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Key Performance Indicators (Kpis) To Promote Building Developers Safety Performance in The Construction Industry

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Mahmoud, Abubakar Sadiq; Ahmad, Mohd Hamdan; Yatim, Yahya Mohd; Dodo,

Yakubu Aminu

Key performance indicators (KPIs) to promote building
developers safety performance in the construction

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (JIEM)

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Suggested Citation: Mahmoud, Abubakar Sadiq; Ahmad, Mohd Hamdan; Yatim, Yahya Mohd; Dodo,
Yakubu Aminu (2020) : Key performance indicators (KPIs) to promote building developers safety
performance in the construction industry, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
(JIEM), ISSN 2013-0953, OmniaScience, Barcelona, Vol. 13, Iss. 2, pp. 371-401,

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Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management
JIEM, 2020 – 13(2): 371-401 – Online ISSN: 2013-0953 – Print ISSN: 2013-8423

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Promote Building Developers

Safety Performance in the Construction Industry
Abubakar Sadiq Mahmoud1 , Mohd Hamdan Ahmad1 , Yahya Mohd Yatim1 , Yakubu Aminu Dodo2
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia UTM (Malaysia)
Istanbul Gelisim University (Turkey)

sadiqmahmoud2@gmail.com, b-hamdan@utm.mu, b-yahya@utm.my, yadodo@gelisim.edu.tr

Received: January 2020

Accepted: May 2020

Purpose: The aim of this study is to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) that can be deployed in
the evaluation and promotion of safety performance of building developer’s in Nigeria.
Design/methodology/approach: A thorough review of the literature was performed to generally
identify sets of KPIs used to evaluate the safety performances of building developer’s during construction.
Interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with eleven (11) subject matter experts and
professionals to ensure inclusion, validation and clarity of the indicators and to further provide
agreement/disagreement, and importance ratings for the identified KPIs. The KPIs was grouped into
appropriate categories, keeping out redundant KPIs, and ensuring KPIs are clear and measurable. The
Relative Importance Index (RII) and Mean values were computed.
Findings: Results from the study consist of 137 KPIs, grouped into 9 categories including: Planning, design
and procurement, communication on & maintenance of effective safety behaviour, construction safety policy,
construction safety personnel, management effort and support, safety training and enlightenment,
administration of safety processes, investigation and reporting of accidents, and rewards and sanctions for
project stakeholders. These KPIs were observed to be at different levels of importance from the
respondents. The following KPIs were considered based on their extreme importance judging from the
respective RII values: communicating safety requirements to designer (98.18%), safety performance set as
part of contractor selection criterion (96.36%), availability and accessibility of the relevant insurance policies
(98.18%) and appropriate issuance of motivational directives by the top management (100%).
Originality/value: Many studies have been done in the past where KPIs as it relates to construction
safety were identified. However, the specificity of these KPIs to countries other than Nigeria requires
similar research be conducted to identify building developer safety performance KPIs for the Nigerian
construction industry
Keywords: construction safety, key performance indicators KPIs, building developers, assessment, construction
safety performance

To cite this article:

Mahmoud, A.S., Ahmad, M.H., Yatim, Y.M., & Dodo, Y.A. (2020). Key performance indicators (KPIs) to
promote building developers safety performance in the construction industry. Journal of Industrial Engineering and
Management, 13(2), 371-401. https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

1. Introduction
Nations all over the world consider the construction industry as a major stimulant to their economic growth and
development (Okoye, Mbakwe & Igbo 2018). According to Alarcón, Acuña, Diethelm and Pellicer (2016) the
construction industry is project-based with many stakeholders consisting of professionals such as designers,
building developers, contractors, subcontractors and workers among others working as a team to achieve a
common goal. In achieving such goal, however, the life of workers is always threatened by occupational hazards.
The complex nature of the activities carried out in building construction as noted by Muiruri & Mulinge (2014);
Suárez-Sánchez, Carvajal-Peláez and Catala-Alis (2017) lead to various impacts on the health and safety of workers
with occupational risks during building production. Gambatese and Behm (2008) opine that despite the numerous
ongoing research, accident still occurs.
Diugwu and Baba (2014) suggested that, successful delivery of the project depends on the level of compliance
with safety regulations. This has led to the establishment of Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) to enforce safety laws and regulations (Jaselskis, Anderson & Russel 1996). Occupational safety forms
part of operations on construction site as various skills and activities are required to be done in an environment
that is safe (Wachter & Yorio, 2014). In addition, a number of research have been conducted globally in order to
improve the safety performance of the construction industry (Alarcón et al., 2016; Choudhry, Fang & Mohamed,
2007; Jannadi & Almishari, 2003; Misiurek & Misiurek, 2017; Okoye, Ezeokonkwo & Ezeokoli, 2016). Many
research efforts have been considered at several levels, such as design for safety”, “safety culture”, “safety
climate”, and “behaviour base safety BBS” (Choudhry, 2014; Choudhry, Fang & Mohammed, 2007; Fang & Wu,
2013; Toole & Gambatese, 2008). In spite of the wide recognition of the importance of safety in the
construction industry, it appears there is rare research conducted to identify building developer’s safety
performance indicators. Thus, it becomes pertinent to have developed some KPIs which will guide the building
developer’s commitment to safety performance before and throughout the construction stages. Besides, these
elements will give an enabling environment for the industry.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are used as a marker, or sign to assess the level of a construction safety on site,
and thus, determine its specific quality and performance (Lavy, Garcia & Dexit, 2014a,b). Also, the KPIs refers to a
tool used to assess the efficiency of a facility either completed or under construction and are usually documented,
which is a common construction industry approach (Preiser, Rabinowitz & White, 1987). Lavy, Garcia and Dixit
(2014a,b) amongst other researchers that identified the effectiveness of KPIs in the assessment of building
performance and highlighted the significance of establishing KPIs for effective performance evaluation. However,
KPIs differs in relation to the reason of assessment and typology of facility being examined and the case study at
hand (Kim, Yanq, Yeo & Kim, 2005). Previous research has sought to identify a set of causes of accidents and
performance indicators to assess the safety performance of various construction stakeholders. But, there are only a
few studies that have done toward building developer safety performance (Jensen, Laustsen & Jensen, 2016).
Therefore, this paper seeks to establish KPIs ideal for building developer in Nigeria. Gambatese (2000) established
six 6 criteria for safety program to be successful with low injury or accident rate, the six factors can be used as a
guide by building developers to ensure safety responsibilities. These factors include: (1) indicate a clear position with
regard to safety; (2) ensure that safety issues are considered during project planning and design phase; (3) consider
contractor previous performance on safety during the selection process, contractual agreement should address
safety issues; (4) designate safety duties during the construction process; (5) take part in all project safety process
during construction. Also, Construction Industry Institute - CII (2015) identified many best practices that address
construction safety on the project site, these include safety planning, participation by top management, safety
training and education, recognition and rewards, accident investigation and reporting. Accordingly, this study
adapted 5 criteria from the work (Construction Industry Institute - CII, 2015) and 4 other criteria from the work of
Gambatese 2000 as dependent variables. Thus, nine performance elements for building developers were established
to ensure safety during planning, design and construction phases. The elements include: (1) the Planning, design
and procurement.; (2) Communication & maintenance of effective safety behaviour; (3) construction safety policy,
(4) construction safety personnel; (5) management effort and support, (6) safety training and enlightenment, (7)
administration of safety processes, (8) investigation and reporting of accidents, (9) rewards and sanctions for

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

project stakeholders. Thus, the objective of this paper is to establish a set of KPIs as a causal factor for each of the
9 elements for building developer to assess their safety performance.

