Right Focus
Right Focus
Right Focus
The apostle Paul simply states that he has not already arrived or already attained all
that he should attain as a Christian. He has not been made perfect yet, and he is
not with the Lord. In other words, there is more to come. In other words, he needs to
move forward. And this involves being realistic about his present situation. He is not
despairing. He is not regretting where he is. He is just being honest about the fact
that he has not reached the end of the journey. There is more ahead. Indeed, the
goal is ahead.
We need to accept that fact. Can you agree with the Apostle and the Lord, that you
need to move forward?? Now, how do we do that?
This needs some explanation. I believe what the apostle Paul is saying is that we are
not to live in the past. We are not to allow things that have happened in the past to
keep us from moving forward. Now, if there is some sin that we need to confess
right now and seek forgiveness and cleansing, that is a different issue. That is
something we need to do. But given all that had gone on in the apostle Paul's life in
the past, he is saying that the past is not his focus.
He is saying, I'm not looking back and living in the past. Due to the events that
occurred before he met Christ, he might become paralyzed by guilt. Think of all the
things he did against the Lord. He also could be satisfied with all that he had
already experienced and all he had already done in his service for the Lord. Paul is
saying that the past is not my focus.
It is possible for people to be stuck in their past. It is possible for people to be tied
to certain things in their past. It is possible for people to think that they have done
enough in their past. Paul is saying that he is consciously seeking to forget what lies
behind him. That is not always easy to do. But it is important if you're going to move
As you drive a car, you can glance in the rearview mirror, but you need to keep your
eyes focused ahead. Someone here today may need to make a choice in a personal
way to let go of the past. Let go of the past and to look to what God has in store for
you in the future. And this leads to our next point.
We are not in this race alone. And the apostle Paul specifically encourages these
believers to imitate him and to learn from others. Christian growth and maturity is
enhanced by fellowship with passionate believers who have the same focus. We
need examples. We need encouragers. We need those who can hold us accountable.
This is an important part of life in the church together.
I was listening to a message that was presenting this same challenge to have good
examples. And a businessman that I know came up to me and said, “Push me.” In
other words, keep me moving forward with the Lord. I returned the comment,
knowing that I need like-minded brothers to help me stay focused.
I had a phone call recently from a precious pastor in Kenya who has had a close
relationship with our family. He has been ministering for many years, and God has
directed and blessed his ministry with much fruit. As we talked, he repeated a
phrase that has been on his lips from the very beginning: “we serve until He
comes.” In other words, our mission is to serve the Lord until we see Him. Knowing
the commitment of this dear brother is an encouragement to me. You and I need
good examples and good guides in this Christian life. They can help to keep us
going forward.
The Apostle Paul mentions these good examples that we need right before he talks
about “enemies of the cross.” All around us are people who really don’t make Christ
their focus. There are those whose only concerns are things of this world. There are
those who are involved in shameful activities. And these people can be a distraction
and can pull us away from undivided devotion to the Lord. There is no need for
these people to influence us. Rather, we need to have good examples and
fellowship with those who can encourage us in the Lord.
You may need to make a choice today to get into a Bible study with people who
have a passion for focusing on Christ. You may need to make a choice to pursue
fellowship with a committed Christian who can encourage your growth in Christ. We
don't run the race alone.
We could talk about other choices that could be made like regular worship, Bible
reading, prayer, loving service, and witnessing for the Lord. But I believe that these
activities will take place with the help of the Holy Spirit if we choose to forget what's
behind and choose to move forward in the Lord and for the Lord. We need to put the
car in drive, press the accelerator, and go forward in the right direction.
Lastly, to have the right focus for 2024 and to sharpen our focus: