Unit 8 (Iim)
Unit 8 (Iim)
Unit 8 (Iim)
More is the discount the more they tend towards buying. These
customers are mostly related to small industries or the industries that focus
on low or marginal investments on products.
Focus on these types of customers is also important as they also promote
distinguished part of profit into business.
4. Need Based Customers- These customers are product specific and only
tend to buy items only to which they are habitual or have a specific need for
These are frequent customers but do not become a part of buying most of
the times so it is difficult to satisfy them.
These customers should be handled positively by showing them ways and
reasons to switch to other similar products and brands and initiating them to
buy these.
These customers could possibly be lost if not tackled efficiently with
positive interaction.
These customers are normally new in industry and most of the times visit
suppliers only for confirming their needs on products.
They investigate features of most prominent products in the market but do
not buy any of those or show least interest in buying.
To grab such customers they should be properly informed about the various
positive features of the products so that they develop a sense of interest.
Customer satisfaction
here are two important questions to ask when establishing customer satisfaction:
Organizations should not assume they know what the customer wants. Instead,
it is important to understand the voice of the customer, using tools such as
customer surveys, focus groups, and polling. Using these tools, organizations
can gain detailed insights as to what their customers want and better tailor their
services or products to meet or exceed customer expectations.
What is Marketing?
In this section, we’ll discuss the importance of marketing for businesses and the
Types of Marketing
The different types of marketing strategies that you should be aware of are:
1. B2B Marketing
3. C2B Marketing
4. C2C Marketing
Third, the marketing team struggles to sell as many products as possible. So,
the company can get maximum revenue. The marketing department is where the
money comes from. It’s not like other departments like operations, resources,
and finance, which are money-consuming and don’t make money.
Market share is basically about how the company maintains sales compared to
competitors. So the increase in market share indicates the company’s success in
selling more products than competitors. And suppose a company has a dominant
market share and maintains it. In that case, it should lead to more money
flowing into the company than competitors.
If at the same time, the company is efficient in making money, the company
generates strong profitability. This is because the company makes more money
by spending less.
Sixth, the marketing team identifies new opportunities to make money. For
example, they develop a new product after doing research. Or, they target new
market segments in existing markets because there are promising opportunities.
Or they plan to enter new markets at home or abroad. All of these contribute to
the company’s long-term growth.
Data Collection?
Data collection is the process of collecting, measuring, and analyzing data from
various sources to gain insights. Data can be collected through various sources,
such as social media monitoring, online tracking, surveys, feedback, etc.
The following are some of the ways data collection can be beneficial to
Now that we have discussed the question of what is data collection and its
importance, let’s take a look at the different methods in which this is done. Data
collection methods can be broadly classified into two types.
Primary data collection is the process of acquiring data directly from the source.
This data is highly accurate as it is collected first-hand. In addition, primary
data collection methods can be further categorized as quantitative and
1.2: Qualitative methods are used when the elements are not quantifiable. This
is contextual data that is used to identify the motivations of customers. Besides,
some popular quantitative data collection methods are interviews, the Delphi
technique, focus groups, questionnaires, and surveys.
Secondary data collection is the process of collecting data from various internal
and external data sources. In this case, the data is easily available for use and
can be less time-consuming. Moreover, some secondary data sources include
customer relationship management software, sales reports, financial statements,
press releases, the internet, business journals, and executive summaries.
customer complaint
customer complaint highlights a problem, whether that's a problem with your
product, employees or internal processes, and by hearing these problems
directly from your customers, you can investigate and improve to prevent
further complaints in the future.
When you receive a customer complaint, follow these tips to help transform it
into a golden opportunity for your business.
Pro tip: To maintain quality from all support personnel, use a customer service
knowledge base.
It's the only way an organization can understand exactly what’s wrong (and how
to fix it). When you receive a complaint, notify your manager to discuss what
happens next.
In some cases, it will be resolved quickly (i.e. wrong contact details need
updating) and in other cases (i.e. faulty product), it’s being shared with senior
management and will be addressed at a higher level. Either way, sharing this
information internally has a bigger impact.
3. Apologize
Don’t be afraid to apologize for a mistake. Many customers are simply looking
for an apology and acknowledgement of their complaint, yet so many
businesses are hesitant to admit when a mistake has been made.
In the findings from the study, 45% of customers withdrew their negative
evaluation of a company in light of an apology, whereas only 23% of
customers withdrew their negative evaluation in return for compensation.
The researchers concluded that when a customer hears the words “I’m sorry”, it
triggers an immediate instinct to forgive.
Don’t just stop at the apology, follow through with a promise to resolve the
4. Find a solution
When your customer has a legitimate complaint, you need to find the root cause
and solve it.
Give your customer service team the authority to handle the majority of
customer complaints to avoid passing your customer onto a series of people and
managers. If the issue has been or can be repeated, make the necessary changes
so you do not receive another complaint.
But, for some reason or another, you charge them twice for the same amount.
The result?
Giving your employees the authority to handle these kinds of issues means
allowing them to issue a refund and handle the request without having to
escalate the case to a supervisor. It also means that the customer gets their issue
solved quickly.
Free template: Once you have issued the refund, you can send them an email
using the template below.
5. Record their feedback
Your customer complaints could be a goldmine for finding exactly how your
company can improve.
Maybe there’s something wrong with your product when customers use their
mobile device, or there could be something missing from customer service
In order to understand what you need to improve on, start documenting the
comments and complaints to find patterns and trends that are recurring.
Whatever it is, document it for later and make time to inspect and reflect.
(One way to document their feedback is in the contact card in your CRM. You
can then export a list of complaints on a monthly basis to review and share
Easy. Follow up with your customers to make sure they are satisfied with the
solution. This can be in the form of a follow up email or survey asking for
feedback on how the complaint was handled.
Almost 70% of customers leave a company because they believe you don’t care
about them.
Very few companies follow up with their customers.
Following up shows you care. And this makes the customer feel important.
7. Exceed expectations
You have acknowledged the mistake, fixed the problem and followed up.
Now, it’s your chance to go one step further and exceed customer expectations,
whether this is to send a hand-written thank you note or to give the customer
early access to your new product features.
Remember that customers pay close attention to the small details when they’re
feeling distressed. The way you interact with customer complaints after their
problem is resolved sets the stage for the rest of your business relationship.
In fact, if your post-complaint actions are done successfully, the next time your
customer talks about your business, this will be the message they communicate
For example, the Administration of Financial Services’ top goals include timely
public grievance resolution and strengthening public service efficiency in the
banking, insurance, and pension sectors.
Public complaints are received at many levels of the Indian government. There
are essentially two designated nodal agencies in the central government for
grievance redressal mechanism. These organisations are:
It is the primary agency related to the public grievance resolution process and
citizen-centric initiatives. Its role is to take citizen-centric initiatives in the areas
requiring administration reforms. The department also delivers quality public
services to citizens hassle-free while addressing public issues.