . . . . . . . . . 104

5.1 Transfer Learning on Sonar Images . . . . . . . . . . . 113

5.2 Example of object scales used for our experiment . . 114
5.3 Graphical summary of the effect of object size/scale
for different CNN models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
5.4 Samples per Class versus Accuracy for ClassicNet
with 2 modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
5.5 Samples per Class versus Accuracy for TinyNet-5 and
FireNet-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
5.6 Samples per Class versus Accuracy for different Clas-
sicNet configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
5.7 Samples per Class versus Accuracy for Transfer Learn-
ing using an SVM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
5.8 Samples per Class versus Accuracy for ClassicCNN-
BN Transfer Learning with different objects . . . . . . 126
5.9 Samples per Class versus Accuracy for ClassicCNN-
Dropout Transfer Learning with different objects . . 126
5.10 Samples per Class versus Accuracy for ClassicCNN-
BN Transfer Learning with same objects . . . . . . . . 130
5.11 Samples per Class versus Accuracy for ClassicCNN-
Dropout Transfer Learning with same objects . . . . 130

6.1 Small sample of sonar image patch pairs generated

by our methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
6.2 CNN architecture for matching using a two-channel
input image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
6.3 Siamese CNN architecture for matching using a two
one-channel input images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
6.4 ROC curve comparing different methods for sonar
image patch matching on Dataset D . . . . . . . . . . 151
6.5 ROC curve comparing different methods for sonar
image patch matching on Dataset S . . . . . . . . . . 151
6.6 Samples per Class versus Accuracy for ClassicNet
with 2 modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

7.1 Sliding Window example on a polar field of view

typical of forward-looking sonars. This grid was gen-
erated with s = 8. Many sliding windows overlap
with each other. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
7.2 CNN architecture based on ClassicNet for objectness
prediction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
7.3 TinyNet-Objectness Architecture for objectness pre-
diction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
7.4 TinyNet-FCN-Objectness Architecture for objectness
prediction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
7.5 Objectness Map produced by TinyNet-FCN-Objectness
on a given input image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
7.6 ClassicNet with Objectness Thresholding: Detection
proposal results over our dataset. . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
7.7 TinyNet-FCN with Objectness Thresholding: Detec-
tion proposal results over our dataset. . . . . . . . . . 174

7.8 Sample detections using objectness thresholding with
To = 0.6 and NMS threshold St = 0.7 . . . . . . . . . 175
7.9 ClassicNet with Objectness Ranking: Detection pro-
posal results over our dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
7.10 TinyNet-FCN with Objectness Ranking: Detection
proposal results over our dataset . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
7.11 Sample detections using objectness ranking with K =
10 and NMS threshold St = 0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
7.12 Number of output proposals versus Recall for differ-
ent techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
7.13 Objectness Map Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
7.14 Detection proposals on unseen objects . . . . . . . . . 183
7.15 Detection proposals on unseen objects (cont) . . . . . 184
7.16 Sample missed detections with objectness threshold-
ing at To = 0.6 and NMS threshold St = 0.7 . . . . . . 185
7.17 Proposal Quality for ClassicNet objectness . . . . . . 187
7.18 Proposal Quality for TinyNet-FCN objectness . . . . 188
7.19 Training set size evaluation for our proposal networks 189

8.1 Basic Object Detection Architecture . . . . . . . . . . 196

8.2 Realization of the proposed architecture as a Convo-
lutional Neural Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
8.3 Detection Recall, Classification Accuracy and Number
of Proposals as a function of Objectness Threshold To 199
8.4 Detection Recall and Classification Accuracy as a func-
tion of the Number of Proposals . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
8.5 Comparison of SVM and FC classifiers using features
learned by model γ = 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
8.6 Number of correctly tracked frames as a function of
the IoU overlap threshold Ot for each sequence. . . . 205
8.7 IoU score as a function of the frame numbers for each
sequence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
8.8 Sample tracking results generated by our tracker . . 208

A.1 Bottle Class. 66 Randomly selected image crops . . . 215

A.2 Can Class. 72 Randomly selected image crops . . . . 216
A.3 Chain Class. 54 Randomly selected image crops . . . 217
A.4 Drink Carton Class. 78 Randomly selected image crops218
A.5 Hook Class. 78 Randomly selected image crops . . . 219
A.6 Propeller Class. 78 Randomly selected image crops . 220
A.7 Shampoo Bottle Class. 30 Randomly selected image
crops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
A.8 Standing Bottle Class. 24 Randomly selected image
crops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
A.9 Tire Class. 78 Randomly selected image crops . . . . 223
A.10 Valve Class. 72 Randomly selected image crops . . . 224
A.11 Background Class, 78 Randomly selected 96 × 96 im-
age crops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225

Symbols and Abbreviations

xi i-th element of vector x

α Learning Rate

B Batch Size

M Number of Training Epochs or GD iterations

ŷ Predicted Value

y Ground Truth Scalar Label

x Input Scalar

x Input Vector

C Number of Classes

Tr Training Set

Vl Validation Set

Ts Test Set

Θ Parameter set of a neural network

w Weight vector of a layer of a neural network

ML Machine Learning

CNN Convolutional Neural Network(s)

DNN Deep Neural Network(s)

GD Gradient Descent

MGD Mini-Batch Gradient Descent

SGD Stochastic Gradient Descent

GPU Graphics Processing Unit

FLS Forward-Looking Sonar

Neural Network Notation

Through this thesis we use the following notation for neural network

Conv( f , w × h)
Two Dimensional Convolutional layer with f filters of w × h
spatial size.

MaxPool(w × h)
Two Dimensional Max-Pooling layer with spatial sub-sampling
size w × h.

Two Dimensional Global Average Pooling layer.

Fully Connected layer with n neurons.

1 Introduction

Starting with the Industrial Revolution, human populations in every

country have continuously been polluting the environment. Such
contamination varies from biodegradable human waste to materi-
als that take hundreds of years to degrade, such as plastics, heavy
metals, and other processed materials. Virtually all aspects of de-
velopment in modern times pollute the environment in one way or
Human-made pollution is problematic due to the negative effect
it has on the environment, as well as on human health. Air and
Water pollution are of special interest due to its particular impact in
humans and animals.
Massive efforts are on the way to reduce the impact of modern hu-
man life in the environment, like reducing the amount of produced
waste, recycling materials that can be reused after some processing,
and reusing products that have multiple uses or can have alternate
uses. One aspect that has been left out is the collection and capture
of existing pollutants in the environment. For example, collecting
stray garbage in cities and/or beaches, or recovering spilled oil after
a marine disaster. Even after the human race evolves into a state
where no contamination is produced from its way of life, cleanup
will be a must 1 . 1
A McIlgorm, HF Campbell,
and MJ Rule. Understand-
Robots and Autonomous Vehicles are a natural choice for this ing the economic benefits and
costs of controlling marine de-
task, as it has been depicted in movies (Pixar’s Wall-E) and novels. bris in the apec region (mrc
This concept has led to consumer robots like iRobot’s Roomba and 02/2007). A report to the Asia-
Pacific Economic Cooperation
others, that can regularly clean small apartments with mixed results. Marine Resource Conservation
Working Group by the National
We believe this is a worthy application of Robotics that can have Marine Science Centre (Univer-
sity of New England and Southern
massive impact in our lives, if it is implemented in a robust way. Cross University), Coffs Harbour,
NSW, Australia, December, 2008
A particular kind of pollution that is not covered by consumer
robots and typical policy is marine pollution, specially marine debris.
This kind of debris consists of human-made garbage that has found
its way into bodies of water. This kind of pollution is usually ignored
because it is not easily "seen". Discarding an object into water usually


implies that the object sinks and it could be forgotten in the bottom
of the water body.
There is an extensive scientific literature2 about describing, lo- 2
WC Li, HF Tse, and L Fok.
Plastic waste in the marine en-
cating, and quantifying the amount of marine debris found in the vironment: A review of sources,
occurrence and effects. Sci-
environment. There are reports of human-made discarded objects ence of the Total Environment,
566:333–349, 2016
at up to 4000 meters deep at the coasts of California 3 , and at more
Kyra Schlining, Susan
than 10K meters in the Mariana Trench 4 . Von Thun, Linda Kuhnz, Brian
During trials at Loch Earn (Scotland, UK) We particularly saw the Schlining, Lonny Lundsten,
Nancy Jacobsen Stout, Lori
amount of submerged marine debris in the bottom of this lake. This Chaney, and Judith Connor.
Debris in the deep: Using a 22-
experience was the initial motivation for this Doctoral research. For year video annotation database
to survey marine litter in mon-
an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, it would be a big challenge to terey canyon, central california,
usa. Deep Sea Research Part I:
detect and map objects with a large intra and inter-class variability Oceanographic Research Papers,
such as marine debris. 79:96–105, 2013
Sanae Chiba, Hideaki Saito,
This thesis proposes the use of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Ruth Fletcher, Takayuki Yogi,
to survey and recover/pick-up submerged marine debris from the Makino Kayo, Shin Miyagi,
Moritaka Ogido, and Katsunori
bottom of a water body. This is an important problem, as we believe Fujikura. Human footprint in
the abyss: 30 year records of
that contaminating our natural water sources is not a sustainable deep-sea plastic debris. Marine
Policy, 2018
way of life, and there is evidence 5 that debris is made of materials
María Esperanza Iñiguez,
that pollute and have a negative effect on marine environments 6 . Juan A Conesa, and Andres
Fullana. Marine debris occur-
Most research in underwater object detection and classification rence and treatment: A review.
deals with mine-like objects (MLOs). This bias is also affected by Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Reviews, 64:394–402, 2016
large streams of funding from different military sources around the 6
SB Sheavly and KM Regis-
world. We believe that a much more interesting and challenging ter. Marine debris & plastics: en-
vironmental concerns, sources,
problem for underwater perception is to find and map submerged impacts and solutions. Journal
of Polymers and the Environment,
marine debris. 15(4):301–305, 2007

There has been increasing and renewed interest in Neural Net-

works in the last 5 years7 , producing breakthroughs in different 7
Since 2012

fields related to Artificial Intelligence, such as image recognition,

generative modeling, machine translation, etc. This drives us to also
evaluate how state of the art neural networks can help us with the
problem of detecting marine debris.
This Doctoral Thesis deals with the problem of detecting marine
debris in sonar images. This is a challenging problem because of the
complex shape of marine debris, and the set of possible objects that
we want to detect is open and possibly unbounded.
For the purpose of object detection we use neural networks. This
is not a novel application as neural networks have been used for ob-
ject detection, but they have not been commonly applied in Forward-
Looking Sonar images. This poses a different challenge due to the
increased noise in the image (compared to color images captured
with CCD/CMOS sensors) and the small sample size of the datasets


that are typically used in underwater robotics.

We deal with several sub-problems related to the task of marine
debris detection in Forward-Looking sonar images, divided into
several research lines. This includes image classification, patch
matching, detection proposals, end-to-end object detection, and
tracking. We also perform fundamental experiments on how these
methods behave as we vary the size of the training sets, including
generalization on different objects.
While we propose that AUVs can be the solution, we do not deal
with the full problem. This thesis only focuses on the perception
problem of marine debris, and leaves the manipulation and grasping
problem for future work.

1.1 Research Questions

This thesis investigates the following research questions, in the

context of submerged marine debris detection in Forward-Looking
sonar images.

• How can small objects (like marine debris) be detected in un-

derwater environments?
Marine debris poses a particular challenge due to viewpoint
dependence, complex shape, physical size, and large shape vari-
ability. It is not clear a priori which computer vision and machine
learning techniques are the best in order to localize such objects
in a sonar image.

• How can objects be detected in a sonar image with the mini-

mum number of assumptions? Many object detection techniques
make many assumptions on object shape. For example the use
of Haar cascades works well for mine-like objects due to the size
of their acoustic shadows, but fail when used in shadowless ob-
jects like marine debris. A similar argument can be constructed
for template matching, which is typically used in sonar images.
Reducing the number of implicit or explicit assumptions made by
the algorithm will improve its performance on complex objects
like marine debris.

• How much data is needed to train a large neural network for

sonar applications? Deep Learning has only been made possible
due to the availability of large labeled datasets of color images.
Predictions cannot be made on how it will perform on sonar
images (due to fundamental differences in the image formation


process) and on radically smaller datasets that are more common

in robotics. End-to-end learning is also problematic in small
datasets as the "right" features can only be learned in massive

• Is end-to-end learning possible in sonar images? End-to-end

learning consists of using a neural network to learn a mapping
between an input and target labels without performing feature
engineering or doing task-specific tuning. As mentioned before,
this is problematic on datasets with low sample count and low
object variability. We have not previously seen results and/or
analysis of end-to-end task learning in sonar images. This will
be useful as methods that are developed for one kind of sonar
sensor could potentially work without effort on images produced
by different sonar devices.

1.2 Feasibility Analysis

This thesis proposes the use of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

for the purpose of surveying and capturing marine debris lying in
the seafloor of a water body. In this subsection we make a short
discussion of the operational concept that underpins the research
proposal, from a practical point of view.
Our long term vision is that an AUV can be used to both survey
and capture marine debris in any kind of underwater environment,
like open and deep sea, lakes, river estuaries, swamps, etc.
The amount of marine debris varies with the type of water body.
Deep sea usually has sparse samples of marine debris (due to its
large size) measured at an average of 0.46 items per km2 (median
0.14, range [0.0019, 2.34], all items per km2 )8 . For shallow coastal 8
Stelios Katsanevakis. Ma-
rine debris, a growing problem:
areas including river estuaries the average is higher, at 153 items per Sources, distribution, compo-
sition, and impacts. Marine
km2 (median 139, range [13.7, 320], all items per km2 ) 6 . Land- Pollution: New Research. Nova
based marine debris at beaches is highly likely to transfer to the sea. Science Publishers, New York,
pages 53–100, 2008
Debris density on beaches is average 2110 items per km2 (median
840, range [210, 4900], all items per km2 ) 6 .
Two use cases for our proposed technology then arise:

Capture of Marine Debris at Deep Sea Marine debris in this case is

sparse, implying that from an economic perspective it might
not make much sense to survey and capture marine debris, as
most of the seafloor is empty, and little marine debris can be
recovered. If previous information (for example, plane wrecks,


tsunamis, etc) that marine debris is present in a specific area of the

deep sea, then it would be appropriate to use an AUV to recover
these pieces of debris. This can be an important application in
surveys related to accidents at sea.

Capture of Marine Debris in Shallow Coastal Areas In this case marine

debris is quite dense, depending on the specific area to be sur-
veyed. It seems appropriate to recommend an automated solution
using an AUV, as there is plenty of marine debris to be found.

As a simplified model for survey time, if we assume an AUV can

move at velocity V (in meters per second) with a sensor that can
"see" S meters at a time (related to the swath or range of the sensor),
then in order to survey a area A in squaree meters, the AUV will
take approximately T seconds, given by:

T= (1.1)
Note that S might be limited not only by the AUV’s maximum
speed, but also by the maximum operational speed that the sonar
sensor requires (towing speed). For example, some sonar sensors
collect information across time (multiple pings) and they might not
operate correctly if the vehicle is moving too fast. High speeds might
also produce motion blur in the produced images. Maximum towing
speeds are also limited by depth range.
A typical value is S = 2 meters per second, which is limited by
drag forces and energy efficiency 9 . Assuming A = 1000000 m2 (one 9
Thor I Fossen. Handbook of
marine craft hydrodynamics and
squared kilometer), then we can evaluate the required survey time motion control. John Wiley &
Sons, 2011
as a function of the sensor range/swath S, shown in Figure 1.1. For 900
S = 10 m, 13.8 hrs are required, and this value drops to 42 minutes 700
T [Mins]

with S = 200 m.
Assuming that there are N marine debris elements in the seafloor 100
per square kilometer, then every N seconds a piece of marine debris 10 50 100 150 200
S [M]
will be found.
Figure 1.1: Survey time in
As mentioned before, for a shallow coastal area N ∈ [13.7, 320],
minutes as function of sensor
and taking T = 42 × 60 s, this implies that N is in the range
range for a 1 km2 patch and
[7.8, 184.0] seconds. The lower bound implies that for the most V = 2 m/s
dense debris distribution, one piece will be found every 8 seconds.
This motivates a real-time computational implementation, where
processing one frame should at most take approximately one second.
This requirement also depends on the sensor, as Forward-Looking
sonars can provide data at up to 15 frames per second, also re-
quiring a real-time perception implementation, up to 15 =∼ 66.6


milliseconds per frame.

For the marine debris use case, there are three important pa-
rameters to select an appropriate sonar sensor: the per-pixel spatial
resolution, the maximum range, and the power usage. Marine debris
objects can be quite small (less than 10 cm), so the highest spatial
resolution is required. The maximum range (S) defines how many
passes have to be performed to fully cover the desired environment.
Power usage constrains the maximum battery for the AUV before
needing to recharge.
To select these parameters, we made a short survey if different
sonar sensing systems, available in Table 1.1. We considered three
major kinds of sonars: Forward-Looking, Sidescan, and Synthetic
Aperture. We only considered sensors that are appropriate as AUV
payload, where the manufacturer provided all three previously
mentioned parameters that we evaluate.
The longest AUVs can operate up to 20 hrs while performing
seafloor mapping with a 2000 Watt-Hour battery 10 . Assuming this 10
WJ Kirkwood. Develop-
ment of the dorado mapping
kind of battery, an AUV has enough power for several hours of en- vehicle for multibeam, subbot-
tom, and sidescan science mis-
durance with an active sensor, but this varies as more power hungry sions. Journal of Field Robotics,
sensors will deplete battery power faster. This relationship is shown 24(6):487–495, 2007

in Figure 1.2. With the ARIS Explorer 3000 we can expect at most
33 − 125 Hours of life, while with a more power consuming Kraken
Battery Life [Hrs]

Aquapix SAS we can expect 14 − 15 Hours. This calculation does
not include power consumption by other subsystems of the AUV, 100
such as propulsion, control, perception processing, and autonomy, 10
6 25 50 100 145
so we can take them as strict maximums in the best case. Sensor Power [W]
Since the ARIS Explorer 3000 has an approximate value S = 10
Figure 1.2: Battery life as func-
meters, surveying one km2 will take 13.8 Hours. In the best possible tion of sensor power require-
case, 2.4 − 9 km2 of surface can be surveyed with a single battery ment for a 2000 Watt-Hour

charge. For the Kraken Aquapix SAS, which has S = 200 meters battery

(approximately), surveying the one km2 will take 0.7 Hours, so

with the available battery life, up to 20 − 21.4 km2 of surface can be
surveyed with a single battery charge. This value is considerable
better than the one for the ARIS.
To detect marine debris, we wish for the largest sensor resolution,
ideally less than one centimeter per pixel, as marine debris elements
are physically small (< 10 centimeters). Using a sensor with low
resolution risks missing marine debris targets as they will be rep-
resented by less pixels in the output image, making classification
and detection difficult. A higher resolution might also imply a high
power consumption, as an active sensor will need a powerful signal


Type Brand/Model Example Spatial Resolution Max Range Power

FLS ARIS Explorer ∼ 0.3 cm/pix 5-15 M 16-60 W
Blueview M900-2250 ∼ 0.6 − 1.3 cm/pix 100 M 20-26 W
Blueview P900 Series ∼ 2.54 cm/pix 100 M 9-23 W
SS Tritech Starfish ∼ 2.5 − 5 cm/pix 35-100 M 6-12 W
Klein UUV-3500 ∼ 2.4 − 4.8 cm/pix 75-150 M 18-30 W
Sonardyne Solstice ∼ 2.5 − 5 cm/pix 200M 18 W
SAS Kraken Aquapix ∼ 1.5 − 3.0 cm/pixel 120-220 M 130-145 W
Kongsberg HISAS 1030 < 5.0 cm/pixel 200-260 M 100 W
Atlas Elektronik Vision 600 ∼ 2.5 cm/pixel 100 M 100 W
Table 1.1: Survey of AUV Sonar
Sensors across different man-
to distinguish object from seafloor noise. ufacturers. We show Forward-
Looking Sonars (FLS), Sidescan
It is also important to mention that there is a trade-off between the Sonars (SS), and Synthetic
Aperture Sonars (SAS). Impor-
frequency of the sound waves and the maximum range allowable for tant parameters for our use
case are the per-pixel spatial
the sensor 11 . The amount of attenuation in water increases with the resolution (in centimeters), the
frequency of the sound wave, while a high frequency signal allows maximum range (in meters),
and power requirements (in
for more detail to be sensed from the environment. This effectively watts).
means that in order to sense marine debris, a high frequency sonar is Roy Edgar Hansen. Intro-
duction to sonar. Course Material
required (such as the ARIS Explorer 300 at 1.8 MHz), but this limits to INF-GEO4310, University of
Oslo,(Oct. 7, 2009), 2009
the range that the sensor can see at a time, increasing the amount of
time required to survey an area, as computed before.
The ARIS Explorer 3000 has a resolution of 0.3 cm per pixel,
allowing it to see small objects easily. This value is 5 − 10 times
better than the best Sidescan or Synthetic Aperture sonar in our
survey, indicating that the ARIS might be the best choice to detect
marine debris in underwater environments.
We believe that Sidescan and Synthetic Aperture sonars are still
useful for marine debris detection. For example, they can be used
to quickly survey a large area of the seafloor, and to identify areas
where marine debris might concentrate, and then use this informa-
tion to direct an AUV using a high resolution sensor (like the ARIS)
for a detailed survey of this area.
There are other possible use cases. In the case of surveying,
a robot can more quickly detect areas of possible marine debris
contamination at a large scale, and then direct human intervention,
for example, with divers that can recover marine debris, or just
by providing additional information over time, to locate sources
of marine pollution. This would be useful for local authorities in
coastal areas that wish to provide close monitoring of their shores.
We believe that possible users for this proposed technology are:
governments and agencies interested in marine environments, spe-
cially in coastal areas, rivers, and lakes. Private companies that need


marine debris mitigation, as well as ports and maritime commercial

facilities, as these usually have large environmental impacts that
include marine debris.
We note that the most feasible use of this proposed technology
is on coastal areas close to shore, as the density of marine debris
is higher. Open seas usually has a lower density of marine debris,
and it is much larger in area, making debris location much more
sparse, which reduces the technical feasibility of this solution, as an
AUV would have to cooperate with a mother ship to provide energy
The marine debris task does not have widely known performance
metrics 12 . Generally when using machine learning techniques, we 12
SB Sheavly and KM Regis-
ter. Marine debris & plastics: en-
wish to predict performance in unseen data, which is not trivial. For vironmental concerns, sources,
impacts and solutions. Journal
the object detection task, we need to predict how many debris objects of Polymers and the Environment,
can be successfully detected by our algorithms, but we also wish to 15(4):301–305, 2007

produce an algorithm that maximizes the number of detected debris

objects. This motivates the use of recall, as a false positive is not as
troubling as missing one piece of marine debris in the seafloor. For
classification tasks, we use accuracy as a proxy metric.
Our simplified analysis shows that the proposed technique is
feasible, at least from an operational point of view, mostly for coastal
areas, and not for open seas.

1.3 Scope

The thesis scope is limited by the following:

• We only deal with the research problem of perception of marine

debris in Forward-Looking Sonar images, leaving manipulation
(picking) of marine debris as future work. This is mostly a prag-
matic decision as manipulation in underwater environments is a
harder problem 13 . 13
Pere Ridao, Marc Car-
reras, David Ribas, Pedro J
Sanz, and Gabriel Oliver. In-
• The dataset used for training and evaluation of various techniques tervention auvs: the next chal-
was captured in a water tank with a selection of marine debris lenge. IFAC Proceedings Volumes,
47(3):12146–12159, 2014
and distractor objects. For marine debris we used household
objects (bottles, cans, etc), and for distractors we selected a hook,
an underwater valve, a tire, etc. The dataset is not intended
to absolutely represent a real world underwater scenario. This
selection is motivated by issues we had with the sonar system
while trialing at lakes and rivers.

• We only consider submerged marine debris that is resting in the


water body floor.

• Regarding sensing systems, we only use a high resolution Forward-

Looking Sonar (Soundmetrics’ ARIS Explorer 3000), and do not
consider other kinds such as synthetic aperture or sidescan sonars.

1.4 Thesis Structure

Chapter 2 describes the problem of submerged and floating marine

debris in ocean and rivers in detail. From this we make the scientific
proposal that Autonomous Underwater Vehicles can help to clean
the environment.
We provide a technical introduction to basic Machine Learning
and Neural Network techniques in Chapter 3, with a focus on
practical issues that most textbooks do not cover.
Chapter 4 is the first technical chapter of this thesis. We deal
with the sonar image classification problem, and show that neural
networks can perform better than state of the art approaches, and
even be usable in low power platforms such as AUVs.
In Chapter 5 we use an experimental approach to explore the
practical limits of Convolutional Neural Networks, focusing on how
the image size and training set size affect prediction performance.
We also evaluate the use of transfer learning in sonar images.
Chapter 6 uses CNNs to match pairs of sonar image patches. We
find this is a difficult problem, and state of the art solutions from
Computer Vision perform poorly on sonar images, but Neural Net-
works can provide a good solution that generalizes well to different
Chapter 7 is the core of this thesis, where we use detection propos-
als to detect any kind of object in a sonar image, without considering
the object class. We propose a Neural Network that outputs an object-
ness score from a single scale image, which can be used to generate
detections on any kind of object and generalizes well outside its
training set.
In Chapter 8 we show two applications of detection proposals.
The first is end-to-end object detection of marine debris in sonar
images, and the second being object tracking using proposals and a
matching CNN. We show that in both cases our approaches work
better than template matching ones, typically used in sonar images.
Finally in Chapter 9 this thesis is closed with a set of conclusions
and future work.


1.5 Software Implementations

We used many third party open source implementation of common

algorithms. For general neural network modeling we used Keras 14 14
Available at https://github.
(version 1.2.2), with the Theano 15 backend (version 0.8.2).
Available at https://github.
Many common machine learning algorithms (SVM, Random For- com/Theano/Theano

est, Gradient Boosting), evaluation metrics (Area under the ROC

Curve), and dimensionality reduction techniques (t-SNE and Multi-
Dimensional Scaling) come from the scikit-learn library16 (version 16
Available from https://
0.16.1). scikit-learn

We used the SIFT, SURF, AKAZE, and ORB implementations from

the OpenCV library 17 (version 3.2.0). 17
Available at https://github.
In terms of hardware, many neural networks are small enough
to train on a CPU, but in order to speedup evaluation of multiple
neural networks, we used a NVIDIA GTX 1060 with 6 GB of VRAM.
GPU acceleration was implemented through CUDA (version 8.0.61,
used by Theano) and the CuDNN library (version 6.0.21) for GPU
acceleration of neural network primitives.

1.6 Contributions

This Doctoral Thesis has the following contributions:

• We captured a dataset of ∼ 2000 marine debris sonar images with

bounding box annotations using an ARIS Explorer 300 Forward-
Looking Sonar. The images contain a selected a subset of house-
hold and typical marine objects as representative targets of marine
debris. We use this dataset to evaluate different techniques in the
contest of the Marine Debris detection task. We plan to release
this dataset to the community through a journal paper.

• We show that in our FLS Marine Debris dataset, a deep neural

network can outperform cross-correlation18 and sum of squared 18
Natalia Hurtós, Narcis
Palomeras, Sharad Nagappa,
differences template matching algorithms in Forward-Looking and Joaquim Salvi. Automatic
detection of underwater chain
sonar image classification of Marine Debris objects. links using a forward-looking
sonar. In OCEANS-Bergen, 2013
• We propose the use of sum of squared differences similarity for MTS/IEEE, pages 1–7. IEEE,
sonar image template matching, which outperforms the cross-
correlation similarity in our dataset of FLS Marine Debris images.

• We shown that a deep neural network trained for FLS classifica-

tion can generalize better than other techniques with less number
of data points and using less trainable parameters, as evaluated
on our FLS Marine Debris images.


• We show that specially designed deep neural network based on

the Fire module19 allows for a model with low number of pa- 19
Forrest N Iandola, Song
Han, Matthew W Moskewicz,
rameters and similar classification accuracy than a bigger model, Khalid Ashraf, William J Dally,
and Kurt Keutzer. Squeezenet:
losing only 0.5% accuracy on the FLS Marine Debris dataset. Alexnet-level accuracy with
50x fewer parameters and< 0.5
• We demonstrate that our small FLS classification model can effi- mb model size. arXiv preprint
arXiv:1602.07360, 2016
ciently run on a Raspberry Pi 2 at 25 frames per second due to
the reduction in parameters and required computation, indicating
that it is a good candidate to be used in real-time applications
under resource constrained platforms.

• We evaluate our neural network models with respect to the train-

ing set size, measured as the number of samples per class, on the
FLS Marine Debris dataset. We find out that these models do not
need a large dataset to generalize well.

• We evaluate the effect of varying the training and transfer set

sizes on feature learning classification performance, on the FLS
Marine Debris dataset. We find out that convolutional feature
learning on FLS images works well even with small dataset sizes,
and this holds even when both datasets do not have object classes
in common. These results suggest that learning FLS classifiers
from small datasets with high accuracy is possible if features are
first learned on a different FLS dataset.

• We propose the use of a two image input neural network to

match FLS image patches. On the FLS Marine Debris dataset,
this technique is superior to state of the art keypoint detection
methods20 and shallow machine learning models, as measured 20
Ethan Rublee, Vincent
Rabaud, Kurt Konolige, and
by the Area under the ROC Curve. This result also holds when Gary Bradski. Orb: An efficient
alternative to sift or surf. In
training and testing sets do not share objects, indicating good 2011 International conference on
generalization. computer vision, pages 2564–
2571. IEEE, 2011

• We propose a simple algorithm to automatically produce object-

ness labels from bounding box data, and we use a neural network
to predict objectness from FLS image patches. We use this model
to produce detection proposals on a FLS image that generalize
well both in unlabeled objects in our FLS Marine Debris dataset 21
C Lawrence Zitnick and
Piotr Dollár. Edge boxes: Lo-
and in out of sample test data. cating object proposals from
edges. In Computer Vision–ECCV
• We show that our detection proposal techniques using objectness 2014, pages 391–405. Springer,
from FLS images can obtain a higher recall than state of the Jasper RR Uijlings,
Koen EA van de Sande, Theo
art algorithms (EdgeBoxes21 and Selective Search22 ) on the FLS Gevers, and Arnold WM
Smeulders. Selective search
Marine Debris dataset, while requiring less detections per image, for object recognition. Interna-
tional journal of computer vision,
which indicates that is more useful in practice. 104(2):154–171, 2013


• We show that our detection proposals can be combined with a

neural network classifier to build an end-to-end object detector
with good performance on the FLS Marine Debris dataset. Our
detection proposals can also be combined with our patch match-
ing network to built a simple tracking algorithm that works well
in the same dataset.

• Finally we show that end-to-end learning works well to learn

tasks like object detection and patch matching, on the FLS Marine
Debris dataset, improving the state of the art and potentially being
useful for other sonar sensor devices (like sidescan or synthetic
aperture sonar), as we do not make modeling assumptions on
sensor characteristics.

1.7 Related Publications

This thesis is based in the following papers published by the author:

• Object Recognition in Forward-Looking Sonar Images with Convolu-

tional Neural Networks Presented at Oceans’16 Monterey. These
results are extended in Chapter 4.

• End-to-end Object Detection and Recognition in Forward-Looking Sonar

Images with Convolutional Neural Networks Presented at the IEEE
Workshop on Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 2016 in Tokyo.
We show these results in Chapter 8.

• Objectness Scoring and Detection Proposals in Forward-Looking Sonar

Images with Convolutional Neural Networks Presented at the IAPR
Workshop on Neural Networks for Pattern Recogntion 2016 in
Ulm. This paper is the base for Chapter 7 and we massively
extend our results. This is also used in Chapter 8.

• Submerged Marine Debris Detection with Autonomous Underwater

Vehicles Presented in the International Conference on Robotics
and Automation for Humanitarian Applications 2016 in Kerala.
This paper was our original inspiration for Chapter 8 as well as
the motivation of detecting marine debris.

• Real-time convolutional networks for sonar image classification in low-

power embedded systems Presented in the European Symposium
on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN) 2017 in Bruges. These
results are extended in Chapter 4.


• Best Practices in Convolutional Networks for Forward-Looking Sonar

Image Recognition Presented in Oceans’17 Aberdeen. These re-
sults are the base for Chapter 5 where we also present extended

• Improving Sonar Image Patch Matching via Deep Learning Presented

at the European Conference on Mobile Robotics 2016 in Paris.
This is the base for Chapter 6, where we extends those results.

2 Marine Debris As

Motivation For Object Detection

This chapter describes the "full picture" that motivates this thesis.
While the introduction provides a summarized version of that mo- Figure 2.1: Surface Marine

tivation, this chapter will take a deeper dive into the problem of Debris captured by the author
at Manarola, Italy.
polluting our natural environment, with a specific look into pollution
of water bodies.
After reading this chapter, the reader will have a general idea
of how our daily lives are affected by marine debris, and how the
use of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles can help us to reduce this
This chapter is structured as follows. First we define what is Figure 2.2: Surface Marine De-
bris captured by the author at
marine debris, how it is composed and where it can be found in
the Union Canal in Edinburgh,
the seafloor. Then we describe the effect of marine debris in the
environment as pollutant and its ecological consequences. We then
make the scientific argument that submerged marine debris can be
recovered by AUVs. Finally we close the chapter by describing a
small datasets of marine debris in sonar images, which we use in
the technical chapters of this thesis.
The author got his initial motivation about Marine Debris by
experimental observation of the environment. During a couple of
excursions to Loch Earn (Scotland) we observed submerged marine
debris (beer and soft drink cans, tires) in the bottom of the Loch,
and during daily commute to Heriot-Watt University through the
Union Canal in Edinburgh, we also observed both submerged and
floating marine debris. Figures 2.4 shows small submerged objects
in the Union Canal, while Figure 2.3 shows large objects that were
discarded in the same place.

marine debris as motivation for object detection

(a) Refrigerator (b) Traffic Cone and Pram (c) Shopping Cart
Figure 2.3: Photos of Large
Submerged Marine Debris
captured by the author at the
2.1 What is Marine Debris? Union Canal in Edinburgh,
Marine Debris
Marine Debris encompasses a very large category of human-made
objects that have been discarded, and are either floating in the ocean,
partially submerged in the water column, or fully submerged and 1
Judith S Weis. Marine
lying in the floor of a water body . pollution: what everyone needs to
know. Oxford University Press,
Marine Debris is mostly composed of processed materials 1 that 2015

are useful to human populations, such as plastics, metals, wood,

glass, styrofoam, rubber, and synthetic materials derived from the
previously mentioned such as nylon.
The original use of many items discarded as marine debris is: food
and drink packaging, fishing gear, plastic bags, bottles, maritime use,
and others. Many of these categories are intended to be single-use
items, and it can be expected that many objects used by maritime
tasks end up in the ocean.
There are several ways Marine Debris ends up in the environment:

Fishing Activities that capture marine animals for human consump-

tion are a major source of marine debris 2 . Fishing vessels reg- 2
Paul K Dayton, Simon F
Thrush, M Tundi Agardy, and
ularly use nets that might get stuck on the bottom of the water Robert J Hofman. Environmen-
tal effects of marine fishing.
body, and most of the time fishermen just decide to cut the nets, Aquatic conservation: marine and
leaving them in the environment and becoming marine debris. freshwater ecosystems, 5(3):205–
232, 1995
Fishing line used by more amateur fishermen can also be consid-
ered marine debris, and any cut line usually floats in water. Most
fishing nets are submerged and not usually visible to the naked Nobuhito Mori, Tomoyuki
Takahashi, Tomohiro Yasuda,
eye. Fishing nets and lines are mostly made out of different kinds and Hideaki Yanagisawa. Sur-
vey of 2011 tohoku earthquake
of plastics. tsunami inundation and run-
up. Geophysical research letters,
Accidental Release Human-made debris can make it out to rivers or 38(7), 2011
V Kerry Smith, Xiao-
oceans by accident. One example is catastrophical events such as long Zhang, and Raymond B
Tsunamis 3 , Hurricanes, Storms, etc. But these events are rare and Palmquist. Marine debris, beach
quality, and non-market val-
not controlled by humans. A more common kind of accidental ues. Environmental and Resource
Economics, 10(3):223–247, 1997
release is garbage left at beaches 4 , as high tide can carry left

marine debris as motivation for object detection

(a) Chips Bag (b) Glass Bottle (c) Can

(d) Cans (e) Traffic Cone Figure 2.4: Photos of Small

Submerged Marine Debris
debris and make it into the ocean. Similar mechanisms work in captured by the author at the
Union Canal in Edinburgh,
rivers and estuaries, but it is more common that garbage is directly Scotland.
dropped into a river. Scientific research can also sometimes
accidentally leave marine debris in the environment.

Intentional Release There are of course people and entities that will
directly dump garbage into the ocean (usually from ships) or
in rivers and lakes, without any consideration about damage to
the environment. Legality of these releases varies with country,
but generally it is very hard to enforce any kind of regulation,
specially in developing countries mostly due to economical needs.

Improper Waste Management Corresponds to waste that escapes con-

tainment5 due to improper management, such as overflow from 5
Kathryn Willis,
Britta Denise Hardesty, Lorne
filled garbage cans, or failures in landfill containment. These Kriwoken, and Chris Wilcox.
Differentiating littering, urban
can reach water bodies by a variety of means, such as the wind runoff and marine transport
carrying lightweight plastic bags, or cans from a garbage can in as sources of marine debris in
coastal and estuarine environ-
a sidewalk falling and reaching storm drains. This is the most ments. Scientific Reports, 7:44479,
controllable factor for governments and NGOs in order to prevent
debris from reaching water bodies, as more infrastructure can
always be built.

The dropping of emissions and garbage in water bodies is reg- 6

International Maritime
ulated by the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution Organization. International
convention for the prevention
from Ships (MARPOL 73/78) 6 , which was signed in 1973 but not of pollution from ships (marpol
73/78). 1978
ratified until 1978. It prohibits all release of non-food solid waste,
while regulating liquid waste.

marine debris as motivation for object detection

Figure 2.5: Photos of Surface

Marine Debris captured by the
author in Stockholm, Sweden.

(a) Plastic Bottle (b) Plastic Objects and (c) Submerged

Drink Carton Plastic Bags

Spengler et al. 7 surveys the methods for marine debris in the 7

Angela Spengler and Mon-
ica F Costa. Methods applied
seafloor, indicating that the most common method used to study in studies of benthic marine
debris. Marine Pollution Bulletin,
submerged marine debris is a bottom trawl net, followed by diving- 56(2):226–230, 2008
related techniques. Sonar is also used to survey seafloor areas. This
research paper also describes 26 other studies that survey seafloor
marine debris, noting the large variation of sampled area (from
0.008 km2 to 4016 km2 ), and the lack of a unified methodology to
categorize and measure marine debris. 8
Peter G Ryan. Litter sur-
As mentioned before, Marine debris can be found along different vey detects the south atlantic
âĂŸgarbage patchâĂŹ. Marine
parts of the water column. Ryan et al. 8 surveys the South Atlantic Pollution Bulletin, 79(1-2):220–
224, 2014
garbage patch, and finds out that Polystyrene and foamed plastics
mostly are protruding the surface, while ropes and nets float in
the surface, and most of bags and food packaging sinks to the sea
bottom. These results are consistent with our experience but miss
that bottle material determines if it sinks or floats. We have found
out that most light plastics float, while heavy plastics and glass
immediately sinks to the bottom. Whether the bottle is open or
closed (with a cap) also influences, as a closed bottle will not sink
because it is filled by air, and it will freely float instead.
Debris materials are not equally distributed. The most common WC Li, HF Tse, and L Fok.
Plastic waste in the marine en-
material is plastics by far, which is consistent with production and vironment: A review of sources,
occurrence and effects. Sci-
use of single-use plastic items. Li et al. 9 surveys the literature about ence of the Total Environment,
566:333–349, 2016
plastic marine debris, finding that field surveys have found up to
98% of plastic in their marine debris samples, but this ratio varies 10
Kyra Schlining, Susan
Von Thun, Linda Kuhnz, Brian
wildly between sites. The highest ratio of plastic debris is found Schlining, Lonny Lundsten,
Nancy Jacobsen Stout, Lori
in the North Pacific Ocean, while the lowest ratio is found in the Chaney, and Judith Connor.
Eastern China Sea and South Korea Sea. Debris in the deep: Using a 22-
year video annotation database
A large scale survey of debris in the Monterey bay was presented to survey marine litter in mon-
terey canyon, central california,
by Schlining et al.10 , where the authors analyzed thousands video usa. Deep Sea Research Part I:
Oceanographic Research Papers,
hours captured by ROVs11 , finding 1537 pieces of submerged marine 79:96–105, 2013
debris, which were classified as 33% plastics, 23% metal, 14% rope,
Obtained for a period of 22
7% unknown debris, 6% glass, 5% fishing debris, 4% paper, and years by MBARI, between 1989
and 2011
others with less than 3% like rubber, fabrics, clothing, wood, etc.

marine debris as motivation for object detection

Majority of the items were found along the Monterey Canyon sys-
tem, which makes sense as debris could be dragged by underwater
currents and accumulated there.
Another study in the Western Gulfs of Greece by Stefatos et al.12 , 12
A Stefatos, M Charalam-
pakis, G Papatheodorou, and
where the debris recovered by nets from fishing boats was counted. G Ferentinos. Marine debris
on the seafloor of the mediter-
In the Gulf of Patras 240 items per km2 were found, while in the Gulf ranean sea: examples from
of Echinadhes 89 items per km2 were recovered. Debris distributions two enclosed gulfs in western
greece. Marine Pollution Bulletin,
in both sites are similar, with over 80% of recovered debris being 38(5):389–393, 1999

plastics, 10 % were metals, and less than 5% were glass, wood, nylon,
and synthetics. The authors attribute a high percentage of drink
packaging in Echinadhes to shipping traffic, while general packaging
was mostly found in Patras, suggesting that the primary source for
this site is carried by land through rivers.
Chiba et al. 13 built and examined a database of almost 30 13
Sanae Chiba, Hideaki
Saito, Ruth Fletcher, Takayuki
years (1989 - 2018) of video and photographic evidence of marine Yogi, Makino Kayo, Shin
Miyagi, Moritaka Ogido, and
debris at deep-sea locations around the world. They found 3425 Katsunori Fujikura. Human
man-made debris pieces in their footage, where more than one third footprint in the abyss: 30 year
records of deep-sea plastic
was plastics, and 89% were single use products. This dataset covers debris. Marine Policy, 2018

deep-sea parts of the ocean, showing that marine debris has reached
depths of 6-10 thousand meters, at distances of up to 1000 km from
the closest coast. At the North-Western Pacific Ocean, up to 17-335
debris pieces per km2 were found at depths of 1000-6000 meters. The
deepest piece of debris was found in the Mariana Trench at 10898
meters deep. Their survey shows that plastic debris accumulates in
the deepest parts of the ocean from land-based sources, and they
suggest that a way to monitor debris is needed.
Jambeck et al.14 studies the transfer of plastic debris from land 14
Jenna R Jambeck,
Roland Geyer, Chris Wilcox,
to sea. The authors built a model that estimates up to an order Theodore R Siegler, Miriam Per-
ryman, Anthony Andrady, Ra-
of magnitude the contribution of each coastal country to global mani Narayan, and Kara Laven-
plastic marine debris. The model considers plastic resin production, der Law. Plastic waste inputs
from land into the ocean. Sci-
population growth, mass of plastic waste per capita, and the ratio of ence, 347(6223):768–771, 2015

plastic waste that it is mismanaged and has the potential to become

marine debris. According to this mode, the top five contributors of
plastic marine debris per year are the countries that hold the biggest
coastal populations, namely China ([1.3 − 3.5] MMT)15 , Indonesia 15
Millions of Metric Tons
([0.5 − 1.3] MMT), The Philippines ([0.3 − 0.8] MMT), Vietnam ([0.3 −
0.7] MMT), an Sri Lanka ([0.2 − 0.6] MMT). If the coastal European
Union countries would be considered as a single source, it would be
ranked 18th with [0.05 − 0.12] MMT.
Note that this model does not consider marine debris generated
by cruise ships, which are rumored to be a major contributor to

marine debris as motivation for object detection

marine debris in the Mediterranean sea. These results are consistent

with other measurements 16 , and point that the biggest contributor 16
Marcus Eriksen, Lau-
rent CM Lebreton, Henry S
to marine debris from land is just the level of development. Less Carson, Martin Thiel, Charles J
Moore, Jose C Borerro, Francois
developed countries usually lack good waste management facili- Galgani, Peter G Ryan, and Ju-
ties, while developed countries manage their waste properly. For lia Reisser. Plastic pollution in
the world’s oceans: more than 5
example, Recycling in the European Union is overall of good quality trillion plastic pieces weighing
over 250,000 tons afloat at sea.
and therefore much less waste goes into the ocean as marine debris PloS one, 9(12):e111913, 2014

in Europe. It is also important that waste is included in develop-

ment policies and plans, in order for waste management to scale in
relation to a country’s development status.
Overall studies about the composition of marine debris are usually
spatially localized, but overall there is a high consistency between
studies about plastics being the most common marine debris element,
with metal and glass being second. Plastics are explained by the
ubiquity of single use items made out of this material, mostly food
and drink packaging. Fishing materials and ropes are also commonly
found in areas where fishermen work.

2.2 Ecological Issues with Marine Debris

In the previous section we have described what is marine debris,

what materials is it composed of, and how it reaches bodies of water
in the environment. In this section we will describe how marine
debris pollutes the environment and what kind of ecological issues
it produces.
Marine debris poses serious dangers to native marine life. One
of the biggest issues is that marine animals can get entangled in
discarded fishing nets, six pack rings, or derelict ropes 17 . This 17
David W Laist. Impacts
of marine debris: entanglement
could cause the animal to asphyxiate (for example, sea turtles that of marine life in marine debris
including a comprehensive list
need air), or severely limiting its movement which could cause to of species with entanglement
starve (for fish). There are multiple reports of this happening in the and ingestion records. In Marine
Debris, pages 99–139. Springer,
scientific literature 18 and public media. 1997
Fishing gear is overall quite deadly for marine life, with effects Sarah C Gall and
Richard C Thompson. The
on reducing biodiversity and thus affecting the ecosystem. For impact of debris on marine
life. Marine pollution bulletin,
other kinds of debris, marine animals can accidentally ingest them, 92(1-2):170–179, 2015

depending on its size and buoyancy.

