PSC 3 Notes
PSC 3 Notes
PSC 3 Notes
Biblical accounts show the origin of the display of power and authority in the story of Adam and Eve in
the Garden of Eden
Aristotle, a Greek philosopher FATHER OF POLITICAL SCIENCE
was perceptive aphorism that “Man is by nature a political animal” (Aristotle; 1999).
He implies is that it is in the character of man that while he inevitably lives to associate with
others in the making of healthy society and civilization, there must be leadership, politics, social
organization, interest, conflict, and policies making that make up the entire complexity of social
He takes seriously the concept of analysis when he identified 114 constitutions of the city-
states of Athens to arrive at six forms of government- three good and perverted forms each
and one of the reasons why Aristotle was very much interested in the problems and methods of
inquiry through a profound form of reasoning
Politics- the study of government and political system
Miller (2002)
states that “politics is the process whereby a group of people, whose opinions or interests are
initially divergent.
German Otto von Bismarck in 1867
defined “politics as the art of the possible”, practical art of the possible.
Eason (1965)
describe politics science as the study of the authoritative allocation of values. Without
production there’s no allocation.
Pitkin (1981)
states that “politics is the activity through which relatively large and permanent groups of
people determine what they will collectively do.
(Hay: 2002: 3; Leftwich: 1984).
politics encompasses the entire sphere of collective social activity, formal (the legislative,
executive, and judicial functions) and informal (within the private realm.
Political analysis
the evaluation of the subject matter that political science studies
investigates into public life including power relations which are the subject matter of political
effect preoccupied with the inquiry or examination of the political processes, including the
praxis of politics.
explains how things are, why they are the way they are, and how they should be to help
explain the various types of political analysis.
important as an academic study because it enables students and teachers to become more
Two major types of political analysis
normative and empirical
Empirical- actual objective observation of phenomena.(description)
Normative- there is evaluation
Leftwich; 1984
political analysis can be said to mean the study of or investigation into how leaders and or
institutions competently and resourcefully plan, bargain, reform, etc. context and conduct towards
getting things done.
(Frederica; 1987).
political analysis is a process of disaggregation of political actors, the issues they create, and the
general policy ecology
Smith (2009)
Political analysis is an objective and close examination of the political dynamics of a situation or
Classical philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
provided the basis for today’s concept of analysis where a given text or concept is sufficiently
interrogated by question and answer sessions- in what initially came to be known as the Socratic
made effort to distinguish between what is theoretical and practical, abstract and concrete,
form and essence etc. towards a better understanding of political reality.
Political science
an academic study and an activity much as they have also understood the conceptual
simply the study of how the human community is governed using both normative and
scientific principles structurally concerned with the STATE e, government, and politics.
deals with the formulation of theory to explain political condition including making
predictions of political behavior and changes.
enriched by the variety of approaches that are adopted within the discipline’.
Academic Discipline
systematic formulation of theory to explain, describe, analyze and make predictions of political
phenomena at the local, state, national, and global levels.
The Sovereignty People- the fundamental principle of democracy.
Why the students need to know the relationship between political science and political analysis?
Examine the exploratory understanding in order to have a clear understanding of the concept
of political and analysis.
What is Political process and what constitute the praxis of politics?
* includes the need to know politics as scenery and as a course of action.
What is the purpose of analysis?
*To have a logical and abhorrent detailed comprehension, perceptible.
What is the goal of social media in politics?
*To influence public opinions
Why do we need to allocate to the preceding productions?
*When something is tangible exist that can be distributed even if the authority to do is there.
If man truly cannot disregard politics,
then he must know what he cannot do without it in a manner that helps to make things clear
towards problem-solving.
Political Research- develop theories that can describe, explain, analyze and predict political phenomena
Why the Study of Political Research?
The systematic study of politics involves the assembly of evidence and subjecting it to various
forms of tests of its reliability and validity.
enables us to know whether the research is replicable and whether it offers a means of
studying the theories and concepts being analyzed.
