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10 Tests M

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Date Name Form 10

ч I /


Variant 1
Listen t o t he st ory. For each it em (1—5) choose t he correct variant (А, В, C
or D).
1) The «Diamonds and Toads» is ...
A ) a newspaper article.
(£j) a fairy tale.
C) a novel.
D) a science fiction story.
2) The mother d i d n ' t like the younger daughter b ecause ...
A ) she was so much like her in the face and humour.
B) she was selfish and mean.
C) she was quite different from her in character.
D) she always disagreed with her.
3) W h a t was the elder daughter like?
A ) Selfish, disagreeab le and so p r o u d .
B) Kind and sweet.
C) Selfish b ut kind.
D) Proud b ut b eautiful.
4) W h a t did the fairy d o with the proud elder sister?
A ) She punished her.
B) She gave her a nice gift.
C) She gave her a silver cup.
D) She taught her h o w t o b e nice and polite.
5) W h y did the younger daughter run away from home?
A ) Because at every w o r d she spoke a snake or a t o a d came out of her
B) As the mother w a n t e d t o b eat her.
C) As she w a n t e d t o marry the King's son.
D) Because she had enough diamonds t o start an independent life.

Read t he sent ences. Choose and circle t he correct adject ive.

1) He's a very affectionate/tamMiou^) lad and he wants t o play at the highest
level. 2) Even though I'm quite a reserved/sociable person, I like meeting
p e o p l e . 3) Tara was always really sensitive/aggressive and caring. 4) Jack is
so envious/spoilt of Sonia's success. 5) W e liked Laurence at once, he was
selfish/imaginative beyond all other architects. 6) Japanese cars are so reliable/
responsible. 7) The gift is greedy /generous by any standards.

M a k e the opposites using the prefixes un-, in-, dis-, im-, ir-.

1) selfish — . unselfish
2) honest —

3) pleasant —
4) polite —
5) responsible — .
6) sensitive —

W r i t e what makes you fee! happy and pleased, and what you usually d o
when you are in such a mood. Mention the situations when you experienced
such feelings. Write 8 sentences.

Complete the sentences with used to and a suitable verb from the list.

eat ^twcfy be bring

1) Jerry used to Study Italian in high school. 2) Cutty Sark
Is a famous ship. It tea from China. 3) Christine

meat, but now she is a vegetarian. 4) Have

you heard about The Beatles? They very popular.
5) Sam and Mary to Mexico in summer?
Date Name Form 10


Variant 2
Listen to the story. For each item (1—5) choose the correct variant (А, В, C
or D).
1) The sisters in the story w e r e ...
A ) both kind.
B) both selfish.
C) very much alike.
2) From the text w e can infer that the girls' father ...
A ) was a mean person.
B) was very kind.
C) adored his elder daughter.
D) had a horrible aversion for his daughters.
3) W h o m did the mother make eat in the kitchen and work continually?
A ) Her elder daughter.
B) Her younger daughter.
C) Both daughters.
D) Her husband.
4) The fairy gave the younger daughter a gift because ...
A ) she gave her some water in a silver cup.
B) she was forced t o draw water from the well.
C) she was kind, generous and beautiful.
D) А , В and C are correct.
5) Saying t o the elder sister «You are not over and a b o v e polite» the fairy
meant that the girl ...
A ) had rather g o o d manners.
B) was w e l l - b r e d .
C) was well-mannered.
D) wasn't really polite.

Read the sentences. Choose and circle the correct adjective.

1) David's mother was unstable and (moodp/reliable with a complicated

character. 2) The gift is affectionate/generous by any standards. 3) Rachel
is kind and mean/charming t o everyone. 4) She gave me a very long and
reserved/affectionate hug. 5) Julie has always been ambitious/shy and fiercely
competitive. 6) Ten-year-olds are incredibly energetic/responsible. 7) She was
spoilt/patient t o her aunt's infirmities.

M a k e the opposites using the prefixes tin-, in-, dis-, im-, ir-.

1) responsible — irresponsible

2) active —
3) friendly —
4) patient —
5) obedient —
6) tidy —

Write what can make you nervous, upset or irritated. What can change your
mood for the better! Write 8 sentences.

Complete the sentences with used to and a suitable verb from the list.

^ have play snore jjv^" be

1) I used t o live in Bristol, but I m o v e d t o Edinburgh.
2) She long hair. 3) you
any musical instrument? 4) He d i d n ' t . 5) There
a garden in front of the house, now you can
see a restaurant in its place.
Date Name Form 10


Variant 1

Listen to the text. Match choices (1—6) to ( A — H ) . There are t w o choices

you don't need to use.

A) created a method of education which is widely

В ; 1) J. K. Rowling
used all round the w o r l d .

B) used t o work as a researcher and a bilingual

2) Sir Timothy secretary for Amnesty International.
C) was the best-known nurse of all time w h o
saved the lives of thousands of p e o p l e during
3) Maria the war.
D) is the director and producer of three of the t o p
five money-making documentaries of all time.
4) Michael Moore E) is director of W 3 C , which looks after the
W e b ' s development.

F) is one of the world's richest people and perhaps

5) William Henry the most successful businessman ever.
Gates III G) was called the w o r l d ' s greatest living genius by
the monarch.

6) Florence H) has made controversial movie documentaries

Nightingale about the problems in Islamic countries.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

1) She didn't want (not/want) to watch the film as she had seen
(see) it before.

2) Ellen (drink) coffee when the phone


3) W e (not/go) out until it

(stop) raining.

4) The children (play) in the garden until their

mother (call) them home.
Read the following job advertisements and complete the table: put a tick { / )
into the correct column.
Au Pair Needed
Spanish family offers a position: caring for a four-year old child. You must
love children and be mature, reliable, trustworthy, punctual and speak fluent
Spanish. You will b e required t o work weekdays from 9 a.m.—4 p . m . , with
occasional e v e n i n g s / w e e k e n d s for which you will be paid overtime. W e are
a non-smoking household and w o u l d prefer a non-smoker. Driving licence is
Some light housework.
G o o d rate of p a y .
Live in.
Tel: Mrs A . Richards 020 0562 78

Singing Teacher
W e are looking for a singing teacher t o teach 14- t o 19-year-olds, for
a session of an hour and a half, on Tuesdays and Fridays. Applicants should
be professionals with teaching experience. A p p l y in writing with a CV t o
M a n d y Ricks, 18 Shephard Circle, Birmingham or t e l e p h o n e : 0720 9335247

Fruit Pickers Required

Applicants for this job should b e :
— y o u n g , energetic and fit;
— able t o work 42 hours a w e e k ;
— stay on the farm for the fruit-picking season.
Arthur Ashly
Sainsbury Farm
SR5 2UT Gatesville

For this job you... Au Pair Singing Teacher Fruit Pickers

...are required t o work twice

a week.
...have t o b e in g o o d physical
...will work with teens.
...will have t o live on a farm.
...have t o speak Spanish.
. . . n e e d a driving licence.
Date Name Form 10


Variant 2

Listen to the text. Match choices ( 1 — 6 ) t o ( A — H ) . There are t w o choices

you don't need t o use.

A ) is a British computer scientist who invented

CM) J- K. Rowling
the W o r l d W i d e W e b .

B) is an award-winning American director,

2) Sir Timothy
author, and political commentator.
C) used t o teach English in Portugal.

3) Maria Montessori D) became famous for her work during the

Crimean W a r in the middle of the nineteenth
4) Michael Moore
E) was also a doctor, philosopher and
5) William Henry F) was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize
Gates III three times for her work in Biology.

G) turned Microsoft into the world's largest

6) Florence software company.
H) demanded that Pepsi-Cola donate $18 million
t o the Reading Fundamental charity.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

1) By 11 p . m . , Gail had already fallen (fall/already) asleep.

2) He (fix) his bike until his friends

(come) t o see him.

3) Peter (never/see) a crocodile before she

(go) t o Africa.

4) W h e n (see) him last week, he

(sit) quietly on the river bank with his fishing r o d .
Read the following job advertisements and complete the table: put a tick (•/)
into the correct column.

Chef Required for Busy London Restaurant

W e are looking for an enthusiastic, creative and fully qualified chef t o assist in
running our large and busy restaurant kitchen. A t t e n t i o n t o detail is a must,
as is demonstrated culinary expertise. W e want someone with creativity and
passion t o help us produce innovative dishes and enhance the overall dining
experience for our customers.
Experience required.
Tel: M r Wilkins 080 1523 12

Require Qualified Part-Time Barber

Successful applicants can enjoy £ 2 3 0 per week, over 4 weeks holiday per year.
If you would like t o join a professional fun and friendly team, telephone 020
6405 04 t o arrange an interview.

Work and Rest in Our International Summer Camp!

If you enjoy working with children and want to spend your summer full of
sports and theatre, this job is right for y o u .
W e are looking for young and creative people who want to work in our
international Sunshine summer camp in Germany.
Excellent English and German is essential.
For further information contact:
M r Hans Thomas
Sunshine summer camp
B a d e n - W i i r t t e m b e r g , Germany.

Work in the
For this job... Chef Barber
Summer Camp
...you'll have t o work part-time.
...you have t o speak both English and
...working experience is necessary.
...you have to be considerate about
...you will have t o work with children.
. . . v o u need to know how to cut
men's hair.
Date Name Form 10

Variant 1

Listen to the text. For each item (1—5) choose the correct variant (А, В, C
or D).

1) According t o the t e x t , students study better if ...

(A^) they have a motivation.
B) they prepare for the exams.
C) their teachers are strict.
D) they have lots of homework to do.
2) Which of the students are more likely t o d o extra homework?
A) The most hardworking students.
B) The students w h o are going t o college after school.
C) All the students.
D) None of the students.
3) Middle-school students ...
A) have difficulties in making the connection b e t w e e n school work and future
B) are n e e d e d t o be reminded of the connection between school and
future w o r k .
C) can't be motivated by future earning.
D) understand the importance of secondary education.

4) Younger students can be encouraged to learn by ...

A ) marks.
B) the examples of famous people.
C) the examples of their teachers.
D) the examples of their parents.

5) As children tell the researches, the main reason why they learn t o read
is ...
A ) t o please their parents and teachers.
B) reading for the sake of reading.
C) t o learn more.
D) to become clever enough t o get a g o o d job when they leave school.
Choose and circle the correct words,

1) There should be a broader Ccurr/cu/u'r5/schoo//V>g in high schools for post-16-

year-old pupils.
2) in Britain, a boarding/comprehensive school is a state school in which
children of all abilities are taught together.

3} A grammar/private school is a school in Britain for children aged between

eleven and eighteen w h o have a high academic ability.
4) A grade/skill is a mark indicating the quality of a student's 'work.

5) A head/graduate teacher is a teacher w h o is in charge of a school.

Match choices ( 1 — 5 ) to (A—E) and make up sentences as in the example,

using Conditional I constructions.

\C \ 1) rain/tomorrow A
> s e e + h e

2) have a headache B) g o jogging

3) wake up early C) stay at home

! 4) go to Rome D) p a r e n t s / b u y a computer

j 5) do well/in exams E) take an aspirin

1) I f i t rains t o m o r r o w , we'll s t a y a t home.




5) .
Date Name
Form 10

Variant 2

Listen to the text. For each item (1—5) choose the correct variant (А, В, C
or D).

1) The main idea of the text is that ...

A) there is a connection b e t w e e n school and work.
B) the University of Michigan studied 600 middle-school students.
(^C^ motivated students show better results.
D) all schoolchildren think about their future.