2. Research Methodology
To achieve the objective of this research, the following activities were undertaken:
• An extensive literature review was conducted to source for the broad and different KPIs appropriate to
evaluate the building developers’ safety performance.
• KPIs is grouped into appropriate categories, leaving out redundant KPIs, and ensuring the KPIs are
unambiguous and measurable.
• Interviews and focus group discussions with eleven (11) member panel of experts and professionals were
conducted to ensure inclusion, validation and clarity of the indicators and to further provide
agreement/disagreement, and adequate ratings for the identified KPIs.
• Statistical analysis was performed on the results to derive the rate of agreement/disagreement with the
identified KPIs, as well as the computed Relative Importance Index (RII) and the Mean Value and finally
the level of importance.
• Panel member’s main business includes: design, construction supervision and property development,
and they all acknowledge the significance of safety on site. Details of panel members are presented in
Table 1.

Profile Subgroup Number Percentage of respondents

Male 3 27.3%
Female 8 72.7%
20-30 1 9.1%
31-40 4 36.4%
41-50 4 36.4%
> 51 2 18.2%
Education level
PhD 0 0.0%
Masters 10 90.9%
Bachelors 1 9.1%
Work experience in construction industry in years
6-10 4 36.4%
11-20 5 45.5%
21-30 2 18.2%
Professional certification
FNIA 2 18.2%
MNIA 3 27.3%
CSP 2 18.2%
COREN 1 9.1%
Others 3 36.4%

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

Profile Subgroup Number Percentage of respondents

Current engagement /designation
Representative ministry of 1 9.1%
Former president NIA 1 9.1%
Building development control 2 18.2%
(Public sector)
University lecturers 2 18.2%
Others (private sector) 5 45.5%
Note: FNIA-Fellow Nigerian Institute of Architect, MNIA- Member, Nigerian Institute of Architect, CSP- Certified Safety
Professional, COREN- Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria.
Table 1. Panel member’s profile

3. Key Performance Indicators for Building Developer

Øien, Utne, Tinmannsvik and Massaiu (2011) maintain that performance indicator is considered to measure both
qualitative and quantitative data, which seeks to generate information on a matter of concern with safety. They are
used as indicators to assess the level of construction safety on site and it determines the quality of performance
(Kim, Yanq, Yeo & Kim, 2005). Herrera (2012) also upholds that, performance indicators play a vital part in
providing information on organizational performance, increasing organizational potential for safety and motivating
people to work in safety. Performance indicators, however, are not universal, and may vary according to the
evaluation purpose and the case study at hand (Kim, Yanq, Yeo & Kim, 2005). Thus, Hale (2009) state that the
main function of the performance indicators is to direct the sociotechnical activity in the organization by
motivating certain safety-related activities such as the practices, abilities, skills and motivation of the personnel, the
organizational potential for safety. Hale also acknowledges that organizations will improve significantly if
performance indicators are used for operations. However Okoro, Musonda and Agumba (2017) posit that
understanding and managing organizational processes and practices is becoming a primary concern of safety
management system. Herrera (2012) concludes that in order to be in controls of a site, it becomes necessary to
have the required information such as safety performance indicators so as to avoid what may occur in the future
like accidents. Though, many studies, like Reiman and Pietikäinen (2012), Shea, De Cieri, Donohue, Cooper and
Sheehan (2016); Sinelnikov, Inouye and Kerper (2015) have been carried out to identify indicators such as “leading”
and “lagging” indicators to evaluate the safety performance on site. However, lagging indicator is based on the
premise of an accident occurring and taking action that is reactive. Thus, Hale (2009) argues that performance
indicators are geared toward being proactive.
A number of research studies have pursued to identify the causes of construction accident and performance
indicators (KPIs) for the various stakeholders in the construction industry (Chan & Chan, 2004; Lavy et al., 2014b;
Takim & Akintoye, 2002). Thus, many studies have mentioned construction safety policy, planning, procurement
and design, construction safety personnel, communication & maintenance of effective safety behavior,
management effort and support, safety training and enlightenment as important factors in ensuring safety on
construction sites (Ajayi, 2016; Alzahrani & Emsley, 2013; Dodo, 2012; Farooqui, 2011; Gambatese & Hinze, 1999;
OSHA, 2015; Teo & Lin, 2005). In addition, administration of safety processes, accident reporting and
investigation, rewards and sanctions for project stakeholders (Hinze & Gambatese, 2003; Karakhan & Gambatese,
2017; Umeokafor, Kostis, Lundy, Isaac, Stuart, Igwegbe et al., 2014; van der Molen, Basnet, Hoonakker, Lehtola,
Lappalainen, Frings-Dresen et al., 2018) were acknowledged to influence the level of safety performance of a
construction site. In summary, the 137 KPIs, grouped into 9 distinctive categories for this study were garnered
from reviewing literature, design guidelines, published research papers, technical report and documents. These
categories are summarized in Tables 2-9, along with their respective references. Descriptions of the 9 categories are
presented in the sections that follows.

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

3.1. Construction Safety Policy

The American Society of Civil Engineers - ASCE (2012) established that policy statement outline developer’s
responsibility as the pillar for improving safety performance. The policy suggested that developer’s should take an
active role and consider safety based on the specific project. The policy should have provision for contractor’s
selection based on safety records (Construction Industry Institute - CII, 2015). Xinyu and Hinze (2006) also
suggest that the contractor selection should be centered on the contractor that have established safety program. In
addition, Gambatese (2000) also mentioned that building developer should be proactively engaged in all phases of
project management in all issues relating to safety. The study by Xinyu and Hinze (2006) concluded that a building
developer can positively impact project performance by active participation at the conceptual phase. Agwu (2012)
identified that total safety management, when integrated in the policy of the organizations, has the potentials of
enhancing safety practices on construction sites, it is recommended that for enhanced development of individuals
and organizations, improved occupational safety policy is a paramount investment in terms of precautions and
safety intelligence. Inuwa, Githae & Diang (2014) reported that comprehensive safety policy requires that safety be
reflected at all project phases. It is obvious that the safety performance of workers has a strong link with safety
policies of the building developer.

