3d Agricultural Tools
3d Agricultural Tools
3d Agricultural Tools
Keywords: Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is an amazing innovation with a wide range of uses in
3D printing intelligent agriculture and food processing. Along with adjustable farming equipment and autonomous agri
Smart farming cultural instruments like drones and robots, it offers real-time data on plant health, nutrient levels, and soil state.
Food processing
3D printing has reinvented food processing by enabling personalized nutrition solutions, particularly in the field
Personalized nutrition
Sustainable agriculture
of medicinal nutrition. It also makes it possible to alter the textures and structures of food, creating novel sensory
experiences and better-quality goods. 3D printing contributes to sustainable food production by reducing food
waste (10–30 %) and using alternative protein sources. According to the study, AI and 3D-assisted IoT sensors
can help increase yield by 10 % to 15 % while significantly reducing crop deterioration. They can also help
reduce water usage by 20 % to 25 %, labor requirements by 20 % to 30 %, and overall power consumption by 20
%. However, high costs, complex technical and design knowledge, and limitations on production speed and scale
are obstacles to broader use. It’s also necessary to handle safety and regulatory concerns. 3D printing has a
promising future in various fields thanks to advancements in bioprinting, multifunctional materials, blockchain,
and artificial intelligence integration. These advancements could boost 3D printing’s potential and result in
higher output, more sustainable practices, and higher-quality products.
1. Introduction complex, personalized, and very precise components can now be pro
duced, and this has transformed a number of industries, including the
The crucial role of smart farming and intelligent food processing in aerospace, automotive, and healthcare sectors. The potential of 3D
tackling the worldwide problems of food security, sustainability, and printing has expanded into the food processing and agriculture sectors in
effectiveness cannot be emphasized. Smart farming maximizes crop recent years, offering to improve efficiency, sustainability, and product
yields, minimizes environmental effects, and makes use of innovative quality while addressing a number of issues these sectors encounter [3].
technologies like IoT, AI, and precision agriculture [1]. With the help of Fig. 1 showcases the integration of 3D printing, IoT, and AI technologies
this method, farmers can make data-driven decisions that lead to better in precision agriculture systems, highlighting the connections between
soil health, less pesticide application, and more effective water use. In a custom sensors, IoT networks, and AI-driven data analysis platforms.
similar vein, smart food processing uses state-of-the-art technologies to This paper offers an in-depth look at the most recent developments
enhance the nutritional content, safety, and quality of food items. The and uses of 3D printing technology in intelligent agriculture and food
food sector is undergoing a revolution because of innovations like processing. This review offers a thorough overview of the most recent
automation, 3D printing for individualized nutrition, and blockchain for advancements by looking at important topics such as customizable
traceability [2]. These developments meet changing customer needs for farming equipment, soil and crop monitoring devices, individualized
healthier, more sustainable food products in addition to streamlining nutrition, and sustainable food production. It also explores the techno
manufacturing operations and cutting waste. Smart farming and smart logical, legal, and safety issues surrounding 3D printing in these do
food processing work together to create a food system that is more mains and suggests future study avenues and possible breakthroughs
robust, sustainable, and able to feed the world’s expanding population. [4]. Previous studies have examined the use of 3D printing in agriculture
3D printing, is the process of layer by layer building three- and food processing. However, our research stands out because it
dimensional objects from digital models. Owing to this technology, combines this technology with modern AI and IoT systems. This
* Corresponding author at: Department of Agricultural Engineering, Triguna Sen School of Technology, Assam University, Silchar, Assam, India.
E-mail address: mrutyu@gmail.com (M. Padhiary).
Received 7 July 2024; Received in revised form 26 August 2024; Accepted 26 August 2024
Available online 28 August 2024
2772-3755/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
M. Padhiary et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 9 (2024) 100553
integration gives us the opportunity to develop tailored solutions that 2.2. Bibliometric analysis
greatly improve precision farming and personalized food production.
Our approach builds on previous approaches by enabling real-time A bibliometric analysis is performed using VOS viewer to investigate
modifications and precise calibration of equipment and processes, the patterns and relationships among terms in the literature survey. A
resulting in unparalleled levels of customization and efficiency. This keyword network map is created using the 218 most often appearing
integration not only improves farming and processing efficiency but also terms out of a total of 4865 keywords found in 1871 publications from
supports environmental objectives by minimizing waste and energy the Scopus database. The publications were searched using the key
usage. The paper introduces a novel framework that utilizes 3D printing words ’3D printing in farming’ and ’3D printing in food’. The diagram
to fabricate customized equipment and food structures, a field yet to depicts 14 clusters, illustrating the significant growth and focus on
receive extensive exploration in current research. research in the field of 3D printing technology within the smart farming
Conventional methods are about to undergo a radical change with and food processing business (Fig. 3). Nevertheless, the keyword ’food
the introduction of 3D printing into smart farming and food processing. quality’ exhibits weak associations with other keywords, which gives
The capacity to create specialized tools and equipment for smart farming rise to worries over the difficulties encountered in maintaining quality
can result in more accurate and efficient agricultural practices. In the control for 3D printing technology in the food processing business. This
food processing industry, 3D printing can provide novel, customized knowledge will play a crucial role in guiding future research efforts and
food items that improve sustainability and health outcomes [5]. For shaping regulatory decisions in the food industry. The main issues
researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, it is essential to compre encountered involve guaranteeing resilience in the face of fluctuating
hend the existing state of affairs and the promise that 3D printing holds conditions, including complex data sources to ensure precise decision-
in various domains. making, and surpassing legislative and operational limitations to ach
ieve successful practical application in the agricultural and food sectors.