Plastic debris is the most dangerous material, as it usually floats,
and ultraviolet radiation from sunlight slowly breaks it down. After 19
David W Laist. Overview
many iterations of this process, plastic transform into small (less of the biological effects of lost
and discarded plastic debris in
than 5mm) particles that are called micro-plastics. Marine animals the marine environment. Marine
pollution bulletin, 18(6):319–326,
can easily ingest these particles without noticing19 , which leads 1987

marine debris as motivation for object detection

to poisoning or blocking of airways or digestive tracts, killing the

animal. Marine fauna that survives might be captured for human
consumption, from where plastics might enter the human food
There are also increasing effects due to the food chain. As plastic
breaks up into large number of smaller pieces, there is a higher
chance that small marine animals and filtering feeders will ingest it,
from where bigger animals can consume them, propagating up into
the food chain, eventually reaching humans.
Not only marine animals that live in the water itself can be affected
by marine debris. There are many reports20 of coastal and sea birds 20
Chris Wilcox, Erik Van Se-
bille, and Britta Denise Hard-
eating plastic that floats in the water, or capturing fish that has esty. Threat of plastic pollution
to seabirds is global, pervasive,
previously consumed micro-plastics. This has a more profound effect and increasing. Proceedings of
in this kind of animal, as they have a higher chance of accidentally the National Academy of Sciences,
112(38):11899–11904, 2015
ingesting a medium sized piece of plastic, and for debris to block
their airways or digestive systems. There are studies that show a
decreasing trend in this kind of birds 21 , which could be in part 21
Michelle Paleczny, Edd
Hammill, Vasiliki Karpouzi,
caused by the increasing amounts of plastic debris in our coasts and and Daniel Pauly. Population
trend of the worldâĂŹs moni-
oceans. tored seabirds, 1950-2010. PLoS
Plastics also collects other kinds of chemical pollutants present One, 10(6):e0129342, 2015

in the water (such as pesticides, flame retardants, industrial waste,

oil, etc), making the polluted plastic particles highly toxic22 . This 22
Richard E Engler. The
complex interaction between
increases the potential of marine debris to be harmful, specially marine debris and toxic chem-
icals in the ocean. Environ-
for human populations, as they might be consuming seafood and mental science & technology,
fish that could be contaminated by chemicals transferred by debris. 46(22):12302–12315, 2012

Preventing this kind of contamination of food produce will likely

increase the costs associated to food.
Other kinds of debris such as rubber and wood can also be
problematic as marine animals can ingest them, but in significantly
lower quantities than plastics.
A more direct effect of debris in human population can happen
as it can washes up in beaches, hurting children and unbeknown
people. Accumulation of debris in beaches can also reduce the
economic value of tourism in coastal areas 23 , indirectly hurting 23
Richard E Engler. The
complex interaction between
human populations. Land animals that live close to coasts and marine debris and toxic chem-
icals in the ocean. Environ-
shores can also be affected by floating or accumulated debris, in mental science & technology,
similar ways as marine animals. 46(22):12302–12315, 2012

Discarding plastic that could be recycled makes no economic

sense, as the source material for plastic is oil, which is not infinite
and we will run out of it at some point. The same could be said of
metals and rubbers.

marine debris as motivation for object detection

Overall, we should not pollute the environment because it can

have unexpected consequences and it is not economically viable.
Sustainability is an important topic to reach a development level
where our lifestyle does not require the sacrifice of the planet’s

2.3 Proposal - Marine Debris Recovery with AUVs

This section we makes a proposal that AUVs can be used to re-

cover marine debris, which could have more scientific and civilian
applications than other current uses.
We believe that the Underwater Robotics community is too domi-
nated by military and non-civilian applications. This is clearly seen
by the large literature in mine countermeasures and related topics into
detecting military mines in underwater environments. We believe
this is more pronounced inside the object detection and automatic
target identification sub-field, as most of the literature covers meth-
ods specifically designed to perform recognition of marine mines.
While detecting and removing marine mines could have a clear
humanitarian value, this research is mostly performed by military
research centers and defense companies. This is generally fine but
it is problematic from a scientific point of view, as data is usually
classified and not available for the scientific community, which
reduces public interest and the introduction of new ideas into the
field. We see this reflected in the fact that there is no public dataset
that contains this kind of objects on sonar images.
Overall there are other current non-military research directions in
Marine Robotics that are also worth pursuing, such as Underwater
Archeology, Mapping, Pipe Search and Following, etc. The Oil and
SE Nelms, C Coombes,
Gas Industries have also interesting applications that require further LC Foster, TS Galloway, BJ God-
ley, PK Lindeque, and MJ Witt.
research. In general humanitarian applications of Marine Robotics Marine anthropogenic litter
on british beaches: a 10-year
have not been explored. nationwide assessment using
There are some efforts to capture or remove marine debris, but citizen science data. Science of
the Total Environment, 579:1399–
overall these are weak and not at large scale. Volunteers, non- 1409, 2017

governmental organizations, and local governments do efforts24 to 25

ASA Kader, MKM Saleh,
remove debris from beaches, coastal areas, and rivers, but these are MR Jalal, OO Sulaiman, and
WNW Shamsuri. Design of
localized and usually small scale. rubbish collecting system for
inland waterways. Journal of
Boats and nets can be used to capture surface debris at sea 25 , Transport System Engineering,
2(2):1–13, 2015
while debris traps can be installed in rivers and affluents to capture
Georg E Beduhn. Removal
debris26 before it reaches the sea and is lost. In general these are of oil and debris from harbor
waters. Technical report, DTIC
quite low technology solutions, that work at smaller scales and Document, 1966

marine debris as motivation for object detection

localized areas, but cannot be used to perform large scale removal

of debris in the seafloor.
Chelsea M Rochman.
Rochman et al. 27 suggests that marine debris removal strategies Strategies for reducing ocean
plastic debris should be di-
should be diverse, given the large diversity of debris materials and verse and guided by science.
Environmental Research Letters,
types, and the ubiquity of its location. 11(4):041001, 2016
The Rozalia Project 28 seems to be an effort to develop robots for 28
debris removal, but we could not find project status or additional
information. Recently a startup company called The Ocean Cleanup
29 is developing technologies to remove surface marine debris. In 29
both cases it seems that the efforts concentrate in surface debris,
while we propose technologies for submerged debris.
For these reasons, this thesis proposes that Autonomous Under-
water Vehicles can be used to survey, map, and recover submerged
marine debris from the seafloor. The basic idea is that we can equip
an AUV with both a perception sensor and a manipulator, with
advanced object detection algorithms using sensor data to locate and
identify marine debris, and the manipulator with an appropriate
end effector to capture the piece of debris and collect it inside a
special area or basket inside the AUV.
While this proposal sounds simple, it entails many difficult re-
search questions, for example:

1. What is the most appropriate perception sensor to sense sub-

merged debris in any kind of marine environment?

2. How to perceive and detect submerged debris in a perception sen-

sor without making assumptions in object shape or environment?
What are the most appropriate algorithms?

3. What is the most appropriate manipulator arm and end effector

configuration to capture the largest variety of submerged debris?

4. How can perception and manipulation be combined for successful

capture of submerged debris, while making as little assumptions
on object shape or environment?

This thesis only develops questions related to perception of sub-

merged marine debris, more precisely, Question 2. We believe that
the most appropriate sensor to detect submerged debris is a high SoundMetrics. ARIS
Explorer 3000: See what
spatial resolution sonar sensor, and for this purpose we use an ARIS others can’t, 2018. Ac-
cessed 1-9-2018. Available at
Explorer 3000. 30 , which has a per-pixel spatial resolution of up http://www.soundmetrics.
to 3.0 millimeters. This sensor is ideal to "see" small objects (less ARIS-Explorer-3000/015335_
than 10 cm) and provides a high frame-rate of up to 15 Hz, which is Brochure

ideal for manipulation. In comparison other sonar sensors such as

marine debris as motivation for object detection

sidescan have multiple centimeters per pixel spatial resolution, for

which objects like bottles would be only represented as a few pixels,
not enough for successful recognition.
Synthetic Aperture Sonar (SAS) could also be an option, but only
for tasks like surveying an area before using a high frame-rate sensor
for precision debris capture, as it is not suitable to combine SAS
with a manipulator due to the low frame-rate of the sensor.
It is well known that performing manipulation in underwater
environments is challenging 31 , specially when combining this with 31
Pere Ridao, Marc Car-
reras, David Ribas, Pedro J
a sonar sensor, due to reflections, noise, and unexpected interac- Sanz, and Gabriel Oliver. In-
tervention auvs: the next chal-
tions between the sonar sensor, the environment, and a moving lenge. IFAC Proceedings Volumes,
manipulator arm. 47(3):12146–12159, 2014

One very important point that must be made now is that we are
not proposing a "silver bullet" that can fully solve the problem of
marine debris, or the general issues with waste management. The
first and most obvious solution is not to pollute our environment.
Recycling and properly disposal of waste is a key element of any
sustainable policy. Our proposal only deals with the submerged
marine debris that is currently lying on the seafloor, and does not
prevent further debris being discarded into the ocean and other
water bodies. Some debris also floats and does not sink, and these
would require a whole different set of techniques to be collected.

2.4 Datasets used in this Thesis

This section describes the data used to train deep neural networks
and to produce all the results presented in further chapters. We
describe both the data capture setup and the data itself.
There are no public datasets that contain marine debris in sonar
Figure 2.6: Nessie AUV with
images, and for the purposes of this thesis, a dataset of sonar im-
ARIS Sonar attached in the
ages with bounding box annotations. We captured such dataset underside.
on the Water Tank of the Ocean Systems Lab, Heriot-Watt Univer-
sity, Edinburgh, Scotland. The Water Tank measures approximately
(W, H, D ) = 3 × 2 × 4 meters, and on it we submerged the Nessie
AUV with a sonar sensor attached to the underside, as shown in
Figure 2.6. 32
SoundMetrics. ARIS
Explorer 3000: See what
others can’t, 2018. Ac-
2.4.1 Sonar Sensing cessed 1-9-2018. Available at
The sonar sensor used to capture data was the ARIS Explorer 300032 ARIS-Explorer-3000/015335_
built by SoundMetrics, which is a Forward-Looking Sonar, but can Brochure

marine debris as motivation for object detection

also be considered to as an acoustic camera due to its high data

frequency (up to 15 Hz). A big advantage of this sensor is its high
spatial resolution, as one pixel can represent up to 2.3 millimeters of
the environment.
This sonar has 128 acoustic beams over a 30◦ × 15◦ field of view,
with a 0.25◦ spacing between beams. The minimum distance range
of the sonar is around 70 centimeters, and the maximum distance
depends on the sampling frequency. at 1.8 MHz the range is up to 5
meters, while at 3.0 MHz the range is only 5 meters. Depending on
distance this Sonar has 2.3 millimeters per pixel spatial resolution in
the close range, and up to 10 centimeters per pixel at the far range.
We only have limited information on how the ARIS Explorer
sonar works, as we believe most of the information is a trade secret
of SoundMetrics and/or classified by the US Navy. A related sonar Edward Belcher, William
Hanot, and Joe Burch. Dual-
sensor is the DIDSON (Dual-Frequency Identification Sonar) 33 , frequency identification sonar
(didson). In Underwater Tech-
which is an earlier iteration of what later would become the ARIS nology, 2002. Proceedings of the
2002 International Symposium on,
sonar. Development of the DIDSON sonar was funded by the US pages 187–192. IEEE, 2002
Navy through the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Bayside
(San Diego, California).
The basic working of the ARIS sonar is that it uses an acoustic Ju Wu and Hongyu Bian.
Beam-forming and imaging
lens 34 to perform beamforming and focus beams to insonify an using acoustic lenses: Some
simulation and experimental
area of the seafloor with a higher resolution than normally possible results. In Signal Processing
Systems (ICSPS), 2010 2nd Inter-
with classic sonars. This works in a similar way that of a optical national Conference on, volume 2,
camera, where a lens allows to zoom into a part of the scene. This pages V2–764. IEEE, 2010

also means that the acoustic lens moves inside the sonar in order to
Edward Belcher, Dana
focus different parts of the scene, and focusing distance can be set Lynn, Hien Dinh, and Thomas
by the user. Laughlin. Beamforming and
imaging with acoustic lenses in
There is some publicly available information about the use of small, high-frequency sonars.
acoustic lenses with the DIDSON sonar. Belcher et al in 1999 35 volume 3, pages 1495–1499.
IEEE, 1999
showed three high-frequency sonar prototypes using acoustic lenses,
Edward Belcher, Brian
and in 2001 36 they showcased how the DIDSON sonar can be Matsuyama, and Gary Trim-
ble. Object identification with
used for object identification. A Master Thesis by Kevin Fink 37 acoustic lenses. In OCEANS
2001 MTS/IEEE, volume 1,
produced computer simulations of sound waves through an acoustic pages 6–11. IEEE, 2001
lens beamformer. Kamgar-Parsi et al 38 describes how to perform
Kevin Fink. Computer
sensor fusion from multiple views of the scene obtained by a moving
simulation of pressure fields
acoustic lens. generated by acoustic lens
beamformers. Master’s thesis,
University of Washington, 1994

2.4.2 Sonar Image Capture

B Kamgar-Parsi, LJ Rosen-
blum, and EO Belcher. Under-
water imaging with a moving
We were motivated to use a water tank to capture our dataset due acoustic lens. IEEE Transactions
on Image Processing, 7(1):91–99,
to the difficulties in using a real world underwater environment. 1998

marine debris as motivation for object detection

We initially mounted the ARIS sonar on a surface vehicle (An Evo-

logics Sonobot) and tested it at some locations around Edinburgh,
Scotland39 , since it would allows us to precisely move the sonar 39
The Union Canal and Tally
Ho Flooded Quarry
underwater and to have line of sight with the vehicle, but surface
waves produced by the wind provoked rotation of the Sonobot on
the roll axis, moving the sonar sideways, and producing heavy inter-
ference between the sound beams. This way the produced images
that were not usable. Some examples of these images with beam
interfence are shown in Figure 2.19.
An alternative would have been to use the Nessie AUV, but tele-
operating it underwater is difficult since the water at many sites
is cloudy, preventing us to see the vehicle and the objects through
the water, and we would need to rely on sonar navigation only.
Placing the objects in a real environment is also not easy for the
same reasons, and recovering the marine debris that we placed
would be problematic, depending on the depth of the bottom floor.
We do not wish to pollute the environment this way.
Using a water tank is a controlled environment, where the objects
are clearly visible (fundamental for labeling), there is no environ-
Figure 2.7: Samples of Bottle
mental interference, and placing the objects is considerably easier,
with line of sight possible due to the clear water and shallow bottom.
The structure used to mount the sonar under the AUV allows for
variable orientation of the Sonar sensor in the pitch axis, approxi-
mately in the range [0◦ , 75◦ ]. We manually set the pitch angle to a
fixed value between 15◦ and 30◦ in order for the acoustic beam to
Figure 2.8: Sample of Can Class
insonify the bottom of the water tank and we can see the objects in
the output sonar image.
Objects were placed in the floor of the water tank, and were laid
out in a pseudo-random way, and non-overlapping with each other,
with the general idea that multiple objects can be in the sonar’s field
of view at the same time. Positioning of each object was performed Figure 2.9: Sample of Chain

by dropping them into the water, and manually adjusting position Class

using a pole with a hook.

We tele-operated the AUV in order to capture different views of
objects in the scene, but we had limited range due to the size of
the water tank. This means that not all perspectives of the objects
were observed, but we did get many perspectives of several objects.
The vehicle was operated on an approximate quarter of circle path,
at an approximate speed of 0.1 meters per second. Both the path
and speed were constrained by the size of our water tank and the Figure 2.10: Sample of Drink
minimum range of the sonar sensor. Carton Class

marine debris as motivation for object detection

We used the ARIScope application provided by Sound Metrics

to capture data at a frequency of 3.0 MHz, with focusing, gain
setting, and initial image processing done by the application, while
we manually selected the minimum and maximum ranges in order
to contain our scene. We captured images at 15 Hz with the AUV
moving, which produces a low framerate video.
Figure 2.14 shows one view of the objects placed in the scene. We
moved the objects around before capturing each scene in order to
introduce variability and make it possible to capture many views of
an object.
Captured sonar data was extracted from .aris files and projected
into a polar field of view and saved as PNG files.
To produce the dataset in this thesis, we selected a small group of
household and typical marine objects that we placed in the water
tank. This is motivated by the fact that most marine debris is
composed of discarded household objects 40 . 40
Sanae Chiba, Hideaki
Saito, Ruth Fletcher, Takayuki
Household objects used to build the dataset correspond to: bottles Yogi, Makino Kayo, Shin
Miyagi, Moritaka Ogido, and
of different materials, tin cans, different drink cartons, and plastic Katsunori Fujikura. Human
shampoo bottles. For typical marine objects we used a chain, a hook, footprint in the abyss: 30 year
records of deep-sea plastic
a propeller, a rubber tire, and a mock-up valve. While Marine Debris debris. Marine Policy, 2018

covers far more objects than we did, we believe this set of objects is
appropriate for the scope of this thesis.
We also included a set of marine objects as distractors (or counter
examples), namely a chain, a hook, a propeller, a rubber tire, and
a mock-up valve. These objects can be expected to be present in a
marine environment 41 due to fishing and marine operations, and 41
Paul K Dayton, Simon F
Thrush, M Tundi Agardy, and
are not necessarily debris. Robert J Hofman. Environmen-
tal effects of marine fishing.
The object set was pragmatically limited by the objects we could Aquatic conservation: marine and
easily get and were readily available at our lab. There is a slight freshwater ecosystems, 5(3):205–
232, 1995
imbalance between the marine debris and distractor objects, with
approximately 10 object instances for marine debris, and 5 instances
of distractors.
A summary of the object classes is shown in Table 2.1. Bottles of
different materials that lie horizontally in the tank floor are grouped
in a single class, but a beer bottle that was standing on the bottom
was split into its own class, as it looks completely different in a
sonar image. A shampoo bottle was also found standing in the
tank bottom and assigned its own class. The rest of the objects map
directly to classes in our dataset. We also have one additional class
called background that represents anything that is not an object in
our dataset, which is typically the tank bottom. Due to the high

marine debris as motivation for object detection

Class ID Name Description Figure

0 Bottle Plastic and Glass bottles, lying horizontally 2.7
1 Can Several metal cans originally containing food 2.8
2 Chain A one meter chain with small chain links 2.9
3 Drink Carton Several milk/juice drink cartons lying horizontally 2.10
4 Hook A small metal hook 2.11
5 Propeller A small ship propeller made out of metal 2.12
6 Shampoo Bottle A standing plastic shampoo bottle 2.13
7 Standing Bottle A standing beer bottle made out of glass 2.15
8 Tire A small rubber tire lying horizontally 2.16
9 Valve A mock-up metal valve originally designed for the 2.17
euRathlon 2015 competition
10 Background Anything that is not an object, usually the bottom N/A
of our water tank.
Table 2.1: Classes Available in
the Marine Debris Dataset.
spatial resolution of the ARIS Explorer sonar, it is possible to see the
concrete marks in the tank bottom clearly in a sonar image.
From the captured raw sonar data, we selected 2069 images, and
labeled the objects with bounding boxes and class information for
each bounding box. The selection was made in a way to maxi-
mize the number of images that we kept, but with the following
conditions: Figure 2.11: Sample of Hook
• Objects of interest (marine debris) were present in the image.
Images without any objects were discarded.

• At least one marine debris object is clearly recognizable for label-


• At least five frames away in time from another previously selected

image. This is done to reduce temporal correlation between
Figure 2.12: Sample of Pro-
selected images. peller Class

We were not able to label all the objects in each image, as some
objects looked blurry and we could not determine its class, but we
labeled all the objects where its class can be easy and clearly recog-
nized by the human annotator. In total 2364 objects are annotated in
our dataset.
Most of the objects we used for this dataset did not produce a
Figure 2.13: Sample of Sham-
shadow, depending on the perspective and size of the object. For
poo Bottle Class
the purpose of bounding box labeling, we decided to always include
the highlight of the object, as it is the most salient feature, but we
decided not to include the shadow of most objects in the bounding
box, as there is a large variability of the shadow in small objects
(sometimes present and sometimes completely absent).

marine debris as motivation for object detection

Figure 2.14: Example of one

Scene Setup for Data Capture

For two object classes we always included the shadow, namely the
standing bottle and the shampoo bottle, as sometimes the highlight
of the object is easily confused with the background, but the shadow
should allow for discrimination of this kind of object. The drink
carton object is one that many times it had a shadow that we did
not label. More detailed image crops of these objects are presented
in Appenxix Figures A.8, and A.7, and A.4.
We note that this kind of labeling is not the best as there is bias Figure 2.15: Sample of Stand-

by not always labeling shadows. We made the practical decision ing Bottle Class

of not always including shadows as it made labeling easier, and 42

Olga Russakovsky, Jia
in the future new labels can be made for this dataset, specially if Deng, Hao Su, Jonathan
Krause, Sanjeev Satheesh,
crowd-sourced labels from several sonar experts can be obtained, Sean Ma, Zhiheng Huang,
Andrej Karpathy, Aditya
like how ImageNet42 was labeled. Khosla, Michael Bernstein,
et al. Imagenet large scale
Figure 2.20 shows a selection of sonar images that we captured, visual recognition challenge.
International Journal of Computer
with their corresponding bounding box and class annotations. In Vision, 115(3):211–252, 2015
Figure 2.21 we show a selection of crops from full-size sonar images,
separated per class. Most labeled sonar images contain only a single
object, and some contain multiple objects. Our images show that
marine debris is not easy to visually recognize in sonar data, for ex-
ample, we can only typically see the borders of a bottle, from which
the shape is clear but not its contents. The standing bottle can only
be recognized by its long shadow that replicated the bottle shape,
but the highlight is camouflaged with the background, depending
on how the sonar beams hit the object.
Figure 2.20 also shows some objects that we did not label, as they
Figure 2.16: Sample of Tire
are not visually recognizable and look at blurry blobs in the image.
This happens because the sonar is not pointing at the "right" angle to
see such objects, or because the sonar is slightly higher than needed,

marine debris as motivation for object detection

producing blurry objects that are not in focus. We can also see the
walls of the water tank as very strong reflections of a linear structure.
Figure 2.18 shows the count distribution of the labels in our
dataset. It is clearly unbalanced, as we made no effort to make a
balanced dataset, and this does not prove to be an issue during
learning, as there is no dominant class that would make learning
In the Appendix, Figures A.2 to A.11 show randomly selected
Figure 2.17: Sample of Valve
image crops of each class, with a variable number depending on the
size of the object in order to fill one page. This shows the intra and
inter-class variability of our dataset, which is not high, specially for
the intra-class variability, due to the low number of object instances
that we used.

Bottle 449 Figure 2.18: Histogram of Sam-

ples per Class of the Marine
Can 367 Debris Dataset
Chain 226
Drink Carton 349
Hook 133
Propeller 137
Shampoo Bottle 99
Standing Bottle 65
Tire 331
Valve 208
100 200 300 400

marine debris as motivation for object detection

Figure 2.19: Selected images

captured in a lake using the
ARIS attached to a Sonobot,
showing the beam interference
that produces wrong Sonar
images. The beam pattern can
be clearly seen in the image,
altering the estimated range
of some pixels along the beam,
producing a distorted image

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

marine debris as motivation for object detection

(a) Bottles (b) Can (c) Chain

(d) Drink Carton (e) Hook and Propeller (f) Shampoo Bottle

Figure 2.20: Sample Sonar

Views of Scenes with Bounding
Box Annotations
(g) Standing Bottle (h) Tire, Bottle, and Valve

marine debris as motivation for object detection

(a) Bottle (b) Can

(c) Chain (d) Drink Carton

(e) Hook (f) Propeller

(g) Shampoo Bottle

(h) Standing Bottle

(i) Tire (j) Valve Figure 2.21: Sample Sonar

Image Crops from our Dataset,
by Class

3 Machine Learning Background

This chapter is intended to be a gentle introduction to the use of

machine learning techniques and neural networks for supervised
classification and regression. This is required for two reasons: most
researchers are aware of neural networks, as it is a well known topic,
but Convolutional Neural Networks are less covered in the teaching
literature 1 . The topic of Deep Learning is understood by many 1
For example, there is currently
only one book for Deep Learn-
as just "more layers" in a network, without considering the recent ing by Goodfellow et al.

advances in the field starting from 2012. Small contributions like Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Ben-
gio, and Aaron Courville. Deep
the Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) or the ADAM optimizer, or bigger
Learning. MIT Press, 2016. http:
ones like Dropout and Batch Normalization, have allowed to push
the limits of neural networks.
We aim to fill the gap in that common knowledge, and to provide
a self-contained thesis that can be read by specialists that do not
know neural networks in detail. We also made the effort to cover in
detail many practical issues when training neural networks, such
as how to tune hyper-parameters, and the proper machine learning
model iteration loop from the point of view of the neural network
designer, as well as the best practices when using machine learning
We also summarize my experience training neural networks, as it
is a process that contains equal parts of science and art. The artistic
part is quite of a problem, as it introduces "researcher degrees of
freedom" that could skew the results. One must always be aware of
Training a neural network is not an easy task, as it requires a
minimum the following steps:

Preprocessing Training set must be carefully prepared. Input and

output data must be normalized, typically to the [0, 1] or [−1, 1]
ranges, else the network might not converge. The initial training
set must also be split into at least two sets: Training and Testing.
Typically a third Validation set is also included in the split, in
order to monitor network performance during training, and to

machine learning background

detect overfitting.

Architectural Design An appropriate network architecture has to be

designed, or reused from previous designs. The learning capacity
of a network must match or surpass the capacity required by
the task to be learned. A big problem is that the task capacity
is usually unknown and is difficult to estimate, which means
network designers must use a trial-and-error approach. The
learning capacity is related to the number of parameters (weights)
in the network, but this relationship is not simple 2 . 2
A clear example is the general
decreasing trend in the number
of parameters in networks for
Training The network must be trained using gradient descent with ImageNet classification.
respect to a loss function. A key parameter controlling the conver-
gence of this algorithm is the learning rate α. If α is too big, then
training might diverge 3 , while if α is too small, then convergence 3
Divergence is signalled by a
loss value going to infinity, or
may be slow. The optimal value of the learning rate has to be becoming NaN (Not a Num-
found by experimentation on a validation set.

Testing After the network has been trained and the loss indicates
convergence, then the network must be tested. Many compu-
tational frameworks include the testing step explicitly during
training, as it helps to debug issues. The testing step requires a
validation set and metrics on this set are reported continuously
during training.

Production Use After many iterations of neural network develop-

ment, once performance on various test sets is satisfactory, the
network can be used in a production setting to perform predic-
tions as needed.

It requires careful preparation of training data, then an appro-

priate network architecture has to be designed or reused from a
previous design.

3.1 Classical Neural Networks

The basic unit of a neural network is the neuron, which computes

the function: Activation Notation

z (x) = ∑ wi xi + b = w · x + b
i (3.1)
a(x) = g(z(x))
Where x is a input vector of n elements, w is a learned weight
vector, and b is a scalar bias that completes an affine transformation
of the input. g( x ) is a scalar activation function, which is intended

machine learning background

to introduce non-linear behavior into the network. A neural network

with no activation function can just compute a linear combination of
its input, and therefore is very limited on what tasks can be learned.
a(x) is called the activation4 of a neuron, while z(x) is usually 4
Do not confuse activation and
activation function
called the pre-activation of a neuron, or just the output value before
the activation is applied. This notation will be useful later. Multilayer Perceptron

A neural network is then made by "stacking" a certain number of

"layers", where each layer contains a predefined number of neurons.
This is also called a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP). It is common
to then represent inputs and outputs to each layer as vectors (or
tensors), as this allows for explicit vector representation that can be
easily accelerated in CPUs and GPUs. As an example, a three layer
network would compute:

z1 = Θ1 · x + B1

a1 = g ( z1 )

z2 = Θ2 · a1 + B2

a2 = g ( z2 )

z3 = Θ3 · a2 + B3

a3 = g ( z3 )

Where now the Θi = {w j } j is a matrix that contains the weights

(row-wise) for the i-th layer, the input x is a column vector and biases
are stored in a row vector Bi . It should be noted that the number of
neurons in each layer does not have to be the same, and the number
of neurons in the last layer defines the output dimensionality of the
network. Note than an alternate notation of Θ can include Biases B
as well, which is useful for a more direct implementation.
Training most machine learning models consists of minimizing a
loss function L, which changes the model parameters in a way that
the predictive performance of the model increases. In a sense, the
loss function measures how well the model is doing with the current
value of the parameter set. As neural networks usually have a
large5 number of parameters (the number of weights), unconstrained 5
AlexNet has 60 million train-
able parameters (weights),
optimization algorithms are used to minimize the loss. The most ResNet has 20 million param-
eters, and VGG-16 has 138
common optimization algorithm is gradient descent. million parameters.
Gradient descent uses the theoretical implications that the gradi-
ent of a scalar function points in the direction of maximum increase
rate of that function. Then it is intuitive to think the rate of maxi-
mum decrease is exactly the opposite direction that of the gradient.
Then gradient descent is an iterative algorithm that updates the

machine learning background

parameters with the following relation:

Θn+1 = Θn − α∇ L(ŷ, y) (3.2)

Where ŷ = hΘn (x) is the neural network output computed over

inputs x from a given dataset, with parameters Θn , and loss function
L(ŷ, y). A key parameter in gradient descent is the learning rate α, Learning Rate

which controls the "speed" at which the network learns. Intuitively

the learning rate is a step size, as the gradient only provides a
direction on which the parameters can be moved to decrease the
loss, but not a magnitude on how much to move. This parameter
has to be tuned in a validation set. If the learning rate is larger
than necessary, then the loss value could oscillate or diverge. If the
learning rate is too small, then convergence will be slow. The proper
value of the learning rate will make convergence at an appropriate

3.1.1 Training as Optimization

Training any machine learning model is typically formulated as

an optimization problem. The most common formulation is the
minimization of an objective function. This is typically called the loss
function, and it is designed in such a way that the model performance
improves when the loss function decreases.
As previously mentioned, once a ML model is constructed, a loss
function must be defined so the model can be trained. Gradient
descent is the most common algorithm to train DNNs: Gradient Descent

Θn+1 = Θn − α∇ L(ŷ, y) (3.3)

Where ŷ = hΘn (x) is the neural network output computed over

inputs x from a given dataset, with parameters Θn , and loss function
L(hΘn (x), y). Gradient descent is an iterative algorithm and Eq 3.3
is executed for a predefined number of steps n. The value of the loss
function at each step must be monitored as a simple check that the
loss function is being minimized and is decreasing after each step.
The quality of the solutions obtained by gradient descent depends
on several factors:

Gradient Quality Gradients must be of "high quality", which typi-

cally means that they must have many non-zero values. A related
common problem is the vanishing gradient problem, specially
in deeper networks, where the function composition nature of
a DNN makes the gradients very small, slowing down or pre-
venting training. Low quality gradients have many zero elements

machine learning background

that prevent many parameters from converging to their optimal


Learning Rate Setting the right value of the learning rate is a key
factor to using gradient descent successfully. Typical values of
the learning rate are α ∈ [0, 1], and common starting values are
10−1 or 10−2 . It is important that the learning rate is set to the
right value before training, as a larger than necessary learning
rate can make the optimization process fail (by overshooting the
optimum or making the process unstable), a lower learning rate
can converge slowly to the optimum, and the "right" learning
rate will make the process converge at an appropriate speed.
The learning rate can also be changed during training, and this
is called Learning Rate Schedule. Common approaches are to Learning Rate Schedule

decrease the learning rate by a factor after a certain number of

iterations, or to decay the learning rate by a factor after each step.

Loss Surface The geometry and smoothness of the loss surface is also
key to good training, as it defines the quality of the gradients. The
ideal loss function should be convex on the network parameters,
but typically this is not the case for outputs produced by DNNs.
Non-convexity leads to multiple local optima where gradient
descent can become "stuck". In practice a non-convex loss function
is not a big problem, and many theoretical results show that the
local optima in deep neural networks are very similar and close
in terms of loss value.

Gradient descent makes several implicit assumptions: the dataset

fits into the computer’s RAM, and that computing the loss function
for the whole dataset is not an expensive operation. One forward
pass of the complete network is required for each data point in
the training set, and with complex neural networks and datasets of
considerable size, these assumptions do not hold true. Gradient Descent Variations

A simple way to overcome this problem is to only use part of the

training set at a time during the training process. Assuming that the
training set can be split into equal sized and non-intersecting sets,
called batches, then we can iterate over batches, compute the loss
function for a batch, compute the gradients, and apply one step of
gradient descent. This is called Mini-Batch Gradient Descent (MGD):

Θn+1 = Θn − α∇ L(hΘn (xi:j ), y) (3.4)

Where xi:j denotes that the neural network hΘn (x) and loss func-

machine learning background

tion L are only evaluated for inputs xk where k = [i, i + 1, i + 2, . . . , j].

Then each batch is made by setting different values if i and j, con-
strained to i > j and B = j − i. The hyper-parameter B is denoted
the Batch Size . Typically batches are made by setting B to a given Batch Size

value and using values i, j = {(0, B), ( B, 2B), (2B, 3B), . . . , (cB, n)}.
Note that not all batches have the same size due that B might not
divide | Tr | exactly. That means the last batch can be smaller. A
variation of MGD is Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), where sim-
| Tr |
ply B is set to one. After approximately B iterations of gradient
descent, the learning process will have "seen" the whole dataset.
This is called an Epoch , and corresponds to one single pass over the Epochs

complete dataset. Typically training length is controlled by another

hyper-parameter, the Number of Epochs M.
Setting the value of the Batch Size B is one hyper-parameter that
controls the tradeoff between more RAM use during training, or
more computation. It must be pointed out that MGD and SGD all
introduce noise into the learning process, due to the approximation
of the true gradient with the per-batch gradient. Larger values
of B use more RAM, but require less number of iterations, and
additionally it reduces noise in the gradient approximation. Smaller
values of B require less RAM but more iterations and provide a more
stable gradient approximation. It is common that B is set such as
the training process fills the maximum amount of RAM available6 . 6
While training on a GPU, it is
typical that the amount of GPU
The exact equations that compute gradients of the loss ∇ L de- RAM is the only limitation
to set B. The same applies
pend on network architecture. The back-propagation 7 algorithm is while training on CPU but with
commonly referred to as a way to hierarchically compute gradients system RAM.
Christopher Bishop. Pat-
in multi-layer neural networks. In practice this algorithm is rarely
tern Recognition and Machine
used, as modern neural network frameworks such as TensorFlow Learning. Springer, 2006

and Theano use automatic differentiation 8 (AD) to compute gradi- 8

Atilim Gunes Bay-
din, Barak A Pearlmutter,
ents of the loss function automatically, making the developer’s life Alexey Andreyevich Radul,
and Jeffrey Mark Siskind. Au-
much easier, as exotic architectures can be easily experimented. tomatic differentiation in ma-
chine learning: a survey. Journal
of machine learning research,
3.1.2 Loss Functions 18(153):1–153, 2017

We now describe the most common loss functions used to train

Neural Networks. A loss function is a scalar function Rn × O →
R+ ∪ 0 that gives a score to a set of predictions from a learning
algorithm (typically a classifier or a regressor). Set O defines the
ground truth labels, and in the case of regression it is typically
R, [0, 1] or [−1, 1]. For classification then O is the set of classes,
converted to a numerical form.

machine learning background

The most basic loss function is the mean squared error (MSE),
typically used for regression:
MSE(ŷ, y) = n−1 ∑ (ŷi − yi )2 (3.5)
i =0
The MSE loss penalizes the predicted values ŷ that diverge from
the ground truth values y. The error is defined just as the difference
between ŷ and y, and squaring is done to get a smooth positive
value. One problem with the MSE is that due to the square term,
large errors are penalized more heavily than smaller ones. This
produces a practical problem where using the MSE loss might lead
the convergence of the output to a mean of the ground truth values
instead of predicting values close to them. This issue could be
reduced by using the Mean Absolute Error (MAE), which is just the
mean of absolute values of errors:
MAE(ŷ, y) = n−1 ∑ |ŷi − yi | (3.6)
i =0
The MSE is also called the L2 loss, while the MAE is named as
L1 loss, both defined as the order of the norm applied to the errors.
Note that the MAE/L1 loss is not differentiable at the origin, but
generally this is not a big issue. The L1 loss can recover the median
of the targets, in contrast to the mean recovered by the L2 loss.
For classification, the cross-entropy loss function is preferred, as
it produces a much smoother loss surface, and it does not have
the outlier weighting problems of the MSE. Given a classifier that
outputs a probability value ŷc for each class c, then the categorical
cross-entropy loss function is defined as:
n C
CE(ŷ, y) = − ∑ ∑ yic log ŷic (3.7)
i =0 c =0
Minimizing the cross-entropy between ground truth probability
distribution and the predicted distribution is the equivalent to min-
imizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence 9 . For the case of binary 9
David JC MacKay. In-
formation theory, inference and
classification, then there is a simplification usually called binary learning algorithms. Cambridge
university press, 2003
BCE(ŷ, y) = − ∑ [yi log ŷi + (1 − yi ) log(1 − ŷi )] (3.8)
i =0
In this case ŷ is the probability of the positive class.

3.1.3 Activation Functions

There is a large selection of activation functions that can be used. A

small summary is shown in Table 3.1. The most common "classic"

machine learning background

Name Range Function Table 3.1: Summary of com-

monly used activation func-
Linear [−∞, ∞] g( x ) = x tions.
Sigmoid [0, 1] g ( x ) = (1 + e − x ) −1
Hyperbolic Tangent [−1, 1] g( x ) = (e2x − 1)(e−2x + 1)−1
ReLU [0, ∞] g( x ) = max(0, x )
SoftPlus [0, ∞] g( x ) = ln(1 + e x )
SoftMax [0, 1]n g(x) = (e xi )(∑k e xk )−1

activation functions are the sigmoid and the hyperbolic tangent

(TanH). These activation functions dominated the neural networks
literature before 2010, as they produce the well known problem of
vanishing gradient.
The vanishing gradient problem happens when the gradient of Vanishing Gradient Problem

the activation function becomes zero, and this is problematic because

the network stops training. Looking at Figure 3.1, it can be seen that
the activation function "saturates" when the input is small or large,
making the gradient effectively zero. Stacking multiple layers that
use sigmoid or TanH activation functions amplifies this effect and
prevent the use of a large number of layers.
For this reason, sigmoid and TanH are called saturating activa-
tion functions . This sparked the development of non-saturating Saturating Activation Functions

activation functions, and the most well known of such functions is

the Rectified Non-Linear Unit (ReLU) 10 . The ReLu is a very simple 10
Xavier Glorot, Antoine
Bordes, and Yoshua Bengio.
function given by: Deep sparse rectifier neural
networks. In Proceedings of
AISTATS’11, volume 15, 2011
g( x ) = max(0, x ) (3.9)

This activation function has constant output of zero for negative Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU)

input, and a linear output for positive inputs. It should be noted

Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya
that the ReLU is not differentiable at x = 0, as the slope at each side Sutskever, and Geoffrey E Hin-
ton. Imagenet classification
of the origin is different, but this usually poses no practical problem. with deep convolutional neural
Use of the ReLU as activation function is one reason why Deep networks. In Advances in Neural
Information Processing Systems,
Learning is possible now. The breakthrough paper by Krizhevsky pages 1097–1105, 2012

et al. 11 mentions that using the ReLU as an activation function

requires 4 times less iterations for GD to converge at the same loss

value when compared to a sigmoid activation. There are multiple 0.5

reports that using ReLU activations leads to loss surfaces that are −0.5
easier to optimize and are less prone to local minima. One reason −5 0 5
for this behavior is that the ReLU makes a network prefer sparse
Figure 3.1: Saturating Activa-
Another commonly used activation function is the softmax 12 ,
tion Functions
and unlike the previously seen activations, it is not a scalar function. Christopher Bishop. Pat-
tern Recognition and Machine
Instead the softmax takes a vector and transforms the input into a Learning. Springer, 2006

machine learning background

discrete probability distribution. This is very useful for multi-class

classification, as a neural network can then output a probability
distribution over class labels in [0, 1, 2, · · · , C ]. Then recovering the
discrete class can be performed as taking the class with maximum
probability. The vector definition of the softmax activation function

e xi
" #
g (x) = x (3.10)
∑j e j 4

Given a softmax output a, the class decision can be obtained by: 2
c = arg max ai (3.11) 0
i −4 −2 0 2 4
Looking at Equation 3.10 one can see that softmax outputs are ReLU
then "tied" by the normalization value in the denominator. This
Figure 3.2: Non-Saturating
produces a comparison operatiog between the inputs, and the biggest
Activation Functions
softmax output will always be located at the largest input relative
to the other inputs. Inputs to a softmax are typically called logits.
As the softmax operation is differentiable, its use as an activation
function then produces a loss surface that is easier to optimize.
Softmax combined with a categorical cross-entropy loss function
is the base building block to construct DNN classifiers.
As the ReLU is not differentiable at x = 0 and it has constant zero
output for negative inputs, this could produce a new kind of problem
called "dying ReLU", where neurons that use ReLU can stop learning
completely if they output negative values. As the activations and
gradients become zero, the neuron can "get stuck" and not learn
anymore. While this problem does not happen very often in practice,
it can be prevented by using other kinds of activation functions like
the Softplus function, which can be seen as a "softer" version of
the ReLU that only has a zero gradient as the limit when x → −∞.
Figure 3.2 shows the Softplus versus the ReLU activation functions.
The Softplus function is given by:

g( x ) = ln(1 + exp( x )) (3.12)

Another similar activation function is the Exponential Linear Unit:

x if x ≥ 0

g( x ) = (3.13)
 γ ( e x − 1)

if x < 0
There is a clear trend in recent literature about the use of learnable
activations, where the activation function has a parameter that can
be tuned during learning. Examples of this are the PReLU, Leaky
ReLU and the MaxOut.

machine learning background

As a general rule, most deep neural networks use exclusively the

ReLU as activation function, and when designing new networks, it
should be preferred as it completely avoids the vanishing gradient

3.1.4 Weight Initialization

SGD gives a way to iteratively improve the weight matrix to reduce

some loss function that controls how and what the model is learning.
But it does not specify the initial values of the weights. These are
typically initialized by setting them to a random value drawn from
some probability distribution. Weights cannot be initialized to zero,
since this would lead to all neurons producing a zero value, and
the network outputting constant zero, producing a failed learning
process. Randomizing weights breaks the "symmetry" of initializing
them to a particular value. If initial weights are too large, it could
produce chaotic behavior (exploding gradients) and make the train-
ing process fail. There are many distributions that are used to draw
initial weights:

Uniform Draw the weights from a Uniform distribution with a fixed

range, parametrized by a scale parameter s. Popular values for s
are s ∈ [0.1, 0.01, 0.05], and a common heuristic is to set s = n−0.5 ,
where n is the dimensionality of the input to the layer.

w ∼ U (−s, s) (3.14)

Gaussian Draw the weights from a Gaussian distribution with a

fixed standard deviation. Popular values are σ ∈ [0.1, 0.01, 0.05]

w ∼ N (0, σ) (3.15)

Glorot or Xavier Named after Xavier Glorot 13 . Draw the weights 13

Xavier Glorot and Yoshua
Bengio. Understanding the
from: difficulty of training deep
w ∼ U (−s, s) s2 = (3.16) feedforward neural networks.
Fin + Fout In Proceedings of AISTATS’10,
Where Fin is the number of input elements to the neuron, and pages 249–256, 2010

Fout is the number of output elements. This initialization scheme

is based on the intuition that variance of the input and output
should be approximately equal for a stable behavior at the be-
ginning of training, which implies that initial weights are scaled
differently depending on the dimensionality of the inputs and 14
Andrew M Saxe, James L
McClelland, and Surya Ganguli.
outputs. Exact solutions to the nonlinear
dynamics of learning in deep
Orthogonal Draw weights from a random orthogonal matrix, after linear neural networks. arXiv
preprint arXiv:1312.6120, 2013
applying gain scaling 14 . This method is theoretically grounded

machine learning background

and guarantees that convergence will be achieved in a number

of iterations that is independent of network depth. The weight
matrix is generated by first generating a random matrix with ele-
ments wij ∼ N (0, 1), then performing Singular Value Decomposi-
tion on w, and then picking either the U or V matrices depending
on the required output dimensionality. Finally this matrix is
scaled by a gain factor g that depends on the activation function,
in order to ensure stable learning dynamics.

Biases b can also be initialized with the same scheme as weights,

but there is no problem if bias are initialized to zero, and some
authors prefer this. We have shown a small subset of weight initial-
ization schemes available in the literature, and overall there is no
consensus if one is superior to another, and in general it does not
matter much which one is chosen, as other learning tools15 can be 15
Like Batch Normalization,
Dropout, and Non-Saturating
used to provide superior training stability. Before these techniques Activation Functions.

were known, the neural network designed had to carefully adjust

the weight initialization scheme in order for learning to converge to
a useful solution.

3.1.5 Data Normalization

One key technique that always must be used 16 is data normalization. 16

My experience from answer-
ing Stack Overflow questions
As the input and output data typically comes from real sources, it is is that too many people do not
normalize their data, making
contaminated by non-ideal behaviors, like different scales for each training their networks much
feature, or simply are in a range that typical neural networks have more difficult.

issues modeling.
The scale of input features is an important issue as if inputs have
different ranges, then the weights associated to those features will
be in different scales. Since we usually use fixed learning rates, this
leads to the problem that some parts of a neuron learn at different
speeds than others, and this issue propagates through the network,
making learning harder as the network becomes deeper.
The scale of outputs poses a different but easier problem. The
designer has to make sure that the range of the activation of the
output layer matches the range of the desired targets. If these do
not match, then learning will be poor or not possible. Matching the
ranges will make sure that learning happens smoothly.

Min-Max Normalization Normalize each component of the input vec-

tor by subtracting the minimum value of that component, and

machine learning background

divide by the range. This produces values in the [0, 1] range.

x − mini xi
x̂ = (3.17)
maxi xi − mini xi
Z-Score Normalization Subtract the sample mean µ x and divide by
the sample standard deviation σx . This produces values that are
approximately in the [−1, 1] range.

x − µx
x̂ = (3.18)
µ x = n −1 ∑ x i σx = ( n − 1 ) −1 ∑ ( x i − µ x )2 (3.19)

Mean Substraction Typically used to train models that take images as

inputs 17 . Images are represented either as tensors (W, H, C ) with 17
Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya
Sutskever, and Geoffrey E Hin-
values in the [0, 255] or [0, 1] range, and they are normalized by ton. Imagenet classification
with deep convolutional neural
computing the mean image over the training set, or the individual networks. In Advances in Neural
per-channel means over the training set, and subtracting this Information Processing Systems,
pages 1097–1105, 2012
mean from each image, which overall will produce values in the
[−128, 128] or [−0.5, 0.5] range.

3.1.6 Regularization

Regularization is a way to control the learning capacity of a ma-

chine learning model, by imposing constraints or prior information
to bias the model to a preferred configuration. There are many
ways to regularize neural networks, and in this section we will de-
scribe two modern regularization techniques: Dropout and Batch
Normalization. 18
Christopher Bishop. Pat-
A common view of regularization from statistical learning the- tern Recognition and Machine
Learning. Springer, 2006
ory is that it controls the number of trainable parameters, which Ping Luo, Xinjiang Wang,
Wenqi Shao, and Zhanglin
is related to overfitting 18 , but a more recent view 19 is that the Peng. Understanding regular-
ization in batch normalization.
number of parameters does not completely explain overfitting and arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.00846,
the expected predictive performance at inference time.
Dropout is a technique pioneered by Srivastava et al 20 . The Dropout

authors of Dropout noticed that when a neural network overfits, the 20

Nitish Srivastava, Geoffrey
Hinton, Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya
neurons inside it co-adapt or their outputs become correlated. This Sutskever, and Ruslan Salakhut-
dinov. Dropout: A simple way
reduces model efficiency and generalization greatly. They proposed to prevent neural networks
from overfitting. The Journal
that this co-adaptation can be broken by introducing noise in the
of Machine Learning Research,
activations, and they choose a model that produces a mask m of 15(1):1929–1958, 2014

length n where each element is Bernoulli distributed with probability

p: mi ∼ Bernoulli( p).
Then this mask is multiplied with the activations of a particular
layer, which has the effect of turning off some activations of a layer,

machine learning background

and letting others pass unchanged. This is called the dropout mecha-
nism. During training the masks at each Dropout layer are randomly
sampled at each iteration, meaning that these masks change during
training and mask different activations at an output. This breaks
any correlations between activations in one layer and the one before
it (where the Dropout layer is placed), meaning that more strong
features can be learned and co-adaptation of neurons is prevented.
At inference or test time, Dropout layers do not perform any
stochastic dropping of neurons, and instead they just multiply any
incoming activation by p, which accounts for all activations being
present during inference, unlike at training time. This also prevents
any kind of stochastic effect during inference. It should also be
noted that Dropout can also be used with its stochastic behavior at
inference time, which produces very powerful model uncertainty
estimates, as it was proven by Gal et al 2015. 21 . 21
Yarin Gal and Zoubin
Ghahramani. Dropout as a
Using Dropout layers in a neural network, typically before fully bayesian approximation: Rep-
resenting model uncertainty in
connected ones, has the effect of reducing overfitting and improving deep learning. arXiv preprint
generalization significantly. arXiv:1506.02142, 2, 2015

Dropout can also be seen as a way of Bayesian model averaging 22 22

Yarin Gal. Uncertainty
in deep learning. PhD thesis,
as when dropping neurons at training time, new architectures with University of Cambridge, 2016
less neurons are produced, which are then averaged at inference
time, which is a theoretical explanation of why Dropout works and
improves generalization. Note that while the number of effective
parameters during training is reduced by Dropout (by a factor of
p) due to the dropping of activations, during inference/testing the
number of parameters does not change, and all parameters are used
to make a prediction.
Another technique that can be used for regularization is Batch
Normalization 23 . This technique was not specifically designed
Sergey Ioffe and Christian
to reduce overfitting in neural networks, but to increase conver- Szegedy. Batch normalization:
Accelerating deep network
gence speed while training. The authors of Batch Normalization training by reducing internal
also noticed that it has a powerful regularization effect, and most covariate shift. arXiv preprint
arXiv:1502.03167, 2015
current deep neural networks are trained with it, as it improves
generalization almost "for free".
Batch Normalization is based on the concept of internal covariate Batch Normalization

shift reduction. Given a set of layers, the covariate is the empirical

probability distribution of their outputs. Covariate shift is the change
of that distribution as training progresses. Internal covariate shift
is the covariate shift of the hidden layers of a neural network. The
intuition for Batch Normalization is that drastic internal covariate
shift is prejudicial for neural network training, as it is more likely

machine learning background

to saturate non-linearities, and unstable activation distributions

will need more training iterations to converge successfully. Both
situations causes slow training convergence.
Reducing the internal covariate shift can be achieved by normal-
izing the activations (before applying a non-linearity). As typical
decorrelation methods like PCA or ZCA whitening are too expen-
sive to use during neural network training (specially with high
dimensional data), the Batch Normalization authors proposed two
The first is to perform Component-Wise Normalization along the
features. Given a vector of activations x, as a middle step for layer
output computation, then each component of that vector should be
normalized independently, by using a simple mean and standard
deviation normalization:

µ B = | B | −1 ∑ x i σB2 = | B|−1 ∑( xi − x̄ ) (3.20)

The normalization happens along the features dimension of the a

mini-batch of activations. This allow for an efficient implementation
using SGD. Normalizing a mini-batch x ∈ B of size | B| is performed
x − µB
x̂i = qi (3.21)
σB2 + e
Where e = 0.001 is a small constant to prevent division by zero.
Normalizing activations has the unintended effect of destroying the
representation capability of the network, but it can be easily restored
with a linear transformation:

yi = γi x̂i + β i (3.22)

Where γi and β i are scalar parameters that are learned using

gradient descent24 . It should be noted that this transformation does 24
These parameters are added
to the set of learnable parame-
not correspond to a fully connected layer, as these are per-feature ters in a layer
scaling and bias coefficients for the activation instead.
At inference time, mini-batch statistics are not available, as many
inference calls use a single test sample. Fixed normalization coeffi-
cients can then be estimated from the training set and used during
inference. This is performed as part of the learning process as a
exponentially averaged running mean and variance of the mini-
batch activation statistics, but with an unbiased variance estimate 25
Jimmy Lei Ba, Jamie Ryan
n 2 Kiros, and Geoffrey E Hinton.
n−1 E [ σB ] used instead. Layer normalization. arXiv
Recently more advanced versions of activation normalization preprint arXiv:1607.06450, 2016

schemes have appeared in the literature, such as Layer Normaliza- Yuxin Wu and Kaiming
He. Group normalization. arXiv
tion 25 , Instance Normalization, and Group Normalization 26 . These preprint arXiv:1803.08494, 2018

machine learning background

methods expand Batch Normalization to specific use cases and make

it less dependent on mini-batch sizes.
The inclusion of Batch Normalization in neural network architec-
tures is considered to be a good practice, and most modern neural
Shibani Santurkar, Dim-
network architectures (like ResNet, GoogleNet, DenseNets, etc) use itris Tsipras, Andrew Ilyas, and
Aleksander Madry. How does
it. Using batch normalization has a regularizing effect, generally
batch normalization help op-
improving performance. There is strong evidence that this is due to timization?(no, it is not about
internal covariate shift). arXiv
a smoother loss surface 27 as the result of activation normalization, preprint arXiv:1805.11604, 2018

and not to a reduction in the covariate shift, as the original paper

Luo et al. 28 provide a theoretical framework for the under- 28
Ping Luo, Xinjiang Wang,
Wenqi Shao, and Zhanglin
standing of the regularization effect of Batch Normalization. They Peng. Understanding regular-
ization in batch normalization.
find that Batch Normalization is an implicit regularized that can be arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.00846,
decomposed into population normalization and gamma decay, the 2018

latter being an explicit regularizer. These results show that Batch

Normalization of CNNs shares many properties of regularization.
Classical regularization techniques for machine learning models
can also be used for neural networks, and the most common ones
are L1 and L2 regularization (also called Weight Decay). Both of L1 and L2 Regularization or

them add a term λ ∑i ||wi || p to the loss function, which penalizes Weight Decay

large weights that are not supported by evidence from the data. p is
the order of the norm that is being computed over the weights.