3.2. Planning, Design and Procurement

The participation of building developer at all project phases is a fundamental requirement for zero accidents
on the project site (Gambatese & Hinze, 1999; Hallowell & Hansen, 2016). The developer is the main party in
the construction industry and the beneficiary of the end product, thus, play a very significant role during the
construction project life circle (Biswas, Bhattacharya & Bhattacharya, 2017; Jazayeri, Liu & Dadi, 2017) .
Usually, the building developer request the services of the designer, contractor and other industry stakeholder
in the delivery of the built facility (Bello, 2012; Haslam, Hide, Gibb, Gyi, Pavitt, Atkinson et al., 2005). In line
with the developer’s scope of work, the designer produce the construction drawings and the contractor
implement it on the site to make it a reality. Many industry practitioners perceive that safety is the
responsibility of the contractors neglecting the role of other stakeholder that play a vital role in preventing the
menace of accident during project execution (Heinz, Hallowell & Baud, 2013; Toole & Gambatese, 2008). To
achieve high safety performance Huang and Hinze (2006); opined that it is essential the inclusion of safety
issues at the planning stage and also providing financial support to the contractor with site monitoring. A
number of researchers clarify that architect and engineers have a leading impact on the much desired safety
performance on site with zero injury tolerance (Tymvios & Gambatese, 2016). A study conducted by
Gambatese, Behm and Hinze (2005) established that 42% of accident at construction site are linked to the
safety design concept during the early stage. However, due to the lack of commitment from the stakeholders,
designers produce working drawings without consideration to the safety during implementation. Also,
according to European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound)
(1991), 60% of project accident can be mitigated if safety decision is considered at the design stage. Sadeghi,
Mathieu, Tricot and Al Bassit (2015), Zhou, Whyte and Sacks (2012) opined that safety during construction
project site is best determined during the early stage of planning and design conceptualization. A research
conducted by Szymberski (1997) reported that construction safety is significantly impacted when safety on site
is considered at the conceptual level. As shown in Figure 1 adapted from Szymberski (1997), the time/safety
influence curve, demonstrate the part at which safety can be impacted for most desirable. Additionally,
Anumba (1999) reported that there is an economic benefit when safety is considered at the design stage.
Construction Industry Institute - CII (2003), state that considering safety at the design stage demonstrate
management effort and safety commitment, and firms that implement such strategies reported fewer

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

Figure 1. Time/safety influence curve (Szymberski, 1997)

3.3. Construction Safety Personnel and Safety Culture

Safety personnel relate to the safety and health officer who supervise the worker activities on a construction site
(Gunduz, Birgonul & Ozdemir, 2017). These activities point to the safety performance and approaches of the
workers and the management in the construction industry (Biggs & Biggs, 2013). Dingsdag, Biggs and Sheahan
(2008) reported that there is a need for the engagement of safety personnel to handle the impediments to worker
operations. In addition, Gunduz et al. (2017) revealed that, safety performance have proved to be positively
impacted by the existence improvement in safety personnel on the project site. Zwetsloot, Kines, Ruotsala,
Drupsteen, Merivirta and Bezemer (2017) recommended that safety culture covering specific factors like
commitment of the management, involvement of safety personnel and adoption of safety regulations with
enforcement without compromise impact significantly on the overall safety performance of a company. In a
research aimed at reviewing accidents and violation of safety regulations on Nigerian construction sites,
(Mahmoud, Sanni-Anibire Hassanain & Ahmed, 2019; Aniekwu, 2007) found professionals and workers on site
responsible for most accidents occurring on a site which requires a zealous effort of safety managers for the
coordination of personnel and materials on site. However, this view contradicts the view of Mudi, Bioku, &
Kolawole (2015) that linked the occurrence of accidents on construction sites to indiscipline among workers, poor
strategies of communication and conditions of the site.

3.4. Communication & Maintenance of Effective Safety Behaviour

An efficient communication between supervisor, construction workers and the management effectively provide a
better and improve compliance to safety policies and standards (Ling, Liu & Woo, 2009). The efficiency of
conveying such information is subject to the diverse ways, for example, everyday tool box meetings, posters and
bulletin board (Park & Kim, 2013). The management efforts toward safety will establish a basis for the various
means of communicating the needed information to all levels of workers on the project site (CPWR, 2008).
Injuries and accidents on a construction site may happen due to poor behaviour and attitudes of workers
(Vinodkumar & Bhasi, 2010). There is a direct correlation between workers’ behaviour and performance of safety
on construction site. Moreover, poor worker behaviour and attitudes and their negligence to safety has encourage
more construction workers not to use safety gears (Idoro, 2008). In this respect, workers skills and knowledge must
be translated into the commitment approach based on establishing procedures, policies or regulations and must
stem out of motivation to work safely (Filstad, 2011).

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

3.5. Management Commitment and Support

According to Zwetsloot et al. (2017) safety commitment is the extent to which organizational leadership is
represented by the willingness to prevent and promote safety as part of organizational goals, values and morale.
Safety performance is a concept of commitment approach based on establishing safety program. Thus far, due to
increased interest toward safety commitment, several studies have been undertaken to examine how commitment
can improve safety performance globally (Huang, Verma, Chang, Courtney, Lombardi, Brennan et al., 2012;
Zwetsloot, et al., 2017). While the significance of safety commitment in improving safety performance is widely
accepted. Many literature demonstrate how commitment served as an effective tool in improving safety
performance (Abudayyeh, Fredericks, Butt & Shaar, 2006; Barling & Hutchinson, 2009; Michael, Evans, Jansen &
Haight, 2005; Zwetsloot et al., 2017) this has necessitated the construction industry to embrace the concept of
commitment. Suraji, Duff and Peckitt (2001) shows a research conducted by the Health and Safety Executive
(HSE) indicates that 75% of serious accident in the construction industry are mostly initiated by lack of
management’s commitment and effective support. De Silva and Walimalaratne (2012) established that the
construction company with good safety performance is due to management support and commitment toward
safety on the project site. Farooqui (2011) indicate that zero accident is achievable when management are
committed to safety improvement and upholding to established industry standards.

3.6. Administration of Safety Processes

Safety administration and processes denote management of work activities on the construction site that is
detrimental to the well-being of workers (Tappura, Nenonen, & Kivistö-Rahnasto, 2017). The process of
production in construction projects is evidently hampered by failure to comply with safety practice. Umoh and
Torbira (2013) suggested that attitude of workers and how they behave towards the delivery of their works while
minimizing accidents and increasing output is the major driver of safety practice. In his view, however, Smallwood
(2002) opines that accidents cannot be avoided in the building industry and is more of a component in building
production process due to the danger inherent in it; which negatively affects adherence to safety regulations.
Mahmoud, Sanni-Anibire Hassanain and Ahmed (2019) found that professionals and workers on site are
responsible for most accidents occurring on a site. However, this view contradicts the view of Mudi et al. (2015)
that linked the occurrence of accidents on construction sites to indiscipline among workers, poor strategies of
communication and conditions of the site. The main issues in managing construction site processes is the efficiency
of control of many subcontractors, operating on the construction site due different specialization in trades, as such
the chances of high accident occurrence will increase (Ali, Kamaruzzaman & Sing, 2010). Moreover, sometimes
contractors transfer safety responsibility to the subcontractors, thus, workers operate with unsafe practice in an
unsafe environment (Shen, Ju, Koh, Rowlinson & Bridge, 2017). Various method of construction on project site
must meet different construction safety standards, policy, procedure and program. Accidents occur due to unsafe
actions or unsafe conditions of work (Kadiri, Nden, Avre, Oladipo, Edom, Samuel & Ananso, 2014). Accidents
occur when unskilled workers are tasked to undertake a work they are not skilled enough to handle like loading
unsafely, arranging and placing, non-use of safety/protective equipments, and exposure to hazardous materials and
stressed (Wu, Li & Fang, 2017).

