Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry Victor W. Rodwell All Chapter Instant Download
Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry Victor W. Rodwell All Chapter Instant Download
Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry Victor W. Rodwell All Chapter Instant Download
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Peter L. Gross, MD, MSc, FRCP(C) Robert K. Murray, MD, PhD
Associate Professor Professor (Emeritus) of Biochemistry
Department of Medicine University of Toronto
McMaster University Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Margaret L. Rand, PhD
Molly Jacob MD, PhD Senior Associate Scientist
Professor and Head Division of Haematology/Oncology
Department of Biochemistry Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, and Professor
Christian Medical College Department of Biochemistry
Bagayam, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
10 The Biochemical Roles of Transition
Structures & Functions of Metals 92
2 Water & pH 6
Peter J. Kennelly, PhD & Victor W. Rodwell, PhD
III Bioenergetics 105
Metabolism of
Enzymes: Kinetics,
Carbohydrates 129
II Mechanism, Regulation, &
Role of Transition Metals 47
14 Overview of Metabolism & the Provision of
6 Proteins: Myoglobin & Hemoglobin 47 Metabolic Fuels 129
Peter J. Kennelly, PhD & Victor W. Rodwell, PhD David A. Bender, PhD & Peter A. Mayes, PhD, DSc
17 Glycolysis & the Oxidation of Pyruvate 157 28 Catabolism of Proteins & of Amino Acid
David A. Bender, PhD & Peter A. Mayes, PhD, DSc Nitrogen 269
Victor W. Rodwell, PhD
18 Metabolism of Glycogen 164
David A. Bender, PhD & Peter A. Mayes, PhD, DSc 29 Catabolism of the Carbon Skeletons of
Amino Acids 280
19 Gluconeogenesis & the Control of Victor W. Rodwell, PhD
Blood Glucose 172
David A. Bender, PhD & Peter A. Mayes, PhD, DSc 30 Conversion of Amino Acids to Specialized
Products 296
20 The Pentose Phosphate Pathway & Other Victor W. Rodwell, PhD
Pathways of Hexose Metabolism 182
David A. Bender, PhD & Peter A. Mayes, PhD, DSc 31 Porphyrins & Bile Pigments 305
Victor W. Rodwell, PhD & Robert K. Murray, MD, PhD
32 Nucleotides 319
22 Oxidation of Fatty Acids: Ketogenesis 207 Victor W. Rodwell, PhD
Kathleen M. Botham, PhD, DSc & Peter A. Mayes, PhD, DSc
33 Metabolism of Purine & Pyrimidine
23 Biosynthesis of Fatty Acids & Nucleotides 327
Eicosanoids 216 Victor W. Rodwell, PhD
Kathleen M. Botham, PhD, DSc & Peter A. Mayes, PhD, DSc
34 Nucleic Acid Structure & Function 338
24 Metabolism of Acylglycerols & P. Anthony Weil, PhD
Sphingolipids 229
Kathleen M. Botham, PhD, DSc & Peter A. Mayes, PhD, DSc 35 DNA Organization, Replication, &
Repair 350
25 Lipid Transport & Storage 236 P. Anthony Weil, PhD
Kathleen M. Botham, PhD, DSc & Peter A. Mayes, PhD, DSc
36 RNA Synthesis, Processing, &
26 Cholesterol Synthesis, Transport, & Modification 374
Excretion 249 P. Anthony Weil, PhD
Kathleen M. Botham, PhD, DSc & Peter A. Mayes, PhD, DSc
37 Protein Synthesis & the Genetic Code 393
P. Anthony Weil, PhD
Metabolism of Proteins &
VI Amino Acids 263 38 Regulation of Gene Expression 409
P. Anthony Weil, PhD
Biochemistry of
Section VII first outlines the structure and function Section XI includes hemostasis and thrombosis, an
of nucleotides and nucleic acids, then details overview of cancer, the biochemistry of aging, and a
DNA replication and repair, RNA synthesis and selection of case histories.
modification, protein synthesis, the principles of
recombinant DNA technology, and the regulation of
gene expression.
Section VIII considers aspects of extracellular and The authors thank Michael Weitz for his role in the planning
intracellular communication. Specific topics include of this edition and Peter Boyle for overseeing its preparation
membrane structure and function, the molecular bases for publication. We also thank Surbhi Mittal and Jyoti Shaw
of the actions of hormones, and signal transduction. at Cenveo Publisher Services for their efforts in managing
editing, typesetting, and artwork. We gratefully acknowl-
Sections IX, X, & XI address fourteen topics of
edge numerous suggestions and corrections received from
significant medical importance.
students and colleagues from around the world, especially
Section IX discusses nutrition, digestion, and those of Dr. Karthikeyan Pethusamy of the All India Institute
absorption, micronutrients including vitamins free of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.