3.1.7 Optimizers

Optimizers are algorithms that perform minimization of the loss

function through gradient descent, as mentioned previously. The
standard formulation of SGD uses a constant learning rate, but in
practice this does not have to be the case, and a rich literature29 29
Sebastian Ruder. An
overview of gradient descent
exists on optimization methods that scale the learning rate with optimization algorithms. arXiv
preprint arXiv:1609.04747, 2016
gradient information, so an individual learning rate is used for each
trainable parameter in Θ.
The most straightforward way to incorporate this idea is to use
the square root of the sum of past squared gradients as a scaling
factor for the learning rate. An optimizer using this idea is AdaGrad
30 , with the update rule: 30
John Duchi, Elad Hazan,
and Yoram Singer. Adaptive
gn = ∇ L(hΘn (xi:j ), y) subgradient methods for online
learning and stochastic opti-
r n = r n −1 + gn gn mization. Journal of Machine
Learning Research, 12(Jul):2121–
gn 2159, 2011
Θ n +1 = Θ n − α√ (3.23)
e + rn
Where represents component-wise multiplication, and e is a

machine learning background

small constant for numerical stability and to prevent division by

zero. The gradient is divided scaled component-wise by the square
root of sum of gradients as well, in order to scale the learning rate
for each parameter independently. AdaGrad works most of the time,
but the use of a complete history of gradients makes it unstable,
since any gradient disturbance at the beginning of training would
over-reduce the gradients and prevent the model from reaching its
full potential.
An alternative to AdaGrad is RMSProp 31 , where instead of 31
Tijmen Tieleman and
Geoffrey Hinton. Lecture 6.5-
keeping a sum of the full history of squared gradients, a moving rmsprop: Divide the gradient
by a running average of its
exponential weighted average is kept, so older squared gradient are recent magnitude. COURSERA:
given less importance than more recent ones. The update rule is: Neural networks for machine
learning, 4(2):26–31, 2012

rn = ρrn−1 + (1 − ρ) gn gn
Θ n +1 = Θ n − α √ (3.24)
e + rn
Where ρ is a decay parameter that controls the weight of past
squared gradients through the moving average, usually it is set to
0.9 or 0.99. RMSProp is more stable than AdaGrad due to better
control of the history of squared gradients, and allows a model to
reach a better optima, which improves generalization. It is regularly
used by practitioners as one of the first methods to start training a 32
Diederik Kingma and
model. Jimmy Ba. Adam: A method for
stochastic optimization. arXiv
Another advanced Optimizer algorithm is Adam 32 , which stands preprint arXiv:1412.6980, 2014

for adaptive moments. Adam combines improvements of RMSProp

with direct application of momentum in the gradient update. The
authors of Adam found that the exponentially weighted averages are
biased, and correct this bias using a term that depends on the decay
parameter of the exponential weight averages. Additionally, Adam
applies an exponential weighted average to the gradient itself, which
is equivalent to performing momentum on the gradient update. The
update rule is:

s n = ρ 1 s n −1 + (1 − ρ 1 ) gn

r n = ρ 2 r n −1 + (1 − ρ 2 ) g n gn
sn 1 − ρ2n
Θ n +1 = Θn − α √ (3.25)
e + rn 1 − ρ1n
Where sn is the biased estimate of the gradient and rn is the biased
estimate of the squared gradients, both obtained with an exponential
moving average with different decay rates ρ1 and ρ2 . The factors
1 − ρ1n and 1 − ρ2n are used to correct bias in the exponential moving
averages. These computations are done component-wise.
Overall Adam performs considerably better than RMSProp and

machine learning background

AdaGrad, training models that converge faster and sometimes obtain

slightly better predictive performance, but this is not always the case.
Recent advances have shown that Adam can be improved as there
are some theoretical issues 33 that have been fixed. Adam is generally 33
Sashank J Reddi, Satyen
Kale, and Sanjiv Kumar. On the
preferred by practitioners when training a newly designed model, convergence of adam and be-
yond. In Proceedings of ICLR’18,
as it requires less tuning of the learning rate. 2018
The use of advanced Optimizer algorithms makes tuning the
learning rate an easier task, and in some cases it allows the use of
larger learning rates, which translates into faster convergence and
lower training times. The only disadvantage of using Optimizers
is that sometimes the learning process does not converge to the
best optimum34 , and there are increased memory usage to store the 34
For example, it is well known
in the community that using
exponentially weighted averages, usually by 100% for RMSProp and Adam on a VGG-like network
fails to converge, and we have
AdaGrad, and by 200% for Adam, which can constraint the kind of experimentally confirmed this,
models that can be trained on a GPU. the loss just does not decrease,
plain SGD works perfectly.

3.1.8 Performance Evaluation

The idea of using machine learning models is to learn to generalize,

that is, learn a model from a limited set of data that is useful for
samples that the model has never seen during training. A useless
model only performs well in the training set.
An important part of designing a machine learning model is Cross Validation

related to its desired performance. This is measured by the loss func-

tion during training, but just minimizing it in the training set does
not guarantee any kind of performance in new and unseen samples.
For this an additional set is needed, called the test set. A model is
trained on the training set, and its performance evaluated on the
test set, which provides an unbiased estimate of the generalization
performance of the model. This is typically called Cross Validation.
Typically the available data is randomly split into three datasets: Train, Validation, and Test

the Training set, the Validation set, and the Test set. The fractions Splits

for each split vary, but it is ideal to make the biggest split for the
training set, at least 50 % of the available data, and use the rest in
equal splits for the validation and test sets.
The validation set is used to evaluate performance during hyper-
parameter selection, and only after fixing these values, a final eval-
uation on the test set can be performed. This prevents any kind
of bias in samples in the training or validation set from affecting
conclusions about model performance.
Overfitting is the problem where the model learns unwanted Overfitting

machine learning background

patterns and/or noise from the training data, and fails to generalize
outside of its training set. Detecting overfitting is key during training
any machine learning model, and is the reason why validation or
test sets are used, as it is the only known way to detect overfitting.
During the training process, the loss and metrics on the training
set is typically tracked and displayed to the designer, and after
each epoch, loss and associated metrics can be computed on the
validation set. The overall pattern of both training and validation
loss tells a picture about that is happening, we cover three cases:

Training Loss Decreasing, Validation Loss Decreasing Indicates that the

model is learning and also generalizing well. This is the ideal

Training Loss Decreasing, Validation Loss Increasing Indicates that the

model is overfitting, as more noise is learned from the training
set, which does not generalize to the validation set.

Training Loss Not Decreasing, Validation Loss Not Decreasing The model
is not overfitting, but it indicates that the model does not fit the
data. A model with more learning capacity might be needed, as
the current model cannot really predict the data given the input
features. For example, if fitting a linear model to data with a
quadratic shape. This case might also indicate that the input
features might not be well correlated to the desired output or that
the learning problem is ill-defined.

For classification problems, the loss is typically the cross-entropy

and its variations, but humans prefer to evaluate performance with
the accuracy metric, as it is directly interpretable: Accuracy

ACC(ŷ, y) = n−1 ∑ 1[y = ŷ] (3.26)

Accuracy is just the fraction of samples that are correctly classified,

that is, the predicted label ŷ is the same as the ground truth label
y. Note that the accuracy metric is completely meaningless for
regression problems, as a continuous output equality is ill-defined.
One way to define accuracy for continuous outputs is to consider
equality if prediction differs from ground truth by not more than
a given e, or to use pearson’s correlation coefficient R, or the R2
coefficient of determination.

machine learning background

3.1.9 Hyper-parameter Tuning

Hyper-parameters are all parameters in a model that need to be

decided before starting the learning process, and that cannot be
directly learned (as in by a learning algorithm) from data. The
values of these parameters must be decided by the human designer.
This also includes the neural network architecture.
A general way to tune these parameters is to use Grid Search . Grid Search

For this process, a range of values is defined for each parameter Pi ,

and each range is discretized to a finite set of values that will be
tested. Then a grid is built by all possible combinations of parameter
values S = P0 × P1 × P2 × · · · × Pn . For each value in the parameter
space S, a model is trained and evaluated on the validation set. The
set of parameters that produces the lowest validation loss is used to
build the full model, but this is not the only possible criteria. It is
common that many sets of parameters provide the same or similar
performance than the best model, so other criteria could be used,
such as minimizing the number of total weights in the model, or
maximizing computational performance subject to a given learning
Grid Search is computationally expensive, as making the grid will
exponentially explode the number of parameter sets that have to be
tried, and training a neural network for each of these parameter sets
is also computationally expensive. A common observation after per-
forming grid search is that some parameters are not really important,
having only a small or zero effect on learning performance. Random Search

For this reason, Random Search 35 was proposed, where instead 35

James Bergstra and
Yoshua Bengio. Random search
of using discrete values for the parameters, probability distributions for hyper-parameter optimiza-
tion. Journal of Machine Learning
are used to model each parameter, and during the search process, a Research, 13(Feb):281–305, 2012
parameter set is drawn by sampling each parameter distribution, and
a model trained and evaluated. Random Search has the advantage
of minimizing the use of computational budget on uninteresting
parameters, and it has been experimentally proven to obtain the same
or slightly better models than Grid Search, with less computational
budget. Note that since the exploration of the parameter space is
random, the bias from parameter values set by the designer can
potentially be reduced, and even work in other datasets for which
random search is being performed.
Two parameters deserve special consideration due to their effect
on the learning process: the learning rate (LR) and the number of
training epochs.

machine learning background

Learning Rate This parameter controls the "speed" over which learn-
ing is performed, as it scales the gradient, which effectively makes
it a kind of step size in the parameter space. Valid learning rate
values are typically in the [0, 1] range, but small values are mostly
used in practice. If a large LR is used, then learning could di-
verge (producing infinite or NaN loss values), if a too small LR is
used, learning happens but very slowly, taking a large number of
epochs to converge. The right LR value will produce fast learning,
with a loss curve that is similar to exponential decay. Figure 3.3
shows typical loss curves with different learning rates. The case
of a high LR shows that in the case where learning does not fail,
but the loss decreases and stays approximately constant after a
Low LR
certain number of epochs. Note that the LR does not have to Correct LR
High LR
be a constant, and it can be varied during training. The typical
method is to decrease the LR by a factor after a plateau of the loss 10
curve has been detected, which potentially could allow the loss 6

to decrease further. 2
Learning rate can be tuned using grid or random search, but a 0 20 40 60 80 100
faster way is to guess an initial LR, train different models and vary
Figure 3.3: Effect of Learning
the learning rate manually, decreasing or increasing it accordingly
Rate on the Loss Curve during
to the previously mentioned rules. A common heuristic 36 is that
if learning fails, decrease the LR by a factor of ten until the loss 36
Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua
Bengio, and Aaron Courville.
starts to decrease consistently, and adjust further by small steps Deep Learning. MIT Press, 2016.
to produce the ideal loss curve. Typical learning rates used in the org
literature are negative power of 10, like α = [0.1, 0.01, 0.001].

Number of Epochs This parameter controls the length of the training

process. If a model is trained for a short number of epochs,
then it might not have converged, meaning that the loss could
have continued to decrease if trained for longer, while training
for more epochs than necessary risks overfitting, assuming no
regularization was used.

The number of training epochs can be tuned by experimenting

manually in a similar way as the learning rate. The designer
could set an initial number of epochs (say, 10) and then increase or
decrease it accordingly if the loss shows no signs of convergence
37 , or if the model overfits. 37
A model has converged when
the training process shows that
Related to this parameter is the early stopping criterion, where the loss function can no longer
decrease, and the loss shows
validation loss is monitored after each epoch, and training stopped a wiggling behavior, staying
approximately constant.
if the validation loss starts to increase consistently after a tunable
Early Stopping
number of epochs. This prevents overfitting and would only

machine learning background

require to tune a reasonable minimum number of epochs. The

designer should also make sure to tune the learning rate appro-
priately, as the constant loss that indicates convergence could also
be caused by a learning rate that is too high.

Note that both the value of learning rate and number of epochs
depend on the actual loss function that is being minimized, any
change to the loss implies retuning both parameters, as the actual
loss surface or landscape is what defines the learning rate and length
of training.

3.2 Convolutional Neural Networks

Convolutional Neural Networks (usually abbreviated CNNs or Con-

vNets) were introduced by Yann LeCun 38 in the 90’s, initially for 38
Yann LeCun, Léon Bottou,
Yoshua Bengio, and Patrick
the task of handwritten object recognition, but they have been suc- Haffner. Gradient-based learn-
ing applied to document recog-
cessfully applied to other vision tasks, like Object Detection and nition. Proceedings of the IEEE,
Localization, Semantic and Instance Segmentation, and Image Super- 86(11):2278–2324, 1998

Resolution, etc. CNNs have revolutionized computer vision, as now

many visual tasks can be learned using neural networks that are
specifically designed for image processing.
This kind of networks are designed to process images as inputs
and they have an optimized network structure to exploit three com-
mon properties of images:

Local Statistics In images the correlation between neighboring pixels

in a region is higher than the correlation of far away pixels. This
observation also has a biological counterpart as the receptive field
in the visual cortex, where cells are excited by patterns in regions
of the visual field.

This property is implemented by a CNN by using neurons that

are connected to a neighboring region in the input image. This is
represented by a convolution filter or kernel, which can be square
or rectangular. After convolution of the input image with a certain
number of filters (one for each neuron), such layer produces the
same number of output images called feature maps.

Translation Invariance Generally the filters in that look into a neigh-

boring region of the input image do not depend on a spatial
position in the image. Filters are generic and should be useful in
any part of the image. This is one kind of translation invariance,
since instead of connecting a neuron with all pixels of the input

machine learning background

image, which increases the number of parameters, we can only

learn the weights associated to the filter, and run it over the whole
input image in a sliding window manner, which is effectively the
convolution operation.

Another kind of translation invariance is downsampling. When

the network looks for relevant features to detect or recognize
objects, the convolution filter might produce high responses at
several neighboring positions. One way to filter these high re-
sponses is to perform pooling on a feature map, which will only
keep the high responses and discard irrelevant information, as
well as reducing the dimensions of a feature map. This allows
the network to concentrate on important features, and since pool-
ing is invariant to small translations (inside the pooling region),
this introduces a small degree of translation invariance into the
network design.

Feature Extraction In most computer vision tasks, features are used

to discriminate relevant parts of an image. These features are
manually engineered by researchers, which is a labor intensive
task. Instead, a CNN can learn relevant features to the problem
by means of learning the weights of convolution filters. This is
a very important property of CNNs, features can automatically
be learned directly from the training data, since the feature ex-
traction and classifier modules are both part of the same neural
network, which can be trained end-to-end. This means that rel-
evant features for each vision problem can be learned directly
from the data, without any manual engineering and with minimal
preprocessing 39 . 39
In general this preprocessing
consists of dataset augmenta-
tion and input/output normal-
The basic design of CNNs introduces two new types of layers: ization.

Convolution and Pooling layers.

Images are usually represented as multi-dimensional arrays or
tensors, with shapes (W, H, C ), where W is the width, H is the Image Representation

height, and C is the channels dimension, 40 which is one for a 40

This is also referred as depth
dimension in some papers.
grayscale image, and three for a RGB color image. This represen-
tation also allows for arbitrary numbers of channels, and it will be
useful later on.

3.2.1 Convolutional Layers

For a convolutional layer , the output y is given by: Convolutional Layer

y = f (x ∗ F + b) (3.27)

machine learning background

Where ∗ is the convolution operation, x is the input image, F

is the convolution filter (weights), b is a bias and f is a non-linear
activation function that is applied element-wise to the output. In
other words, a convolution layer takes an image as input, convolves
it with a filter, adds a bias, and then passes the convolved image
through a non-linear activation function. The output of a this kind
of layer is called a convolutional feature map , as it represents visual Convolutional Feature Map

features of an image (a map).

In practice, convolutional layers use more than one filter per layer,
as this allows to learn different kinds of features at the same time,
and later it allows the learning of feature hierarchies 41 . This is 41
Matthew D Zeiler and
Rob Fergus. Visualizing and
represented as a layer taking inputs of shape (W, H, C ), and the understanding convolutional
networks. In European conference
output having shape (W, H, K ), where K is the number of filters on computer vision, pages 818–
in the convolution layer. Each filter is convolved individually with 833. Springer, 2014

the input image, and the result after applying bias and activation
function is stored in the channels dimension of the output, stacking
all feature maps into a 3D volume. Convolutional layers can also
take feature maps as inputs, which forms the feature hierarchy
previously mentioned.
Another important detail of a convolutional layer is that both bias
and weights on the filter are learned using gradient descent. They are
not hand tuned as previously was done for image processing, like to
make edge detection or sharpness filters. The filter in a convolutional
layer is not necessarily a two dimensional matrix, as when the input
image or feature map has K > 1 channels, then the filter must have a
matching shape (W, H, K ), so convolution can be possible. When the
filter has multiple channels, convolution is performed individually
for each channel using the classical convolution operation from
Rafael C. Gonzalez and
image processing 42 . Richard E. Woods. Digital Image
Processing (3rd Edition). Prentice-
The filter size (width and height) in a convolutional layer is a Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River,
NJ, USA, 2006
hyper-parameter that must be tuned for specific applications, and
generally it must be a odd integer, typical values are 3 × 3 or 5 × 5,
but some networks such as AlexNet 43 used filter sizes up to 11 × 11. 43
Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya
Sutskever, and Geoffrey E Hin-
The width and height of a filter do not have to be the same, but ton. Imagenet classification
with deep convolutional neural
generally square filters are used. networks. In Advances in Neural
Convolution is normally performed with a stride of 1 pixel , Information Processing Systems,
pages 1097–1105, 2012
meaning that the convolution sliding window is moved by one pixel
at a time, but different strides can also be used which is a kind of
sub-sampling of the feature map.
The output dimensions of a convolutional layer are defined by
the filter sizes, as convolution is only typically performed for pixels

machine learning background

that lie inside the image region, and out of bound pixels are not
considered (at the edges of the image). Padding can be added to Padding

the input image or feature map in order to output the same spatial
dimensions as the input.
For a N × N filter and a W × W input image or feature map, with
padding of P pixels and stride S, the output has dimensions O:
W − N + 2P
O= +1 (3.28)

3.2.2 Pooling Layers

A pooling layer is used to introduce a small degree of translation

invariance to the network design, and to control the flow of informa-
tion through the network, by performing down-sampling on feature
maps. This works by forcing the network during learning to produce
meaningful features that will pass through the pooling operation.
Pooling works by partitioning an input feature map of size Down-sampling

W × H in non-overlapping regions of the same size D × D, and then

performing a aggregation operation on each region, producing a
scalar value, and then replacing each region with this aggregated
scalar value, effectively performing down-sampling, as the output of
the pooling operation has size D × D. W and H must be divisible
by D or else padding is required. Pooling can be performed in
overlapping regions, as well as with a stride S > 1, depending on
the designer’s needs.
Two types of aggregation operations are used in the CNN litera-

Max-Pooling The maximum value in each region R is kept and used

as output:

y = max x (3.29)

The concept of Max-Pooling is that only the maximum activation

in each region of the feature map will pass, suppressing the non-
maximums. While it works well in practice, there are issues since
small disturbances to the activations in a feature map will lead
to big changes after Max-Pooling. Passing gradients through this
operation is not simple, as the position of the maximum has to be
tracked for correct gradient propagation.

Average Pooling Output the average value in each region R:

y = D −2 ∑x (3.30)

machine learning background

Taking the average of each region could be preferable to the

maximum, as it has a less chaotic effect on the output when there
are small disturbances, unlike max-pooling. This operation also
has the effect of passing important information through, and it is
more friendly to gradient propagation, as the average operation
is differentiable.

Note that the pooling operation operates independently for each

channel in a feature map, and the channels dimension is unaffected,
as only spatial dimensions (W and H) are down-sampled. Pooling
defines the receptive field size of the network, as using more down-
sampling operations will increase the receptive field exponentially.
Depending on the size of the input image (usually fixed at design
time), there is a limited number of pooling operations with down-
sampling that can be placed in a network. If a model contains
pooling operations with down-sampling of D × D for an input
of W × H, then the maximum number of pooling operations is
logD min{W, H }. Any down-sampling layer inserted above this
limit will be operating on a 1 × 1 feature map, making the operation
useless. This computation does not consider padding or slight down-
sampling performed by convolution operations without padding.
Note that pooling operations have no trainable parameters, they
are effectively computations that do not learn anything, but they
influence what other trainable layers learn.

3.2.3 Convolutional Network Architectures

Now that we have defined the basic building blocks of convolution

and pooling, we can define a full convolutional neural network.
A convolutional neural network (CNN) is any neural network
that uses convolutional layers in its design, typically as the first
layers in the architecture. The effect of using these layers is that
the learn to extract relevant features from the input image. The
combination of convolutional and pooling layers forms a natural
feature hierarchy 44 , where low level features (edges, lines, etc) are 44
Matthew D Zeiler and
Rob Fergus. Visualizing and
extracted in the convolutional layers closest to the input, and more understanding convolutional
networks. In European conference
complicated features (object parts, ) are extracted in subsequent on computer vision, pages 818–
layers. 833. Springer, 2014

This feature hierarchy is a natural result of applying convolution

and pooling over feature maps, as convolution over the input image
can only extract very simple features, while convolution on a feature
map that contains these simple features can then do further process-

machine learning background

ing to extract more complex ones. As the network becomes deeper

in terms of the number of convolutional layers, the complexity of
features that can be modeled increases.
Figure 3.4 shows LeNet-5 45 , one of the first CNNs successfully 45
Yann LeCun, Léon Bottou,
Yoshua Bengio, and Patrick
used to recognize digits from the MNIST dataset. This network Haffner. Gradient-based learn-
ing applied to document recog-
contains a first convolutional layer of six 5 × 5 filters, connected nition. Proceedings of the IEEE,
to a 2 × 2 pooling layer that subsamples by a weighted average 86(11):2278–2324, 1998

and passes the output through a sigmoid activation function. Then

another convolutional layer of sixteen 5 × 5 filters, also connected
to a 2 × 2 max-pooling layer. The output of the last layer is then
flattened46 and output to two fully connected layers (an MLP), that 46
Array is reshaped to become
outputs to a softmax activation function.

Figure 3.4: Architecture of

LeNet-5, Figure extracted from
LeCun et al. 1998

LeNet was a big innovation for the time, since it obtains a 0.95%
error rate on the MNIST dataset (corresponding to 99.05% accuracy),
which is very close to human performance. Other kinds of classifiers
such as K-Nearest-Neighbors with euclidean distance obtained 5%
error rates, which shows the advantages of a CNNs.
LeNet set that initial standard for CNN design, starting with con-
volution and max-pooling blocks that are repeated a certain number
of times, and perform feature extraction, followed by a couple of
fully connected layers that perform classification or regression of 47
Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya
those learned features. The network can be trained end-to-end using Sutskever, and Geoffrey E Hin-
ton. Imagenet classification
gradient descent. with deep convolutional neural
networks. In Advances in Neural
A second milestone in CNNs is AlexNet 47 , which is one of the Information Processing Systems,
pages 1097–1105, 2012
first real deep neural networks trained on a large scale dataset.
This network was designed to compete in the ImageNet Large Olga Russakovsky, Jia
Deng, Hao Su, Jonathan
Scale Visual Recognition Challenge 48 , where the task is to clas- Krause, Sanjeev Satheesh,
Sean Ma, Zhiheng Huang,
sify variable-sized images over 1000 different classes, with a training Andrej Karpathy, Aditya
Khosla, Michael Bernstein,
set containing 1.2 million images. It is a very difficult task due to et al. Imagenet large scale
the large training set, large number of classes, and many visual visual recognition challenge.
International Journal of Computer
confusion between classes. 49 Vision, 115(3):211–252, 2015

AlexNet unexpectedly won the ILSVRC competition in 2012, 49

For example, ImageNet con-
where most contenders were using classical computer vision meth- tains many different races of
dogs and cats, which a human
ods and manually engineered features, but Kryzhevsky et al. showed cannot always visually distin-
that neural networks are competitive for this problem, and this is

machine learning background

Name Operation Output Shape Table 3.2: Architecture

of AlexNet as defined in
Input Input image (224, 224, 3) Krizhevsky et al 2012. ReLU
Conv-1 Conv(96, 11 × 11, S = 2) (55, 55, 96) activations are used in each
Convolutional Layer.
MP-1 Max-Pool(2 × 2) (27, 27, 96)
Conv-2 Conv(256, 5 × 5, S = 1) (27, 27, 256)
MP-2 Max-Pool(2 × 2,) (13, 13, 256)
Conv-3 Conv(384, 3 × 3, S = 1) (13, 13, 384)
Conv-4 Conv(384, 3 × 3, S = 1) (13, 13, 384)
Conv-5 Conv(256, 3 × 3, S = 1) (13, 13, 256)
MP-3 Max-Pool(2 × 2,) (7, 7, 256)
Flatten Flatten() (7 × 7 × 256)
FC-1 FC(4096, RELU) (4096)
Dropout-1 Dropout(0.5) (4096)
FC-2 FC(4096, ReLU) (4096)
Dropout-2 Dropout(0.5) (4096)
FC-3 FC(1000, Softmax) (1000)

proven by the margin with the second place, of around 10% top-5
accuracy less than AlexNet.
The architecture of AlexNet is shown in Figure 3.2, the network
has 15 layers and approximately 60 million trainable parameters.
AlexNet obtains 83.6 % top-5 accuracy on the ImageNet 2012 dataset,
while the second place winner of the same competition obtains 73.8
% top-5 accuracy, showing the superior performance and capability
of a deep neural network.
Progress in the ImageNet competition has been constant over the
years, producing advances in CNN architecture engineering. Pretty
much all of the contenders after 2012 were using CNNs. In 2013
the VGG group at Oxford made a deeper version of AlexNet, which
is typically just called VGG 50 , with over 144 million parameters 50
Karen Simonyan and
Andrew Zisserman. Very deep
and obtaining 92% top-5 accuracy. The VGG networks use a simpler convolutional networks for
large-scale image recognition.
structure, with only 3 × 3 filters, and combining two consecutive arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.1556,
convolutions both with 3 × 3 filters to simulate a bigger 5 × 5 filter. 2014

In 2014 Google entered the competition with their GoogleNet 51 51

Christian Szegedy, Wei
Liu, Yangqing Jia, Pierre Ser-
architecture, which uses what they called the Inception module, that manet, Scott Reed, Dragomir
Anguelov, Dumitru Erhan, Vin-
contains convolutions of multiple filter sizes combined with max cent Vanhoucke, and Andrew
pooling in a parallel structure, including 1 × 1 convolutions to learn Rabinovich. Going deeper with
convolutions. In Proceedings of
features across channels/depth and 3 × 3 and 5 × 5 convolutions IEEE CVPR, pages 1–9, 2015

to learn spatial structure. GoogleNet obtains 93.3 % top-5 accuracy

with 22 layers.
In 2015 Microsoft Research proposed Deep residual networks52 , 52
Kaiming He, Xiangyu
Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, and Jian
which use a slightly different architecture that allows the network Sun. Deep residual learning
for image recognition. In Pro-
to be much more deep than possible before. A residual function is ceedings of IEEE CVPR, pages
modeled as F ( x ) + x, where x is the input to a set of layers, and F ( x ) 770–778, 2016

machine learning background

is the output of those layers. This addition operation is implemented

as a skip connection that outputs the sum of the input and the
output of a set of layers. The authors hypothesize that optimizing
such structure is easier than the optimization process for a normal
CNN, and they show this by building a much deeper (over 150) layer
network that obtains 95.5 % top-5 accuracy.

3.2.4 Discussion

Different patterns in CNN architectures have emerged over the years,

and overall there are some design choices that can be learned. In
general a deeper network performs better, because it can learn higher
level features which is only possible with a deep feature hierarchy.
Seems that filters sizes do not have to be big (as in AlexNet), as
most state of the art ImageNet CNNs use 3 × 3 and sometimes 5 × 5
filters. Even 1 × 1 filters are useful in order to influence information
in the channels dimension.
A common pattern in the CNNs presented in this Section is
that the number of filters increases with depth, and this makes
sense, as deeper networks have smaller filter sizes and this has to
be compensated by having more filters, which can represent a more
rich feature hierarchy. There could be a one-to-one match between
some features and specific filters, so in order to have more complex
features, more filters are needed.
Overall, designing a neural network architecture for a specific
task always requires a degree of experimentation. Designers should
start with a small network, and expand it as needed, but only doing
this kind of experimentation by evaluating on a evaluation set, and
obtaining a final performance measure in a test set. Kenneth O Stanley and
Risto Miikkulainen. Evolving
Neural network architectures can also be automatically designed neural networks through aug-
menting topologies. Evolution-
by an algorithm. Popular choices are genetic algorithms 53 , and ary computation, 10(2):99–127,
newer techniques like Neural Architecture Search 54 and Differen-
Barret Zoph, Vijay Va-
tiable Architecture Search 55 . sudevan, Jonathon Shlens, and
Quoc V Le. Learning transfer-
In general automatic architecture design techniques have trouble able architectures for scalable
achieving results that outperform the state of the art, as measured by image recognition. In Pro-
ceedings of the IEEE conference
classification performance in many common datasets (like ImageNet, on computer vision and pattern
recognition, pages 8697–8710,
CIFAR-10/100), only recent techniques are able to automatically 2018
produce an architecture that outperforms manually crafted architec- Hanxiao Liu, Karen Si-
monyan, and Yiming Yang.
tures, so it can be expected that neural networks will be increasingly Darts: Differentiable architec-
ture search. arXiv preprint
designed by algorithms and not by humans. arXiv:1806.09055, 2018

These kind of techniques are contributing to the long term goal of

machine learning background

automatic machine learning56 , where only labeled data is provided and

Yao Quanming, Wang
the hyper-parameters of the architecture are automatically tuned in Mengshuo, Jair Escalante Hugo,
Guyon Isabelle, Hu Yi-Qi,
a validation subset, which has the potential of expanding the use of Li Yu-Feng, Tu Wei-Wei, Yang
machine learning techniques to non-technical users. Qiang, and Yu Yang. Taking
human out of learning applica-
tions: A survey on automated
machine learning. arXiv preprint
arXiv:1810.13306, 2018

4 Forward-Looking Sonar

Image Classification

Image classification is one of the fundamental problems in Com-

puter Vision and Robot Perception. It is also one of the most basic
problems, as many techniques have image classification sub-tasks.
The Image Classification is the task given an image, classify it as
one of C predefined classes. This task is commonly implemented
with ML algorithms, as it directly maps to the training of a classifier
on image inputs.
In this chapter we perform a comprehensive evaluation of image
classification algorithms on FLS images, including classic techniques
like template matching as well as advanced classification algorithms.
We wish to investigate the following research questions:

• Can we use feature learning methods on FLS images?

• Can object recognition be performed with high accuracy and low

number of assumptions on object shape, shadow or highlight?

• Can we use deep neural networks to classify FLS images on

embedded systems?

4.1 Related Work

Image classification methods are typically embedded into a bigger

system, such as object detection or automatic target recognition
systems. In this literature review we focus on classification as a
separate problem, as the bottleneck for a good detection or recog-
nition system is usually classifier performance. Without a good
classification algorithm, high performance on object detection or
target recognition is not possible.
The most basic classification method for Sonar images is to use
template matching, which is a specific way of computing similarity

forward-looking sonar image classification

between two images. If a labeled set of template images1 is available, 1

This is just a set of same-size
images where each is labeled
then a given test image can be classified by computing the similarity with a corresponding class.
with each template image and finding the "most similar" image, and
outputting the class label of that image. This method is similar to
a k-nearest neighbours (KNN) classifier with k = 1 and using the
similarity as a feature space.
Two similarity computation techniques are popular 2 , namely 2
Rafael C. Gonzalez and
Richard E. Woods. Digital Image
normalized cross-correlation and sum of squared differences. Processing (3rd Edition). Prentice-
Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River,
Cross-correlation, computes the correlation ∑ I ? T between an NJ, USA, 2006
image I and template image T, where ? is component-wise multi-
plication. As the correlation is unbounded, a normalized version
is preferred. I and T are normalized by subtracting the mean and
dividing by the standard deviation, which leads to the operation in
Eq 4.1:
∑( I − Ī ) ∑( T − T̄ )
SCC ( T, I ) = p (4.1)
∑( I − Ī )2 ∑( T − T̄ )2
The normalized cross-correlation produces a number in the [−1, 1]
range. Note that this version of cross-correlation is slightly different
from the one used to perform object detection, as the template is not
slid over the image, as the test and template images are assumed
to be the same size. In order to perform classification, the template
with highest normalized cross-correlation is selected.
Sum of squared differences similarity (SQD) just computes the
average square of the difference between the test image I and the
template image T (Eq 4.2). The idea of SQD is to find the template
that is most similar to the test image in terms of raw euclidean
distance between pixels.

SSQD ( T, I ) = n−1 ∑( I − T )2 (4.2)

Reed et al. 3 propose a shape matching approach for image 3

Scott Reed, Yvan Petillot,
and J Bell. Automated approach
classification. A training dataset is generated by using CAD models to classification of mine-like
objects in sidescan sonar using
to generate synthetic sidescan sonar images for matching. A test highlight and shadow infor-
image is classified by first detecting mine-like objects (Cylinder, mation. IEE Proceedings-Radar,
Sonar and Navigation, 151(1):48–
Sphere and Cone) with a Markov Random Field model and the 56, 2004

shadow and highlight are segmented. The shadow shape is then

matched with one in the training set by means of the minimum
Hausdorff distance.
As one match is produced per class, the authors combine a match 4
Scott Reed, Yvan Petillot,
and J Bell. Automated approach
from each of the three classes using Fuzzy Logic. This method to classification of mine-like
is quite complex as multiple manually engineered equations are objects in sidescan sonar using
highlight and shadow infor-
required, with little theory to support them. mation. IEE Proceedings-Radar,
Sonar and Navigation, 151(1):48–
In order to improve the robustness of their results, Reed et al. 4 56, 2004

forward-looking sonar image classification

use Dempster-Shafer information theory to fuse predictions from

multiple views. In single-view classification, their method obtains
90% correct classifications with 50% false alarms produced by the
detection/segmentation step of their method. In multi-view classi-
fication, a Cylinder can be classified with 93.9% accuracy, while a
Cone produces 67.5% accuracy, and a Sphere with 98.3% accuracy.
The results are not impressive for such simple shaped objects, as
multiple views are required to obtain a high accuracy classifier, but
still the Cone object is poorly classified.
Fawcett et al. 5 use engineered features based on shadow and 5
J Fawcett, A Crawford,
D Hopkin, M Couillard, V My-
highlight shape to classify mine-like objects (Cylinder, Cone, Trun- ers, and Benoit Zerr. Computer-
aided classification of the
cated Cone) in SAS images. Shadow/highlight segmentation is re- citadel trial sidescan sonar
quired. 38 different features are used for shadows, while 57 features images. Defence Research and
Development Canada Atlantic TM,
are used for highlights. The authors only provide vague information 162:2007, 2007

about the features they used, namely "profiles", perimeter, area, pixel
statistics of the regions. A Radial Basis Function classifier with a
Gaussian Kernel
Additional features are computed with Principal Component
Analysis (PCA), by projecting each image into the first 5 principal
components, which produces an additional 5-dimensional feature
vector. Different combination of features are tested. 90% classifica-
tion accuracy is obtained with shadow, highlight, and PCA features.
Other combinations of features performed slightly worse, but no-
tably shadow-only features obtained considerably worse accuracy
(around 40%). An interesting observation made in this work is that
using the normalized image pixels as a feature vector obtains al-
most the same classification performance as the more complex set
of features.
Myers and Fawcett 6 proposed the Normalized Shadow-Echo 6
Vincent Myers and John
Fawcett. A template match-
Matching (NSEM) method for object detection in SAS images. NSEM ing procedure for automatic
target recognition in synthetic
first requires to segment the sonar image into bright echo, echo, back- aperture sonar imagery. Sig-
ground, shadow and dark shadow. Fixed values are assigned to each nal Processing Letters, IEEE,
17(7):683–686, 2010
segmentation class (in the range [−1, 1]). Then similarity is com-
puted with a custom correlation function shown in Eq. 4.3, where I
and T are the segmented and post-processed test and template im-
ages, I ⊗ T = ∑ T ? I is the standard cross-correlation operator, and
IE /TE are the highlight components of the corresponding images,
and IS /TS are the shadow components. The bar operation inverts
the image, setting any non-zero element to zero, and any zero value

forward-looking sonar image classification

to one.
I ⊗ TE I ⊗ TS
f ( T, I ) = + (4.3)
1 + IE ⊗ T̄E 1 + IS ⊗ T̄S
The final classification is performed by outputting the class of the
template with the highest similarity score as given by Eq. 4.3. This
method can also be used as an object detector by setting a minimum
similarity threshold to declare a detection.
This method was tested on a 3-class dataset of MLOs, namely
Cylinder, Cone, Truncated Cone, and Wedge shapes. Target tem-
plates were generated using a SAS simulator, adding multiple views
by rotating the objects. Objects are correctly classified with ac-
curacies in the range 97 − 92%, which is slightly higher than the
reported baseline using normalized cross-correlation with the raw
image (92 − 62%) and segmented images (95 − 81%). This method
performs quite well as reported, but it requires a segmentation of
the input image, which limits its applicability to marine debris.
Sawas et al. 7 8 propose boosted cascades of classifiers for 7
Jamil Sawas, Yvan Petillot,
and Yan Pailhas. Cascade of
object detection in SAS images. This method can also be used for boosted classifiers for rapid de-
tection of underwater objects. In
classification, as its core technique (Adaboost) is a well-known ML Proceedings of the European Con-
classification framework . Haar features are quite similar to the ference on Underwater Acoustics,
shadow-highlight segmentation present in typical sonar images, 8
Jamil Sawas and Yvan
Petillot. Cascade of boosted
which is that motivates their use. Haar features have the additional
classifiers for automatic tar-
advantage that they can be efficiently computed using summed-area get recognition in synthetic
aperture sonar imagery. In Pro-
tables. ceedings of Meetings on Acoustics
ECUA2012. ASA, 2012
A boosted cascade of classifiers 9 is a set of weak classifiers
Christopher Bishop. Pat-
10 that are stacked in a cascade fashion. The basic idea originally tern Recognition and Machine
Learning. Springer, 2006
introduced by Viola-Jones 11 for face detection is that weak classifiers
Classifiers with low accuracy,
at the beginning of the cascade can be used to quickly reject non- but computationally inexpen-
face windows, while classifiers close to the end of the cascade can
concentrate on more specific features for face detection. AdaBoost is 11
Paul Viola and Michael
Jones. Rapid object detection
then used to jointly train these classifiers. This structure produces using a boosted cascade of
a very efficient algorithm, as the amount of computation varies simple features. In Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition,
with each stage and depth in the cascade (deep classifiers can use 2001. CVPR 2001. Proceedings of
the 2001 IEEE Computer Society
more features, while shallow classifiers can use less), but fast to Conference on, volume 1, pages
I–I. IEEE, 2001
compute features are required, as feature selection is performed
during training.
Sawas et al. proposes an extension to the classic Haar feature,
where a long shadow area with a small highlight is used as a Haar
feature, matching the signature from the MLOs that are used as
targets. On a synthetic dataset with Manta, Rockan and Cylinder
objects, the authors obtain close to 100% accuracy for the Manta, but

forward-looking sonar image classification

Rockan and Cylinder only obtain around 80 − 90% accuracy. On

a semi-synthetic dataset with the same objects, results are slightly
different, with Manta saturating at 97% accuracy, while the other
objects obtain 93 − 92% accuracy. When used as an object detector,
this method is very fast but it suffers from a large amount of false
positives. The use of Haar features also makes it quite specific to
MLOs, as their unique shadow-highlight pattern is not produced by
marine debris.
Dura et al. 12 surveys techniques for detection and classification 12
Esther Dura. Image pro-
cessing techniques for the de-
of MLOs in sidescan sonar images. She describes two principal types tection and classification of
man made objects in side-scan
of features for MLO classification: shape and gray-level. sonar images. In Sonar Systems.
Shape features consist of geometric characteristics from shadow InTech, 2011

or highlight regions. It is mentioned that Man-made objects project

regular and predictable shadow and highlight regions. Shape fea-
tures include: area, elongation, circularity, orientation, eccentricity,
rectangularity, number of zero crossings of the curvature function at
multiple scales. Many of these features are computed as functions
of the central moments of order p + q:

µ pq = ∑ ∑(x − xg ) p (y − yg )q I (x, y) (4.4)

x y

Where ( x g , y g ) is the centre of mass of the region and I ( x, y) is

the region pixels.
Gray-level features are statistics of the shadow and highlight
regions, and are useful for low resolution images. Such features
consider: shadow/highlight mean and variance, ratios between
shadow and highlight, shadow vs background, and highlight vs
background. These ratios are typically computed from means across
each kind of region. While only a qualitative comparison is provided,
the only quantitative results correspond to the ones published in
each work.
All of these features require segmentation between shadow, high-
light and background. This is a considerable disadvantage, as marine
debris does not always possess a shadow, due to the small object size.
This work also briefly compares single and multi-view classification.
Using multiple views usually reduces classification uncertainty, but
this process introduces additional complexity due to the choice of
fusion algorithm and more complex features. Raquel Fandos and Abdel-
hak M Zoubir. Optimal feature
Fandos and Zoubir 13 provides a numerical comparison of shape set for automatic detection and
classification of underwater
and statistical shadow/highlight features on SAS images. Cylindri- objects in sas images. IEEE Jour-
nal of Selected Topics in Signal
cal, Spherical and Background objects were considered. Normalized Processing, 5(3):454–468, 2011
central moments obtain 90 − 80% accuracy, while PCA features with

forward-looking sonar image classification

three principal components obtains close to 80% accuracy.

Statistical features on shadow and highlight saturate to 70% ac-
curacy across many combinations. Brute force combination of all
features produces overfitting due to the curse of dimensionality.
An empirical obtained optimal feature vector formed by shadow
and highlight shape features, two normalized central moments,
the second principal component, the shadow-background/shadow-
highlight/highlight-background scale Weybull parameters, and the
segmentation quality parameter. This feature vector produces 95%
classification accuracy, which is the best result in this work. But such
a complicated feature vector does not necessarily generalize to other
objects, specially when considering the variability of marine debris
Fandos et al. 14 compare the use of sparse representations versus 14
Raquel Fandos, Leyna
Sadamori, and Abdelhak M
a Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) classifier. Features consist of Zoubir. Sparse representation
based classification for mine
the raw SAS image, a segmented SAS image, the fourier coefficients hunting using synthetic aper-
of the shadow, 50 principal components obtained from PCA applied ture sonar. In Acoustics, Speech
and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
to the shadow, and 10-th order normalized central moments of the 2012 IEEE International Confer-
ence on, pages 3393–3396. IEEE,
segmented shadow. Feature selection was performed with sequential 2012

forward floating search and a optimal feature set was obtained, it

contains a subset of the previously mentioned features.
95% classification accuracy can be obtained on the optimal feature
set, but the same features after a sparse representation has been
obtained perform considerably worse, with differences up to 25%
less absolute accuracy. As mentioned in the similar previous work, it
is not clear how these features would generalize to different objects,
and these features seem too specific to MLOs.
Hurtos et al. 15 uses normalized cross-correlation template match- 15
Natalia Hurtós, Narcis
Palomeras, Sharad Nagappa,
ing to detect the four corners of a chain link in a FLS image (from and Joaquim Salvi. Automatic
detection of underwater chain
an ARIS Explorer 3000). This application is the one that can be links using a forward-looking
considered closest to this work, as detecting and classifying chain sonar. In OCEANS-Bergen, 2013
MTS/IEEE, pages 1–7. IEEE,
link corners is a considerably more hard problem than MLO classi- 2013

fication. Templates are selected by cropping images at each of the

four corners of the chain link, and rotations are introduced in order
to generate a bigger template set. Results over three datasets shows
classification performance in the range 92 − 84% accuracy. While
this result is appropriate for the chain following task, it is quite weak
from a classification point of view, as template matching does not
seem to produce robust results. Authors of this work had to use
mosaicing by averaging three frames in order to reduce noise in the
image, which shows that using the raw FLS image with template

forward-looking sonar image classification

matching could potentially reduce classification performance.