3.7. Rewards and Sanctions for Project Stakeholders

Safety rewards are a method used in the construction industry to motivate workers to foster safety procedure and
worker behaviour (Zhang, Zhou, Zhuang & Zhu, 2015). Though, expensive and appropriate for short term (Fass,
Yousef, Liginlal & Vyas, 2017). Reward and sanction are introduce on site to signal a commitment to safety
performance (Gu & Yang, 2015). The Construction Industry Institute - CII, indicated that the most effective
method is having a written safety incentive program (Construction Industry Institute - CII, 2015). Appreciation, for
demonstrating a good safety procedure should be acknowledged to motivate workers (Ghasemi, Mohammadfam,
Soltanian, Mahmoudi & Zarei, 2015). However, Funso, Sammy and Gerryshom (2016) is of the view that financial
reward may compromise worker’s performance on safety, more so, economic reward may hinder workers to report
all near misses, incident, or even accident. Thus, the study suggested a form of acknowledgement or written
appreciation will boots significantly the morale of workers. Molenaar, Park and Washington (2009) identified that

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

social incentive is an influential index for worker safety performance. Accordingly, workers should be actively
engaged in the policy formulation and review process that will empower them to consider the risk at all levels of
project execution. Though Fass et al. (2017) research findings support the system of financial reward which they
argued reduced construction accident. Other researchers illustrates that despite the introduction of safety incentive,
the accident situations did not change much (El-Nagar, Hosny & Askar, 2015). Also, Alarcón et al. (2016) and
Jaraiedi, Plummer and Aber (1995) debated that incentive do not significantly impact on the safety performance.
Molenaar et al. (2009) indicated that incentive effectiveness depends on how they are being allocated. On the other
hand, Aksorn and Hadikusumo (2008) opined that incentive and sanction on safety performance do not necessarily
resulted in the anticipated output of improving safety, but rather depend on the relationship of the different
stakeholders in a project. Therefore, evaluating the workers attitude and behaviour toward safety operation before
engaging a contract will be able to produce a desired outcome. Building developer should identify policies,
approached and strategies inculcate safety culture before and during the project implementation, though, the
project completed within a time frame should be considered. (Choi & Kwak, 2012).

3.8. Investigation and Reporting of Accident

Accidents happen in all kinds of construction project, the majority of accidents on construction site are as a result
of unsafe environment and unsafe act (Khosravi, Asilian-Mahabadi, Hajizadeh, Hassanzadeh-Rangi, Bastani &
Behzadan, 2014; Alarcón et al., 2016). Identifying and eliminating construction accident on the project site is not
always possible without identifying the causal factor through accident investigation. A number of preventive
methods are acknowledged to protect workers from project site hazards or to reduce the severity of the accident.
These methods involve the use of guardrail systems, safety harnessing systems, safety signs and housekeeping (Chi,
Chang & Ting, 2005). The accident investigation is aimed at the determining of all root causes of accidents and
suggesting that measure should be taken to prevent future recurrence. Wu, Gibb and Li (2010) establish that
company that tract incident and near misses have improved safety performance, the research also discovered that
companies having a sufficient record of near misses have lower accident and injury rates. Thus, addressing the
causal factor would prevent the incident from happening again, hence it will strengthen the safety performance of
the company.

3.9. Safety Training and Enlightenment

Choudhry and Fang (2008) established that construction workers that received formal safety training and
orientation record lower injury rates compared to workers that received informal orientation. OSHA (2015),
indicates that part of the features of a safer firm are providing workers on the project site with training and
orientation before commencing work. The International Labour Organization - ILO (1995) also promoted safety
and health on construction with emphasis on training by adopting the 1988 Safety and Health in Construction
Convention (No. 167), and Recommendation (No. 175). Tackett, Goodrum and Maloney (2006) shows that
significant safety enhancement can be achieved by application of construction site safety training on all projects,
formalized supervisor training, hiring a full-time corporate training director, computerized tracking of worker
training and increased evaluation of workers’ skills and knowledge upon hiring. Nevertheless, the majority of the
study indicate safety orientation and training have to be considered as a prerequisite before engaging constructors
on a project. Safety passport training’s modules should be introduced at every construction site.

4. Results and Findings

4.1. Assessment of the KPI Questionnaire Survey
The respondents’ assessments of the questionnaire survey were analysed based on the Relative Importance Index
(RII) calculated according to the following equation (Dominowski, 1980; Hassanain, Sanni-Anibire, Mahmoud &
Hamida, 2019):


Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

Where ai is the constant representing the weight assigned to i; and x i is the variable representing the frequency
assigned to i. The response for i is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and is illustrated as follows:
• x0 = frequency of “Extremely Important” response corresponding to a0 = 5.
• x1 = frequency of “Very Important” response corresponding to a1 = 4.
• x2 = frequency of “Important” response corresponding to a2 = 3.
• x3= frequency of “Somewhat Important” response corresponding to a3 = 2.
• x4 = frequency of “Not Important” response corresponding to a4 = 1.
For the quantification of the level of importance for each of the KPIs, the following range was adopted:
• An RII value within (0 ≥ 12.5%) implies that, the respondents categorized the KPI as “not important”.
• An RII value within (12.5 ≥ 37.5%) implies that, the respondents categorized the KPI as “somewhat
• An RII value within (37.5 ≥ 62.5%) implies that, the respondents categorized the KPI as “important”.
• An RII value within (62.5 ≥ 87.5%) implies that, the respondents categorized the KPI as “very important”.
• An RII value within (87.5 ≥ 100%) implies that, the respondents categorized the KPI as “extremely
Tables 1-9 is an illustration of the various KPIs in 9 categories, with their corresponding agreement levels, as well as
their RII values, mean value and levels of importance. Also referred findings from similar authors that were

4.2. Planning, Design and Procurement

Results in Table 2, which shares similar findings with other researchers, indicate that respondents unanimously
agreed on the inclusion of 24 KPIs in the Planning, design phase and procurement. except in 7 places where about
22 respondents differed in opinion. Also, 16 KPIs in this group (preconstruction) were ranked “extremely
important” with RII values above 87.5%. These include: Safety related issues considered in the feasibility study (RII
of 96%), communicating a safety requirement to the designer (RII of 98%), and Safety performance set as part of
contractor selection criterion (RII of 96%). Contractor accident and injury rates (RII of 100%), availability of
insurance policy (RII of 100%), safety requirements are outlined in the contract document for preselected
contractors (RII of 100%), available plan for report of injury and incidents on site by the contractor (RII of 100%)
were among the KPIs ranked with RII values at 100%. Availability of plan on accidents mitigation to be submitted
by the contractor (RII of 98%), meeting up the benchmark for “extremely important” KPIs. Although 3 KPIs were
rated “important” in this category.

S/No Performance Indicators Agree Disagree Importance Rating Level of Ref.

Importance (Similar findings
RII Mean StDev.
by other authors)
100% value
Design Firm Engagement
Safety related issues (Bello, 2012; Luo
considered in the feasibility & Van Den Brand,
1 11 96.36 4.72 0.47 EI
study during the design 2016; van der
conceptualization phase Molen et al., 2018)
Responsiveness of design (Umeokafor 2017;
firms towards safety to Weidman,
2 3 8 80.00 3.91 0.70 VI
forms the bases for their Dickerson &
selection Koebel, 2015)

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

S/No Performance Indicators Agree Disagree Importance Rating Level of Ref.