radicals and antioxidants, glycoproteins, the metabolism
of xenobiotics, and clinical biochemistry. Victor W. Rodwell
Section X addresses intracellular traffic and the sorting David A. Bender
of proteins, the extracellular matrix, muscle and the Kathleen M. Botham
cytoskeleton, plasma proteins and immunoglobulins, Peter J. Kennelly
and the biochemistry of red cells and of white cells. P. Anthony Weil
and dramatically demonstrated that fermentation can proceed the interrelationship of biochemistry and medicine is a wide,
in the absence of an intact cell. This discovery unleashed an two-way street. Biochemical studies have illuminated many
avalanche of research that initiated the science of biochemis- aspects of health and disease, and conversely, the study of vari-
try. Investigations revealed the vital roles of inorganic phos- ous aspects of health and disease has opened up new areas of
phate, ADP, ATP, and NAD(H), and ultimately identified biochemistry (Figure 1–1). An early example of how investiga-
the phosphorylated sugars and the chemical reactions and tion of protein structure and function revealed the single dif-
enzymes that convert glucose to pyruvate (glycolysis) or to ference in amino acid sequence between normal hemoglobin
ethanol and CO2 (fermentation). Research beginning in the and sickle cell hemoglobin. Subsequent analysis of numerous
1930s identified the intermediates of the citric acid cycle and variant sickle cell and other hemoglobins has contributed sig-
of urea biosynthesis, and revealed the essential roles of certain nificantly to our understanding of the structure and function
vitamin-derived cofactors or “coenzymes” such as thiamin both of hemoglobin and of other proteins. During the early
pyrophosphate, riboflavin, and ultimately coenzyme A, coen- 1900s the English physician Archibald Garrod studied patients
zyme Q, and cobamide coenzyme. The 1950s revealed how with the relatively rare disorders of alkaptonuria, albinism, cys-
complex carbohydrates are synthesized from, and broken tinuria, and pentosuria, and established that these conditions
down into simple sugars, and the pathways for biosynthesis were genetically determined. Garrod designated these condi-
of pentoses, and the catabolism of amino acids and fatty acids. tions as inborn errors of metabolism. His insights provided
Investigators employed animal models, perfused intact a foundation for the development of the field of human bio-
organs, tissue slices, cell homogenates and their subfractions, chemical genetics. A more recent example was investigation
and subsequently purified enzymes. Advances were enhanced of the genetic and molecular basis of familial hypercholester-
by the development of analytical ultracentrifugation, paper olemia, a disease that results in early-onset atherosclerosis. In
and other forms of chromatography, and the post-World addition to clarifying different genetic mutations responsible
War II availability of radioisotopes, principally 14C, 3H, and 32P, for this disease, this provided a deeper understanding of cell
as “tracers” to identify the intermediates in complex pathways receptors and mechanisms of uptake, not only of cholesterol
such as that of cholesterol biosynthesis. X-ray crystallogra- but also of how other molecules cross cell membranes. Stud-
phy was then used to solve the three-dimensional structures ies of oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes in cancer cells
of numerous proteins, polynucleotides, enzymes, and viruses. have directed attention to the molecular mechanisms involved
Genetic advances that followed the realization that DNA was a in the control of normal cell growth. These examples illustrate
double helix include the polymerase chain reaction, and trans- how the study of disease can open up areas of basic biochemi-
genic animals or those with gene knockouts. The methods used cal research. Science provides physicians and other workers
to prepare, analyze, purify, and identify metabolites and the in health care and biology with a foundation that impacts
activities of natural and recombinant enzymes and their three- practice, stimulates curiosity, and promotes the adoption of
dimensional structures are discussed in the following chapters. scientific approaches for continued learning.
ADVANCES Biochemical Research Impacts
The two major concerns for workers in the health sciences— Nutrition & Preventive Medicine
and particularly physicians—are the understanding and The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a state
maintenance of health and effective treatment of disease. Bio- of “complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not
chemistry impacts both of these fundamental concerns, and merely the absence of disease and infirmity.” From a biochemical
acids Proteins Lipids Carbohydrates
FIGURE 1–1 A two-way street connects biochemistry and medicine. Knowledge of the biochemical topics listed above the green
line of the diagram has clarified our understanding of the diseases shown below the green line. Conversely, analyses of the diseases have cast
light on many areas of biochemistry. Note that sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease, and that both atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus have
genetic components.
viewpoint, health may be considered that situation in which all announcement that over 90% of the genome had been sequenced.
of the many thousands of intra- and extracellular reactions that This effort was headed by the International Human Genome
occur in the body are proceeding at rates commensurate with Sequencing Consortium and by Celera Genomics. Except for
the organism’s survival under pressure from both internal and a few gaps, the sequence of the entire human genome was
external challenges. The maintenance of health requires optimal completed in 2003, just 50 years after the description of the
dietary intake of vitamins, certain amino acids and fatty acids, double-helical nature of DNA by Watson and Crick. The
various minerals, and water. Understanding nutrition depends implications for biochemistry, medicine, and indeed for all
to a great extent on knowledge of biochemistry, and the sciences of biology, are virtually unlimited. For example, the ability
of biochemistry and nutrition share a focus on these chemicals. to isolate and sequence a gene and to investigate its structure
Recent increasing emphasis on systematic attempts to maintain and function by sequencing and “gene knockout” experi-
health and forestall disease, or preventive medicine, includes ments have revealed previously unknown genes and their
nutritional approaches to the prevention of diseases such as products, and new insights have been gained concerning
atherosclerosis and cancer. human evolution and procedures for identifying disease-
related genes.
Most Diseases Have a Biochemical Basis Major advances in biochemistry and understanding
Apart from infectious organisms and environmental pollut- human health and disease continue to be made by mutation
ants, many diseases are manifestations of abnormalities in genes, of the genomes of model organisms such as yeast, the fruit
proteins, chemical reactions, or biochemical processes, each fly Drosophila melanogaster, the roundworm Caenorhabditis
of which can adversely affect one or more critical biochemical elegans, and the zebra fish, all organisms that can be geneti-
functions. Examples of disturbances in human biochemistry cally manipulated to provide insight into the functions of
responsible for diseases or other debilitating conditions include individual genes. These advances can potentially provide
electrolyte imbalance, defective nutrient ingestion or absorp- clues to curing human diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer
tion, hormonal imbalances, toxic chemicals or biologic agents, disease. Figure 1–2 highlights areas that have developed or
and DNA-based genetic disorders. To address these challenges, accelerated as a direct result of progress made in the Human
biochemical research continues to be interwoven with studies in Genome Project (HGP). New “-omics” fields focus on com-
disciplines such as genetics, cell biology, immunology, nutrition, prehensive study of the structures and functions of the mol-
pathology, and pharmacology. In addition, many biochemists are ecules with which each is concerned. The products of genes
vitally interested in contributing to solutions to key issues such (RNA molecules and proteins) are being studied using the
as the ultimate survival of mankind, and educating the public to techniques of transcriptomics and proteomics. A spectacu-
support use of the scientific method in solving environmental lar example of the speed of progress in transcriptomics is the
and other major problems that confront our civilization. explosion of knowledge about small RNA molecules as regu-
lators of gene activity. Other -omics fields include glycomics,
lipidomics, metabolomics, nutrigenomics, and pharma-
Impact of the Human Genome Project cogenomics. To keep pace with the information generated,
on Biochemistry, Biology, & Medicine bioinformatics has received much attention. Other related
Initially unanticipated rapid progress in the late 1990s in fields to which the impetus from the HGP has carried over are
sequencing the human genome led in the mid-2000s to the biotechnology, bioengineering, biophysics, and bioethics.
