Import Packages: Pip Install Pants
Import Packages: Pip Install Pants
Import Packages: Pip Install Pants
Import Packages
pip install pants
#import packages
import pants
import math
import random
2. Input
length function to the algorithm this is able to calculate the distances from node 𝑖
The input for ACOPants is a list of coordinates (x, y) of the nodes, and providing a
to 𝑗.
Here we have a csv .file that contains information about cities all around the world from the
webpage: We will work with the cities from India and
with the coordinates in decimal degrees (lat and lng).
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
cities = pd.read_csv('worldcities.csv')
INDIAcities = cities.loc[cities['country'] == 'India'] #only the
cities that belong to INDIA
print('Dimention INDIAcities:', INDIAcities.shape) #dimention of
INDIAcities dataset
Hyper Parameters
Optional arguments: -a A, --alpha A relative importance placed on pheromones; default=1 -b B,
--beta B relative importance placed on distances; default=3 -l L, --limit L number of iterations to
perform; default=100 -p P, --rho P ratio of evaporated pheromone (0 <= P <= 1); default=0.8 -e
E, --elite E ratio of elite ant's pheromone; default=0.5 -q Q, --Q Q total pheromone capacity of
each ant (Q > 0); default=1 -t T, --t0 T initial amount of pheromone on every edge (T > 0);
default=0.01 -c N, --count N number of ants used in each iteration (N > 0); default=10
Arguments are very important and they can affect the result. Usually, it is used as many number
of ants (N) as nodes. Also, is better to use a higher value of beta(distance) than
DISTANCE: 129.0580588554432
[(26.6128, 89.825), (25.8738, 87.9637), (25.8564, 87.9124), (25.8723,
87.8978), (22.4156, 88.3051), (22.2194, 88.2142), (22.22, 88.17),
(22.6236, 87.9195), (22.2847, 88.4053), (22.1745, 88.4184), (22.3465,
88.9167), (22.5475, 88.6606), (22.65, 88.29), (22.737, 88.1918),
(22.81, 88.23), (22.79, 88.32), (23.5984, 88.0871), (23.25, 87.85),
(23.2091, 87.6983), (23.3427, 87.6885), (23.8, 87.38), (23.8229,
86.9839), (22.8, 86.95), (23.5142, 86.498), (23.37, 85.97), (23.37,
85.9), (24.4663, 87.9022), (24.3841, 87.884), (24.4724, 87.9589),
(24.1472, 87.8802), (24.2463, 87.8509), (24.0912, 88.4947), (20.17,
85.7), (19.32, 84.8), (17.0185, 82.2349), (17.08, 82.13), (17.2333,
82.2), (17.605, 82.408), (17.67, 82.62), (16.93, 81.63), (16.95,
80.7833), (17.0331, 80.8056), (16.8991, 81.1764), (16.801, 80.63),
(16.5167, 80.6167), (16.3785, 80.6146), (16.3036, 80.6172), (16.517,
81.988), (16.4814, 81.6267), (16.5333, 81.5333), (16.6, 81.4667),
(16.0667, 80.5667), (15.9806, 80.6347), (15.9333, 80.55), (15.994,
80.378), (15.298, 80.034), (14.5942, 80.0297), (14.8667, 79.3167),
(13.3667, 79.1833), (13.514, 78.227), (13.85, 78.2667), (13.8408,
78.3056), (13.7611, 78.425), (14.1667, 78.7), (14.4167, 78.2333),
(13.8032, 77.6097), (13.9369, 77.2694), (13.3667, 78.4333), (12.4972,
76.8878), (12.4181, 76.6947), (11.65, 78.1667), (10.8, 79.15),
(8.7833, 78.1333), (16.5787, 79.8756), (16.2372, 79.8464), (17.1528,
79.6861), (17.2, 80.55), (16.892, 80.287), (16.6167, 77.85), (17.1447,
78.2886), (17.8517, 78.6828), (18.3597, 79.0875), (18.4667, 78.8833),
(18.83, 79.45), (17.9756, 79.6011), (16.2833, 78.5167), (16.2319,
76.9553), (16.0528, 76.8877), (14.6, 74.8333), (15.48, 73.83),
(15.6294, 73.7358), (17.72, 73.38), (20.9, 74.7833), (21.45, 80.2),
(18.7667, 84.1667), (28.45, 77.02), (29.5833, 74.3167), (30.6167,
74.8), (30.9083, 75.8486), (34.4225, 74.6375)]
#To get the names of the cities visited from the nodes values:
'Rudra Nagar',
'Sante Kasalgere',
DISTANCE: 136.13490737264505
[(23.5142, 86.498), (23.8229, 86.9839), (23.37, 85.9), (23.37, 85.97),
(23.5984, 88.0871), (23.8, 87.38), (22.8, 86.95), (22.6236, 87.9195),
(22.4156, 88.3051), (22.65, 88.29), (22.2847, 88.4053), (22.1745,
88.4184), (22.2194, 88.2142), (22.22, 88.17), (24.0912, 88.4947),
(24.4724, 87.9589), (24.4663, 87.9022), (24.2463, 87.8509), (24.3841,
87.884), (24.1472, 87.8802), (23.25, 87.85), (23.2091, 87.6983),
(23.3427, 87.6885), (25.8738, 87.9637), (25.8723, 87.8978), (25.8564,
87.9124), (22.79, 88.32), (22.81, 88.23), (22.737, 88.1918), (22.5475,
88.6606), (22.3465, 88.9167), (19.32, 84.8), (18.7667, 84.1667),
(17.67, 82.62), (17.2333, 82.2), (17.08, 82.13), (17.0185, 82.2349),
(17.605, 82.408), (16.0667, 80.5667), (15.9333, 80.55), (16.3785,
80.6146), (16.3036, 80.6172), (16.5167, 80.6167), (16.801, 80.63),
(16.95, 80.7833), (17.0331, 80.8056), (17.2, 80.55), (16.892, 80.287),
(17.1528, 79.6861), (17.8517, 78.6828), (18.4667, 78.8833), (18.3597,
79.0875), (18.83, 79.45), (17.9756, 79.6011), (15.994, 80.378),
(15.9806, 80.6347), (16.8991, 81.1764), (16.93, 81.63), (16.4814,
81.6267), (16.5333, 81.5333), (16.6, 81.4667), (16.517, 81.988),
(16.2372, 79.8464), (16.5787, 79.8756), (14.8667, 79.3167), (13.3667,
78.4333), (13.514, 78.227), (13.85, 78.2667), (13.8408, 78.3056),
(13.7611, 78.425), (13.8032, 77.6097), (13.9369, 77.2694), (14.4167,
78.2333), (14.1667, 78.7), (13.3667, 79.1833), (14.5942, 80.0297),
(15.298, 80.034), (17.1447, 78.2886), (16.2833, 78.5167), (16.6167,
77.85), (16.0528, 76.8877), (16.2319, 76.9553), (15.48, 73.83),
(15.6294, 73.7358), (14.6, 74.8333), (12.4181, 76.6947), (12.4972,
76.8878), (11.65, 78.1667), (10.8, 79.15), (8.7833, 78.1333), (17.72,
73.38), (20.9, 74.7833), (28.45, 77.02), (29.5833, 74.3167), (30.6167,
74.8), (30.9083, 75.8486), (34.4225, 74.6375), (21.45, 80.2), (20.17,
85.7), (26.6128, 89.825)]
'Rudra Nagar',
'Sante Kasalgere',