2. Review of literature
2.3. Key research summary
2.1. Methodology
Customized farming tools and equipment can be produced through
A comprehensive and transparent review of the literature on the 3D printing technology, meeting certain agricultural requirements. Ac
utilization of 3D printing technology in smart farming and food pro cording to recent studies, 3D printing be used to create specialized tools
cessing was conducted using the systematic reviews and meta-analysis for planting and harvesting, irrigation system designs that are optimal,
(PRISMA) protocol. This systematic methodology identified prominent and parts for machines. Ashima et al. (2022) discussed the use of 3D
subjects and patterns in the literature, providing useful observations into printing to create customized parts for farming equipment that can be
contemporary research on 3D printed agricultural tools and personal easily changed and adapted to the unique needs of various crops and
ized equipment, as well as their application in the food processing farming environments [6]. Sophisticated soil and crop health moni
business. The study seeks to reduce bias and guarantee the dependability toring is necessary to maximize agricultural productivity. 3D-printed
and accuracy of the results by adhering to the PRISMA criteria. The sensors and monitoring equipment offer a flexible and affordable solu
Scopus database is chosen for its extensive coverage of peer-reviewed tion. Konfo et al. (2023) suggest that farmers make educated decisions
research articles and citations across a wide range of international on fertilization and irrigation by using real-time data on soil moisture
journals. An examination of the utilization of 3D printing in various and nutrient levels from 3D-printed soil sensors [7]. In the same direc
applications reveals a consistent rise in the number of published works tion, Ren et al. (2020) investigated the creation of 3D-printed tools for
from 2015 to 2024 (Fig. 2a). Notably, there has been significant research crop health monitoring, emphasizing how precise and continuous data
conducted on the subject of Agricultural and Biological Science, fol collection could improve precision agriculture [8]. The efficiency of
lowed by engineering and chemistry (Fig. 2b). The majority of research agricultural operations has been greatly improved with the introduction
is conducted at Jiangnan University, followed by The University of of autonomous systems and precision farming. 3D printing is essential to
Queensland (Fig. 2c) and China leads the related research followed by the advancement of these technologies because it enables rapid proto
USA (Fig. 2d). typing and iterative design changes. In particular, 3D-printed robots and
drones are being utilized to perform tasks like spraying, weeding, and
M. Padhiary et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 9 (2024) 100553
Fig. 2. Publication trend on 3D printing: (a) Publication numbers; (b) Fields of studies, (c) Major countries active in studies; (d) Major contributing universities to
research (Scopus database up to 3rd July 2024).
planting, which lowers labor costs and improves accuracy. The advan effectiveness and sustainability. This paper expands upon current un
tages of incorporating 3D-printed parts into autonomous agricultural derstanding by showcasing novel uses of 3D printing in producing highly
systems were highlighted in a study by Cheng et al. (2023) with a focus specialized agricultural machinery and customized food items. Addi
on increases in resource management and operational efficiency [9]. tionally, it presents a framework for further investigation and develop
One of the most exciting uses of 3D printing in the food processing ment in this field. This approach utilizes powerful AI-driven
industry is the development of customized nutrition plans. 3D printers customization and real-time IoT monitoring to address the changing
create food products that cater to a person’s dietary requirements and needs of modern agriculture and food production.
tastes by carefully regulating the ingredients and their proportions. There are a lot of chances for innovation and advancement when 3D
Being able to accommodate patients with certain dietary needs is printing technology is integrated into smart farming and food processing
especially helpful for medical nutrition. In their evaluation of 3D [13]. Nevertheless, achieving these advantages necessitates overcoming
printing’s potential for tailored food production, Sun et al. (2015) a number of obstacles, such as technology limitations, safety and regu
addressed how this technology can meet the dietary needs of various latory issues, and the requirement for additional research and devel
population groups [10]. By manipulating food textures and forms, 3D opment. With the intention of giving scholars, practitioners, and
printing makes it possible to create unique culinary experiences and policymakers a thorough grasp of the present state of play, future
enhance the palatability of specific foods. This skill is very helpful in the prospects, and obstacles associated with 3D printing in these domains,
creation of items using alternative proteins and meat substitutes. Ac this paper tries to be extremely informative [14].
cording to a study by Singh & Sit in 2022, 3D printing could create
plant-based meat analogs with mouthfeel and textures that are quite 3. Applications in smart farming
similar to actual meat [11]. By using alternate protein sources and
minimizing food waste, 3D printing helps to make food production more 3.1. Customizable farming equipment
sustainable. For instance, 3D printing can be used to transform insects,
algae, and lab-grown cells into appetizing meals, offering sustainable Because 3D printing technology makes it possible to create special
substitutes for conventional protein sources. Furthermore, 3D printing ized farming tools and equipment, the agriculture industry is undergo
reduces waste by using extra and wasted materials to make new food ing a fundamental transformation [15]. In order to handle the unique
products. In their discussion of the advantages 3D-printed foods have for requirements of various crops, soil types, and agricultural techniques,
the environment, Chang et al. (2024) emphasized how they can lessen customization is essential for increasing productivity and lowering
the environmental impact of food production [12]. expenses.
Although the ideas of 3D printing, AI, and IoT in agriculture are not
completely new, this study approach combines these technologies in a 3.1.1. Lower expenses and downtime
unique manner to establish a harmonious system that improves overall One major benefit of 3D printing for agriculture is that it can
M. Padhiary et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 9 (2024) 100553
Fig. 3. The keyword network diagram in VOSviewer based on 218 most occurring keywords out of 4865, with number of occurrences of a keyword being ≥ 5 (Based
on an 1871 publication accessed from Scopus database with search keywords ‘3d printing in farming and 3d printing in food’ (3rd July 2024).
significantly reduce the expenses and downtime associated with tradi 3.1.3. Planting devices
tional manufacturing and equipment maintenance [16]. On-demand For the best possible plant growth, seeds must be placed at the proper
production of customized machinery parts eliminates the requirement depth and spacing, which can only be achieved with the use of planting
for substantial spare part stockpiles. Small-scale farmers, who might not tools. 3D printing enables the rapid prototyping and fabrication of
have the means to maintain large stockpiles or wait for drawn-out unique planting tools that can be customized to specific crops and
supply chains to deliver critical parts, will especially benefit from this planting conditions. This adaptability enables farmers to swiftly modify
capability. their tools to get optimal outcomes and experiment with various
planting approaches. To ensure accurate planting and minimize seed
3.1.2. Custom irrigation systems loss, custom 3D-printed seed planters can be made to accommodate a
An essential part of contemporary agriculture is irrigation, which has range of seed kinds and sizes. It is simple to adapt these planters to try
a direct impact on crop productivity and water utilization efficiency. different crop varieties or adjust planting patterns.