Metabolomics Nutrigenomics
Pharmacogenomics Bioinformatics
Bioengineering Biotechnology
FIGURE 1–2 The Human Genome Project (HGP) has influenced many disciplines and areas of research. Biochemistry is not listed
since it predates commencement of the HGP, but disciplines such as bioinformatics, genomics, glycomics, lipidomics, metabolomics, molecular
diagnostics, proteomics, and transcriptomics are nevertheless active areas of biochemical research.
Definitions of these -omics fields and other terms appear in Bioinformatics: The discipline concerned with the collection,
the Glossary of this chapter. Nanotechnology is an active area, storage, and analysis of biologic data, for example, DNA, RNA,
which, for example, may provide novel methods of diagnosis and protein sequences.
and treatment for cancer and other disorders. Stem cell biol- Biophysics: The application of physics and its techniques to biology
and medicine.
ogy is at the center of much current research. Gene therapy
Biotechnology: The field in which biochemical, engineering, and
has yet to deliver the promise that it appears to offer, but it
other approaches are combined to develop biologic products of
seems probable that ultimately will occur. Many new molecu- use in medicine and industry.
lar diagnostic tests have developed in areas such as genetic, Gene Therapy: Applies to the use of genetically engineered genes to
microbiologic, and immunologic testing and diagnosis. treat various diseases.
Systems biology is also burgeoning. The outcomes of research Genomics: The genome is the complete set of genes of an organism,
in the various areas mentioned above will impact tremen- and genomics is the in-depth study of the structures and
dously the future of biology, medicine, and the health sciences. functions of genomes.
Synthetic biology offers the potential for creating living organ- Glycomics: The glycome is the total complement of simple and
isms, initially small bacteria, from genetic material in vitro complex carbohydrates in an organism. Glycomics is the
that might carry out specific tasks such as cleansing petroleum systematic study of the structures and functions of glycomes
such as the human glycome.
spills. All of the above make the 21st century an exhilarating
Lipidomics: The lipidome is the complete complement of lipids
time to be directly involved in biology and medicine.
found in an organism. Lipidomics is the in-depth study of the
structures and functions of all members of the lipidome and
SUMMARY their interactions, in both health and disease.
Metabolomics: The metabolome is the complete complement of
■■ Biochemistry is the science concerned with the molecules metabolites (small molecules involved in metabolism) present
present in living organisms, individual chemical reactions and in an organism. Metabolomics is the in-depth study of their
their enzyme catalysts, and the expression and regulation of structures, functions, and changes in various metabolic states.
each metabolic process. Biochemistry has become the basic Molecular Diagnostics: Refers to the use of molecular approaches such
language of all biologic sciences. as DNA probes to assist in the diagnosis of various biochemical,
■■ Despite the focus on human biochemistry in this text, genetic, immunologic, microbiologic, and other medical conditions.
biochemistry concerns the entire spectrum of life forms, from Nanotechnology: The development and application to medicine
viruses, bacteria, and plants to complex eukaryotes such as and to other areas of devices such as nanoshells, which are only a
human beings. few nanometers in size (10–9 m = 1 nm).
Nutrigenomics: The systematic study of the effects of nutrients on
■■ Biochemistry, medicine, and other health care disciplines
genetic expression and of the effects of genetic variations on the
are intimately related. Health in all species depends on a
metabolism of nutrients.
harmonious balance of the biochemical reactions occurring in
Pharmacogenomics: The use of genomic information and
the body, while disease reflects abnormalities in biomolecules,
technologies to optimize the discovery and development of new
biochemical reactions, or biochemical processes.
drugs and drug targets.
■■ Advances in biochemical knowledge have illuminated many Proteomics: The proteome is the complete complement of proteins
areas of medicine, and the study of diseases has often revealed of an organism. Proteomics is the systematic study of the
previously unsuspected aspects of biochemistry. structures and functions of proteomes and their variations in
■■ Biochemical approaches are often fundamental in illuminating health and disease.
the causes of diseases and in designing appropriate therapy. Stem Cell Biology: Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the
Biochemical laboratory tests also represent an integral potential to self-renew and to differentiate into any of the adult
component of diagnosis and monitoring of treatment. cells of an organism. Stem cell biology concerns the biology of
■■ A sound knowledge of biochemistry and of other related basic stem cells and their potential for treating various diseases.
disciplines is essential for the rational practice of medicine and Synthetic Biology: The field that combines biomolecular techniques
related health sciences. with engineering approaches to build new biologic functions and
■■ Results of the HGP and of research in related areas will have
Systems Biology: The field concerns complex biologic systems
a profound influence on the future of biology, medicine, and
studied as integrated entities.
other health sciences.
Transcriptomics: The comprehensive study of the transcriptome,
■■ Genomic research on model organisms such as yeast, the fruit the complete set of RNA transcripts produced by the genome
fly D. melanogaster, the roundworm C. elegans, and the zebra during a fixed period of time.
fish provides insight into understanding human diseases.
GLOSSARY Shown are selected examples of databases that assemble, annotate,
Bioengineering: The application of engineering to biology and and analyze data of biomedical importance.
medicine. ENCODE: ENCyclopedia Of DNA Elements. A collaborative effort
Bioethics: The area of ethics that is concerned with the application that combines laboratory and computational approaches to
of moral and ethical principles to biology and medicine. identify every functional element in the human genome.
GenBank: Protein sequence database of the National Institutes of ISDB: International Sequence DataBase that incorporates DNA
Health (NIH) stores all known biologic nucleotide sequences and databases of Japan and of the European Molecular Biology
their translations in a searchable form. Laboratory (EMBL).
HapMap: Haplotype Map, an international effort to identify single PDB: Protein DataBase. Three-dimensional structures of proteins,
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with common polynucleotides, and other macromolecules, including proteins
human diseases and differential responses to pharmaceuticals. bound to substrates, inhibitors, or other proteins.
Water & pH
Peter J. Kennelly, PhD & Victor W. Rodwell, PhD
O B J EC T IVES ■■ Describe the properties of water that account for its surface tension, viscosity,
liquid state at ambient temperature, and solvent power.