2) According t o the study of Michigan University, the students w h o are going

to college after school ...
A ) make up 8 per cent of all the students.
B) are more likely t o d o extra homework.
C) d o n ' t usually show the best results.
D) are the most intelligent students.

3) The connection between school work and future earnings can be easily
seen ...
A ) by middle-school students.
B) by younger children.
C) only by high-school students.
D) both A and В are correct.

4) The author of the text believes that ...

A ) the next test can be a g o o d motivation t o learn.
B) motivation is not the most important thing in studying.
C) teachers and parents concentrate on short-term objectives.
D) showing the next learning benchmark is mostly important.

5) As the researchers found out the main motive why children learn t o read
is ...
A ) they like reading.
B) t o become clever enough t o g e t a g o o d j o b when they leave school.
C) t o learn m o r e .
D) t o please their parents and teachers.
Choose and circle the correct words.

1) A (sjdjty opportunity is a t y p e of work or activity which requires special

training and k n o w l e d g e .
2) The subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college are usually
called a course/curriculum.
3) Knowledge/education is information and understanding about a subject which
a person has, or which all people have.
4) A senior/graduate is a person who has successfully completed a course of
study or training.
5) A state secondary school in the UK t o which pupils are admitted on the
basis of ability is called a comprehensive/grammar school.

Match choices (1—5) to (A—E) and make up sentences as in the example,

using Conditional I constructions.

A ) g o for a walk in the park

D 1) go to London

Ij 2) go shopping B) m e e t / n e x t week

H 3) stop raining C) make a sandwich

H 4) get hungry D) visit the Tower

И 5) I work late/this week E) buy y o u a present

1) I f I go t o L o n d o n . I'll visit t h e Tower.



Date Name . Form 10
- J

Variant 1

Listen to the text. Match choices (1—6) to (A—F).

C 1) The English were renowned A

> -a s o r + o f l i t + ! e c r u s t
V b u n t h a t

- ^ ' _ _for t h e i r soaks up the gravy.

B) ...light pink fish served just with

: 2) British roast beef is... ,. , , ,
' a slice of lemon and some pepper.
) 3) Roast lamb is... C) ...roasts, pies, soups and
j 4) Smoked salmon is...
D) ...served with mint sauce.
і 5) Yorkshire pudding is...
E) ...British cheeses.
; 6) Cheddar, Double Gloucester, , ... .. , , .
і ' . . . _ .. . F) ...often eaten with Yorkshire
r 4

Wensleydale, Stilton and ...

„ . . : pudding.
Red Leicester a r e . . .

Arrange the replies in the dialogue in the correct order.

Could I have a slice of pumpkin pie?

A r e you ready t o order?

I 1 I — G o o d morning. Can I see the menu, please?

- Yes, I am, thank y o u . I'll have three scrambled eggs with country
ham, toast and jam, please.
r - W o u l d you like anything t o drink?

- Here you are, sir.

- Thanks.
і і - Anything else?

I I — Sure. Coming right u p .

* — I'll have a t o m a t o juice and some iced tea.

V, I

Read the text. Mark the following statements true (7) or false (F).

In those eld days, they c o o k e d in the kitchen with a big kettle that always
hung o v e - the fire. Every day they lit the fire and a d d e d things t o the p o t .
They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat. They would eat the
stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the p o t t o g e t cold overnight and then
start over the next day. Sometimes stew had f o o d in it that had been there
for quite a while. That is why there is the rhyme, «Peas porridge hot, peas
porridge c o l d , peas porridge in the p o t nine days o l d » .

1) The text tells us about Englishmen's cooking traditions of the past. T

2) From the text w e know how t o cook peas p o r r i d g e .

3) In the old days p e o p l e preferred t o eat vegetables c o o k e d slowly in liquid

in a closed dish in the fire.

4) It was quite usual for people t o eat a stew c o o k e d a day before.

ф For each item (1—4) choose the correct variant (А, В, C or D).

1) If p e o p l e ate more fruit, they ... healthier.

A ) are;
B) w e r e ;
C) will b e ;
(Б)) w o u l d be.
2) If it ... so c o l d , w e would g o for a swim in the sea.
A ) was;
B) w e r e ;
C) w e r e n ' t ;
D) w o u l d n ' t .
3) If I had a g a r d e n , I ... vegetables.
A ) will grow;
B) will b e growing;
C) w o u l d grow;
D) g r e w .

4) If I ... y o u , I'd drink less coffee.

A ) wasn't;
B) w e r e ;
C) w o u l d ;
D) w o u l d be.
Date Name Form 10

Variant 2

Listen to the text. Match choices (1— 6) to ( A — F ) .

В 1) British roast beef is... A ) ...traditionally served with plums
or apricots.
2) Roast pork is... B) ...still fa mous.

1 з) L a m b j s C) ...eaten with apple sauce.

D) ...in the country's o w n cooking
4) Shepherd's pie is.
E) ...basically minced meat with
5) A sherry trifle is... a І а
У е г o f
mashed p o t a t o on t o p .
F) ...made with fruit, sponge cake,
6) M o r e and more restaurants „] е У (_ c u s + a r d a n d c r e a m

in Britain specialise...

Arrange the replies in the dialogue in the correct order.

1 — Are y o u ready t o order, sir?

— I'm afraid the trout is off.

— Sure, sir.

— Yes. I'll have the beef stew for starters and my wife would like
tomato soup.

— O h dear. Err... Just give me a small mixed salad t h e n .

і — One beef stew and one tomato soup. W h a t w o u l d y o u like for the
main course?

— Yes, please. M a y I have a glass of orange juice, please?

— I'll have the Cayenne Pepper Steak and my wife would like the
Fried Trout with mashed p o t a t o e s .

— Anything else?

Read the text. Mark the following statements true (T) or false (F).

Every now and then the villagers of Denby Dale, near Huddersfield, Yorkshire
bake the w o r l d ' s biggest meat and p o t a t o pie. The first r e c o r d e d making of
a pie in the village was in 1788 t o celebrate the recovery of King G e o r g e III
from mental illness. Since that time nine other pies have been b a k e d , usually
t o coincide with a special event or t o raise money for a local cause.
The pie dish in the year 2000 weighed 12 tonnes and was 40 feet long, and
the pie itself contained three tonnes of beef and half a tonne of p o t a t o e s .
It was transported into Pie Field on a 70-feet w a g o n — and blessed by the
Bishop of W a k e f i e l d .

1) The w o r l d ' s biggest pie includes meat and p o t a t o e s . T

2) The villagers of Denby Dale bake huge pies every year.

3) From the text w e know how large the pie of the year 2000 was.

4) The last pie was a present for the Bishop of W a k e f i e l d .

For each item (1—4) choose the correct variant (А, В, C or D).

1) If people ate less fast f o o d , they ... healthier.

A) are;
B) w e r e ;
C) will b e ;
(D)) w o u l d be.
2) If I ... time, I w o u l d learn h o w to paint.
A ) will have;
B) have;
C) had;
D) w o u l d have.
3) If you r o d e your bicycle t o w o r k , y o u ... more exercise.
A) g e t ;
B) g o t ;
C) will get;
D) w o u l d get.

4) If I ... y o u , I'd study harder.

A) was;
B) w e r e ;
C) w o u l d ;
D) w o u l d be.
Date Name Form 10
^ )


Variant 1

ЩІ Listen to the text. For each item (1—3) choose the correct variant (А, В, C
or D).

1) The text tells about ...

A) famous inventors and scientists.
B) world-known sportsmen and musicians.
(cj) people who achieved desired aims in spite of many obstacles on their
D) people w h o suffered a lot.
2) It can be inferred from the text that ...
A) any significant invention is possible only through thousands of trials and
B) The Beatles started their career with the approval by the executives of
the Decca Recording Company.
C) before he became popular, Elvis Presley had w o r k e d as a truck driver.
D) the telephone was not immediately recognized as a useful invention.
3) The author believes that successful people ...
A) never give up.
B) never fail.
C) are usually supported by someone experienced and influenced.
D) are very lucky.

|Щ Listen to the text. Mark the following statements (1—6) true (7) or false (F).

1) Food may influence p e o p l e ' s physical and emotional health. T

2) Lettuce can make you sleepy.

3) To stop feeling sleepy you should drink some milk.

4) Potatoes help you not t o catch a c o l d .

5} Eating chocolate can't be harmful for one's health.

6) It's a g o o d idea t o read the list of ingredients on the wrappers.


Date Name Form 10


Variant 2

Listen to the text. For each item (1—3) choose the correct variant (А, В, C
or D).

1) The text describes ...

A) the story of some of the famous inventions.
B) the life of celebrities.
(cj) p e o p l e w h o became successful regardless of many difficulties.
D) p e o p l e w h o tried hard but failed.

2) Wilma Rudolph is mentioned in the text because ...

A ) she was an Olympic champion.
B) she had an unhappy childhood.
C) she managed t o overcome many difficulties on her way to success.
D) she d e v e l o p e d a world-famous system of rhythmic walk.

3) Saying «the finest steel gets sent through the hottest furnace» the author
means that ...
A) steel producers should consider the temperature of the furnace.
B) successful p e o p l e are usually as calm as steel.
C) difficulties can strengthen one's character.
D) the stories in the text are as true as steel.

|S| Listen to the text. Mark the following statements (1—6) true (Г) or false (F).

1) Food is not connected with people's physical and emotional health. F

2) Milk can make you sleepy. _____

3) To keep your teeth clean you should eat chocolate often.

4) Garlic helps you not t o catch a c o l d .

5) Eating chocolate can make you fat or give you spots.

6) Al! the restaurants have already started listing the nutritional content of
their dishes on the menus.
Date Name Form 10
ч_ s


Variant 1

Read the text below. Match choices ( A — H ) to ( 1 — 6 ) . There are t w o choices

you do not need to use.
English teenagers are t o receive compulsory cooking lessons in schools.
The idea is t o encourage healthy eating t o combat the country's increasing
obesity rate. It's feared that basic cooking and food preparation skills
1) D as parents turn t o pre-prepared convenience foods.

Cooking 2) an integral part of education in England — even

if it was mainly aimed at girls. In recent decades cooking has progressively
become a peripheral activity in schools. In many cases the schools themselves

3) cooking meals in kitchens on the premises. But the rising level

of obesity, has led t o a rethink about the food that children are given and
the skills they should be taught.
The new lessons are due to start in September but some schools without

kitchens 4) . There is also likely t o be a shortage of teachers

with the right skills, since the trend has been t o teach f o o d technology rather
than practical cooking. Also the compulsory lessons for hands on cooking will
only be one hour a week for one t e r m . But the well-known cookery writer,
Pru Leith, believes it will be worth it. «lf w e ' d done this thirty years a g o ,

5) the crisis w e ' v e g o t now about obesity and lack of

knowledge about f o o d and so o n . Every child should k n o w how t o cook,
not just so that they'll be healthy, but because it's a life skill which is a real
pleasure and w e deny children that pleasure*.
The renewed interest in cooking is primarily a response t o the level of obesity

in Britain 6) , and according t o government figures half of all Britons

will be obese in 25 years if current trends are not halted.

A) will be given a longer period t o adapt

B) might be able t o eat
C) was once regarded as
D) are being lost
E) w e might not have
F) which is amongst the highest in Europe
G) have given up
H) because of the sugar
© Read the text below. Match choices (A—E) to ( 1 — 5 ) .

Five Key Skills for Raising Your Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a different t y p e of intelligence. It's about being

«heart smart», not just «book smart». The evidence shows that emotional
intelligence matters just as much as intellectual ability, if not more so, when it
comes t o happiness and success in life. Emotional intelligence helps you build
strong relationships, succeed at w o r k , and achieve your goals.

