Miss Laneous 28 Nov 2024 PDF
Miss Laneous 28 Nov 2024 PDF
Miss Laneous 28 Nov 2024 PDF
19. If '-' means '+' v means '-' '@' means '÷' ' 'means 'x' and S means '='
then what will be the value of ?
1. In a certain code REPORT is written as SDONQU how is PERSON 27 v 50 @ 25 4 - 3 S
written in that code? (1) 13 (2)22 (3) 11 (4) 16 (5) None of these
(1) QDQRNP (2) QDQRNM (3) ODQRNP (4) QFSTNO (5) None 20. If '+' means '÷,' '-' means '+' 'x' means '-' and '÷' means 'x' then -
2. If FULFNHW is code for CRICKET, then EULGH is the code for which 8÷6-3x4+2=?
word? (1) 51 (2)48 (3) 49 (4) 16 (5) None of these
(1) HOCKEY(2) PRIDE (3) BRIDE (4)BLIND (5) None 21. if '+' means 'X,' '-' means '÷,' 'x' means '-' and '÷' means '+' then
3. In a certain code language ^TRILOGY*is written as ^HQSMXFN*. 10+6-15x5÷5=?
How is ^CREDITS* written in that code ? (1)4 (2)8 (3)1 (4)16 (5)None of these
(1) DQBERSH (2) FSDCTUJ (3) DQBETUJ (4) FSDCRSH (5) None 22. If P means '÷' and R means 'x' .T means '+' and W means ‘-'
4. In a certain code language ^DOCUMENTS* is written as 60 T 48 P 8 W 6 R 9 = ?
1 1
^VDPENRSMD*. How is ^ADVERTISE* written in that code? (a) 12(b) 61
(c) − 40
(d) 24 (e)None of these
(1)FWEBSDRHS(2)FWENSSHRD(3)BEDFSDRHS(4)FWEBSFMLD 23. if '+' means 'x,' '-' means '÷' '÷' means '+' and 'x' means '-' then what is
5. In a certain code language TEACHER is written as ACEEHRT. How is the value of---
CHILDREN written in that code? 156-13x8÷5+6=?
(1) LIHCENRD (2)NERDLIHC(3) CHEHILNR(4) DEHILINR (5) None (1)34 (2)38 (3)31 (4)16 (5) None
6. If 257479156947 stands for CANONISATION, what word does 526947 24. How many digit will be unchanged if the number 7524693 is arranged in
stand for ? ascending order?
(1) CANNON (2)ACTION (3) SCONES (4) NATION (5) None (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (e) 3+
7. " GHIJ" is related to "OPQR" IN THE SAME WAY AS "ABCD" is 25. How many digit will be as far as from the starting as they are in the
related to ? number 52361984 if all the digit are arranged in the ascending order?
(1) JKLM(2)STUV (3) IJKL (4) ZABC (5) None of these (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (e) 3+
8. In a certain code CHOCOLATE is written as ETALOCOHC. How is 26. How many digit will be unchanged if the number 8359614 is arranged in
GENERATOR written in that code ? ascending order?
(1) ROTARGENE (2) ATORRGENE (3) ATORRENEG (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (e) 3+
(4) ROTARENEG (5) None of these 27. How many digit will be as far as from the starting as they are in the
9. In a certain code SOLDIER is written as JFSCRNK. How is number 5436182 if all the digit are arranged in the ascending order?
GENIOUSwritten in that code? (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (e) 3+
10. In a certain code ^STAGE* is written as ^4@©59* And ^EARN* is 28. What will come next in the series?
writtern as ^9©87* . How is ^NEST* written in that code? 2121321342134521345621345
(1)497@ (2)794@ (3)©79 (4)79@©(5) None (a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) 5 (e) None
29. What will come next in the series?
11. In a certain code 'GONE'is written as '5139'And 'NODAL is writtern as
'31268'. How is 'LODGE'written in that code? MLKJIHGFMLKJIHGMLKJIHMLKJI
(a) 81259(b) 84259 (c) 82459 (d) 82659 (e) None (1)K (2)N (3)H (4)M (5)None
12. In a certain code DOUBT is written as 53146 And TEAM is writtern as 30. What will come next in the series?
(1) 74659 (2) 73459V (3) 75439 (4) 74359 (5) None (1)U(2)A(3)B(4)Z(5)None
13. In a certain code^MODEL*is written as ^513#2* And^DEAR* is 31. What will come next in the series?
writtern as ^3#%8*. How is ^LOAD* written in that code ? HGFEDCBAHGFEDCBHGFEDCH
(1)21%3(2)23%1(3)25%1(4)21#3(5) None (1)F(2)G(3)B(4)A(5)None
14. How many pairs of letters are there in the following wordsWhich have as 32. Four of the following five are a like in a certain way and so form a group.
many letters between them as in the alphabet ? which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
1.MISFORTUNE (2) 2.DIVISION(2) 3.ELEVATION(4) (1)Utensil(2)Jug(3)Bucket(4)Plate(5)Pot
4.PROFITABLE(2) 5.CHAMBERS (2) 6.CULTURE(2) 7.START(2) 33. Four of the following five are a like in a certain way and so form a group.
