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1) The American financial community's near collapse in late 2008 was most directly ignited by
the government's flooding the market with cash.
2) Capitalism in America was built on the strong philosophical foundation of centralized control
by the government.
3) Democratic capitalism and state capitalism create equal economic and political advantage
making them economic and political allies.
5) The term collectivism embraces communism and socialism and similar philosophies on the
left side of the political or economic spectrum.
6) Political scientist Benjamin Barber believes that capitalism drags us into decadence by
encouraging us to buy as many unnecessary products as we can manage.
8) Capitalists fear the "irrationality" of a society based on competition and unrestrained pursuit
of industrial growth.
9) Capitalists consider class distinctions a relic of the past and seek to diminish any class
10) Communists are convinced that problems of market failure mean that the free market is
simply incapable of meeting the needs of all segments of society.
11) To pay for its comprehensive welfare benefits, the United States takes 50.1 percent of its
national income in taxes, the highest rate of any industrialized nation.
12) Sweden and the other Scandinavian states rely on wise government spending as their key
ingredient in a successful market-based economy.
13) The pure free market approach adds all forms of government including regulatory agencies,
consumer protection, environmental rules, and antitrust law to our business system and our
14) American capitalism, despite its extraordinary success, is criticized for problems of poverty,
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inequality, and unfairness.
15) It is a well-known fact that the United States ranks equally well on standard social measures
and standard economic measures.
16) Taking the privatization movement a step further, state and local governments are selling or
leasing existing roads to private companies.
17) Privatization often brings substantially reduced costs and improved expertise.
18) China's reliance on cheap labor to drive its economy remains unchallenged as other nations
are unable to undercut the Chinese advantage.
19) From the critics' point of view, extravagant wealth, side-by-side with punishing poverty, is
perhaps the greatest disappointment and injustice in the global advance of capitalist principles.
20) In the context of capitalism in America, which of the following most likely led the
government to curb the power of big business?
A) Lack of natural resources
B) Emergence of monopolistic abuse
C) Lack of private property rights
D) Poor foundation of personal freedom
21) ________ in the United States, Japan, Denmark, and other nations favors business to create
wealth and government to regulate as needed.
A) Regional socialism
B) State capitalism
C) Religious socialism
D) Democratic capitalism
22) ________ in countries such as Russia, China, and Saudi Arabia employs the market to build
wealth, which, in turn, is controlled and distributed by the state for its political purposes.
A) State capitalism
B) Democratic capitalism
C) Regional socialism
D) Religious socialism
23) All the following countries have a communist form of government except
A) Cuba.
B) North Korea.
C) China.
D) South Korea.
24) ________ was particularly concerned about the growing imbalance between rich and poor
and felt that the pursuit of wealth and self-interest would erode society's moral core.
A) Ayn Rand
B) Bo Xilai
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C) Anatole Kaletsky
D) Karl Marx
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25) Democratic governments and peaceful change are often associated with ________.
A) strong centralized governments
B) communism
C) economic individualism
D) socialism
29) Which of the following is true of Robert Putnam's observations on social capital?
A) Putnam observed that the practice of free market principles is essential for a moral life.
B) Putnam observed that a sharp rise was seen in league bowling from 1980 to 2000 although the
number of bowlers decreased by about 10 percent.
C) Putnam observed that virtually every measure of social interaction fell significantly from
roughly 1975 to 2000.
D) Putnam observed that only three categories of government were necessary: the police, the
armed services, and the law courts.
30) Identify the underlying reason why socialists advocate income supports, free education, free
health care, generous sick pay, and family planning.
A) Socialists believe that the economy must be directed toward the general interest of society
rather than left free to multiply the welfare of successful capitalists.
B) Socialists seek an excessively individualistic approach to life where the communitarian
approach of capitalism is muted by a concern for the welfare of all.
C) Socialists believe that communism harshly restrains individual freedom and creates a society
based on unrestrained pursuit of industrial growth.
D) Socialists seek to embrace totalitarianism while calling for aggressive government
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31) Which of the following views was advocated by Ayn Rand, the philosopher and novelist?
A) The necessary categories of government were only three in number: the police, the armed
services, and the law courts.
B) The practice of free market principles is not needed for a rational, moral life.
C) The mode of production in material life determines the general character of the social,
political, and spiritual processes of life.