(1) D
The first key skill of emotional intelligence is the ability to quickly calm yourself
d o w n when you're feeling overwhelmed. This emotional intelligence skill helps you
stay balanced, focused, and in control — no matter what challenges you face.
Many p e o p l e are disconnected from their emotions — especially strong core
emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, and j o y . But although w e can distort,
d e n y , or numb our feelings, w e can't eliminate t h e m . They're still there,
whether w e ' r e aware of them or not.

Being a g o o d communicator requires more than just verbal skills. Oftentimes, what
w e say is less important than how w e say it or the other nonverbal signals
w e send out. In order t o hold the attention of others and build connection
and trust, w e need t o be aware of and in control of our nonverbal cues. Our
nonverbal messages will produce a sense of interest, trust, excitement, and desire
for connection — or they will generate fear, confusion, distrust, and disinterest.

Humour, laughter, and play are natural antidotes t o life's difficulties. They lighten
our burdens and help us keep things in perspective. A g o o d hearty laugh reduces
stress, elevates m o o d , and brings our nervous system back into balance.

Conflicts and disagreements are inevitable in relationships. Two people can't
possibly have the same needs, opinions, and expectations at all times. H o w e v e r ,
that n e e d n ' t b e a bad thing! Resolving conflict in healthy, constructive ways
can strengthen trust b e t w e e n p e o p l e .
A) Connect t o your emotions
B) Resolve conflict positively
C) Use humour and play t o deal with challenges
D) Rapidly reduce stress
E) Nonverbal communication
Date Name Form 10
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Variant 2

Read the text below. Match choices ( A — H ) to ( 1 — 6 ) . There are t w o choices

you do not need to use.
In Great Britain education is compulsory for all children 1) E There are
three stages in education. The first stage is primary education; the second is
secondary education; the third is further education 2) . Before 5
some children attend Nursery Schools, while most children start their basic education
in an Infant School which is the first stage of primary education. In Infant Schools
children don't have real classes. They get acquainted with the classroom, desks,
they mostly play and learn through playing. From 7 to 11 they attend Junior
Schools, the second stage of primary education. In Primary Schools children are

taught the so-called 3R's — 3) , as well as elementary science and

information technology. They also have music, physical training and art classes.
A t the age of eleven children transfer t o Comprehensive Schools. These schools
4) and a w i d e range of academic courses leading t o the public
examinations taken at 16. They also provide some vocational courses.
After five years of secondary education, pupils take the General Certificate of
Secondary Education examination. Pupils take «О-levels» — Ordinary levels —

in as many subjects 5) ; some take just one or t w o , others take

as many as nine or t e n . If y o u get g o o d «О-level» results, y o u can stay
on at school until y o u are 18. Here you prepare for A d v a n c e d Level Exams
(«A-levels»). Three g o o d «А-level» exams lead t o universities.
Higher education begins at 18 and usually lasts for three or four years.
Students go t o universities, polytechnics or colleges. After three years of study,
a student receives a Bachelor's d e g r e e . Some may continue their studies for
t w o or mc^e years t o g e t their 6) .
British education has many different faces but one goal. Its aim is t o realize
the potential of all for the g o o d of the individual and society as a w h o l e .
A) might be interested
B) at university or college
C) give genera! education
D) the quantity of transmitted information
E) from 5 to 16 years old
F) Master's and Doctor's degrees
G) as they want t o
H) reading, writing and arithmetic
Read the text below. Match choices (A—E) to (1—5).

How to Get Motivated

Motivation is a force that inspires a person t o take action. W h e n a terrible
need t o resolve an unfavourable situation arises or the desire t o acquire
something is very strong, a person is driven and inspired. Out of necessity he
acquires the inner strength. This is self-motivation.
What can w e d o t o develop self-motivation?

1) В
W h a t d o you want? W h a t kind of job w o u l d you like? Do you wish for more
money? W i t h o u t goals and vision, you'll lack the drive t o thrive. You'll spend
your days upon awakening t o bedtime doing the same routines.
Setting goals is therefore necessary. W h e n y o u have written goals, it shows
that you are serious about succeeding, know what you want and where y o u
are heading.

You need a balance between work, family and recreation. In order to avoid feeling
stressed, you have to make it a habit to plan your day and week in advance.
Decide what you are going t o d o . W h e n y o u have a plan set up with your
personal values in mind, you will fully utilize your time and will not neglect
the important p e o p l e in your life.

Self-imposed discipline leads t o success. Having set your goals and knowing
the reasons t o why you want t o achieve them will make it easy for you t o
d o the things that you should and must d o even when you d o n ' t feel like
doing t h e m .

One of the ways t o cultivate positive thinking is t o hang around with people
who have the right attitude and are optimistic. Try t o minimize your encounters
and interactions with the pessimists w h o have the inclination t o pull you d o w n .

Your energy and drive decline when you are sick. Do a little exercise each
day t o maintain your physical health, if you can run, run. If you prefer t o
walk, then walk. Eat well and avoid toxic elements into your system.
A) Hang around with positive people.
B) Set your goals.
C) Stay healthy.
D) Develop self-discipline.
E) Plan your activities.
te Name Form 10 |
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Variant 1

Read the text below. Fill in each gap with one w o r d which best fits each
space (1—5).
Two friends, Amanda and Margot, were walking together on the edge of

the Sahara desert. During their 1) they had

an argument, and M a r g o t slapped the other one in the face. M a n d y was
hurt, but without saying anything, she w r o t e in the sand, «Today my best

2) slapped me in the face».

They kept on w a l k i n g , until t h e y found an oasis, w h e r e t h e y d e c i d e d t o
take a b a t h . M a n d y g o t stuck in the quicksand and s t a r t e d d r o w n i n g , and
naturally her friend, M a r g o t , saved her. After that M a n d y w r o t e on a s t o n e :

«Today, my best friend M a r g o t 3) my life».

M a r g o t asked M a n d y , «After I hurt y o u , y o u w r o t e in t h e sand, and now,
you write on a 4) , why?» Mandy replied,

« W h e n someone 5) us, w e should w r i t e it

d o w n in sand w h e r e the winds of forgiveness can erase it, but when
someone does something g o o d for us, w e must w r i t e it on s t o n e , so no
wind can ever erase i t » .
So, learn to write your hurts in sand and carve your blessings in stone.

Do you agree with the saying: «Learn to write your hurts in sand and carve
your blessings in stone». How d o you understand it? Write down your ideas
(5—7 sentences) about it.
Imagine that you are asked t o write an article for your school newspaper
about the advantages and disadvantages of being a businessman (politician/
doctoi etc.). Write your article using the plan below:
Represent the topic.
Main body
List the advantages and give reasons.
List the disadvantages and give reasons.
Summarize the information and make a conclusion.
Start like this:
Have you ever considered becoming a
There are many advantages and disadvantages in doing this kind of job.
Date Name Form 10


Variant 2

ЦІ Read the text below. Fill in each gap with one w o r d which best fits each
space (i—5).
A Man and a Donkey

A man wished t o 1) a donkey which seemed t o

be strong and hardy, so he agreed with its owner that he should try out the
animal 2) he bought it. He took the donkey home
and put it in the straw yard with his other animals. The new donkey left all

the others and at once 3) the one that was the

laziest and the greatest eater of them all.
W h e n he saw that, the man put a halter on the donkey and led it back t o its
owner. The owner was surprised that it was possible t o make a decision about

the donkey in such a 4) time, and the purchaser

answered, «I d o not 5) much time; I know that
it will be just the same as the one he chose for his с о т р а п і о п » .
The moral of the story is: a man is known by the company he keeps.

Do you agree with the saying «A man is known by the company he keeps»?
Write down your ideas (5—7 sentences) about it.
Imagine that your penfriend from England has asked you t o write about your
school. Write a letter using the plan below.
Give general information about your school.
Main body
W r i t e about your school subjects and activities; describe the subjects you are
g o o d at; subjects you l i k e / d o n ' t like.
Describe your teachers and their teaching methods; write about your classmates
and relationships in your class.
Ask your friend t o write back about h i s / h e r school.
Date Name Form 10
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Variant 1

Ask your friend:

— what type of people h e / s h e gets along with best;

— what quality h e / s h e admires most in people and which one h e / s h e finds
the most objectionable;
— what behaviour of others hurts him/her most;
— what h e / s h e considers to be his/her good and bad qualities;
— what qualities help him/her to have good relationships with others.
Answer your friend's questions.

Speak on the system of education in Ukraine:

— types of schools;
— levels;
— curriculum;
— tell what you would change to make the system of schooling better.
I^Date Name Form 10_


Variant 2

o Ask your friend:

— what his/her favourite meal is;
— if h e / s h e always eats healthy food;
— what the most delicious meal h e / s h e has ever eaten is;
— what the worst possible meal h e / s h e could imagine is;
— how eating habits of Ukrainians differ from those of Englishmen.
Answer your friend's questions.

Tell about your favourite cafe:

— the name of the place; its location;

— describe g o o d points about food, service and prices;
— what you l i k e / d o n ' t like about the place;
— give your recommendations.
Date Name Form 10
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Variant 1

Q Listen to the text. Mark the following statements (1—5) true (7) or false (F).

1) According to the new studies, networking websites can have a negative

impact on children's mental health. T

2) Researchers believe that fewer and fewer teens prefer online


3) The report said parents should talk t o their kids about bullying.

4) A survey found that 2% of kids use social media sites 10 times a day.

5) All reports agree that Facebook leads t o the isolation of children.

{jjjj} Read the text and complete it with the words from the box.
communicate web computer jpierrTet technology phones ^)

The Information Age

This is the information a g e . The d e v e l o p m e n t of the 1) Internet

has made global communication cheap and available t o e v e r y o n e . It has

affected the very way we 2) and transact.

We are in the days where we can purchase things using our personal

3) , where w e can talk, hear and see dear

people over 4) cameras. The growth of

technology has made cell 5) become almost

a part of us and overseas telephone communication cost has g o n e d o w n especially
with telephony and the like. Scanning 6) has
enabled doctors t o see inside of men and in three dimensions, giving them
a clearer and better picture of the diseased part.
Because of technology, there is less need for invasive surgery t o see which
areas need t o be repaired. W i t h the aid of technology, man has ventured
into space and b e y o n d .
In this area, technology has been extremely helpful t o society.

Complete the dialogue with the replies (A—E).

A) — Which of those t w o is better?
B) — W h a +
kind w o u l d you like?
C) but dial-up is.
D) — W i t h DSL you can use b o t h .
E) it d o e s n ' t tie up your phone.
— I w o u l d like t o order some Internet today.

— 1) В
— W h a t kind of the Internet is there?
— You can g e t DSL or dial-up.

— 2)
— I w o u l d recommend DSL.
— Is that one better?
— It's b e t t e r because 3)
— W h a t d o y o u mean by that?
— DSL isn't connected through your phone line,

— So then I can't use my phone if I'm on the Internet?

— That's correct. 5)

For each item (1—4) choose the correct variant (А, В, C or D).

1) The searchers at last picked ... a signal from the crashed yacht.
A ) out;
@ up;
C) in.
2) I shall just print this ... and put it in the post.
A ) off;
B) into;
C) out.
3) Brian k e y e d ... his personal c o d e .
A ) in;
B) t o ;
C) o n .
4) If someone hacks ... a computer system, they break into the system,
especially in order t o get secret information.
A ) into;
B) o n t o ;
C) t o .
Date Name Form 10
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Variant 2

Listen to the text. Mark the following statements (1—5) true (7) or false (F).