After studying this chapter, ■■ Use structural formulas to represent several organic compounds that can serve
you should be able to: as hydrogen bond donors or acceptors.
■■ Explain the role played by entropy in the orientation, in an aqueous
environment, of the polar and nonpolar regions of macromolecules.
■■ Indicate the quantitative contributions of salt bridges, hydrophobic
interactions, and van der Waals forces to the stability of macromolecules.
■■ Explain the relationship of pH to acidity, alkalinity, and the quantitative
determinants that characterize weak and strong acids.
■■ Calculate the shift in pH that accompanies the addition of a given quantity of
acid or base to the pH of a buffered solution.
■■ Describe what buffers do, how they do it, and the conditions under which a
buffer is most effective under physiologic or other conditions.
■■ Illustrate how the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation can be used to calculate
the net charge on a polyelectrolyte at a given pH.
BIOMEDICAL IMPORTANCE the pH of extracellular fluid between 7.35 and 7.45. Suspected
disturbances of acid-base balance are verified by measuring
Water is the predominant chemical component of living the pH of arterial blood and the CO2 content of venous blood.
organisms. Its unique physical properties, which include the Causes of acidosis (blood pH <7.35) include diabetic ketosis
ability to solvate a wide range of organic and inorganic mol- and lactic acidosis. Alkalosis (pH >7.45) may follow vomiting
ecules, derive from water’s dipolar structure and exceptional of acidic gastric contents.
capacity for forming hydrogen bonds. The manner in which
water interacts with a solvated biomolecule influences the
structure both of the biomolecule and of water itself. An excel- WATER IS AN IDEAL BIOLOGIC
lent nucleophile, water is a reactant or product in many met- SOLVENT
abolic reactions. Regulation of water balance depends upon
hypothalamic mechanisms that control thirst, on antidiuretic Water Molecules Form Dipoles
hormone (ADH), on retention or excretion of water by the A water molecule is an irregular, slightly skewed tetrahedron
kidneys, and on evaporative loss. Nephrogenic diabetes insipi- with oxygen at its center (Figure 2–1). The two hydrogens and
dus, which involves the inability to concentrate urine or adjust the unshared electrons of the remaining two sp3-hybridized
to subtle changes in extracellular fluid osmolarity, results from orbitals occupy the corners of the tetrahedron. The 105° angle
the unresponsiveness of renal tubular osmoreceptors to ADH. between the two hydrogen atoms differs slightly from the ideal
Water has a slight propensity to dissociate into hydroxide tetrahedral angle, 109.5°. Ammonia is also tetrahedral, with a
ions and protons. The concentration of protons, or acidity, of 107° angle between its three hydrogens. The strongly electro-
aqueous solutions is generally reported using the logarithmic negative oxygen atom in a water molecule attracts electrons
pH scale. Bicarbonate and other buffers normally maintain away from the hydrogen nuclei, leaving them with a partial
2e H
positive charge, while its two unshared electron pairs consti- RI R III
tute a region of local negative charge.
A molecule with electrical charge distributed asymmet- FIGURE 2–3 Additional polar groups participate in hydro-
gen bonding. Shown are hydrogen bonds formed between alcohol
rically about its structure is referred to as a dipole. Water’s and water, between two molecules of ethanol, and between the
strong dipole is responsible for its high dielectric constant. peptide carbonyl oxygen and the peptide nitrogen hydrogen of an
As described quantitatively by Coulomb’s law, the strength of adjacent amino acid.
interaction F between oppositely charged particles is inversely
proportionate to the dielectric constant ε of the surrounding can participate in hydrogen bonding. The oxygen atoms of
medium. The dielectric constant for a vacuum is essentially aldehydes, ketones, and amides, for example, provide lone
unity; for hexane it is 1.9; for ethanol, 24.3; and for water pairs of electrons that can serve as hydrogen acceptors. Alco-
at 25°C, 78.5. Water therefore greatly decreases the force of hols, carboxylic acids, and amines can serve both as hydrogen
attraction between charged and polar species relative to water- acceptors and as donors of unshielded hydrogen atoms for for-
free environments with lower dielectric constants. Its strong mation of hydrogen bonds (Figure 2–3).
dipole and high dielectric constant enable water to dissolve
large quantities of charged compounds such as salts.
Water Molecules Form Hydrogen Bonds INFLUENCES THE STRUCTURE
A partially unshielded hydrogen nucleus covalently bound to
an electron-withdrawing oxygen or nitrogen atom can interact OF BIOMOLECULES
with an unshared electron pair on another oxygen or nitrogen
atom to form a hydrogen bond. Since water molecules con-
Covalent and Noncovalent Bonds
tain both of these features, hydrogen bonding favors the self- Stabilize Biologic Molecules
association of water molecules into ordered arrays (Figure 2–2). The covalent bond is the strongest force that holds molecules
Hydrogen bonding profoundly influences the physical proper- together (Table 2–1). Noncovalent forces, while of lesser mag-
ties of water and accounts for its relatively high viscosity, sur- nitude, make significant contributions to the structure, stabil-
face tension, and boiling point. On average, each molecule in ity, and functional competence of macromolecules in living
liquid water associates through hydrogen bonds with 3.5 oth- cells. These forces, which can be either attractive or repulsive,
ers. These bonds are both relatively weak and transient, with a involve interactions both within the biomolecule and between
half-life of a few picoseconds. Rupture of a hydrogen bond in it and the water that forms the principal component of the sur-
liquid water requires only about 4.5 kcal/mol, less than 5% of rounding environment.
the energy required to rupture a covalent O—H bond.