Conventional irrigation systems can be expensive and not always be able
to satisfy the unique requirements of various farms. Custom irrigation 3.1.4. Precision farming machinery
parts, like nozzles, drip emitters, and connectors, can be designed and The goal of precision farming is to maximize crop farming’s field-
produced using 3D printing to meet the specific needs of the farm [17]. level management. Precision farming equipment, including GPS-
For example, depending on the particular plant species and soil guided tools, variable rate technology (VRT) components, and auto
composition in a given area, specially made nozzles can be made to mated machinery parts, is developed in large part because of 3D print
transport water more effectively. Researchers have created emitters for ing. By providing the proper number of inputs (water, fertilizer, and
drip irrigation that are 3D printed and can be precisely adjusted to pesticides) at the appropriate time and location, these instruments aid in
provide the precise amount of water required for various crops. These improving resource consumption efficiency. A few examples of
emitters can be made with complex internal structures that maximize specialized 3D-printed parts for tractors and other equipment are vari
water flow, cutting down on waste and enhancing the effectiveness of able rate applicators, GPS holders, and sensor mounts [18]. The seam
irrigation. less integration of these attachments with current machinery allows for
M. Padhiary et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 9 (2024) 100553
precise control over farming operations and increases overall management, precision farming depends on precise and comprehensive
production. data. With the ability to produce precise maps of crop health and soil
conditions, high-resolution data from 3D-printed monitoring devices
3.1.5. Prototyping and iterative design improves precision farming. Higher agricultural yields and higher
Farmers and agricultural engineers can test and improve their tools resource efficiency are the results of this data-driven strategy. Soil
and equipment more quickly because of 3D printing’s ability to provide moisture, nutrient, and temperature sensors combined in one 3D-printed
rapid prototypes and iterative design processes [19]. By enabling several multi-sensor device can give a thorough picture of the soil environment
design iterations to be evaluated and refined quickly, this method en [26]. Using this combined data, precise maps be made to direct the
courages creativity and produces tools that are more effective and application of herbicides, fertilizers, and water in various ratios.
perform better. An agricultural research team used 3D printing to pro
totype a new kind of planter that automates the planting process [20]. 3.2.5. Integration with IoT and data analytics
They were able to maximize the planter’s performance by making iter The integration of 3D-printed sensors with data analytics platforms
ations to their design, which increased the precision of seed planting and and IoT technology further increases their usefulness. IoT-enabled 3D-
decreased labor needs. printed sensors have the ability to wirelessly transfer data to central
ized systems, so advanced analytics be used to extract more information
3.2. Soil and crop monitoring devices and help with decision-making (Fig. 4). A 3D-printed soil sensor network
with IoT capabilities can be installed throughout a farm to continuously
To maximize production, ensure healthy crop growth, and optimize gather and send data to a cloud-based platform [27]. Farmers receive
agricultural methods, effective soil and crop monitoring are essential. useful guidance and insights for enhancing pest control, fertilization,
Conventional monitoring techniques can be expensive, labor-intensive, and irrigation after sophisticated algorithms analyze the data.
and frequently yield little data. By developing specialized, affordable
sensors and gadgets that deliver real-time data, the integration of 3D 3.2.6. Research and case studies
printing technology into soil and crop monitoring offers creative solu Numerous studies and real-world applications have demonstrated
tions that improve resource management and precision farming tech the usefulness of 3D-printed soil and crop monitoring tools: A 3D-
niques [21]. Advanced electrode materials are also being explored for printed soil moisture sensor that surpasses traditional sensors in accu
in-situ soil fertilizer concentration measurement, enhancing the preci racy and reaction time has been developed by researchers [28]. An
sion of soil nutrient monitoring [22]. Italian study measures the timing of leaf wetness to increase irrigation
efficiency and evaluates tomato water usage using a 3D-printed
3.2.1. Real-time data collection holder-aided bioristor, an organic biosensor that cuts water supply by
For the purpose of gathering data in real-time on different soil and 36 % [29]. 3D-printed nutrient sensors were developed by an agricul
crop factors, 3D-printed sensors are essential. Farmers will be able to tural engineering team to track the condition of the soil on a vegetable
continually and correctly monitor soil moisture, nutrient levels, pH, farm [30,31]. The sensors’ accurate nutrient level data allowed for
temperature, and other critical parameters thanks to these sensors, targeted fertilization, which increased crop output by 15 % while
which can be swiftly created and produced to fit individual re reducing fertilizer use by 10 %.
quirements. A 3D-printed soil moisture sensor can be placed directly
into the soil at varying depths to provide continuous data on moisture 3.3. Autonomous and precision farming
levels [23]. Farmers save water and improve crop health by optimizing
irrigation schedules with the help of this real-time information, which Using automation and precision techniques to increase output and
guarantees that crops receive the appropriate amount of water at the efficiency, autonomous and precision farming is a significant achieve
appropriate time [24]. ment in agricultural technology. Machine learning and AI vision appli
cations in all-terrain vehicles significantly enhance farm automation and
3.2.2. Customizable and scalable solutions precision agriculture [32]. A major factor in the development and
The capacity to produce highly customized sensors suited to partic improvement of the parts utilized in these innovative farming systems is
ular crops, soil types, and ambient conditions is one of the major benefits 3D printing technology [33]. With the help of 3D-printed parts, drones
of 3D printing. Farmers can create sensors to meet their own needs, and robots can carry out a variety of precise agricultural activities that
which will improve decision-making and allow for more accurate save labor expenses and boost operational effectiveness.
monitoring [25]. To identify certain nutrient deficits in the soil, a
3D-printed, customizable nutrient sensor can be created. Through the 3.3.1. Precision planting
monitoring of vital nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, and ni To achieve ideal growing conditions, precision planting involves
trogen, farmers more precisely apply fertilizers, cutting down on waste precisely placing seeds at the right depth and spacing [34]. Planting
and encouraging environmentally friendly farming methods. machinery using 3D-printed parts can greatly increase the precision and
effectiveness of this procedure. With 3D printing, unique nozzles, seed
3.2.3. Cost-effectiveness metering tools, and planting modules be created to precisely match the
Conventional soil and crop monitoring apparatuses can be costly and needs of various crops and soil types. To ensure uniform plant emer
necessitate a substantial financial outlay. By lowering manufacturing gence and minimize seed loss, a 3D-printed seed metering system be
costs and facilitating on-site sensor fabrication, 3D printing provides a precisely calibrated to administer seeds at a constant rate and spacing
more affordable option by decreasing the need for pricey imports and [35]. This degree of accuracy guarantees improved resource manage
specialized equipment. According to a study, the cost of producing 3D- ment and helps to enhance crop production.