1) The «Facebook depression» is a new phenomenon. T

2) The report author said teens preferred to interact at home or a friend's

house, not online.

3) The author said parents needed to use social media to their advantage. ______

4) The article says the Internet is not always healthy for kids.

5) The report said parents should not worry about bullying.

Read the text and complete it with the words from the box.

^online mobile-learning digjtffe tablets the Internet technology J

The World's First «Smart Education)) System

South Korea's government has announced ambitious plans t o revolutionize school
classrooms and provide the w o r l d ' s first «smart education* system. It intends to

1) digitize all textbooks in all schools by 2015. This means bulky, paper-
based books are out and handheld data 2) and
e-readers are in. First in line t o g o digital are elementary schools, which will
switch t o 3) devices by 2014. South Korea's
Ministry of Education says it will invest $2.4 billion t o create and deliver the
e-learning and 4) materials.
In addition t o digital content in the classroom, the Ministry is also hoping to
make online classes available for students w h o miss lessons.

South Korea is well known for its embrace of 5) and

high-speed 6) . A Ministry official s t a t e d : «Когеап

students have ranked first in terms of digital literacy among d e v e l o p e d nations...
That's why Korean students, w h o are already fully prepared for digital society,
need a major shift in e d u c a t i o n * .

ІЦ Complete the dialogue with the replies (A—E).

A ) so there must be something w r o n g with your connection.
B) — They should be there in an hour.
с) - What's w r o n g with it?
D) - Could you send someone t o fix it today?
E) - It hasn't been working the past few days.

For each item (1—4) choose the correct variant (А, В, C or D).
1) They w o u l d log ... their account and take a look at prices and decide
what t h e y ' d like t o d o .

B) o n t o ;
C) t o .
2) If a computer user fails t o log the system is accessible to all.
A) off;
B) into;
C) through.
3) I'm calling him, but he just isn't picking ...!
A ) out;
B) u p ;
C) in.
4) He trained his camera on nature, sometimes zooming ... t o examine single
A ) in;
B) t o ;
C) o n .
Date Name Form 10


Variant 1

Listen to the text about the earthquake at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear
Power Station and complete the answers to the questions.

1) W h a t caused the disaster?

An explosion in reactor No. 1 at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear

Power Station.
2) W h e n did the cooling system at the reactor fail?
It faiied shortly after the earthquake.
3) W h a t were officials afraid of?

That a meltdown may occur, and material was

d e t e c t e d outside the plant.
4) How many residents were evacuated from areas surrounding the station?
M o r e than .
5) W h y did the officials and workers struggle to regain control of four
Because t w o more and a
6) W h a t , according t o Prime Minister Naoto Kan, makes up the worst crisis in
the 65 years since the war?

The , , and the situation at the

nuclear reactors.

Read the text. Choose and circle the correct words.

Tornadoes are referred t o as lightning/^nne^ clouds until they touch the
ground. Tornadoes are spawned by severe thunderstorms/earthquakes and are
violent funnel-shaped wind whirlpools in the lower atmosphere with upward
spiralling winds/famine of high speeds. The tornado/avalanche usually appears
from a bulge in the base of a cumulonimbus cloud. A tornado can be tens
t o hundreds of metres w i d e and have a lifespan of minutes t o hours. In area,
it is one of the least extensive of all storms/heat waves, but in violence, it
is the world's most slight/severe. M o r e tornadoes occur in the United States
than in any other country. In Canada, tornadoes occur mostly on the Prairies
and in southern Ontario.
Match the words with their definitions.

A ) tsunami
F ; 1) a tropical storm in the region of the
Indian or western Pacific Oceans
B) famine
і 2) extreme scarcity of food

, 3) an overflow of a large amount of water

C) flood
b e y o n d its normal limits, especially over
what is normally dry land
D) fire
14) a destructive burning of something

5) a long, high sea wave caused by an E) hurricane

earthquake or other disturbance

: 6) a storm with a violent w i n d , in particular F) typhoon

a tropical cyclone in the Caribbean

Match choices (1—4) to (A—D) and write sentences as in the example, using
Conditional I I constructions. Make up one sentence with your own ideas.

A) t h e y / n o t / b e dirty
D 1) people recycle more paper

B) i t / h e l p the environment
\ 2) factories stop pouring chemicals into rivers
C) t h e y / b e less polluted
3) p e o p l e / n o t leave rubbish in parks
D) logging companies cut
4) people stop using aerosols
fewer trees

1) I f people r e c y c l e d m o r e paper, logging companies would c u t fewer

trees. .


3) ,


Date Name Form 10


Variant 2

Listen t o the text about the earthquake at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear
Power Station and complete the answers t o the questions.

1) W h e n did disaster strike?

It struck on Saturday, M a r c h 1 2 , 2 0 1 1 .
2) W h a t system at the reactor failed shortly after the earthquake?

The system.
3) W h a t did the officials admit?

They admitted that partial occurred at reactors

No. 1 and No. 3.
4) W h y was radioactivity released directly into the atmosphere?

Because the happened at reactor No. 4.

5) W h a t did the Japanese government tell people living in the area t o do?

To indoors, not use ,

and keep their closed.

6) How many plant's workers have suffered various injuries since the quake?

workers have died and

more suffered various injuries since the quake started.

Read the text. Choose and circle the correct words.

The Science of Tsunami

A tsunami is a series of huge hailstorms/fyavep that occur as the result of

a violent underwater disturbance, such as an earthquake/tornado or volcanic
hazard/eruption. The waves travel in all directions from the epicentre of the
disturbance. The waves may travel in the open sea as fast as 450 miles per
hour. As they travel in the open ocean, tsunami waves/funnels are generally
not particularly large — hence the difficulty in d e t e c t i n g the approach of
a tsunami. But as these powerful waves approach shallow waters along the
coast, their quickness is slowed and they consequently g r o w t o a great height
before occurring/smashing into the shore. They can g r o w as high as 100 feet;
the Indian Ocean tsunami generated waves reaching 30 feet.
They are sometimes mistakenly referred t o as tidal/avalanche waves, but
tsunamis have nothing t o do with the tides. Tsunamis have been relatively rare
in the Indian Ocean, and are most common in the Pacific Ocean.

Match the words with their definitions.

ГБ ) 1) a storm during which it hails A

) + o r n a d o

j ! 2) a violent wind storm consisting of a tall

column of air which spins round very avalanche
fast and causes a lot of damage
| [ 3) a sudden violent shaking of the g r o u n d , C) earthquake
typically causing great destruction,
as a result of movements within the
earth's crust or volcanic action D) hailstorm

| і 4) a storm in which there is thunder and

lightning and a lot of heavy rain E) drought

5) a mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling

rapidly d o w n a mountainside _. ,. , ,
' ) thunderstorm
| 6) a prolonged period of abnormally low
rainfall, leading t o a shortage of water

Match choices (1—4) to (A—D) and write sentences as in the example, using
Conditional I I constructions. Make up one sentence with your own ideas.

ГВ*І 1) p e o p l e recycle more paper A

) ^ e s / n o t destroy forest
B) logging companies cut
| і 2) p e o p l e / b e educated about forest fires fewer trees
.•™, C) they have more
j 3) s t r e e t s / b e cleaner oxygen
Г I 4) p e o p l e plant more trees D
) cities/be nicer places
K...... t o live

1) I f people r e c y c l e d more paper, logging companies would cut fewer

Date Name Form 10


Variant 1

Listen to the text. Mark the following statements true (T) or false (F).

1) The text involves some interesting stories about famous artists. T

2) From the text w e know that the Mona Lisa was stolen from the British
Museum in 1912.

3) Leonardo da Vinci w r o t e all his personal notes upside d o w n .

4) The famous artist Picasso learned how t o walk after he could d r a w .

5) In Salvador Dali's paintings it's possible t o find portraits of his wife.

Match the questions in the dialogue with their answers.

ГВІ 1) Do you have a tour around the A

> 11 b e
& n s i n a n h o u r
museum? _. w ,
B) Yes, w e do.
j 2) W h e n does the tour start?
C) A b o u t an hour and a half.
j 3) How long does a tour last?
r : D) I'm afraid not.
j 4) Can I join a tour?

I 5) W h a t time does the next tour begin? ^ ^ O U c e r

* ' '
a n v c a n

j 6) Is a Ukrainian guide available? F

) A t 1 0 : 0

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct past tense form.

1) He had l e f t (leave) by that time already.

2) I (just/arrive) when the telephone


3) She (live) in Berlin for three years when the war

(break out).

4) I (wait) for him for three hours when he


5) After Mary (finish) sewing, she

(go) shopping.
6) Jim arrived at the railway station, took a taxi and d r o v e t o the hotel. He
(book) the room in the hotel beforehand.
Read the text and write answers to the questions.
Thomas Gainsborough is known as an excellent women painter. «The Portrait of the
Duchess de Befou», «Mrs Siddons», «Two Daughters» are among his best pictures.
His portraits are painted in clear tones in which blue and gray predominate.
One of his best pictures is «The Portrait of Duchess de Befou».
In the picture w e can see a young noble w o m a n ; her charming face is fresh
and lively. Her calm elegant pose shows us her nobility. It seems that in
this portrait Gainsborough followed the rules of traditional ceremonial portraits.
But it is not so. The pursed lips of the w o m a n , a timid gesture of her hand
create a true impression of the sitter.
The artist has a wonderful sense of colour, line and composition. He uses light
and shade effectively. The picture is painted mostly in light tones on the dark
background. Numerous shades of blue prevail in the picture. The combination of
pink shades in her face and body are contrasted with grey and blue shades on her
hair, dress and scarf. It makes an impression of freshness and beauty. Gainsborough
skillfully depicts the details of her dress. The woman is graceful and charming. It is
exhibited in the Hermitage in St Petersburg.
Thomas Gainsborough greatly influenced the English school of landscape
painting. He was one of the first English artists w h o painted their native land.
His delicate understanding of nature is especially felt in the pictures where
he s h o w e d peasants. The best landscapes of his are: « W a t e r i n g РІасе» and
«Harvest W a g g o n » . Both of them are exhibited in the National Gallery.
A m o n g his other landscapes are: «The Sunset», «The Market Card» and «The
C o t t a g e D o o r » . His great love for the countryside and his ability t o show it
made him an innovator in this field. He was the first English artist w h o painted
his native countryside so sincerely.
1) W h a t kind of pictures did Thomas Gainsborough paint?

2) W h a t colours predominate in his portraits?

3) W h a t portrait is considered t o be one of his best pictures?

4) W h a t did the artist make an affective use of?

5) W h a t museum is the picture «The Portrait of Duchess de Befou» exhibited in?

6) W h y was Thomas Gainsborough an innovator in landscape painting?

7) W h a t are the best landscapes of his?

Date Name Form 10
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Variant 2

Listen t o the text. Mark the following statements ( 1 — 5 ) true (J) or false (F).

1) The text is focused on the life and creative activity of Leonardo da Vinci. F

2) The text says how many copies of the Mona Lisa were sold as originals.

3) During his lifetime Vincent Van G o g h was quite famous.

4) Henri Matisse's painting Le Bateau was hanging upside down for 46 days without
anyone noticing at the Museum of Modem Art in New York, America. _ _ _ _ _

5) A camel hair brush is truly made from real camel hair.

Match the questions in the dialogue with their answers.

F~! 1) Excuse me. What time does A
) Y e s
' t h e r e i s 3 R e n o i r
the museum o p e n today? o n
j 2) How much is the admission? B) All right. That will be $4.25.
3} Are there any special Q No, sir. Taking pictures is prohi-
exhibitions today? bited.

j 4) Can I take pictures? ^ $2.50.

