COF Sample Paper - Class 9
COF Sample Paper - Class 9
COF Sample Paper - Class 9
Total Questions - 50 (2 marks each). Use of electronic devices are not permitted.
There will be negative marking (-1) for each incorrect answer or filling more than one circle for
an answer. No marks will be awarded or deducted for unattempted questions.
Rough work should be done in the space provided in the question paper.
After completing the exam, hand over the OMR sheet to the invigilator.
Read all the questions carefully before answering.
Q 1. What is cybersecurity?
(b) The practice of protecting computer systems and data from theft or damage
(b) To educate individuals and organizations about cybersecurity risks and best practices
Q 8. What is a CAPTCHA?
(b) A security feature that requires users to solve a puzzle to prove they are human
Q 9. _______ is a type of software designed to help the user's computer detect viruses
and avoid them.
(a) Malware (b) Adware (c) Antivirus (d) Both (b) and (c)
(a) Quick heal (b) Mcafee (c) Kaspersky (d) All of these
Q 11. Which of the following refers to stealing one's idea or invention of others and use it
for their own benefits?
Q 15. Which computer memory retains data even when the computer is off?
Q 16. Which of the following software is used for creating and editing images?
(a) Adobe Photoshop (b) After Effects (c) Ms Paint (d) Adobe Cloud
(a) Optical Fiber (b) Microwave (c) Coaxial Cable (d) None
Q 33. A computer that stores and shares data with other computers on a network is known
(a) Server (b) Node (c) Client (d) Application
Q 38. The loss in signal power as light travels down the fiber is called ............. .
(c) Home Telephone Transfer Provider (d) Help Text Transfer System
Q 40. Which of the following protocol is used for remote terminal connection service?
Q 41. Which of the following is a type of independent malicious program that never
required any host program?
(a) Tojan Horse (b) Worm (c) Ransomware (d) Trap Door
Q 42. In order to ensure the security of the data/ information, we need to _____ the data:
(a) Delete (b) Reset (c) Decrypt (d) Encrypt
Q 43. I allow the visited website to store its own information about a user on the user’s
computer. Who am I?
(a) Biscuit (b) Cookie (c) Adware (d) Token
Q 49. A part of the internet that is not accessible to users using popular search engines
like Google, Bing etc is known as:
(a) Gray Web (b) Deep Web
(c) Dark Web (d) Galaxy Web