Key Performance Indicators (Kpis) To Promote Building Developers Safety Performance in The Construction Industry
Key Performance Indicators (Kpis) To Promote Building Developers Safety Performance in The Construction Industry
Key Performance Indicators (Kpis) To Promote Building Developers Safety Performance in The Construction Industry
Yakubu Aminu
Key performance indicators (KPIs) to promote building
developers safety performance in the construction
Suggested Citation: Mahmoud, Abubakar Sadiq; Ahmad, Mohd Hamdan; Yatim, Yahya Mohd; Dodo,
Yakubu Aminu (2020) : Key performance indicators (KPIs) to promote building developers safety
performance in the construction industry, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
(JIEM), ISSN 2013-0953, OmniaScience, Barcelona, Vol. 13, Iss. 2, pp. 371-401,
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Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
JIEM, 2020 – 13(2): 371-401 – Online ISSN: 2013-0953 – Print ISSN: 2013-8423
Purpose: The aim of this study is to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be deployed in
the evaluation and promotion of safety performance of building developer’s in Nigeria.
Design/methodology/approach: A thorough review of the literature was performed to generally
identify sets of KPIs used to evaluate the safety performances of building developer’s during construction.
Interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with eleven (11) subject matter experts and
professionals to ensure inclusion, validation and clarity of the indicators and to further provide
agreement/disagreement, and importance ratings for the identified KPIs. The KPIs was grouped into
appropriate categories, keeping out redundant KPIs, and ensuring KPIs are clear and measurable. The
Relative Importance Index (RII) and Mean values were computed.
Findings: Results from the study consist of 137 KPIs, grouped into 9 categories including: Planning, design
and procurement, communication on & maintenance of effective safety behaviour, construction safety policy,
construction safety personnel, management effort and support, safety training and enlightenment,
administration of safety processes, investigation and reporting of accidents, and rewards and sanctions for
project stakeholders. These KPIs were observed to be at different levels of importance from the
respondents. The following KPIs were considered based on their extreme importance judging from the
respective RII values: communicating safety requirements to designer (98.18%), safety performance set as
part of contractor selection criterion (96.36%), availability and accessibility of the relevant insurance policies
(98.18%) and appropriate issuance of motivational directives by the top management (100%).
Originality/value: Many studies have been done in the past where KPIs as it relates to construction
safety were identified. However, the specificity of these KPIs to countries other than Nigeria requires
similar research be conducted to identify building developer safety performance KPIs for the Nigerian
construction industry
Keywords: construction safety, key performance indicators KPIs, building developers, assessment, construction
safety performance
Mahmoud, A.S., Ahmad, M.H., Yatim, Y.M., & Dodo, Y.A. (2020). Key performance indicators (KPIs) to
promote building developers safety performance in the construction industry. Journal of Industrial Engineering and
Management, 13(2), 371-401.
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management –
1. Introduction
Nations all over the world consider the construction industry as a major stimulant to their economic growth and
development (Okoye, Mbakwe & Igbo 2018). According to Alarcón, Acuña, Diethelm and Pellicer (2016) the
construction industry is project-based with many stakeholders consisting of professionals such as designers,
building developers, contractors, subcontractors and workers among others working as a team to achieve a
common goal. In achieving such goal, however, the life of workers is always threatened by occupational hazards.
The complex nature of the activities carried out in building construction as noted by Muiruri & Mulinge (2014);
Suárez-Sánchez, Carvajal-Peláez and Catala-Alis (2017) lead to various impacts on the health and safety of workers
with occupational risks during building production. Gambatese and Behm (2008) opine that despite the numerous
ongoing research, accident still occurs.
Diugwu and Baba (2014) suggested that, successful delivery of the project depends on the level of compliance
with safety regulations. This has led to the establishment of Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) to enforce safety laws and regulations (Jaselskis, Anderson & Russel 1996). Occupational safety forms
part of operations on construction site as various skills and activities are required to be done in an environment
that is safe (Wachter & Yorio, 2014). In addition, a number of research have been conducted globally in order to
improve the safety performance of the construction industry (Alarcón et al., 2016; Choudhry, Fang & Mohamed,
2007; Jannadi & Almishari, 2003; Misiurek & Misiurek, 2017; Okoye, Ezeokonkwo & Ezeokoli, 2016). Many
research efforts have been considered at several levels, such as design for safety”, “safety culture”, “safety
climate”, and “behaviour base safety BBS” (Choudhry, 2014; Choudhry, Fang & Mohammed, 2007; Fang & Wu,
2013; Toole & Gambatese, 2008). In spite of the wide recognition of the importance of safety in the
construction industry, it appears there is rare research conducted to identify building developer’s safety
performance indicators. Thus, it becomes pertinent to have developed some KPIs which will guide the building
developer’s commitment to safety performance before and throughout the construction stages. Besides, these
elements will give an enabling environment for the industry.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are used as a marker, or sign to assess the level of a construction safety on site,
and thus, determine its specific quality and performance (Lavy, Garcia & Dexit, 2014a,b). Also, the KPIs refers to a
tool used to assess the efficiency of a facility either completed or under construction and are usually documented,
which is a common construction industry approach (Preiser, Rabinowitz & White, 1987). Lavy, Garcia and Dixit
(2014a,b) amongst other researchers that identified the effectiveness of KPIs in the assessment of building
performance and highlighted the significance of establishing KPIs for effective performance evaluation. However,
KPIs differs in relation to the reason of assessment and typology of facility being examined and the case study at
hand (Kim, Yanq, Yeo & Kim, 2005). Previous research has sought to identify a set of causes of accidents and
performance indicators to assess the safety performance of various construction stakeholders. But, there are only a
few studies that have done toward building developer safety performance (Jensen, Laustsen & Jensen, 2016).
