Message of The LCE
Message of The LCE
Message of The LCE
Province of Zambales
Congratulations to the Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Office for
coming up with this very informative and
very timely handbook on disaster risk
reduction and management called
“Contingency Plan for Flood and Typhoon”
which, as its name suggests, is our
Municipality’s blueprint and guide in
dealing with such calamities.
It is now an accepted fact, as evidenced
by recent events that impacted our
Municipality, that natural disasters will be a part of our lives. While these events
are very hard to predict, much less avoid, it should not deter the local
government unit and the people of Palauig from making preparations so that the
impacts of these disasters can be minimized.
Our nation has paid a very high price in terms of human lives and properties lost
to various natural disasters, which makes it imperative for all communities and
local government units to come up with contingency plans especially in the face
of calamities like flood and Typhoon.
This “Contingency Plan for Flood and Typhoon” should help various stakeholders
in determining all kinds of threats that we face from natural calamities, and to
prepare based on available and verifiable data and risk analysis. From this
“Plan”, we hope to come up with more solutions and viable approaches to
disaster management in the immediate future.
I commend the LDRRMO under Mr. John Ronnel A. de Guia as well as all the
members of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council for this
initiative. Certainly, this will go a long way towards helping save lives and
properties. And even if this “Contingency Plan” is able to save only one single life
in the future, it should be worth all your efforts.
Again, congratulations for a job well done! Yours in public service
Municipal Mayor