8.ENGLISH(4) 9.TUITION(4) 10.PRACTICE(1) which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
15. How many meaningful word can be made in each given word using the (1)Copper(2)Mercury (3)Iron(4)Aluminum(5)Zinc
all the letters of the words? 34. In a telephone directory, which of the following names will appear in the
ESTR(1) ELRU(2) EOPR(2) LEAP(4) MEAL (3)AER(3) middle ?
ARTSE (2) (1) Randhir (2) Randesh (3) Rama (4) Raamedr(5) Renmurthi
16. If it is Possible to form a meaningful word from the second, the third, the 35. If Cushion is called Pillow, Pillow is called Mat, Mat is called
seventh, the eight and the tenth letters of the word 'ENCOUNTERS' Bedsheet, and Bedsheet is called Cover, which will be spread on the
which will be the middle of that word ? If more than one word can be floor ?
formed, mark (M) as your answer? (1) Cusion (2) Bed-sheet (3) Mat
(1) E (2) N (3) T (4) M (5) None of these (4) Pillow (5) None of these
17. If it is possible to form a meaningful word from the second, the fourth, the 36. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group.
seventh the eight and the tenth letters of the world 'PSEUDODIUM' Which is the one that does not belong to the group ?
which will be the middle letter of that word? If no word can be form make (1) Weaver tqykgk (2)Cotton :bZ (3) Thread /kkxk
(5) as your answer
(4) Cloths diM+k (5) Garments oL=
(1)P (2)S (3)U (4)O(5) None of these
37. Four of the following five are a like in a certain way and so form a group.
18. If it is possible to make a meaningful such letter word with the second
the third the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the eight, the tenth, and the which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
eleventh letters of the word "REQUISITION" then which of the following (1)482 (2)551(3)362 (4)484(5)188
will be the second last of that word? If more than one such words can be 38. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form group.
constructed, given 'M' as the answer and if no such words can be Which is the one that does not belong to that group ?
constracted give 'X' as the answer. (1)Discuss (2)Argue (3)Settle (4)debate(5)Deliberate
(1) S(2) O (3) X (4) M (5) None of these 39. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group.
Which is the one that does not belong to the group?
(1)Up (2)cover (3)On (4)Above (5)Over
40. If the first and second letters in the word "EXCELLENCE" are (1) Vehicle okgu (2) Liquid nzo (3) Fuel bZa/ku
interchanged, in the same way third and fourth letters, the fifth and the
(4) Car dkj (5) None of these bues ls dksbZ ugha
sixth letters and so on. Which letter would be 9th letter when counted
from the right ? 48. If the first and second letters of the word 'NOVEMBER' are
(1) E (2) L (3) N (4) C (5) X interchanged, similarly, if the third and the fourth, the fifth and the sixth
41. If the second half of the letters of the word 'TRANSPORTATIONAL' are and so on, Then which of the following would be the fourth letter to the
reversed and placed before first half of the letters, which letters will be left of R in the new arrangement.?
the third to the right of the thirteenth letter from right (1)E (2)M (3)V (4)B (5)None of these
(1)N (2)R (3)A (4)L (5) none of these 49. Shailendra was facing west, he turned to his right in 450and walked 15
42. If the letter in the word "IRRATIONAL" are arragned in the alphabetical meters then took a turn of 1800 and walked 40 meters, which direction
order, which pair of letters would be in the middle ? will be facing now from the original point ?
(1)RR (2)NO (3)LN (4)IL (5) None (1)North-East (2) South-East
43. Manoj, who is facing south travels 15 miles, then he turns to his left and (3)South-west (4) North-west (5)None of these
travels 7 miles, than facing west he travels 15 miles. How far is he forms 50. If 'A-B' means 'B is brother of A', 'A÷B' means 'B is wife of A',' 'A x B
his original position? means 'A is mother of B' Which is the following means 'p is mother-in-
(1)42miles (2)44miles (3)37miles (4)7miles (5) None saw of Q'?
44. ‘FI’ is related to ‘LO’ same as ‘PS’ IS related to…………… (1)P-N÷Q (2) M÷Q x N-P
(1)VY(2)VZ(3)WZ(4)UX(5) buesa ls dksbZ ugha (3)Q÷N x P (4) Q x M÷P (5) None of these
45. ‘JM’ is related to ‘PS’ same as ‘BE’ is related to……………
Anwer :
(1)HJ(2)HK (3)IL (4)JM (5)None
46. 'Washing' is rwlted to 'clothes' in the same way as 'Brooming' is
related to-
(1)Clearing (2) Detergent (3)Stick (4) Floor (5)Sweeping 53115 23452 141** 45223 11124 32142 21222
47. Iron is related to metal in the same way petrol is related to- ? 14521 33512 43125