D) The theory of market fundamentalism is a greater threat to open society today than
32) The proper balance between ________ remains the central public policy debate in American
A) open markets and government intervention
B) personal freedom and private property rights
C) natural resources and democracy
D) competition and unrestrained pursuit of industrial growth
33) Sweden has made what attempt to keep its economy healthy?
A) It has taken an aggressive market capitalism approach.
B) It has maintained a policy of comparatively low corporate taxes.
C) It has allowed private parties to buy or lease government property.
D) It has developed a significant private sector and permitted it to take limited control of several
state-run companies.
34) Which of the following is most likely to be a result of a country maintaining its core welfare
commitment in combination with an entrepreneurial spirit?
A) An economy that has only state-dominated companies with high employment due to the
encouragement of welfare over work
B) An economy that is impoverished and filled with inequality
C) An economy encompassing poverty, oppression, and the rich-poor gap
D) An economy of relatively low unemployment, low inflation, and high GDP growth
36) In the context of economic systems, the "Third Way" refers to ________.
A) limited totalitarianism
B) market communism
C) unrestrained capitalism
D) market socialism
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37) Which of the following countries followed the "Third Way" and navigated a path between
the harsher extremes of capitalism and communism?
A) China
B) Japan
C) Sweden
D) South Korea
39) Which of the following is true of the criticisms of Robert Putnam's thesis?
A) Robert Putnam was criticized for focusing too much on older activities such as social clubs.
B) Robert Putnam was criticized for focusing too much on emerging interests such as Internet
C) Robert Putnam was criticized for his belief that the necessary categories of government were
only three in number: the police, the armed services, and the law courts.
D) Robert Putnam was criticized for his belief that state capitalism as practiced in Russia can
succeed in the face of political repression, routine corruption, and abuse of the rule of law.
40) Identify the result of a growing gap in opportunities among socioeconomic classes of
American children.
A) Children of the well-off express increasing trust in those around them.
B) Participation in extracurricular activities has fallen sharply for all children.
C) Young products of the less well-off have increased their community engagement.
D) The overall community engagement gap between all socioeconomic classes is narrowing.
41) Which of the following involves making utilization of a service more expensive at times of
peak demand in order to curb that demand?
A) Congestion pricing
B) Clearance pricing
C) Predatory pricing
D) Median pricing
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42) Identify a reason why some parents and school boards have adopted a free market "fix."
A) Parents and school boards are convinced that replacing merit-based admission with an auction
allowing space to the highest bidders is the only way to raise the academic profile of an
educational institution.
B) Studies reveal that achievement growth rates were twice as high in districts with a free market
fix than in standard public schools.
C) Parents and school boards hope that competition will push all schools to higher achievement
D) Studies carried out in other countries reveal that market-based approaches such as open
enrollment and charter schools work better than direct payment to students of $100 to $500 per
year for improved performance.
43) In the context of toll roads, parking meters, and congestion pricing, which of the following is
true of privatization?
A) Privatization brings secure working conditions, increased services, and increased
responsiveness to customers.
B) Privatization often brings increased costs and higher customer dissatisfaction.
C) Growing government revenue problems suggest that privatization of transportation will cease
to exist.
D) Some struggling governments see privatization as a solution for financial distress.
45) Which of the following statements about the economic and political issues of China is true?
A) The per capita gross domestic product of China is the highest in the world.
B) China's free market liberalization policies of recent years have paced faster, making entry to
the Chinese market and competition with Chinese companies easy.
C) China's gap between rich and poor is estimated to be the world's largest.
D) Interest in Buddhism has re-emerged after being suppressed during the anti-intellectual
Cultural Revolution of 1966-76.
46) In the context of state capitalism, explain why government is the dominant economic force.
A) The government intervenes in and shapes the market to further the state's political goals.
B) The intensity of income disparity between the rich and the poor is relatively low.
C) State capitalism favors business to create wealth and government to regulate as needed.
D) State capitalism fails to blend a shrinking system of state-owned enterprise with the power of
the free market.
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47) According to Robert Putnam, which of the following is true of the growing gap in
opportunities among socioeconomic classes of American children?
A) Children of affluent Americans have withdrawn or never undertaken community engagement.
B) Today, participation in extracurricular activities has risen sharply for less well-off children
while falling sharply for affluent children.
C) Today, the more comfortable class of children receive about one hour per day more time with
their parents than less advantaged children.
D) Less affluent young whites have steadily deepened their community engagements.
