g11 Acc (Annual Exam) 23-24
g11 Acc (Annual Exam) 23-24
g11 Acc (Annual Exam) 23-24
Q. N. Questions Marks
PART A: Financial Accounting - I
Which of the following limitations of accounting states that accounts may be
(1) manipulated to conceal vital information?
(a) Accounting leads to window dressing 1
(b) Accounting is not fully exact
(c) Accounting ignores price level changes
(d) Accounting ignores qualitative concepts
Which term is used for an accrual accounting technique used to allocate the
(2) cost of extracting natural resources such as timber, minerals and oil from the 1
earth mark
(a) Amortization (b) Obsolescence
(c) Depletion (d) None of these
Using “lower of cost and net realisable value’ for the purpose of inventory
(3) valuation is the implementation of which of the following concepts 1
(a) Cost (b) Money measurement mark
(c) Objectivity (d) Prudence
Under which method of depreciation, the value of fixed asset could become to 1
(4) zero at the expiry of the working life mark
(a) Straight line method (b) written down value method
(c ) both a and b (d) none of these
Book value of an asset after 2 years is Rs 80,000 .Rate of depreciation is 10%
p.a under straight line method the original cost of an assets would be
(a) Rs 8,000 (b) Rs 1,00,000
(c ) Rs 8,00,000 (d) Rs 80,000
Goods purchased from Raghav for ₹ 4,500 but goods recorded as ₹ 5,400 in the 1
(6) Purchases Book. The type of error related to: mark
(a) Error of Omission (b) Error of Commission (c)
Error of Partial Omission (d) Error of Principle
Bank Reconciliation Statement is prepared by:
(a) Debtors of the firm (b) Creditors of the firm
(c) Account holder of bank (d) Bank
The revenue recognition principle dictates that all types of income should
(7) be recorded or recognized when 1
(18) From the following business transactions of a business firm for the month of July 3
2020, prepare Accounting Equation:
July 01: Balance of Cash ₹ 1,20,000; Goods ₹45,000; Debtors ₹24,000;
Capital ₹ 1,79,000 and creditors ₹10,000.
July 05: Goods sold (costing ₹15,000) on credit to Dinesh at 20% profits on cost.
July 12: Outstanding salary ₹9,000.
July 17: Commission received in advance ₹12,000.
July 26: Goods purchased for cash ₹25,000.
July 31: Goods given as charity ₹1,000.
(19) Mr.Satyanand Sharma Account has debit balance of ₹ 19,000. In the month of 4
March, 2020 the following transactions has been made with him, as under:
March 05: Goods sold (costing ₹ 9,000) to him at 20% profit on credit.
March 11: Cheque received from him for ₹ 9,500 and discount allowed to
him ₹ 500.
March 13: Goods returns from him for ₹ 3,000.
March 22: Cash received from him ₹ 12,000 on his account.
March 25: Goods sold to him for cash ₹ 7,000.
March 29: Received cheque from him dated March 11 was dishonoured.
March 31: Mr.Satyanand Sharma declared insolvent and from his estate only 50
paise in a rupee was recovered.
Prepare Mr.Satyananad Sharma’s Account from the above transactions.
(20) Write the further classification of Assets on basis of non current assets and 4
currents assets
Write the further classification of liabilities on basis of non current liabilities and
current liabilities
(21) From the following particulars of Mr. Vinod, prepare bank reconciliation 6
statement as on March 31, 2005.
1. Bank balance as per cash book ₹ 50,000.
2. Cheques issued but not presented for payment ₹ 6,000.
3. The bank had directly collected dividend of ₹ 8,000 and credited to bank
account but was not entered in the cash book.
4. Bank charges of ₹ 400 were not entered in the cash book.
5. A cheque for ₹ 8,000 was deposited but not collected by the bank.
6. Discounted bill from the bank was dishonoured but not taken into cash
book of ₹ 12,000.
(22) Journalise the following transactions in the books of Himanshu: 6
Jan. 02: Goods use for household’s₹ 2,000. marks
Jan. 08: Charge depreciation @ 10% p.a. for two months on Machinery costing ₹
Jan. 12: Provide interest on capital on ₹ 1,50,000 at 6% p.a. for 9 months.
Jan. 15: Goods destroyed by fire ₹ 4,500.
Jan. 19: Goods sold (list price ₹ 20,000) at 10% trade discount and at 5% cash
discount, to Mukesh. Half of payment received in cash and the balance by a
Jan. 29: Invested in the shares of Government sector ₹ 50,000.
Record the following transactions in double column cash book of Mr. Rakesh
Verma and balance it.
Sept. 01: Balance of cash ₹ 22,000 and Bank overdraft ₹ 2,500.
Sept. 06: Received cheque on October 28 th, for ₹ 4,000 from Gaurav sent into the
Sept. 10: Bank has collected and deposited: Interest of ₹ 6,000; Dividend of ₹
Sept. 16: Bank has paid several payments on its due date: Insurance premium of
₹ 3,000 and School fees of the child of Rakesh Verma ₹ 5,000.
Sept. 24: Cash deposited into the bank ₹ 12,000.
Sept. 29: Sold goods (costing ₹ 25,000) at 20% profit for cash.
(23) B & Company purchased Machinery on 1st April, 2019, for Rs 54,000 and spent 6
Rs 6,000 on its installation. On 1st December, 2020, it purchased another marks
machine for Rs 30,000.On 30th June 2021, the first machine purchased on 1st
April, 2019, is sold for Rs 36,000 and on the same date it purchased new
machinery for Rs 80,000. Depreciation was provided on machinery @ 10% p.a.
on Original Cost Method annually on 31st March. Give the machinery account for
three years.