printed soil pH sensors could be significantly lower than that of
commercially available sensors (Rabboh & O’Neil, 2020). Precision 3.3.2. Autonomous spraying
agriculture is becoming more accessible as a result of these reasonably Unmanned agricultural vehicles are essential for enhancing effi
priced sensors, which enable even small-scale farmers to use cutting- ciency in hill farming, addressing unique topographical challenges [36].
edge monitoring systems. With their high degree of accuracy, autonomous spraying systems are
intended to administer fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides while using
3.2.4. Enhanced precision farming fewer chemicals and having a smaller negative environmental impact.
In order to maximize agricultural inputs and enhance crop The development of IoT-based semi-autonomous vehicle sprayers
M. Padhiary et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 9 (2024) 100553
demonstrates significant advancements in precision agriculture by picking fragile fruits, such as strawberries, can pick the fruit gently
enhancing spraying efficiency and accuracy [37]. To attain the best without bruising or harming it. To ensure optimal efficiency and quality,
spray patterns and coverage, drones and ground robots can be modified the gripper’s design be readily adjusted and improved for a variety of
with 3D-printed spraying nozzles and delivery systems. Scientists have fruit sizes and kinds.
created spray nozzles that are 3D printed and feature internal geome
tries that are tailored for varying chemical types and application rates 3.3.5. Monitoring crop and soil health
[38]. Based on real-time data from crop health sensors, these nozzles can Apart from carrying out manual operations, autonomous systems
be connected with drones that autonomously tour fields and provide that possess 3D-printed sensors have the ability to consistently track the
treatments only where necessary. condition of the soil and crops, offering crucial information for targeted
farming. Drones and robots that use these sensors can monitor and
3.3.3. Pest and weed management collect data in real-time. Drones that are fitted with sensors for
The use of automation and precise techniques can be very beneficial measuring soil moisture and 3D-printed multispectral cameras fly over
for labor-intensive jobs like pest and weed management. An IoT-based fields and evaluate the health of the crops and soil [42]. Detailed maps
solenoid-controlled pressure regulation system for precision sprayers that inform decisions about pest control, fertilization, and irrigation can
ensures optimal pesticide application, reducing waste and environ be made by analyzing the data that has been gathered (Fig. 5).
mental impact [39]. With little assistance from humans, robots outfitted
with 3D-printed implements and sensors can detect and eradicate pests 3.3.6. Cost and time efficiency
and weeds. By lowering the need for chemical treatments and increasing The use of 3D-printed parts significantly reduces the production time
labor efficiency, this approach promotes environmentally friendly and cost of autonomous farming systems. Custom items made with
farming methods. With built-in cameras and sensors, a 3D-printed ro traditional manufacturing techniques can be costly and time-consuming,
botic arm can recognize specific weeds and either mechanically pull but 3D printing enables quick prototypes and production [43]. This
them or treat them with herbicide (Bucher et al., 2021). This methodical effectiveness makes it possible to implement new technology more
strategy minimizes the overall application of herbicides while averting quickly and promptly adjust to the shifting demands of farming. A farm
crop damage. uses a drone system that was 3D printed to apply precise spraying.
Compared to conventional techniques, the initial cost of creating and
3.3.4. Harvesting manufacturing customized nozzles and spray systems is far lower [44].
Real-time plant target identification using Python-based Raspberry The farm experiences a quick return on investment due to lower labor
Pi image processing enhances precision agriculture by enabling accurate expenses, better crop yields, and less use of chemicals.
and efficient monitoring and intervention [40]. Another crucial area
where autonomous systems with 3D-printed parts can have a big influ 3.3.7. Research and case studies
ence is harvesting. It is possible to 3D print grippers, cutting tools, and A number of research papers and real-world implementations
sorting mechanisms that are specifically made to handle various crop demonstrate the efficiency of 3D-printed parts in precision and auton
varieties with care and accuracy, minimizing damage and increasing omous farming. Automatic all-terrain vehicles play a crucial role in
productivity [41]. A robotic gripper that is 3D-printed and intended for precision farming by performing tasks such as planting and spraying
M. Padhiary et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 9 (2024) 100553
with increased efficiency and reduced labor costs [45]. A study showed printing in customized nutrition. Precise control over nutritional intake
how to precisely spray a vineyard using parts of a drone that were 3D is necessary for patients with certain dietary restrictions or medical
printed [46]. The specially made spray nozzles increased coverage and conditions, and this can be difficult to do with conventional meal
decreased chemical use by 30 percent, which resulted in healthier crops preparation techniques. Customized meals made possible by 3D printing
and a lesser environmental effect. Researchers developed a robotic can meet these exact dietary needs. Hospitals and other healthcare fa
system that uses 3D printing to manage weeds in row crops. The sys cilities can use 3D printing to produce meals for people who have
tem’s mechanical arms and specially designed sensors made it possible dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing [59]. Through the process of 3D
to precisely identify and remove weeds, cutting the need for pesticides printing, food can be modified to match nutritional requirements and
by 40 % and boosting crop yields [47]. Table 1 provides an overview of increase swallowability, leading to better patient outcomes and overall
various applications of 3D printing in smart farming, focusing on their quality of life [60].
performance indices, associated figures or diagrams, references, and
additional comments. The applications range from customizable 4.1.2. Customized supplements and nutritional products
farming equipment to IoT-integrated devices, highlighting the diverse Supplements and nutritional products can be made specifically to fit
ways 3D printing can enhance agricultural practices. Each row gives the needs of individuals, including athletes, the elderly, and others with
specific details about the benefits and innovations brought by 3D particular health goals, thanks to 3D printing. This accuracy guarantees
printing in these contexts. that every person obtains nutrients that are specifically suited to them in
the appropriate doses. Supplements that are 3D printed and include
4. Applications in food processing exact ratios of vitamins, minerals, and other elements might help ath
letes recuperate and enhance their training programs [61]. By custom
4.1. Personalized nutrition izing these supplements to each person’s unique metabolic profile and
performance requirements, their effectiveness and convenience can be
The food processing business has seen unprecedented developments increased.