Hydrogen bonding enables water to dissolve many TABLE 2–1 Bond Energies for Atoms of Biologic
organic biomolecules that contain functional groups which Significance
Energy Energy
Bond Type (kcal/mol) Bond Type (kcal/mol)
H H H O O—O 34 —O
O— 96
O H O S—S 51 C—H 99
H O C—N 70 —S
C— 108
S—H 81 O—H 110
FIGURE 2–2 Water molecules self-associate via hydrogen C—C 82 —C
C— 147
bonds. Shown are the association of two water molecules (left) and
a hydrogen-bonded cluster of four water molecules (right). Notice C—O 84 —N
C— 147
that water can serve simultaneously both as a hydrogen donor and N—H 94 —O
C— 164
as a hydrogen acceptor.
sp3 electrons bear a partial negative charge (see Figure 2–1), absence of enzymic catalysis, even reactions that are highly
is an excellent nucleophile. Other nucleophiles of biologic favored thermodynamically do not necessarily take place rap-
importance include the oxygen atoms of phosphates, alcohols, idly. Precise and differential control of enzyme activity and the
and carboxylic acids; the sulfur of thiols; and the nitrogen sequestration of enzymes in specific organelles determine the
atom of amines and of the imidazole ring of histidine. Com- physiologic circumstances under which a given biopolymer
mon electrophiles include the carbonyl carbons in amides, will be synthesized or degraded. The ability of enzyme active
esters, aldehydes, and ketones and the phosphorus atoms of sites to sequester substrates in an environment from which
phosphoesters. water can be excluded facilitates biopolymer synthesis.
Nucleophilic attack by water typically results in the cleavage
of the amide, glycoside, or ester bonds that hold biopolymers Water Molecules Exhibit a Slight but
together. This process is termed hydrolysis. Conversely, when
monomer units are joined together to form biopolymers, such Important Tendency to Dissociate
as proteins or glycogen, water is a product, for example, during The ability of water to ionize, while slight, is of central impor-
the formation of a peptide bond between two amino acids. tance for life. Since water can act both as an acid and as a base,
While hydrolysis is a thermodynamically favored reac- its ionization may be represented as an intermolecular proton
tion, the amide and phosphoester bonds of polypeptides and transfer that forms a hydronium ion (H3O+) and a hydroxide
oligonucleotides are stable in the aqueous environment of ion (OH−):
the cell. This seemingly paradoxical behavior reflects the fact H2O + H2O ⇄ H3O + OH-
that the thermodynamics that govern the equilibrium point
of a reaction do not determine the rate at which it will pro- The transferred proton is actually associated with a cluster of
ceed toward its equilibrium point. In the cell, protein cata- water molecules. Protons exist in solution not only as H3O+,
lysts called enzymes accelerate the rate of hydrolytic reactions but also as multimers such as H5O2+ and H7O3+. The proton is
when needed. Proteases catalyze the hydrolysis of proteins nevertheless routinely represented as H+, even though it is in
into their component amino acids, while nucleases catalyze fact highly hydrated.
the hydrolysis of the phosphoester bonds in DNA and RNA. Since hydronium and hydroxide ions continuously recom-
Careful control of the activities of these enzymes is required to bine to form water molecules, an individual hydrogen or oxy-
ensure that they act only at appropriate times. gen cannot be stated to be present as an ion or as part of a water
molecule. At one instant it is an ion; an instant later it is part
of a water molecule. Individual ions or molecules are therefore
Many Metabolic Reactions Involve not considered. We refer instead to the probability that at any
Group Transfer instant in time a given hydrogen will be present as an ion or as
Many of the enzymic reactions responsible for synthesis and part of a water molecule. Since 1 g of water contains 3.46 × 1022
breakdown of biomolecules involve the transfer of a chemical molecules, the ionization of water can be described statistically.
group G from a donor D to an acceptor A to form an acceptor To state that the probability that a hydrogen exists as an ion
group complex, A—G: is 0.01 means that at any given moment in time, a hydrogen
atom has 1 chance in 100 of being an ion and 99 chances out
D—G + A ⇄ A—G + D
of 100 of being part of a water molecule. The actual probability
The hydrolysis and phosphorolysis of glycogen, for example, of a hydrogen atom in pure water existing as a hydrogen ion
involve the transfer of glucosyl groups to water or to ortho- is approximately 1.8 × 10−9. The probability of its being part
phosphate. The equilibrium constant for the hydrolysis of of a water molecule thus is almost unity. Stated another way,
covalent bonds strongly favors the formation of split products. for every hydrogen ion or hydroxide ion in pure water, there
Conversely, many group transfer reactions responsible for the are 0.56 billion or 0.56 × 109 water molecules. Hydrogen ions
biosynthesis of macromolecules involve the thermodynami- and hydroxide ions nevertheless contribute significantly to the
cally unfavored formation of covalent bonds. Enzyme catalysts properties of water.
play a critical role in surmounting these barriers by virtue of For dissociation of water,
their capacity to directly link two normally separate reactions
together. By linking an energetically unfavorable group trans- [H+ ][OH− ]
fer reaction with a thermodynamically favorable reaction, [H2O]
such as the hydrolysis of ATP, a new coupled reaction can be
generated whose net overall change in free energy favors bio- where the brackets represent molar concentrations (strictly
polymer synthesis. speaking, molar activities) and K is the dissociation constant.
Given the nucleophilic character of water and its high con- Since 1 mole (mol) of water weighs 18 g, 1 liter (L) (1000 g)
centration in cells, why are biopolymers such as proteins and of water contains 1000 ÷ 18 = 55.56 mol. Pure water thus
DNA relatively stable? And how can synthesis of biopolymers is 55.56 molar. Since the probability that a hydrogen in pure
occur in an aqueous environment that favors hydrolysis? Cen- water will exist as a hydrogen ion is 1.8 × 10−9, the molar con-
tral to both questions are the properties of enzymes. In the centration of H+ ions (or of OH− ions) in pure water is the
product of the probability, 1.8 × 10−9, times the molar concen- Low pH values correspond to high concentrations of H+
tration of water, 55.56 mol/L. The result is 1.0 × 10−7 mol/L. and high pH values correspond to low concentrations of H+.
We can now calculate the dissociation constant K for pure Acids are proton donors and bases are proton accep-
water: tors. Strong acids (eg, HCl, H2SO4) completely dissociate into
[H+ ][OH− ] [10−7 ][10−7 ] anions and protons even in strongly acidic solutions (low pH).