On April 1 , 2015 following balances appeared in the books of M/s Kamisha
traders : furniture account Rs 50,000 , provision for depreciation on furniture
Rs 22,000.on October 1,2015 a part of furniture purchased for Rs 20,000 on
01 April ,2011 was sold for Rs 5000.on the same date a new furniture costing
Rs 25,000 was purchased .the depreciation was provided @10% p.a on
original cost of the asset and no depreciation was charged on the asset in the
year of sale .prepare furniture account and provision for
depreciation account and disposal of furniture account for the year ending
march 31,2016.
24 Trial balance of M/s Rathi Brothers did not agree and the accountant put the 6
difference to suspense account. He discovered the following errors:
(a) Sales return book overcast by ₹ 800.
(b) Purchases return to Sahu ₹ 2,000 were not posted.
(c) Goods purchased on credit from Narula ₹ 4,000 though taken into stock,
but no entry was passed in the books.
(d) Installation charges on new machinery purchased ₹ 500 were debited to
sundry expenses account as ₹ 50.
(e) Rent paid for residential accommodation of Mohan (the proprietor) ₹
1,400 was debited to Rent account as ₹ 1,000.
Rectify the errors and prepare suspense account to ascertain the difference in
trial balance.
(34) The following balances were extracted from the books of Mr. Surya Pratap on 31st 6
December, 2019: marks
Ledger Accounts Dr. Balance Cr. Balance
Capital 24,500
Drawings 2,000
General Expenses 2,500
Building 11,000
Machinery 9,340
Stock (01.01.2019) 16,200
Power 2,240
Taxes & Insurance 1,315
Wages 7,200
Sundry Debtors 6,280
Sundry Creditors 2,500
Charity 105
Bad Debts 550
Bank Overdraft
Purchases 47,000
Scooter 2,000
Bad Debts Provision
Trade Expenses 1,780
Bills Payable
Cash 100
Total 1,09,610 1,09,610
Prepare trading account and P & L account for the year ended 31st December,
2019 after taking into account the following:
1. Stock on 31st December, 2019 was valued at ₹ 23,500.
2. Write-off further Bad Debts ₹ 160 and maintain the provision for Bad
Debts at 5% on Sundry Debtors.
3. Depreciate Machinery by 10% and Scooter by ₹ 240.
4. Provide ₹ 750 for outstanding interest on bank overdraft.
5. Prepaid Insurance is to the extent of ₹ 50; Commission receivable
amounting to ₹ 50.
6. Provide Manager’s Commission at 10% on net profit after charging such
TIME: 03 HOURS M.M.: 80
Q. N. Questions Mark
PART A: Financial Accounting - I
(1) (a) Accounting leads to window dressing 1 ma
(2) (c) Depletion 1 ma
(3) (d) Prudence 1 ma
(4) (a)Original Cost Method/Straight line method 1
Or mar
(b) Rs 100000
(5) (C) or (d) None of these 1 ma
(6) (b) Error of Commission or (c) account holder 1 ma
(7) (c ) When they are earned 1 ma
157000 157000
Balance of furniture account Rs 55000, balance of provision for
18250 depreciation and loss on sale Rs 7000 ( 2 marks each aacount) Rs
24 OR 5+1
Rectified Journal entries
Date Particulars L.F. Dr. (₹) Cr. (₹)
a Sales A/c Dr. 800
To 800
Suspense A/c
(Being error rectified) 2,000
b Sahu Dr. 2,000
Suspense A/c 4,000
c (Being error rectified) 4,000
Purchase A/c Dr.
To Narula 500
d Being error rectified) 50
Machinery A/c Dr. 450
To Sundry
Expense A/c 1,400
e 1,000
Suspense A/c 400
(Being error rectified)
Drawings A/c Dr.
To Rent A/c
Suspense A/c
(Being error rectified)
Suspense Account
Particulars Amt. ₹ Particulars Amt. ₹
Difference of 3,650 By Sales A/c 800
trail balance By Sahu 2,000
(excess of By Machinery 450
debit side) A/c 400
By Drawings A/c
3,650 3,650
PART B: Financial Accounting – II
(25 (B) ₹80,000. 1
(26 (a) Rs 5250 1
(27 (a) Rs 1000 1
(28 (a) Rs 144000 1
) Or
(a) Rs 60000
(29 (b) Loss by Fire A/c Dr. 3,000 1m
) Insurance Claim Receivable A/c Dr. 5,000
To Purchase A/c 8,000
(d) Rs 1800
(30 Balance Sheet (as at 31st 3
) March, 2019)
Liabilities Amt. in ₹ Assets Amt. in ₹
Bills Payable 3,000 Cash in hand 20,100
Creditors 28,500 Debtors 19,012
Outstanding Salaries 1,000 Closing Stock 20,000
Capital 80,000 Furniture 6,300
Less: Net Loss4,338 75,662 Building 42,750
1,08,162 1,08,162
(31 (a) capital expenditure (b) revenue expenditure (c) deferred revenue expenditure 3 ma
(32 Re
) ctified Journal entries
Date Particulars L.F. Dr. (₹) Cr. (₹)
Bad Debts A/c Dr. 1,000
To Debtors A/c 1,000 ½
(Being further bad debts on debtors)
Provision for doubtful debts A/c Dr. 3,500
To Profit & Loss A/c 3,500 1
(Being old provision for doubtful debts reversed)
Profit & Loss A/c Dr.
To Bad Debts A/c (2,000 + 1,000) 4,550 1½
To Provision for doubtful debts A/c 3,000
(Being new provision for doubtful debts provided) 1,550