Full Energy Engineering Proceedings of CAETS 2015 Convocation On Pathways To Sustainability 1st Edition K.V. Raghavan Ebook All Chapters
Full Energy Engineering Proceedings of CAETS 2015 Convocation On Pathways To Sustainability 1st Edition K.V. Raghavan Ebook All Chapters
Full Energy Engineering Proceedings of CAETS 2015 Convocation On Pathways To Sustainability 1st Edition K.V. Raghavan Ebook All Chapters
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K.V. Raghavan · Purnendu Ghosh
Proceedings of CAETS 2015 Convocation
on Pathways to Sustainability
Energy Engineering
K.V. Raghavan Purnendu Ghosh
Energy Engineering
Proceedings of CAETS 2015 Convocation
on Pathways to Sustainability
K.V. Raghavan Purnendu Ghosh
Indian National Academy of Engineering Birla Institute of Scientific Research
Gurgaon, Haryana Jaipur, Rajasthan
India India
vi Foreword
in order to lead comfortable and secure lives. It is indeed apt that the Convocation
addressed key issues in the fields of Energy, Mobility and Healthcare Engineering
that play a vital role in the lives of mankind.
It is a matter of pride that the Convocation had representation of eminent
engineers from academia, R&D and industry from over 24 countries from across the
globe who shared their valuable experience and expertise and enriched the delib-
erations with their thought-provoking presentations. These presentations were
indeed brilliant and stimulating and have resulted in interesting papers which are
showcased in the Post Proceedings. I thank all the authors for devoting their pre-
cious time for contributing papers for the proceedings.
I express my sincere thanks to the editors of the CAETS 2015 Convocation Post
proceedings for their untiring efforts at every stage of planning of the event and in
publication of the Post Proceedings. The assistance and initiative taken by Springer
in bringing out the publication is deeply appreciated.
On behalf of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), it is my
proud privilege to express my deepest gratitude to the CAETS organization for
giving us an opportunity to host this event of international repute for the first time in
I sincerely hope that the event left many pleasant and memorable memories for
all the delegates and am certain that the Post Proceedings of the CAETS 2015
Convocation on “Pathways to Sustainability: Energy, Mobility and Healthcare
Engineering” shall be well accepted in the Engineering realm and by the
Engineering community.
viii Preface
town (South Africa), Beijing (China), Berlin (Germany) and London (UK) during
2013–15 to identify technological and engineering priorities and emerging options
for transition to lower carbon economy in building and transportation sectors.
Global energy consumption will grow from 524 to 820 quadrillion BTU between
2010 and 2040 leading to GHG emission increase by more than 40 % from the
present level under business as usual scenario. Since the dynamics of energy growth
is driven by the population and wealth enhancements, it is important to keep track
of these growth dynamics in different countries. Energy resources sustainability as
well as their cost efficiencies would dictate as rapid shift as possible to lower carbon
nonfossil energy systems. Since under this context, recent developments in three
stage thorium-based nuclear energy, large capacity solar thermal power plants, fuel
cell-based independent propulsion systems for strategic and civilian applications,
wind generated hydrogen as a renewable energy carrier and unconventional gas
from coal seams, underground coal gasifications and biohydrogen from waste
resources provide potential lower carbon energy options. A joint voluntary initiative
by CAETS member academies from Argentina, Australia, Canada, China,
Germany, South Africa, Switzerland and UK on unconventional gas involving
basic and social scientists, engineers and economists on unconventional gas pro-
vides a new model for CAETS member academies to emulate in the future.
Developing energy scenarios under various application modes is a powerful
mechanism for devising future energy-efficient systems. A typical example is the
highly interconnected electricity, transport and heating sectors. The coal-based
energy continues to attract engineers to develop cleaner process options and min-
imize GHG emissions keeping in mind the transitional priorities. The actions
include upgradation of beneficiation, ultra supercritical combustion and integrated
gas combined cycle concept for gasification and co-firing of coal and biomass.
China’s achievements in some of these areas are noteworthy. In energy materials, in
which significant developments are taking place worldwide, we have to look
beyond silicon for next generation solar cells by adopting conjugate organics,
inorganic quantum dots and mixed semiconductor oxides/peroxides. Similar chal-
lenges are foreseen in high energy density battery and membrane materials for fuel
cells. Light-based technologies can play a major part in developing future
energy-efficient systems. There is a need to integrate photonic and biophotonic
technologies. In this international year of light technologies, such initiatives have to
be taken to achieve multi-functionality, tunability, low power for fast operations,
reconfigurability and cost-effectiveness so much necessary for energy, mobility and
healthcare sectors.
Preface ix
The future engineering challenges lie in the development of semi- and fully auto-
mated transport vehicles, intelligent driver–vehicle interface and innovative
multi-axle hydraulic trailers for heavy loads. The fast changing digital technology
has opened up new avenues for electrifications of rail, air and marine transport
vehicles. The five digital forces, viz. cloud computing, mobile technologies, social
networks, big data and robotics, will make high impact on these developments.
Exciting developments are taking place in bridge design and construction
technologies with urban and rural transport restructuring, virtual mobility and
carbon foot print minimization during their construction as defining factors. Novel
retrofit technologies are needed for their restoration. A life cycle approach
embracing bridge design, construction, maintenance, restoration and dismantling is
a future priority area for civil engineers.
The recent developments in rapid urban rail transportation systems in China,
India and Japan have demonstrated the new engineering skills acquired in the
planning, design and execution of underground tunnels and structures. From
material engineering point of view, material recycle and functionalized material
applications are high priority areas in evolving sustainable roadways.