E) They are on the rack. Take your
'• 5) Let me have a look at the .•
' time.
F) It opens at 9:00.
I 6) I'd like t o buy these.

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct past tense form.

1) I had done (do) the homework by 5 o'clock

2) Bill (waif) for his friend wondering where he

3) He (buy) a new car as his old one __. (break).

4) He (work) hard and his arms . (hurt).

5) Tina (be delighted) with her new watch. She

(dream) about one for a long time.

6) I (fee!) very tired because I

(write) a report in Biology.
Read the text and write answers to the questions.

William Joseph Turner (1774—1851) was the greatest English romantic, landscape
and marine painter. He was a son of a fashionable barber, started drawing
and painting at an early age. His father used t o sell the b o y ' s drawings t o
his customers and in such a way he earned money for the b o y ' s learning
of art. A t 14 he entered the Royal A c a d e m y School. His watercolours w e r e
exhibited at the Royal Academy when he was only 15. A t 18 he started his
o w n studio and received a commission t o make drawings for magazines. For
some years he tramped over Wales and W e s t e r n England. As Turner never
married, he d e v o t e d his life t o art. Visitors w e r e rarely admitted to his house
and no one was allowed t o see him at w o r k . He loved his paintings as a man
loves his children. A t the age of 27 he was elected as a Royal Academician.
From that time his paintings came t o be in great demand and brought g o o d
money. He spent the last years of his life in a little c o t t a g e at Chelsea.
He liked t o watch the sunrise and sunset.. A n d it is said that only a hour
before his death he had his chair wheeled t o the w i n d o w , so that for the
last time he might look at the sun shining upon the river.
During his life Turner created some hundreds of paintings and some thousands of
watercolours and drawings. After his death his o w n entire collection of paintings
and drawings was left to the nation. They are exhibited at the National and Tate
Galleries in London. Some of his famous pictures are: «The Fighting Тетегаіге»,
«Rain, Steam and Speed», «Light and Colour» and others.

1) W h a t kind of pictures did William Joseph Turner paint?

2) W h e n and where were his watercolours first exhibited?

3) W h a t did Turner d e v o t e his life to?

4) How many paintings, watercolours and drawings did Turner create?

5) W h a t happened t o Turner's collection of paintings and drawings after his death?

6) W h a t museum are his pictures exhibited at?

7) W h a t are some of his famous pictures?

Date Name Form 10
Variant 1

Listen to the text. Mark the following statements true (T) or false (F).

1) This article shows that physical strength is the most important factor in

sports. F

2) Cliff Young is a p o t a t o farmer.

3) Cliff Young was 61 when he took part in an ultra-marathon race in 1983.

4) Cliff Young's competitors were world-class marathon runners.

5) Cliff Young's informal training regime consists in running for his sheep.
6) Cliff Young's decision t o participate in the marathon seemed suicidal as the
race lasted for t w o weeks. ______

7) Cliff Young d i d n ' t manage t o win the race.

8) Cliff Young showed that being old is not a barrier. _ _ _ _ _

Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

game bat ball Fencing score net football

^Calisthenics fit ^oece~f teams players swords Cricket^

1) Soccer is a game played by t w o 2) of

eleven 3) using a round 4) .
Players kick the ball to each other and try to 5) goals
by kicking the ball into a large 6) . In Europe and South
America, this game is also referred t o as 7) .

8) is a sport in which t w o competitors fight each other

using very thin swords. The ends of the 9) are covered and
the competitors wear protective clothes, so that they do not hurt each other.

10) is an outdoor 11) played

b e t w e e n t w o teams. Players try t o score points, called runs, by hitting a ball
with a w o o d e n 12) .

13) are simple exercises that you can do to keep

14) and healthy.
For each item (1—7) choose the correct variant (А, В, C
1) Garry ... his training when he saw a famous coach.
A) has just finished;
(j3j) had just finished;
C) finished;
D) w o u l d just finish.
2) The bus ... before I reached the bus s t o p .
A) left;
B) has left;
C) had left;
D) had been leaving.
3) He hurt me. I ... t o him again!
A) will speak;
B) w o n ' t speak;
C) w o u l d speak;
D) w o u l d n ' t be speaking.
4) Jim ... until Susan came.
A) was painting;
B) has been painting;
C) had been painting;
D) w o u l d be painting.
5) M u m ... dinner when w e came back from school.
A) had been cooking;
B) is c o o k i n g ;
C) cooks;
D) was cooking.
6) I ... my music lesson at 7.30 p.m. tomorrow.
A) will have;
B) will be having;
C) am having;
D) will have had.
7) I ... at this faculty for five years before I g r a d u a t e d .
A) have been studying;
B) was studying;
C) will be studying;
D) had been studying.
Date Name Form 10


Variant 2

Listen to the text. Mark the following statements true (Г) or false (F).

1) The text says that human will is more significant than physical strength. T

2) Cliff Young is a professional sportsman.

3) Cliff Young was trained by his mother w h o was 51 at the time.

4) Cliff Young was competing against other amateur runners.

5) Cliff Young was sure that taking part in marathon was more difficult than
running after his sheep.
6) Cliff Young continued the race at night while the young racers were
7) Cliff Young managed t o win the marathon.
8) Cliff Young showed that being a champion doesn't mean you need have
superhuman strength, just superhuman will.

Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

s ~-
game court bat Jen-fits Hockey ball net
clubs sticks goals Wrestling Golf teams players

I) Tennis is a game played by two or four

2) on a rectangular 3) . The players use an
oval 4) with strings across it to hit a 5) over
a 6) across the middle of the court.

7) is a team 8) played between two

9) of eleven players each, using h o o k e d sticks with which the
players try t o drive a small hard ball towards 10) at opposite
ends of a field. In North America it is called field hockey t o distinguish it from
ice hockey.
II) is a sport in which two people wrestle and try to
throw each other t o the g r o u n d .
12) is a game in which you use long 13)
called 14) t o hit a small hard ball into holes that are
spread out over a large area of grassy land.
For each item (1—7) choose the correct variant (А, В, C or D).
1) By the time w e get there, the post office ...
A) was closed.
(j3j) will be closed.
C) w o u l d be closed.
D) has been closed.
2) I met Jane while I ... on the beach.
A) was walking;
B) would be walking;
C) has been walking;
D) had been walking.
3) I ... t o Venice t o m o r r o w ; I will phone you when I arrive.
A) will c o m e ;
B) am coming;
C) be coming;
D) will have c o m e .
4) W e ... tennis until it started raining.
A) w e r e playing;
B) have been playing;
C) had been playing;
D) w o u l d be playing.
5) By the time he was thirty-five, he ... a fortune.
A) earn;
B) earned;
C) had earned;
D) had been earned.
6) I ... t o my MP3 player, so I d i d n ' t hear the fire alarm.
A ) was listening;
B) w e r e listening;
C) have been listening;
D) had been listening.
7) W e ... some plans for the weekend just before your call.
A ) have made;
B) made;
C) had m a d e ;
D) had been made.
Date Name Form 10


Variant 1

UJI Listen to the following speakers. For each item (1—4) choose the corre
variant (А, В, C or D).
1) W h a t is the 1st speaker's main point?
(Aj)People should be taught t o behave nature-friendly.
B) She doesn't believe that joint efforts may save the environment.
C) She doubts if she can d o anything for the planet.
D) Schools should provide a special course on the environment.
2) W h a t is the 2nd speaker's main point?
A ) She w o u l d like t o g o cycling right now.
B) She wants t o g o skiing at the place with r u g g e d mountains and beautiful
C) She w o u l d like t o go cycling when she is in a g o o d shape and has
necessary stuff.
D) She is in the best shape for cycling.
3) The 3rd speaker thinks that ...
A ) the Internet is doubtfully the business way of the future.
B) website owners prefer t o write articles by themselves.
C) writing and submitting articles for website owners is the perfect way to
make money.
D) you w o n ' t be paid more than 5 dollars per article.
4) W h a t ' s the 4th speaker's main point?
A ) He is t o o fat for parachute jumping.
B) H e ' d like t o try parachute jumping in future.
C) He w a n t e d t o try parachute jumping in high school, but his father didn't
allow him t o d o that.
D) He thinks parachute jumping is the most dangerous hobby.

^jjj} Listen to the text. Fill in the blanks with the words you'll hear.
W o m e n ' s football — or 1) as it's known in many countries —
has been played in England for more than a hundred years. But, unlike men's
football, it's always been an amateur 2) . The new Super
3) will b e the first semi-professional 4) for
w o m e n , with eight 5) from across the country competing for
the title. England's Football Association is hoping the league will attract more
6) t o the sport.
Date Name Form 10


Variant 2

Listen to the following speakers. For each item (1—4) choose the correct
variant (А, В, C or D).
1) W h a t is the 1st speaker's main point?
A ) The information technology is developing very fast.
B) There are more bad points in using mobile phones.
(cj)The g o o d points of mobile phones o v e r w e i g h the bad ones.
D) He prefers t o use a mobile phone t o make pictures instead of the camera.
2) W h a t does the 2nd speaker say about going t o Antarctica?
A) She wants t o g o t o Antarctica because she likes cold weather.
B) She wants t o g o t o Antarctica for her h o n e y m o o n .
C) She wants t o g o t o Antarctica with her friends.
D) She wants t o g o t o Antarctica, but she d o e s n ' t want t o g o on a d o g sleigh.
3) W h a t is there at the 3rd speaker's favourite place?
A ) A mountain, a church and an inn.
B) A lake, a mountain and an inn.
C) A river, a church and a hotel.
D) Mountains, w o o d s and a waterfall.
4) W h a t ' s the 4th speaker's main point?
A ) He wants t o cycle from Europe t o Asia.
B) He wants t o cycle around Japan.
C) He wants t o cycle around Europe.
D) He wants t o cycle across Beijing.

^jjj} Listen to the text. Fill in the blanks with the words you'll hear.

Microsoft has confirmed it will buy the 1) phone service

Skype. The $8.5 billion deal will 2) Microsoft with the 663
million p e o p l e around the w o r l d w h o use 3) . It is the most
money Microsoft has spent t o buy another company. It's just eight years
since Skype started helping people t o make 4) over the
Internet for nothing, and this is the third time it's been bought and sold.
Skype is n o w used by 170 million p e o p l e around the w o r l d , not just on their
computers, but on the move — on their 5) phones and
even on their 6) devices.
Variant 1

Read the t e x t b e l o w . Fill in the gaps (1—12) with the correct variant (А, В, C or D).
Sir Timothy Berners-L.ee is a British computer scientist who invented the World

W i d e W e b . He received a knighthood from the British 1) В for

his efforts (so he is called «Sir»). He is director of W 3 C , which looks after the
W e b ' s development. A 2) ; British newspaper ranked him
as the world's greatest living genius. Today's world would be very different
3) his discovery.
Berners-Lee was born in 1955 to parents who were mathematicians and computer
scientists. He 4) with numbers and electronics and managed
to build his own computer. He 5) to Oxford University and
was banned from using the computers for hacking. Berners-Lee graduated with
a degree in physics. His first 6) after graduating were as
a computer programmer and software developer.
Berners-Lee spent the 1980s on a 7) based on sharing and
updating information online, in 1991, he put the first website online. It explained
what the W o r l d W i d e 8) was and how if was used, He
gave his idea to the world for 9) _. In 1994, Berners-Lee
founded W 3 C to set standards and improve the quality of the W e b .
Berners-Lee now spends his 10) between W3C
and as a professor of computer science in England. He also writes
11) the future of the Web. In 2004, he was
12) as the first ever winner of the Millennium Technology Prize.

