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CWQAT-2303 Final

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CWQAT-2303 (Numbers Workshop)

1. N = 6a57b98c5, is perfectly divisible by 1375. Find the E7→101,108,115,122,129,136…………………

number of possible triplets of (a, b, c)? E8→101,109,117,125,133,141…………………
A. 12 B. 18 C. 9 D. None of these How many students participated only in E1?
(A) 288 (B) 240
2. How many perfect squares of the form “abcd” exist such
that “dcba” is also a perfect square, distinct from “abcd”
(C) 192 (D) 144
and a multiple of “abcd”?
11. Let S= 1 + 11 + 111 + 1111 + 11111 + ………………….
A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1
+ 11111111…11 , where the last summand has 111
3. Three cyclists have been put on a training schedule, decimal digits each equal to 1. What is the sum of the digits
where each of them cycles from point A to point B at a of S?
different speed but return to point A at the same speed.
The take 15, 30 and 45 minutes to go from A to B while
each one takes 15 minutes to return to A. All the three 12. The product of all factors of 240 is P, Find the number
starts the training session at 4:00 AM and continue without of factors of P which are smaller than 2405
break until noon. How many times are all of them together
at point A or point B after they start?
13. If N is the greatest factor of 11! of the form (6K+1) then
how many natural numbers are smaller than N and coprime
4. What is the remainder when 1337 + 3713 is divided by to N?
A. 60 B. 80 C. 100 D. 120
A. 14 B. 38 C. 50 D. 2
14. Find the natural number which is least multiple of 23
5. With the digits 1 to 9 construct two numbers A and B with and whose sum of the digit is 23?
maximal product such that A < B. What is the value of A.

15. If 75! Is expressed in base 7, then how many zeroes

are there at the end of Base 7 conversion?
6. The number of natural numbers n such that (n+1)2/ (n+7)
is an integer is Directions for questions 16 and 17:

A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. None of these Set A is formed by selecting some of the numbers from the first
100 natural numbers such that the HCF of any two numbers
7. If 1640 is divided by ‘D’ the remainder is 40 then find the in the set is the same.
number of possible values of D ?
16. If every pair of numbers of set A has to be relatively prime
A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 13
and set A has the maximum number of elements possible,
8. How many three-digit natural numbers have their cubes then in how ways can the set A be selected?
ending with 24? (1) 64 (2) 96 (3) 72 (4) 106

A. 20 B. 18 C. 16 D. 22 17. If the HCF of any two numbers in set A is 3, what is the

maximum number of elements that set A can have?
9. Find the sum of the reciprocal of all the divisors of 240 (1) 10 (2) 12 (3) 11 (4) 14
which are not greater than 0.20
18. There are 10 natural numbers not necessarily distinct,
whose sum is 133. What is the minimum possible value of
LCM of these numbers?
10. In a college sports meet, there were 841 participants
numbered from 101 to 941 and there were eight events –
E1,E2,E3,E4,E5,E6,E7 and E8.The following is the list of the 19. Let U = 3333 … 33333333333333 X
participants who took part in each event. 3333 … 33333333333333

E3→101,104,107,110,113,116………………… where each factor consists of 33 digits each equal to 3.
E4→101,105,109,113,117,121………………… What is the sum of the digits of U?
20. A faulty car odometer proceeds from digit 3 to digit 5 A. 18 B. 19 C. 20 D. 21
and digit 7 to 9, always skipping the digit 4 and 8,
regardless of position. If the odometer now reads 005009, 23. If 753 is converted from base 10 to binary system of
how many miles has the car actually travelled? number find the last 3 digits of binary conversion?
A. 111 B. 101 C. 100 D. 011

21. A teacher ask Satyam to choose some of the positive 24. . How many numbers are factors of at least one of the
factors of 100310 such that no chosen factor divide another following numbers 1010, 157 , 1811
chosen factor. At most how many factors can he choose?

25. N is the least natural number greater than 25! such that
22. Find the number of trailing zeroes at the end of 73! + the number is perfectly divisible by 29. Which of the
74! + 75!. following represent the last two digits of N?
A. 03 B. 14 C. 87 D. 05

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