Importance (Similar findings
RII Mean StDev.
by other authors)
100% value
Construction safety
(Gambatese et al.,
3 constructability considered 11 94.55 4.64 0.67 EI
by designers
Engaging safety (Weinstein,
4 professionals to review the 11 92.73 4.55 0.69 EI Gambatese, Asce
design. & Hecker, 2005)
Design decisions that
(Gambatese et al.,
5 impact safety on 11 81.82 4.45 0.52 VI
construction worker
Communicating safety (Saifullah & Ismail,
6 11 98.18 4.82 0.40 EI
requirement to designer. 2012)
Building developers safety
professionals are engaged (Gambatese, Asce,
in reviewing the design Toole, Asce,
7 11 92.73 4.64 0.50 EI
along with the designers to Abowitz, Asce et
ensure safety during the al., 2017)
construction phase.
Contractor Selection
Safety performance sets as (Construction
8 part of contractor selection 11 96.36 4.72 0.47 EI Industry Institute -
criterion CII, 2015)
Safety forms a criterion for
9 9 2 89.09 4.18 0.75 EI Industry Institute
prequalifying contractors
CII, 2015)
Contractor accident and (Xinyu & Hinze,
10 11 94.55 4,73 0.46 EI
injury rates. 2006)
Considering safety awards
11 8 3 56.36 2.82 1.08 I
received by the contractor.
Safety programs applicable
12 to the services to be 10 1 72.73 3.55 0.52 VI
performed (Hinze 2002;
Contractor designated Dodo, 2012)
13 8 4 60.00 3.00 0.45 I
safety supervisor
Availability of contractor
14 safety 9 2 60.00 3.00 0.77 I
Established accident
(Umeokafor, et al.,
15 reporting and mitigating 11 96.36 4.82 0.40 EI
2014 )
Availability of insurance
16 11 100 5.00 0.00 EI (Odeyinka, 2000)
Contractual Arrangement
Contractor to comply with
(Ayob, Shaari, Zaki
17 all applicable safety rules & 9 2 70.00 3.50 0.82 VI
& Munaaim, 2018)

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

S/No Performance Indicators Agree Disagree Importance Rating Level of Ref.

Importance (Similar findings
RII Mean StDev.
by other authors)
100% value
Safety requirements are
outlined in the contract (Wu, Wang, Zou &
18 11 100 4.73 0.46 EI
document for preselected Fang, 2016)
Written safety program to (Mustapha,
19 be submitted before work 11 98.18 4.55 0.52 EI Aigbavboa &
commences Thwala, 2017)
Availability of plan on
accidents mitigation to be
20 11 98.18 4.55 0.69 EI
submitted by the
contractor (Asanka &
Ranasinghe, 2016;
Available plan for report of
Hallowell &
21 injury and incidents on site 11 96.36 4.64 0.50 EI
Gambatese, 2009)
by the contractor
Contractor to establish the
22 11 83.64 4.18 0.60 VI
applicable site safety plan
Preconstruction meeting
with the contractors on
(Hare, Cameron &
23 safety matters prior to the 11 90.91 3.91 0.70 EI
Duff, 2006)
commencement of
Involvement of the
building developer at all
24 11 93.33 4.64 0.50 EI (Fang & Wu, 2013)
project phases with regard
to safety.
Table 2. Key Performance Indicators for Planning, design and procurement

4.3. Communication on & Maintenance of Effective Safety Behaviour

As shown in Table 3 respondents unanimously agreed with the inclusion of the KPIs in this group except in two
KPIs where one or two respondents differed. Meanwhile, respondents ranked all the KPIs “extremely important”
except in 6 places, these include: contractor is provided with support for safety on site, defined responsibilities of
site safety personnel, all project participant/stakeholders are made to understand safety plan of the project clearly,
safety, commitment are communicated to contractors, health and safety implementation plan effectively
communicated to all are ranked with RII of 72%, 85%, 78%, 81%, 87% and 80% respectively which were
perceived by respondents to be “very important”. Table 3 also shares similar findings with other researchers.

S/No Performance Indicators Agree Disagree Importance Rating Level of Ref.

Importance (Similar findings
RII Mean StDev.
by other authors)
100% value
Maintenance of Effective Safety Behaviour
Prioritizing safety in the (Choe & Leite,
1 11 98.18 4.91 0.30 EI
selection of contractors 2017)
Targets accident-free
2 11 96.36 4.81 0.40 EI (Hinze, 2000)
project completion
Set appropriate procedure (Charehzehi &
3 11 92.73 4.73 0.46 EI
for preventing accidents Ahankoob, 2012)

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

S/No Performance Indicators Agree Disagree Importance Rating Level of Ref.

Importance (Similar findings
RII Mean StDev.
by other authors)
100% value
Promotion of safety
performance forms the
4 11 100.00 5.00 0.00 EI (Fang & Wu, 2013)
basis for the engagement
of construction personnel
The contractor is provided
5 with support for safety on 10 1 72.00 3.45 0.82 VI
Organization -
ILO, 1995)
The contractor bears (Manu, Ankrah,
6 responsibility for the safety 11 100.00 5.00 0.00 EI Proverbs & Suresh,
of his workers 2013)
The contractor is provided
7 with a safety manual which 11 98.18 4.91 0.30 EI
must be complied with
A minimum of one safety
8 personnel is appointed to a 11 92.73 4.64 0.67 EI
project (Dodo, 2012)
Established unit to check
9 the safety performance of 11 89.09 4.45 0.52 EI
Defined responsibilities of
10 11 85.45 4.27 0.64 VI
site safety personnel
Communication of Effective Safety Behaviour
All project
11 are made to understand the 11 78.18 3.91 0.53 VI
safety plan of the project
Safety commitment is
12 communicated to 9 2 81.82 4.09 0.53 VI
Communicate practically
anticipated hazards
13 11 98.18 4.90 0.30 EI
associated with the nature
of the work (Choudhry, Fang,
& Rowlinson,
Health and safety
2008; Ulang, 2005).
implementation plan
effectively communicated
14 to all contractor and 11 87.27 4.36 0.50 VI
subcontractor workers
within their respective
Lessons learned from
accidents are
communicated to workers
15 11 94.55 4.73 0.64 EI
with a view to enhancing
positive safety

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

S/No Performance Indicators Agree Disagree Importance Rating Level of Ref.

Importance (Similar findings
RII Mean StDev.
by other authors)
100% value
procedures for safety are
16 11 80.00 4.00 0.44 VI (Ulang, 2005)
established by the safety
Table 3. Key Performance Indicators for the communication & maintenance of effective safety behaviour

4.4. Construction Safety Policy

As indicated in Table 4, respondents agreed to all KPIs in this category except for 5 KPIs of which 2 KPIs has 16
respondents disagreed with the inclusion of these KPIs. Meanwhile, all the respondents ranked all the KPIs
between “very important” and “extremely important” excluding 2 KPIs which were perceived as “important”,
including: “SMS implementation” (RII of 58%), “Inclusion of safety basis like training on safety or experience
among the criteria of recruiting workers” (RII of 51%). This might be connected to the lack of formal safety
regulation in the industry that stakeholders consider the KPIs less important. Table 4 also shows similar findings
from other researchers.

