(E-Book) Handbook of Communication For Development and Social Change (Jan Servaes) - Chapter 38
(E-Book) Handbook of Communication For Development and Social Change (Jan Servaes) - Chapter 38
(E-Book) Handbook of Communication For Development and Social Change (Jan Servaes) - Chapter 38
J. Servaes (ed.), Handbook of Communication for Development and Social Change
Participatory and community mapping has emerged as a key tool for
identifying and communicating development needs and been further
recognized as a means to support social change. Drawing upon a broad
assessment of the literature, more than two decades of experience with
mapping initiatives from three continents, and covering a diverse array
of applications and issues, this chapter explores both the application of
participatory and community mapping and the range of impacts
experienced. In so doing, the chapter explores the potential
effectiveness for participatory and community mapping to effect
positive change. At the same time, we will critically review the
assumptions about social change and empowerment, highlighting
challenges and limitations to their meaningful usage. This chapter
provides practitioners and academics with an overview of participatory
and community mapping uses, processes, and impacts and their role as
a tool of communication for development and social change.
38.5 Conclusion
Participatory mapping has been widely utilized, especially in
development contexts, as a means to challenge ideas, priorities, and
power. These initiatives have contributed to positive social change in a
diverse array of spheres, from land rights to language revitalization.
However, even with ideal technical design and processes, participatory
mapping does not always result in positive outcomes. Sometimes
projects fail, and other times there are notable negative impacts. To
date the focus of research has been upon the technical and process
aspects of mapping, with little measurement and few evaluations
occurring on the medium- and long-term impacts. This chapter has
highlighted both the potential and the problems of participatory
mapping so that academics and practitioners can be better informed of
their uses, processes, and impacts. This overview aims to support more
informed decision-making about what options might be most suitable
and appropriate when considering a range of different tools of
communication for development and social change.
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