In the same line as the previous work, Ferreira et al. 16 also 16
Fausto Ferreira, Vladimir
Djapic, Michele Micheli, and
use mosaicing to improve classification performance in FLS images Massimo Caccia. Improving
automatic target recognition
(obtained from a BlueView P450-130). A classification algorithm with forward looking sonar
using morphological and echo/background ratios is used. Using this mosaics. IFAC Proceedings
Volumes, 47(3):3382–3387, 2014
classifier with raw data produces 40% correct classifications, while
using mosaiced images produces 38.4$ accuracy, but the number of
misclassifications is reduced.
Barngrover et al. 17 evaluate the effect of using semi-synthetic 17
Christopher Barngrover,
Ryan Kastner, and Serge Be-
data versus real data. Their motivation is to use ML classification longie. Semisynthetic versus
real-world sonar training data
algorithms that require several thousands of data points in order for the classification of mine-
to generalize well. They generate semi-synthetic data by segment- like objects. IEEE Journal of
Oceanic Engineering, 40(1):48–56,
ing the object out of a real image and placing it in new different 2015

The authors use a boosted cascade of weak classifier (same as
Sawas et al.) with Haar and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) features.
For Haar features, classifiers that were trained on real data have an
accuracy advantage of around 3% over classifiers that were trained
on semi-synthetic data, but the classifiers on real data saturate at
93 − 92% correct classification. For LBP features, the difference is
more drastic, as using a classifier trained on real data has a 20%
accuracy advantage over using synthetic data. A classifier trained
on real data obtains close to 90% accuracy, while synthetic classifiers
obtain 70%. Some specific configurations of semi-synthetic data
generation can improve accuracy to the point of a 6% difference
versus the real classifier.
David Williams 18 performs target classification in SAS images 18
David P Williams. Un-
derwater target classification
using a CNN with sigmoid activations. His dataset contains MLO- in synthetic aperture sonar im-
agery using deep convolutional
like objects for the positive class (cylinders, wedges, and truncated neural networks. In Pattern
cones), while the negative class contain distractor objects like rocks, Recognition (ICPR), 2016 23rd In-
ternational Conference on, pages
a washing machine, a diving bottle, and a weighted duffel bag, 2497–2502. IEEE, 2016

with a training set of over 65K images. Three binary classification

experiments are performed, namely fully positive vs negative class,
truncated cones vs rocks, and MLO mantas vs truncated cones as
they are visually similar. The ROC curve and the area under the
curve (AUC) are used as evaluation metrics. In all experiments a
10-layer convolutional neural network obtained better results than
the baseline (a relevance vector machine).
David P Williams. Convo-
David Williams 19 has also explored transfer learning for SAS lutional neural network trans-
fer learning for underwater
images. Using the previously mentioned networks trained on SAS object classification. In Proceed-
ings of the Institute of Acoustic,
data, each network was fine-tuned on new data of cylindrical ob- 2018

forward-looking sonar image classification

jects versus clutter, and evaluated on a previously unseen dataset,

showing that the fine-tuning process improves classification perfor-
mance in terms of the AUC. A more interesting results is for transfer
learning across different sonar sensors, where a CNN is trained on
one SAS sensor, and fine-tuned in another. The fine-tuning process
indeed shows improvements in AUC, even as less samples per class
are available. This work does not use a robust method to decide
the network architecture, as a model with less parameters could
perform better. No baselines are provided, which makes interpreting
the results difficult.
Zhu et al. 20 uses AlexNet pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset 20
P. Zhu, J. Isaacs, B. Fu,
and S. Ferrari. Deep learning
to extract features from sidescan sonar images, and use them for feature extraction for target
recognition and classification
object classification with an SVM. CNN features obtain up to 95% in underwater sonar images.
accuracy, outperforming Local Binary Patterns and Histogram of In 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Con-
ference on Decision and Control
Oriented Gradient features when used with an SVM classifier. The (CDC), pages 2724–2731, Dec
dataset contains 35 sonar images, containing objects of interest over
binary classes (targets/no targets), but no more detail about object
classes is provided.
Köhntopp et al. 21 provide results for seafloor classification 21
Daniel Köhntopp, Ben-
jamin Lehmann, and Andreas
in SAS images. Their dataset contains three seafloor classes: flat, Kraus, Dieter Birk. Seafloor
classification for mine coun-
rocky and ripples. They compare different handcrafted features, termeasures operations using
namely fractal dimension, wavelets, anisotropy and complexity, tex- synthetic aperture sonar im-
ages. In OCEANS-Aberdeen,
ture features, lacunarity, and a combination of these features, versus 2017 MTS/IEEE. IEEE, 2017

a Convolutional Neural Network that they designed. Two classic

classifiers are evaluated, including a SVM and Naive Bayes.
The CNN outperforms all other handcrafted features with both
classifiers, obtaining an accuracy of 98.7%. Handcrafted features’
performance varies, with the best being the fractal dimension with
an SVM classifier (97.7%) and wavelets features (94.9%). A CNN
outperforms an SVM by 1%. There is still many ways to improve
these results, like including additional regularization (Batch Normal-
ization) and fine-tuning the network architecture, but these results
show that using CNNs on sonar data is promising.
Buss et al. 22 compare hand-crafted features from a feed-forward 22
Matthias Buß, Yannik
Steiniger, Stephan Benen, Di-
neural network versus feature learning by a convolutional neural eter Kraus, Anton Kummert,
and Dietmar Stiller. Hand-
network on data from a Cerberus active diver detection sonar de- crafted feature based classifi-
veloped by Atlas Electronics. Their dataset contains 490 samples of cation against convolutional
neural networks for false alarm
divers, and 114K non-diver or background samples. Surprisingly, reduction on active diver detec-
tion sonar data. In OCEANS
the feed-forward neural network using hand-crafted features outper- 2018 MTS/IEEE Charleston,
pages 1–7. IEEE, 2018
forms both a shallow CNN and VGG, obtaining a higher area under
the ROC curve (0.99 − 0.93) and reducing false positives by 89%.

forward-looking sonar image classification

This result can be explained by the large imbalance between targets

and non-targets, and additional domain knowledge introduced by
the feature engineering process.

4.1.1 Discussion

Most applications of object recognition/classification in underwater

domains correspond to mine-like objects. While it is questionable
that large parts of the literature in this topic are devoted to pseudo-
military research, there are better arguments about why this is a big
Mine-like objects have simple geometrical shapes, namely Spheres,
Cylinders, Cones, Truncated Cones, etc. This simplifies the devel-
opment of recognition algorithms but these simplifications are not
free, they usually make implicit assumptions. For example, using
template matching can be done with templates that match certain
views of the object, and an assumption is made that other views are
not important for generalization. Enumerating all views of an object
is not always possible.
Datasets used for MLO detection and classification are typically
collected by military organizations and such data is most of the
time classified23 . This hinders the development of the field, as only 23
Information that is restricted
from public access because
people in military research centers or with security clearance access of confidentiality, typically
regulared by law.
can effectively perform experiments and advance the field. This is in
contrast with the "open" policy of the Machine Learning community,
where Datasets and Source Code are routinely shared and used as
standard benchmarks. Machine Learning moves at a faster pace
precisely because of their openness.
Moving into specific issues with classification algorithms for sonar
images. All methods based on template matching suffer from severe
Using templates make implicit assumptions on object shape.
Given a fixed set of templates, only a finite number of variations
of the object can be modeled. Deciding which templates to use in
order to detect/classify a set of objects is an open problem. For
mine-like objects, typical choices are several views of each object
that are synthetically generated, which alleviates the problem.
Each template’s pixels could be considered as parameters in a
ML classification algorithm. Using a large number of templates
to classify an object could potentially be subject to overfitting, as
model capacity increases and there is a higher chance than one of

forward-looking sonar image classification

the templates produces a misclassified match.

Many methods require a segmentation of the image/template
into shadow/highlight/background. From a ML point of view,
this can be considered as regularization, as the number of free
parameters is reduced by constraining them. For example, setting
background pixels in segmented templates to zero reduces the effect
of background. Segmenting sonar images is not trivial and it is a
cumbersome part of the process, as it adds additional complexity
that might not be required.
If the template and the object in a test image do not align, then
the similarity will be low and classification will fail. To alleviate this
problem it is typical to perform data augmentation by translating
templates, introducing a small degree of translation invariance. But
as mentioned before, increasing the number of templates could
potentially lead to overfitting.
As a general overview of template matching accuracy, it is notable
that most reviewed methods do not obtain accuracies higher than
95%, with only some selected method obtaining higher accuracies,
but never approaching 99%. This pattern also supports our argument
of mild overfitting, as the methods do not seem to generalize well
and their accuracies quickly saturate.
About engineered features, they also suffer from some drawbacks.
Many handcrafted features have no interpretation. For example,
the fractal dimension, while having a physical meaning, does not
necessarily have an interpretable meaning as a feature for image
classification. Same can be said about Fourier or Wavelet features,
as they are high dimensional and a learning algorithm can learn to
overfit them.
Engineered features also suffer from generalization problems.
While shadow and highlight geometric features seem to work for
simple shaped objects like MLOs, they might fail to generalize over
different objects, specially if their shapes are more complex. There
is no reason that features that work well for MLOs will work well
for marine debris.
It is well known that feature learning generally outperforms most
kinds of feature engineering 24 . While it is not in question if learning 24
Ali Sharif Razavian, Hos-
sein Azizpour, Josephine Sul-
features will outperform most engineered features, it is unknown by livan, and Stefan Carlsson.
Cnn features off-the-shelf: an
how much and how applicable is feature learning for the purpose of astounding baseline for recog-
marine debris classification. nition. In Proceedings of IEEE
CVPR workshops, pages 806–813,
In the context of marine debris, we have observed that in our 2014

datasets, most marine debris-like objects have considerable differ-

forward-looking sonar image classification

ences with underwater mines that are relevant for classification:

• In some cases, shape is not predictable. For example a plastic

bottle might be crushed or deformed and his shape would be
completely different than expected. In contrast, underwater mines
are not typically deformed and they are designed to sustain water
column pressure.

• MLOs have mostly convex shapes, while marine debris can have
shapes with concave parts. This has the effect of producing
strong reflections in the sonar image, and consequentially a much
stronger viewpoint dependence. Simply, objects look quite differ-
ent in the sonar image if you rotate them.

• Since the shape of MLOs is predictable and with a low intra/inter-

class variation, the acoustic shadows that they produce are also
predictable, and many methods exploit this property in order to
do classification and detection. Marine debris does not have a
predictable shadow shape as the object can be in any pose.

• Marine debris is usually much more small in physical size than

MLOs, and in some cases marine debris does not produce acoustic
shadows, which implies that only highlight information has to be
used for classification.

4.2 Classification using Convolutional Neural Net-


In this section we describe our approach to classify FLS images

with a Convolutional Neural Network. As most neural network
architectures are designed for color images, we are forced to design
our own architectures to fit the complexity and requirements of
sonar data.
There are multiple hyper-parameters that must be tuned in order
to obtain a proper neural network architecture. We take a simplified
approach. We design several basic neural network modules that
are "stacked" in order to build a more complex network. We let all
modules inside a network to share the same set of hyper-parameters,
and introduce a depth hyper-parameter, which is the the number of
stacked modules on the network.
Modules that we use are shown in Fig. 4.1. We now describe the
modules and their hyper-parameters:

forward-looking sonar image classification

Classic Module Yann LeCun, Léon Bottou,
Yoshua Bengio, and Patrick
This is the most common module use by CNNs, starting from Haffner. Gradient-based learn-
ing applied to document recog-
LeNet 25 . It consists of one convolution layer followed by a max- nition. Proceedings of the IEEE,
86(11):2278–2324, 1998
pooling layer. Hyper-parameters are the number of filters f and
the size of the convolutional filters s. In this work we set s = 5 × 5.
This module is shown in Figure 4.1a.

Fire Module
The Fire module was introduced by Iandola et al. 26 as part 26
Forrest N Iandola, Song
Han, Matthew W Moskewicz,
of SqueezeNet.The basic idea of the Fire module is to use 1 × 1 Khalid Ashraf, William J Dally,
and Kurt Keutzer. Squeezenet:
convolutions to reduce the number of channels and 3 × 3 con- Alexnet-level accuracy with
volutions to capture spatial features. This module is shown in 50x fewer parameters and< 0.5
mb model size. arXiv preprint
Figure 4.1b. The initial 1 × 1 convolution is used to "squeeze" the arXiv:1602.07360, 2016

number of input channels, while the following 1 × 1 and 3 × 3

convolutions "expand" the number of channels. A Fire module
has three hyper-parameters, the number of squeeze filters s11 , the
number of expand 1 × 1 filters e11 , and the number of expand
3 × 3 filters e33 .

Tiny Module
The Tiny module was designed as part of this thesis. It is a
modification of the Fire module, removing the expand 1 × 1
convolution and adding 2 × 2 Max-Pooling into the module itself.
The basic idea of these modifications is that by aggressively using
Max-Pooling in a network, smaller feature maps require less
computation, making a network that is more computationally
efficient. This module is shown in Figure 4.1c. The Tiny module
has one hyper-parameter, the number of convolutional filters f ,
which is shared for both 1 × 1 and 3 × 3 convolutions.

MaxFire Module
This is a variation of the Fire module that includes two Fire
modules with the same hyper-parameters and one 2 × 2 Max-
Pooling inside the module. It is shown in Figure 4.1d and has the
same hyper-parameters as a Fire module.
All modules in Figure 4.1 use ReLU as activation. We designed
four kinds of neural networks, each matching a kind of module.
Networks are denominated as ClassicNet, TinyNet and FireNet.
While FireNet is quite similar to SqueezeNet, we did not want to
use that name as it refers to a specific network architecture that uses
the Fire module. Our FireNet uses the MaxFire module instead.
To build ClassicNet, we stack N Classic modules and add two
fully connected layers as classifiers. This corresponds to a config-

forward-looking sonar image classification

Output Output Output

Output Batch Norm Max-Pool(2 × 2) Max-Pool(2 × 2)

Batch Norm Merge Batch Norm Batch Norm

Max-Pool(2 × 2) Conv2D(e33 , 3 × 3) Conv2D(s33 , 1 × 1) Conv2D( f , 1 × 1) Fire(s, e, e)

Conv2D( f , 5 × 5) Conv2D(s11 , 1 × 1) Conv2D( f , 3 × 3) Fire(s, e, e)

Input Input Input Input

(a) Classic Module (b) Fire Module (c) Tiny Module (d) MaxFire Mod-
Figure 4.1: Basic Convolutional
Modules that are used in this
Input Conv2D( f , 5 × 5) Max-Pool(2 × 2) FC(64) FC(c) Class Probabilities

n instances
Figure 4.2: ClassicNet Network
uration FC(64)-FC(C), where C is the number of classes. The first
fully connected layer uses a ReLU activation, while the second uses
a softmax in order to produce class probabilities. This architecture
can be seen in Figure 4.2.
FireNet is built in a similar way, but differently from ClassicCNN.
This network contains an initial convolution to "expand" the number
of available channels, as sonar images are single channel. Then N
MaxFire modules are stacked. Then a final convolution is used, in
order to change the number of channels to C. Then global average
pooling 27 is applied to reduce feature maps from any size to 1 × 1 × 27
Min Lin, Qiang Chen,
and Shuicheng Yan. Network
C. FireNet is shown in Figure 4.4. TinyNet is similarly constructed, in network. arXiv preprint
arXiv:1312.4400, 2013
but it does not have a initial convolution. It contains a stack of n
Tiny modules with a final 1 × 1 convolution to produce C output
channels. Global average pooling is applied and a softmax activation
is used to produce output class probabilities. TinyNet is shown in
Figure 4.3.
Both FireNet and TinyNet do not use fully connected layers for
classification, and instead such layers are replaced by global average
pooling and a softmax activation. This is a very different approach,
but it is useful as it reduces the number of learning parameters,
reducing the chance of overfitting and increasing computational
Each network is trained using the same algorithm, namely gradi-
Diederik Kingma and
ent descent with the ADAM optimizer 28 , using an initial learning Jimmy Ba. Adam: A method for
stochastic optimization. arXiv
rate of α = 0.01 and a batch size B = 64. preprint arXiv:1412.6980, 2014

forward-looking sonar image classification

Input Tiny( f ) Conv2D(c, 1 × 1) AvgPool() Softmax() Figure 4.3: TinyNet Network

Architecture, based on the Tiny
module. All layers use ReLU
n instances Class Probabilities activation

Input Conv2D(8, 5 × 5) SmallFire( f ) Conv2D(c, 1 × 1) AvgPool() Softmax()

n instances Class Probabilities

Figure 4.4: FireNet Network

Architecture, based on the
SmallFire module. All layers
4.3 Experimental Evaluation use ReLU activation

4.3.1 Evaluation Metrics

For multi-class classification problems, the most common evaluation

metric is accuracy, as it can be directly interpreted by a human, and
has intuitive interpretations. Accuracy is computed as the fraction
of samples that are correctly classified, with 0% as the worst value,
and 100% as the best. A related metric commonly used in the ML
literature is the error 29 , which is the inverse (100 − acc) of accuracy.
There is no advantage of choosing accuracy versus error, so we 29
Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua
Bengio, and Aaron Courville.
pragmatically choose accuracy. Deep Learning. MIT Press, 2016.
Note that accuracy can be biased by class imbalance and improper http://www.deeplearningbook.
classifiers. While our dataset is not class balanced, the classifiers we
evaluated do not collapse to predicting a single class, and all classes
are well represented in predictions, indicating that using accuracy
Other metrics are less appropriate, such as precision and recall
(well defined only for binary classification), and the area under the
ROC curve (not directly interpretable by humans, and well defined
for binary classification).

4.3.2 Convolutional Network Design

In this section we explore some design choices that must be made.

We parameterized our networks primarily with two parameters:
the number of modules (which affects depth) and the number of
convolution filters (affecting width). We evaluate the importance of
these parameters by training multiple networks over a defined grid
of parameter values and we test each network in a validation set.
We then make decision of which network configurations we will use


forward-looking sonar image classification

For this network architecture we vary depth through the number

of modules, in the range [1, 6]. As the input images are 96 × 96,
6 = log2 96 is the biggest number of modules that we can try be-
fore max-pooling reduces feature maps to zero width and height.
We evaluate 8, 16 and 32 filters per module, as we have previously
used networks with 32 filters that performed adequately 30 . We 30
Matias Valdenegro-Toro.
Object recognition in forward-
also evaluate the effect of regularization as an additional parame- looking sonar images with
convolutional neural networks.
ter. We use Batch Normalization, Dropout and No Regularization, In OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE
which corresponds to the removal of any regularization layer from Monterey, pages 1–6. IEEE, 2016

the model. Batch Normalization is used after each layer, except

the last. Dropout is only used after the first fully connected layer.

For this architecture we also evaluate up to 6 modules, but only 4
and 8 filters. The main reason driving the number of filters is to
minimize the total number of parameters, as these networks were 31
Matias Valdenegro-Toro.
31 . Real-time convolutional net-
designed for fast executing in embedded devices works for sonar image classifi-
cation in low-power embedded
FireNet systems. In European Symposium
on Artificial Neural Networks,
This network was evaluated up to 6 modules, as accuracy satu- Computational Intelligence and
Machine Learning (ESANN),
rated at the maximum value with more modules. We only eval- 2017
uate 4 filters per module, corresponding to s11 = e11 = e33 = 4
filters in each Fire module inside the MaxFire one.

Each network is trained in the same way, using the ADAM opti-
mizer 32 with an initial learning rate α = 0.01. ClassicNet is trained 32
Diederik Kingma and
Jimmy Ba. Adam: A method for
for 20 epochs, while TinyNet and FireNet are trained for 30 epochs. stochastic optimization. arXiv
preprint arXiv:1412.6980, 2014
We train 10 instances of each network architecture for each param-
eter set. We do this because of random initialization, as training a
single network can produce biased or "lucky" results. For each pa-
rameter set we report the mean and standard deviation of accuracy
evaluated on the validation set.
ClassicNet results are shown in Figure 4.5. We see that a choice
of 32 filters seems to be the best, as it produces the biggest accuracy
in the validation set and learning seems to be more stable. Configu-
rations with less filters seem to be less stable, as shown in the 8-filter
configuration with decreasing accuracy after adding more than 3
modules, and the 16-module configuration showing large variations
in accuracy. In general it is expected that a deeper network should
have better accuracy, but tuning the right number of layers/modules
is not easy, as these results show.
We compared three other design choices, whether to use regu-
larization (Dropout or Batch Normalization), or not use it. Our

forward-looking sonar image classification

Batch Normalization Dropout No Regularization


100 100 100

99 99 99
98 98 98
97 97 97
Val Accuracy (%)

96 96 96

94 94 94

92 92 92

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
# of Modules # of Modules # of Modules
(b) 8 filters (c) 16 filters (d) 32 filters

Figure 4.5: ClassicNet Net-

work Depth versus Validation
results clearly show that Batch Normalization outperforms using Accuracy. The shaded areas
represent one-σ standard devia-
Dropout by a large margin, but this only holds with a large enough tions.

learning capacity, represented as number of modules. An interesting

effect is that removing regularization from the network increases the
variability in the results, specially when the model does not fit well
the data as seen in the case of using a single module per network.
TinyNet and FireNet results are shown in Figure 4.6. TinyNet
was designed in order to minimize the number of parameters, even
if that requires some sacrifices in accuracy. Our results show that
with 5 modules we can obtain high accuracy, which is comparable
to what ClassicNet can obtain. As it can be expected, TinyNet with
four filters is slightly less accurate than using eight filters, but the
difference gets smaller as more modules are added.
In contrast, FireNet gets state of the art accuracy with only 1
module, and perfectly fits the dataset with two or more modules.
Only four filters seem to be necessary for this task.
A numerical summary of these results is presented in Table 4.1.
The best result for ClassicNet is with Batch Normalization, 32 filters
and four modules at 99.29% accuracy, while TinyNet has best per-
formance with 8 filters and 5 modules at 99.60% accuracy. A slightly
less accurate version of TinyNet is available with also 5 modules and
4 filters, at 98.87% accuracy, which is a 0.7% absolute difference.

forward-looking sonar image classification

Figure 4.6: TinyNet and

100 100 FireNet Network Depth ver-
sus Validation Accuracy. The
99 99 shaded areas represent one-σ
standard deviations.
98 98
97 97
Val Accuracy (%)
96 96

94 94

92 92
4 Filters
8 Filters 4 Filters

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
# of Modules # of Modules
(a) TinyNet (b) FireNet

Fs 1 Module 2 Modules 3 Modules Table 4.1: Numerical compar-

ison of validation accuracy of
8 96.19 ± 0.63 % 97.72 ± 0.66 % 98.53 ± 0.52 % different network configura-

16 96.27 ± 0.74 % 98.25 ± 0.38 % 98.98 ± 0.39 % tions, as function of number

of modules. ClassicNet with
32 96.60 ± 0.50 % 98.30 ± 1.02 % 98.93 ± 0.45 % BN (CN), TinyNet (TN), and
4 93.49 ± 0.43 % 95.03 ± 0.69 % 95.87 ± 0.33 % FireNet (FN) are evaluated.

Varying filter (Fs) configura-

8 95.78 ± 0.45 % 98.23 ± 0.29 % 98.43 ± 0.23 %
tions are shown.
4 99.03 ± 0.21 % 99.67 ± 0.14 % 99.82 ± 0.13 %

Fs 4 Modules 5 Modules 6 Modules

8 98.40 ± 0.53 % 97.97 ± 0.61 % 96.60 ± 1.31 %

16 98.68 ± 0.51 % 97.34 ± 3.29 % 98.55 ± 0.38 %

32 99.29 ± 0.37 % 99.19 ± 0.26 % 99.14 ± 0.33 %
4 97.02 ± 0.26 % 98.87 ± 0.22 % 98.95 ± 0.09 %

8 98.81 ± 0.15 % 99.60 ± 0.13 % 99.75 ± 0.05 %

4 99.95 ± 0.09 % 99.95 ± 0.08 99.95 ± 0.07%

4.3.3 Template Matching Baselines

We have also evaluated a simple template matching classifier on

our marine debris dataset. Our motivation for this experiment is to
validate our theoretical prediction that a template matching classifier
is more likely to produce overfitting to objects in the training set.
To construct a template matching classifier, two key parameters
must be tuned: the number of templates and the contents of each
template. As the whole training set of a template matching classifier
is required at inference time, its design is key to good performance.
In order to provide a unbiased evaluation, we sample T templates
for each class and build a template set. We evaluate CC and SQD

forward-looking sonar image classification

matching with these templates. As the number of samples per each

class is the same, there is no class balance problems, even as the test
set is not balanced. Selecting random images from the training set
prevents one template dominating and being able to classify a large
set of images. This effect would show up as a large variation in test
To measure the effect of the number of templates, we vary T ∈
[1, 150]. As our dataset has 11 classes, this range produces template
sets from 11 to 1650 templates in total. We sample N = 100 different
template sets for each value of T, and evaluate accuracy on the test
set for each template set. We report the mean and standard deviation
of accuracy.
We also evaluate the number of free parameters in the template
matching classifier. We compute the number of parameters P in a
template set D as:

P = M×W ×H (4.5)

Where M = | D | is the number of templates in the template set,

W is the width, and H is the height. For the images in our dataset
W = H = 96. We also evaluate computation time as measured on a
AMD Ryzen 7-1700 CPU.
Our principal results are presented in Fig. 4.7 and Table 4.2.
Classification accuracy results show that using cross-correlation sim-
ilarity saturates at 93.5%, while sum of squared differences saturates
closer to 98.4%. Sum of squared differences is clearly superior for
generalization over the commonly used cross-correlation similarity.
It must be pointed out that SQD performs better in our tests,
but theoretically it should not generalize well, as due to the use
of a pixel-wise distance there is less possible transformations that
maintain such distances. SQD is not used in the literature, and
cross-correlation is mostly preferred, so more research is required.
In order to obtain such generalization over a test set, both methods
require a considerably high number of templates. CC crosses the
80 % threshold with 20 templates per class, while SQD obtains at
least the same accuracy with only 10 templates per class. 90 %
accuracy is only reached 70 (CC) and 30 (SQD) templates per class.
After reaching the point of 90 % accuracy, both methods produce
diminishing returns, with only small increments in accuracy even
after using a large (more than 100) number of templates. These
observations have two possible explanations:

• The inter-class variability of our marine debris images is high,

forward-looking sonar image classification

and this is reflected in the fact that many templates are required
to model such variability.

• Template matching methods require a large number of parameters

to generalize well, and one template can only model a limited
number of testing samples due to limitations in the matching

Analyzing the number of parameters (available in Table 4.2) shows

that to model our data both template matching methods require
at least 10 million parameters. This is a considerable number of
parameters, as it contains almost the complete training set (at TPC =

100 Figure 4.7: Template Matching

Test Accuracy as a function
95 of the Number of Templates
90 per Class with two similarity
functions. The shaded areas
represent one σ error bounds.
Test Accuracy (%)




50 CC
















# of Templates per Class

Computation time is shown in Table 4.2. SQD is considerably

faster, almost 3 times faster than CC. Both similarity functions can
run on real-time on a normal computer, but the required large
number of templates could be an issue when using these classifiers
on embedded platforms.

4.3.4 Comparison with State of the Art

In this section we compare multiple classification algorithms in sonar

images, in order to put our classification results with CNNs into
context. We have selected algorithms in the following categories:

Template Matching We include the best results produced by a CC and

SQD template matching classifiers as described in the previous

Classic Machine Learning We evaluate multiple classic classification

algorithms, namely a SVM with Linear and RBF kernels, Gradient

forward-looking sonar image classification

TPC # of Params Accuracy (%) Time (ms) Accuracy (%) Time (ms)
1.0 0.10 M 45.67 ± 5.99 % 0.7 ± 0.1 ms 43.85 ± 4.94 % 0.2 ± 0.0 ms
5.0 0.50 M 68.9 ± 3.01 % 3.2 ± 0.1 ms 69.47 ± 3.18 % 1.1 ± 0.0 ms
10.0 1.01 M 77.17 ± 2.35 % 6.3 ± 0.1 ms 79.83 ± 2.67 % 2.3 ± 0.1 ms
20.0 2.02 M 84.21 ± 1.65 % 12.6 ± 0.1 ms 88.25 ± 1.75 % 4.6 ± 0.1 ms
30.0 3.04 M 86.32 ± 1.52 % 18.9 ± 0.2 ms 91.62 ± 1.75 % 7.0 ± 0.1 ms
40.0 4.05 M 88.49 ± 1.0 % 25.2 ± 0.7 ms 93.76 ± 1.2 % 9.2 ± 0.1 ms
50.0 5.07 M 89.67 ± 1.09 % 31.4 ± 0.3 ms 95.03 ± 1.02 % 11.6 ± 0.1 ms
60.0 6.09 M 90.39 ± 1.08 % 37.6 ± 0.3 ms 96.05 ± 0.81 % 13.9 ± 0.2 ms
70.0 7.09 M 90.96 ± 0.81 % 43.9 ± 0.4 ms 96.52 ± 0.71 % 16.2 ± 0.2 ms
80.0 8.11 M 91.52 ± 0.7 % 50.1 ± 0.4 ms 96.96 ± 0.63 % 18.6 ± 0.2 ms
90.0 9.12 M 91.99 ± 0.67 % 56.5 ± 0.4 ms 97.23 ± 0.55 % 20.7 ± 0.2 ms
100.0 10.13 M 92.1 ± 0.65 % 62.7 ± 0.5 ms 97.35 ± 0.54 % 23.0 ± 0.2 ms
110.0 11.15 M 92.42 ± 0.67 % 68.9 ± 0.5 ms 97.63 ± 0.46 % 25.2 ± 0.3 ms
120.0 12.16 M 92.62 ± 0.54 % 75.1 ± 0.5 ms 97.8 ± 0.46 % 27.5 ± 0.3 ms
130.0 13.17 M 92.78 ± 0.56 % 81.3 ± 0.6 ms 97.95 ± 0.34 % 29.8 ± 0.3 ms
140.0 14.19 M 92.91 ± 0.46 % 87.7 ± 0.6 ms 97.99 ± 0.39 % 32.1 ± 0.3 ms
150.0 15.20 M 92.97 ± 0.47 % 93.8 ± 0.7 ms 98.08 ± 0.34 % 34.6 ± 0.3 ms
Table 4.2: Template Match-
ing with Cross-Correlation
Boosting and a Random Forest. All of these classifiers are trained (CC) and Sum of Squared
Differences (SQD). Accuracy,
on normalized image pixels. Number of Parameters and
Computation versus Number
of Templates per Class is pre-
Neural Networks We also include our best results produced by CNN sented. Number of parameters
classifiers, as described in Section 4.3.2. is expressed in Millions.

All classifiers33 are trained on the same training set, and evaluated 33
I used the scikit-learn 0.18.1
implementation of these algo-
on the same testing set. Each classifier was tuned independently to rithms

produce maximum classification performance on the validation set,

using grid search with a predefined set of parameters.
For a Random Forest, we tuned the maximum number of features
(either log2 (n) or sqrt(n), where n is the number of input features)
and the number of trees (in the range [100, 200, 300, ..., 1000] ). The
best parameters reported by grid search are log2 number of features
and 600 trees, producing 7901 parameters.
A Gradient Boosting 34 classifier was tuned over three parameters, 34
Kevin P Murphy. Machine
learning: a probabilistic perspec-
namely number of weak classifiers (in range [50, 100, 150, ..., 1000]), tive. MIT press, 2012
the learning rate [0.1, 0.01, 0.001], and the maximum depth of the
regression tree with values [3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15]. The best parameters
were 300 weak classifiers, learning rate 0.1, and maximum depth of
3. This produces 9900 parameters.
For the SVM classifier we only tuned the regularization coefficient
C in the range [10−3 , 10−2 , 10−1 , ..., 106 ] and used two types of ker-
nels: a gaussian radial basis function (RBF) and a linear kernel. As
an SVM is only a binary classifier, we use one-versus-one decision

forward-looking sonar image classification

C ( C −1)
function which consists of training 2 SVMs and evaluate them
at test time and get the majority decision as class output. The linear
kernel gets best performance with C = 0.1, while the RBF uses
C = 100.0. Both classifiers have 506880 parameters, considering 110
trained SVMs. The ratio of parameters to number of training data
1200 15.2M
points ranges from 2069 ∼ 0.58 for TinyNet(5, 4) to 2069 ∼ 7346.5
for template matching classifiers. ClassicCNN with Dropout has a
parameter to data point ratio of 2069 ∼ 449.5, which is reduced to
224.8 during the training phase due to the use of Dropout.
Our comparison results are shown in Table 4.3. Machine learning
methods perform poorly, as gradient boosting and random forests
obtain accuracies that are lower than simpler classifiers like a Linear
SVM. We expected both algorithms to perform better, due to their
popularity in competitions like Kaggle, which suggests that they
might generalize well with low amounts of data.
The best classic ML classifier according to our results is a Linear
SVM, which is surprising, but still it does not perform better than
the state of the art template matching methods using sum of square
The best performing method is a convolutional neural network,
either TinyNet with 5 modules and 8 filters per layer or FireNet with
3 layers. There is a small difference in accuracy (0.1 %) between
both networks. These results show that a CNN can be successfully
trained with a small quantity of data (approx 2000 images) and
that even in such case, it can outperform other methods, specially
template matching with cross-correlation and ensemble classifiers
like random forests and gradient boosting.
The second best performing method is also a CNN, namely the
ClassicCNN. It should be noted that there is a large difference in the
number of parameters between ClassicCNN and TinyNet/FireNet.
Those networks are able to efficiently encode the mapping be-
tween image and class. Considering TM-SQD as the baseline, then
TinyNet(5, 8) is 1.18 % more accurate, and FireNet-3 outperforms it
by 1.28 %. A more realistic baseline is TM-CC as it is used in many
published works 35 , and in such case TinyNet(5, 8) outperforms 35
Natalia Hurtós, Narcis
Palomeras, Sharad Nagappa,
TM-CC by 6.16 % while FireNet-3 is superior by 6.26 %. and Joaquim Salvi. Automatic
detection of underwater chain
links using a forward-looking
sonar. In OCEANS-Bergen, 2013
4.3.5 Feature Visualization MTS/IEEE, pages 1–7. IEEE,
In the previous section we have established that a CNN is the best
classifier for FLS images. In this section we would like to move away

forward-looking sonar image classification

Method Test Accuracy (%) # of Params Table 4.3: Comparison of Ma-

chine Learning (ML), Template
RBF SVM 97.22 % 506K Matching (TM), and Convolu-
Linear SVM 97.46 % 506K tional Neural Networks (CNN)

methods for FLS Image Classifi-
Gradient Boosting 90.63 % 9.9K cation.
Random Forest 93.17 % 7.9K
TM with CC 93.44 % 15.2M

TM with Sum of SQD 98.42 % 15.2M

ClassicCNN-BN 99.24 % 903K
ClassicCNN-Dropout 98.98 % 903K

TinyNet(5, 4) 98.8 % 1.2K

TinyNet(5, 8) 99.6 % 3.2K
FireNet-3 99.7 % 4.0K

from a quantitative analysis of plain accuracy on a test set and focus

into the features that are learned by a CNN. This corresponds to a
qualitative approach.
For this purpose we extract features from selected layers in a
neural network, reduce the dimensionality of these features, and
then visualize the 2D representation of these features as a scatter
plot, including class information.
We use two methods for dimensionality reduction:

t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding t-SNE 36 is a well known 36

Laurens van der Maaten
and Geoffrey Hinton. Visual-
technique for dimensionality reduction with emphasis on data vi- izing data using t-sne. Journal
of Machine Learning Research,
sualization. t-SNE works by first estimating pair-wise similarities 9(Nov):2579–2605, 2008
of high-dimensional input points xi :

exp(−|| xi − x j ||2 /2σi2 )

p j |i = (4.6)
∑k6=i exp(−|| xi − xk ||2 /2σi2 )
Which corresponds to placing a gaussian distribution at xi with
variance σi2 . This variance is automatically selected by binary
search given a used defined perplexity. The basic idea of t-
SNE is to model these probabilistic similarities with another
low-dimensional distribution:
(1 + ||yi − y j ||2 )−1
qij = (4.7)
∑k6=l (1 + ||yk − yl ||2 )−1
The yi values are low-dimensional representation of the input data
xi . The qij equation is selected to mimic a student’s t-distribution,
which is more robust to outliers and to variations in feature
space. Then t-SNE tries to make the Q distribution similar to the
P distribution, by moving the yi values to minimize a distance
metric for probability distributions: the KL-divergence:
KL( P|| Q) = ∑ ∑ pij log (4.8)
i j

pj|i + pi| j
Where pij = 2n . Then stochastic gradient descent is used to

forward-looking sonar image classification

minimize the KL divergence, which produces the low-dimensional

representation. t-SNE is commonly used to visualize high-dimensional
data, as it has desirable properties, like the ability to model struc-
ture in the input space at several scales, and to let local structure
influence the final result.

Multi-Dimensional Scaling MDS is a another non-linear dimension-

ality reduction method. For our purposes we use Metric MDS 37 , 37
Jan De Leeuw and Patrick
Mair. Multidimensional scaling
by first estimating a matrix of distances from high-dimensional using majorization: Smacof in r.
Department of Statistics, UCLA,
input xi : 2011

dij = || xi − x j || (4.9)

Then in a similar idea that t-SNE, as MDS also wants to find a

low-dimensional representation that approximates the distances
dij , by minimizing the following loss function:

S= ∑ (dij − ||yi − y j ||)2 (4.10)

i6= j

S is denominated the stress. By minimizing the stress, the loca-

tions of each low-dimensional point yi can be found. It should be
noted that MDS preserves real distances more closely than t-SNE,
as the real distance is approximated, instead of a proxy probabilis-
tic similarity. The stress is minimized by using SMACOF (Scaling
by Majorizing a Complicated Function).

Both methods are commonly used to visualize high-dimensional

data into a 2D/3D manifold. We use two methods in order not to
obtain general conclusions from a single method, as performing
dimensionality reduction for visualization does include a degree of
bias (from selected parameters) and uncertainty (due to stochastic
We selected these two methods as t-SNE is one of the best di-
mensionality reducers with strong theoretical support, while MDS
is a very simple method with no tunable parameters other than a
distance metric. As previously mentioned, MDS also preserves real
distances in the high-dimensional space better than t-SNE.
We selected three previously mentioned neural networks for eval-
uation: TinyNet with 5 modules and 8 filters per module, and
ClassicNet with 5 modules with Batch Normalization or Dropout.
We extract high-dimensional features from each module, and addi-
tionally from the FC1 layer in ClassicNet. The feature dimensionality
for each module in each network is shown in Table 4.4.
Before feature extraction we subsample the test set to 50 samples

forward-looking sonar image classification

Architecture Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6

TinyNet-5-8 (8, 48, 48) (8, 24, 24) (8, 12, 12) (8, 6, 6) (8, 3, 3) N/A
ClassicNet-BN-5 (32, 48, 48) (32, 24, 24) (32, 12, 12) (32, 6, 6) (32, 3, 3) (64)
ClassicNet-Do-5 (32, 48, 48) (32, 24, 24) (32, 12, 12) (32, 6, 6) (32, 3, 3) (64)

Table 4.4: Feature dimensional-

ity of evaluated layer/module
per class, in order to normalize the number of data points in each for each network. For TinyNet
we evaluate features produced
plot. This produces 550 points in each scatter plot. To extract features by the output of each Tiny
module. For ClassicNet-BN
for a given layer we perform the following procedure: Compute the we evaluate the output fea-
tures from layers BN1-5 and
features for each data point in the sub-sampled test set38 , then they FC1, while for ClassicNet-Do
are L2 normalized. Then dimensionality reduction is applied and (Dropout) we evaluate layers
MP1-5 and FC1. Shapes in this
2D reduced features are displayed in a scatter plot. Class labels are table are in format (channels,
width, height).
not used while performing dimensionality reduction, but only used
for display purposes while constructing the scatter plot. The same sub-sampled test
set is used to produce all plots,
Feature visualization of TinyNet-5-8 is show in Figures 4.8 and in order to enable comparison

4.9. A clear pattern in shown in the t-SNE visualization, as the

features from each module can cluster each class progressively better.
For example features for the Background class in the first module
(Figure 4.8a) are spread over the visualization map, which can be
easily confused with other classes, like Bottle or Tire.
But features in the fifth module can cluster the Background class
and separate them from other classes, which is represented in the
visualization as Background having less overlap with other classes.
The same pattern is visible for Propeller and Can classes. The MDS
visualization in Figure 4.9 shows a very similar pattern, showing
that our conclusions from the t-SNE are not biased by the use of a
single dimensionality reduction method. For example, in the first
module Tire and Background overlap considerably, while in the
third module the overlap is considerably reduced, and in the fifth
module there is no overlap between those classes.
While using a single module produces a decent accuracy of 93.5%
(from Table 4.1), it is possible to see in Figure 4.9a that there is
no good discrimination between classes. A considerably improved
class discrimination is shown in the fourth module, but the best
separation is given by the fifth module.
Visualization of ClassicNet-BN features is shown in Figure 4.10
and Figure 4.11. The t-SNE visualization shows again a progressive
improvement of the feature discrimination capabilities. At the first
layer (BN1) there is little separation between classes, with many
of them overlapping. But at the fourth layer (BN4) discrimination
has been considerably improved. An interesting effect can be seen

forward-looking sonar image classification

Can Bottle Drink Carton Chain Propeller Tire Hook

Valve Shampoo Bottle Standing Bottle Background

20 20
0 0
−20 −20 −20

−40 −20 0 20 −40 −20 0 20 −40 −20 0 20

(a) Module 1 (b) Module 2 (c) Module 3

20 20
0 0

−20 −20
−40 −20 0 20 −20 0 20
(d) Module 4 (e) Module 5

Figure 4.8: TinyNet5-8 t-SNE

Feature visualization for the
output of each Tiny module.

1 1

0 0 0

−1 −1 −1
−1 0 1 −1 0 1 −1 0 1
(a) Module 1 (b) Module 2 (c) Module 3

1 1

0 0

−1 −1
−1 0 1 −1 0 1
(d) Module 4 (e) Module 5

Figure 4.9: TinyNet5-8 MDS

Feature visualization for the
output of each Tiny module.

forward-looking sonar image classification

from the transition between BN5 and FC1, as the discriminatory

power of the features is considerably increased, shown by the almost
perfect separation of the classes. As this is right before applying the
last fully connected layer with a softmax activation, it should be of
no surprise that this network can achieve such high accuracy (over
The MDS visualizations 4.11 show the same pattern of increasing
improvements of feature discrimination, with a considerably jump
between BN5 and FC1 layers. The MDS visualization shows a better
class separation in layer FC1, as many classes are almost perfectly
clustered (Drink Carton, Bottle, Valve, etc). One class that shows
a considerable difference between t-SNE and MDS visualizations
is Background on the FC1 layer. t-SNE shows a good clustering
on these features, but MDS shows overlap between Background
and other classes like Tire and Chain. We do not know if this is a
visualization artifact or a underlying property of the features, as the
Background class is "special" as it is implicitly present in all classes
as the background of each object.
Visualization of ClassicNet-Dropout features is shown in Figure
4.12 and 4.13. Both visualizations shows the power of using Dropout,
as the learned features are considerably different. For example, a
good initial discrimination is shown in the MP1 layer, but many
classes still considerably overlap. Discrimination is only improved
from the fifth layer (MP5). Dropout features in the FC1 layer show a
good separation, which is evident from the MDS visualization.

4.3.6 Computational Performance

In this section we evaluate the computational performance of our

models. While most research papers only consider classification
performance as a metric, computational performance is also an
important component of any real system, specially when using these
kind of algorithms in platforms that must be used in everyday life,
like robots.
We use two platforms for evaluation. One is a x86_64 platform
consisting of an AMD Ryzen 7 1700 processor (3.0 GHz) with 16
GB of RAM. This represents the most common use platforms using
Intel and AMD processors without hard limits on power or heat.
This platform is named "High-Power" (HP). The second platform is
a Raspberry Pi 2, containing an 900 MHz ARM Cortex A7 processor
with one GB of RAM. This represents a low-power embedded system

forward-looking sonar image classification

Can Bottle Drink Carton Chain Propeller Tire Hook

Valve Shampoo Bottle Standing Bottle Background

20 20
0 0 0

−20 −20 −20

−40 −40
−40 −20 0 20 −40 −20 0 20 −20 0 20
(a) BN1 (b) BN2 (c) BN3

20 20 20
0 0 0
−20 −20 −20

−20 0 20 −20 0 20 −40 −20 0 20

(d) BN4 (e) BN5 (f) FC1

Figure 4.10: ClassicNet-BN-5

t-SNE Feature visualization for
each layer.

0.5 0.5
0 0 0

−0.5 −0.5 −0.5

−0.5 0 0.5 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −0.5 0 0.5

(a) BN1 (b) BN2 (c) BN3

0.2 0.2

0 0 0
−0.5 −0.2
−0.5 0 0.5 −0.4−0.2 0 0.2 0.4 −0.2 0 0.2
(d) BN4 (e) BN5 (f) FC1

Figure 4.11: ClassicNet-BN-5

MDS Feature visualization for
each layer.

forward-looking sonar image classification

Can Bottle Drink Carton Chain Propeller Tire Hook

Valve Shampoo Bottle Standing Bottle Background

20 20 20
0 0 0
−20 −20
−20 0 20 40 −40 −20 0 20 −20 0 20
(a) MP1 (b) MP2 (c) MP3

20 20 20
0 0 0
−20 −20 −20

−20 0 20 40 −40 −20 0 20 −20 0 20 40

(d) MP4 (e) MP5 (f) FC1

Figure 4.12: ClassicNet-

Dropout-5 t-SNE Feature vi-
sualization for each layer.

0.5 0.5 0.5
0 0 0
−0.5 −0.5
−0.5 0 0.5 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1
(a) MP1 (b) MP2 (c) MP3

1 1
0.5 0.5 0.5
0 0 0
−0.5 −0.5 −0.5
−1 −1 −1
−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 −1 0 1
(d) MP4 (e) MP5 (f) FC1

Figure 4.13: ClassicNet-

Dropout-5 MDS Feature vi-
sualization for each layer.

forward-looking sonar image classification

that is more typical to what is used inside a robot. This platform is

denominated "Low-Power" (LP).
Both platforms are radically different. The Thermal Design Power
of the Ryzen processor is 65 Watts, while the Raspberry Pi 2 only
consumes up to 5 Watts. Components other than the CPU will
also affect performance and power consumption, like the use of
DDR/DDR4 memory.
Performance is measured using the python timeit module after
running the prediction code 100 times, and computing mean and
standard deviation of computation time. We used Theano 0.9.0
with Keras 1.0.0 on python 3.6 in both platforms with GCC 7.1.1 as
Results are shown in Table 4.5 for ClassicNet and Table 4.6 for
TinyNet and FireNet. A visual comparison of these results is avail-
able in Figure 4.14.

ClassicNet-BN ClassicNet-DO TinyNet-4 Figure 4.14: Computation Time

comparison for the HP and
TinyNet-8 FireNet-4
LP platforms on our tested

Computation Time (ms)

Computation Time (ms)




1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
# of Modules # of Modules
(a) High-Power Platform (b) Low-Power Platform

High-Power platform results show that all networks are quite fast,
with a maximum computation time of 12 milliseconds per image,
which is able to run in real-time at 83 frames per second. Still
TinyNet is considerably faster than the other networks, at less than
2.5 milliseconds per frame (over 400 frames per second), which is
5 times faster. FireNet as well is at 2-6 times slower than TinyNet,
depending on the number of modules.
Low-Power platform results are more interesting, as ClassicNet
is quite slow in this platform, peaking at 1740 milliseconds per

forward-looking sonar image classification

ClassicNet-BN ClassicNet-Dropout Table 4.5: ClassicNet perfor-

mance as function of number
32 Filters 32 Filters of modules (#) and convolu-
# P LP Time HP Time P LP Time HP Time tion filters. Mean computation
time is shown, both in the
1 4.7 M 286 ms 6.5 ms 4.7 M 275 ms 5.8 ms High-Power platform (HP) and
2 1.2 M 1420 ms 11.5 ms 1.2 M 1400 ms 10.0 ms . Low-Power platform (LP). Stan-
3 348 K 1680 ms 12.3 ms 348 K 1620 ms 10.9 ms dard deviation is not shown
as it is less than 0.4 ms for HP
4 152 K 1740 ms 11.9 ms 152 K 1720 ms 11.2 ms and 4 ms for LP. The number of
5 123 K 1740 ms 12.5 ms 122 K 1730 ms 11.8 ms parameters (P) in each model is
also shown.
6 132 K 1745 ms 13.3 ms 131 K 1738 ms 12.2 ms

frame, while TinyNet-4 and TinyNet-8 only taking less than 40 and
100 milliseconds per frame, correspondingly. TinyNet-4 is 43 times
faster than ClassicNet while TinyNet-8 is 17 times faster. As seen
previously, using less filters in ClassicNet considerably degrades
classification performance, specially when using a small number
of modules. FireNet is also more accuracy than ClassicNet, and
considerably faster at 310 milliseconds per frame (5-times speedup).
TinyNet and FireNet are quite similar, with only FireNet contain-
ing extra 3 × 3 filters
Selecting a network to run on a low-power embedded device is
now quite easy, as TinyNet is only 0.5% less accurate than ClassicNet
and 1.0% less than FireNet, but many times faster. TinyNet can run
at 25 frames per second on a Raspberry Pi 2.
There is a measurable difference between using Batch Normaliza-
tion and Dropout, specially in the Low-Power platform
It must also be pointed out that comparing results in this section
with Table 4.7, which shows computation time on the HP platform,
it can be seen that template matching is not an option either, as it is
slightly less accurate than TinyNet, but considerably slower. TinyNet
is 24 times faster than template matching with SQD, and 67 times
faster than CC. In the Low-Power platform with 150 templates per
class, a CC template matcher takes 3150 milliseconds to classify one
image, a SQD template matcher takes 1200 milliseconds per image.
These results form the core argument that for sonar image classi-
fication, template matching or classic machine learning should not
be used, and convolutional neural networks should be preferred. A
CNN can be more accurate and perform faster, both in high and
low power hardware, which is appropriate for use in autonomous
underwater vehicles.

forward-looking sonar image classification

TinyNet FireNet
4 Filters 8 Filters 4 Filters
# P LP Time HP Time P LP Time HP Time P LP Time HP Time
1 307 24 ms 0.9 ms 443 53 ms 1.5 ms 3499 310 ms 6.0 ms
2 859 32 ms 1.1 ms 1483 82 ms 2.1 ms 8539 247 ms 6.2 ms .
3 1123 35 ms 1.3 ms 2235 90 ms 2.4 ms 10195 237 ms 6.2 ms
4 1339 36 ms 1.2 ms 2939 92 ms 2.3 ms 11815 236 ms 6.3 ms
5 1531 37 ms 1.4 ms 3619 95 ms 2.4 ms 13415 236 ms 6.3 ms
6 1711 38 ms 1.4 ms 4287 96 ms 2.4 ms 15003 237 ms 6.5 ms
Table 4.6: TinyNet and FireNet
performance as function of
number of modules (#) and
4.4 Summary of Results convolution filters. Mean com-
putation time is shown, both
in the High-Power platform
This chapter has performed a in-depth evaluation of image classifica- (HP) and Low-Power platform
(LP). Standard deviation is not
tion algorithms for sonar image classification. While the state of the shown as it is less than 0.2 ms
art typically uses template matching with cross-correlation 39 , we for HP and 1 ms for LP. The
number of parameters (P) in
have shown that a convolutional neural network can outperform the each model is also shown.

use of template matching, both in classification and computational 39

Natalia Hurtós, Narcis
Palomeras, Sharad Nagappa,
and Joaquim Salvi. Automatic
We have shown that in our dataset of marine debris objects, detection of underwater chain
links using a forward-looking
template matching requires a large number of templates per class, sonar. In OCEANS-Bergen, 2013
MTS/IEEE, pages 1–7. IEEE,
which indicates that it has trouble modelling the variability in our 2013

dataset. Almost all the training set needs to be memorized in order

to generalize to the validation and test sets. This indicates a high
chance of overfitting.
In contrast, a CNN with only 930 K parameters is able to provide
better generalization than a template matching classifier. We have
also shown that other classic classification algorithms, like a sup-
port vector machine, gradient boosting and random forests, do not
perform at the same level than a CNN.
We evaluated the features learned by three different convolutional
networks, and we studied the learned features by using dimension-
ality reduction through t-SNE and Multi-Dimensional Scaling. Our
results show that the network is not performing randomly and a pat-
tern in each latter appears, where the features allow for increasing
separation of classes. It also seems that the use of a fully connected
layer is fundamental for class separability, as features produced by
this layer cluster very well into the different classes. Forrest N Iandola, Song
Han, Matthew W Moskewicz,
We have also shown that a carefully designed CNN, based on de- Khalid Ashraf, William J Dally,
and Kurt Keutzer. Squeezenet:
signs similar to SqueezeNet 40 , can perform at real-time performace Alexnet-level accuracy with
50x fewer parameters and< 0.5
on a low-power embedded system (a Raspberry Pi 2), while only mb model size. arXiv preprint
arXiv:1602.07360, 2016
sacrificing 0.5 − 1.0% accuracy with respect to the baseline.
We expect that in the future CNNs will be used for different

forward-looking sonar image classification

tasks involving sonar image classification, as their predictive and

computational performance is on par to what is required in the
marine robotics domain.

