Mark Scheme Nixor Test 1 - As 28:09:24
Mark Scheme Nixor Test 1 - As 28:09:24
Mark Scheme Nixor Test 1 - As 28:09:24
e5, 64
Question Answer Marks
No creditable response. 0
Indicative content
Question Answer Marks
2 marks
Developed application of one relevant point to a
business context.
1 mark 1 mark
Knowledge of one relevant point is used to answer the Limited application of one relevant point to a business
question. context.
0marka 0 marks
No creditable response. No creditable response.
Indicative content
• Risk taker
• Creativity
• Innovation
• Commitment
• Self-motivated
• MuIll-skilled
• Self-confidence
• Lead and manage
• Ability to bounce back
(a) Most candidates produced clear definitions which included a focus on entrepreneurs
(b) This question was well answered with many candidates gaining three marks. Accurate
reasons were identified and then explained and applied to realistic business situations. The
majority of strong answers tended to give a lack of finance as the main reason for business
failure although reasons such as strong competition, poor management skills, and lack of
effective marketing were also popular reasons given.
t\ Indicative content
Accept all valid responses.
Indicative content
(a) This proved to be an accessible question for most candidates. There was a recognition
that organic growth is business growth through internal processes. Internal resources are
exploited rather than external measures such as mergers or acquisitions.
(b) Many candidates correctly identified a reason why a business might choose to remain
small. Popular reasons given included lack of finance, reluctance to lose control, and an
unwillingness to take risks associated with growth. However, many answers failed to apply
and explain why for example a business owner might prefer to give up opportunities for
growth – in order to avoid the higher risk decisions associated with higher production and
avoid the need to recruit more employees.
9609/13 Cambridge International AS & A Level - Mark Scheme October/November
• difficult to forecast future inventory needs.
• must change and adapt.
Question Answer Marks
AO3 Analysis
A02 Application
• Thecustomer
lifestyle needs
choice might affectowners
of business demand leading
- to maintain to ainnovation, product
healthy work-life
balance extension strategies and altering production.
• regular• market researchowners
Small business needed may to not
knowto how
changing demand
to expand therefore
- unwilling increasing
to take
costs and possibly profit.
risks and compete in more markets
• technological
• Lack of changes
availability and speed
- unwilling of theborrowing
to increase internet can make it easier to
find suppliers and sell across the world.
• Reluctant to engage in more marketing activities - cannot afford the costs
• new•policies can to
Unwilling give up
change control ofbehaviour
business the business - expansion
which may altermay reduce and
production methods. and satisfaction
• economic Fear of losing affect
conditions controlspending
over the quality
powerof andproduct/service - personal
choice of products chosen e.g.
hands-on service may be the USP of the business
9609/01 needs vs luxuries / cheap vs expensive.
Cambridge International AS & A Level – Mark Scheme For examinat
• increase Desire to keepin
or decrease overheads
competition (fixed
SPECIMEN a minimum - lack
strategy andambition to profit.
therefore from 20
explore growth
• managers will need to change some of their decisions about inputs, the
Question • Avoid the regulatory burdens associated with large business - content to
transformation process or the outputs theyAnswer produce. Mark
keep the business processes simple
4 • they
Analyse might
one•way in switch
which production
ethics may to another
influence the country;
activities ofbecome
a business. more capital intensive; sell
Maintain a high level of flexibility and adaptability to dynamic markets -
productsseesto other countries.
the agility of a small business as an asset
• C changes may have costthan
implications for the
• Lower revenue large business butbusiness and affect
profit margins may be revenue
higher -and profits.
Follow the small
the point-based business
marking guidancemodel
at the is
topeffective Cambridge
of this mark International
scheme and AS
use this table to &A
give Level
marks – Mark
for each Scheme
response. all valid responses. SPECIMEN
Accept all valid responses.
Section A
AO1 Knowledge and understanding AO2 Application AO3 Analysis
Table A 1 mark 2 marks 2 marks
Description Description Description
Use this table to give marks for each candidate response for Questions 1(a), 2(a) and 3(a).