thanks to 3D printing technology, especially in the field of customized
nutrition [58]. This methodology enables the development of food 4.1.3. Specific diets for weight management
products customized to fulfill the unique dietary requirements and in 3D printing technology can help weight management programs
clinations of individuals, presenting noteworthy advantages for medic tremendously because it makes precise control over calorie counts,
inal nutrition, sports nutrition, and overall consumer well-being. nutritional composition, and portion sizes possible [62]. This degree of
personalization helps people follow their eating regimens and reach
4.1.1. Medical nutrition their weight loss objectives. Meal plans that are 3D printed can be
The field of medical nutrition is one of the most significant uses of 3D tailored to an individual’s calorie and nutritional needs in accordance
M. Padhiary et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 9 (2024) 100553
Table 1
Performance indices of 3D printing applications in smart farming
Application Performance Indices Figures/Drawings Reference Others
Customizable farming Cost reduction, downtime minimization, tool [48] Increased farming efficiency
equipment customization
Smart irrigation systems Water use optimization, drought resilience [49] Water conservation
Soil and crop monitoring Real-time data, precision in soil moisture and [50] Enhanced resource
devices nutrient monitoring management
Autonomous and precision Efficiency, labor cost reduction, task precision [51] Increased automation and
farming precision
Custom seed planters Tailored seed placement, improved germination [52] Higher crop yields
Drone-based crop sprayers Precision spraying, reduced chemical use [53] Environmental benefits
M. Padhiary et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 9 (2024) 100553
Table 1 (continued )
Application Performance Indices Figures/Drawings Reference Others
IoT-integrated equipment Real-time data integration, remote monitoring [54] Improved decision-making
Nutrient delivery systems Precision fertilization, reduced nutrient runoff [55] Sustainable farming practices
Multi-functional robots Versatile task performance, reduced manual labor [56] Labor savings
3D-printed greenhouse Customized structures, improved environmental [57] Enhanced crop protection, Cost
components control saving
with their objectives for weight loss or maintenance [63]. Dieting can be especially helpful for restricted diets where it’s important to maintain
made more pleasurable and sustainable by incorporating a range of certain nutrient levels in order to regulate health. 3D-printed meals that
flavors and textures into these meals. are properly tuned to control carbohydrate intake can help diabetic
individuals effectively manage their blood sugar levels [66]. It is
4.1.4. Catering to food allergies and intolerances possible to create aesthetically pleasing and delectable meals that pro
For those who have dietary intolerances or allergies, 3D printing mote strict adherence to dietary guidelines.
offers a workable option. Dietary restrictions can be satisfied by care
fully choosing components and minimizing cross-contamination in 3D- 4.1.7. Research and case studies
printed dishes [64]. A 3D-printed bakery might be able to produce Several research studies and real-world implementations demon
bread and pastries free of gluten, dairy, and nuts. All of the items be strate the efficacy of 3D printing in customized nutrition: A European
tailored to fit particular dietary requirements without sacrificing flavor university’s research team created a 3D-printed diet plan for elderly
or quality, so allergy-conscious customers can be satisfied and safe. malnourished patients [67]. The personalized meals increased nutri
tional intake and patient satisfaction, indicating that they be widely
4.1.5. Improved texture and flavor profiles used in the field of geriatric care. In a clinical trial, athletes’ performance
Food textures and flavor characteristics can be changed via 3D and recuperation times were enhanced with 3D-printed nutrient bars.
printing technology, producing appealing and distinctive culinary ex Because the bars were made to match each person’s unique metabolic
periences. For people with certain dietary demands, this function is requirements, sports science has benefited from individualized
especially helpful in enhancing the flavor of foods made for those needs, nutrition.
making them tempting and pleasurable. Foods produced using 3D
technology can have concentrated flavors and a variety of textures to
4.2. Improved textures and structures of foods
improve the eating experience for people whose medical treatments
have impaired their sense of taste [65]. This promotes greater nutrition
Not only can nutrition be customized, but 3D printing technology
intake in addition to making meals more pleasurable.
also makes major strides possible in the modification of food textures
and architectures [68]. This capacity is essential for producing new
4.1.6. Precision in nutrient delivery
sensory experiences and enhancing the palatability of different food
Because 3D printing is so precise, every food item that is manufac
items, which is particularly helpful in the fields of gourmet cuisine,
tured has the precise amount of nutrients that are needed. This is
specialized diets, and alternative proteins.
M. Padhiary et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 9 (2024) 100553
4.2.1. Producing complex textures demand for sustainable seafood substitutes by offering genuine textures
It is difficult or impossible to generate complex and complicated food that matched the tastes of people who care about the environment.
textures with traditional food processing methods; but, 3D printing can.
This control over texture improves food’s sensory experience, increasing 4.3. Importance of sustainable food production
its appeal and enjoyment. It is possible to 3D print plant-based meat
substitutes that closely resemble actual flesh in texture [69]. Plant Achieving sustainable food production is essential given the world’s
proteins can mimic the fibrous and juicy texture of meat by layering expanding population and environmental problems. Through the use of
them in particular patterns. This makes the product more palatable to alternative proteins and the reduction of food waste, 3D printing tech
consumers who are switching from animal-based products. nology directly supports more sustainable methods of producing food
4.2.2. Improved palatability for special diets
3D printing can greatly increase the palatability of food for people on 4.3.1. Utilization of alternative proteins
specific diets, such as those who need to modify textures for medical Food products can now include a wide variety of alternative protein
reasons. Meals are easier to appreciate and consume when their texture sources, including algae, insects, and plant-based materials, through the
and structure are adjusted. Foods made with 3D printing that are use of 3D printing [77]. Compared to conventional animal proteins,
intended for dysphagia sufferers have smooth, soft textures that make these protein sources are more environmentally friendly since they
them simpler to swallow without sacrificing flavor or look [70]. These require fewer resources and produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions. A
foods can have shapes similar to those of regular meals, which enhances food company prints bars made of insect protein using 3D printing. The
their visual and tactile appeal. bars are a healthy and sustainable substitute for traditional protein bars
since they are made to offer a full amino acid profile. With the high feed
4.2.3. Novel culinary creations conversion efficiency of insect protein, the corporation minimizes its
Professional chefs and food designers use 3D printing to produce environmental impact.
