Aakriti Final Catalog 1
Aakriti Final Catalog 1
Aakriti Final Catalog 1
Rose Sandalwood
7 Types of ARose incense cone has a
sweet and confident
Sandalwood aromatic
fragrance can help you fall
Fragrance with fragrance that can bring a asleep more easily, relieve
anxiety. It'll help you subdue
deeper element to our
multiple Health emotions. It promotes sleep,
feelings of irritability and
aggression, promote openness
reduce anger, is gently anti-
and compassion and enhance
depressive, calms strife and
benefits of meditation.
instills a feeling of peace,
happiness and confidence..
Jasmine Incense cone
working directly on the Lemongrass Tulsi
nervous system to calm Lemongrass gives you this Tulsi considers as a purifier
agitated emotions, relieves unique aroma unlike any of the mind, body and
headache and relax other fragrances it's a spirit. Heating in nature, it
overworked muscle. mood elevating fragrance benefits cold, cough and
Jasmine is believed to and it's also revitalize your phlegmatic conditions. It's
contain properties that tired body and mind, also a powerful mosquito
make it an anti depressant Fights fatigue, relieves repellent.
and an antiseptic.. muscle pains.