5 Limits of Convolutional

Neural Networks on FLS Images

This chapter deals with a less applied problem than the rest of this
thesis. While the use of Deep Neural Networks for different tasks
has exploded during the last 5 years, many questions of practical
importance remain unanswered 1 . 1
Chiyuan Zhang, Samy Ben-
gio, Moritz Hardt, Benjamin
A general rule of thumb in machine learning is that more data Recht, and Oriol Vinyals. Under-
standing deep learning requires
always improves the generalization ability of a classifier or regressor. rethinking generalization. arXiv
For Deep Learning it has been largely assumed that a large dataset preprint arXiv:1611.03530, 2016

is required. But experiments done in this thesis, specially in the

previous chapter, show that CNNs can be trained with smaller
A big problem is then defining what is a "large" or a "small"
dataset. In the computer vision community, a large dataset might be
ImageNet 2 with 1.2 million images and 1000 labeled classes, while 2
Olga Russakovsky, Jia
Deng, Hao Su, Jonathan
for the marine robotics community 2000 images might be large, and Krause, Sanjeev Satheesh,
Sean Ma, Zhiheng Huang,
200 images with 2-4 classes might be small. Andrej Karpathy, Aditya
Khosla, Michael Bernstein,
A very common requirement by practitioners is an estimate of
et al. Imagenet large scale
how many data points are required to solve a given learning task. visual recognition challenge.
International Journal of Computer
Typically as data needs to be gathered, an estimate of how much data Vision, 115(3):211–252, 2015

is needed would be quite useful. Other effects are also of interest,

such as what is the optimal object size for recognition, and what are
the best ways to perform transfer learning, and how does that affect
the training set size that is required for a given performance target.
In this chapter we would like to explore the following research

• How does object size affect classification performance? Can small

objects be recognized similarly to bigger ones?

• How much data is required for FLS classification?

• How can networks be made to require less training data given a

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

classification performance target.

• How effective is transfer learning in features learned from sonar


We try to answer these questions from an experimental point of

view, by performing different synthetic experiments on our dataset
of marine debris objects.

5.1 Related Work

Surprisingly, there is little literature about these research questions, 3

Ali Sharif Razavian, Hos-
even as they are quite important for practitioners. sein Azizpour, Josephine Sul-
livan, and Stefan Carlsson.
Sharif et al. 3 was one of the first to evaluate features learned Cnn features off-the-shelf: an
astounding baseline for recog-
by a CNN. They used a pre-trained OverFeat 4 as a feature extrac- nition. In Proceedings of IEEE
CVPR workshops, pages 806–813,
tor network, and computed features from the fc1 5 layer, which 2014
corresponds to a 4096 long vector. This vector is then normalized 4
Pierre Sermanet, David
Eigen, Xiang Zhang, Michaël
with the L2 norm and used to train a multi-class SVM. An addi- Mathieu, Rob Fergus, and
tional combination using data augmentation is also explored by the Yann LeCun. Overfeat: Inte-
grated recognition, localization
authors. and detection using convolu-
tional networks. arXiv preprint
On the PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset, this method obtains better arXiv:1312.6229, 2013

accuracy for 14 out of 21 classes, with a slightly worse accuracy on 5

First fully connected layer

7 classes. Note that the state of the art compared in this work is
mostly composed of engineered features, like bag of visual words,
clustering, and dictionary learning from HoG, SIFT and LBP features.
Even as OverFeat is not trained on the same dataset, its features
generalize outside of this set quite well.
On the MIT 67 indoor scenes dataset, the authors obtain 69.0 %
mean accuracy with data augmentation, which is 5 % better than
the state of the art. This dataset is considerably different from the
ImageNet dataset used to train OverFeat.
In order to evaluate a more complex task, the authors used the
Caltech-UCSD Birds dataset, where the task is to classify images of
200 different species of birds, where many birds "look alike" and are
hard to recognize. Again this simple method outperforms the state
of the art by 6 %, producing 61.8 accuracy. This result shows how
CNN features outperform engineered ones, even when the task is
considerably different from the training set. This work also shows 6
Yan Pailhas, Yvan Petil-
the importance of data augmentation for computer vision tasks. lot, and Chris Capus. High-
resolution sonars: what reso-
Pailhas, Petillot and Capus 6 have explored the relationship be- lution do we need for target
recognition? EURASIP Journal
tween sonar resolution and target recognition accuracy. While this on Advances in Signal Processing,
2010(1):205095, 2010
is not the same question as we are exploring, it is similar enough to

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

warrant inclusion in this state of the art. This work concentrates on

the sonar resolution as a physical property of the device itself, while
we want to explore this relation from the image processing point of
The authors use a sidescan sonar simulator that produces syn-
thetic sonar images. The background that were considered are a
flat seabed, sand ripples, a rocky seabed, and a cluttered environ-
ment (rocks). The target are mine-like objects, including six classes
(manta, rockan, cuboid, hemisphere, a lying cylinder on the side
and a standing one).
The classifier used in this work is based on a Principal Component
Analysis representation, that is matched with templates in a training
set by means of minimizing a distance in feature space. The authors
analyse the use of shadow or highlight features.
For classification using highlight, 95 % accuracy is obtained with 5
cm pixel resolution, which is considerably fine grained for a sidescan
sonar. In contrast, classification using shadow requires less than 20
cm pixel resolution to obtain close to 100 % accuracy, but highlight
classification at 20 cm pixel resolution is close to 50 %. This work
shows that using the shadow of an object is fundamental for good
classification performance, but we believe these results are skewed
due to the use of a PCA-based classifier. Other classifiers might
perform differently. There is also the issue of the objects used in this
work, as marine debris is considerably different in shape variation
and lack of shadow information.
Mishkin et al. 7 do a systematic evaluation of many network 7
Dmytro Mishkin, Nikolay
Sergievskiy, and Jiri Matas.
parameters for the ImageNet dataset in the context of image classi- Systematic evaluation of cnn
advances on the imagenet. arXiv
fication. This work consists of a large number of ablation studies, preprint arXiv:1606.02228, 2016
varying activation functions, different kinds of pooling, learning rate
policies, pre-processing and normalization, batch size, etc.
Two results from these work are of interest for this chapter. The
authors evaluated the effect of varying the input image size, which
shows that decreasing the input image has the effect of reducing
accuracy from 50 % at 224 × 224 input size to 30 % at 66 × 66 pixels.
The relationship between input image size and accuracy is almost
linear. One way to offset this loss is to vary the network architecture
as a function of the input size, as the authors tried to vary the strides
and filter sizes to produce a constant size pooling output, reducing
the effect of image size as accuracy only varies from 40 % to 45 %.
The second result is the variation of the training set size. The
authors down-sample the ImageNet dataset to 0.2 M, 0.4 M, 0.6 M,

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

0.8 M and 1.2 million images (the original size). Accuracy decreases
from 45 % at 1.2 M to 30 % at 0.2 M. The relationship between
training set size and accuracy is quite close to linear, as it slowly
decreases linearly from 1.2 M to 0.4 M, but then decreases more
sharply. While both results are quite interesting, these authors have
not controlled for the random weight initialization, and variations of
accuracy should be computed. Due to the large size of the ImageNet
dataset, it can expected that these kind of evaluation protocol is not
available due to the large computational resources required.

5.2 Transfer Learning

In this experiment we evaluate the transfer learning capabilities of

three networks we designed: ClassicNet, TinyNet and FireNet.
Our general procedure to evaluate transfer learning in a network
is to first define a set of layers L that we wish to evaluate. The
features produced as output from these layers are then used to train
a multi-class SVM 8 . In order to produce a fair evaluation of the 8
Ali Sharif Razavian, Hos-
sein Azizpour, Josephine Sul-
features, we decided to split the training and testing sets according livan, and Stefan Carlsson.
Cnn features off-the-shelf: an
to the classes they contain, in order to learn features on one set of astounding baseline for recog-
objects and test them in a different set of objects. This should aid to nition. In Proceedings of IEEE
CVPR workshops, pages 806–813,
verify the generalization capabilities of the network architecture. 2014

We first split the dataset D into datasets F and T by selecting

a random subset of b C2 c classes and assigning all samples from
those classes to F, while the remaining classes and their samples are
assigned to T. As our Marine Debris dataset contains 11 samples, 6
classes are assigned to F and 5 are assigned to T. We split both the
training and testing splits of our dataset separately, producing Ftr ,
Fts and Ttr , Tts .
Dataset F is to learn features by training a network model for
classification, while T is used to evaluate features. A given network
model is trained on Ftr and then for each layer in L, features are
extracted at that layer from the network model by passing each
sample in Ttr . Then a multi-class linear SVM with regularization
coefficient C = 1 and decision surface "one-versus-one" is trained
on those features 9 . Using the same network, features are again ex- 9
C was obtained by cross-
validation on a small part of
tracted using Tts and the SVM is tested on this dataset, producing an the dataset
accuracy score. We repeat this process N = 20 times to account for
random initialization of the feature extraction network and compute
mean and standard deviation of test accuracy. Note that Fts is not
used by this procedure, but it could be used to evaluate test accuracy

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

of the feature extractor.

ClassicNet with 5 modules was tested with four different con-
figurations: 8 or 32 filters, and Batch Normalization or Dropout as
regularization. Features are extracted from the batch normalized
outputs in each module (layers bn1-5), or from the Max-Pooling
outputs in the case of the Dropout configurations (layers mp1-5),
and we also include the output from the first fully connected layer
(fc1). We used TinyNet with 5 modules and 8 filters per module,
and FireNet with 3 modules and 4 filters. For TinyNet, features
are extracted at the output of each of the five modules, while for
FireNet features are the outputs of each module (three in total) and
we also consider the output of the initial convolution (called convS
in the figures). Each feature extraction network is trained for 15
epochs with a batch size B = 64 using the ADAM optimizer 10 with 10
Diederik Kingma and
Jimmy Ba. Adam: A method for
a learning rate α = 0.01. The data is randomly shuffled after each stochastic optimization. arXiv
preprint arXiv:1412.6980, 2014
epoch in order to prevent spurious patterns in the data ordering to
influence the network.
Our results are shown in Figure 5.1. A general pattern that ap-
pears in all three experimental plots is that testing accuracy decreases
with deeper layers/modules in the network. For example, in Clas-
sicNet, features in the fc1 layer have lower accuracy than bn1 and
bn2. The same effect can be seen in TinyNet and FireNet, specially
as the last module/layer has the lowest testing accuracy. It is also
notable that the features in the first layers have 100 % accuracy, with
zero variation. This can be explained that as shallow features are
typically very high dimensional, a linear SVM has a high chance of
finding a separating hyperplane and perfectly classifying test data.
ClassicNet feature results are shown in Figure 5.1a. Generaliza-
tion varies considerably with different layers. 8 filters with Batch
Normalization produces quite good generalization, but 32 filters
with Dropout has almost the same accuracy, with it being superior
for bn5 and fc1. Dropout with 8 filters has a considerable drop in
accuracy compared with the other configurations. 32 filters with
Dropout seems to be the best option for good generalization, which
is consistent with the use of Dropout to both de-correlate neurons
and increase their generalization power 11 . 11
Nitish Srivastava, Geoffrey
Hinton, Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya
Results for TinyNet are shown in Figure 5.1b, and for FireNet in Sutskever, and Ruslan Salakhut-
dinov. Dropout: A simple way
Figure 5.1c. The shape of both plots is quite similar, with a decrease to prevent neural networks
from the first to the second module, and then a increase, followed by from overfitting. The Journal
of Machine Learning Research,
another decrease. Seems using the layer before the last might have 15(1):1929–1958, 2014

the best generalization performance, but using the first layer has by

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

8 filters with BN 32 filters with BN 8 filters with Dropout 32 filters with Dropout

Test Accuracy (%)



bn1 bn2 bn3 bn4 bn5 fc1

(a) ClassicNet

Test Accuracy (%)

Test Accuracy (%)




1 2 3 4 5 convS mod1 mod2 mod3

Modules Layers
(b) TinyNet (c) FireNet

Figure 5.1: Transfer Learning

on Sonar Images. Mean test
accuracy produced by an SVM
trained on features output by
different layers. Three networks
are shown.

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

far the best accuracy.

It should be noted that for both TinyNet and FireNet, their gener-
alization capability is very good, with the minimum accuracy being
greater than 96 %. Our results also seem to indicate that choosing
features from the last layer might not always be the best option, as
it has consistently been done by many researchers. This could be
96 × 96
a peculiarity of sonar images, and we do not believe it applies for
larger datasets.
As summary, we expected that transfer learning using CNN
features will perform adequately and it did, but it was unexpected
that we found negative correlation between layer depth and test
80 × 80
accuracy, For this kind of data and architecture, the best choice is to
extract a high dimensional feature vector from a layer close to the

64 × 64
5.3 Effect of Object Size

In this section we experiment with object size, as we would like to

investigate how the object size/scale affects classification accuracy. 48 × 48
For this purpose we take the initial 96 × 96 image crops and
downscale them using bilinear filtering to a predefined size. We use
32 × 32
square pixel sizes s × s with s ∈ [16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96]. To obtain the
size parameters, we started from the natural size of the bounding
16 × 16
boxes in our dataset (96 × 96 pixels) and downscaled them in 16 Figure 5.2: Example of object
scales used for our experiment.
pixel steps, until we reached the smallest size that can be classified
These images correspond to a
by a 2-module ClassicNet, which is 16 pixels (due to downsampling
by the use of Max-Pooling). Both the training and testing sets are
resized. We evaluate accuracy on the test set. In order to account for
the effect of random initialization, we train N = 20 networks and
compute the mean and standard deviation of accuracy.
We found experimentally 12 that the kind of regularization and 12
Matias Valdenegro-Toro.
Best Practices in Convolutional
optimizer that are used greatly affect the results. We evaluate four Networks for Forward-Looking
Sonar Image Recognition. In
combinations, using Batch Normalization or Dropout for regulariza- OCEANS 2017 MTS/IEEE Ab-
tion, and ADAM or SGD for optimizer. All networks for every con- erdeen. IEEE, 2017

figuration are trained for 30 epochs, using a learning rate α = 0.01

with a batch size B = 128 samples.
We selected three networks to be evaluated: ClassicNet with 2
modules and 32 filters, TinyNet with 5 modules and 8 filters, and
FireNet with 3 modules and 4 filters. We only evaluate ClassicNet
with both Batch Normalization and Dropout, as it is not appropriate
to use Dropout with a fully convolutional network such as TinyNet

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

and FireNet. In these two networks we only use Batch Normalization

as regularizer.
We present our results as a plot in Figure 5.3 and as numerical
values in Table 5.1. For ClassicNet, we can see that a high accuracy
classifier is produced by using both ADAM and Batch Normalization.
ADAM with Dropout also produces quite high accuracy but lower
than using Batch Normalization. Using SGD produces considerably
lower accuracy classifiers, specially when combined with Dropout.
One of the results we expected is that accuracy should decrease
with smaller object size, as less information is available for the
classifier and its typical that smaller objects are harder to classify.
Our results show that this happens when using SGD on ClassicNet,
as accuracy monotonically increases as object size also increases.
This is more noticeable with the SGD-Dropout configuration.
But unexpectedly, the ADAM combinations produce high accu-
racy that seems to be invariant to object size. The ADAM with
Batch Normalization combination consistently produces results that
are very accurate (only 1.5 % from perfect classification) with little

Model / Pixel Size 16 32 48

ClassicNet-ADAM-BN 98.5 ± 0.5 % 98.6 ± 0.3 % 98.5 ± 0.3 %
ClassicNet-SGD-BN 85.7 ± 2.6 % 85.6 ± 2.7 % 89.9 ± 4.7 %
ClassicNet-ADAM-DO 91.5 ± 1.5 % 96.6 ± 0.9 % 97.2 ± 0.6 %
ClassicNet-SGD-DO 13.9 ± 2.6 % 18.2 ± 5.5 % 22.3 ± 5.8 %
TinyNet-ADAM-BN 95.8 ± 1.1 % 95.2 ± 1.6 % 93.7 ± 1.6 %
TinyNet-SGD-BN 70.2 ± 9.7 % 54.2 ± 10.0 % 39.7 ± 10.0 %
FireNet-ADAM-BN 93.7 ± 2.9 % 96.7 ± 0.7 % 96.1 ± 1.0 %
FireNet-SGD-BN 76.9 ± 7.5 % 62.6 ± 9.5 % 56.0 ± 11.1 %
Model / Pixel Size 64 80 96
ClassicNet-ADAM-BN 98.1 ± 0.3 % 98.2 ± 0.5 % 98.1 ± 0.5 %
ClassicNet-SGD-BN 90.1 ± 1.5 % 93.6 ± 1.0 % 95.1 ± 1.0 %
ClassicNet-ADAM-DO 96.5 ± 0.7 % 97.1 ± 0.6 % 97.5 ± 0.5 %
ClassicNet-SGD-DO 26.1 ± 7.2 % 39.1 ± 10.0 % 47.3 ± 9.5 %
TinyNet-ADAM-BN 89.3 ± 5.2 % 88.7 ± 6.0 % 85.0 ± 9.1 %
TinyNet-SGD-BN 36.9 ± 6.9 % 31.2 ± 9.0 % 33.0 ± 5.7 %
FireNet-ADAM-BN 92.1 ± 2.2 % 90.0 ± 2.5 % 91.1 ± 2.6 %
FireNet-SGD-BN 46.8 ± 7.3 % 45.4 ± 6.4 % 45.6 ± 7.5 %
Table 5.1: Numerical summary
of the effect of object size/scale
TinyNet and FireNet results are not as good as ClassicNet. Both for different CNN models.

networks seem to have a negative correlation with object size, start-

ing from high accuracy for small objects, and decreasing the pre-
cision of their predictions as objects gets bigger. This was quite
unexpected. We believe this result can be explained by the fact that

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

as these networks have a considerably lower number of parame-

ters, the number of "acceptable" or "right" values for the weights
is smaller, and thus these networks require more data in order to
generalize properly. Comparing these results with Chapter 4, where
we used data augmentation, we can see that not using data augmen-
tation as we do here considerably reduces classifier generalization.
Using ADAM produces acceptable accuracy, but it still decreases
slightly with bigger objects. These results also show that FireNet
can be considerably more accurate than TinyNet, probably owning
to the larger number of parameters.
Our combined results show that the combination of both ADAM
and Batch Normalization produce a very good classifier that seems
to be invariant to object size. This can be explained as both ADAM
and Batch Normalization are adaptive algorithms. ADAM adapts the
learning rate with the exponentially running mean of the gradients,
so when the optimization process is close to a high-accuracy minima,
it can adapt the learning rate in order to consistently reach that
minima. SGD alone cannot do this, even if fixed learning rate
schedules are used. Gradient information as part of learning rate
calculation is a key for this process to succeed.
As a general summary of these results, it is possible to say that a
convolutional neural network can be designed and trained in a way
that it is approximately invariant to object size. This requires the use
of an adaptive learning rate (ADAM) and an appropriate regular-
ization and control of the co-variate shift throught the use of Batch
Normalization. Dropout combined with ADAM also produces a size
invariant classifier but it is less accurate than other configurations.

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

ADAM-Dropout FireNet-ADAM-BN
SGD-Dropout FireNet-SGD-BN
100 100
90 90
80 80
Test Accuracy (%)

Test Accuracy (%)

70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20

16 32 48 64 80 96 16 32 48 64 80 96
Image size (Pixels) Image size (Pixels)
(a) ClassicNet (b) TinyNet and FireNet

Figure 5.3: Graphical summary

of the effect of object size/scale
for different CNN models. The
5.4 Effect of Number of Training Samples shaded areas represent one σ
error bars.

In this section we investigate how many training samples are re-

quired for a given generalization target. We do this by a simple but
powerful experiment.
The basic idea of this experiment is to take a given training set
T and produce sub-sampled version of that dataset. As we are
approaching a classification problem, we decided to normalize the
number of image samples in each class (abbreviated SPC). We decide
a set of SPC values and produce several sub-sampled versions of
T, where for Ti the number of samples per class in that dataset is i.
This allows comparisons using different SPC values. The testing set
is not sub-sampled in anyway in order to enable comparisons. Note
that as our dataset is not balanced, and using this procedure will
produce a balanced training set, so it is expected that the results will
not match the ones from Chapter 4, but as we are using the same
testing set, results are comparable.
As it has been previously done, in order to consider the effect
of random initialization, we train N = 10 instances of the same
network model on each dataset Ti , but also we must consider the
variations in the sub-sampled training set, as sampling is performed
randomly. Then we also generate M = 10 different training sets
with the same value of SPC, and train N networks on each of these

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

2 Modules-BN 2 Modules-Dropout SVM

100 100
95 95
90 90
Test Accuracy (%)

Test Accuracy (%)

80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40



Samples per Class Samples per Class
(a) Full Plot (b) Zoom into region SPC 1 − 30

Figure 5.4: Samples per Class

versus Accuracy for ClassicNet
sets. After both variations are taken into account, we will train with 2 modules, including error
N × M = 100 networks for each value of SPC.
We selected SPC ∈ {[1, 2, 3, ..., 20] ∪ [25, 30, 35, ..., 50] ∪ [60, 70, 80,
..., 150]}. The first range is designed to show the differences in
generalization with small samples of data, while the other ranges
show behaviour with large samples. As our dataset is unbalanced,
we only evaluate up to 150 samples per class, which is only two
times the number of samples of the class with the least samples.
We evaluate three networks, as it has previously been done: Clas-
sicNet with 2 modules and 32 filters, combined and Batch Normal-
ization and Dropout as regularizers. TinyNet with 5 modules and
8 filters, and FireNet with 3 modules and 4 filters. We have also
included a linear SVM with C = 10 as a comparison baseline.
ClassicNet results are shown in Figure 5.4. Our results show that
these networks scale quite well with the number of samples per
class, and the results are comparable with what is produced by the
SVM. But it is clear that the SVM outperforms and obtains slightly
better accuracy than ClassicNet (both with Batch Normalization and
For small samples, approximately less than 15 samples per class,
Dropout produced better results than Batch Normalization. This
is unexpected as Batch Normalization is considered to be a bet-
ter regularizer than Dropout, but seems that when the number of
training samples is small, the added noise from Dropout could bet-
ter regularize the neural network. As the number of samples per
class increases, then Batch Normalization dominates and produces
slightly better results.

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

TinyNet FireNet SVM

100 100
95 95
90 90
Test Accuracy (%)

Test Accuracy (%)

80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40



Samples per Class Samples per Class
(a) Full Plot (b) Zoom into region SPC 1 − 30

Figure 5.5: Samples per Class

versus Accuracy for TinyNet-5
In the large sample case (more than 100 samples per class), Clas- and FireNet-3, including error
sicNet outperforms the SVM by a small margin, which is expected
and consistent with the results obtained in Chapter 4. Variations
in generalization (accuracy) considerably decrease as more samples
are added. The SVM classifier does not seem to have any change in
variation of accuracy as a function of the samples per class, unlike
the neural networks shown here.
Results for TinyNet and FireNet are shown in Figure 5.5. For
these networks, results show that they perform poorly with less
data, specially when the number of samples per class is low, as it
can be seen in Figure 5.5b. This confirms the results obtained in
the previous section, where we saw that training a network with
varying image sizes decreased accuracy and generalization with
this networks when image size was increased, but the number of
samples was kept constant.
In all tested samples per class configurations, FireNet outper-
formed TinyNet by a considerably margin (up to 8 %). This can be
expected as FireNet has more parameters than TinyNet, but it is
unexpected as we know from Chapter 4 that TinyNet can achieve
high accuracy close to 99 %. Then the only difference is the quantity
of data that is required to learn the model with good generalization.
We believe that as these models have considerably less number of
parameters, there are less possible combinations of parameters that
produce good accuracy and generalization (local or global minima),
so it seems more data is required to reach these sets of parameters.
The loss function could be quite noisy instead of smooth. This
theory is supported by the considerable variation in test accuracy,

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

Method/SPC 1 5 10 Table 5.2: Mean and standard

deviation of test accuracy as
ClassicNet-2-BN 37.8 ± 12.0 % 58.2 ± 14.8 % 66.6 ± 14.2 % the number of samples per
ClassicNet-2-DO 39.1 ± 7.4 % 67.7 ± 9.9 % 72.9 ± 9.0 % class is varied, for a selected
values of SPC.
TinyNet-5-8 19.3 ± 5.6 % 23.4 ± 6.7 % 23.9 ± 6.8 %
FireNet-3-4 26.5 ± 5.9 % 35.4 ± 8.9 % 35.4 ± 9.1 %
SVM 51.9 ± 4.2 % 77.5 ± 3.3 % 84.7 ± 3.5 %
Method/SPC 30 50 100
ClassicNet-2-BN 90.9 ± 3.2 % 93.5 ± 1.5 % 96.6 ± 0.7 %
ClassicNet-2-DO 89.9 ± 2.8 % 92.5 ± 3.2 % 96.2 ± 1.6 %
TinyNet-5-8 37.6 ± 8.9 % 47.2 ± 8.7 % 64.4 ± 9.6 %
FireNet-3-4 55.5 ± 10.1 % 62.9 ± 10.5 % 72.9 ± 8.7 %
SVM 92.7 ± 1.1 % 94.6 ± 0.7 % 96.9 ± 0.3 %

which stays almost constant as the number of samples is varied. In

some cases during the experiment, we say accuracy of up to 90 %
as maximum values for SPC 100-150, but still this is a rare example
and not a consistent pattern as shown by the mean value.
We are aware that we could have used data augmentation in order
to obtain a higher accuracy, but this would only correspond to higher
SPC values. We did not perform these tests using data augmentation
due to the considerably amount of time it takes for them to run on
a GPU (several days), as hundreds of neural networks have to be
trained. We leave this for future work.
Table 5.2 shows a numerical view of our results, for selected
values of the number of samples per class (SPC). A more accurate
view of our results can be shown. For 150 samples per class, the
baseline SVM obtains 96.9 ± 0.4 % accuracy, while ClassicNet with
Batch Normalization gets 97.4 ± 0.7 % and the same network with
Dropout obtains 96.6 ± 2.0 %. TinyNet at the same samples per class
configuration gets 71.3 ± 9.7 %, and FireNet obtains 78.2 ± 7.7 %.
Evaluating these networks at small sample sizes, approximately
40 % accuracy can be obtained with a single sample, which is not
too bad, as it is better than the random chance limit for 11 classes
( 100
10 % ∼ 9.1 %), but it does not produce an accurate classifier that
can be used for practical applications. If at least 90 % accuracy is
desired, then at least 30-50 samples per class are required, and with
no more than 150 samples per class might be required for a high
accuracy classifier, as our experiments show.
We also obtained experimental results using different module
configurations of ClassicNet. We varied the number of modules from
two to four, and these results can be seen in Figure 5.6. This figure
shows that our results have little variation even as different number
of modules are used. Some configurations, like using 3 modules

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

with Batch Normalization, seem to generalize slightly better, which

can be seen as accuracy closes up to 98 %.
As a summary, we can say that training a convolutional neural
network (like ClassicNet) does not require the use of very large
datasets, and good results can be obtained with only 30-50 samples
per class. Testing accuracy will increase as one adds more samples,
but the gains diminish as samples are added, which it can be ex-
pected as a natural phenomena. If very high accuracy (over 99 %)
is desired, then large datasets are needed, and this falls out of the
scope of our experimental results.

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

2 Modules-BN 2 Modules-Dropout 3 Modules-BN

3 Modules-Dropout 4 Modules-BN 4 Modules-Dropout

100 100 100

95 95 95
90 90 90
Test Accuracy (%)

Test Accuracy (%)

Test Accuracy (%)
80 80 80

70 70 70

60 60 60

50 50 50

40 40 40



Samples per Class Samples per Class Samples per Class
(a) Full Plot (b) Zoom into region 1-30 (c) SVM

100 100 100

95 95 95
90 90 90
Test Accuracy (%)

Test Accuracy (%)

Test Accuracy (%)

80 80 80

70 70 70

60 60 60

50 50 50

40 40 40


Samples per Class Samples per Class Samples per Class
(d) ClassicNet-2-BN (e) ClassicNet-2-Dropout (f) ClassicNet-3-BN

100 100 100

95 95 95
90 90 90
Test Accuracy (%)

Test Accuracy (%)

Test Accuracy (%)

80 80 80

70 70 70

60 60 60

50 50 50

40 40 40



Samples per Class Samples per Class Samples per Class

(g) ClassicNet-3-Dropout (h) ClassicNet-4-BN (i) ClassicNet-4-Dropout

Figure 5.6: Samples per Class

versus Accuracy for different
ClassicNet configurations,
varying the number of modules
from two to four. Error regions
are also displayed.

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

5.5 Combining Transfer Learning with Variations

of the Number of Training Samples

In this section we combine the ideas of Section 5.2 and Section 5.4,
into evaluating how transfer learning can be used to make a CNN
that can produce good generalization with small number of samples.

5.5.1 Varying the Training Set Size

In this section we perform the first experiment, which consists of

simply splitting the dataset as Section 5.2 recommended, but we use
the splits differently. Our basic idea is that we will vary the number
of samples per class in Ttr , while the rest of the procedure is kept
the same. We use SPC ∈ [1, 10, 20, 30, ..., 150].
Then the idea is to train a CNN model in Ftr , and then subsample
Ttr to a given number of samples per class, and then train a multi-
class linear SVM on Ttr with C = 1 and decision surface "one-versus-
one" and test this trained SVM on Tts , after extracting features
again. Motivated by the results produced by an SVM in the previous
section, we believe this can show that less samples can be required
by a combination of feature learning and an SVM classifier than just
using a CNN to do both feature extraction and classification.
We also evaluate the effect of using the same set of objects in F
and T, or selecting a disjoint set of objects between F and T. This
could potentially show how learned features generalize outside their
training set. We extract features from the fc1 layer of ClassicNet, as
it is the usual approach when performing transfer learning in CNNs
13 . 13
Ali Sharif Razavian, Hos-
sein Azizpour, Josephine Sul-
Our results are shown in Figure 5.7. In this figure we include livan, and Stefan Carlsson.
Cnn features off-the-shelf: an
the results from the previous section as a comparison. For different astounding baseline for recog-
objects, we can see that learned features both outperform a SVM and nition. In Proceedings of IEEE
CVPR workshops, pages 806–813,
the baseline networks by a considerably margin, specially when the 2014

number of samples is low. For a single sample per class, ClassicNet-

BN-TL produces approximately 76 % accuracy, while ClassicNet-
Dropout-TL produces 71 %. This is a considerably improvement
over training a CNN, which produces accuracy no better than 40 %.
In the same case, but sharing objects between F and T, produces
80 % accuracy for the Dropout network, and 91 % for the Batch
Normalized network. This shows that learning features with a CNN
is key to obtaining good generalization, even when the number of
samples is small. We believe that these results show that feature

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

100 100
95 95
90 90
Test Accuracy (%)

Test Accuracy (%)

80 80

70 70

60 60
ClassicNet-BN-TL ClassicNet-BN-TL
ClassicNet-Dropout-TL ClassicNet-Dropout-TL

50 ClassicNet-BN
50 ClassicNet-BN
ClassicNet-Dropout ClassicNet-Dropout

40 40

SVM Samples per Class SVM Samples per Class
(a) Different Objects (b) Same Objects

Figure 5.7: Samples per Class

versus Accuracy for Transfer
learning introduces some additional information that produces in- Learning using an SVM. In
this figure we only vary the
variances into the learned features, which can then be exploited by number of samples per class
used to train a SVM on features
the SVM trained on those features, producing a better generalization learned by ClassicNet.

Considering now ten samples per class. In the case of different
objects, both networks produce generalization that is very close to
90 % accuracy, while for the same objects Dropout produces 93 %
accuracy, and Batch Normalization 96 %. Both are results that can
be considered usable for practical applications.
Now considering large sample sizes (more than 30 samples per
class), the performance of the learned features is not considerably
different from learning a classifier network from the data directly.
This means the only advantage of learning features is when one has
a small number of samples to train. Only in the case of using the
same objects the generalization of feature learning is slightly better
than the baselines from the previous section.

5.5.2 Varying the Training and Transfer Sets Sizes

Motivated by the results in the previous section, we now repeat the

last experiment, but we vary both the sizes of F and T by means
of sub-sampling them to a fixed number of samples per class. We
again use SPC ∈ [1, 10, 20, 30, ..., 150] for sub-sampling both sets.
We perform this experiment in order to know how many samples
are actually needed, as we split the original training set into F and
T, we would like to know how many samples are needed for feature

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

learning (F) and how many could potentially be used to train an

SVM on those learned features (T).
For this experiment we do not perform any comparison with
previous results, as we are pursuing a different question. Results
are presented in Figures 5.8 and 5.10 for the Batch Normalized
networks, and 5.9 and 5.11 for the networks using Dropout. In order
to facilitate comparison in these figures, we split the variations of
sub-sampling F into different plots, aggregated as three sub-figures.
Results with different objects show that a single sample for feature
learning performs poorly (as it could be expected), but this effect is
much more noticeable with Dropout than with features learned by
Batch Normalization. Using Dropout in this case produces gener-
alization that quickly saturates to 50 % accuracy, which is far from
ideal. The Batch Normalized features perform considerably better,
overcoming the 80 % barrier without any problem. Adding more
samples to train the feature extractor improves transfer learning
performance, which can be seen as features learned over ten samples
per class have an improvement of 10 % in the Batch Normalization
case, and more than 25 % in the case of Dropout. It can be seen that
adding more samples per class for feature learning quickly saturated
and performance increments diminish, starting from 40 samples per
class in the Batch Normalization case, and 30 samples per class for
Dropout features.
Performance of using a single sample to train the SVM (T) over
learned features is the one most affected by the number of samples
used to learn those features (F), as accuracy starts at 40 % and
increases to 70 % with 60-70 samples per class in F, but also saturates
and stops improving after using over 100 samples.
As the results from the previous section showed, in all cases gener-
alization saturates at 95 % accuracy and it does not improve further
than this point. In order to reliably obtain such generalization, 150
or more samples per class are needed.

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

100 100 100

Test Accuracy (%) 90 95 95

80 90 90

70 85 85

60 80 80
Feature 1 Feature 60 Feature 110
Feature 10 Feature 70 Feature 120

50 Feature 20
75 Feature 80
75 Feature 130
Feature 30 Feature 90 Feature 140
Feature 40 Feature 100 Feature 150

40 70 70


SVM Samples per Class SVM Samples per Class SVM Samples per Class
(a) 1-50 (b) 60-100 (c) 110-150

Figure 5.8: Samples per

Class versus Accuracy for
ClassicCNN-BN Transfer Learn-
ing with different objects. In
this figure we vary both the
samples per class to train the
feature extractor (as differ-
ent plots) and the samples for
training the SVM for the target
classes. Note that the scale of
each figure is different.

100 100 100

90 95 95
Test Accuracy (%)

80 90 90

70 85 85

60 80 80
Feature 1 Feature 60 Feature 110
Feature 10 Feature 70 Feature 120

50 Feature 20
75 Feature 80
75 Feature 130
Feature 30 Feature 90 Feature 140
Feature 40 Feature 100 Feature 150

40 70 70



SVM Samples per Class SVM Samples per Class SVM Samples per Class
(a) 1-50 (b) 60-100 (c) 110-150

Figure 5.9: Samples per

Class versus Accuracy for
ClassicCNN-Dropout Trans-
fer Learning with different
objects. In this figure we vary
both the samples per class to
train the feature extractor (as
different plots) and the samples
for training the SVM for the
target classes. Note that the
scale of each figure is different.

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

Results using the same objects for feature learning show improved
generalization over using different objects. This is acceptable, as the
learned features have a natural bias to well represent the learned
objects. We believe that this invariance can be considerably improved
with more data and variation among object classes.
In this case, achieving 95 % accuracy reliably requires only 40
samples per class for feature learning (F). Performance at a single
sample per class for T also improves considerably with more feature
learning samples, starting at 40 % and increasing to 80 % for 40
samples per class, and it further increases up to 90 % when more
samples are used for feature learning.
The same case of a single sample for training T shows that Batch
Normalization features are superior, as BN produces 50 % accu-
racy versus less than 40 % for Dropout. When more samples are
added to F, single sample T performance improves considerably,
reaching more than 80 % with BN features and 70 % with Dropout.
As more samples are used to F, performance continues to slowly
improve, eventually achieving 98 % accuracy reliably with 100 sam-
ples per class in F. In the case of a large number of samples in F,
Batch Normalization is still superior, reaching the 98 % barrier more
consistently than Dropout.
Two clear conclusions can be obtained from these experiments:
High generalization (95 % accuracy) can be achieved with small
samples (10-30 samples per class with for both T and F) but only
if the same objects are used for both sets. This implies that gener-
alization outside of the training set will probably be reduced. The
second conclusion is that if T and F do not share objects, there will
be a performance hit compared to sharing objects, but this case still
learning features will improve generalization when compared to
training a CNN over the same data.
It has to be mentioned that our results show that by using the
same data, but changing the training procedure, a considerable
improvement in generalization can be obtained, even when using
low samples to learn features (F) and to train a SVM on those
features (T).

5.6 Summary of Results

In this chapter we have explored different limitations in the use of

convolutional neural networks with forward-looking sonar data.
First we evaluated how transfer learning performs in these images

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

with varying neural networks and layer configurations. We found

out that all layers produce very good features that can discriminate
classes with good accuracy, but as depth increases, features become
slightly less discriminative, which was unexpected. The best features
are produced by layers that are close to the input.
Then we evaluated how changing the input size affects gener-
alization. We found that ClassicNet can be trained to have the
same generalization independent of the object size, but TinyNet and
FireNet exhibit decreasing accuracy as objects become bigger. This
was unexpected and shows that these networks require more train-
ing data than ClassicNet. Our results also indicate that it is possible
to also reduce the input image size as a way to reduce the number
of parameters and computation required, improving computational
We also have evaluated the relationship between the number of
training samples and generalization produced by a CNN. ClassicNet
scales quite well with the number of samples per class in the training
set, and requires 30-50 samples per class to reach 90 % accuracy.
Training using Dropout seems to be slightly better than Batch Nor-
malization in the low sample case, but Batch Normalization is better
when many samples are available. TinyNet and FireNet scale poorly
with the number of samples, producing less generalization than
ClassicNet. This confirms our previous results that pointed that
these networks require more training data than ClassicNet, even as
they have less parameters. In theory, networks with less parameters
require less data to be trained, but these models seem to require
more data for a given accuracy target.
Finally we evaluated the combination of feature learning and how
it affects generalization as a function of the size of the training set.
We learn features in one part of the dataset, and use the other part
to train a linear SVM that is evaluated on a test set. Our results
show that learning features on a dataset that shares objects, accuracy
increases to over 90 % when using a single sample per class to train
an SVM. If feature learning is performed on a different set of objects,
then single image per class accuracy can only reach 70 − 80 %, but
it is still a considerable improvement over training the network on
the same sub-sampled dataset.
Our last experiment evaluated transfer learning by varying both
the samples per class in the feature learning dataset (F) and the SVM
training dataset (T). We found out that high generalization, at 95 %
accuracy, can be obtained with small datasets in the order of 10 − 30

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

samples per class for F and T, but only if the same objects are used
in both datasets. In the case of learning features in one set of objects,
and training an SVM for a different one, then more data is required
to achieve 95 % accuracy, in the order of 100 T samples per class and
40 − 50 feature learning (F) samples.
We expect that our results will contribute to the discussion about
how many samples are actually required to use Deep Neural Net-
works in different kinds of images. For the marine robotics commu-
nity, we expect that our argument is convincing and more use of
neural networks can be seen on the field.

limits of convolutional neural networks on fls images

100 100 100

95 98
90 95 97
Test Accuracy (%)

80 90

70 85 90

60 80
Feature 1 Feature 60 Feature 110
Feature 10 Feature 70 85 Feature 120

50 Feature 20
75 Feature 80 Feature 130
Feature 30 Feature 90 Feature 140
Feature 40 Feature 100 Feature 150

40 70 80


SVM Samples per Class SVM Samples per Class SVM Samples per Class
(a) 1-50 (b) 60-100 (c) 110-150

Figure 5.10: Samples per

Class versus Accuracy for
ClassicCNN-BN Transfer
Learning with same objects.
In this figure we vary both
the samples per class to train
the feature extractor (as differ-
ent plots) and the samples for
training the SVM for the target
classes. Note that the scale of
each figure is different.

100 100 100

95 98
90 95 97
Test Accuracy (%)

80 90

70 85 90

60 80
Feature 1 Feature 60 Feature 110
Feature 10 Feature 70 85 Feature 120

50 Feature 20
75 Feature 80 Feature 130
Feature 30 Feature 90 Feature 140
Feature 40 Feature 100 Feature 150

40 70 80



SVM Samples per Class SVM Samples per Class SVM Samples per Class
(a) 1-50 (b) 60-100 (c) 110-150

Figure 5.11: Samples per

Class versus Accuracy for
ClassicCNN-Dropout Trans-
fer Learning with same objects.
In this figure we vary both
the samples per class to train
the feature extractor (as differ-
ent plots) and the samples for
training the SVM for the target
classes. Note that the scale of
each figure is different.

6 Matching Sonar Image Patches

Matching in Computer Vision is the task of deciding whether two

images show the same viewpoint of a scene, or contain the same ob-
ject. The task becomes considerably harder when one has to consider
variations in viewpoint, lighting conditions, occlusion, shading, ob-
ject shape, scale, and background. This problem is similar to Image
Registration, where two images are aligned to match their contents.
But instead of aligning images, Matching is concerned about a bi-
nary decision without resorting to aligning the images. In extreme
cases, alignment may not be possible.
Matching is a fundamental problem in Computer Vision 1 , as 1
Richard Szeliski. Computer
vision: algorithms and appli-
it is a vital component of many other tasks, such as stereo vision, cations. Springer Science &
Business Media, 2010
structure from motion, and image query/retrieval. Comparison of
image patches and prediction of a similarity measure is a common
requirement for these
In Robot Perception, Matching is also a fundamental problem
with many applications. For example, a Robot might be shown an
object and then asked to find it inside a room. This requires the
Robot to learn an appropriate representation of the object such as it
can be matched to what the Robot is seeing in the scene. Some use
cases that requires such functionality are:

Object Recognition
Given an image, classify its contents into a predefined set of
classes. Instead of using a trainable classifier, recognition can be
performed by using a database of labeled images and match the
input image with one in the labeled database. This approach has
the advantage of being dynamic, so new object classes can be
easily added to the database, but recognition performance now
depends on the quality of the matching functionality.

Object Detection
Similar to Object Recognition, but instead of classifying the com-
plete image, specific objects must be localized in the image. Typ-

matching sonar image patches

ically bounding boxes are generated that correspond to the ob-

ject’s localizations in the image. Detection can be implemented
with Matching by generating candidate locations with a sliding
window or a proposal algorithm, and match each of them to a
database of labeled images.

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

SLAM is a fundamental localization problem in Robotics, where
a Robot simultaneously builds a map of its environment and
localizes itself relative to the map 2 . Most SLAM formulations use 2
C. Cadena, L. Carlone,
H. Carrillo, Y. Latif, D. Scara-
landmarks in the environment. These landmarks must be tracked muzza, J. Neira, I. Reid, and
J.J. Leonard. Past, present, and
and matched to previously seen ones in order for the robot to future of simultaneous localiza-
localize itself, which is a data association problem. This could be tion and mapping: Towards
the robust-perception age.
done by matching sonar image patches in a underwater SLAM IEEE Transactions on Robotics,
32(6):1309âĂŞ1332, 2016
implementation 3 .
Franco Hidalgo and
Thomas Bräunl. Review of
Tracking underwater slam techniques.
Given a set of images and an object of interest, localize the object In Automation, Robotics and
Applications (ICARA), 2015
in the first image and re-localize the same object in posterior 6th International Conference on,
pages 306–311. IEEE, 2015
images in the set, even as the object’s appearance, background or
lighting conditions might change 4 . Tracking can be implemented 4
Alper Yilmaz, Omar Javed,
and Mubarak Shah. Object
by detecting the object of interest in an image, and then detecting tracking: A survey. Acm com-
puting surveys (CSUR), 38(4):13,
candidate objects (through a detection proposal algorithm) and 2006
match candidates with the initial tracking target.

While many of the use cases described in this chapter are a field
on its own, with mature techniques, using matching to perform such
tasks does offer some potential advantages:

• Most modern techniques use Machine Learning, and in general,

after training an ML model it is difficult to add new data or
classes to the model. Normally any model modification requires
retraining, which is computationally expensive. Using image
matching does not require task-specific training.

• Depending on the performance of the matching function, it could

better generalize to unseen data, when compared to methods 5
David G Lowe. Distinctive
that are trained to specific datasets. One example are keypoint image features from scale-
invariant keypoints. Interna-
matching methods like SIFT 5 and SURF 6 , which have been used tional journal of computer vision,
60(2):91–110, 2004
in many different domains with varying success.
Herbert Bay, Tinne Tuyte-
laars, and Luc Van Gool. Surf:
• For practical purposes, any useful image matching function can Speeded up robust features. In
European conference on computer
match objects that have never been seen before, which potentially vision, pages 404–417. Springer,
can increase task robustness. 2006

matching sonar image patches

For images produced by sonar, matching is currently an open

problem. Descriptors and keypoint detectors designed for color
images have been previously used for sonar images, but in general
they perform poorly. This is expected, as color/optical images are
radically different from the acoustic images produced by a sonar.
In this chapter we introduce the use of CNNs to match patches
extracted from a sonar image. We formulate the matching problem
as binary classification or regression of a similarity score. We show
that using CNNs for matching with this setup considerably improves
matching performance, moving it from close-to-random-chance to
over 90 % chance that the correct matching decision will be made.
This means that matching as similarity or binary decisions is now
usable for real world applications.