Research “a systematic inquiry whose objective is to provide information to solve problems and meet
the challenges of a fast-paced decision-making environment” (Eneanya, 2012:11).
systematic process of collecting and analyzing information to establish facts about a social
According to Pierce (2009:3), its core activities are:
1. goal orientated and purposeful
2. inquisitive- searching for answers to specific questions-especially “why?” and “how?”
3. Careful, systematic and methodical
4. Original
Two main types of research but may not necessarily be the classification of research.
1. Basic Research- fact -finding research that explores a situation of study
2. Applied Research- explains or exposes a situation in order to enable the researcher understand
it better.
Experimental research is rarely used in political science research. This is because of using laboratory-
type experimental and control groups.
Longitudinal research also called survey research enables researchers to monitor changes in behaviour
or opinion over time.
Comparative research is the approach most widely adopted by comparative politics, international
relations, public policy and developmental politics.
Action research essentially involves the researcher obtaining data through direct participation
Positivism is a research adopted from the natural science methods, such as “mathematics, physics,
chemistry. The knowledge develops by investigating the social reality through observing objective facts.
Types of Positivism:
1. logical empiricism- doctrine that the only source of real knowledge (facts)
2. Behaviouralism- associated with social and political scientist for the application of positivism.
Realism is a research philosophy sharing principles of positivism and interpretivism.
Political Parties in the Philippines are of diverse ideologies and are plentiful in number most of this
parties do not have actual grassroots membership among ordinary voters but rather that of political
figures and leaders.
Purpose of politics -
Politics plays a vital role in the functioning and development of a country. It is essential for a
nation to have politics to ensure smooth governance, maintain social order, and promote the welfare of
its citizens. The purpose of politics is to advance the common good, ensuring the well-being and
prosperity of citizens within a society. It involves the process of negotiation, debate, legislation, and
other political structures to procure safety, order, and general welfare within a state or nation.
Politics plays a vital role in the functioning and development of a country. It is essential for a
nation to have politics to ensure smooth governance, maintain social order, and promote the welfare of
its citizens. In a broader sense, politics is about developing the virtue of the citizens and making it
possible for them to live a life of virtue. The purpose of the city is to make it possible for the citizens to
achieve this virtue and happiness. Politics is also about creating and enforcing laws, ensuring that people
follow rules and respect each other's rights. It provides a platform for individuals to voice their concerns
and participate in the decision-making process, which helps in fostering a sense of unity and cohesion
among the population. In addition, politics enables citizens to hold their leaders accountable for their
actions and decisions, ensuring that the government is responsive to their needs and concerns.
Overall, the purpose of politics is to create a system of governance that promotes the well-being
of citizens, ensures social order, and fosters a sense of unity and cohesion within a society.
John Rawls: An American philosopher known for his theory of justice, which emphasizes fairness and
equality. His work, "A Theory of Justice," is a seminal text in modern political philosophy. His theory of
political liberalism explores the legitimate use of political power in a democracy, and envisions how civic
unity might endure despite the diversity of worldviews that free institutions allow
Democratic Socialism: A political ideology that combines democratic principles with socialist economic
policies, aiming to promote social welfare and equality.
Conception of Politics: Refers to the underlying understanding or philosophy of politics, which can vary
depending on the thinker or ideology. For example, Aristotle's conception of politics emphasizes the
development of virtue in citizens.
Suffrage: The right to vote, particularly in the context of women's suffrage, which was a major milestone
in the struggle for women's rights. The right to vote in political elections:
Aristotle: A Greek philosopher who wrote extensively on politics, ethics, and governance. His work,
"The Politics," is a foundational text in the field of political philosophy. Father of Political Science
Ideology: A set of beliefs and values that shape an individual's or group's political views and actions.
Liberalism: A political ideology that emphasizes individual freedom, equality, and the protection of
human rights. A political and moral philosophy based on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of
the governed, political equality, right to private property and equality
John Locke: An English philosopher, one of most influential of Enlightenment thinkers and known as
“Father of Liberalism” and who is known for his social contract theory, which posits that governments
derive their power from the consent of the governed.
Easton: David Easton, a Canadian political scientist who developed the systems theory of politics, which
views politics as a system of interactions and feedback loops. He describe politics science as the study
of the authoritative allocation of values