1 King Queen President Governor
2 leading key crucial primary
3 with of out without
4 grew up brought up adult mature
5 attended passed went entered
6 jobs career proficiency occupation
7 idea website mission project
8 Mesh Trap Web Net
9 charge free charity granted
10 money schedule time period
about on off at
12 | named j asked become offered
Match choices ( A — H ) t o (1—5). Three choices are extra.

t) Victoria and Albert Museum is an excellent and informative museum with

immense resources for design students as it houses the national collection of
applied arts. The museum's galleries and buildings themselves are considered
as works of art. If you are interested in exploring the various artefacts that
were part of the cultures from where they have come over the centuries this
is the place t o b e . This museum
2) Madame Tussaud's is London's busiest attraction and houses one of the
world's largest collections of lifelike wax models of celebrities, politicians and
other world-famous p e o p l e . Madame Tussaud often travelled t o many places
and displayed her wax models. Madame Tussaud's has become the best
attraction of London. This museum
3) National Gallery
Vast gallery on the north side of Trafalgar Square, with an impressive collection
of W e s t e r n European art from the middle ages t o the early 20th century. As
it's free w e recommend you make a number of trips, doing it in at least
t w o stages (it's only 200 yards away from the Leicester Square, and in the
heart of theatreland). Do the East W i n g , North W i n g and the S a i n s b u r y / W e s t
Wings in separate trips, or you may find yourself becoming oblivious t o the
quality of the exhibits. This museum
4) National Army Museum is located approximately 15 miles from central London.
This museum is worth the journey if you are interested in learning about the
history of the British Army. it unfolds the story of the British Army from the
fifteenth century to the present day and is home to an impressive collection
of old and new vehicles, armoury of the years gone b y , vibrant uniforms and
records which detail significant historic events. This museum
5) The Design Museum has a comprehensive collection of innovative designs.
It is a museum focusing on industrial design, fashion and architecture and
therefore you can find mass-produced everyday items. It is also the UK's
largest provider of design resources. This museum

A ) is focusing on Egyptian culture.

B) has galleries and buildings which are themselves believed t o be the works of art.
C) is w o r t h the journey if you like fashion, architecture and industrial design.
D) is advised t o be visited several times.
E) used t o b e a prison.
F) exposes an impressive collection d e v o t e d t o the history of the British A r m y .
G) displays wax models of famous p e o p l e .
H) houses the world's largest collection of fine arts.
Date Name Form 10
Variant 2

Read the text below. Fill in the gaps (1—12) with the correct answer (А, В, C or D).
David Beckham is an English footballer w h o has played for Manchester United

and Real M a d r i d , 1) A representing his country 100 times. He

moved t o the Los Angeles Galaxy in 2007 t o increase the profile of football in
America. He married Spice Girl Victoria Beckham and has b e c o m e a w o r l d w i d e
2) , an advertising brand and a fashion icon.
Beckham was 3) in London in 1975. His parents were
fanatical Manchester United 4) . His talent was obvious
from an early 5) and he signed with Manchester United
on his fourteenth birthday. He helped the youth 6) win
several trophies and made his first team debut in 1995. He helped his team
7) considerable success in his eleven seasons with them.
Beckham has been runner-up twice as w o r l d football's best player. He
8) many trophies with Manchester United, including the
Champions League, and w o n a league title with Real M a d r i d . He also captained
his club and country. He was famously sent off in a match against Argentina
in the 1998 W o r l d Cup. In 2003, Beckham 9) an honour
for services t o football from Britain's Q u e e n .
Beckham has many interests off the soccer pitch and is rarely
10) of the headlines, especially concerning his marriage
and children. He has established football academies in Los Angeles and
London. In 2006 he was 11) a judge for the British
12) Awards.

1 as well as in order t o as soon as hardly ever
2 fame celebrated outstanding celebrity
3 born come birthday bear
4 devoted sponsors supporters enthusiastic
5 epoch era age period
6 team class game band
7 took ran achieve realize
8 came first prevailed lost won
9 collected accepted gave received
10 on at out in
11 named labelled told identified
12 Friend Book Sister Physics
Match choices ( A — H ) to (1—5). Three choices are extra.
1) Dog-to-Human Language Translation Device
Keita Sato invented Bow-Lingual, a computer-based automatic dog-to-human
language translation device. The Bow-Lingual's a two-piece set — a wireless
microphone that attaches to your dog's collar, and a walkie-talkie-looking handset
with an LCD screen. Barks and yelps are transmitted to the handset, where their
voiceprint is analyzed and placed into one of six emotional categories: happy,
sad, on guard, frustrated, needy, or assertive. This invention
2) Alarm Clock that Runs Away from You
Gauri Nanda (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) invented «СІоску», an alarm
clock that runs away and hides if you d o n ' t get out of b e d on time. W h e n
the alarm sounds you can snooze one time. If you still d o n ' t wake up,
«СІоску» will jump off of the bedside table, and wheel away, mindlessly
bumping into objects until he finds a spot t o rest. You'll have to get up and
out of b e d t o silence his alarm. This invention
3) Washing Machine for Cats and Dogs
The co-inventors of the Lavakan, Eduardo Segura and Andres Diaz, d e c i d e d
in 1998 that their dogs deserved the same treatment that humans get from
a shower massage. The side-loading automatic p e t washing machine is safer
and less stressful for the animals than washing them by hand. It soaps, rinses
and dries dogs and cats in less than half an hour. This invention
4) Self-Perfuming Business Suit
Hyuk-ho K w o n of Kolon Company of Seoul, Korea, invented this suit. The suit
is made with fabric soaked in a chemical that contains scented micro-capsules,
which p o p and release the odour when the wearer moves — or gets b u m p e d
on a c r o w d e d subway train. This invention
5) Automobile Burglar Alarm Consisting of a Detection Circuit and a Flamethrower
Charl Fourie and Michelle W o n g from South Africa invented an automobile
burglar alarm consisting of a detection track and a flamethrower, t o provide
a deterrent to carjackings. The Blaster car modification functions as a liquified
petroleum gas flamethrower; when a carjacking occurs, the driver steps on an
additional pedal next t o the accelerator and flames erupt from the outer sides
of both front doors, «neutralizing» the attacker. This invention

A) was created in order t o defend drivers from hijackers.

B) can be used t o soap, rinse and dry dogs and cats.
C) helps p r o t e c t your computer from cats.
D) should be implanted years afterwards in most cases.
E) can escape from y o u .
F) is a t w o - p i e c e set.
G) smells nice.
H) can help t o understand dogs barking and yelping.
Date Name Form 10
4. )


Variant 1

Read the text below. Fill in each gap with one w o r d which best fits each
space ( 1 — 4 ) .

Computers «to Match M a n by 2029»

A leading US scientist has p r e d i c t e d that 1) will

be as intelligent as humans by 2029. Futurologist Dr Ray Kurzweil believes
that in the near future, machine intelligence will o v e r t a k e the p o w e r of the
2) brain. He said that within two decades
computers will b e able t o think quicker 3) humans.
Dr Kurzweil painted a picture of us having tiny robots
4) called nanobots implanted in our brain t o
b o o s t our intelligence and health. He t o l d reporters that these microscopic
nanobots w o u l d w o r k with our brains t o make us think faster and give us
more powerful memories. Kurzweil explained that w e are already «a human
machine civilization» and that the upcoming t e c h n o l o g y «will b e a further
extension of t h a t » .

Write down five special questions t o the text of task 1.





Use the plan below t o write a for-and-against essay (100—130 words) about
the advantages and disadvantages of social networking.
State the topic.
Main body
Points for social n e t w o r k i n g .
Points against social networking.
Sum up the advantages and disadvantages.
Date Name Form 10


Variant 2

Read the text below. Fill in each gap with one w o r d which best fits each
space (1—4).

Ukrainian Art

Ukraine's 1) galleries feature beautiful art

works such as paintings, graphic arts, design, sculptures, crafts, pysanky,
and photographs from b o t h local and international artists, visitors can enjoy
exquisite works of arts created by highly-talented artists. Several great artists
from Ukraine have become 2) worldwide
for a variety of artistic styles. An important religious art form is the
3) icon, a highly stylized painted image of
a religious figure or e v e n t ; icon art came t o Ukraine from Byzantium with the
Christianizing in 988.
Ukrainian folk art is rich and colourful. The tradition of the Easter eggs has
its beginnings in Ukraine, where these 4) are
called pysanky.
W e a v i n g and woodcarving are also important in Ukrainian art.

Write down five special questions t o the text of task 1.





Use the plan below t o write a for-and-against essay (100—130 words) about
whether schoolchildren should use e-books at school lessons.
State the topic.
Main body
Points for children using e-books.
Points against children using e-books.
Sum up the advantages and disadvantages.
є Name Form 10
Variant 1

Comment on the quotation of Richard M . Nixon w h o said: «1 d o n ' t know

anything that builds the will to win better than competitive sports ж

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: «With the help of
technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more
quickly »? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

A company is going to give some money either to support the arts or to

protect the environment. Which do you think the company should choose?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Do you a g r e e or disagree with the following statement: « F a c e - t o - f a c e

communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters,
email, or telephone cails»! Use specific reasons and details to support your

If you could meet a famous artist, inventor or athlete, who would that be,
and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable
information. Others think access to so much information creates problems.
Which view d o you a g r e e with? Use specific reasons and examples to
support your opinion.

Date Name Form 10


Variant 2

|P W h y do you think some people are addicted to dangerous sports or other

dangerous activities? Use specific reasons and examples to support your

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: ((Telephones and

email have made communication between people less personal))? Use specific
reasons and examples to support your opinion.

D The expression «Never, never give up» means to keep trying and never stop
working for your goals. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? Use
specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Some people think that human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are
more important than saving land for endangered animals. Do you agree or
disagree with this point of view? Why? Use specific reasons and examples to
support your answer.

| Л A foreign visitor has only one day to spend in your country and he wants
to visit a museum. What museum should this visitor g o that day? Why? Use
specific reasons and details to support your choice.