inventive delicacies with distinctive textures and designs [71]. This
ability enables culinary creativity and the creation of visually appealing 4.3.2. Reduction of food waste
and texturally varied foods. With 3D printing, a cook can construct One major problem facing the food manufacturing business is food
elaborate desserts with a variety of textures, such as crispy, creamy, and waste. By turning extra or imperfect food ingredients into new, edible
silky components, all together in one dish. This not only makes the dish goods, 3D printing is essential to reducing food waste [78]. By using this
seem better, but it also offers diners a multisensory thrill. technique, waste is reduced, and leftover materials are transformed into
useful goods rather than being thrown away. A bakery creates new snack
4.2.4. Improved delivery of nutrients items out of waste bread and pastry scraps using 3D printing. The bakery
3D printing can improve nutrient delivery and bioavailability by reduces waste and generates extra income streams from materials that
modifying food design. This method works especially well for creating would otherwise be thrown away by turning the leftovers into paste and
functional foods with targeted health advantages. It is possible to create using 3D printing to create new forms and textures.
porous structures in 3D-printed snacks that improve vitamin and min
eral absorption and release [72]. For example, the texture of a snack 4.3.3. Effective use of resources
supplemented with calcium facilitate improved absorption of the min Exact control over ingredient use is made possible by 3D printing,
eral in the digestive tract, improving its efficacy for bone health. which reduces surpluses and guarantees resource efficiency [79].
Because of its accuracy in reducing waste and increasing efficiency, food
4.2.5. Adaptable textures for food production causes a significant reduction in environmental harm. A
Food textures can be altered via 3D printing to suit dietary needs and company that produces plant-based meat uses 3D printing to make meat
personal preferences, giving customers individualized options [73]. This analogs with precise constituent ratios. This accuracy contributes to
modification be able to serve a wider range of customers, including more sustainable and effective food production by lowering the need for
those with specific texture requirements or preferences. Customers who overproduction and minimizing raw material waste.
like their munchies crunchy can buy chips that are 3D printed to their
preferred crispness level. To improve the eating experience, snacks can 4.3.4. Eco-friendly packaging options
be printed with the consistency that a person who enjoys softer textures Beyond the production of food, 3D printing greatly advance sus
wants. tainability by producing environmentally friendly packaging options
[80]. The environmental effect of conventional plastic packaging can be
4.2.6. Innovative food structures decreased by using biodegradable and compostable materials in
Food designers now have more options because of 3D printing’s 3D-printed packaging. A business creates biodegradable, 3D-printed
capacity to produce inventive food structures [74]. This creativity packaging for its food items. This packaging is made of plant-based
inspire the creation of novel culinary items that provide distinctive materials and breaks down organically, cutting down on pollution and
dining experiences. Pasta forms that are 3D printed can have intricate plastic waste.
geometries or hollow interiors to improve the way they hold sauce and
change the mouthfeel. Customers find meals more engaging and plea 4.3.5. Regional manufacturing and minimal transportation
surable as a result of these creative arrangements. 3D printing makes localized food production simpler, which reduces
the need for long-distance transportation and the associated carbon
4.2.7. Research and case studies emissions [81]. This strategy reduces the negative environmental effects
Several investigations and real-world uses show how 3D printing of food distribution while boosting the local economy. In urban regions,
might improve the textures and structures of food: A group of re a network of regional hubs for 3D printing food is created, enabling
searchers created 3D-printed chocolates with complex interior struc customers to request locally-made personalized food items. By using this
tures that carefully melt in the mouth to provide a singular sensory strategy, the carbon impact of delivering food from centrally located
experience [75]. The study showed how 3D printing can transform manufacturing facilities to end users is decreased.
conventional confectionery products. A culinary firm created
plant-based seafood that closely resembles the flakiness and mouthfeel 4.3.6. Adaptable and high-nutrient foods
of actual fish by using 3D printing. This development satisfied market Nutrient-dense meals that are customized to a person’s dietary
M. Padhiary et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 9 (2024) 100553
requirements and tastes can be made through the use of 3D printing this production speed limitation. When it comes to production speed,
[82]. Better nutrition and health result from this personalization, which current 3D printers not be able to match the high-volume requirements
could lessen the demand for animal husbandry that uses a great deal of of a food firm that wants to make large amounts of 3D-printed snacks.
resources. A firm creates customized meal kits with optimal nutrient This could result in inefficiencies and increased production costs when
profiles based on personal health data using 3D printing. The company compared to conventional manufacturing procedures.
provides environmentally friendly, health-promoting, and sustainable
food solutions with a focus on plant-based components. 5.1.4. Material limitations
Particularly when it comes to food manufacturing, the variety of
4.3.7. Research and case studies materials that be utilized in 3D printing is currently somewhat limited. It
A number of studies and real-world applications show the promise of is quite difficult to ensure that these materials can produce goods with
3D printing in sustainable food production: A project in the Netherlands acceptable textures and flavors while still adhering to food safety reg
used leftover fruits and vegetables to make food goods using 3D printing ulations. Further research and innovation are needed to create novel
[83]. The program proved successful in reducing food waste and pro printed materials that are appropriate for food production. Expertise in
ducing inexpensive, wholesome snacks for the community. Researchers sophisticated materials is required to create a plant-based meat substi
created food items made of algae that can be 3D printed, have a high tute that tastes and feels like real flesh using 3D printing [96]. The lack
nutritional content, and use fewer resources to make. The study of these materials limit the creativity and scalability of 3D-printed food
demonstrated how algae have the potential to be a sustainable food products.
supply that can be efficiently used with 3D printing. Table 2 details the
various applications of 3D printing in food processing, focusing on 5.1.5. Safety and regulatory issues
performance indices such as nutritional accuracy, texture control, sus It’s crucial to make sure 3D-printed food products adhere to all safety
tainability, and efficiency. Each row includes specific applications, and legal requirements [97]. The regulatory environment around foods
associated figures or diagrams, references, and additional benefits. The manufactured using 3D technology is still developing, and it can be
table emphasizes how 3D printing can revolutionize food processing by challenging to navigate these rules. Gaining regulatory approval and
enhancing personalization, improving food quality, and contributing to customer trust requires ensuring consistency and safety in production
sustainability. processes and materials. A business producing nutritional supplements
via 3D printing must adhere to health and safety regulations, which
5. Challenges, opportunities, and future directions include extensive testing and certification. The time and expense of
bringing items to market increase due to this regulatory compliance.