K= = Weak acids dissociate only partially in acidic solutions. Simi-
[H2O] [55.56]
larly, strong bases (eg, KOH, NaOH), but not weak bases like
= 0.018 × 10−14 = 1.8 × 10−16 mol/L Ca(OH)2, are completely dissociated even at high pH. Many
biochemicals are weak acids. Exceptions include phosphory-
The molar concentration of water, 55.56 mol/L, is too great to
lated intermediates, whose phosphoryl group contains two
be significantly affected by dissociation. It is therefore consid-
dissociable protons, the first of which is strongly acidic.
ered to be essentially constant. This constant may therefore
The following examples illustrate how to calculate the pH
be incorporated into the dissociation constant K to provide a
of acidic and basic solutions.
useful new constant Kw termed the ion product for water. The
relationship between Kw and K is shown below: Example 1: What is the pH of a solution whose hydrogen
ion concentration is 3.2 × 10−4 mol/L?
[H+ ][OH− ]
K= = 1.8 × 10−16 mol/L pH = − log[H+ ]
K w = ( K )[H2O] = [H+ ][OH− ] = − log(3.2 × 10−4 )
(and pOH by the total [OH−]), both sources must be considered. Since the numeric values of Ka for weak acids are negative
In the first case (a), the contribution of water to the total [OH−] is exponential numbers, we express Ka as pKa, where
negligible. The same cannot be said for the second case (b):
pK a = − log K a
Concentration (mol/L) Note that pKa is related to Ka as pH is to [H+]. The stronger the
acid, the lower is its pKa value.
(a) (b)
Representative weak acids (left), their conjugate bases
Molarity of KOH 2.0 × 10 −2
2.0 × 10−6 (center), and pKa values (right) include the following:
[OH−] from KOH 2.0 × 10−2 2.0 × 10−6
R—CH2 —COOH R—CH2 COO− pK a = 4 − 5
[OH−] from water 1.0 × 10−7 1.0 × 10−7
R—CH2 —NH3 R—CH2 —NH2 pK a = 9 − 10
Total [OH−] 2.00001 × 10−2 2.1 × 10−6
H2 CO3 HCO3− pK a = 6.4
− −2
Once a decision has been reached about the significance of the H2 PO4 HPO4 pK a = 7.2
contribution of water, pH may be calculated as above.
The above examples assume that the strong base KOH
pKa is used to express the relative strengths of both acids and
is completely dissociated in solution and that the concentra-
bases. For any weak acid, its conjugate is a strong base. Simi-
tion of OH− ions was thus equal to that due to the KOH plus
larly, the conjugate of a strong base is a weak acid. The relative
that present initially in the water. This assumption is valid
strengths of bases are expressed in terms of the pKa of their
for dilute solutions of strong bases or acids, but not for weak
conjugate acids. For polyprotic compounds containing more
bases or acids. Since weak electrolytes dissociate only slightly
than one dissociable proton, a numerical subscript is assigned
in solution, we must use the dissociation constant to calcu-
to each dissociation, numbered starting from unity in decreas-
late the concentration of [H+] (or [OH−]) produced by a given
ing order of relative acidity. For a dissociation of the type
molarity of a weak acid (or base) before calculating total [H+]
(or total [OH−]) and subsequently pH. R—NH3+ → R—NH2 + H+
Functional Groups That Are Weak Acids the pKa is the pH at which the concentration of the acid
Have Great Physiologic Significance R—NH3+ equals that of the base R—NH2.
From the above equations that relate Ka to [H+] and to the
Many biochemicals possess functional groups that are weak concentrations of undissociated acid and its conjugate base,
acids or bases. Carboxyl groups, amino groups, and phosphate when
esters, whose second dissociation falls within the physiologic
range, are present in proteins and nucleic acids, most coen- [R—COO− ] = [R—COOH]
zymes, and most intermediary metabolites. Knowledge of the or when
dissociation of weak acids and bases thus is basic to under-
standing the influence of intracellular pH on structure and bio- [R—NH2 ] = [R—NH3+ ]
logic activity. Charge-based separations such as electrophoresis then
and ion exchange chromatography are also best understood in
terms of the dissociation behavior of functional groups. K a = [H+ ]
We term the protonated species (HA or R—NH3+) the acid Thus, when the associated (protonated) and dissociated (con-
and the unprotonated species (A− or R—NH2) its conjugate jugate base) species are present at equal concentrations, the
base. Similarly, we may refer to a base (A− or R—NH2) and its prevailing hydrogen ion concentration [H+] is numerically
conjugate acid (HA or R—NH3+). equal to the dissociation constant, Ka. If the logarithms of both
We express the relative strengths of weak acids and bases sides of the above equation are taken and both sides are multi-
in terms of their dissociation constants. Shown below are the plied by −1, the expressions would be as follows:
expressions for the dissociation constant (Ka) for two repre-
sentative weak acids, R—COOH and R—NH3+. K a = [H+ ]
R—COOH R—COO− + H+ − log K a = − log[H+ ]
[R —COO− ][H+ ] Since −log Ka is defined as pKa, and −log [H+] defines pH, the
Ka =
[R—COOH] equation may be rewritten as
R—NH3+ R—NH2 + H+ pK a = pH
[R—NH2 ][H ] that is, the pKa of an acid group is the pH at which the
Ka =
[R—NH3+ ] protonated and unprotonated species are present at equal
Net charge
The Henderson-Hasselbalch
Equation Describes the Behavior of 0.4 –0.4
that results when 0.1 meq of KOH is added to 1 meq of each TABLE 2–2 Relative Strengths of Monoprotic, Diprotic,
solution: and Triprotic Acids
Lactic acid pK = 3.86
Initial pH 5.00 5.37 5.60 5.86
Acetic acid pK = 4.76
[A−]initial 0.50 0.70 0.80 0.88
Ammonium ion pK = 9.25
[HA]initial 0.50 0.30 0.20 0.12
Carbonic acid pK1 = 6.37; pK2 = 10.25
([A−]/[HA])initial 1.00 2.33 4.00 7.33
Succinic acid pK1 = 4.21; pK2 = 5.64
Addition of 0.1 meq of KOH Produces
Glutaric acid pK1 = 4.34; pK2 = 5.41
[A−]final 0.60 0.80 0.90 0.98
Phosphoric acid pK1 = 2.15; pK2 = 6.82; pK3 = 12.38
[HA]final 0.40 0.20 0.10 0.02
Citric acid pK1 = 3.08; pK2 = 4.74; pK3 = 5.40
([A−]/[HA])final 1.50 4.00 9.00 49.0
Note: Tabulated values are the pKa values (-log of the dissociation constant).
log ([A−]/[HA])final 0.18 0.60 0.95 1.69
O B J EC T IVES ■■ Diagram the structures and write the three- and one-letter designations for
each of the amino acids present in proteins.