« | Some people think governments should spend as much money as possible

exploring outer space (for example, travelling t o the M o o n and to other
planets). Other p e o p l e disagree and think governments should spend the
money for our basic needs on the Earth. Which of these t w o opinions d o
you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

шш ЖШШвь
Diamonds and Toads
Once upon a time there was a widow who had two daughters. The elder sister was very much
like her mother in the face and character. They were both so selfish, disagreeable and so proud
that there was nobody who liked them.
The younger daughter was the very picture of her father — kind, with sweet temper, and also
one of the most beautiful girls ever seen. As people usually love their own likeness, it's natural
that the mother adored her elder daughter and couldn't stand the younger one. She made her
eat in the kitchen and work from morning till night.
Among other things, twice a day the poor child had to bring a big jug of water from a well
which was about a mile and a half from her house. One day, as she was at the well, a poor
woman came to her and asked the girl for some water.
«Oh, sure, with all my heart», said this generous little girl; and she took up some water from the
well and gave it to the woman, holding up the jug so that the woman might drink easier.
The woman was really a fairy that pretended to be a poor country woman because she wanted to
see how far the kindness and good manners of this pretty girl would go.
And the fairy said to the girl:
«You are so very pretty, my dear, so kind and so generous that I cannot help giving you a gift».
«I will give you a gift», continued the Fairy, «from now on, at every word you speak, either
a flower or a jewel will come out of your mouth».
When the girl came home her mother scolded her for staying so long at the well.
«I beg your pardon, mothers, said the poor girl, «for not making more hastes.
And in speaking these words there came out of her mouth two roses, two pearls, and two diamonds.
«What is it I see there's said the mother, quite astonished. «! think I see pearls and diamonds
come out of the girl's mouth! How can it be, child?»
This was the first time she had ever called her «child».
The younger daughter told her frankly what had happened to her, not without dropping out
a number of diamonds at every word.
«ln good faith», exclaimed the mother, «I must send my other daughter to the well too. Come
on, darling; look what comes out of your sister's mouth when she speaks. W o n ' t you be glad,
my dear, to have the same gift given to you? The only thing you have to do is to go and take
water out of the well, and when a poor woman asks you to let her drink, you should give it to
her very politely».
«lt would be very nice indeed», said this spoilt, lazy girl, «to be carrying a heavy juq full of
water all the way home!»
«Go to the well and do what I told you to!» the mother said.
So the girl went to the well, complaining all the way, taking with her the best silver cup in the house.
No sooner she was at the well than she saw a rich lady most gloriously dressed, who came up
to her, and asked to drink. This was, you must know, the very fairy, who appeared to her sister,
but now dressed like a princess to see how far this girl's rudeness would go.
«So, I've come here», said the proud girl, «to serve you with water. And I surely took a nice
silver cup just for this purpose; however, you may drink out of it if you want. And then і hope
I can be free, can't I?»
«You are not over and above polite, and as I can see you are not kind either*, answered the
Fairy. «Well, then, since you are so rude, I give you a gift: at every word you speak a snake
or a toad will come out of your mouth».
As soon as her mother saw her coming she cried out:
«Weii, daughter?»
« W e l l , mother?» answered the girl, throwing t w o snakes and t w o toads out of her mouth.
«Oh! mercy», cried the mother; «what is it I see? O h ! It is her sister w h o is guilty of all this;
but she shall pay for it»; and immediately the mother ran to beat her younger daughter. The poor
child ran away from her, and went to hide herself in the forest.
Meanwhile, the King's son met the nice girl on his return from hunting, and saw how pretty and
kind she was, asked her what she did there alone and why she cried. «Alas! Sir, my mother has
turned me out of doors».
The King's son, who saw five or six pearls and as many diamonds come out of her mouth, desired
her to tell him how that happened. She told him the whole story; and so the King's son fell in love
with her, and took her to the palace of his father King, and there married her.
A n d they lived in love long and happily.

j . K. Rowling is the pen-name she uses as a writer. The J is for Joanne, her real first name, but
she prefers to be called Jo. Apparently, people only call her Joanne when they're angry with her.
The K is made up. Her publisher asked her to write using a name with t w o initials, but she didn't
have a middle name.
Jo did a few different things before she struck upon the idea of writing children's books. She
w o r k e d as a researcher and a bilingual secretary for Amnesty International and as an English
teacher in Portugal. Today she devotes much of her time to many charitable projects. She famously
demanded that Coca-Cola donate $18 million to the Reading Fundamental charity if if wanted a tie-
up with the Potter movies.
Maria Montessori lived between 1870 and 1952. She was an Italian educator who has left her mark
on education today. Her Montessori method of education is widely used all round the world. Many-
educationalists say it is the best system for child education. Montessori was also a doctor, philosopher
and philanthropist. She was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize three times for her work.
Sir Timothy Berners-Lee is a British computer scientist w h o invented the W o r l d W i d e W e b . He
received a knighthood from the British monarch for his efforts (so he is called «Sir»). He is director
of W 3 C , which looks after the W e b ' s development. A leading British newspaper ranked him as
the world's greatest living genius. Today's world would be very different without his discovery.
Michael M o o r e is an award-winning American director, author, and political commentator. He has spent
over a decade making controversial movie documentaries about the problems in American society. He
was especially critical of the presidency of George W . Bush. He also criticized globalization and large
corporations, gun ownership and the American health care system.
M o o r e is the director and producer of three of the top five money-making documentaries of all time.
«Fahrenheit 9 / 1 1 » examined the political climate after the 2001 attacks; «Sicko» highlights the His of
American healthcare; and «Bowling for Columbine» explored America's widespread gun culture and its
relation to violence. He usually uses a mixture of hard-hitting fact and humour in all of his work.
William Henry Gates I I I is one of the world's richest people and perhaps the most successful
businessman ever. He co-founded the software giant Microsoft and turned it into the world's
largest software company. He is the best-known entrepreneur of the PC revolution. He has also
written t w o best-selling books and started his o w n charity with his wife.
The best-known nurse of all time must be Florence Nightingale, who became famous for her work during
the Crimean War in the middle of the nineteenth century.
Florence Nightingale was born in 1805 in Kingston, Jamaica. Her mother was Jamaican and her
father was Scottish. Her mother ran a boarding house for invalid soldiers and was also an expert
in herbal remedies, which she used to treat the soldierj. W h e n her mother d i e d , Florence took
over the boarding house and the care of the sick soldiers. In 1850 there was a serious outbreak
of cholera in Jamaica. Florence worked night and day to help the victims and created her own
herbal medicine for the disease. She also believed that clean conditions, fresh air and good food
are important in fighting the disease, ideas which most doctors thought were ridiculous. During the
war, she saved the lives of thousands of people.

When students understand the connection between school and the wider world of future earnings
they do more homework!
In a study by the University of Michigan of 600 middle-school students the researchers found that,
when students were asked to consider what they wanted to do in the future before they were
given homework, they were far more likely to do the homework that night.
The researchers also found that students who saw college education as part of their career path
were up to eight times more likely to do extra homework.
Obviously, middle school students are able to make the connection between school work and
future earnings, and only needed to be reminded of this connection to become more motivated
to learn. With younger students the connection might not be so obvious, but there are other
connections that can be made.
For instance, younger students can be told that if they want to be like one of their action heroes
they need to work hard in school. Most sport's personalities (however not all!) are excellent role
models for young children and often work in schools to encourage children to learn and do well.
But how often do we make sure that children understand the connection between school and life?
Too often teachers and parents concentrate on short-term objectives — the next test, the next
learning benchmark — rather than giving children a bigger picture of why they are in school.
Researchers used to ask children why they had to learn to read. The answers they got were
amazing. Some children said they had to learn to read «because the teacher says so», or because
«my parents want me to». It took some time to tell and show them that teachers were not making
them learn to read for the sake of reading, but so that they could learn more and become clever
enough to get a good job when they left school. The children were quite surprised at this new
way of looking at the reason for learning to read and most of them were more motivated to learn
as a result.

«British food» has become a laughing stock and it's not fair! It doesn't deserve its terrible
In the sixteenth century, the banquets of the English kings and queens were known as the most
exciting in Europe. The English were renowned for their roasts, pies, soups and puddings. British
roast beef is still famous. It's often eaten with Yorkshire pudding — a sort of little crusty bun that
soaks up the gravy. Other traditional meals are roast lamb, eaten with mint sauce; roast pork with
apple sauce; lamb with plums or apricots; smoked salmon — light pink fish served just with a slice
of lemon and some pepper; and shepherd's pie — basically minced meat with a layer of mashed
potato on top. British cheeses were — and still are — some of the best in the world: Cheddar,
Wensleydale, Double Gloucester, Stilton and Red Leicester are all delicious. British sweet puddings,
tarts, pies, trifles and cakes were at one time considered supreme. W h o could want more, for
example, than a sherry trifle made with fruit, sponge cake, jelly, custard and cream?
So what's gone wrong? Well, during the Second World War there was a shortage of food so people
got used to poor-quality meat or fish or cheese. As a result, the British diet though still healthy —
became very plain. Later, in 1960s, people went mad for the most exotic food they could find.
However, things are changing. The British are also interested again in their own traditional recipes.
More and more restaurants are opening in Britain which specialise in the country's own cooking.
This is a revolution and it means a great national heritage is being rescued.
1. Stories of Successful People
When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, he tried over 2000 experiments before he got it
to work. A young reporter asked him how it felt to fail so many times. He said, «I never failed
once. I invented the light bulb. It just happened to be a 2000-step process».
V/ilma Rudolph was the 2 0 of 22 children. When she was 4 years old, she contracted double

pneumonia and scarlet fever, which left her with a paralysed left leg. At the age of 9, she
removed the metal leg brace she had been dependent on and began to walk without it. By
13 she had developed a rhythmic walk, which doctors said was a miracle. That same year she
decided to become a runner. She entered a race and came in last. For the next few years every
race she entered, she came in last. Everyone told her to quit, but she kept on running. One
day she actually won a race. And then another. From then on she won every race she entered.
Eventually this little girl, who was told she would never walk again, went on to win three Olympic
gold medals.
In 1962, four nervous young musicians played their first record audition for the executives of the
Decca Recording Company. The executives were not impressed. While turning down this group of
musicians, one executive said, « W e don't like their sound. Groups of guitars are on the way out».
The group was called The Beatles.
In 1944, Emmeline Sniveiy, director of the Blue Book Modelling Agency, told modelling hopeful
Norma Jean Baker, «You'd better learn secretarial work or else get married*.
She went on and became Marilyn Monroe.
In 1954, Jimmy Denny, manager of the Grand Ole Opry, fired a singer after one performance. He
told him, «You are going nowhere... son. You ought to go back to driving a truck».
He went on to become the most popular singer in America named Elvis Presley.
When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, it did not ring off the hook with
calls from potential backers. After making a demonstration call, President Rutherford Hayes said,
«That's an amazing invention, but who would ever want to use one of them?»
In the 1940s, another young inventor named Chester Carlson took his idea to 20 corporations,
including some of the biggest in the country. They all turned him down. In 1947 — after seven
long years of rejections! — he finally got a tiny company in Rochester, New York, the Haloid
company, to purchase the rights to his invention — an electrostatic paper-copying process.
Haloid became Xerox Corporation we know today.
The moral of the above stories:
Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering
can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved. You gain
strength, experience and confidence by every experience where you really stop to look fear in the
face... You must do the thing you cannot do. And remember, the finest steel gets sent through the
hottest furnace.
A winner is not one who never fails, but one who NEVER QUITS!

2. Are W e What W e Eat?

When I was at school, our teacher said to the class, «You are what you eat». M y friends and I
would laugh and call each other «hamburger» and «biscuits». Our teacher was trying to show us
the importance of eating the right food to stay healthy.
So can you tell what your friends eat just by looking at them? W h e n you know the effects of
different types of food, you can use your knowledge well and eat what you want to become.
Food has an impact on our physical and emotional health. Have you ever heard any of the
following advice?
Lettuce or milk can make you sleepy.
To stop feeling sleepy you should eat peanuts or dried fish.
To keep your teeth clean you should eat apples often.
Garlic helps you not to catch a cold.
Everyone has their own advice to give, which they have read about or have been told by older
relatives. Some of these pieces of advice seem to contradict each other.
Eating chocolate makes you fat and gives you spots.
Chocolate contains the essential minerals iron and magnesium.
What we need to figure out is what type of chocolate to eat to get the benefits and how much
of it to eat. W e can do this by reading the list of ingredients on the chocolate bar wrapper.
Exactly how much real chocolate is in there? And how much of that do we need to eat to get
the benefits of the minerals it contains?
Future restaurants might be named after the physical or emotional state they hope to create. Their
menus will list the benefits of each dish and drink. Some restaurants have already started this
concept, and list the nutritional content of their dishes on the menus.