6.1 Related Work

Reliably matching sonar images has been an open problem for a

long time, but not many publications mention it. It is well known
that matching sonar image is considerably more difficult than other
kinds of images 7 , due to the unique properties of acoustic sensing. 7
Shahriar Negahdaripour,
MD Aykin, and Shayanth Sin-
The first approaches to match sonar images use keypoint-based narajah. Dynamic scene anal-
ysis and mosaicing of benthic
algorithms 8 . Many computer vision problems require finding "in- habitats by fs sonar imaging-
teresting" or relevant points in an input image, in order to perform issues and complexities. In
tasks such as image alignment and object recognition. The idea of 1–7. IEEE, 2011
such points is that they are inherent properties of the image, the ob- Richard Szeliski. Computer
vision: algorithms and appli-
jects in the image, and/or the environment. These salient features of cations. Springer Science &
Business Media, 2010
the image are typically invariant to many transformations, making
them very powerful.
A keypoint is just one of these salient or interesting points in the
image, but defining such kind of points in an algorithmic way is not
easy. One of the most simple approaches is to detect corners in the
image via the Harris corner operator.
Once a keypoint has been detected, in order to be able to find
the same keypoint in another image (potentially a different view of
the object/scene), a way to match such keypoints must be devised.
The most typical approach is to extract a feature vector from the
neighbourhood of the keypoint position, and store it in order to
perform distance-based matching. Then if many keypoints match
across two images, a matching decision can be made by imposing
a threshold on this number of matches. This is a very simple but
popular approach.

matching sonar image patches

Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), introduced by David

Lowe 9 , is one of the first keypoint algorithms that provides reliable 9
David G Lowe. Distinctive
image features from scale-
matching across different viewpoints of the scene. SIFT uses a scale invariant keypoints. Interna-
tional journal of computer vision,
space (σ) representation of the image, computed as Difference of 60(2):91–110, 2004
Gaussians (DoG), in order to approximate the Laplacian of Gaussians
function. The input image I is blurred using a Gaussian filter G at
different scales forming a sub-octave. Adjacent sub-octave levels are
subtracted to produce the DoG images, and then the input image is
down-sampled and the process repeated, producing a Difference of
Gaussian Pyramid. Finding keypoints at multiple scales introduces
a degree of scale invariance.

D ( x, y, σ ) = L( x, y, σ ) − L( x, y, βσ) (6.1)

L( x, y, σ ) = G ( x, y, σ ) ∗ I ( x, y) (6.2)

Then in scale space keypoints are found by comparing the DoG

values D ( x, y, σ ), both spatially and in scale (26 neighbours), to the
pixel in the centre. If it is an extrema (either a minimum or maxi-
mum) then that spatial location is selected as a potential keypoint.
Final keypoints are determined by a stability criteria (removing low
contrast, noisy and edge keypoints), and interpolated to a more
accurate location by using a second-order Taylor expansion.
Then each keypoint is assigned a dominant orientation by estimat-
ing the most common gradient orientation around a neighbourhood
of the keypoint. This makes sure the descriptor is approximately ori-
entation invariant. Then the image at the detected keypoint scale is
rotated around the dominant orientation and a histogram descriptor
is computed, producing a 128-element normalized vector.
While SIFT is very popular for color images, its performance on Peter Vandrish, Andrew
Vardy, Dan Walker, and OA Do-
sonar images is quite poor. Some publications 10 claim that it works bre. Side-scan sonar image
registration for auv navigation.
reliably on their data and task, but our own results show that it In Underwater Technology (UT),
2011 IEEE Symposium on and
works quite poorly on our forward-looking sonar data. 2011 Workshop on Scientific Use
SURF 11 is an approximate algorithm based on SIFT, with the of Submarine Cables and Related
Technologies (SSC), pages 1–7.
aims of a faster implementation. SURF uses averaging filters as IEEE, 2011
an approximation to the Gaussian filters, as it can be implemented Herbert Bay, Tinne Tuyte-
laars, and Luc Van Gool. Surf:
with integral images, massively improving performance. The feature Speeded up robust features. In
European conference on computer
vector is computed as the sum of Haar wavelets, which also can be vision, pages 404–417. Springer,
efficiently computed using integral images.
Many publications related to matching sonar images concentrate
on slightly different problems, such as mosaicing and image registra-
tion. Mosaicing is a popular application of interest point matching,

matching sonar image patches

specially in sonar images, that requires registering two or more

images accurately in order to blend image pixels, as the image
overlap can be used to obtain average pixel values, which decrease
sonar image noise and can reveal underlying structure hidden by
noise 12 . This operation does require binary matching decisions, but 12
Natalia Hurtós, Sharad
Nagappa, Narcis Palomeras,
most research work concentrates on the application rather than the and Joaquim Salvi. Real-
time mosaicing with two-
technique. dimensional forward-looking
Kim et al. 13 uses the Harris Corner detector to detect feature sonar. In 2014 IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Au-
points on a side-scan sonar image, for the task of matching interest tomation (ICRA), pages 601–606.
IEEE, 2014
points in two images in order to register them to build a mosaic. 13
K Kim, N Neretti, and
After detecting interest points, these are matched between images N Intrator. Mosaicing of
acoustic camera images. IEE
using a cross-correlation operation (Eq 4.1) and a minimum feature Proceedings-Radar, Sonar and
Navigation, 152(4):263–270, 2005
matching threshold. This approach is generally based on Zhang et
al. 14 . The difference between the two techniques is that Kim et 14
Zhengyou Zhang, Rachid
Deriche, Olivier Faugeras, and
al. uses an adaptive threshold based on the k-th percentile, while Quang-Tuan Luong. A robust
technique for matching two
Zhang et al. uses a direct threshold of the correlation score. Both uncalibrated images through
techniques seem to work appropriately to build mosaics, specially the recovery of the unknown
epipolar geometry. Artificial
as Kim et al. uses RANSAC to estimate a transformation between intelligence, 78(1-2):87–119, 1995

the images. Note that patch matching for registration in general is

not hard, as the transformations between the two images are usually
small, as they typically correspond to consecutive image frames in a
stream of images produced by the sensor.
Negahdaripour et al. 15 also performed matching for image 15
Shahriar Negahdaripour,
MD Aykin, and Shayanth Sin-
registration with the purpose of mosaicing forward-looking sonar narajah. Dynamic scene anal-
ysis and mosaicing of benthic
images. Their technique is not fully explained in their paper, and habitats by fs sonar imaging-
it is described as performing shadow analysis to classify between issues and complexities. In
seafloor and water-column objects, followed by identification of 1–7. IEEE, 2011

stationary and moving objects. Stationary objects are clustered and

their features are used to compute inliers for image registration.
Keypoints and used features are based on SIFT. This work good
looking mosaics, but as the authors mention, it requires a lot of
domain specific knowledge to produce good results, and many
parts of the pipeline are hard to train and implement, specially
finding moving objects and determining which parts of the image
correspond to the seafloor. Peter Vandrish, Andrew
Vardy, Dan Walker, and OA Do-
Vandrish et al. 16 has compared different kinds of registration bre. Side-scan sonar image
registration for auv navigation.
methods, broadly categorized into global methods, feature-based, In Underwater Technology (UT),
2011 IEEE Symposium on and
and hybrid approaches. Two global methods were evaluated mutual 2011 Workshop on Scientific Use
information and phase correlation. The mutual information between of Submarine Cables and Related
Technologies (SSC), pages 1–7.
two random variables X and Y is: IEEE, 2011

matching sonar image patches

I ( X, Y ) = H ( X ) + H (Y ) − H ( X, Y ) (6.3)

H (X) = − ∑ p( x ) log( p( x )) (6.4)


H ( X, Y ) = − ∑ p( x, y) log( p( x, y)) (6.5)

x,y∈ X,Y

Where H ( X ) is the entropy of X and H ( X, Y ) is the joint entropy

of X and Y. This method then tries to find a transformation T that
maximizes I ( X, T (Y )). The authors claim that when the images are
maximally aligned, the mutual information is also maximized. The
authors mention that this method is very slow, and that it fails if
the image pairs do not share enough intensity variation, specially in
areas where the background is homogeneous.
Phase Correlation registration works by computing the cross-
power spectrum of two images X and Y:

FX ( β, ν) FY∗ ( β, ν)
e j2π ( βuo +νv0 ) = (6.6)
|| FX ( β, ν) FY ( β, ν)||
Where Fs is the Fourier transform of s. This equation comes from
the Fourier shift theorem, associating the Fourier transforms of two
images that are related by a spatial shift (uo , vo ) with a constant
multiplicative factor. The phase correlation function is computed as
the inverse Fourier transform of Eq 6.6. This function will have a
peak at (uo , vo ), and by finding the maxima it is possible to recover
this shift. For the case of a rotation and a translation, the same
principle applies, as the spectra is also rotated. To recover the
rotation shift, the same method can be applied to the log-polar
transformation of the Fourier transform. The authors mention that
this method is the most accurate across all evaluated methods. This
result is consistent with other publications on the topic 17 . 17
Natalia Hurtós, Sharad
Nagappa, Narcis Palomeras,
Only one feature-based registration method was evaluated, corre- and Joaquim Salvi. Real-
time mosaicing with two-
sponding to SIFT. The authors detect SIFT keypoints in both images dimensional forward-looking
and try to match their feature descriptors using a nearest neighbour sonar. In 2014 IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Au-
search. The authors experiments show that many false matches tomation (ICRA), pages 601–606.
IEEE, 2014
are produced in sonar images. RANSAC is applied to discard
outliers while fitting a transformation to align both images. The
results are good but only when a large number of keypoints are
detected. The method fails when keypoints are sparse or when
they are mismatched, requiring methods that iteratively refine the
learned transformation parameters.
Two hybrid methods were evaluated. The first is a combination
of the log-polar transformation:

matching sonar image patches

r= ( x − x c )2 + ( y − y c )2 (6.7)
y − yc
θ = tan−1 (6.8)
x − xc
Where ( xc , yc ) represents the polar center. This transforms the
input images in order to provide some kind of normalization, as
image rotations are represented as linear shifts in polar coordinates.
Then normalized cross-correlation (as presented previously in Eq 4.1)
is applied to obtain the different shifts by using a sliding window
and keeping the transformation parameters that maximize the cross-
correlation. The second method is Region-of-Interest detection with
a custom operator that detects regions of interest through a variance
saliency map. Both methods perform poorly, as the correlation
between features in multiple observations is quite low, leading to
false matches.
Pham and Gueriot 18 propose the use of guided block-matching 18
Minh Tân Pham and Di-
dier Guériot. Guided block-
for sonar image registration. The method we propose in this chapter matching for sonar image reg-
istration using unsupervised
could be considered similar to the block matching step, as this step kohonen neural networks. In
just needs to make a binary decision whether two pairs of blocks 2013 OCEANS San Diego, pages
1–5. IEEE, 2013
(image patches) match or not. The authors use a pipeline that first
extracts dense features from the image, performs unsupervised
segmentation of the image through a Self-Organizing map (SOM)
applied on the computer features. The unsupervised segmentation
of the image then is used to aid the block matching process, as only
blocks that are similar in feature space according to the SOM will
be compared, but this process is unsupervised, which implies that
different comparison functions will be learned for each image. Then
the final step is to estimate a motion vector from the matched blocks,
from where a geometrical transformation for registration can be
The results from this paper show that it performs considerably
faster than standard block matching, but only visual results are
provided. The displayed mosaics make sense, showing that standard
and guided block matching can recover the correct translation vector,
but a more through numerical comparison is needed.
Moving into modern methods for matching, Zagoryuko and
Komodakis 19 were one of the first to propose the use of CNNs to 19
Sergey Zagoruyko and
Nikos Komodakis. Learning
learn an image matching function, but they instead learn how to to compare image patches via
convolutional neural networks.
compare image patches, corresponding to predicting a similarity In Proceedings of the IEEE Con-
ference on Computer Vision and
score instead of a plain binary classification. We base our own
Pattern Recognition, pages 4353–
matching networks on this work. 4361, 2015

matching sonar image patches

This work defined several CNN models that can be used for patch

• Siamese Network: This is a neural network with two branches,

where each branch shares weights 20 , as the idea is to compute 20
Jane Bromley, Isabelle
Guyon, Yann LeCun, Eduard
a relevant feature vector from the image. The computed feature Säckinger, and Roopak Shah.
Signature verification using
vectors from each branch are then merged and processed into a a" siamese" time delay neural
decision network that outputs the binary matching decision. network. In Advances in Neural
Information Processing Systems,
pages 737–744, 1994
• Pseudo-Siamese Network: This is a siamese network but in this
case each branch does not share weights. This increases the
number of learnable parameters, but the authors do not mention
any other advantage or intuitive foundation.

• Two-Channel Network: This architecture does not have an in-

trinsic concept of feature vector, as the two input images are
combined channel-wise and this two-channel image is input to a
single branch CNN that includes a decision network.

• Central-Surround Two Stream Network: This architecture is

more complex, as it considers two different spatial resolutions
from the input image. This is a combination of the two-channel
and siamese architectures. The central stream consists of a central
crop of each input image, given to one branch, while the surround
stream takes two down-sampled (2x) patches as input. The idea
of this architecture is to process multiple scale information at the
same time.

• SPP-based: This network is based on Spatial Pyramid Pooling 21 , 21

Kaiming He, Xiangyu
Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, and Jian
which is a pooling technique that can make a CNN accept variable- Sun. Spatial pyramid pooling
in deep convolutional networks
sized inputs. The basic idea of SPP is that instead of performing for visual recognition. In Eu-
pooling with fixed-size regions, the regions are variable sized, ropean Conference on Computer
Vision, pages 346–361. Springer,
but the number of output regions is fixed. This produces a fixed- 2014

length pooling output, even as the input size is variable. The

authors applied SPP to their networks in order to match variable-
size patches.

These networks are trained on a dataset presented by Brown et al.

22 . This dataset contains approximate half million 64 × 64 labeled 22
Matthew Brown, Gang
Hua, and Simon Winder. Dis-
image patches, evenly balanced between positives and negatives, criminative learning of local
image descriptors. IEEE trans-
that were captured using real 3D correspondences obtained from actions on pattern analysis and
multi-view stereo depth. The authors evaluate the ROC curves from machine intelligence, 33(1):43–57,
binary classification, as well as the false positive ratio at 95 % true

matching sonar image patches

positive rate. The networks are trained with a L2 regularized hinge


L= ||w|| + ∑ max(0, 1 − yi ŷi ) (6.9)
2 i
Their results show that the best performing network configuration
is the two-channel central-surround one, with a considerably mar-
gin over all other configurations. The plain two-channel networks
perform slightly worse. As two-channel networks are considerably
simpler to implement, this is one choice that we made for our own
matching networks in this chapter. These results are quite good, but
they seem to only be possible due to the large labeled dataset that is
The authors also test their matching networks for wide-baseline
stereo on a different dataset, showing superior performance when
compared with DAISY 23 . These results show that using a CNN 23
Engin Tola, Vincent Lep-
etit, and Pascal Fua. A fast local
for matching is quite powerful and can be used for other tasks. descriptor for dense matching.
In Computer Vision and Pattern
Generalization outside of the training set is quite good. Recognition, 2008. CVPR 2008.
Zbonar and LeCun 24 also propose the use of a CNN to compare IEEE Conference on, pages 1–8.
IEEE, 2008
image patches. Their method is specifically designed for wide- 24
Jure Zbontar and Yann
baseline stereo matching. Given a stereo disparity map, the authors LeCun. Stereo matching by
training a convolutional neural
construct a binary classification dataset by extracting one positive network to compare image
patches. Journal of Machine
and one negative example where true disparity is known a priori. Learning Research, 17:1–32, 2016

The authors evaluate two kinds of CNN architectures. The fast

architecture is a siamese network with a dot product (cosine) simi-
larity computed between features produced by each branch, while
the accurate architecture uses several fully connected layers where
the input is a concatenation of the feature vectors produced by each
branch. The networks are trained with a hinge loss.
The raw decisions from the CNN models are not good to produce
accurate disparity maps, so additional post-processing is used to
produce good results. This method was evaluated on the KITTI
dataset, and the leaderboard as by October 2015 showed that it was
the best performing method, with an error rate of 2.43 % with the
accurate architecture, and 2.78 % with the fast one. 25
Kwang Moo Yi, Eduard
Finally, there is also an application of CNNs to learn keypoint Trulls, Vincent Lepetit, and Pas-
cal Fua. Lift: Learned invariant
detection, as the Learned Invariant Feature Transform (LIFT) by feature transform. In European
Conference on Computer Vision,
Yi et al. 25 . This method train a CNN with four different stages pages 467–483. Springer, 2016

that detect keypoints by producing a dense score map. Keypoints 26

Max Jaderberg, Karen Si-
are selected by using a softargmax function that finds the maxima monyan, Andrew Zisserman,
et al. Spatial transformer net-
of the score map. A spatial transformer network 26 is then used works. In Advances in Neural
Information Processing Systems,
to crop a patch from the input image, in the position given by the pages 2017–2025, 2015

matching sonar image patches

maxima in the score map. Then a orientation estimation network

estimates the orientation of the image patch, in order to normalize
and introduce a degree of orientation invariance. The estimated
orientation is then used by a second spatial transformer network to
produce a normalized patch that is input to a description network,
which outputs a feature vector.
This method mimics the standard SIFT-like feature detection and
description pipelines, but the big difference is that all operations
are fully differentiable and the whole pipeline can be trained end-
to-end. The authors do mention that given the data they had, end-
to-end training failed, but training different parts in a hierarchical
way. First the descriptor is trained, then the orientation estimator
given the descriptor, then the detector given the two previous parts.
Different loss functions are used to train the various components in
the pipeline.
LIFT was evaluated against classic keypoint detectors, namely
SIFT, SURF, ORB, etc. In matching scores, LIFT outperforms all
methods by a considerably margin. LIFT obtains matching scores
0.317 − 0.374, while SIFT obtains 0.272 − 0.283, SURF gets 0.208 −
0.244 and ORB performs poorly at 0.127 − 0.157. When considering
repeatability LIFT obtains 0.446 while SIFT gets 0.428. The nearest
neighbours area under the Precision-Recall curve is 0.686 (SIFT
obtains 0.517).
While we do not use LIFT, we believe that it is a major milestone
in keypoint detection and feature matching, as this method can learn
domain and sensor specific features that could significantly improve
the performance of SIFT-like algorithms in sonar images. Training
such a method probably requires large quantities of data, and special
labels, but it is a clear future direction.

6.1.1 Discussion
While there is a rich literature on mosaicing and registration for
sonar images, these approaches typically use simplistic method
for image patch matching. The most complex technique that is
commonly used is SIFT, which was not designed specifically for
sonar images.
Many techniques use extensive domain knowledge in order to
obtain good registration performance, but in general evaluation is
quite simplistic. Only visual confirmation that the method works
in a tiny dataset (less than 10 images) and no further numerical

matching sonar image patches

comparison is performed. This is common in the marine robotics

community, but that does not mean it is right.
We have not found any technique working on sonar that is similar
to the work presented in this chapter. Most research is concentrated
around mosaicing and registration, and no other applications that
could profit from comparing sonar image patches have been ex-
plored. This can easily be explained by the lack of techniques that
can reliably match sonar image patches. SIFT and other keypoint
matching methods perform poorly according to our own experi-
ments (presented later in Table 6.1). Use of such techniques will
produce results that are not publishable.
Our evaluation of CNN-based methods for matching shows that
this approach is promising. While it has been applied for tasks that
are not common in underwater domains (stereo vision for example),
we believe that it can trigger the development of new applications.
As we have previously mentioned, object detection and recognition
without training sets, SLAM, and Tracking can all benefit from such

6.2 Dataset Construction and Preprocessing

As we do not possess a dataset that is specifically collected and built

to train an patch matching algorithm, we decided to build our own
from the classification dataset that we possess.
Exploiting the fact that we captured a small set of objects from
multiple views, we use this fact to produce synthetic matching pairs
where the matching label (positive or negative) can be deduced from
the classification class labels. Note that this is not the best way to
produce such a dataset. For example, using an additional distance
sensor can be used to obtain precise matching labels to produce a
much larger dataset. This approach has been used by Aanaes et
al. 27 to evaluate keypoints detectors, but we have not taken such 27
Henrik Aanæs, An-
ders Lindbjerg Dahl, and
approach as it is costly and requires a special experimental setup. Kim Steenstrup Pedersen. Inter-
esting interest points. Interna-
We generate three kinds of matching pairs: tional Journal of Computer Vision,
97(1):18–35, 2012
Positive Object-Object A positive match pair is constructed from
two randomly sampled objects that share a class label. Each
object crops can typically correspond to different perspectives of
the same object or different insonification levels from the sonar

Negative Object-Object A negative match pair is constructed from

matching sonar image patches

two randomly sampled objects that have different class labels.

Negative Object-Background A negative match pair is constructed

from one randomly sampled object and another randomly sam-
pled background patch with IoU score less than 0.1 with ground
truth. We assume that all objects in the dataset are labeled and
there is only a small chance that a random background patch
might contain an object.

The number of negative match pairs is unbounded, specially for

object-background pairs. As a balanced dataset is preferred, we
equalize the number of positive and negative matching pairs. To
build our dataset, for each labeled object we samples 10 positive ob-
ject matches, 5 negative object matches, and 5 negative background
matches. We use 96 × 96 image crops to construct our pairs.
In order to evaluate the generalization ability of our models, we
built two datasets, one that shares objects between all splits (train,
test and validation), and one that does not share objects. Dataset D
(different objects) contains 47280 image pairs, while Dataset S (same
objects) contains 54720 image pairs. We split these datasets as 70 %
training, 15 % validation and 15 % testing.

matching sonar image patches

(a) Object-Object Positive Matches

(b) Object-Object Negative Matches

(c) Object-Background Negative Matches

Figure 6.1: Small sample of

sonar image patch pairs gen-
erated by our methodology.
One positive match class and
two negative match classes are

matching sonar image patches

6.3 Matching with CNNs

In this chapter we propose the use of Convolutional Neural Net-

works to match two image patches of the same size. Most of our
work is inspired by the work of Zagoryuko and Komodakis 28 , as 28
Sergey Zagoruyko and
Nikos Komodakis. Learning
they introduced the use of CNNs for patch comparison. to compare image patches via
convolutional neural networks.
We framed the matching problem as both a classification and a In Proceedings of the IEEE Con-
regression problem. The idea is that a classification problem will fit ference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition, pages 4353–
a model to the true class labels, but additionally this model could 4361, 2015

produce probability scores (through a softmax activation function)

that could aid in the matching decision process. A natural exten-
sion would be to regress these scores directly from the class labels.
These scores then could be thresholded to produce binary matching
We evaluated two different CNN architectures. One is a siamese
CNN with two branches, and the other is a simple feed-forward
CNN that receives a two-channel input image.
The two-channel CNN was originally introduced by Zagoryuko
and Komodakis. Our incarnation of that model is shown in Figure
6.2. As matching uses two images as inputs, this network takes a
two-channel input image. This is constructed by just concatenating
the two 96 × 96 sonar image patches along the channels dimension
into 2 × 96 × 96 tensor.
All layers use the ReLU activation, except for the output layer.
Dropout 29 with p = 0.5 is used in the two first fully connected 29
Nitish Srivastava, Geoffrey
Hinton, Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya
layers in order to reduce overfitting and improve generalization Sutskever, and Ruslan Salakhut-
dinov. Dropout: A simple way
performance. to prevent neural networks
from overfitting. The Journal
For matching as classification, we use c = 2 as it corresponds to a
of Machine Learning Research,
binary classification problem. A softmax activation function is used 15(1):1929–1958, 2014

at the output fully connected layer. In this configuration the network

has 126513 parameters (with a parameter to data points ratio of
33096 ∼ 3.8, reduced to 1.9 with Dropout at training time). This
model is trained with a categorical cross-entropy loss function. For
matching as regression, we use c = 1 and a sigmoid activation at the
output fully connected layer. This network configuration has 125K
parameters (with a parameter to data points ratio of 33096 ∼ 3.7,
reduced to 1.8 with Dropout at training time). This model is trained
with a binary cross-entropy layer (Equation 6.10) which is just the
scalar output version of the categorical cross-entropy. We also tried
other losses such as mean average error (L1 loss), mean squared error
(L2 loss) and smooth L1 loss, but they were not any enhancement

matching sonar image patches

over the binary cross-entropy.

L(y, ŷ) = − ∑ yi log(ŷi ) = −y0 log(ŷ0 ) − (1 − y0 ) log(1 − ŷ0 )

The Siamese CNN architecture is shown in Figure 6.3. Unlike
the previous network, this model takes two 96 × 96 input images Match
separately. Each branch of the siamese network shares weights. The
basic idea of this model is that each branch extracts relevant features FC(c)

from each image, and weight sharing allows for a reduction in the FC(32)

number of parameters, as well as making sure that invariant and

equivalent features are extracted from each image.
MaxPool(2, 2)
Both networks are trained in the same way, using ADAM as
optimizer with initial learning rate α = 0.01 and batch size B = 128 Conv(16, 5 × 5)

elements. The two-channel CNN model is trained for M = 5 epochs, MaxPool(2, 2)

while the Siamese CNN model is trained for M = 15 epochs.
Conv(32, 5 × 5)

MaxPool(2, 2)
6.4 Experimental Evaluation
Conv(32, 5 × 5)

6.4.1 Evaluation Metrics MaxPool(2, 2)

Matching is a fundamentally different problem from multi-class Conv(16, 5 × 5)

image classification, as we have modeled matching as a binary Two-Channel

classification problem. This defines a different set of candidate Input Image

metrics: false and true positive rates, precision and recall, ROC Figure 6.2: CNN architecture

curves, and accuracy 30 . for matching using a two-

channel input image
From the Marine Debris task point of view, it is desirable that the 30
Christopher Bishop. Pat-
matching algorithm produces a quantifiable measure of similarity tern Recognition and Machine
Learning. Springer, 2006
or confidence, so it can be interpreted by a human. Metrics that
prefer binary results like match or no match without an explanation by
similarity or confidence score are not as useful as ones that evaluate
confidence in the decision that was made.
For this reason we chose the area under the ROC curve (AUC) as
primary evaluation metric. This measures the confidence score qual-
ity produced by the classifier 31 . Classifiers that receive higher AUC 31
Kevin P Murphy. Machine
learning: a probabilistic perspec-
values produce confidence scores that are better separate classes, tive. MIT press, 2012
so a simple threshold on the score can be used to make class deci-
sions. The ROC curve, and consequently the AUC, incorporate the
precision and recall metrics in its calculation.

matching sonar image patches

Figure 6.3: Siamese CNN ar-

chitecture for matching using a
two one-channel input images




FC(96) FC(96)

FC(96) FC(96)

MaxPool(2, 2) MaxPool(2, 2)

Conv(16, 5 × 5) Conv(16, 5 × 5)

MaxPool(2, 2) MaxPool(2, 2)

Conv(32, 5 × 5) Conv(32, 5 × 5)

MaxPool(2, 2) MaxPool(2, 2)

Conv(32, 5 × 5) Conv(32, 5 × 5)

MaxPool(2, 2) MaxPool(2, 2)

Conv(16, 5 × 5) Conv(16, 5 × 5)

Input Input
Image A Image B

matching sonar image patches

6.4.2 Model Comparison

In this section we evaluate our CNNs for matching with state of

the art keypoint matching algorithms, and we also evaluate some
baselines based on classic machine learning algorithms trained on
our datasets. For keypoint matching we evaluate SIFT, SURF, ORB
and AKAZE.
These keypoint detectors are evaluated through a common pro-
tocol. Keypoints are detected in each input image and matched
using a k-nearest neighbour search with k = 2 over the computed
descriptors in each keypoint. For continuous features (AKAZE, SIFT,
and SURF) we compute the number of "good" matches using the
ratio test 32 . This test requires at least three matches, and it filters de- 32
David G Lowe. Distinctive
image features from scale-
scriptor matches according to the distance ratio between one match invariant keypoints. Interna-
tional journal of computer vision,
and the second-best match. If this ratio is too large, the match is dis- 60(2):91–110, 2004
carded. Then we use the number of "good" matches produced with
a ratio threshold of 0.75 and set a minimum threshold to declare a
match between two images.
For binary features (ORB) we only use the number of matches and
put a minimum threshold to declare a match between two images.
This threshold is used to construct the ROC curve later on.
As machine learning baselines we evaluate:

Random Forest A random forest 33 seems to be a good choice as it 33

Kevin P Murphy. Machine
learning: a probabilistic perspec-
is both resistant to overfitting due to the use of an ensemble of tive. MIT press, 2012
decision trees, and it is a learning algorithm with a non-linear
decision boundary. We trained a random forest classifier and a
random forest regressor. Both share the same hyper-parameters.
We used a forest with 30 trees and a maximum depth of 40 levels.
Each classification decision tree is trained by minimizing the gini
impurity. For regression decision trees, we used the mean squared
error. The random forest classifier can provide class probabilities
for positive and negative matches as the voting ratio of each leaf.

Support Vector Machine A support vector machine represents a

lower bound on performance, as this learning algorithm is re-
producible due to the use of an optimal separating hyperplane.
We tried both a support vector machine for classification, and a
support vector regressor for regression of the target scores. The
SVM is trained with regularization coefficient C = 1, while the
SVR regressor is trained with C = 10 and e = 0.05. The trained
SVM includes probability information through the use of internal

matching sonar image patches


Both kinds of ML classifiers were tuned using grid search over

a predefined grid of parameters. Keypoint method have no hyper-
parameters to be tuned. We now describe our evaluation metrics.
As we model matching as a binary classification problem, we use
the Area under the ROC Curve (AUC) as our primary metric. The
ROC curve is obtained by computing the true positive (TPR) and
false positive rates (FPR):

TPR = FPR = (6.11)
Assuming a classifier that provides a score for each class, then
the TPR and FPR rates vary as a threshold is set on the output
classification score. Then the ROC curve is built as points in the
(FPR, TPR) space as the threshold is varied. This curve indicates the
different operating points that a given classifier outputs can produce,
and it is useful in order to tune a specific threshold while using the
classifier in production.
The AUC is the just the area under the ROC curve, which is a
number in the [0, 1] range. The AUC is a metric that is not simple
to interpret 34 . One interpretation is that the AUC is the probability 34
Claude Sammut and Ge-
offrey I Webb. Encyclopedia
that the classifier will produce a higher score for a randomly chosen of machine learning. Springer
Science & Business Media, 2011
positive example than a randomly chosen negative example. A
classifier with a higher AUC is then preferable.
We also evaluated accuracy, but as we have labels for the three
components that were used to generate each dataset, we also eval-
uated accuracy on each component. This includes examples that
represent a object-object positive match, a object-object negative
match, and a object-background negative match. We also compute
and present mean accuracy. As we are also evaluating regressors to
predict a score, we compute accuracy from class predictions:

c = arg max{1 − p, p} (6.12)

Where p is the output prediction from the regressor or probability

from a classifier. For keypoint detectors we compute accuracies using
a threshold equal to zero for the minimum number of matches. This
value produces the maximum possible accuracy for these methods.
Numerical results are presented in Table 6.1, while ROC curve
plots are shown in Figures 6.5 and 6.4.
We only evaluated keypoint detection methods on one of the
datasets. Their performance is virtually the same and it is not af-

matching sonar image patches

Method AUC Mean Acc Obj-Obj + Acc Obj-Obj − Acc Obj-Bg − Acc
SIFT 0.610 54.0 % 74.5 % 43.6 % 44.0 %
SURF 0.679 48.1 % 89.9 % 18.6 % 35.9 %
ORB 0.682 54.9 % 72.3 % 41.9 % 60.5 %
AKAZE 0.634 52.2 % 95.1 % 4.8 % 56.8 %
RF-Score 0.741 57.6 % 22.5 % 88.2 % 97.2 %
RF-Class 0.795 69.9 % 12.5 % 97.7 % 99.7 %

SVR-Score 0.663 70.5 % 57.2 % 66.6 % 87.5 %

SVM-Class 0.652 67.1 % 54.4 % 69.1 % 90.5 %
2-Chan CNN Scr 0.894 82.9 % 68.0 % 96.1 % 84.5 %
2-Chan CNN Cls 0.910 86.2 % 67.3 % 95.2 % 96.1 %
Siam CNN Scr 0.826 77.0 % 49.2 % 84.7 % 97.0 %
Siam CNN Cls 0.855 82.9 % 62.9 % 89.9 % 96.0 %
RF-Score 0.972 85.2 % 98.7 % 58.8 % 98.1 %
RF-Class 0.982 90.9 % 97.3 % 75.8 % 99.6 %
SVR-Score 0.767 66.2 % 86.3 % 17.6 % 94.7 %

SVM-Class 0.742 64.8 % 83.7 % 18.3 % 92.4 %

2-Chan CNN Scr 0.934 85.4 % 85.0 % 77.5 % 93.7 %
2-Chan CNN Cls 0.944 86.7 % 86.6 % 75.7 % 97.8 %
Siam CNN Scr 0.895 80.6 % 89.1 % 55.3 % 97.3 %
Siam CNN Cls 0.864 75.8 % 92.2 % 39.4 % 95.8 %

Table 6.1: Comparison of differ-

ent models for matching. Area
fected by objects in the training set, as these methods do not use Under the ROC Curve (AUC),
Accuracy at match threshold
learning. Keypoint matching algorithms perform quite poorly, with zero, and Accuracy for each
match type is reported for both
AUC that is slightly larger than random chance (0.5). Their mean datasets (Same and Different).
accuracy is also quite close to random chance, which is product of
very low accuracies in the object-object negative match case. These
results show that keypoint methods work at an acceptable perfor-
mance when matching the same object under a different view (a
positive match) but fail to declare a mismatch for different objects
(negative matches). Seems that keypoint detection is overconfident
and produces too many positive matches, which translates to lower
accuracies in the two negative cases.
Machine learning methods perform considerably better. Con-
sidering different objects (Dataset D), a Random Forest performs
adequately, obtaining AUC in the range [0.74, 0.79], and this method
produces very good accuracy for the negative cases, but poor ac-
curacy for the positive match case. Seems a random forest has the
opposite behaviour than the keypoint matching algorithms, as it
is overconfident on negative matches but performs poorly for the
positive ones.
An SVM and SVR both perform quite poorly, with similar AUC
close to 0.65, but a more balanced performance across match cases,

matching sonar image patches

but still biased performance towards object-background negative

Our proposed method using a CNN outperforms all other meth-
ods in the different objects case. This means that a CNN can learn
appropriate features that generalize well outside of the training set,
even generalizing to different objects. The best performing network
is a two-channel one producing class probabilities, closely followed
by also a two-channel network that produces a single regression
score that is used for matching. There is a 2 % difference in the AUC
of these networks.
Siamese networks also perform quite well but below the per-
formance of the two-channel networks. All CNN methods have
a common performance pitfall, as negative cases have very good
accuracy, but the positive case has lower accuracy, which is approxi-
mately 20 % over the random chance minimum.
Considering the same objects in the training and testing sets
(Dataset S), results change radically. All method perform better than
in Dataset D. For this case, the best performing method is a random
forest classifier, with 0.982 AUC. A regression random forest obtains
1 % less AUC. Comparing RF performance with that of Dataset D
shows that the RF classifier suffers from mild overfitting. It is not
memorizing the training set but the learned classifier favours objects
in the training set, performing very well on them, but decreasing
performance considerably with unseen objects.
Other methods also perform considerably better. An SVM/SVR
increases AUC by approximately 10 %, but a two-channel CNN
only improves AUC by 3 %. This suggests that CNN methods are
not overfitting and the loss in performance is acceptable for unseen
It seems that as a general pattern, matching as a classification
problem produces better results than using a regression problem.
Only some exceptions to this pattern occur, such as a Siamese net-
work in Dataset S, and SVR on both datasets.
Our results show that using a CNN is a very good option for the
problem of matching pairs of sonar image patches.

matching sonar image patches

1 Figure 6.4: ROC curve com-

CNN 2-Chan Class paring different methods for
CNN 2-Chan Score sonar image patch matching on
SVM-Class Dataset D, meaning different
SVR-Score objects were used to produce
RF-Class the training and testing sets.
RF-Score The grey line represents ran-
dom chance limit.
True Positive Rate




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
False Positive Rate

1 Figure 6.5: ROC curve com-

CNN 2-Chan Class paring different methods for
CNN 2-Chan Score sonar image patch matching on
SVM-Class Dataset S, meaning the same
SVR-Score objects were used to produce
RF-Class the training and testing sets.
RF-Score The grey line represents ran-
dom chance limit.
True Positive Rate




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
False Positive Rate

matching sonar image patches

6.4.3 How Much Data is Needed?

In this section we explore the question of how generalization varies

with training set size. We use the same basic methodology as
previously mentioned in Section 5.4. We only evaluated the two-
channel networks, as they performed the best.
We vary the number of samples per class (SPC) from 1 to 5000.
The original training set contains approximately 40000 samples
which corresponds to a SPC of 20000. Due to computational con-
straints we only evaluate up to SPC 5000. As like our previous
evaluations of matching algorithms, we evaluate the area under the
curve (AUC) for each data point.
Results are presented in Figure 6.6. Both scoring and classification
networks perform quite similarly as the training set size is varied.
But the classification network gets slightly better AUC performance
with low sample quantity. This can be seen as the classifier obtaining
performance that is slightly better than random chance (50 %) at
one sample per class, while the scorer obtains worse than random
chance performance at the same SPC value.
As SPC increases, performance increases rapidly for SPC less than
750, and after that the increases are smaller (diminishing returns).
Both models converge after SPC 5000 close to 90 % AUC. This shows
that the full dataset is required to produce good generalization
performance, and these networks do not perform well if only a
smaller dataset is available.
These results are consistent with the difficulty of matching sonar
image patches. It seems the only way to improve these models
is to increase the size of the training set, as with many other ML
algorithms. But we also believe that other approaches could work
better, specially the ones from fields like one-shot learning. One
natural choice would be a network with a contrastive or triplet
loss 35 . This kind of networks is trained in a different way, where 35
Florian Schroff, Dmitry
Kalenichenko, and James
an embedding is learned in such a way to maximize embedded Philbin. Facenet: A unified
embedding for face recognition
distances between negative samples, and minimize the distances and clustering. In The IEEE
between positive examples. This makes a much more discriminative Conference on Computer Vision
and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),
model. June 2015

matching sonar image patches

CNN 2-Chan Class CNN 2-Chan Score

100 100
95 95
90 90


Test AUC (%)

Test AUC (%) 80

70 70

60 60

50 50

40 40











Samples per Class Samples per Class
(a) Sub-Region 1 − 500 (b) Full Plot

100 100
95 95
90 90

Test AUC (%)
Test AUC (%)

70 70

60 60

50 50

40 40











Samples per Class Samples per Class

(c) Sub-Region 1 − 500 (d) Full Plot

Figure 6.6: Samples per Class

versus Accuracy for ClassicNet
with 2 modules, including error
6.5 Summary of Results regions.

In this chapter we have propose the use of Convolutional Neural

Networks for matching sonar image patches. This problem has been
open for a long time, mostly due to the specific details of a sonar
sensor: viewpoint dependence, noise, non-uniform insonification,
and hard to model objects.
We transformed one of our classification datasets into a matching
one, by generating positive and negative image pairs, correspond-
ing to object-object positive pair (same object class), object-object
negative (different object class), and object-background negative
pairs. This generated over 39K 96 × 96 image pairs for training, with
7.5K pairs for testing. We made sure that objects used to generate
the training set were different from the testing set, meaning that
our performance figures represent true generalization outside the

matching sonar image patches

training set.
We evaluated classic keypoint matching algorithms, namely SIFT,
SURF, ORB, and AKAZE. We show that these techniques do not
perform well in sonar images, with area under the ROC curve in the
range 0.61-0.63, which is slightly better than a random classifier.
We also evaluated the use of classic ML classifiers for this problem,
including a Random Forest and a Support Vector Machine. In this
case we model matching as binary classification given two 96 × 96
image patches. These methods work better than keypoint detectors
at AUC 0.65-0.80. Based on previous work by Zagoryuko et al. 36 , 36
Sergey Zagoruyko and
Nikos Komodakis. Learning
we decided to implement and compare a two-channel and a siamese to compare image patches via
convolutional neural networks.
network. In Proceedings of the IEEE Con-
The two-channel network obtains the best matching performance ference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition, pages 4353–
at 0.91 AUC, performing binary classification. It is closely followed 4361, 2015

by a regression two-channel network with 0.89 AUC. In comparison,

siamese networks perform poorly at AUC 0.82-0.86.
Our results show that a CNN outperforms other methods and sets
a new state of the art results for matching sonar image patches. Other
machine learning techniques perform well, but are not competitive
versus a CNN, with just one exception. We also evaluated using
the same objects for training and testing, and in this specific case a
Random Forest can outperform a CNN.
Still there is considerable research to be done. Our method was
trained only with 40K training samples, and more data would im-
prove classification performance. In comparison, there are datasets
with half million labeled color image patch pairs, where CNNs ob-
tain much higher accuracy. Ideally the implicit distance information
in a sonar image could be used to automatically label patches be-
longing to multiple views of an object, and a much bigger dataset
could be constructed.
The data that we used was captured in the OSL water tank, which
does not have a complex background, which could bias our results.
We expect that with more realistic data the results we presented
would degrade, but still with increased amounts of training data
this can be easily offset. More variation in objects, including natural
degradation such as bio-fouling, and more object classes, would also
be needed for good generalization.
We expect that our techniques will be adopted by the underwa-
ter robotics community and used to build other systems, such as
improved SLAM, trackers and automatic target recognition.

7 Detection Proposals In

Forward-Looking Sonar

This chapter deals with the core problem of this thesis, namely the
detection of marine debris in sonar images. But here we focus on a
slightly different problem.
Most literature work on object detection deals with the problem
of designing and testing a class-specific object detector, which just
detects objects of a certain class or classes. But our object of interest,
marine debris, has a very large intra-class and inter-class variability.
This motivates to construct a generic or class-agnostic object detector,
which in the computer vision literature is called detection proposals.
For example, in order for a robot to detect novel objects 1 , a class- 1
Ian Endres and Derek
Hoiem. Category independent
independent object detector must be available. A novel object could object proposals. In Computer
Vision–ECCV 2010, pages 575–
be placed in front of the robot’s sensors, and the robot would be able 588. Springer, 2010
to say that there is an object in front of him, but it does not match
any class that was previously trained, and it could ask the operator
about information in order to label the new object.
Detection proposals are connected to the concept of objectness,
which is a basic measurement of how likely an image window or
patch contains an object of interest. This is also related to the concept
of an object itself, which is hard to define.
While there are many computer vision algorithms that produce
detection proposals, the concept of an class-agnostic object detector
has not been applied to sonar images. Detection proposals in general
are used in order to construct class-specific object detectors and
improve their performance, but in our case we would like to design
and build a class-agnostic detector as a purpose in itself, as we want
an AUV to have have the capabilities to detect novel and new objects
that were not considered during training time.
For our specific objective of detecting marine debris, as we cannot
possibly model or collect training data for all kinds of marine debris,

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

we wish to construct a detection proposal algorithm for sonar that

can tell the robot of novel objects that could then be reported back to
the operator. Then he or she would decide if the object is debris and
should be collected by the robot, or ignored. Then the robot could
perform a "human in the loop" cycle to train itself to find new kinds
of marine debris that are present in the environment.
This objective can be summarized in the following research ques-

• How can objects be detected on sonar images while making the

minimum number of assumptions?

• How can a class-agnostic sonar detection proposal algorithm be


• Can we make sure that it generalizes well outside its training set?

• Can real-time performance and low number of proposals with

high recall be achieved within these constraints?

• How much training data is actually required to generalize?

We propose the use of a patch-based convolutional neural network

that predicts an objectness score, which can be either thresholded or
ranked in order to produce detection proposals.

7.1 Related Work

There is a rich literature in this field, but most of it comes from

computer vision applied to color images. We first discuss the basic
evaluation metrics and then we describe the literature.
Object detection proposals are evaluated by computing the recall
metric R:
R= (7.1)
Where TP are the number of true positives (correctly detected
objects) and FN is the number of false negatives (missed detections).
Recall is used because it only considers how many of the true objects
in the test set can be recovered by the proposals algorithm, but any
extra object that is not labeled in the test set does not affect recall, but Neelima Chavali, Harsh
Agrawal, Aroma Mahendru,
it affects precision, which is only used when evaluating class-specific and Dhruv Batra. Object-
proposal evaluation protocol
object detectors. It must be noted that there are reports 2 that using is’ gameable’. In Proceedings of
the IEEE Conference on Computer
recall as part of an evaluation protocol can be "gamed" and a higher Vision and Pattern Recognition,
pages 835–844, 2016
recall does not mean generalization outside of the training set.

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

Given two bounding boxes, their match is considered a correct

detection if and only if their intersection-over-union score (also
called IoU) is larger than a given overlap threshold Ot :

area( A ∩ B)
IoU( A, B) = (7.2)
area( A ∪ B)
The most common value 3 is Ot = 0.5, but higher values are 3
Mark Everingham, Luc
Van Gool, Christopher KI
possible. The IoU score measures how well two bounding boxes Williams, John Winn, and An-
drew Zisserman. The pascal
match, and it is used because ground truth bounding boxes are visual object classes (voc) chal-
human-generated and could be considered arbitrary for a computer lenge. International journal of
computer vision, 88(2):303–338,
algorithm. Using IoU introduces a degree of slack into the proposals 2010

that can be generated by the algorithm and still considered correct.

The concept of object proposals were originally introduced by
Endres and Hoiem 4 . The authors were motivated by the human 4
Ian Endres and Derek
Hoiem. Category independent
ability to localize objects without needing to recognize them. Their object proposals. In Computer
Vision–ECCV 2010, pages 575–
work basically is a category-independent object detector that is 588. Springer, 2010
able to detect unknown objects, not previously seem them during
training or considered by the underlying features. Their long term
application is a vision system that can automatically discover new
This seminal work uses super-pixel segmentation of the input im-
age through hierarchical segmentation based on boundary features.
Segmented regions are then merged to form the hierarchy through
the use of color, texture, histogram, boundary strength, and layout
agreement features.
Proposed regions are then ranked. The basic idea of ranking is
that highly plausible objects should get a large score, while non-
objects will receive a low score. This is motivated by the fact that
hierarchical segmentation produces many regions that do not cor-
respond to real objects. A ranking function is learned through
structured learning, using appearance features and two penalty
terms, one corresponding to penalization if the region overlaps one
previously ranked proposal, and another penalizing if the region
overlaps with multiple highly ranked regions. Features used for
ranking consist of boundary characteristics transformed into proba-
bilities, like probability of exterior/interior boundary, occlusion, and
This method is evaluated on two datasets: The Berkeley Segmen- Mark Everingham, Luc
Van Gool, Christopher KI
tation Dataset and PASCAL VOC 2008 5 . As this method outputs Williams, John Winn, and An-
drew Zisserman. The pascal
both bounding boxes and segmented regions, best segmentation visual object classes (voc) chal-
lenge. International journal of
overlap score and recall at Ot = 0.5 are evaluated. 80 − 84 % recall computer vision, 88(2):303–338,
is obtained in these datasets, with best segmentation overlap score 2010

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

in the 0.68 − 0.69 range. This method works acceptably, but it per-
forms heavy feature engineering, which indicates that the features
do generalize but not in order to obtain recall closer to 99 %.
Rahtu et al. 6 use a cascade architecture to learn a category- 6
Esa Rahtu, Juho Kannala,
and Matthew Blaschko. Learn-
independent object detector. Their motivation is that a cascade is ing a category independent
object detection cascade. In
considerably faster than the usual object detection architectures (like Computer Vision (ICCV), 2011
for example, Viola-Jones 7 for real-time face detection). The authors IEEE International Conference on,
pages 1052–1059. IEEE, 2011
introduce features that are useful to predict the likelihood that a 7
Paul Viola and Michael
bounding box contains an object (objectness). Jones. Rapid object detection
using a boosted cascade of
The first step is to generate an initial set of bounding boxes from simple features. In Computer
Vision and Pattern Recognition,
the input image, where two methods are applied. One is super-pixel 2001. CVPR 2001. Proceedings of
the 2001 IEEE Computer Society
segmentation, and the second is to sample 100K bounding boxes Conference on, volume 1, pages
I–I. IEEE, 2001
from a prior distribution computed from the training set. This prior
distribution is parameterized by bounding box width, height, and
row/column position in the image.
Each window is the evaluated for objectness and a binary deci-
sion is made by a classifier. Three features are used: Super-pixel
boundary integral, boundary edge distribution and window symme-
try. Non-maxima suppression is applied before outputting the final
bounding boxes. Results on the PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset show
that 95 $ recall can be obtained at IoU threshold of Ot = 0.5. This
approach works well in terms of recall and is promising about com-
putational performance, but as it has been previously mentioned,
their choice of features does not transfer to sonar, specially super-
pixel ones due to the noise and lack of clear boundary in sonar
Alexe et al. 8 present an objectness measure, putting a number on 8
Bogdan Alexe, Thomas
Deselaers, and Vittorio Ferrari.
how likely is an image window to contain an object of interest, but Measuring the objectness of im-
age windows. Pattern Analysis
not belonging to any specific class. The authors define an object with and Machine Intelligence, IEEE
three basic characteristics: a defined closed boundary, a different Transactions on, 34(11):2189–
2202, 2012
appearance from its surroundings, and being unique and salient in
the image.
The authors use multiple objectness cues that are combined using
a Bayesian framework. The cues consist of multi-scale saliency, color
contrast, edge density, super-pixel straddling, and location and size.
All these cues contain parameters that must be learned from training
This method was also evaluated on the PASCAL VOC 2007
dataset, obtaining 91 % recall with 1000 bounding boxes per im-
age, taking approximately 4 seconds per image. This objectness
measure seems to generalize quite well in unseen objects, but it is

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

quite complex to compute, and does not seem applicable to sonar.