After studying this chapter, ■■ Provide examples of how each type of R group of the protein amino acids
you should be able to: contributes to their chemical properties.
■■ List additional important functions of amino acids and explain how certain
amino acids in plant seeds can severely impact human health.
■■ Name the ionizable groups of the protein amino acids and list their
approximate pKa values as free amino acids in aqueous solution.
■■ Calculate the pH of an unbuffered aqueous solution of a polyfunctional
amino acid and the change in pH that occurs following the addition of a given
quantity of strong acid or alkali.
■■ Define pI and explain its relationship to the net charge on a polyfunctional
■■ Explain how pH, pKa and pI can be used to predict the mobility of a
polyelectrolyte, such as an amino acid, in a direct-current electrical field.
■■ Describe the directionality, nomenclature, and primary structure of peptides.
■■ Describe the conformational consequences of the partial double-bond
character of the peptide bond and identify the bonds in the peptide backbone
that are free to rotate.
BIOMEDICAL IMPORTANCE acids normally appear in the urine because amino acids are
almost totally reabsorbed in the proximal tubule, conserving
l-α-Amino acids provide the monomer units of the long poly- them for protein synthesis and other vital functions.
peptide chains of proteins. In addition, these amino acids and Certain microorganisms secrete free d-amino acids,
their derivatives participate in cellular functions as diverse or peptides that may contain both d- and l-α-amino acids.
as nerve transmission, and the biosynthesis of porphyrins, Several of these bacterial peptides are of therapeutic value,
purines, pyrimidines, and urea. The neuroendocrine system including the antibiotics bacitracin and gramicidin A, and the
employs short polymers of amino acids called peptides as hor- antitumor agent bleomycin. Certain other microbial peptides
mones, hormone-releasing factors, neuromodulators, and are, however, toxic. The cyanobacterial peptides microcystin
neurotransmitters. Humans and other higher animals can- and nodularin are lethal in large doses, while small quanti-
not synthesize 10 of the l-α-amino acids present in proteins ties promote the formation of hepatic tumors. The ingestion
in amounts adequate to support infant growth or to maintain of certain amino acids present in the seeds of legumes of the
adult health. Consequently, the human diet must contain ade- genus Lathyrus can result in lathyrism, a tragic irreversible
quate quantities of these nutritionally essential amino acids. disease in which individuals lose control of their limbs. Cer-
Each day the kidneys filter over 50 g of free amino acids from tain other plant seed amino acids have also been implicated in
the arterial renal blood. However, only traces of free amino neurodegenerative disease in natives of Guam.
Me-zhe-ka, Ottaw.
Large tortoise.
Me-kin-nauk, Ojib.
On-daig—Crow. On-daig-wug—Crows.
As-sig-ge-nawk—Black bird.
Mis-ko-min-gwe-gun-nah Sig-ge-nauk—Red wing
black bird.
O-pish-kah-gah-ge—Magpie. O-pish-kah-gah-ge-wug
Gween-gwe-sha—Similar in habits and locality to the
former, and closely resembling, in size and colour, the
Teen-de-se—Blue jay. These begin to lay their eggs
before the snow is off the ground in the spring.
Be-gwuk-ko-kwa o-wais-sa—Thrush.
Ah-luk—Similar to the thrush in habits.
Ween-de-go be-nais-sa—King bird, (the bird that
eats his own kind.)
Ma-mah-twa—Cat bird.
Chaum-ma-wais-she—Another of the same size.
Kos-kos-ko-na-ching—Ground bird? A small bird so
named from its note.
Waw-be-ning-ko-se—Snow birds.
Che-ki-che-gau-na-sa—A very small lively bird,
peculiar to the north.
Mis-kobe-na-sa—Red bird.
Sa-ga-bun-wau-nis-sa—Waxen chatterer.
O-zhah-wus-kobe-na-sa—Green bird.
O-zaw-we-be-na-sa—Yellow bird.
Ma-ma—Red headed wood pecker.
Paw-paw-sa—Spotted wood pecker.
Muk-kud-da paw-paw-sa—Black pawpawsa. The
male of this kind, has a bright yellow spot on the top
of the head. They are found about Lake Superior in
Mo-ning-gwan-na—Yarril, (highhold.)
Ke-ke-ba-na—small spotted wood pecker.
Che-gaun-do-wais-sa—Brown wood pecker, confined
to cedar countries.
Shin-go-beek-ai-sa—Cedar bird.
Gitche-o-gish-ke-mun-ne-sa—Great king fisher.
O-gish-ke-mun-ne-sa[51]—Common king fisher.
O-kun-is-sa—Loxia enudeator, found at Lake
Superior in February.
Pe, sing. Pe-ug, pl.—A fringilla, smaller than the
waxen chatterer. The female has a spot of red on the
top of the head; the male, the whole head and neck of
the same colour. The tail feathers are bent outwards
near the ends. Found about Lake Superior in the
Bosh-kun-dum-moan—Parakeet, (croch perons.)
Moash-kah-o-se We-kum-mo, (Menomonie)—Stake
driver, (bittern.)
Kun-nuh waw-be-mokee-zhis wais-sa—Fly up the
creek, (sun gazer.)
Me-mom-i-ne-ka-she—Rail, (rice bird.)
Gitche-pud-dush-kon-zhe—Wood cock.
Waw-be-zee—Great Swan.
Mah-nah-be-zee—Smaller swan, not common. Their
cry resembles the voice of a man. The word means
ugly or ill looking swan.
Ne-kuh—Brant, ne-kug, pl.
Pish-ne-kuh—A smaller brant.
Wa-wa—Goose; Wa-waig—Geese; Waw-be-wa-wa—
White goose; Waw-be-wa-waig—White geese.
An-ne-nish-sheeb—Duck and mallard.
Tah-gwaw-ge she-sheeb—Fall duck, red neck.
