ScnCertiFicate 1
ScnCertiFicate 1
ScnCertiFicate 1
Sub: Show cause notice for refusal of consent to operate under Section 25/26 of
Water Act, 1974, Section 21/22 of Air Act, 1981.
Please refer to your application dated 2024-11-21 received in the Board for consent
to operate under Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and Water Act, 1974.
Your application has been examined by the Board and it has been observed that the
application submitted by you is incomplete and not conforming to the requirement of the
previsions of the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and Water (Prevention &
Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 as per policy of the Board.
Accordingly, Show Cause Notice for refusal of consent under above said Acts is
issued to reply or take corrective measures for the deficiencies and incompletion in your
application as per details given below:-
General Deficiencies :
In case, you fail to submit reply or submit compliance of the deficiencies within 15
days, the consent to operate under Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and
Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 shall be refused due to the above
deficiencies/ incompletion in your application.
** Note:-
1. Reply of SCN submitted to concerned RO offices shall only be considered and in case unit
submitted their reply to other offices of the Board , the same is not liable for consideration on
any legal forum.
2. Representatives of the units may also come in person at the concerned Regional office to
represent against the proposed action communicated through show cause notice, within the
stipulated time period mentioned in show cause notice.