D1.7 Hynds Wingwalls
D1.7 Hynds Wingwalls
D1.7 Hynds Wingwalls
Stormwater outfalls Designed to minimise mass and protect NZS 3101:2006, Concrete
against erosion Structures Standard
Erosion protection
Strategically placed lifting anchors make
installation safer and easier Quality
Split version for multiple barrel ISO 9001:2008 Quality
option available Management Standard
Extensive range of sizes available
■ Manufactured in 50 MPa concrete. ■ Wingwalls are fitted with strategically placed lifting
■ Standard and marine options for use in tidal zones anchors cast into the concrete, to allow for safe
available on request. off-loading, and easy economical installation by
the contractor.
■ Preformed hole/soft spot provided to accept the pipe end.
■ Wingwalls should be installed on compacted level hardfill
■ Design loading = 10kPa Live load Surcharge for standard
with a suitable trench cut to accept the wingwall toe.
-Wingwall units*
■ A preformed hole/softspot is provided in the headwall to
■ Backslope = Level
accept the pipe end.
■ Siesmic Allowance = No ■ The contractor finishes installation by filling the gap
■ Design Life: 100yrs** between the headwall and the pipe with epoxy mortar.
■ Exposure classification: Refer to Figure 2 and Table 2 for the product dimensions
D1.7 Hynds Wingwalls | DRAINAGE | PG 2
■ Standard Units: Internal B2, External A2-B2 (varies) and product range.
■ Marine Units: C
Scale: N.T.S.
C t
WW0300N** 100- Standard 390 1000 600 460 520 200 160 85 300 3x1.3 Soft spot
WW0300M 100- Marine 390 1000 600 460 520 200 160 85 300 3x1.3 Soft spot
WW0600** 300- Standard 790 2150 745 810 1000 250 390 85 875 3x1.3 Soft spot
WW0600TW 300- Standard 790 2150 745 810 1000 250 390 135 1265 3x1.3 Soft spot
WW0600TW.M.FA* 300- Marine 790 2150 745 810 1000 300 390 135 1265 3x1.3 Soft spot
WW0600.TYPE2** 300- Standard - 700 2295 735 805 805 255 315 80 787 3x1.3 Soft spot
600 SI Only
WW0750DBL 600- Standard 885 3085 1200 2385 1125 335 600 135 3320 4x2.5 Penetration
750 Double
WW0900DBL 825- Standard 1070 3579 1450 2750 1292 335 650 135 4432 4x2.5 Penetration
900 Double
WW1050 600- Standard 1225 3000 1000 1270 1675 345 600 100 2065 3x1.3 Soft spot
WW1050.M.DU* 600- Marine 1225 3000 1000 1270 1675 345 600 135 2850 3x2.5 Soft spot
D1.7 Hynds Wingwalls | DRAINAGE | PG 4
WW1050.SPLIT* 600- Standard - 1225 3000 1000 1270 1675 345 600 100 2065 3x1.3 Soft spot
1050 Split
WW1050DBL 975- Standard 1250 4848 1000 3118 1675 345 600 135 3927 4x2.5 Penetration
1050 Double
WW1350 1200- Standard 1380/1540 4100 2400 1600 1975 425 750 125 6340 3x5.0 Penetration -
1350 smallest "Ø A"
WW1350.M.DU 1200- Marine 1380/1540 4100 2400 1600 1975 425 750 135 6500 3x5.0 Penetration -
1350 smallest "Ø A"
WW1350.SPLIT 1200- Split 1380/1540 4100 2400 1600 1975 425 750 125 6340 4x2.5 Penetration -
1350 smallest "Ø A"
WW1800 1600- Standard 1727/1892/2040 4900 2400 2150 2265 450 750 150 8020 3x5.0 Penetration -
1800 smallest "Ø A"
WW1800.M.DU 1600- Marine 1727/1892/2040 4900 2400 2150 2265 450 750 150 8020 3x5.0 Penetration -
1800 smallest "Ø A"
WW1800.SPLIT 1600- Split 1727/1892/2040 4900 2400 2150 2265 450 750 150 8020 4x5.0 Penetration -
1800 smallest "Ø A"
The load group specifies the maximum lifting capacity or Working Load Limit (WLL) of the lifting clutch expressed in tonnes
Swiftlifts provided for installation purposes.
*5kPa for products with Nominated * on table 1
**50yrs products with Nominated ** on table 1
D1.7 Hynds Wingwalls | DRAINAGE | PG 5
Table 2 Wingwall Panels
WW2050L/ 2050 Standard Insitu 5169 3007 2980 2700 600 1000 150 2570 2x2HPAWF
WW2050R -2100 (Each)
WW2300L/ 2300 Standard Insitu 5419 3007 3230 3130 600 1000 175 3200 2x7HPAWF
WW2300R (Each)
WW2500L/ 2500 Standard Insitu 5639 3007 3450 3350 600 1000 175 3800 2x2HPAWF
WW2500R (Each)
The load group specifies the maximum lifting capacity or Working Load Limit (WLL) of the lifting clutch expressed in tonnes
Swiftlifts provided for installation purposes.
*5kPa for products with Nominated * on table 1
**50yrs products with Nominated ** on table 1
Lifting and Handling Multiple Barrels Installation for Product Code
All Hynds Wingwalls incorporate Swiftlift lifting anchors for
safe lifting and must be used with the correct lifting clutch. ■ Place the special split wingwall close to its final location.
Hynds Pipe Systems has designed and manufactured Hynds ■ Split the wingwall into two halves – cutting the concrete
Wingwalls with a minimum dynamic factor of 1.2. This using the pre-formed groove as a guide.
dynamic factor requires that all the following conditions are
■ Place each half on the outside of the outer barrels of the
observed when lifting, moving or placing the Wingwalls:
multi-barrel culvert (refer to Figure 3).
1. Lifting with mobile plant (such as an excavator or
■ Fit the reinforcement between the two precast halves
similar) where equipment is specifically exempt from the
(refer to Figure 4).
requirements of the PECPR Regulations 1999, subject to
the conditions outlined in the New Zealand Gazette, ■ Shutter and concrete the in-situ strip between the two
No. 104, September 2015 and precast halves.
2. Lifting, travelling and placing over rough or uneven ■ Remove shutters and clean up to complete the wingwall
ground where anchor failure is not anticipated to cause (refer to Figure 5).
harm or injury, by adopting procedures such as:
a. Transporting the element as close as practical to Multiple Barrels Installation for Product Codes
ground level (300mm recommended) WW1350.SPLIT and WW1800.SPLIT
b. Establishing and maintaining exclusion zones
■ Lift and place the special split wingwall with props (Figure
c. Transporting only precast concrete elements that are
2) close to its final location by using spreader beam and
unlikely to topple if they were to hit the ground
D1.7 Hynds Wingwalls | DRAINAGE | PG 6