S/No Performance Indicators Agree Disagree Importance Rating Level of Ref.

Importance (Similar findings
RII Mean StDev.
by other authors)
100% value
Construction Safety Policy
Implementation of
1 available safety rules and 7 4 69.09 3.45 0.82 VI
Understanding of Aigbavboa &
2 company sets down rules 11 92.73 4.64 0.50 EI Thwala, 2017)
and regulations
3 SMS implementation 3 8 58.18 2.91 0.83 I
Understanding of Factories
4 Act and other applicable 11 81.82 4.09 0.30 VI (Ezenwa, 2001)
Understanding of permit-
5 11 96.36 4.82 0.40 EI
to-work system
(Helix ESG, 2003)
Application of the permit-
6 11 80.00 4.00 0.44 VI
to-work system
Availability and accessibility
7 of relevant insurance 11 98.18 4.91 0.30 EI (Odeyinka, 2000)
Inclusion of
(Diugwu & Baba,
8 subcontractors in the safety 11 100 5.00 0.00 EI
9 Specified the roles and 11 96.36 4.82 0.40 EI (Boyd, 2014;
responsibility of the Choudhry et al.,
management team in the 2008)
improvement of health and

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

S/No Performance Indicators Agree Disagree Importance Rating Level of Ref.

Importance (Similar findings
RII Mean StDev.
by other authors)
100% value
Inclusion of safety basis
like training on safety or
10 experience among the 3 8 50.91 2.63 0.81 I
criteria of recruiting
Documented program for
11 11 83.64 4.18 0.60 VI
safety procedures
Inclusion of safety issues
among the criteria for
12 11 96.36 4.82 0.40 EI
engaging supervisory and
management personnel
Properly planned
procedure for the review (Vitharana & De
13 of policy on health and 11 80.00 4.00 0.45 VI Silva, De Silva,
safety at least once 2015)
The policy sets achievable
goals in terms of health
14 and safety performance, 9 2 92.73 4.64 0.67 EI (Hare et al., 2006)
which includes effort to
encourage improvement
Effective procedure for the
(Choudhry et al.,
15 implementation of safety 8 3 76.36 3.82 0.75 VI
Documented policy on
(Tam, Zeng &
16 personal protective 11 96.36 4.82 0.40 EI
Deng, 2004)
equipment (PPE)
Ensures that all
stakeholders on a project
(Hare & Cameron,
17 comply with all legislative 11 76.36 3.82 0.40 VI
requirements related to
health and safety
Establishing relevant
policies, standards and safe (Hare & Cameron,
18 11 100 5.00 0.00 EI
work practices necessary to 2012)
address worker safety
Table 4. Key Performance Indicators for construction safety policy

4.5. Construction Safety Workers

Two or three respondents in this category disagreed with 3 out of the 9 KPIs as shown in Table 5. However, all the
KPIs in this category was ranked between “very important” and “extremely important” with factors such as
“demonstration of safety culture by the management”, “availability of health and safety training”, “language and
communication challenges by workers are adequately resolved before work started” having an RII value of 100%.
Also, similar findings by other authors is shown in Table 5.

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

S/No Performance Indicators Agree Disagree Importance Rating Level of Ref.

Importance (Similar findings
RII Mean StDev.
by other authors)
100% value
Construction Workers Safety
Implementation of safe
working attitude and
1 8 3 76.36 3.82 0.40 VI (Teo & Lin, 2005)
behaviour of workers and
Demonstration of safety (Agwu & Olele,
2 11 100 5.00 0.00 EI
culture by the management 2014)
Availability of health and (van der Molen et
3 11 100 5.00 0.00 EI
safety training al., 2018)
(Williams, 2008;
Define the roles and
4 responsibilities of safety 9 2 67.27 3.36 0.80 VI
Adul-Hamid &
Misnan, 2018)
Workers understand the
5 goals and objectives of the 8 3 63.64 3.36 0.92 VI (Teo & Lin, 2005)
safety committee
Language and
communication challenges
(Cheng & Wu,
6 by workers are adequately 11 100 5.00 0.00 EI
resolved before work
Adaptation of the working
7 11 72.73 3.64 0.50 VI (Teo & Lin, 2005)
environment by workers
Cultural background of the
8 11 68.00 3.27 0.90 VI
workers are considered
(Chuks &
Consideration of Uchenna, 2012)
9 educational level of 11 94.55 5.00 0.00 EI
Table 5. Key Performance Indicators for Construction Safety Workers

4.6. Management Effort and Support

Results presented in Table 6 indicate that respondents were in complete agreement with all the 17 KPIs except in
two or three respondents differed in opinion on 9 KPIs. It is also acknowledged that 29 respondents disagreed with
the inclusion of 5 out of the 9 KPIs. These are: provision for review of injury reports by top management (RII of
58%), direct involvement of top management in the activities of safety committees (RII of 56%), accident cases
reported on a site influence the number of safety personnel deployed to the site (RII of 51%). Top management
directly takes part in the enforcement of safety on sites (RII of 36%), and corporate safety targets are set by the
management (RII of 56%). Moreover, all other KPIs are ranked between “very important” and extremely
important’ with RII values above 63%. Table 6 also shows similar findings by other authors.

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

S/No Performance Indicators Agree Disagree Importance Rating Level of Ref.

Importance (Similar findings
RII Mean StDev
by other authors)
100% value
Management Effort and Support
Management emphasis on
(Choudhry &
1 the establishment of safety 8 3 63.64 3.18 0.406 VI
Fang, 2008)
committees for all projects
Monitoring of contractor’s
performance in terms of
2 11 98.18 4.90 0.302 EI (Idoro, 2012)
safety on the construction
Safety makes a major
criterion for evaluating the (Choudhry &
3 9 2 76.36 3.81 0.603 VI
performance of a Fang, 2008)
Availability of proper
procedure for receiving and (Hinze, Asce,
4 reviewing feedback of 10 1 76.36 3.81 0.404 VI Hallowell, Asce &
workers on health and Baud, 2013)
safety related issues
Provision for review of
(Haslam et al.,
5 injury reports by top 5 6 58.18 2.90 0.700 I
Appropriate issuance of
(Delegach, Kark,
motivational directives by
6 11 100 5.00 0.00 EI Katz-Navon & van
the top management to
Dijk, 2017)
enhance safety
Involvement of top
management in the (Hu, Chan, Le,
7 establishment of reward 9 2 83.64 4.18 0.751 VI Jiang, Xie & Hon,
system to enhance adherence 2012)
to safety plan by all personnel
Direct involvement of top
(Choudhry &
8 management in the activities 2 9 56.36 2.63 0.809 I
Fang, 2008)
of safety committees
Obvious emphasis on the
(Alarcón et al.,
9 management on safe work 10 1 72.73 3.81 0.603 VI
above output
Accident cases reported on
a site influence the number (Fonseca, Lima &
10 8 3 50.91 2.54 0.934 I
of safety personnel Duarte, 2014)
deployed to the site
Top management directly
11 takes part in the enforcement 3 8 36.36 2.09 1.04 SI
of safety on sites.
Corporate safety targets are
12 8 3 56.36 2.81 0.404 I (Alarcón et al.,
set by the management
Availability of personnel
specifically responsible for
13 11 78.18 3.90 0.539 VI
handling and implementation
of safety policy

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

S/No Performance Indicators Agree Disagree Importance Rating Level of Ref.