5.1. Technological challenges
5.1.6. Issues with scalability
Many technological obstacles hinder 3D printing from being widely There are various obstacles to overcome when using 3D printing
used in smart farming and food processing, despite the technology’s technology on a larger industrial scale for smaller applications. These
tremendous developments and potential advantages. These difficulties include controlling rising material and operating costs, guaranteeing
include exorbitant prices, the requirement for specific knowledge, and consistent quality throughout larger production runs, and incorporating
restricted manufacturing rates. 3D printing into current manufacturing processes. Farms wishing to use
3D printing to produce personalized farming tools on a large scale could
5.1.1. High cost find it difficult to expand the technology without sacrificing efficiency or
For many farmers and food producers, the initial cost of 3D printing quality [98]. The process of combining 3D printing with conventional
technology can be unaffordable [93]. The purchase of sophisticated 3D manufacturing techniques can be difficult and resource-intensive.
printers, maintenance, and the raw materials needed for printing are all The technological challenges associated with 3D printing in smart
expensive. Furthermore, custom designs and prototypes can be expen farming and food processing include high costs, the need for specialized
sive, particularly for small-scale businesses. When thinking about using skills, production speed limitations, material constraints, regulatory and
3D printing for customized farming equipment, a small-scale farmer find safety concerns, and scalability issues [99]. Overcoming these chal
the initial costs of owning and operating a high-quality 3D printer, as lenges requires continued advancements in 3D printing technology,
well as the associated costs for software and training, to be a substantial materials science, and regulatory frameworks. Addressing these barriers
financial strain. is essential to unlocking the full potential of 3D printing and achieving
widespread adoption in the agricultural and food processing industries.
5.1.2. Technical knowledge and skill requirements
3D printers need a certain amount of technical know-how to operate 5.2. Importance of regulatory compliance and consumer safety
and maintain. Users need to know how to use 3D modeling software,
understand all aspects of printer servicing, and be able to solve any Regulations and safety problems must be addressed if 3D printing is
technological problems that come up. Entry barriers arise from the to be successfully included in smart farming and food processing. It is
requirement for specialized abilities, especially in fields where such imperative to establish thorough safety standards and regulatory rules in
knowledge is hard to come by. Employees in a food processing company order to guarantee the acceptability and widespread adoption of food
could require a lot of training in order to use 3D printing technology to products that are 3D-printed [100]. These worries cover a wide range of
create personalized food products [94]. One of the biggest obstacles to topics, including labeling, quality assurance, food safety, and customer
using 3D printing is the requirement for knowledgeable operators who trust.
are conversant in both technology and cooking.
5.2.1. Standards for food safety
5.1.3. Production speed limitations It is crucial to guarantee the safety of food products that are 3D-
Despite being incredibly customized, 3D printing is frequently printed. Strict guidelines for food safety must be adhered to when
slower than conventional manufacturing techniques [95]. Although using materials for 3D printing, especially those meant for food
accurate, the layer-by-layer manufacturing method might take a long manufacturing [101]. This involves confirming that the printing mate
time, which makes it less appropriate for purposes requiring large pro rials are free of pollutants, safe to eat, and non-toxic. A company that
duction volumes. The usage of 3D printing be limited to specialized prints candies using 3D technology needs to make sure that all of the
applications rather than mass-market, large-scale manufacturing due to ingredients are approved food-grade materials. This entails stringent
M. Padhiary et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 9 (2024) 100553
Table 2
Performance indices of 3D printing applications in food processing
Application Performance Indices Figure/ Block diagram/Schematic Reference Others
Personalized Nutrition Tailored dietary needs, nutritional accuracy, [73] Benefits for medical
customization speed nutrition
Customized Precise dosage control, vitamin and mineral [84] Enhanced health outcomes
supplements fortification
Dietary restrictions Allergen-free foods, gluten-free, lactose-free options [85] Broader consumer market
Caloric control Exact calorie counting, weight management solutions [86] Weight loss and
Nutrient density Enhanced nutrient profiles, fortification capabilities [87] Improved public health
Texture and structure Novel sensory experiences, improved palatability, [88] Increased consumer
texture control satisfaction
M. Padhiary et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 9 (2024) 100553
Table 2 (continued )
Application Performance Indices Figure/ Block diagram/Schematic Reference Others
Flavor innovation Customized flavors, unique taste combinations [89] Market differentiation
Sustainable food Reduced food waste, use of alternative proteins, [90] Contribution to
production environmental impact sustainability
Efficient use of Precision in ingredient usage, cost reduction [91] Cost savings
Innovative food designs Creative shapes and presentations, enhanced aesthetic [92] Competitive advantage
testing for allergies and pollutants in order to adhere to food safety laws. 3D technology is still changing, with several nations and areas creating
their own norms and regulations. Companies that operate in different
5.2.2. Supervision of quality markets find it challenging to navigate these disparate requirements.
One of the biggest challenges in 3D printing food products is main The global adoption of 3D-printed food products must be made safe and
taining consistent quality. If not carefully regulated, the layer-by-layer effective through the establishment of uniform and transparent regula
manufacturing process of 3D printing can lead to variances in texture, tory rules [104]. For instance, when it comes to 3D-printed goods, a
density, and composition [102]. Strong quality control procedures must multinational food corporation with operations in several markets must
be established in order to guarantee that every printed product satisfies manage the various food safety laws in the US, Asia, and the European
the necessary requirements and standards. To guarantee that every Union [105]. Creating uniform regulatory rules can simplify the pro
3D-printed plant-based burger has a uniform texture, flavor, and nutri cedure and lower the cost of compliance.