48) Discuss some of the key indicators of America's economic and social health.
51) Explain how Sweden's economic health improved due to its adoption of a policy of
comparatively low total corporate tax.
53) Describe the major criticisms or concerns about the privatization of toll roads.
54) Elaborate on the changing labor market trend and the problems faced by China.
55) Explain Robert Putnam's view on the impact of declining community and growing gap in
opportunities among socioeconomic classes of American children.
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Ami az erkölcsiség és vallás viszonyát illeti, a genetikai-biológiai
szemlélet teljes biztossággal eredményezi, hogy az erkölcsiség a
vallástól függetlenül keletkezett és hogy követelményei minden
vallási dogmától függetlenül érvénnyel bírjanak. Nem azért erkölcsös
valamely cselekmény, mert istennek tetsző, hanem azért istennek
tetsző, mert erkölcsös. Ezt a tételt nemcsak Plato védelmezte az
Euthyphron című dialógusban, hanem még szigorúan hívő
theológusok is, mint Aquinói Tamás, elismerték helyességét.
Mindazáltal hosszú időközökön át szoros kapcsolat áll fenn vallás
és erkölcs között. A szociális szükségletekből keletkezett erkölcsi
normákat mint vallási kötelességeket fogjuk fel, ezek ezáltal
vigasztaló melegséget nyernek, amelyet a hűvös ész nem tud nekik
megadni. Ha a vallás a szociális munka szolgálatába áll, akkor ma is
rendkívül áldásosan hathat. Hiszen a durva antropomorfizmustól és
egoizmustól való megtisztulását csak erkölcsi megfontolásoknak és
érzelmeknek köszönheti.
A vallás azonban nemcsak szabályok summája, még nagyobb
mértékben világnézet és pedig metafizikai világnézet. Itt is annyiban
érintkezik az etikával, amennyiben annak normái az emberi nem
tökéletesedésének előzetes feltételén alapszanak. Ez a hit bizonyára
elvonható a tapasztalatból is, de csak akkor kapja meg a kívánatos
szilárdságot, ha harmónikus világnézetből folyik. Az ilyen
világnézethez tartozik azonban, amint fentebb kimutattuk, egy
hatalmas akarat fölvétele, amely a természeti és erkölcsi törvények
forrásául tekinthető.
A genetikai-biológiai szemlélet útján lehetséges olyan normákhoz
jutni, melyek megmutatják az emberi cselekvésnek a céljait és kétes
esetekben megkönnyítik a döntést.
Család, község, állam és emberiség jelölik meg az erkölcsi
tevékenység szorosabb és tágabb területeit. A családon alapszik a
község és az állam. A benső családi élet az állam virágzásának
elengedhetetlen föltétele. Épen ezért kötelesség az összetartozás
érzését a családban ápolni és jóllétéről gondoskodni. Az állam
érdekei azonban nem ritkán a családi kötelességek feladását
követelik. A hivatalnokot és a katonát nem szabad hogy az
asszonyért és gyermekért való gond akadályozza hivatása
kötelességeiben. A hazafias kötelességek általában véve erősebben
kötelezők, mint a családi kötelességek.
Nehezebb lesz elhatárolni az állammal szemben való
kötelességeinket azoktól, amelyeket az egész emberiség ránk hárít.
Az egyén hatalmas kifejlődése itt életet adott az emberi méltóság
fogalmának és az emberi méltóság iránti kötelességeket helyezte
szívünkbe. De bizonyára még sok idő elfolyik, míg ezek a
kötelességek oly mélyen belénk élték magukat, hogy úgy a
háborúban a kultúr-államok között, mint a civilizált nemzeteknek
kevésbbé művelt népekkel való érintkezésében mindenütt a
cselekvés zsinórmértékeivé lesznek.
A mai társadalomban egyáltalán csak kompromisszumról lehet
szó a háborús morál és a békemorál között.
Minden erkölcsi kötelesség teljesítésének lehetősége azonban
nemcsak az egyesnek a jóakaratától függ, hanem nagy mértékben a
társadalmi rendtől is, melyen belül az egyes él. A tudományos
ethikának ezért az a feladata, hogy a társadalmi rendet abból a
szempontból vizsgálja, mennyiben teszi lehetségessé az etikai
feladatok teljesítését vagy más szóval mily mértékben alkalmazkodik
a társadalmi rend a valódi életfeltételekhez. Ezzel azonban az etika
beletorkollik az emberi társadalom fejlődésének törvényeiről szóló
tanításba, vagyis a szociológiába.