Importance (Similar findings
RII Mean StDev
by other authors)
100% value
Emphasis on open
discussion between (Choudhry &
14 11 83.64 4.81 0.404 VI
workers and supervisors on Fang, 2008)
safety related matters
Encourages involvement
15 of workers on decisions 11 98.18 4.90 0.301 EI
that affect safety on site
Involvement of workers in (Park & Kim,
16 preparation of safety 11 100 5.00 0.00 EI 2013; Choudhry &
programs for the site Fang, 2008)
Subcontractors are
17 involved in all aspects of 11 94.55 4.72 0.467 EI
site safety issues
Table 6. Key Performance Indicators for Management Effort and Support

4.7. Safety Training and Orientation

Respondents unanimously agreed with the inclusion of the KPIs in this group except in six KPIs where one or two
respondents differed or disagreed. Perceived levels of importance are “very important”, as shown in Table 7 that
shares similar findings with other researchers. 5 KPIs is rated as “extremely important” with RII values between
96%-100%, indicating appreciation for inclusion of the KPIs. However, the KPI that is rated the lowest in this
category is “a training meeting for all supervisors is required by the safety program” with RII of 70.91% which
shows disagreement with the KPIs.

S/No Performance Indicators Agree Disagree Importance Rating Level of Ref.

Importance (Similar findings
RII Mean StDev.
by other authors)
100% value
Safety Training and Orientation
Workers to undergo
orientation on safety (Choudhry &
1 11 98.18 5.00 0.00 EI
before work commences Fang, 2008)
on site
Supervisors are trained and
(Sacks, Perlman &
2 oriented to health and 9 2 76.36 3.27 0.78 VI
Barak, 2013)
Safety program covers the
3 training of workers on the 10 1 74.55 3.73 0.46 VI
Provision is made in the (Tackett et al.,
4 budget for safety 11 98.18 4.91 0.30 EI 2006)
The management staff is
5 11 96.36 4.82 0.40 EI
trained on health and safety
Discussion of safety on
site activities and possible
6 11 98.18 4.91 0.30 EI (Elliott, 2016)
incidents is required by the
safety program

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

S/No Performance Indicators Agree Disagree Importance Rating Level of Ref.

Importance (Similar findings
RII Mean StDev.
by other authors)
100% value
Conduct safety orientation
for all site visitors is
7 9 2 78.18 3.00 0.63 VI
required by the safety
New skills are checked to
8 monitor impact of training 10 1 83.64 4.18 0.05 VI
on health and safety
The safety plan arranges
9 for formal orientation of 11 83.64 5.00 0.00 VI
subcontractors (Sacks et al., 2013;
Define level of safety and OSHA, 2015)
10 awareness required of all 10 1 75.00 4.18 0.40 VI
Safety program requires a
safety orientation plan for
11 9 2 72.00 3.60 0.80 VI
all new individuals to the
A training meeting for all
12 supervisors is required by 11 70.91 3.54 0.52 VI
the safety program
A well-written policy for
13 health and safety training in 11 100.00 5.00 0.00 EI
the safety program
Safety program inspires
14 active participation of 11 78.18 4.90 0.30 VI
workers in training sessions (Sacks et al., 2013;
Safety program requires OSHA, 2015)
15 training certifications for 11 74.55 3.81 0.40 VI
operation of equipment.
Training is provided to
16 workers at a minimum for 11 78.18 3.91 0.53 VI
new site work
Table 7. Key Performance Indicators for Safety Training and Orientation

4.8. Administration of Safety and Processes

A total of 18 KPIs has been represented in this category as shown in Table 8. All respondents unanimously agreed
on the inclusion of the KPIs except 2 with 11 respondents disagreed. Furthermore, about 16 KPIs are perceived as
“very important” while 1 KPI is perceived as “extremely important” which represent the highest level of
importance in this category “workers’ commitment to safe work practice are rewarded” with an RII value of 100%.
The KPI with the lowest perceived rating is “safety program requires emergency response drills” which has an RII
value of 45.45%, which indicate a lack of significant value for response drills in eliminating accident on the site,
also 9 respondents disagreed with this KPI. Similarly, other researchers share similar findings as shown in Table 8.

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

S/No Performance Indicators Agree Disagree Importance Rating Level of Ref.

Importance (Similar findings
RII Mean StDev.
by other authors)
100% value
Administration of Safety and Processes
Established procedure to (Arezes &
1 11 76.36 4.90 0.30 VI
measure safety achievements Sérgio-Miguel, 2003)
Investigate non-compliance
2 for proper use of personal 11 82.27 4.36 0.67 VI (Chi, et al., 2005)
protective equipment (PPE)
Workers commitment to (Zahoor, Chan,
3 safe work practice are 11 100 5.00 0.00 EI Utama, Gao &
rewarded Zafar, 2017)
Rules of work are routinely (Hale & Borys,
4 11 81.82 4.09 0.53 VI
reviewed 2013)
Provision for the
monitoring of safety
5 11 83.64 4.18 0.60 VI
inspection to understand
its impact and coverage
Proper planning towards
6 retrieval and analysis of 11 81.82 4.00 0.89 VI (Saurin, 2016)
safety inspection reports
Proper planning to ensure
actions are taken based on
7 9 2 74.55 3.72 0.78 VI
the analysed reports of
Safety site layout is made
8 before the commencement 11 78.18 3,81 0.60 VI
of the project (Huang & Wong,
Safety issues are discussed 2015)
9 at preconstruction and 11 85.45 4.27 0.46 VI
progress meetings
Procedures for identifying
safety risk and its (Arezes &
10 management are 11 80.00 4.00 0.63 VI Sérgio-Miguel,
established in the safety 2003)
Safety program requires
11 2 9 45.45 2.27 0.90 I
emergency response drills
Provision is made for (Hallowell &
safety bulletin boards Gambatese, 2009)
12 11 78.18 3.91 0.30 VI
accessible to workers
during working hours
Maintenance of a site (Hallowell &
accident record book to Gambatese, 2009)
13 document accidents, 11 94.55 5.00 0.00 VI
impact and preventive
safety measures.
14 Posters and signs for site 11 80.00 4.00 0.44 VI
safety are obviously
displayed on the project

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

S/No Performance Indicators Agree Disagree Importance Rating Level of Ref.

Importance (Similar findings
RII Mean StDev.
by other authors)
100% value
Safe operational
procedures for all
15 contractors and 11 81.82 4.09 0.30 VI
subcontractor are
Procedures for checking
the appropriate utilization
16 of PPE as well as 11 83.64 4.18 0.40 VI
inspection and training are (Haslam et al.,
established. 2005)
17 11 83.64 4.18 0.40 VI
PPEs on project sites.
Adequate provision of (Findley, Smith,
18 First Aid and CPR facilities 11 80.00 4.00 0.63 VI Kress, Petty &
on project sites Enoch, 2004)
Table 8. Key Performance Indicators for Administration of Safety and Processes

4.9. Investigation and Reporting of Accident

All participants unanimously agreed the inclusions to all KPIs in this group and the perceived level of importance
to be “very important”, as shown in Table 9, except one KPI “near misses are reported in the incident logs” which
is perceived to be “extremely important”. The KPI with the lowest RII was “utilization of safety reports for the
improvement of safety performance” (RII of 69.09%) which shows respondents perceived level of importance in
reducing accidents on sites. Also, Table 9 shows similar research outcome by other authors.

