Laq 5
Laq 5
Laq 5
Quesion Banh for CBMe
LNS ) Define RmP DiSCusS the Genesis of RmpCIxg)
BAS9Wite Abow Gibbs Donom &ouilibrium, NeYNSA
IpotenHal 0nd Gold mannsHódahins &quation
An Sectrical potential diffekenceEx0sHN aCYOSs Hte.
Cell menmbYahe in Lstng, gBa|e. is caled ReStinq
membrane Potential
| Membrone facloys
DSelechiue Peumeabilky of MembYom.
Cell membrane GSolekveu pemedble to
iOng and &olute paAicles
PULmeabilüs mainlus depends on molecular
ciht and Kydxatod. ddius of ion
Tongl&ubslances mw Hudraed Radua
3SS O12
Cat 40
Nat O18
membrane ts pYaCHCauimpMeable to
inbacellul.or protein and Ordanic phosphak
|) Gibbg Donan membroane Eailibrium
uhen tuo SalukOnG Contalntn ionG are.
Se,paYated by Semifpeameable. imembae
Lat'Eanilibrldm £ach BoluHon
coill be
&lectrico neur
foy a: Let theubeAwo Solakiong AandB COntaining.
Sociumand Chloride and Sep2xaied.
SemipMable membycne' then
|According to Gibbg DonanEquilibrium
roduckof dilngibleiong on Bohgides wllbeEgual
(Batioof oiffusible iong)
K ditSion0Quisidu :-94mu
diyusion to inSid
a cilUSion to ingid:
pump -Lmu
Boaic pYinciple.
Thig_poHenna an beCacuuated by plaug
mioeuctYadeS ane on guterside cd
LOmotheY ingidQ ho ceU and Conneckng
it to aa, Gengihe qaluanomeeY
" |Na-ounp plaus animportant chlein maunes
of Rmp by nainteaning 'he Ccncentvaron gyadiot