Cst433 Security in Computing, May 2023
Cst433 Security in Computing, May 2023
Cst433 Security in Computing, May 2023
Reg No.:
I Use Playfair Cipher with key COMPUTER to encrypt the message (3)
5 In RSA, given p=l l, j:7, public key(e):l l, find n, 0(n) and private key(d). (3)
6 Illustrate man in the middle attack on Diffie Hellman key exchange algorithm. (3)
9 List any two ways in which secret keys can be distributed to two communicating (3)
Answer ony one full question from eoch module, each corries 14 morks.
Module I
ll a) Explain transposition technique. Convert plain text to Cipher text using Rail Fence (7)
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b) What are the two ways of attacking conventional encryption scheme? Explain (6)
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Module ll
l3 a) Summarize the primitive operlations of RC4 algorithm'
b) Explain construction of S Box in AES
14 a) Illustrate AES encryption in detail'
b) How is round key generated in DES?
Module lll
15 a) Explain RSA cryptosystem. In an RSA cryptosystem a participant A uses two
public key of A is 35. Find the private key of A.
b) Explain in detail about elliptic curve cryptography'
l6 a) Consider a Diffie-Hellman scheme with a common prime q:I1 and a primitive (8)
toot u:2.
i) Show that2 is a primitive root of I l.
ii; If User A has public key YA:9, what is A's private key XA?
iii; If User B has public kiy YB= 3, what is the shared secret key K, shared with
b) Illustrate ElGamal cryptosystem.
Module lV
17 a) Describe about Hash Function. How its algorithm is designed? Explain its features
& properties?
'b) Uow iigning and verification is done in Digital Signature algorithm?
18 a) Explain Cipher - Based Message Authentication Code'
b) Describe the digital signature schemes DSS.
t9 a) Explain secret key distribution with confidentiality and authentication.
b) Explain about viruses in detail.
20 a) Explain about Malicious Software.
b) Explain decentralized key control.