S/No Performance Indicators Agree Disagree Importance Rating Level of Ref.

Importance (Similar findings
RII Mean StDev.
by other authors)
100% value
Investigation and Reporting of accident
Utilization of safety
1 reports for improvement 11 69.09 3.45 0.69 VI (Wu et al., 2016)
of safety performance
Near misses are
2 investigated to prevent 11 80.00 4.18 0.98 VI
future site incidents
(Asanka &
Near misses are reported in Ranasinghe, 2016;
3 11 100 5.00 0.00 EI
the incident logs Umeokafor et al.,
2014 )
Appropriate procedures to
4 prevent recurrence of 11 80.00 4.00 1.09 VI
Record keeping of accident
5 and incident logs have ease 11 78.18 3.91 0.94 VI
of access (Hallowell &
Gambatese, 2009;
Keep a record of accidents Kartam, Flood &
and incidents of the Koushki, 2000)
6 11 74.55 3.73 0.46 VI
contractors and

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

S/No Performance Indicators Agree Disagree Importance Rating Level of Ref.

Importance (Similar findings
RII Mean StDev.
by other authors)
100% value
Review and audit safety
7 procedures used by the 11 81.82 4.36 0.67 VI
contractor (Khosravi et al.,
Occasionally audits 2014)
8 contractor safety 11 80.00 4.00 0.44 VI
procedures and operations.
Table 9. Key Performance Indicators for Investigation and Reporting of accident

4.10. Rewards and Sanctions for Project Stakeholders

Results in Table 10 indicate that respondents agree to the inclusion of all the KPIs except two or three respondents
that disagreed. However, the KPI “appropriate penalty in the form of reporting to relevant law enforcement
authorities” and “provision of penalty in the form of rank demotion” had almost all the respondents disagreed,
which were perceived as “somewhat important” (with RII values 53.33% and 32.73% respectively) this clearly
indicate the non-inclusion of the KPIs in reducing construction accidents. Furthermore, two of the KPIs were
perceived as “extremely important’ “provision of rewards for good safety performance” with RII of 96.36% and
“availability of reward in the form of certificate of corporate recognition” with RII of 98.18%. Table 10 also
shows similar findings by other researchers.

S/No Performance Indicators Agree Disagree Importance Rating Level of Ref.

Importance (Similar findings
RII Mean StDev.
by other authors)
100% value
Rewards and Sanctions for Project Stakeholders
Penalties are spelt out for
(Teo, Ling & Ong,
1 dissatisfactory safety 8 3 70.91 3.64 0.92 VI
Provision of rewards for (Alarcón et al.,
2 11 96.36 4.81 0.40 EI
good safety performance 2016; Arditi,
Provision of sanctions and Yasamis &
3 8 3 74.55 3.73 1.10 VI Member, 1998;
Ashworth, 2013;
Provision of penalty in Choi & Kwak,
4 10 1 76.36 3.62 0.92 VI
form of work stoppage 2012; Hu et al.,
Provision of reward in 2012; Rose &
5 8 3 70.91 3.55 0.82 VI Manley, 2011)
form monetary bonus
Availability of reward in
6 form of certificate of 11 98.18 4.91 0.30 EI
corporate recognition
Provision of reward in the
7 11 80.00 4.00 0.44 VI
form of rank elevation
The appropriate penalty in
the form of reporting to
8 2 9 53.33 3.00 0.89 SI
relevant law enforcement
9 Provision of penalty in 3 8 32.73 1.64 0.92 SI
form of rank demotion

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

S/No Performance Indicators Agree Disagree Importance Rating Level of Ref.

Importance (Similar findings
RII Mean StDev.
by other authors)
100% value
Established penalty in
10 form of disengagement 9 2 69.09 3.45 0.68 VI
from work
Availability of monetary
11 11 81.82 4.09 0.70 VI
fines and penalty
Table 10. Key Performance Indicators for Rewards and Sanctions for project stakeholders

5. Discussions and Conclusions

Key performance indicators refer to a tool used to assess the efficiency of construction facilities. Such KPIs differ
in relation to the reason of the assessment and typology of facility being examined. Kylili, Fokaides and
López-Jiménez (2016) among other researchers also identified their effectiveness in the assessment of building
construction performance. Despite existing research in the area of construction safety, there is no established KPIs
that could be used to reliably assess or promote building developer safety performance.
This study, established 137 KPIs that can be deployed for promoting or assessing building developer’s safety
performance in the construction industry in Nigeria. In-depth review of the literature supported by evaluation
from 11 subject matter experts and professionals that validated and ensure clarity and inclusion. The KPIs were
further categorized into 9 categories that include: Planning, design and procurement. Construction safety policy,
construction safety personnel, communication & maintenance of effective safety behavior, management effort and
support, safety training and orientation, administration of safety processes, accident reporting and investigation,
rewards and sanctions for project stakeholders. The categorization was used as a basis of presenting the KPIs to
show the response of survey conducted on 11 respondents. The survey required the respondents to either
agree/disagree with statements and rank the KPIs by their perceived relevance.
Results from the focus group discussion revealed that the respondents consider all the KPIs important, even as
some of the KPIs are rated less important, compared to the ones perceived to be “extremely important”. Thus,
factors such as “Near misses are reported in the incident logs”, “Availability of reward in form of certificate of
corporate recognition” “Involvement of the building developer at all project phases” with RII value of 100%, 98%,
and 93% respectively to be extremely important. Also, “language and communication challenges by workers are
adequately resolved before work start” with an RII value of 100%, “establishing relevant policies, standards and
safe work practices necessary to address worker safety” with an RII value of 100% are among the KPIs considered
extremely important. Some KPIs is perceived to be “important” by the respondents include: “SMS
implementation”, “accident cases reported on a site influence the number of safety personnel deployed to the site”
(RII of 51%), “conduct safety orientation for all site visitors is required by the safety program”, (RII of 51%).
Moreover, “safety program requires emergency response drills” (RII of 45%), is among the KPIs considered
“important”. Also, other KPIs perceived to be as “somewhat not important” such as “top management directly
takes part in the enforcement of safety on sites” RII of 35%, “appropriate penalty in the form of reporting to
relevant law enforcement authorities” RII of 53%.
The established KPIs therefore, presents a guideline to ensure safety performance of construction stakeholders in
the construction industry in Nigeria. The guideline would be of much use to building developers, research
institutions, Architects, Contractors and professionals involved in building construction in Nigeria. The study would
also encourage further research into the KPIs of other construction types. It is worthy of note that much care was
taken to establish all possible KPIs for building developer, however, citation of some relevant literature may have
been omitted, or some KPIs may still look uncaptured to the perception of the reader. Finally, implementation of
the established KPIs in the form of measurement tool on real-life case studies would be the target of future
research work to show the application of the KPIs in assessment of construction safety performance of building
developers in Nigeria.

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management – https://doi.org/10.3926/jiem.3099

Declaration of Conflicting Interests

The authors have declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or
publication of this article.

The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

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