This technique relies on other techniques to compute cues, which
makes it harder to transfer to sonar images.
Uijlings et al. 9 introduced selective search as a way to generate 9
Jasper RR Uijlings,
Koen EA van de Sande, Theo
bounding boxes on an image that correspond to objects in it. The Gevers, and Arnold WM
Smeulders. Selective search
authors argue that the use of exhaustive search is wasteful due to for object recognition. Interna-
uniform sampling of the search space. This strategy produces many tional journal of computer vision,
104(2):154–171, 2013
candidate bounding boxes in the image that do not correspond
to plausible objects. Selective Search instead basically guides the
sampling process so information in the image is used to generate
bounding boxes for plausible objects. This easily builds a class-
agnostic object detector, reduces the number of bounding boxes that
must be explored, and allows discovery of objects at multiple scales.
Selective search works by performing hierarchical grouping. This
is motivated by the fact that the hierarchy produced by grouping
allows for natural search of objects at multiple scales. In order to
introduce robustness and be able to capture all objects, a diversifica-
tion strategy is used. This corresponds to the use of different color
spaces (RGB, Intensity, Lab, rg + I, HSV, rgb, Hue from HSV), com-
plementary similarity measures for region grouping (color, texture,
size, and fill), and by varying the starting regions.
The authors evaluate selective search in the PASCAL VOC 2007
dataset. Average Best Overlap (ABO) score is used to measure how
well the produced bounding boxes B fit the VOC ground truth G.

ABO( G, B) =
|G| ∑ max IoU (b, g) (7.3)
g∈ G b∈ B
Varying the diversification strategies produce different ABO scores,
with a combination of all similarity measures giving the best ABO.
The best color space seems to be HSV. Using a single diversification
strategy with only HSV color space and all four similarity mea-
sures produces bounding boxes with 0.693 ABO. The authors define
two other selective search configurations: "fast" which uses 8 strate-
gies and produces 0.799 ABO, and "quality" with 80 strategies and
producing 0.878 ABO.
Due to the high ABO scores produced by selective search, it ob-
tains 98 − 99 % recall on the PASCAL VOC test set. This shows
that the produced bounding box are high quality and are usable
for object detection/recognition purposes. Two disadvantage of
selective search are the large number of bounding boxes that are re-
quired to obtain high recall (over 1000), and the slow computational

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

performance. Selective search in fast mode takes 3.8 secs, while in

quality mode it takes 17.2 per image. These computation times are
prohibitive for robotics applications.
Zitnick and Dollár 10 present EdgeBoxes, which is a detection 10
C Lawrence Zitnick and
Piotr Dollár. Edge boxes: Lo-
proposal algorithm that computes objectness of a candidate bound- cating object proposals from
edges. In Computer Vision–ECCV
ing box from edge information. The authors make the observation 2014, pages 391–405. Springer,
that the number of contours fully enclosed by a bounding box gives 2014

information about how likely the box contains an object.

EdgeBoxes works as a sliding window detector. The structured
edge detector is first applied to the input image, and then each
candidate bounding box has an objectness score assigned. This is
computed as the sum of edge strengths of all fully enclosed edges by
the bounding box, minus the sum of edge strengths for all edges not
fully enclosed (intersecting with the bounding box’s boundary). The
score is then normalized by the sum of the box width and height.
A small threshold is applied to decide when to output a proposal
from a candidate bounding box.
EdgeBoxes was evaluated on the PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset,
where results show that it is superior to Selective Search, as Edge-
Boxes requires to output less bounding boxes to produce the same
recall (800 vs 10K). But the most important advantage of EdgeBoxes
is that it is much more computationally efficient, with a computation
time less than one second.
Edge information is quite unreliable in sonar images, mostly due
to noise and non-uniform insonification. This means that an object’s
edges might have different strengths along its boundary. The edges
produced by the shadow cast by the object are also a major problem
in sonar images. EdgeBoxes was designed for color information
and acoustic images violate many of the assumptions required by
Cheng et al. 11 also propose the use of gradient information to 11
Ming-Ming Cheng, Zim-
ing Zhang, Wen-Yan Lin, and
generate detection proposals, but their approach is quite different. Philip Torr. Bing: Binarized
normed gradients for object-
This work notes that computing the gradient normalized magnitude ness estimation at 300fps. In
of an image (NG), and given any bounding box, if the gradient of Proceedings of the IEEE conference
on computer vision and pattern
the bounding box’s contents is down-sampled to a fixed size (8 × 8), recognition, pages 3286–3293,
then using the raw NG features with a SVM classifier produces a
powerful and fast objectness measure.
These features are used with a two-stage cascade of SVMs, first
a linear SVM on the NG features, and then a size-specific SVM
that produces a final objectness score. The authors also propose a
binarized version of the NG features called BING. The advantage of

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

this binary feature is that it is very fast to compute using specialized

processor instructions. Their evaluation on the PASCAL VOC shows
that they can obtain 96.2 % recall with 1000 proposals and 99.5 %
recall with 5000 proposals. Computational performance analysis of
BING shows that it is very fast, at 3 milliseconds per image.
While BING is very fast, other publications 12 have criticised that 12
Jan Hosang, Rodrigo
Benenson, Piotr Dollár, and
its high recall is only available at IoU threshold Ot = 0.5, with higher Bernt Schiele. What makes for
effective detection proposals?
thresholds having considerably lower accuracy. This means that the IEEE transactions on pattern
algorithm is very fast but it cannot localize objects accurately. Its analysis and machine intelligence,
38(4):814–830, 2016
use of gradient information makes it a unlikely good candidate for
sonar images.
Kuo et al. 13 proposes the learning of an objectness score from 13
Weicheng Kuo, Bharath
Hariharan, and Jitendra Malik.
a CNN. This work is the most similar to the one presented in this Deepbox: Learning objectness
with convolutional networks.
chapter, but big differences still exist. The method presented in In Proceedings of the IEEE Inter-
this work is called DeepBox and it works by learning to predict national Conference on Computer
Vision, pages 2479–2487, 2015
a binary objectness decision from cropped and resized bounding
boxes produced by EdgeBoxes. Positive examples are obtained by
perturbing ground truth bounding boxes, while negative examples
are generated by sampling random bounding boxes and discarding
the ones with IoU bigger than 0.5 with ground truth. Positives and
negatives are sampled at the 1 : 3 ratio.
The authors used a modified version of AlexNet with less layers,
removed in order to make it simpler and avoid overfitting. Evaluat-
ing on the PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset shows that DeepBox obtains
better recall than EdgeBoxes, requiring less proposals to reach a
certain recall target. DeepBox obtains 87 % recall at IoU threshold
Ot = 0.7.
DeepBox does not actually learn an objectness score, but instead
it learns a binary classifier to predict which bounding boxes are
objects, and which are not. An objectness score could be implicitly
present in the probabilities from the softmax activation.
There are two survey papers that cover detection proposals.
Hosang et al. 14 evaluate the trade-offs made by different detection 14
Jan Hosang, Rodrigo
Benenson, and Bernt Schiele.
proposal methods on the PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset. The authors How good are detection pro-
posals, really? arXiv preprint
evaluate proposal repeatability, by introducing variations in test im- arXiv:1406.6962, 2014
ages, such as scale, rotation, illumination, and JPEG artifacts. BING
and EdgeBoxes are the most repeatable methods, but all algorithms
suffer a loss of repeatability as variations are introduced, specially
for the most extreme ones.
The authors also point out that recall varies considerably across
scales, as large windows are much easier to match and to produce a

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

large recall than smaller windows. This paper also evaluates recall
as a function of the number of proposals, where EdgeBoxes and
Selective Search are the best methods, requiring less proposals for a
given recall target, or achieving a higher overall recall.
Hosang et al. 15 refine their results in a follow-up journal pa- 15
Jan Hosang, Rodrigo
Benenson, Piotr Dollár, and
per. This work repeats the previous experiments but using two Bernt Schiele. What makes for
effective detection proposals?
new datasets: ImageNet 2013 object detection, and the COCO 2014 IEEE transactions on pattern
object detection dataset. The basic idea of this comparison is to analysis and machine intelligence,
38(4):814–830, 2016
check for overfitting to the PASCAL VOC object categories. But the
authors see no general loss of recall performance on other datasets,
as methods perform similarly. But on the COCO dataset there are
some significant differences, such as EdgeBoxes performing poorly
when compared to Selective Search, while other methods improve
their performance.
This paper also introduces the average recall (AR) metric in order
to predict object detection performance in a class-specific setting,
which can be a proxy metric for the more used mean average pre-
cision (mAP). AR is computed as the mean recall score as the IoU
overlap threshold is varied in the range Ot ∈ [0.5, 1.0]. Better pro-
posals that lead to an improved class-specific object detector will
reflect into a higher AR score.
We now cover two methods that use CNNs for detection proposals.
The first is MultiBox 16 , which extends AlexNet to generate detection 16
Dumitru Erhan, Christian
Szegedy, Alexander Toshev,
proposals. The authors propose to use a final layer that outputs a and Dragomir Anguelov. Scal-
able object detection using
vector of 5K values, four of them corresponding to upper-left and deep neural networks. In Pro-
lower-right corner coordinates of a bounding box, and a confidence ceedings of the IEEE Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern
score that represents objectness. The default boxes are obtained by Recognition, pages 2147–2154,
applying K-means to the ground truth bounding boxes, which make
them not translation invariant 17 and could hurt generalization. 17
This is mentioned in the
Faster R-CNN paper as a big
The assignment between ground truth bounding boxes and pre- downside.
dictions by the network is made by solving an optimization problem.
The idea is to assign the best ground truth bounding boxes in order
to predict a high confidence score. These bounding boxes can then
be ranked and less proposals should be needed to achieve high
This network is trained on 10 million positive samples, consisting
of patch crops that intersect the ground truth with at least IoU over-
lap threshold Ot = 0.5, and 20 million negative samples obtained
from crops with IoU overlap threshold smaller than Ot = 0.2. On
the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset, this model can obtain close to 80
% recall with 100 proposals per image, which is a considerable im-

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

provement over previous work. One important detail is missing

from this work, which is if the network is pre-trained on a dataset
(likely ImageNet) or trained from scratch. Our experience tells us
that training a bounding box regressor from scratch is very hard, so
the only explanation for these results is due to the large size of the
training set (30 million samples), which make it unusable for our
The second method is Faster R-CNN 18 . While this is a class- 18
Shaoqing Ren, Kaiming
He, Ross Girshick, and Jian
specific object detector, it contains a detection proposals sub-network Sun. Faster r-cnn: Towards
real-time object detection with
called the Region Proposal Network (RPN). The RPN uses a pre- region proposal networks. In
trained network (typically VGG16) and takes a 3 × 3 sliding window Advances in Neural Information
Processing Systems, pages 91–99,
over the output feature map, giving this as input to a fully connected 2015

network outputting 256 − 512 features that are fed to two sibling
fully connected layers. One of these produces four coordinates
corresponding to a bounding box location, and the other sibling layer
produces two softmax scores indicating the presence of an object.
This small network can be implemented as a fully convolutional
network for efficient evaluation.
The RPN uses the concept of an anchor box. As proposals should
cover a wide range of scale and aspect ratio, the RPN produces k
bounding box and objectness score predictions, each corresponding
to a different anchor box. Then at test time, all anchors are predicted
and the objectness score is used to decide final detections. One
contribution of the RPN is that the anchors are translation invari-
ant, which is very desirable in order to predict objects at multiple
Training the RPN is not a simple process. Anchors must be labeled
as objects or background. Given a set of ground truth bounding
boxes, the anchor with the highest IoU overlap is given a positive
label (pi = 1), as well as any anchor with IoU larger than Ot = 0.7.
Anchors with IoU smaller than Ot = 0.3 are given a negative label
(background, pi = 0). Then the RPN layers are trained using a
multi-task loss function:
L=N ∑ CE( pi , p̂1 ) + λ ∑ pi H (|ti − t̂i |) (7.4)
i i
Where pi are the ground truth object label, ti is the true vector of
normalized bounding box coordinates (t x , ty , tw , th ), λ is a trade-off
factor used to combine both sub-losses, CE is the cross-entropy loss,
and H is the Huber loss with δ = 1, which is also called smooth L1

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar


 1 x2

for| x | < δ
Hδ ( x ) = (7.5)
δ(| x | − 1 δ)

Bounding box coordinates for regression are normalized by:

x − xa y − ya w h
tx = ty = tw = th =
wa ha wa ha
Where the a subscript denotes the anchor coordinates. The RPN
is not evaluated as a standalone component, but as part of the whole
Faster R-CNN pipeline, including the use of Fast R-CNN 19 for 19
Ross Girshick. Fast r-cnn.
In Proceedings of the IEEE inter-
object detection given a set of proposals. Mean average precision national conference on computer
vision, pages 1440–1448, 2015
(mAP) on PASCAL VOC 2012 improves from 65.7 % when using
Selective Search proposals to 67.0 % with RPN proposals.
Faster R-CNN was a milestone in object detection, being consider-
ably faster than previous iterations (R-CNN and Fast R-CNN), while
also being more accurate and introducing the RPN. We have tried to
train similar networks performing bounding box regression on our
Forward-Looking sonar images, but it fails to converge into a state
that produces useful predictions. We believe that this is due to much
a smaller training set and failure to learn the "appropriate" features
by pre-training the network on a large dataset. For comparison, 20
Mark Everingham, Luc
the RPN is trained on the PASCAL VOC 07+12 dataset. The 2007 Van Gool, Christopher KI
Williams, John Winn, and An-
20 version of this dataset contains 5K training images with 12.5K drew Zisserman. The pascal
visual object classes (voc) chal-
labeled object instances, while the 2012 21 version contains 11.5K lenge. International journal of
computer vision, 88(2):303–338,
training images with 31.5K object instances. The RPN has also been 2010
trained successfully on the COCO dataset 22 , with 328K images and 21
Mark Everingham, SM Ali
Eslami, Luc Van Gool, Christo-
2.5 million labeled object instances. Both datasets vastly surpass pher KI Williams, John Winn,
and Andrew Zisserman. The
our dataset of 2069 images with 2364 labeled object instances. Ad-
pascal visual object classes
ditionally, the DSOD (Deeply Supervised Object Detection) 23 also challenge: A retrospective. In-
ternational journal of computer
evaluates the RPN in an end-to-end approach without pre-training vision, 111(1):98–136, 2015
the network, and while it works well (and outperforms the RPN Tsung-Yi Lin, Michael
Maire, Serge Belongie, James
and Faster R-CNN) using a proposal-free approach, the authors Hays, Pietro Perona, Deva
Ramanan, Piotr Dollár, and
mention that using the RPN in a proposal-based framework with C Lawrence Zitnick. Microsoft
COCO: Common objects in
DSOD failed to converge, which suggests that there are additional context. In European conference
on computer vision, pages 740–
issues with the RPN formulation that are not related to the size of
755. Springer, 2014
the training set. Additional research is needed about understanding 23
Zhiqiang Shen, Zhuang
how the RPN works and what is required for convergence. Liu, Jianguo Li, Yu-Gang Jiang,
Yurong Chen, and Xiangyang
Xue. Dsod: Learning deeply su-
pervised object detectors from
scratch. In The IEEE International
Conference on Computer Vision
(ICCV), volume 3, page 7, 2017

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

7.1.1 Discussion

Detection proposals have been very successful in color images. The

literature is rich in methods, evaluation, and advances. But none of
these advances can be directly transferred into sonar images.
Many bottom-up proposal techniques use super-pixel segmenta-
tion, which is unreliable in sonar images. As we have previously
mentioned in Chapter 4, segmenting a sonar image is not an easy
task and it might be very unreliable for complex objects such as
marine debris.
Many other methods rely on manually crafted features, which
do not generalize or plain do not work for sonar images. The cues
that are typically used for objectness ranking are either unreliable
or cannot be applied in sonar, specially features based on color
or shape. In theory shape could be used but this requires precise
segmentation of the shadow produced by the object.
Most recent methods are quite complex, combining multiple
features and cues in order to improve performance, but hurting
the ability to generalize to other kinds of images, as methods are
too specialized to be usable in sonar. A method that uses feature
learning instead is much more promising.
Finally, two large issues are common to most proposal algorithms.
One is the large number of proposals that must be generated in order
to obtain high recall. Many images in the PASCAL VOC dataset
do not contain a comparable number of objects, which means that
many generated proposals do not correspond to real objects in the
image. This is computationally wasteful. Methods like MultiBox
show that it is possible to get high recall with a low number of
proposals, showing that other methods are generating unnecessary
The second issue is computational performance. Many detection
proposal methods were developed in order to "guide" 24 the object 24
Jan Hosang, Rodrigo
Benenson, and Bernt Schiele.
detection process, which should reduce the number of bounding How good are detection pro-
posals, really? arXiv preprint
boxes that have to be classified with respect to a classic sliding arXiv:1406.6962, 2014
window, but now the added complexity from the detection pro-
posal algorithm is driving the computational budget up. State of
the art methods like Faster R-CNN run in real-time, but only if a
GPU is used, as the prediction of a dense set of bounding boxes is
computationally expensive.
It is clear that CNNs are the most promising method for gen-
erating detection proposals in sonar images, but bounding box

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

prediction does not seem to work in a setting where large datasets

are not available.

7.2 Objectness Prediction with CNNs

This section describes our detection proposals pipeline and the use
of convolutional neural networks for objectness prediction.

7.2.1 Objectness Prediction

We base our method on the idea that objectness can be estimated

from an image window/patch. An objectness regressor can then
be trained on such data to learn the relationship between image
content and an abstract objectness score concept. This corresponds
to a data-driven approach. Many machine learning models can be
used for this, and we explore their differences in our evaluation.
First we estimate the ground truth objectness labels with a simple
method. As objectness is not a "measurable" quantity, but an abstract
figure, we use a metric that we define as a proxy: The maximum
IoU of a sliding window with the ground bounding boxes.
Our reasoning is that the IoU is maximum only when the sliding
window perfectly contains the object 25 and is strictly decreasing 25
Assuming that labeled
bounding boxes do contain
when the window moves away from the ground truth object. Zero the objects of interest.
objectness should be predicted from background windows, and this
perfectly corresponds to IoU zero as the window does not intersect
any ground truth object. As our objective is to train a regressor that
predicts an objectness score from an image patch, having a diverse
set of ground truth objectness value is desirable.
But perfectly intersecting bounding boxes are quite unusual, spe-
cially for a fixed-size window as we use. In order to train a better
regressor, we pass the IoU values through a squashing function in
order to increase their range and cover the full range of objectness
in [0, 1]:

 1.0 if iou ≥ 1.0 − e

objectness(iou) = iou if 1.0 − e < iou < e (7.6)


if iou ≤ e
We define e as the range in objectness value that should be approx-
imated to the closest value (either towards zero or one). This value
depends on how well the bounding boxes fit a fixed-size sliding
window. For our marine debris dataset we use e = 0.2.

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

A machine learning model is then trained to predict objectness

values from N × N image patch pixels.

7.2.2 Detection Proposals Pipeline

Once a objectness prediction model has been obtained, we can use it

to generate detection proposals with a very simple method. Given
an input sonar image, we slide a N × N sliding window with a given
stride s, but only covering the parts of the image corresponding to
the polar field of view. This is shown in Figure 7.1. We use a strided
sliding window in order to increase performance, as with s > 1
many sliding windows will be skipped, reducing the size of the
search space. Using a strided sliding window does not seem to
decrease recall unless very tight bounding boxes are required.
We use two methods to decide when a given objectness value Figure 7.1: Sliding Window
example on a polar field of
produces a detection proposal:
view typical of forward-looking

• Objectness Thresholding. Any image window having objectness sonars. This grid was gener-
ated with s = 8. Many sliding
larger or equal to a predefined threshold To is output as a detec-
windows overlap with each
tion proposal. The value of To must be carefully tuned, as a low
value will produce many proposals with high recall, and a large
value will generate less proposals with low recall. In general it
is desirable to produce the smallest amount of proposals that
reaches a given recall target.

• Objectness Ranking. Given a predefined number k of detection

proposals to output, we obtain all image windows and order
them by objectness score in increasing order. The the top-k imag,e
windows by objectness score are returned as detection proposals.
This method avoid the selection of a minimum objectness value
and it is more adaptive to specific conditions in the field, allowing
the detection of objects that are not present in the training set.

For our specific detection proposals algorithm we use 96 × 96

sliding windows on the image, with a window stride of s = 8
pixels. The final proposals are produced by applying non-maxima
suppression 26 . This consists of greedily obtaining all proposals 26
Rafael C. Gonzalez and
Richard E. Woods. Digital Image
that intersect more than an IoU overlap threshold St and from each Processing (3rd Edition). Prentice-
Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River,
pair, only keep the proposal with the highest objectness score. This NJ, USA, 2006
suppresses duplicated proposals that are produced via the sliding
window approach.

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

7.2.3 Network Architectures

We use two network architectures for objectness prediction. One is a

CNN that is similar to ClassicNet, as previously used in Chapter 4,
but with slight modifications. The other is a CNN based on TinyNet,
but it is designed to be transformed into a Fully Convolutional
Network (FCN) 27 for efficient evaluation of objectness computation 27
Jonathan Long, Evan Shel-
hamer, and Trevor Darrell. Fully
in a full image. convolutional networks for
semantic segmentation. In Pro-
The CNN architecture based on ClassicNet is shown in Figure ceedings of the IEEE Conference
7.2. We call this architecture ClassicNet-Objectness. This is a six on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition, pages 3431–3440,
layer network, with a sigmoid activation at the output, in order to 2015

produce an objectness score in the [0, 1] range. The input to this

network is a 96 × 96 sonar image patch. The idea is that this network
can be used in a sliding window fashion to produce an objectness Objectness
map from a full size sonar image. ReLU activations are used in
each layer except at the output, where a sigmoid activation is used
instead. For regularization, we use Batch Normalization after each FC(1)

layer except the output layer. FC(96)

This network is trained with a mean squared error loss for 5

MaxPool(2, 2)
epochs using ADAM. We found out that in order to generalize well,
Conv(32, 5 × 5)
setting the right number of epochs is vital, as if the network is over-
trained it will overfit to the objects in the training set. We obtained MaxPool(2, 2)

the number of epochs by monitoring the loss on a validation set, Conv(32, 5 × 5)

and stopping if it started increasing.

96 × 96 Image Patch
The second architecture based on TinyNet is shown in Figure 7.3.
Figure 7.2: CNN architecture
We call this architecture as TinyNet-Objectness. This represents a
based on ClassicNet for object-
base architecture that is later transformed into a fully convolutional ness prediction.
network. This network has seven layers, with a combined use of Objectness

3 × 3 and 1 × 1 filters plus Max-Pooling. One difference of this

network when compared to TinyNet is that it uses a fully connected
MaxPool(2, 2)
layer with a sigmoid activation to predict objectness, while TinyNet
uses global average pooling combined with a softmax activation for Conv(24, 1 × 1)

classification. Conv(24, 3 × 3)
This network is also trained with a mean squared error loss for
MaxPool(2, 2)
15 epochs, using ADAM. We applied the same methodology as
Conv(24, 1 × 1)
before, but the loss converges in more epochs, but does not seem
to produce overfitting. This network has a final loss that is slightly Conv(24, 3 × 3)

higher than the previous one, but still performs adequately. Note 96 × 96 Image Patch
that we do not use regularization as part of this network, as using
Figure 7.3: TinyNet-Objectness
Batch Normalization prevents us into transforming the CNN into a Architecture for objectness
FCN due to the fixed sizes in the Batch Normalization parameters. prediction.

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

Objectness Map
As mentioned before, this network performs well and does not seem
to overfit. Conv(1, 24 × 24)

After training, we convert TinyNet-Objectness into a fully convo- MaxPool(2, 2)

lutional network by replacing the final fully connected layer with a
Conv(24, 1 × 1)
equivalent convolutional layer. The trained weights have to reshaped
to match weights that can be used by a convolutional layer. This is Conv(24, 3 × 3)

done by creating a convolutional layer with number of filters equals MaxPool(2, 2)

to the output dimensionality of the FC layer, and with filter size

Conv(24, 1 × 1)
equal to the output of the previous layer, which corresponds to the
Conv(24, 3 × 3)
last Max-Pooling layer in our case.
Note that the network is trained on 96 × 96 image patches, same Sonar Image

as ClassicNet-Objectness, but then it can be evaluated in a fully Figure 7.4: TinyNet-FCN-

Objectness Architecture for
convolutional way in order to improve performance, as applying a
objectness prediction. This is
sliding window to ClassicNet-Objectness is computationally very
a fully convolutional network
expensive, and does not exploit shared computation in the convolu- version of TinyNet-Objectness
tional layers.
The fully convolutional version of TinyNet-Objectness is called
TinyNet-FCN-Objectness. This network can now take variable-sized
images as input, producing also a variable-size image as output. The
relationship between the input and output dimensionalities depend
on the level of down-sampling in the network architecture (mostly
by Max-Pooling). As we desire outputs that have the same spatial
dimensions as the input, we up-sample the output using bilinear
interpolation. Then this objectness map can be used with our sliding
window detection proposals pipeline. One example of such up-
sampled objectness maps produced by this network is shown in
Sonar Image
Figure 7.5.

7.3 Experimental Evaluation

In this section we perform an extensive experimental evaluation of

our proposed detection proposal algorithms.

7.3.1 Training and Datasets

We have three datasets which are used to train and test this method:
Objectness Map
• Training: This is a dataset of 51653 96 × 96 sonar image patches,
obtained and labeled with the methodology described in Section Figure 7.5: Objectness Map

7.2.1. CNN models are trained on this dataset. We perform data produced by TinyNet-FCN-
Objectness on a given input
augmentation by flipping images left-right and up-down, which
increases the amount of data by three times.

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

• Validation: This is a dataset of 22137 96 × 96 sonar image patches,

used for validation during network training. We report the mean
squared error on this dataset.

• Testing: This dataset contains 770 full-size sonar images where we

test our detection proposals pipeline. These images are variable
sized, as they depend on the specific sonar configuration that was
used when capturing them. We report recall, computation time
and average best overlap (ABO) on this dataset.

7.3.2 Evaluation Metrics

As mentioned in the related work, the main metric used to evaluate

detection proposal algorithms is recall.
From the Marine Debris task perspective, the recall metric mea-
sures how well marine debris is found by the detector, but false
positives might happen when the number of detections is large. For
this reason we also wish to minimize the number of detections that
the detector produces, as a high quality proposals algorithm will
have a high recall with a low number of detections.
We also considered to evaluate precision, as this explicitly ac-
counts for false positives, but it would be inconsistent with the
proposals literature, and it could bias the detector to only detect the
objects in the training set. Recall is well correlated 28 with object 28
Jan Hosang, Rodrigo
Benenson, Piotr Dollár, and
detection performance, and unlike the more common mAP metric Bernt Schiele. What makes for
effective detection proposals?
used in object detection, it is easier to interpret for a human. IEEE transactions on pattern
To provide a more comprehensive evaluation, we decided to use analysis and machine intelligence,
38(4):814–830, 2016
three additional metrics. For each image in our test set, we run the
proposals algorithm and evaluate all proposed bounding boxes with
the following metrics:

• Recall: Number of correctly detected objects divided by the total

number of ground truth objects in the image. We use a minimum
IoU overlap threshold of Ot = 0.5, but we also evaluate higher
values of Ot for proposal localization quality.

• Number of Proposals: We compute the mean and standard de-

viation of the total number of generated proposals across the
images in our test set. A good proposal method should achieve
high recall with a minimum number of proposals.

• Average Best Overlap: Mean value of the best overlap score for
each ground truth object. This metric tells how well the generated
proposals match the ground truth bounding boxes.

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

• Computation Time: Mean and standard deviation of computa-

tion time across the whole dataset. This was evaluated on the
high-power platform mentioned in Section 4.3.6. A fast detection
proposal method is desirable for use in real robot platforms.

The use of the computation time metric is motivated by the

Marine Debris task, as a typical AUV has limited computational
resources and energy, so a fast proposals algorithm is preferable.
The Average Best Overlap metric measures how well the produced
bounding boxes match the ground truth, indicating the quality
of object localization in the image. High quality object location
information is desirable for the sub-task of manipulation and picking
the debris object.
As we have two methods to generate detection proposals from
objectness prediction, we evaluate both with respect to their tun-
able parameters: the objectness threshold To and the number of
ranked proposals k. All metrics vary considerably with the tunable
parameters, and we can decide their optimal values by evaluating
on a validation set. For some experiments, we also vary the non-
maxima suppression threshold St as it affects recall and the number
of proposals. We evaluate each model (CNN or FCN) separately and
compare against the template matching baseline.

7.3.3 Baseline

As there is no previous work in detection proposals for sonar images,

it is not trivial to define baselines. We produce a baseline by using
template matching as a generic objectness score. Cross-correlation
Template matching is commonly used for image classification and More information about tem-

object detection, and a simple modification can transform it into an plate matching is available in
Chapter 4
objectness score.
We randomly select a set of N templates from the training set,
and apply cross-correlation as a sliding window between the input
image (with size (W, H )) and each template. This produces a set
of images that correspond to the response of each template, with
dimensions ( N, W, H ). To produce a final objectness score, we take
the maximum value across the template dimensions, producing a
final image with size (W, H ). Taking the maximum makes sense, in
order to make sure that only the best matching template produces
an objectness score. As cross-correlation takes values in the [−1, 1]
range, we produce objectness values in the [0, 1] range by just setting
any negative value to zero.

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

Then we use the produced objectness scores with our detections

proposal pipeline, with both objectness thresholding and ranking.
We decided to use N = 100, as this produces the best recall in
our experiments, and there is little variation in recall due to the
random selection of templates. Using more templates only degrades
computation time without increasing recall.
For comparison with the state of the art detection proposals
methods, we selected Selective Search and EdgeBoxes, as both have
public implementations in the OpenCV library. For EdgeBoxes the
score threshold can be tuned, as well as a number of proposals
can be set. We evaluate both parameters by selecting a low score
threshold 0.0001 at a fixed number of 300 proposals, and using a 0.0
score threshold and varying the number of output proposals.
For Selective Search, we evaluate both the Quality and Fast con-
figurations, with a variable number of output proposals.

7.3.4 Proposals from Objectness Thresholding

We now evaluate our objectness thresholding method, by setting

To to values [0.05, 0.10, 0.15, ..., 1.0] and computing the previously
mentioned metrics for each threshold value. We also vary the non-
maxima suppression threshold St with values [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9].
Higher values for St remove less proposals as a more strict overlap
threshold must be met, while smaller values for St will suppress
more proposals and reduce recall slightly.
ClassicNet results are shown in Figure 7.6. These figures show
that our method can achieve high recall, close to 95 % for many
combinations of St . Increasing the NMS threshold decreases recall
and the number of proposals significantly, and a good trade-off
between high recall and low number of proposals seems to be
St = 0.8 or St = 0.7. At objectness threshold To = 0.5 our method
produces 94 % recall with less than 60 proposals per image. In
comparison, up to 1480 candidate bounding boxes are evaluated,
showing that the CNN has a high discriminative power between
objects and non-objects.
Looking at ABO, all NMS thresholds produce very good scores,
considerably far from the overlap threshold Ot = 0.5. Increasing
the NMS threshold St has the effect of reducing the ABO, which
explains why recall also decreases.
Computation time for ClassicNet is 12.8 ± 1.9 seconds, which is
quite far from real-time performance needed for robotics applica-

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

CNN NMS St = 0.5 CNN NMS St = 0.6 CNN NMS St = 0.7

CNN NMS St = 0.8 CNN NMS St = 0.9 CC TM

80 85 90 95 100

Average Best Overlap (ABO)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
# of Proposals
Recall (%)


10 50 100



Objectness Threshold (To ) Objectness Threshold (To ) Objectness Threshold (To )
(a) Recall vs Threshold (b) Number of Proposals vs Threshold(c) Average Best Overlap vs Threshold

Figure 7.6: ClassicNet with

Objectness Thresholding: De-
tions. This is expected as sliding a CNN over the image does not tection proposal results over
our dataset.
share feature maps across the image.
The template matching baseline performs quite poorly. Even as it
can reach 91 % recall, it requires a very low threshold to obtain such
performance, producing over 250 proposals per image. Its recall and
number of proposals drop very quickly with increasing values of
To . These results show that template matching cannot be used for
reliable detection proposal generation.
Results for TinyNet-FCN are shown in Figure 7.7. Objectness
produced by this network also works quite well, but achieving 95
% recall only with a lower threshold To = 0.3 and 75 proposals per
image. One considerable difference with ClassicNet objectness is
that the Recall-To plot covers the whole objectness threshold range,
while ClassicNet drops close to zero for To = 0.8. This shows that the
scores produced by TinyNet-FCN cover the whole objectness range
([0, 1]) instead of being clustered to be less than 0.8 as ClassicNet
With the thresholding method, TinyNet-FCN produces more pro-
posals and needs a considerable number of proposals to achieve
high recall. This number of proposals can be controller by setting a
lower NMS threshold St , but this reduces recall by up to 5 %.
ABO scores in TinyNet-FCN are similar to the ones measured for
ClassicNet, showing that proposal localization has a similar quality.
The only reason for lower recall are less discriminative objectness
scores produced by TinyNet-FCN.

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

FCN NMS St = 0.5 FCN NMS St = 0.6 FCN NMS St = 0.7

FCN NMS St = 0.8 FCN NMS St = 0.9 CC TM

80 85 90 95 100

Average Best Overlap (ABO)
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
# of Proposals
Recall (%)





Objectness Threshold (To ) Objectness Threshold (To ) Objectness Threshold (To )
(a) Recall vs Threshold (b) Number of Proposals vs Threshold(c) Average Best Overlap vs Threshold

Figure 7.7: TinyNet-FCN with

Objectness Thresholding: De-
TinyNet-FCN is considerably faster than ClassicNet, at 3.3 ± 1.0 tection proposal results over
our dataset.
seconds per image, corresponding to a speedup of 3.9. This is easily
explained as the FCN computes all feature maps once, on the full-
size image, and then use a 24 × 24 convolution to produce the final
output objectness map. It was expected that this method would be
faster, but up-scaling the final objectness map to match the original
input image size also contributes significantly to the computation
time. In any case, a method that is almost 4 times faster seems to be
a good trade-off for 5 % less recall, still easily reaching over 90 %.
Figure 7.8 shows a cherry-picked sample of detections over full
sonar images produced ClassicNet and TinyNet-FCN. This example
shows how more proposals are generated with objectness computed
by TinyNet-FCN, as this network produces scores that are better
distributed into the full [0, 1] range. Increasing the threshold To will
reduce the number of proposals.

7.3.5 Proposals from Objectness Ranking

In this section we evaluate our objectness ranking to produce pro-

posals. We set K to [1, 2, 3, ..., 10, 20, 30, ..., 100] and compute metrics
for each value of K. We also vary the non-maxima suppression
threshold St with values [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]. Non-maxima suppres-
sion is applied before ranking proposals, in order to prevent it from
reducing the number of proposals that are output below a given
value of K. We do not include the number of proposals as it is
implicitly covered by the selected value of K.

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

(a) ClassicNet Objectness

Figure 7.8: Sample detections

using objectness thresholding
with To = 0.6 and NMS thresh-
(b) TinyNet-FCN Objectness
old St = 0.7

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

CNN NMS St = 0.5 CNN NMS St = 0.6 CNN NMS St = 0.7

CNN NMS St = 0.8 CNN NMS St = 0.9 CC TM

100 1

Average Best Overlap (ABO)

90 0.9
80 0.8
70 0.7
Recall (%)

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
(a) Recall vs K (b) ABO vs K

Figure 7.9: ClassicNet with

Objectness Ranking: Detec-
Results using ClassicNet are shown in Figure 7.9. Objectness tion proposal results over our
dataset, including recall and
prediction with CNNs works quite well, achieving 95 % recall with average best overlap (ABO).

only 20 proposals per image. In comparison, template matching

objectness does not reach a similar recall even with more than
100 proposals per image. Recall increases with K but it does in a
much slower way with template matching objectness. This is also
reflected in the ABO score, as the 0.5 threshold is only achieved after
K = 40. This definitely shows that template matching objectness is
not appropriate for detection proposals, as the template matching
scores do not reflect true objectness.
Results for TinyNet-FCN are shown in Figure 7.10. Objectness
produced by this network also works quite well, but achieving
95 % recall with 40-60 proposals per image, which is 2-3 times the
amount required by ClassicNet. This high recall is easily achieved by
methods with aggressive non-maxima suppression (St ∈ [0.5, 0.7]),
showing that the effect of NMS is also to remove high scoring
proposals that do not contribute to high recall. This effect can
clearly be seen in the configuration featuring St = 0.9, which is
almost equivalent to disabling NMS. In this case recall grows slower
when compared to the other St values, and saturates close to 85
%. Removing proposals through NMS has the unexpected effect of
increasing recall.
Comparing ClassicNet and TinyNet-FCN with objectness rank-
ing, it is clear that both networks produce high quality objectness
scores, and only the methods used to decide proposals account for
differences in recall. Using Objectness thresholding seems to be a

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

FCN NMS St = 0.5 FCN NMS St = 0.6 FCN NMS St = 0.7

FCN NMS St = 0.8 FCN NMS St = 0.9 CC TM

100 1

Average Best Overlap (ABO)

90 0.9
80 0.8
70 0.7
Recall (%)

0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
(a) Recall vs K (b) ABO vs K

Figure 7.10: TinyNet-FCN with

Objectness Ranking: Detec-
simple option but does not produce the best results in terms of recall tion proposal results over our
dataset, including recall and
vs number of proposals. Objectness ranking seems to be a superior average best overlap (ABO).

method as high recall can be achieved with low number of proposals

(20 to 40 per image), but only if a low NMS threshold St is applied.
Figure 7.11 shows a cherry-picked sample of detections over
sonar images, computed with K = 10. This example shows that
the top ranking proposals by objectness cover the objects of interest,
including the ground truth objects, and some objects that are present
in the dataset but not labeled as such, due to them being blurry and
not easily identifiable by the human labeler.

7.3.6 Comparison to State of the Art

In this section we compare our proposed technique with the state

of the art. We use three metrics for this, the best (highest) recall on
our dataset, the number of proposals required to achieve such recall,
and the computation time on the High-Power platform as defined
in Chapter 4.
Table 7.1 shows our main results. EdgeBoxes is by far the fastest
method at 0.1 seconds per frame, and it produces the best recall, but
doing so requires over 5000 proposals per image, which is not really
acceptable for real-world applications. We notice that EdgeBoxes
on sonar images produces a large number of very small bounding
boxes, which do not really correspond to objects in the sonar image.
It also typically produces bounding boxes for parts of the objects,
getting confused when acoustic highlights are disconnected.
Selective Search Quality also obtains very good recall but with

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

(a) ClassicNet Objectness

Figure 7.11: Sample detections

using objectness ranking with
K = 10 and NMS threshold
(b) TinyNet-FCN Objectness
St = 0.7

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

Method Best Recall # of Proposals Time (s) Table 7.1: Comparison of detec-
tion proposal techniques with
TM CC Threshold 91.83 % 150 10.0 ± 0.5 state of the art. Our proposed
TM CC Ranking 88.59 % 110 10.0 ± 0.5 methods obtain the highest re-
call with the lowest number of
EdgeBoxes (Thresh) 57.01 % 300 0.1 proposals. Only EdgeBoxes has
EdgeBoxes (# Boxes) 97.94 % 5000 0.1 a higher recall with a consider-
ably larger number of output
Selective Search Fast 84.98 % 1000 1.5 ± 0.1
Selective Search Quality 95.15 % 2000 5.4 ± 0.3
ClassicNet Threshold 96.42 % 125 12.4 ± 2.0
TinyNet-FCN Threshold 96.33 % 300 3.1 ± 1.0
ClassicNet Ranking 96.12 % 80 12.4 ± 2.0
Tinynet-FCN Ranking 95.43 % 100 3.1 ± 1.0

over 2000 proposals needed for this. While this is lower than what
is required by EdgeBoxes, it is still too much for practical purposes.
We also notice the same pattern that too many boxes are assigned to
just noise in the image. This can be expected as these algorithms are
not really designed for sonar images.
Cross-Correlation Template Matching produces the lowest recall
we observed on this experiment. Our objectness networks obtain
very good recall with a low number of proposals per image. Clas-
sicNet with objectness ranking produces 96 % recall with only 80
proposals per image, which is 62 times less than EdgeBoxes with
only a 1 % absolute loss in recall. TinyNet-FCN with objectness rank-
ing also produces 95% recall with only 100 proposals per image, at
a four times reduced computational cost. Selective Search produces
1 % less recall than the best of our methods, but outputting 25 times
more proposals.
In terms of computation time, EdgeBoxes is the fastest. FCN
objectness is 4 times faster to compute than CNN objectness, due to
the fully convolutional network structure, and it only requires a 1 %
reduction in recall. CC Template Matching is also quite slow, at 10
seconds per image, making it difficult to use in an AUV.
Figure 7.12 shows a comparison of the selected techniques as the
number of output proposals is varied. This provides a more broad
overview of how increasing the number of proposals that are output
affects recall. The best methods would provide a high recall with
a low number of proposals, corresponding to the top left part of
the plot, and it can be seen that both ClassicNet and TinyNet-FCN
objectness do a better job at predicting the correct objectness values
at the right regions in the image, which leads to high recall with less
Overall we believe that our results show that our CNN-based

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

85 SS Fast
SS Quality
Recall (%) 60 CNN Threshold
FCN Threshold
40 TM Threshold
CNN Ranking
20 FCN Ranking
TM Ranking
100 101 102 103 104

# of Proposals

Figure 7.12: Number of output

proposals versus Recall for
methods are very competitive with the state of the art, as we can different techniques. State of
the art detection proposals
obtain better results than a Template Matching baseline and Selec- methods can achieve high
recall but only outputting a
tive Search in terms of higher recall and lower number of output large number of proposals. Our
proposed methods achieve high
proposals, and sightly worse than EdgeBoxes in terms of recall, but recall with orders of magnitude
still a considerable improvement in the number of required output less output proposals. For this
plot we use St = 0.8.

7.3.7 Objectness Visualization

In this section we wish to evaluate a different aspect of our algorithm:

how the produced objectness scores map to objects in the image.
This corresponds to a qualitative evaluation, in contrast to previous
quantitative evaluations.
For this experiment we compute the objectness map with Classic-
Net and TinyNet-FCN. For ClassicNet we slide the network over the
image, on a grid with a stride of s = 4 pixels. Gaps in the output
map due to the strided evaluation are filled by performing nearest
neighbour filtering. We do not slide the network on parts of the
image that are partially or fully outside of the sonar’s field of view.
This produces a objectness map that is slightly smaller than the
input image. For TinyNet-FCN the complete image is input, and as
mentioned previously, the output objectness map is up-scaled with
linear interpolation to match the size of the input image.
We selected six representative sonar input images from the test
set and computed their objectness map representations. These are
shown in Figure 7.13. Results show that there are large spatial
correlations between the presence of an object and a large objectness
ClassicNet produces maps that have a sharp discrimination be-

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

(a) Bottle and Tire (b) Bottle

(c) Tire and Bottle (d) Propeller and Wall

(e) Can (f) Hook and Tire

Figure 7.13: Objectness Map

Visualization. The first column
tween object and background, with background having close to corresponds to the input image,
while the second is objectness
zero score, and objects having a higher score, but not reaching the produced by ClassicNet, and
the third is objectness pro-
maximum value of 1.0 (full black). TinyNet does produce higher duced by TinyNet-FCN. In the
last two columns light shade
objectness scores in response to objects. represents low objectness,
Some objects are of particular interest, such as walls present in while dark shades represent
high objectness.
Figure 7.13d. The wall in those images was not part of the training
set, but it produces a strong response on the TinyNet-FCN maps, and
a weak response on the ClassicNet objectness maps. This indicates
that the networks generalize well and are able to produce high
objectness for objects that are quite different from the ones in the
training set.
ClassicNet has a smaller mean squared error than TinyNet (0.011
vs 0.015) and this difference produces small but non-zero scores for
background in maps produced by TinyNet-FCN, while ClassicNet
has almost zero scores for the same background. This is not prob-
lematic but it does indeed show a difference in the objectness scores
produced by both networks. While we use the same metric (loss)
to train both networks, it seems that TinyNet-FCN produces better

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

scores that represent well a proper objectness metric.

The objectness maps that we obtained can be related to the con-
cept of complexity maps, which shows the image complexity metric
as a map on top of an image. Geilhufe and Midtgaard 29 showed 29
M Geilhufe and Ø Midt-
gaard. Quantifying the complex-
how a complexity map from a synthetic aperture sonar can be ob- ity in sonar images for mcm
performance estimation. In
tained from the variation of the wavelet representation coefficients Proc. 2nd International Conference
of a sonar image. Their complexity maps visually look similar to our and Exhibition on Underwater
Acoustics, pages 1041–1048,
objectness maps, which suggests that it is possible that the object- 2014

ness estimator algorithm could be estimating the image complexity

indirectly. Additional experimentation is required to assess this

7.3.8 Generalization to Unseen Objects

We have also evaluated our detection proposal techniques in previ-

ously unseen objects. For this purpose we used the chain dataset
captured by CIRS at the University of Girona (Similar to 30 ), as well 30
Natalia Hurtós, Narcis
Palomeras, Sharad Nagappa,
as several objects that we captured in our water tank, including a and Joaquim Salvi. Automatic
detection of underwater chain
metal wrench, a large tire 31 , a rotating platform, and the wrench links using a forward-looking
mounted on the rotating platform. We do not have ground truth on sonar. In OCEANS-Bergen, 2013
MTS/IEEE, pages 1–7. IEEE,
these sonar images, so evaluation will only be done qualitatively. 2013
Figures 7.15 and 7.14 contains our results. Fig. 7.15a shows This tire is different from the
one in the training set
detections generated over the chain. Detections completely cover
the chain, and the objectness map also shows that there is a good
correlation between chain presence and high scores.
Figure 7.15b shows detections over a wrench. This wrench is not
present in our training set, and it is an object that can be considered
radically different from the ones in our training set. This example
also shows that unseen objects generally obtain high objectness
scores, but ClassicNet produces lower scores than objects in the
training set. TinyNet-FCN produces a strong response on unseen
Figure 7.14 shows a rotating platform and the wrench placed on
top of the rotating platform. These objects also considerably differ
from the ones in the training set, and both produce high objectness
scores. It should be noted that the scale of these objects is different
from the training set, so no bounding box completely covers the
These examples show that our system can generalize to objects
that are quite different from the training set. These examples also
show that background does not generate a large CNN response and

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

(a) Rotating Platform

(b) Rotating Platform + Wrench

Figure 7.14: Detection propos-

als on unseen objects. Both
in general objectness scores over background are quite close to zero. images show a rotating plat-
form with and without an ob-
ject on top. Columns in order
show: Input image, detections
7.3.9 Missed Detections Analysis at To = 0.5, objectness map
produced by ClassicNet, and
objectness map produced by
In this section we provide a small analysis of failure cases in our TinyNet-FCN.
detection proposals method. As we can reach 95 % recall, there is 5
% of ground truth objects that are missed and we wish to explain
these missed detections.
Figure 7.16 shows a selection of detections that completely missed
an object or were considered incorrect. We have identified several
kinds of errors that are common in our proposals pipeline:

• Poor Localization. This corresponds to bounding boxes with IoU

overlap lower than 0.5, which makes them incorrect detections.
This only produced for small bounding boxes, and this is expected
as we are using a single scale to produce detections. In many
cases the ground truth bounding boxes are too small and this
produces a drop in recall. This is shown in the second column of
Figure 7.16.

• Low Objectness Score. Some objects receive lower than expected

objectness scores, only producing correct detections with very low

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

(a) Chain

(b) Wrench

(c) Large Tire

Figure 7.15: Detection propos-

als on unseen objects. (a) shows
thresholds, and missing them completely at higher thresholds. a chain, captured by the CIRS
(University of Girona, Spain),
This is shown in the third column of Figure 7.16. This effect could while (b) shows a wrench, and
(c) shows a large tire, both
be explained as simple overfitting or failure to generalize, and captured by us. In both cases
detections can be generated
could improve with more training data. over previously unseen objects,
which shows the generaliza-
• Sonar Pose. In some cases, like the fourth and fifth column of tion capability of our proposed
system. Columns in order
Figure 7.16, the sonar pose and field of view produce objects show: Input image, detections
at To = 0.5, objectness map
that have a very weak or considerable different highlight. This produced by ClassicNet, and
objectness map produced by
also produces a low objectness score and a missed detection. TinyNet-FCN.
Objects like this are quite rare in the dataset but still present, so
the objectness regressor could be biased against due to the low
number of samples. More training data considering more views
of the object and sonar poses could help improve this deficiency.

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

(a) ClassicNet Objectness

Figure 7.16: Sample missed

detections with objectness
thresholding at To = 0.6 and
(b) TinyNet-FCN Objectness
NMS threshold St = 0.7

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

• Disconnected Highlights. In some cases, like the first and second

columns of Figure 7.16, the highlights are very faint and discon-
nected at the pixel level which causes the objectness map to also
be similarly disconnected. This either produces low objectness
scores, as the detector seems to be inclined to highly score high-
light regions that are connected, and thus a missed detection is
produced. We also believe that more training data with increased
variability can help solve this deficiency.