According to the researchers of the American Academy of Pediatrics, social media sites have
created a new phenomenon known as «Facebook depressions. The researchers recently warned
parents about the possible dangers of networking websites on their children's mental health. Report
co-author Gwenn O'Keefe described the way social interaction is changing: «For some teens, social
media is the primary way they interact socially, rather than at home or a friend's houses, she
said. Ms O'Keefe added: «A large part of this generation's social and emotional development is
occurring while on the Internet and on cellphones. Parents need to understand these technologies
so they can relate to their children's online world, and comfortably parent in that worlds.
The report says it is essential for parents to be aware of how social media sites can affect children
and that the Internet is not always a healthy environment for kids. The writers also urged parents
to be on the lookout for cyberbullying, sexting and online predators. They recommended parents
take an active role and discuss things like bullying, privacy and feeling down because of what's
happening on Facebook. A recent poll stated that 22 per cent of teenagers log on to a social
media site more than 10 times a day and more than half at least once a day. However there are
reports which say that Facebook helps youngsters, by allowing them to express themselves, and
doesn't isolate them from society.

Earthquake Causes Nuclear Disaster
Disaster struck on Saturday, March 12, 2011 when about 26 hours after the earthquake, an explosion
in reactor No. 1 at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station caused one of the buildings to crumble
to the ground. The cooling system at the reactor failed shortly after the earthquake. Officials feared
that a meltdown may occur, and radioactive materia! was detected outside the plant. These fears
were realized on Sunday, when officials said they believed that partial meltdowns occurred at reactors
No. 1 and No. 3. More than 200,000 residents were evacuated from areas surrounding both facilities.
Problems were later reported at two other nuclear facilities. By Tuesday, two more explosions and
a fire had officials and workers at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station struggling to regain
control of four reactors. The fire, which happened at reactor No. 4, released radioactivity directly into
the atmosphere. The Japanese government told people living within 20 miles of the Daiichi plant to
stay indoors, not use air conditioning, and keep their windows closed. More than 100,000 people are
in the area. On Wednesday, March 16, while safety workers were still trying to contain the fire at
reactor No. 4, officials announced that reactor No. 3 may have ruptured and appeared to be releasing
radioactive steam. According to Tokyo Electric Power, the plant's operator, 5 workers have died and
22 more have suffered various injuries since the quake.
At a news conference on Sunday, Prime Minister Naoto Kan emphasized the gravity of the situation.
«I think that the earthquake, tsunami, and the situation at our nuclear reactors makes up the worst
crisis in the 65 years since the war. If the nation works together, we will overcomes, he said.
The government called in 100,000 troops to aid in the relief effort.

People have always been interested in art. Artists throughout the years have made a name for
themselves and left lasting legacies that allowed many art lovers today to thank for. And art, in
whatever form it takes, has many stories to tell.
There are many stories that abound about certain famous artists and their works. Such an example
can come from Leonardo da Vinci. Although many may have heard about Leonardo da Vinci's
most famous artwork, the Mona Lisa, only a few may have known that it took the renowned
artist 12 years just to ponder about, paint and perfect Mona Lisa's lips. No wonder people still
fry to solve the mystery of her smile.
During the time when the famous artwork was stolen from the Louvre in 1912, there were known
to be six replicas that were sold as originals, each at a very handsome price. This was done
for a good three years until the original painting was finally recovered. Another thing to mention
about Leonardo da Vinci is that he wrote all his personal notes in reverse, requiring others to use
a mirror in order to read them.
There are also interesting stories that surround other famous artists throughout history. For example,
despite Vincent Van Gogh's fame today, he was only able to sell one and only one painting
during his life.'ime — his Red Vineyard at Aries.
On December 3, 1961 Henri Matisse's painting Le Bateau was finally put the right way up after
found to be hanging upside down for 46 days without anyone noticing at the Museum of Modern
Art in New York, America.
The famous artist Picasso learned how to draw before he could walk. His first word was the
Spanish word for pencil.
In every painting made by the famous Salvador Dali, one would be able to find a self-portrait if
one looked hard enough. One could see, at the very least, the artist's profile in some of them.
And another interesting thought for art lovers out there. A camel hair brush isn't actually made
from real camel hair. The brush can be made of horse, bear, sheep or even squirrel hair, but
surely no camel.

The world of sports is full of courageous stories. This article will bring to you a sportsman who has the
courage to excel and beat against all odds to achieve the unthinkable. In a field where physical strength
is the most important factor, this athlete demonstrated that human will is a more significant thing.
A potato farmer, Cliff Young took part in a Sydney-to-Melbourne ultra-marathon race in 1983.
Coached by his mother who was 81 at the time. Cliff Young started the marathon with work
boots and galoshes overalls.
Competing against world-class marathon runners who were backed up by big sports companies and
had hundreds of hours preparing for the race, Cliff Young's informal training regime consisted in
running for his sheep. He told the organizers that if he could run after his sheep for a few days,
he could surely compete with other runners.
The ultra-marathon normally took 5 days to complete and this potato farmer's decision seemed
suicidal. In fact, some fried t o stop him from running the super-difficult race because they thought
Cliff Young couid die due to the heat and fatigue. After all, he was 61 years o l d !
To cut the story short, Cliff Young managed to finish the race. While the young racers slept, he
continued the race throughout the night. The young athletes left him far behind until the very last
night where he eventually lead the marathon.
Not only Cliff Young, a 61-year-old p o t a t o farmer, survived the race; he even managed to win the
marathon and actually broke the race record by 9 hours! He even gave away his prize money to
the rest of the runners after him.
After the win, he continued to run in many ultra-marathon races and has even set standards in
the world of endurance racing. His running style — d u b b e d «The Cliff Shuffle» is a famous running
technique a d o p t e d by many runners in the world today.
Cliff Young showed that being old is not a barrier. A n d being a champion doesn't mean you
need have super-human strength, just super-human will.


Variant 1

Task 1
The I ' speaker

I love nature very much. I always fry to keep places that I visit clean and safe, and ! respect
their people and culture. I wish other people behaved so! M a y b e a clue t o tnis problem lies in
ой*- education? Many people w o u l d n ' t just think that their efforts to save the environment may
somehow matter. Others believe that they don't have to do anything for their planet (as if their
planet isn't their h o m e . . . it is home, it is just a little bigger than a fiat}. Our be'lefs are d e v e l o p e d
during the process of education. M a y b e , if we change a few moments in the education system
(not only school, college, university, etc. but also and maybe main / in our home upbringing), we

will save our planet.

The 2 nd
W e i i , ! would really like to g o cycling somewhere like Nepal or something 'ike that, where there's
lots of rugged mountains and beautiful scenery, і d o n ' t think I'm in shape enough fo do it just
now but maybe some time in the future, when I have more time to work out and stuff.

The 3 d
Do you know how many websites there are? Millions! The internet is definitely (he business way of
the future. One of the best (and cheapss!) ways for website owners io drive more customers to
their websites for free is fo write and submit articles.
But business owners are busy people and may not have the time or desire t o write articies.
That's where you come i n ! Y o u can offer i o write articles {about 4 0 0 — 5 0 0 words) for small
website owners. Usually you can get paid $5—20 per article.

The 4 * speaker
We!!, I always said that I w a n t e d t o try parachute jumping, and I had the chance when I was in
high school to do that but my d a d s t o p p e d me going in the end because he said... well, I'm
quite a fat guy — quite heavy... and so, he said, «We!l, if you want to d o it, then you realiy
should lose a bit of weight because, you know, y o u ' r e going to fall and break your legs». So
you see he wasn't very supportive of my dream, and in the future 1 think I'd like to try that, but
maybe 1 should lose some w e i g h t .
Task 2
Women's football — or soccer as it's known in many countries — has been played in England
for more than a hundred years. But, unlike men's football, it's always been an amateur game. The
new Super League will be the first semi-professional competition for women, with eight teams from
across the country competing for the title. England's Football Association is hoping the league will
attract more supporters to the sport.

Variant 2

Task 1
The 1" speaker

What are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones? I think it is important to think why
we use them. W e use all technical things, such as mobile phones, laptops, cameras, the Internet
etc. to make our life more comfortable, more interesting. If we know how to use a mobile phone,
we can eliminate many disadvantages. For example, if you don't want to be disturbed, just switch
it off — that is it! A mobile phone certainly has more advantages than disadvantages. W e can
communicate everywhere, which is very important. Nowadays mobile phones have many good
features — w e can take photos and send them all over the world.
The 2 n d

I want to go to Antarctica and maybe go on a d o g sleigh. I don't like the cold weather, but I
want to experience that sleigh and actually I want to go on a dog sleigh for my honeymoon and
experience Antarctica with my husband.

The 3 r d

M y favourite place is in Northern Wales, at the base of a mountain. The weather seems awful,
kind of rainy, but it's paradise to me. There's the inn, my family's place, and a way into the
woods; there's a ruin of a church, and I don't think anyone knows about it, because if they did,
they'd be out there marvelling at its beauty and taking photos all the time and littering all over.
This place's perfect with stones and broken stained glass and blue flowers growing all over, and
no one can tell me what to believe or what to say there. No preachers, no rules, no guilt; just
solitude and beauty.

The 4 t h

A big adventure I'd like to experience is another long-distance cycling trip. Previously I cycled
around Japan — a few areas in Japan... a cycle trip around Europe. I think I'd like to do a huge
trip from somewhere in Europe to somewhere in Asia and maybe like England across to Beijing or
something like that.

Task 2
Microsoft has confirmed it will buy the Internet phone service Skype. The $8.5 billion deal will
connect Microsoft with the 663 million people around the world who use Skype. It is the most
money Microsoft has spent to buy another company. It's just eight years since Skype started
helping people to make calls over the Internet for nothing, and this is the third time it's been
bought and sold. Skype is now used by 170 million people around the world, not just on their
computers, but on the move — on their mobile phones and even on their tablet devices.


Variant 1 ... :.. 1 Variant 1 v 41
Variant 2 ..... ..3 Variant 2 43
Variant 1 5
Variant 1 45
Variant 2 7
Variant 2 46
Variant 1 ........... 9
Variant 2 11 Variant 1 47

TEST 4. NATIONAL CUISINE Variant 2... ". 49


Variant 2 . . . . . . . . . 15
Variant 1 ,. 51
Variant 1 17
Variant 2 ..18
Variant 1 55
Variant 2 56
Variant 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Variant 2 21
TEST 1 57
Variant 1 : . . 23
Variant 2 ..' 25 TEST 2 : 58

TEST 3 : '.. .59

TEST 4 59
Variant 1 .............27
Variant 2 28
TEST 5 : 61
Variant 1 29
Variant 2 .'. 31 TEST 6 : 61

TEST 7 .62
Variant 1 ..................................... 33 TEST 8 62

Variant 2 . . . . . . .-. 35 LISTENING- COMPREHENSION

Variant 1 t . 37 Variant 1 , 63

Variant 2 39 Variant 2 64
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О. С. Любченко, учитель англійської мови Харківської спеціалізованої школи N° 162, учитель-методист;
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Мясоєдова С. В.
М99 Англійська.мова. 10 клас: Зошит для к о н т р о л ю знань (до підручника О . Д . К а р -
п ' ю к ) . - X.: Ранок, 2 0 1 1 . — 64 с.
ISBN 978—617—540—561 —1
Зошит, укладений до підручника О. Д . Карп'юк, містить тематичні та семестрові контрольні, а також
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МЯСОЄДОВА Світлана Вадимівна
Англійська мова. 10 клас
Зошит для к о н т р о л ю знань
(до підручника О. Д . Карп'юк)

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Коректори: Ю. В. Клімова, О. Є. Шишацький
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ТОВ Видавництво «Ранок». Свідоцтво ДК № 3322 від 26.11.2008.

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© С. В. Мясоєдова, 2011
ISBN 978—617—540—561 — 1 © ТОВ Видавництво «Ранок», 2011

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