Therefore, this paper seeks to establish KPIs ideal for building developer in Nigeria. Gambatese (2000) established
six 6 criteria for safety program to be successful with low injury or accident rate, the six factors can be used as a
guide by building developers to ensure safety responsibilities. These factors include: (1) indicate a clear position with
regard to safety; (2) ensure that safety issues are considered during project planning and design phase; (3) consider
contractor previous performance on safety during the selection process, contractual agreement should address
safety issues; (4) designate safety duties during the construction process; (5) take part in all project safety process
during construction. Also, Construction Industry Institute - CII (2015) identified many best practices that address
construction safety on the project site, these include safety planning, participation by top management, safety
training and education, recognition and rewards, accident investigation and reporting. Accordingly, this study
adapted 5 criteria from the work (Construction Industry Institute - CII, 2015) and 4 other criteria from the work of
Gambatese 2000 as dependent variables. Thus, nine performance elements for building developers were established
to ensure safety during planning, design and construction phases. The elements include: (1) the Planning, design
and procurement.; (2) Communication & maintenance of effective safety behaviour; (3) construction safety policy,
(4) construction safety personnel; (5) management effort and support, (6) safety training and enlightenment, (7)
administration of safety processes, (8) investigation and reporting of accidents, (9) rewards and sanctions for
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management –
project stakeholders. Thus, the objective of this paper is to establish a set of KPIs as a causal factor for each of the
9 elements for building developer to assess their safety performance.
2. Research Methodology
To achieve the objective of this research, the following activities were undertaken:
• An extensive literature review was conducted to source for the broad and different KPIs appropriate to
evaluate the building developers’ safety performance.
• KPIs is grouped into appropriate categories, leaving out redundant KPIs, and ensuring the KPIs are
unambiguous and measurable.
• Interviews and focus group discussions with eleven (11) member panel of experts and professionals were
conducted to ensure inclusion, validation and clarity of the indicators and to further provide
agreement/disagreement, and adequate ratings for the identified KPIs.
• Statistical analysis was performed on the results to derive the rate of agreement/disagreement with the
identified KPIs, as well as the computed Relative Importance Index (RII) and the Mean Value and finally
the level of importance.
• Panel member’s main business includes: design, construction supervision and property development,
and they all acknowledge the significance of safety on site. Details of panel members are presented in
Table 1.
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social incentive is an influential index for worker safety performance. Accordingly, workers should be actively
engaged in the policy formulation and review process that will empower them to consider the risk at all levels of
project execution. Though Fass et al. (2017) research findings support the system of financial reward which they
argued reduced construction accident. Other researchers illustrates that despite the introduction of safety incentive,
the accident situations did not change much (El-Nagar, Hosny & Askar, 2015). Also, Alarcón et al. (2016) and
Jaraiedi, Plummer and Aber (1995) debated that incentive do not significantly impact on the safety performance.
Molenaar et al. (2009) indicated that incentive effectiveness depends on how they are being allocated. On the other
hand, Aksorn and Hadikusumo (2008) opined that incentive and sanction on safety performance do not necessarily
resulted in the anticipated output of improving safety, but rather depend on the relationship of the different
stakeholders in a project. Therefore, evaluating the workers attitude and behaviour toward safety operation before
engaging a contract will be able to produce a desired outcome. Building developer should identify policies,
approached and strategies inculcate safety culture before and during the project implementation, though, the
project completed within a time frame should be considered. (Choi & Kwak, 2012).
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Where ai is the constant representing the weight assigned to i; and x i is the variable representing the frequency
assigned to i. The response for i is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and is illustrated as follows:
• x0 = frequency of “Extremely Important” response corresponding to a0 = 5.
• x1 = frequency of “Very Important” response corresponding to a1 = 4.
• x2 = frequency of “Important” response corresponding to a2 = 3.
• x3= frequency of “Somewhat Important” response corresponding to a3 = 2.
• x4 = frequency of “Not Important” response corresponding to a4 = 1.
For the quantification of the level of importance for each of the KPIs, the following range was adopted:
• An RII value within (0 ≥ 12.5%) implies that, the respondents categorized the KPI as “not important”.
• An RII value within (12.5 ≥ 37.5%) implies that, the respondents categorized the KPI as “somewhat
• An RII value within (37.5 ≥ 62.5%) implies that, the respondents categorized the KPI as “important”.
• An RII value within (62.5 ≥ 87.5%) implies that, the respondents categorized the KPI as “very important”.
• An RII value within (87.5 ≥ 100%) implies that, the respondents categorized the KPI as “extremely
Tables 1-9 is an illustration of the various KPIs in 9 categories, with their corresponding agreement levels, as well as
their RII values, mean value and levels of importance. Also referred findings from similar authors that were
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The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
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