tional profile, a producer must put in place stringent quality control
procedures [103]. This could entail rigorous testing of the finished goods 5.2.4. Transparency and labeling
and routine calibration of 3D printers. Accurate labeling is essential for 3D-printed food products to gain
consumer trust and adhere to regulations [106]. Clear information
5.2.3. Rules and regulations regarding the ingredients, nutritional value, and production processes
The regulatory environment surrounding foods manufactured using must be included on labels. Label transparency guarantees that products
M. Padhiary et al. Smart Agricultural Technology 9 (2024) 100553
comply with regulations and empowers consumers to make educated bioprinting to create steak from bovine cells. This cultured meat offers a
decisions. A manufacturer of 3D-printed snacks has to provide sustainable and ethical alternative to conventional livestock farming.
comprehensive labels that list all ingredients, possible allergies, and
nutritional data [107]. This openness promotes consumer trust and 6.1.2. Functional foods
guarantees that labeling laws are followed. Foods with additional health advantages beyond basic nourishment
can be made using bioprinting. Through the integration of probiotics,
5.2.5. Consumer acceptance medicines, or bioactive chemicals into 3D-printed food structures, pro
Gaining customer confidence in 3D-printed food is essential to its ducers can create customized goods that promote health [114]. A group
commercial adoption. Customers could be worried about the quality and of scientists creates bio printed yogurt with live probiotic cultures
safety of these products, so it’s important to relieve their worries embedded in a three-dimensional matrix. This allows the probiotics to
through open communication and education. Customer acceptance can release slowly, improving their durability and potency.
be increased by proving that 3D-printed foods are safe and sustainable,
as well as by assuring consumers of their health benefits [108]. A
3D-printed food company might run an educational campaign that 6.2. Multifunctional materials
emphasizes the stringent quality control and safety procedures in place,
as well as the advantages of employing sustainable materials for the Multifunctional material creation for 3D printing is an intriguing
environment. This could allay customer fears and encourage the adop new field of research. These substances have a variety of uses, including
tion of food that has been 3D printed. supplying bioactive qualities, improving nutritional value, and main
taining structural integrity.
5.2.6. Investigation and progression
In order to advance 3D printing technology and address safety and 6.2.1. Improved profiles of nutrition
regulatory issues, ongoing research and development are essential. A balanced combination of macronutrients (proteins, fats, and car
Working together, industry players, authorities, and academic in bohydrates), micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), and other bioac
stitutions can result in the creation of creative remedies and established tive substances can be included in multifunctional materials through
procedures that guarantee the security and caliber of food products engineering. This makes it possible to create nutritious meals that are
manufactured using 3D technology [109]. A university and a 3D food suited to particular dietary requirements. This 3D-printed breakfast bar
printing company might work together to create novel materials suitable contains a blend of plant proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D,
for food use and optimize printing techniques to increase productivity making it a quick and well-balanced meal option [115].
and safety. These kinds of alliances can encourage the development of
industry standards and stimulate innovation. 6.2.2. Smart packaging
Addressing regulatory and safety concerns is critical for the accep Additionally, 3D-printed packaging that tracks freshness, detects
tance and widespread adoption of 3D-printed food products [110]. spoilage and increases shelf life can be made with creative materials
Establishing comprehensive food safety standards, robust quality con [116]. These clever packaging ideas can guarantee product safety and
trol measures, clear regulatory guidelines, and transparent labeling help cut down on food waste. A company creates 3D-printed fresh
practices is essential to ensuring consumer trust and compliance. produce packaging with embedded sensors to track the levels of
Ongoing research and development, along with effective communica ethylene gas, a sign of ripeness and spoilage. To notify customers when
tion and education, play a crucial role in overcoming these challenges. the produce is no longer fresh, the packaging changes color.
By addressing these regulatory and safety issues, the 3D printing in
dustry can unlock the full potential of this technology in smart farming
and food processing, paving the way for a sustainable and innovative 6.3. Blockchain and AI integration
The combination of 3D printing with blockchain technology and
6. Future potential: Technological advancements artificial intelligence (AI) presents novel avenues for innovation and
efficiency in intelligent farming and food processing [117].
The potential applications of 3D printing in smart farming and food
processing are endless, thanks to continuous technological break 6.3.1. Customization powered by AI
throughs and creative integrations [111]. Key areas with great promise AI can analyze large amounts of data to predict future trends,
to transform these industries and make them more efficient, sustainable, customize products to suit customer preferences, and improve 3D
and customer-focused include bioprinting, multifunctional materials, printing processes [118]. This combination enables the creation of
and the integration of blockchain and artificial intelligence. highly customized agricultural solutions and food products. Utilizing
consumer health data, an AI-powered 3D printing system creates
6.1. Advancements in bioprinting customized food items and meal plans based on each person’s unique
nutritional requirements [119]. This approach guarantees that food
A more sophisticated version of 3D printing called bioprinting uses products are continuously customized by continuously learning from
biomaterials and living cells to create complex structures [112]. Origi and adapting to changing dietary needs and preferences.
nally created for medicinal purposes, this technology is currently being
investigated for possible uses in agriculture and food production. 6.3.2. Blockchain technology for transparency and traceability
The creation of food products that are 3D printed can be made
6.1.1. Production of cultured meat transparent and traceable with the use of blockchain technology [120].
Cultured meat manufacturing is one of the most exciting uses of Through the use of a safe, unchangeable register to document each stage
bioprinting technology. Bioprinting eliminates the need to raise and kill of the production process, buyers can confirm the legitimacy, sustain
animals by employing animal cells to produce meat products that are ability, and safety of the goods they buy. A food processing company is
structurally and nutritionally identical to traditional meat [113]. This using blockchain to keep an eye on the entire supply chain for their
technique help resolve moral dilemmas and lessen the harm that con 3D-printed plant-based burgers. Customers obtain comprehensive de
ventional meat production causes to the environment. A business du tails about the source of materials, manufacturing processes, and quality
plicates the texture, flavor, and nutritional value of regular beef by using control procedures by scanning a QR code on the product’s package.
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