43. §. Neveléstudomány.
Abälard 202
Aquinói Tamás 222
Anaxagoras 117, 155
Antisthenes 199
Aristippos 199
Aristoteles 6, 13, 17 s köv., 22, 26, 44, 47, 77, 97,
147, 152, 165, 193, 200, 202, 224
Avenarius 139 s köv.
Bacon 45
Barth Paul 229
Bastian 32
Baumgarten 164
Bayle 54
Beneke 205
Bentham 205, 210
Berkeley 26, 55, 67 s köv. 73, 77, 124
Berthold von Regensburg 85
Boëthius 44
Böhme Jacob 85
Bridgmann Laura 31
Bruno Giordano 128, 137
Büchner 53, 118
Burke 166
Carneri 206
Carriere 167
Charron 54
Cherbury 159
Cicero 199
Collius 159
Comte 63, 210, 224, 225
Condillac 79
Darwin 32, 55, 138, 157, 205
Demokritos 52, 55, 117, 154
Descartes 53, 84, 124, 130, 148 s köv., 203, 233
Diogenes 199
Duns Scotus 160
Eckhardt 85
Empedokles 117, 154
Epikuros 10
Eudemos 45
Fechner 26, 124, 168, 233
Feuerbach 228
Fichte 80, 118, 204, 210 s köv.
Fischer Fr. 167
Frohschammer 124
Goethe 132, 138. 157, 176
Gomperz 141
Groos K. 172
Grotius 224
Häckel 135
Hegel 14, 46, 80, 83, 118, 132 s köv. 167, 191,
205, 228, 233
Helmholtz 67, 138, 151
Helvetius 211
Heraklitos 136
Herbart 26, 165, 205
Herder 166, 228
Hesiodos 128
Heurtin Mária 31
Hippokrates 26
Hobbes 203, 225
Holbach 53, 118
Home 166
Homeros 79, 128, 189
Horatius 165
Hume 26, 54, 55, 68, 77, 105, 140, 203
Hutcheson 203
Jamblichus 84
Jodl 150
Joland 159
Joule 151
Kant 19, 22, 45, 47, 55, 60, 68, 70, 77, 80 s köv.,
86 s köv., 105, 118, 137, 164 s köv. 171, 173,
181, 203, 210 s köv.
Keller Helén 31
Kirchhoff 80
Kopernikus 110, 129, 140
Laas E. 63
Lamarck 138, 157
Lamettrie 53, 118
Lange 117
Laplace 137
Lassalle 137, 228
Lavoisier 111
Lazarus 32, 172
Leclair 63, 73
Leibniz 124, 148
Lessing 166
Leukippos 52, 117, 154
Lionardo 192
Locke 26, 55, 77, 79, 203
Lotze 26, 124
Lucretius 26
Mach 21, 47, 67, 80, 139 s köv., 151
Malebranche 148, 203
Marx 228
Mayer Robert 151
Meynert 67, 241
Michel Angelo 192
Mill James 26
Mill John Stuart 47, 63, 109
Moleschott 118
Montaigne 54
Müller Johannes 67
Nietzsche 206
Ostwald, 16, 151
Parmenides 128
Paulsen 220
Petrus Ramus 45
Phidias 192
Philo 11
Plato 6, 10, 18, 26, 44, 52, 81, 97, 123, 165, 191,
200, 221, 225
Plotinus 18, 26, 84, 123, 165
Porphyrius 44
Proclus 84
Protagoras 10, 79
Pyrrhon 53
Raffael 189, 192
Rehmke 63
Ribot 150
Rokitansky 241
Rousseau 225
Saint-Hilaire Geoffroy 138
Savigny 55
Schäffle 225
Schelling 80, 118, 132, 167
Schiller 8, 16, 166, 172, 176, 184
Schopenhauer 68, 124, 167, 205, 211
Schubert-Soldern 63
Schuppe 63
Shakespeare 189, 193
Schaftesbury 166, 203, 211
Smith Adam 26, 203, 211
Sokrates 44, 198 s köv., 211, 219
Sophokles 182
Spencer 33, 138, 157, 172, 205, 225
Spinoza 130 s köv. 159, 203
Stein Heinrich von – 163
Steinthal 32
Szent Ágoston 84, 194
Tauber Johannes 85