Mah-to-gun she-sheeb—Scrapper bill duck.
Scah-mo—Wood duck.
Wa-weeb-ge-won-ga—Blue wing teal, (swift
Ke-nis-te-no-kwa sheeb—Cree woman duck.
Muk-kud-da sheeb—Black duck.
Kitche-waw-we-big-wa-wya—Large blue wing duck.
Pe-gwuk-o-she sheeb—Large bill, or blunt arrow
duck; from pe-gwuk, the blunt or unbarbed arrow. This
species has a large bill, and head of a leaden colour.
They are found throughout the winter, in the rapids
between Lakes Superior and Huron.
Ma-muh-tway-ah-ga—Whistling wing.
Kee-no-gwaw-o-wa sheeb—Long neck duck.
A-ha-wa—House duck.
Wah-ka-we sheeb—White duck.
Gaw-waw-zhe-koos—Shell duck.
Ah-zig-wuk—Fishing duck.
Sah-gah-ta—Mud hen.
Shin-ge-bis—Greebe; Gitche-shin-ge-bis—Large
A-sha-mahng—Small loon.
Gau-gau-geshe sheeb—Cormorant.
Sha-da—Pelican; sha-daig—Pelicans.
Shuh-shuh-gah—Blue Heron.
O-zah-wash-ko-mo-sah—Green worm.
Way-muk-kwah-na—Great caterpillar, (bear skin.)
Gitche-mo-sa—Great white grub; gitche-mo-saig,
Mas-ke-no-zha—Maskenonge, or pike.
O-zhaw-wush-ko ke-no-zha—Green pickerel, only
found in the north.
Ke-no-zha—Pickerel; from kenose, long.
Na-zhum-ma-goosh—Brook trout.
Ne-git-che—Buffalo fish.
Bush-she-to—Sheeps head; bush-she-toag, plural.
Mon-nuh-she-gun—Black bass.
Ad-dik-kum-aig, (attai-kum-meeg, Menom.)—White
fish, or rein-deer fish; from ad-dik, rein-deer, and gum-
maig, water.
Buh-pug-ga-sa—Large sucker.
Mis-kwaw-zhe-gun-no—Red horse.
Nah-ma-bin—Sucker; Mis-kwun nah-ma-bin—Red
Ug-gud-dwawsh—Sun fish.
Sah-wa—Perch, (yellow.) Sah-waig, pl.
O-ka-ah-wis—Fresh water herring.
We-be-chee—A flat fish larger than herring; only
found in Red River.
Mon-num-maig—Great cat fish.
Ah-wa-sis-sie—Little catfish. The Indians say this fish
hatches its young in a hole in the mud, and that they
accompany her for some time afterwards.
Ke-na-beek gwum-maig—Eel, (water snake.)
Shig-gwum-maig—Shovel nose; only in the
Kuk-kun-naun-gwi—Little toad fish; Lake Huron.
O-gah-suk—Little dories; Lake Huron.
Bug-gwut-tum-mo-goon-suk—These are small fishes,
that make their appearance in ponds having no
connection with rivers or lakes, and which are
sometimes quite dry. But though they all perish in
times of drought, they re-appear when the ponds are
Shaw-ga-she—Craw fish.
Ais—Clam; Ais-sug—Clams.
Ais-ainse—Little clam.
Mis-koan-sug—Red clams.
Among the Indians of the Algonkin stock, every man receives from
his father a totem, or family name. They affirm that no man is, by
their customs, allowed to change his totem; and as this distinctive
mark descends to all the children a man may have, as well as to all
the prisoners he may take and adopt, it is manifest that, like the
genealogies of the Hebrews, these totems should afford a complete
enumeration of the stocks from which all the families have been
derived. It differs not from our institution of surnames, except that
the obligations of friendship and hospitality, and the restraint upon
intermarriage, which it imposes, are more scrupulously regarded.
They profess to consider it highly criminal for a man to marry a
woman whose totem is the same as his own; and they relate
instances where young men, for a violation of this rule, have been
put to death by their nearest relatives. They say, also, that those
having the same totem are bound, under whatever circumstances,
as they meet, even though they should be of different and hostile
bands, to treat each other not only as friends, but as brethren,
sisters, and relatives of the same family.
Of the origin of this institution, and of the obligation to its strict
observance, the Indians profess to know nothing. They say they
suppose the totem was given them in the beginning, by their creator.
Like surnames among us, these marks are now numerous; and, as in
the case of our surnames, it is difficult to account for their
multiplicity, without supposing a time when they might have been
changed, or new ones adopted, more easily than at present.
It is not, as yet, well ascertained that any of the North American
Indians, except those of the Algonkin family, have these peculiar
genealogical marks. Those of the great Chippewyan family, in the
north, we are well assured, have them not. From long acquaintance
with the Dahcotah bands of the Mississippi and St. Peters, in which
designation we include the Hoochawgenah, or Winnebagoes, and
the Ioways, and from a more transient sojourning among the Otoes,
the Kansas, the Omawhawes, the Pawnees, and other western
tribes, we have, with careful inquiry and search, been able to collect
no intimation of such a custom among them. But of the western
Indians we cannot speak with entire confidence, as we recollect to
have heard Renville, an interpreter for the Sioux, after much
puzzling and cross-examination, admit that something of the kind
might exist among that people. It may be observed, that the
Algonkins believe all other Indians to have totems, though, from the
necessity they are in general under, of remaining ignorant of those
of hostile bands, the omission of the totem in their picture writing
serves to designate an enemy. Thus, those bands of Ojibbeways who
border on the country of the Dahcotah, or Sioux, always understand
the figure of a man without totem, to mean one of that people.
Among the Ottawaws and Ojibways with the names of some to whom
they belong.
Comparison of numerals, to ten, in several American
1. Oto—From Say.
2. Konza.
3. Omawhaw.
4. Yauktong.
6. Minnetahse.
7. Pawnee.
8. Choktaw.
9. Ojibbeway.
Ning-gooj-waw, or Ba-zhik
Neezh-waw, or Neezh
Nis-swaw, or Nis-swe
Shong-gus-swe, or shong
Me-dos-swe, or kwaitch
10. Muskwake.
Ne kot