2 marks 2 marks
AO1 Knowledge and understanding Developed application of one relevant Developed analysis that identifies
point to a business context. connections between causes, impacts
Description and/or consequences of one relevant
Knowledge of the term that demonstrates a sound understanding of the term. 2
1 mark 1 mark 1 mark
Knowledge of the
of one term
relevant that
point is demonstrates a partial
Limited application understanding
of one relevant of the term.
Limited 1
analysis that identifies
used to answer the
No creditable question.
response. point to a business context. connections between causes,
0 impacts
and/or consequences of one relevant
TabletheB point-based marking guidance at the top of this mark scheme and use Table A to
give0 marks
marks for each candidate response. 0 marks 0 marks
AO1 Noout
Use of table
this 2 marks.
creditable to give marks for each
response. candidate
No creditable response for Questions
response. 1(b), 2(b)
No creditable and 3(b).
Responses may include:
Indicative content AO1 Knowledge and understanding AO
3a Define the term ‘strategic alliance’.
1 mark[2]
Responses may include: Description
A strategic alliance is a form of external growth that does not involve complete integration or
AO1 Knowledge and understanding 2 marks
changes in ownership. Instead, it keeps the parties to the agreement independent. Strategicapplication of one
• The moral
alliances can principles
be madethat guide theaway
between a business
wide variety behaves – distinguishing between ‘right’
of businesses/organisations. For and ‘wrong’ and
example, a then making
the ‘right’ choice.
1 mark 1 mark
business might form an alliance with:
Knowledge of one relevant point is used to answer the question. Limited application of one rele
0 marks
• A university, providing
No creditable response.
finance to provide new specialist training courses0 marks
that will
No creditable response.
increase the supply of suitably trained employees for the business.
© UCLES 2020 Page 13 of 22
3b Explain one reason why a merger or take over leads to synergy? [3]
1 Knowledge
Analysis 4 marksand understanding of sole trader or 1-2
• partnership
Loss of ownership. The sole trader might have been the sole owner of
their business for some time and this change would be difficult to take,
0 No creditable
knowing that theycontent
no longer fully own their business. 0
• Shared decision-making. New partners might not agree with the
Answers couldapproach
include: of the original owner. Previously all decision-making was done
by the sole owner of the business. Agreement would need to be reached
Knowledge and the new partner(s)2 which
withunderstanding marks would take time. Any advantage of quick
• decision-making might be lost
Demonstrates a clear understanding of being a sole trader
• • Shared
Demonstrates profit. understanding
a clear Previously any profit madeawas
of being for the sole owner but after
taking in partners any profit would have to be shared between them
• 2 Responsible
Application marks for the actions of the partner(s). The actions of one partner
• are binding on all other partners.
Reference to the disadvantages If one from
of changing partner's actions
a sole result
trader to in
a a large
partnershipdebt, then all partners are liable for that debt whether they agreed with
the action or not.
Analysis 4 marks
Accept any other valid response.
• Loss of ownership. The sole trader might have been the sole owner of
their business for some time and this change would be difficult to take,
knowing that they no longer fully own their business.
• Shared
Question 5 wasdecision-making.
the most popular New partners
choice might not and
for candidates agree with
was the
generally well answered
with many candidates
approach gaining owner.
of the original 5 or more marks. Most
Previously candidates clearly
all decision-making wasunderstood
done the two
by the sole owner of the business. Agreement would need to be reached
with the new partner(s) which would take time. Any advantage of quick
decision-making might be lost
• Shared profit. Previously any profit made was for the sole owner but after
taking in partners any profit would have to be shared between them
• Responsible for the actions of the partner(s). The actions of one partner
9609/01 types of business ownership
different Cambridge
trader and AS &partnership)
A Level – Mark Scheme
and were able to provide For examination
some appropriate application and analysis. The most SPECIMEN
common disadvantage that gained from 2023
analysis was shared profit and how it would have to be divided amongst all the partners,
Section B meaning less profit compared to when they were a sole trader. Shared decision
making was also a common disadvantage that gained analysis with stronger responses able
D how slower decision making could lead to missed business opportunities. Weaker
candidates tended to understand what the disadvantages were but were unable to develop
their answers.
Use this table to give marks for each candidate response for Questions 5(a) and 6(a).