7.3.10 Proposal Localization Quality

In this section we evaluate the localization quality of the generated

proposals. A high quality proposal should closely match the ground
truth, while a low quality detection will not have a good match with
the ground truth. Quality can be measured by the best match IoU

bestMatch( A, GT ) = max IoU( A, R) (7.7)

We evaluate proposal quality by varying the IoU overlap threshold
Ot used to decide if a detection is correct. We then compute recall
as function of Ot . We use Ot ∈ [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9] and evaluate
both objectness thresholding and ranking. We deactivate the use
of non-maxima suppression in order to obtain an upper bound on
recall as Ot changes.
Our results for ClassicNet objectness are shown in Fig. 7.17.
Objectness thresholding recall slightly decreases when increasing
Ot = 0.7, but it greatly decreases close to 40% with Ot = 0.8. Using
Ot = 0.9 produces negligible set of correct detections. These results
indicate that our generated proposals match well until Ot = 0.7,
but for higher IoU overlap threshold the match is not good. In
ClassicNet for objectness ranking we observe a similar pattern to
objectness thresholding, as recall slightly decreases until Td = 0.7,
then greatly decreases for Ot = 0.8 and Ot = 0.9.
The kind of method used to extract detection proposals from
objectness scores does not seem to have a big impact on localization
quality. This is probably due to the use of a strided sliding window,
as proposals can only be generated up to a precision of s pixels
(eight in the case of this thesis).
Results for TinyNet-FCN objectness are shown in Figure 7.18. A
similar pattern to ClassicNet objectness can be observed, but the
loss in recall by increasing Ot is greater. For Ot = 0.6 recall drops

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

Ot = 0.5 Ot = 0.6 Ot = 0.7 Ot = 0.8 Ot = 0.9

100 100
95 95
90 90
85 85
80 80
70 70
Recall (%)

Recall (%)
60 60
50 50
40 40

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0 20 40 60 80 100

Objectness Threshold Top K proposals

(a) Objectness Thresholding (b) Objectness Ranking

Figure 7.17: Proposal Quality

for ClassicNet objectness. This
from 95 % to 80 %, and further degrades close to 50% for Ot = 0.7. plot shows the relationship
between Recall and Objectness
This shows that while the objectness scores produced by TinyNet- Threshold To and number of
proposals K for different values
FCN are better distributed, they produce slightly worse proposal of Ot
localization than ClassicNet. This is an area that definitely needs

7.3.11 How Much Data is Needed to Generalize?

In this final experiment we evaluate the effect of training set size on

generalization. One big issue compared to similar experiments in
previous chapters is that for computational reasons, we cannot run
the full proposals algorithm on a test set for each trained network.
This would simply take too much time.
As a simplification, we use the area under the ROC curve (AUC)
as a proxy metric for detection proposals generalization. This makes
sense as we wish to evaluate how well the scores produced by a
network generalize to new samples, and how discriminative these
scores perform to separate objects from background.
In order to explore generalization performance, we vary the size
of the training set by first generating synthetic class labels, as we
framed objectness prediction as a regression and not a classification
problem. Any ground truth image patch with objectness less than
0.5 is labeled as a negative sample, while patches with objectness
greater or equal to 0.5 are labeled as positive samples. Then using
this binary class information the dataset can be sub-sampled. We
used SPC in range [1, 10000]. We evaluate each trained network on
the validation set, as it contains image patches where MSE and AUC
can be measured easily. We use the same basic methodology as

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

Ot = 0.5 Ot = 0.6 Ot = 0.7 Ot = 0.8 Ot = 0.9

100 100
95 95
90 90
85 85
80 80
70 70
Recall (%)

Recall (%)
60 60
50 50
40 40

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0 20 40 60 80 100

Objectness Threshold Top K proposals

(a) Objectness Thresholding (b) Objectness Ranking

Figure 7.18: Proposal Quality

for TinyNet-FCN objectness.
previously mentioned in Section 5.4 to train multiple networks and This plot shows the relation-
ship between Recall and Object-
present mean and standard deviation of both metrics. ness Threshold To and number
of proposals K for different
Our results are shown in Figure 7.19. Sub-sampling the datasets values of Ot
produces slightly higher MSE than the networks trained on the fully
dataset, as expected. This shows that the experiment is working
correctly and it might indicate that the fully training set might not
be needed, as the difference in MSE is small.
Looking at Figure 7.19, subplots c and d show AUC as the number
of samples per class is varied. With a single sample per class,
ClassicNet obtains 0.7 AUC, while TinyNet obtains 0.6 AUC. Both
are higher than the random chance limit of 0.5, but still it is not
usable as a proposal scoring scheme.
Increasing the number of samples per class has the effect of
rapidly increasing the AUC, with only 100 samples per class required
for ClassicNet to reach 0.9 AUC, with TinyNet closely following at
0.87 AUC. In order to reach 0.95 AUC, ClassicNet requires 300
samples, while TinyNet requires more than 1000 samples. This is
consistent with previous results that show that TinyNet requires
more data to be trained properly, even as it has a considerably less
number of parameters. As a general pattern, ClassicNet’s AUC
grows faster then TinyNet.
Analyzing large sample performance, both ClassicNet and TinyNet
suffer from diminishing returns as bigger training sets are used. Af-
ter approximately 3000 samples per class, both of them achieve high
AUC, close to 0.97, but adding more samples does not radically in-
crease AUC, and the curve "flatlines" after this point. This indicates
that the full training set might not be needed, and that the model

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

ClassicNet Objectness TinyNet Objectness

0.3 0.3

0.25 0.25
Val MSE 0.2 0.2

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0




















Samples per Class Samples per Class
(a) MSE Full Plot (b) MSE Sub-Region 1 − 1000

1 1
0.95 0.95
0.9 0.9



0.7 0.7

0.6 0.6




















Samples per Class Samples per Class
(c) AUC (d) AUC Sub-Region 1 − 1000

Figure 7.19: Training set size

evaluation for our proposal
can generalize well with considerably less samples. networks. Samples per Class
versus MSE and AUC on the
We have also found out that measuring plain MSE is not always validation set, including error
useful. This can be seen in Figure7.19a-b as TinyNet has a lower MSE
than ClassicNet, but ClassicNet has a higher AUC, specially at low
sample sizes. This fact also indicates that the relationship between
MSE and the quality of predicted scores is not simple. Only a full
evaluation of each network’s scores on the full testing set would be
able to show this relationship.

7.4 Limitations

In this section we describe some theoretical limitations of our detec-

tion proposals approach.

• Scale invariance. Our method uses a single scale. This makes

sense as a sonar sensor does not have the perspective effect of

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

typical cameras. This means that objects have the same size
independent of the distance to the sensor. The only difference
with distance is sampling due to the polar field of view. But still
our method has problems producing accurate bounding boxes for
small objects. Ideally a detection proposal algorithm should be
scale invariant and produce variable-sized bounding boxes that
fit objects tightly.

• Computational Performance. Our method is quite slow. Clas-

sicNet takes more than 13 seconds per image to produce an
objectness map and proposals, while TinyNet-FCN is consider-
ably faster at almost 3 seconds per image. While these times are
computed on CPU, and we did not evaluate on GPUs, it is still
slower than required for real-time and robotics applications. We
believe performance can be improved with different techniques,
specially exploring a TinyNet architecture with less parameters
that produces similar performance. As a quick solution, a GPU
can be used where real-time performance is possible, but this is
not a good solution for an AUV.

• Training Data. Our training set is quite small, only at 50K images.
The variability inside the dataset is limited, and more data, in-
cluding additional views of the object, different sonar poses, and
more variation in objects, will definitely help train an objectness
regressor with better generalization.

• Objectness Peak. Our method is based on a principle similar

to the Hough transform 32 , where we assume that a peak in the 32
Rafael C. Gonzalez and
Richard E. Woods. Digital Image
objectness map over a window will match with objects in the Processing (3rd Edition). Prentice-
Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River,
image. This principle holds in general but in many cases the NJ, USA, 2006
peak does not produce a precise location for an object. This is
problematic and could be improved by post-processing techniques
on the objectness map, or by improving the training set and the
quality of objectness labels.

• Bounding Box Regression. Our method uses a single scale with

a sliding window approach. A considerable better technique is
to perform bounding box regression, where the network predicts
normalized coordinates of a bounding box. Our experiments try-
ing to make this technique work have failed, probably due to the
small size of our dataset and the lack of a big dataset for feature
learning and/or pre-training. We leave the implementation of a
bounding box regressor as future work.

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

• Number of Proposals. A final issue is that the number of pro-

posals required to reach a high recall is still quite high, specially
when considering that our images do not contain more than 5
objects per image. A high quality detection proposals algorithm
will produce the minimum amount of proposals for an image,
with high localization quality. We believe that as future work our
method could be improved to produce better localized proposals
in the right quantities.

• Dataset Bias. We captured the dataset used to train our detec-

tion proposals method in a artificial water tank. This makes the
data biased as the background is not the same as in a real en-
vironment. We believe that our method can still work in a real
environment, but first it must be trained on real data containing
seafloor background and objects of interest.

7.5 Summary of Results

In this chapter we have presented a method to produce detection

proposals in forward-looking sonar images. Based on the concept
of objectness prediction with a neural network, we propose two
techniques to extract proposals from an objectness map: thresholding
and ranking.
We use two neural network architectures, one based on ClassicNet
and another based on TinyNet. The latter network has no fully
connected layers and can be evaluated in as a fully convolutional
network (FCN), improving performance considerably.
In our dataset of marine debris, we show that both methods can
reach 95 % recall with less than 60 proposals per image. We consider
that this is a considerably high number of proposals, but this can
be reduced by applying non-maxima suppression. TinyNet-FCN
produced better distributed objectness but it is slightly less accurate
in terms of recall. Both methods produce proposals that are well
localized up to a IoU overlap threshold Ot = 0.7, but at this overlap
threshold ClassicNet is superior.
We constructed a baseline that uses cross-correlation template
matching, which obtains only up to 90 % recall, but producing
very low objectness scores, which translates as requiring up to 300
proposals per image. We show that template matching does not
produce a good objectness measure and our system is superior than
this baseline.

detection proposals in forward-looking sonar

We have performed a comprehensive evaluation of our method,

showing that it generalizes quite well to unseen objects, even when
applied to completely new data. This shows the applicability of our
method to a variety of objects and environments, but still general-
ization to real underwater environments will require re-training on
more realistic data.
We also evaluated the effect of training set size on the scores
predicted by our neural networks. We found out that a smaller
training set would also work well, from 300 to 1000 samples per
class. More data does help but performance, as measured as the area
under the ROC curve, saturates after approximately 3000 samples
per class.
We also have documented the limitations of our techniques, in-
cluding that it is not scale invariant, it can be computationally
prohibitive for real-time applications, it was trained on a relatively
small dataset, and it requires a high number of proposals to produce
high recall. We believe that these limitations can be addressed in
future work in this topic.
We expect that detection proposals will become popular in the
sonar image processing and underwater robotics communities.

8 Selected Applications Of

Detection Proposals

In the final chapter of this thesis, we present two applications of

our detection proposals method. The first is a end-to-end object
detection pipeline that uses detection proposals at its core. The
second is a simple tracking system that combines detection proposals
and matching.
The purpose of this chapter is not to improve some specific state of
the art, but to show that detection proposals can be used for different
problems related to underwater robot perception, in the context of
marine debris detection. We expect that the ideas presented in this
chapter can be further developed to become state of the art in their
respective sub-fields, with specific application to tasks related to
collecting marine debris from the ocean floor.

8.1 End-to-End Object Detection

8.1.1 Introduction
We have built a object detection pipeline based on detection pro-
posals. While object detection is a well researched subject, many
underwater object detection systems suffer from generalization is-
sues that we have mentioned in the past.
There is a rampart use of feature engineering that is problem
and object specific, which harms the ability to use such features
for different objects and environments. We have previously shown
how classic methods for sonar images do not perform adequately
for marine debris, and extensions to use deep neural networks are
A natural extension of our detection proposal system is to include
a classification stage so full object detection can be performed. An
additional desirable characteristic of a CNN-based object detector is

selected applications of detection proposals

end-to-end training. This consists of training a single network that

perform both tasks (detection and classification) in a way that all
intermediate steps are also internally learned by the network. Only
input images and labels must be provided (hence end-to-end).
In this section we showcase a CNN architecture that can per-
form both object detection (through detection proposals) and object
recognition (with a integrated classifier) in a single unified network.
We do this using multi-task learning, where a CNN architecture
is designed to output two sets of values: An objectness score for
detection proposals (same as Chapter 7), and a softmax probability
distribution over class labels (like our image classifiers in Chapter
We show that this architecture can be easily trained with only
labeled image crops that contain both objectness and class labels,
which effectively makes an end-to-end system with acceptable per-

8.1.2 Proposed Method

We design a network that takes a single input image patch and
produces two outputs, namely:

• Objectness. This corresponds as an objectness score in [0, 1] used

to decide if an object is present in the image. Its interpretation is
the same as with our detection proposals algorithm (in Chapter
7). The basic idea is to threshold the objectness score or use
ranking to produce detections. This is implemented as a sigmoid
activation function.

• Class Decision. This corresponds to one of C + 1 pre-defined

classes, which indicate the object class decided by the network. We
include an additional class that represents background, meaning
no object present in that window. This is implemented as a
softmax activation which produces a probability distribution over
classes. The output class can then be selected by the one with
highest probability.

Each output represents a different "task" in a multi-task learning

framework 1 . Objectness represents the task of object localization, 1
Sebastian Ruder. An
overview of multi-task learning
while class decisions corresponds to the classification task. in deep neural networks. arXiv
preprint arXiv:1706.05098, 2017
The basic network design that we propose is shown in Figure 8.1.
A certain number of convolutional feature maps form the "trunk"
of the network, which are feed directly from the input image. A

selected applications of detection proposals

1D feature vector is produced by the network trunk, typically by a

fully connected layer receiving input from the convolutional feature
maps, but we give freedom to the network designer to set the right
architecture for the problem.
It should be noted that the shared feature vector does not need to
be one-dimensional. There is the possibility to keep two-dimensional
convolutional feature maps in order to exploit spatial structure
in the features. In order to produce a one-dimensional feature
vector, flattening is usually applied, and this could lose some spatial
information. We mention this option but do not explore it further.
Two output sub-networks are fed by the shared feature vector.
One sub-network produces an objectness score, while the other sub-
network produces a class decision. Once this network is built and
trained, it can be used in a sliding window fashion over the input
image to produce detections that also include class information,
forming a complete object detection system.
The use of a shared feature vector is based on the idea of in-
formation sharing. As objectness and object classification share
some similarities, such as the concept of an object and variability
between object classes, it makes sense to learn a feature vector that
combine/fuses both kinds of information into a single source. This
vector should encode both objectness and class information, allowing
for a classifier and objectness regressor to extract useful information
for each of the tasks.
Another view of the shared feature vector is that of minimizing
the amount of information required for both tasks. As both tasks
require common information, a smaller feature vector can be learned
instead of learning two feature vectors that might be forced to
duplicate information. This should require less data and a simpler
network architecture.
There is also evidence 2 that multi-task learning can improve the 2
Rich Caruana. Multitask
learning. Machine Learning,
performance of each individual task . Rich Caruana’s PhD thesis 28(1):41–75, Jul 1997
3 was one of the first to study this topic, and his work found that 3
Rich Caruana. Multitask
Learning. PhD thesis, Carnegie
performance improvements in multi-task learning come from extra Mellon University Pittsburgh,
PA, 1997
information in the training signals of the additional tasks. There
are different mechanisms that produce this effect: statistical data
amplification, attribute selection, eavesdropping, and representation
bias. Caruana also mentions that backpropagation automatically
discovers how the tasks are related in a partially unsupervised way.

selected applications of detection proposals

State of the art object detection methods like Faster R-CNN 4 4

Shaoqing Ren, Kaiming
He, Ross Girshick, and Jian
and YOLO 5 also use multi-task learning, and we recognize that we Sun. Faster r-cnn: Towards
real-time object detection with
use similar ideas to build our object detector. Our method could region proposal networks. In
be considered a simplification of Faster R-CNN without bounding Advances in Neural Information
Processing Systems, pages 91–99,
box regression and only a single anchor box, which allows for one 2015
scale only. In comparison, our method is trained end-to end, while Joseph Redmon, Santosh
Divvala, Ross Girshick, and
Faster R-CNN and YOLO can only be trained successfully with a Ali Farhadi. You only look
once: Unified, real-time object
pre-trained network on the ImageNet dataset. detection. In Proceedings of the
IEEE Conference on Computer
Figure 8.2 represents our particular instantiation of the basic Vision and Pattern Recognition,
pages 779–788, 2016
architecture fro Figure 8.1. This architecture is based on ClassicNet
but with two "heads" for classification and object localization. We
obtained this model by performing grid search on a validation set
with a variation of number of layers, convolutional filters, and shared
feature vector size.

Object Class Objectness Figure 8.1: Basic Object De-

tection Architecture. A single
image is input to a neural net-
Object Classifier Objectness Regressor
work with two outputs. A
shared set of convolutional fea-
Feature Vector tures are computed, producing
a feature vector that is used by
both the object classifier and
Convolutional Features
object detector to produce their
Input Image

Class Probabilities Objectness Figure 8.2: Realization of the

proposed architecture as a Con-
volutional Neural Network.
FC(# of classes) FC(1)
This CNN has 1.8 Million train-
able weights.
FC(96) FC(96)


MaxPooling(2, 2)

Conv(32, 5 × 5)

MaxPooling(2, 2)

Conv(32, 5 × 5)

96 × 96 Input Image

The network is trained end-to-end with both tasks of detection

and recognition at the same time. This process requires the mini-
mization of a multi-task loss function. In our case we use a linear
combination of two loss terms. For classification we use the categori-
cal cross-entropy loss, while for objectness we use the mean squared

selected applications of detection proposals


L(y, ŷ) = n−1 ∑(yo − ŷo )2 − γ ∑ ∑ yic log ŷic (8.1)

i c
Where the o subscript is used for objectness labels, and the c
superscript for class information. The factor γ controls the impor-
tance of each sub-loss term into the overall loss value. Tuning an
appropriate value is key to obtain good performance. We evaluate
the effect of this parameter in our experiments.

Batch normalization 6 is used after every trainable layer to prevent 6

Sergey Ioffe and Christian
Szegedy. Batch normalization:
overfitting and accelerate training. The network is trained with Accelerating deep network
training by reducing internal
stochastic gradient descent with a batch size of b = 128 images and covariate shift. arXiv preprint
the ADAM optimizer 7 with a starting learning rate of α = 0.01. We arXiv:1502.03167, 2015
Diederik Kingma and
train until the validation loss stops improving, normally after 20 Jimmy Ba. Adam: A method for
epochs. stochastic optimization. arXiv
preprint arXiv:1412.6980, 2014

8.1.3 Experimental Evaluation

From the perspective of the Marine Debris task, an object detector

has two main objectives: to detect debris objects with high recall,
and to classify them with high accuracy. We evaluate recall instead
of both precision and recall as the object detector has to generalize
well outside of its training set, where it might detect novel objects
but classify them incorrectly. To evaluate false positives, we measure
the number of output proposals, as it correlates with the possibility
of a false positive.
We evaluate our object detection method in terms of three met-
rics: proposal recall, classification accuracy, and number of output
proposals. We use proposal recall as defined in Chapter 7, while we
define classification accuracy for this problem as the ratio between
correctly classified bounding boxes over the number of ground truth
bounding boxes. This kind of evaluation metrics allow for separate
assessment of object localization (detection) and classification.
For simplicity we only use objectness thresholding as a way to ex-
tract detections from objectness scores, as it was the best performing
method when we evaluated it in Chapter 7. For many point-wise
comparisons we use To = 0.5, as it makes sense since it is the middle
value of the valid scale for To , and in general it produces a good
trade-off between number of detection proposals and recall and
We have not yet defined a concrete value of the multi-task loss

selected applications of detection proposals

weight γ. Most papers that use multi-task learning tune this value
on a validation set, but we have found out that setting the right
value is critical for good performance and balance between the tasks.
We take an empiric approach and evaluate a predefined set of values,
Alex Kendall, Yarin Gal,
namely γ ∈ [0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4] and later determine which produces the and Roberto Cipolla. Multi-task
learning using uncertainty to
best result using both recall and accuracy. This is not an exhaustive
weigh losses for scene geome-
evaluation, but we found that it produces good results. Recent try and semantics. arXiv preprint
arXiv:1705.07115, 2017
research by Kendall et al. 8 proposes a method to automatically
tune multi-task weights using task uncertainty that could be used
in the future. This paper also notes that multi-task weights have a
great effect on overall system performance.
Figure 8.3 shows our principal results as the objectness threshold
To is varied and we also show the effect of different multi-task loss
weight γ.
Our detection proposals recall is good, close to 95 % at To = 0.5
for many values of γ, showing little variation between different
choices of that parameter. Larger variations in recall are observed
for bigger (> 0.6) values of To .
Classification accuracy produced by our system shows a consid-
erable variation across different values of the multi-task loss weight
γ. The best performing value is γ = 3, but it is not clear why this
value is optimal or how other values can be considered (other than
trial and error). As mentioned before, setting multi-task loss weights
is not trivial and has a large effect on the result. It is also counter-
intuitive that a larger value of gamma leads to lower classification
performance. At To = 0.5, the best performing model produces 70
% accuracy.
Looking at the number of proposals, again there is a considerable
variation between different values of gamma, but the number of pro-
posal reduces considerably with an increasing objectness threshold
To . For To = 0.5 the best performing value gamma = 3 produces
112 ± 62 proposals per image. This is higher than the number of
proposals that our non-classification methods produce (as shown in
Chapter 7).
From a multi-task learning point of view, learning the classifi-
cation task seems to be considerably harder than the objectness
regression task. This is probably due to the different task complexity
(modeling class-agnostic objects seems to be easier than class-specific
objects), and also we have to consider the limitations from our small
training set. Other object detectors like Faster R-CNN are usually
trained in much bigger datasets, also containing more object pose

selected applications of detection proposals

Classification Accuracy (%)

100 100

Detection Recall (%)

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Objectness Threshold (To ) Objectness Threshold (To )

γ = 12
Number of Proposals


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Objectness Threshold (To )
Figure 8.3: Detection Recall,
Classification Accuracy and
variability. Number of Proposals as a func-
tion of Objectness Threshold
Figure 8.4 shows the relation between recall/accuracy and the To . Different combinations of
the multi-task loss weight γ are
number of detection proposals. For detection proposal recall, our shown.
results show that only 100 to 150 proposals per image are required
to achieve 95 % recall, and using more proposals only marginally
increases performance.
For classification accuracy, the pattern is different from proposal
recall. As mentioned previously, there is a large variation in classi-
fication performance as the multi-task loss weight γ is varied, and
clearly γ = 3 performs best. But accuracy increases slowly as the
number of proposals is increased, which shows that many proposals
are being misclassified, indicating a problem with the classification
branch of the network. We expected that classification performance
will increase in a similar way as to proposal recall, if the network
is performing well at both tasks, but it is likely that our implicit
assumption that both tasks are approximately equally hard might
not hold.
While our object detector has high proposal recall, the results we
obtained in terms of classification are not satisfactory.

selected applications of detection proposals

1 γ=1 γ=2 γ=3 γ=4

γ= 2

Classification Accuracy (%)

100 100
Detection Recall (%)
80 70
70 60
60 50
50 30
40 20
0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300
Number of Proposals Number of Proposals
Figure 8.4: Detection Recall and
Classification Accuracy as a
Inspired by Sharif et al. 9 , we evaluated replacing the fully con- function of the Number of Pro-
posals. Different combinations
nected layers with a SVM classifier. This has the potential of perform- of the multi-task loss weight γ
are shown.
ing better, as the number of neurons in the fully connected layers
used for classification could not be optimal. Nonetheless these layers Ali Sharif Razavian, Hos-
sein Azizpour, Josephine Sul-
are required during training, in order to force the shared feature livan, and Stefan Carlsson.
Cnn features off-the-shelf: an
vector to learn a representation that is useful for both classification astounding baseline for recog-
nition. In Proceedings of IEEE
and objectness regression. CVPR workshops, pages 806–813,
We freeze model weights and compute the shared feature vectors
for all images in the training set. Then we train a linear SVM with
C = 1 (obtained from grid search in a validation set) and one-
versus-one scheme for multi-class classification. We then replace the
classification branch with this trained classifier. Results are shown
in Figure 8.5.
Our results show that using a SVM classifier outperforms the
fully connected one by a large margin. Performance is also more
stable with respect to variation in the objectness threshold To . At
To = 0.5, the SVM classifier produces 85 % recall, which is a 15
% absolute improvement over using a fully connected layer with
a softmax activation. These results are more usable for real world
applications, but still there is a large room for improvement.
We believe that our results indicate that a big problem is mismatch
between the training set and the test set. During inference, the model
has to classify an image that is generated by a sliding window, and
depending on the position of the object in the image, classification
might be difficult or fail completely. We believe this problem can be
alleviated by introducing a more fine sliding window stride s and
a larger training set, containing more object variability and object
translations inside the image window.
An alternative to the use of a multi-class SVM classifier is to
fine-tune the classification layers with a ping-pong approach. First

selected applications of detection proposals

SVM Classifier FC Classifier Figure 8.5: Comparison of

SVM and FC classifiers using
features learned by model γ =

Classification Accuracy (%)

3. The SVM classifier produces
90 a considerable improvement
80 over the FC one. We did not
evaluate past To > 0.65 as the
70 number of available training
samples was too low.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Objectness Threshold (To )

detection proposals are generated on the training set, and matched

to correct bounding boxes. Then these matching detection proposals
are used to fine-tune the classifier by including them into the classifi-
cation training set and continue training the classification layers from
previous weights (not randomly initialized) for a predefined number
of epochs. Then this process is repeated, and feedback between
object detection and classification should lead to convergence after a
certain number of iterations. This process is costly as it requires a
full evaluation cycle on the training set and multiple forward and
backward passes to train specific parts of the network. In this thesis
we only showcased the simple approach of a SVM classifier.
We have also noticed a problem with the multiple detections
that are generated for a single ground truth object. These can be
reduced by applying non-maximum suppression, but also there is
no guarantee that the highest scoring bounding box is classified as
the correct object class. This problem is related to the previously
mentioned one, as we found out that the top scoring window was
consistently misclassified.
As we do not reach 100 % detection recall, then it is not possible to
achieve 100 % classification accuracy, and we have probably reached
the best performance that this simple model can perform. We
note that our model uses a single scale, and more complex output
configurations could be used. For example, inspired on Faster R-
CNN’s anchor boxes 10 , multiple fixed-size bounding boxes could 10
Shaoqing Ren, Kaiming
He, Ross Girshick, and Jian
be output and a classifier may decide which one is the correct one Sun. Faster r-cnn: Towards
real-time object detection with
for a given sliding window position. This would allow for multiple region proposal networks. In
scales and/or aspect ratios to be decided by the system, but without Advances in Neural Information
Processing Systems, pages 91–99,
introducing full bounding box regression, which he have found to 2015

be an issue in small training data scales.

As future work, additional terms to the loss function could be

selected applications of detection proposals

added in order to ensure or force that high objectness scoring win-

dows are more likely to be correctly classified. A more fine tuning of
the multi-task loss weight γ should be performed, and more training
data, including more variability on object pose, should be used.

selected applications of detection proposals

8.2 Tracking by Matching

8.2.1 Introduction
Tracking is the process of first detecting an object of interest in
an image, and then continually detect its position in subsequent
frames. This operation is typically performed on video frames or
equivalently on data that has a temporal dimension. Tracking is
challenging due to the possible changes in object appearance as time
moves forward.
In general, tracking is performed by finding relevant features in
the target object, and try to match them in subsequent frames 11 . 11
Alper Yilmaz, Omar Javed,
and Mubarak Shah. Object
This is called feature tracking. An alternative formulation is tracking tracking: A survey. Acm com-
puting surveys (CSUR), 38(4):13,
by detection 12 , which uses simple object detectors to detect the 2006
target in the current and subsequent frames, with additions in order 12
Luka Čehovin, Aleš
Leonardis, and Matej Kristan.
to exploit temporal correlations. Visual object tracking perfor-
mance measures revisited. IEEE
In this section we evaluate a tracker built with our matching
Transactions on Image Processing,
function, as to showcase a real underwater robotics application. 25(3):1261–1274, 2016

It should be noted that this section is not intended as a general

tracking evaluation in sonar images, but to compare the use of
similarity measures and matching for tracking.

8.2.2 Proposed Method

A popular option for tracking is tracking as object detection, where
an object is tracked by first running an object detector on the input
image, and then matching objects between frames by considering
features like overlap, appearance and filter predictions. Our match-
ing networks can also be used for tracking. We evaluate a tracker
that is composed of two stages:

• Detection Stage. We detect objects in the input image using our

detection proposal algorithm presented in Chapter 7. At tracker
initialization, the proposal to be tracked is cropped from the input
image and saved as template for matching.

• Matching Stage. Each proposal is matched to the template ob-

tained during initialization, and the proposal with the highest
matching score is output as the tracked object.

While this method is simple, it incorporates all the information

that matching and detection proposal algorithms contain. Tracker
performance completely depends on matching accuracy, and we will

selected applications of detection proposals

Metric / Sequence Method Can Valve Glass Bottle

Matching CNN 74.0 % 100.0 % 81.3 %
CTF at IoU Ot = 0.5
CC TM 6.0 % 35.2 % 50.0 %
Table 8.1: Summary of track-
ing results. We compare our
show that our tracker performs appropriately. tracker built using a Matching
CNN versus Cross-Correlation
Template Matching using the
correctly tracked frames ratio
8.2.3 Experimental Evaluation (CTF).

For the Marine Debris task, tracking is required as the AUV might
experience underwater currents that result in the target object mov-
ing in the sonar image, and during object manipulation, the object
must be tracked robustly. One way to measure robustness of the
tracker is to measure the number of correctly tracked frames (CTF)
13 , which is also human interpretable. 13
Luka Čehovin, Aleš
Leonardis, and Matej Kristan.
To make a fair comparison, we constructed another tracker that Visual object tracking perfor-
mance measures revisited. IEEE
uses a cross-correlation similarity (Eq 8.2) instead of our CNN match- Transactions on Image Processing,
ing function. If SCC > 0.01, then we declare a match. This is a delib- 25(3):1261–1274, 2016

erate low threshold used to evaluate the difficulty of tracking objects

in our dataset. The same detection proposal algorithm from Chapter
7 is used. For both trackers we generate the top 10 proposals ranked
by objectness score.
∑( I − Ī ) ∑( T − T̄ )
SCC ( I, T ) = p (8.2)
∑( I − Ī )2 ∑( T − T̄ )2
We have evaluated 3 sequences with one object each. The first
sequence corresponds to 51 frames containing a can, the second
sequence corresponds to 55 valve mockup frames, and the last se-
quence contains a glass bottle over 17 frames. We use network
2-Chan CNN Class as a matching function, as this is the best per-
forming matcher that we have built.
We report the CTF as a function of the overlap score threshold Ot
(Intersection over Union, Eq 8.3) between the predicted bounding
box and ground truth.
area( A ∩ B)
iou( A, B) = (8.3)
area( A ∪ B)
The CTF metric captures how well the tracker tracks the object
as a function of Ot . Typically the CTF is only reported at Ot = 0.5,
which is the most common value used for object detection. We
report the CTF at this value in Table 8.1.
Our tracker results are shown in Fig. 8.6. In all three sequences
the matching CNN makes a better tracker, which can be seen from
a higher correctly tracked frames ratio across different Ot values.
This may be due to variations in the background (insonification),

selected applications of detection proposals

Our Tracker
CC Tracker
1 1 1

Correctly Tracked Frames

Correctly Tracked Frames

Correctly Tracked Frames

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
IoU Threshold Ot IoU Threshold Ot IoU Threshold Ot
(a) Can Sequence (b) Valve Sequence (c) Bottle Sequence

Figure 8.6: Number of correctly

tracked frames as a function of
reflections and small object rotations. If any of these conditions the IoU overlap threshold Ot
for each sequence.
change, the CC between template and target drops close to zero,
producing strong tracker failures. Our matching network is more
robust to object rotations than plain CC. The CC tracker has a high
failure rate, specially for the Can Sequence where it achieves the
lowest correctly tracker frames ratio.
The Can Sequence (Fig 8.6a) is interesting as our tracker can track
the object well (74.0% CTF at Ot = 0.5), but the CC tracker fails and
cannot keep track of the object. This is due to strong reflections
generated by the can’s lid. Seems that our matching function is
partially invariant to these reflections and performs better. This
result shows that a CNN provides better generalization for matching
than using other classic methods.
It could be considered that initializing the tracker once, without
re-initialization at failure, is extreme, but our tracker works well
with single initialization. It can successfully track the object even as
insonification or orientation changes.
Figure 8.7 shows a comparison of IoU values as a function of
the normalized frame number. These plots show how the cross-
correlation tracker fails. For the Can sequence the CC-based tracker
can only correctly track the object for a small number of frames,
and it constantly confuses the object with background. A similar
effect is seen for the Valve sequence, while the Bottle sequence has
better tracking performance but completely fails after working for
40 % of the frames. CC tracking failures could be due to correlations
between the sonar background and template background, which
could be larger than the correlations induced by the actual object.
This means that a CC-based tracker fails because it learns to track the
background instead of the target object. As mentioned in Chapter 4,

selected applications of detection proposals

Our Tracker
CC Tracker
1 1 1

0.8 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 0.6



0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2

0 0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Normalized Frame Number Normalized Frame Number Normalized Frame Number
(a) Can Sequence (b) Valve Sequence (c) Bottle Sequence

Figure 8.7: IoU score as a func-

tion of the frame numbers for
many template matching methods first segment the image and the each sequence.

template in order to reduce the effect of background, but doing this

requires additional background models.
This result means that the matching network effectively learned to
compare object features instead of concentrating on the background,
which is highly desirable and could explain the generalization gap
with other methods.
A small sample of tracked objects is shown in Fig. 8.8. These
images show the changes in insonification (seen as changes in back-
ground around the object) and object appearance that we previously
mentioned. This effect is more noticeable in the Bottle sequence. The
Can sequence also shows this effect, as the object does not change
orientation significantly, but background varies, which confuses a
cross-correlation based tracker.
It should be mentioned that using cross-correlation is a commonly
used as a simple tracking solution, but it has major issues, like a
tendency to lose track of the object by correlating with spurious
image features, which make it drift from the real tracked object. We
have not observed such behaviour, but our results also show that
template matching is not a good solution for patch matching and
We believe our results show that the matching network can be
successfully used for tracking. This is only a limited example with
a template matching baseline, but it shows that a simple tracker
that can easily be trained from labeled data (including the detection
proposal and matching networks) without much effort. Comparing
with other state of the art trackers in sonar images, they usually
include a heavy probabilistic formulation that is hard to implement

selected applications of detection proposals

and tune.
We do not believe that our tracker can outperform state of the
art trackers that are based on CNNs. Other newer approaches are
more likely to perform better but require considerable more data.
For example, the deep regression networks for tracking by Held et
al 14 . The winners from the Visual Object Tracking (VOT) challenge 14
David Held, Sebastian
Thrun, and Silvio Savarese.
(held each year) are strong candidates to outperform our method, Learning to track at 100 fps
with deep regression networks.
but usually these methods are quite complex and are trained on In European Conference on Com-
considerably larger datasets. puter Vision, pages 749–765.
Springer, 2016
A big challenge in Machine Learning and Computer Vision is
to solve tasks without requiring large training sets 15 . While large 15
Chen Sun, Abhinav Shri-
vastava, Saurabh Singh, and
datasets are available for many computer vision tasks, their avail- Abhinav Gupta. Revisiting un-
reasonable effectiveness of data
ability for robotics scenarios is smaller. Particularly for underwater in deep learning era. In Pro-
environments the availability of public datasets is very scarce. Then ceedings of the IEEE Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern
our tracking technique is particularly valuable in contexts where Recognition, pages 843–852,
large training sets are not available.
Improvements in the matching function, either from better net-
work models or data with more object variability, will immediately
transfer into improvements in tracking. As we expect that detec-
tion proposals will be used in an AUV to find "interesting" objects,
using the matching networks for tracking can be considered as a
more streamlined architecture than just one network that performs
tracking as a black box separately from object detection.

8.3 Summary of Results

In this chapter we have presented two applications of detection

proposals. The first is object detection with an end-to-end pipeline
which allows high recall (95%) and modest accuracy (80%) without
making assumptions on object shape and not requiring pre-training
on a classification dataset (thus end-to-end). Learning this way
allows features to adapt to the problem, but it has the issue of not
providing the best classification performance. After replacing the
fully connected layers that do classification with a multi-class SVM,
we see an improvement to 90% accuracy, which shows that there
is room for improvement. We expect that more data and better
techniques will further improve performance, specially with respect
of reducing false positives.
The second application was object tracking by combining our
detection proposals algorithm with matching. By using the first
detection as matching target, we can continuously track a desired

selected applications of detection proposals

(a) Can Sequence

(b) Valve Sequence

(c) Bottle Sequence

Figure 8.8: Sample tracking

results generated by our tracker.
object. In comparison with a template matching approach, using Green is the ground truth,
while red is the bounding box
a neural network for matching provides a much better correctly generated by our tracker.

tracked frames metric in the marine debris sequence dataset, with

a higher IoU. The template matching tracker constantly loses track
of the object and cannot correctly match it with the original object
view. This shows that the matching CNNs are much more robust
for real-world applications.

9 Conclusions and Future Work

Marine debris is ubiquitous in the world’s oceans, rivers, and lakes,

caused by the massive production of disposable products, mostly
made out of plastic and glass. Marine debris has been found up
to 4000 meters deep in the Mariana Trench. There is evidence
that surface and submerged marine debris 1 are harmful to marine 1
María Esperanza Iñiguez,
Juan A Conesa, and Andres
environments, and efforts to reduce the amount of debris getting Fullana. Marine debris occur-
rence and treatment: A review.
into the sea are underway 2 . This thesis proposes that Autonomous Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Underwater Vehicles can be used to survey and detect submerged Reviews, 64:394–402, 2016
A McIlgorm, HF Campbell,
marine debris with the long term goal of recover and cleaning up. and MJ Rule. Understand-
In this thesis we have developed techniques to detect and rec- ing the economic benefits and
costs of controlling marine de-
ognize marine debris in Forward-Looking sonar images. But more bris in the apec region (mrc
02/2007). A report to the Asia-
importantly, we have proposed the use of Autonomous Underwa- Pacific Economic Cooperation
Marine Resource Conservation
ter Vehicles to survey and detect submerged marine debris with Working Group by the National
Marine Science Centre (Univer-
sonar sensor. We show that detecting marine debris is harder than sity of New England and Southern
other objects such as mine like objects (MLOs), because techniques Cross University), Coffs Harbour,
NSW, Australia, December, 2008
commonly used for MLOs fail to generalize well for debris.
We did this through several research lines, and encouraged
by recent advances in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), we adopt
this framework and develop our own neural network models for
Forward-Looking Sonar images.
We captured a small dataset of 2069 Forward-Looking Sonar
images using a ARIS Explorer 3000 sensor, containing 2364 labeled
object instances with bounding box and class information. This
dataset was captured from a selected set of household and marine
objects, representing non-exhaustive instances of marine debris. The
data capture was realized from a water tank, as we had issues with
the sensor in a real world underwater environment. We use this
dataset for training and evaluation of all machine learning models
in this thesis.
The first research line considers Forward-Looking Sonar image
classification, as a proxy for posterior performance in object detec-
tion. A state of the art template matching classifier obtains 98.1%

conclusions and future work

accuracy using sum of squared differences similarity, and 93.0% for

cross-correlation similarity, which pales in comparison with a DNN
classifier that obtains up to 99.7% accuracy. Both template matching
classifiers require 150 templates per class in order to obtain this
result, which implies that the whole training set is memorized. A
DNN requires far fewer trainable parameters (up to 4000) to achieve
a better accuracy on our dataset.
We have also developed neural network architectures for sonar 3
Forrest N Iandola, Song
Han, Matthew W Moskewicz,
image classification that generalize well and are able to run in real- Khalid Ashraf, William J Dally,
and Kurt Keutzer. Squeezenet:
time in low power platforms, such as the Raspberry Pi 2. This is
Alexnet-level accuracy with
done by carefully designing a neural network, based on the Fire 50x fewer parameters and< 0.5
mb model size. arXiv preprint
module 3 , that has a low number of parameters but still having good arXiv:1602.07360, 2016

classification performance, requiring less computational resources.

This shows that a DNN can perform well even in the constrained
computing environments of an AUV.
As a second research line, we evaluated the practical capabilities
of in Forward-Looking sonar image classification DNNs with re-
spect to the amount of training data required for generalization, the
input image size, and the effect of transfer learning. We find that
when scaling down the training set, classification performance drops
considerably, but when using transfer learning to first learn features
and use them with an SVM classifier, classification performance
increases radically. Even with a training set of one sample per class,
it is possible to generalize close to 90% accuracy when learning
features from different objects. With respect of input image size, we
find that classifier architectures with fully connected layers are able
to generalize well even if trained with a dataset of 16 × 16 images,
but this is only possible if using the Adam optimizer and Batch
Normalization. Using SGD and Dropout has the effect of producing
a linear relation between accuracy and image size.
Our architectures based on the Fire module do not have the same
behavior, and suffer from decreased performance with small image
sizes, and with smaller datasets. We believe additional research
is needed to understand why this happens, as a model with less
parameters should be easier to train with less data.
The third research line is the problem of matching two in Forward-
Looking Sonar image patches of the same size. This is a difficult
problem as multiple viewpoints will produce radically different
sonar images. We frame this problem as binary classification. Using
two-channel neural networks we obtain up to 0.91 Area under the
ROC Curve (AUC), which is quite high when compared with state

conclusions and future work

of the art keypoint detection techniques such as SIFT, SURF, and

AKAZE, whom obtain 0.65 − 0.80 AUC. This result holds when a
DNN is trained with one set of objects, and tested with a different
one, where we obtain 0.89 AUC.
As fourth research line we explored the use of detection proposal
algorithms in order to detect objects in in Forward-Looking sonar
images, even when the object shape is unknown or there are no
training samples of the object. Our methods based on DNNs can
achieve up to 95% recall, while generalizing well to unseen objects.
We even used data captured by the University of Girona, using an
older version of the same sonar sensor, and noticed that detections
are appropriate for the chain object. We also evaluated the number
of output detections/proposals that are required for good gener-
alization, and our methods obtain high recall with less than 100
proposals per image, while a baseline template matching that we
built requires at least 300 proposals per image, while only achieving
90% recall. In comparison, state of the art proposals techniques like
EdgeBoxes and Selective Search require thousands of detections to
reach comparable recall levels.
As the final technical chapter of this thesis, we showcase two
applications of our methods in Forward-Looking Sonar images. The
first is performing object detection by classifying proposals, in an
end-to-end DNN architecture that learns both to detect proposals
through objectness, and classify them with an additional output
head. This method obtains 80% correct classifications, which can be
improved to 90% accuracy by replacing the classifier with an SVM
trained on the learned features.
The second application is object tracking in Forward-Looking
Sonar images. We build a simple tracker by combining our detection
proposals algorithm with the matching system, from where an object
is first detected and continually matched to the first detection across
time. This method outperforms a cross-correlation based matcher
that we used as baseline in the correctly tracked frames metric..
Overall we believe that our results show that using Deep Neural
Networks is promising for the task of Marine Debris detection in
Forward-Looking Sonar images, and that they can be successfully
used in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, even when computa-
tional power is constrained.
We expect that interest on neural networks will increase in the
AUV community, and they will be used for detection of other kinds
of objects in marine environments, specially as no feature engineer-

conclusions and future work

ing or object shadow/highlight shapes are needed. For example,

our detection proposals algorithm has the potential of being used to
find anomalies in the seafloor, which can be useful to find wrecked
ships and airplanes at sea.

9.1 Future Work

There is plenty of work that can be done in the future to extend this
The dataset that we captured does not fully cover the large variety
of marine debris, and only has one environment: the OSL water
tank. We believe that a larger scientific effort should be made to
capture a ImageNet-scale dataset of marine debris in a variety of
real-world environments. This requires the effort of more than just
one PhD student. A New dataset should consider a larger set of
debris objects, and include many kinds of distractor objects such as
rocks, marine flora and fauna, with a richer variety of environments,
like sand, rocks, mud, etc.
Bounding Box prediction seems to be a complicated issue, as our
informal experiments showed that with the data that is available to
us, it does not converge into an usable solution. Due to this we used
fixed scale bounding boxes for detection proposals, which seem to
work well for our objects, but it would not work with larger scale
variations. A larger and more varied dataset could make a state of
the art object detection method such as SSD or Faster R-CNN work
well, from where more advanced detection proposal methods could
be built upon.
We only explored the use of the ARIS Explorer 3000 Forward-
Looking Sonar to detect marine debris, but other sensors could also
be useful. Particularly a civilian Synthetic Aperture Sonar could
be used for large scale surveying of the seafloor, in particular to
locate regions where debris accumulates, and AUVs can target these
regions more thoroughly. Underwater laser scanners could also
prove useful to recognize debris or to perform manipulation and
grasping for collection, but these sensors would require new neural
network architectures to deal with the highly unstructured outputs
that they produce. There are newer advances in neural networks4 4
Charles R Qi, Hao Su,
Kaichun Mo, and Leonidas J
that can process point clouds produced by laser sensors, but they Guibas. Pointnet: Deep learning
on point sets for 3d classifica-
are computationally expensive. tion and segmentation. Proc.
Another promising approach to detect marine debris is that in- Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (CVPR), IEEE, 1(2):4,
stead of using object detection methods, which detect based visual 2017

conclusions and future work

appearance on an image, a sensor or algorithm could recognize the

materials that compose the object under inspection, from where
debris could be identified if the most common material is plastic or
This technique could cover a more broad set of objects and could
be generally more useful for other tasks, like finding ship or plane 5
Mariia Dmitrieva, Matias
wrecks. This approach would require a radically new sonar sensor Valdenegro-Toro, Keith Brown,
Gary Heald, and David Lane.
design that can use multiple frequencies to insonify an object. In Object classification with con-
volution neural network based
collaboration with Mariia Dmitrieva we have some research5 in this on the time-frequency represen-
tation of their echo. In Machine
direction. Learning for Signal Processing
(MLSP), 2017 IEEE 27th Interna-
Last but not least, we did not cover the topic of object manipula- tional Workshop on, pages 1–6.
tion in this thesis. Once objects are detected, it is a must to capture IEEE, 2017

them using a manipulator arm with an appropriate end effector.

This would require further research in designing an appropriate
end effector that can capture any kind of marine debris, and then
perception algorithms to robustly do pose estimation, and finally
perform the grasping motion to capture the object.
The biggest research issue in this line is that manipulation has to
be performed without making any assumptions in object shape or
grasping points. All the grasping information has to be estimated
by a robust perception algorithm directly from the perceived object,
in order for it to be available at runtime. Any kind of assumption
made on the object’s structure will limit the kind of debris that can
be grasped.

A Randomly Selected Samples

of the Marine Debris Dataset

In this appendix we present image crops of each class, in order to

showcase the inter and intra class variability.
Due to space in this thesis, we decided to only show a sub-sample
of each class, randomly selected. We assigned one page of space to
each class, and filled each page with constant width and variable
height images, until the page is complete. This produced a variable
number of samples that is presented for each class, from 24 to
78 samples. We present sonar image crops based on the labeled
bounding boxes, which implies that each crop could have a different
For the background class, we present 78 randomly selected sam-
ples that are in our dataset, which are also randomly selected at the
time we created the classification dataset. This is because the possi-
ble number of background windows is high (possibly infinite). All
background class crops have the same size, standardized to 96 × 96

randomly selected samples of the marine debris dataset

Figure A.1: Bottle Class. 66

Randomly selected image crops

randomly selected samples of the marine debris dataset

Figure A.2: Can Class. 72 Ran-

domly selected image crops

randomly selected samples of the marine debris dataset

Figure A.3: Chain Class. 54

Randomly selected image crops

randomly selected samples of the marine debris dataset

Figure A.4: Drink Carton Class.

78 Randomly selected image

randomly selected samples of the marine debris dataset

Figure A.5: Hook Class. 78

Randomly selected image crops

randomly selected samples of the marine debris dataset

Figure A.6: Propeller Class. 78

Randomly selected image crops

randomly selected samples of the marine debris dataset

Figure A.7: Shampoo Bottle

Class. 30 Randomly selected
image crops

randomly selected samples of the marine debris dataset

Figure A.8: Standing Bottle

Class. 24 Randomly selected
image crops

randomly selected samples of the marine debris dataset

Figure A.9: Tire Class. 78 Ran-

domly selected image crops

randomly selected samples of the marine debris dataset

Figure A.10: Valve Class. 72

Randomly selected image crops

randomly selected samples of the marine debris dataset

Figure A.11: Background Class,

78 Randomly selected 96 × 96
image crops


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