The dilemmas in mass transportation in emerging economies are many. It is
important to consider seamless connectivity, smart mobility, enforcement of
advanced safety measures, equitable allocations of road space for multiple type of
vehicles and time variant traffic demands.
Health Care
xii Contents
K.V. Raghavan received his B.Tech from Osmania University in 1964 and a MS
and Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras, India. He is a
fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), the Indian Institute
of Chemical Engineers (IIChE) and the A. P. Akademi of Sciences (APAS) and is a
distinguished fellow of the University of Grants Commission (UGC). Dr. Raghavan
took up the distinguished professorship of the INAE at the Indian Institute of
Chemical Technology, Hyderabad, in 2008. He became the vice president
(International Cooperation) of the INAE in 2011.
He has held various levels of scientific positions in three national laboratories
of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of India. He was
appointed as the Director of Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai in 1994,
and in 1996, he took over the Directorship of the Indian Institute of Chemical
Technology, Hyderabad. On successful completion of this tenure, he was appointed
as the Chairman of Recruitment and Assessment Centre of DRDO, Ministry of
Defence, Government of India, in May 2004. In addition, Dr. Raghavan chairs
scientific committees of public and private sector bodies on clean technologies,
catalytic ethanol reforming, biorefining and allied areas. The recipient of six
national awards, Dr. Raghavan has published more than 150 papers, filed 45 patents
and edited five books. Chemical process development and design, reaction engi-
neering, simulation and modelling and chemical hazard analysis are his areas of
specialization. His basic research contributions cover the simulation of complex
reactions in fixed bed reactors, hydrodynamics of multi-phase reaction systems,
envirocatalysis for clean processing, zeolite catalysis for macromolecules, ther-
mochemistry and kinetics of charge transfer polymerization and modelling of
chemical accidents. His current research activities are in process intensification of
water–gas shift reaction, catalytic CO2 decomposition, analysis of CO2 capture
technologies and characterization of the reactivity of ionic liquids.
Purnendu Ghosh is the Executive Director, Birla Institute of Scientific Research,
Jaipur. Prior to this, he was Professor at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He
worked at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland;
xiv About the Editors
Anil Kakodkar
Abstract Despite global consensus on the urgent need to limit global warming,
firm actions to cap and reverse the level of greenhouse gases in earth’s atmosphere
are still eluding us. The large scale developmental needs of the developing world
and the little carbon space that is available to accommodate them in the business as
usual mode clearly requires immediate actions on facilitation and adoption of low
carbon pathways by both the developed and the developing countries. In the Indian
context, it appears that meeting the anticipated very large growth in energy needs
using energy re-sources available within the country, in a sustainable way, would
also require adoption of non-fossil energy pathways on a relatively urgent basis.
The presentation discusses some approaches towards ensuring sustainable energy
supply for meeting development aspirations of a large developing country like India
through non-fossil means.
1 Introduction
A. Kakodkar (&)
INAE Satish Dhawan Chair of Engineering Eminence, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Trombay, India
e-mail: kakodkaranil@gmail.com
possibly mean a temperature rise of 2.7 °C [1]. The efforts thus are not yet enough
to move the world onto a pathway consistent with the 2 °C climate goal.
Current total Indian energy use stands at around 0.8 Btoe per year. India’s
energy demand during this period would see a large rise driven by new infras-
tructure, an expanding middle class and 600 million new electricity consumers. By
2040, India would close in on United States in terms of energy demand even though
demand per capita would remain 40 % below the world average [1]. India is set to
contribute more than any other country to the projected rise in global energy
demand, around one-quarter of the total. To reach a human development index
(HDI) comparable with that in advanced countries (*0.92), India’s energy con-
sumption needs to rise to around 4 Btoe per year. Although the total primary energy
resources (coal, oil and gas) in India are estimated at around 360 Btoe, actual
minable resource (particularly coal) is likely to be much less. The desirable level of
energy use to sustain a decent human development index (*0.9+) is unlikely to be
sustained (see Table 1) on the basis of available fossil energy resources in the
country for a long enough time. Already India imports nearly a third of its energy
requirement. Projections are that the energy imports would grow by 5–7 times in
next 15–20 years mostly in the form of fossil energy. This clearly would have
serious implications in terms of balance of payments. Not only the import bill in
absolute terms would be large but the implications of potential volatility would be
even larger. Thus quite apart from concerns related to climate change and energy
resource sustainability, the implications related to large scale import of fossil energy
would also dictate a rather rapid shift to non-fossil energy.
2 Non-fossil Energy
The Table 1 above which has been put together on the basis of available data from
different sources also indicates that renewable energy excluding solar but including
hydro would constitute about 5 % of the total requirement of 4 Btoe per year. Thus
while all these energy sources are important in the short run, we need to aggres-
sively develop solar energy and nuclear energy, both of which are available on the
Indian land mass in abundant measure, to ensure sustainable high quality of life of
our people.
India’s ‘intended nationally determined contribution’ (INDC) announced before
Paris Conference (CoP 21) clearly states the intention to reduce the emissions
intensity of its GDP by 33–35 % from 2005 level and to achieve about 40 %
cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel based energy
resources, by the year 2030, with the help of transfer of technology and low cost
international finance, including from Green Climate Fund. An assessment of our
current non-fossil electricity generation indicates a generation capacity of
81,757 MWe as on August 2015. By the year 2030, the electricity generation
capacity is likely to be around 746 GWe [2]. Thus around 215 GWe non-fossil
energy based generation capacity would need to be added in next fifteen years.
Government of India has already set a target of generating 175 GWe of renewable
energy by the year 2022. Taking this and the expected contributions from nuclear
and hydro sector into account, there should be no difficulty in realising the
non-fossil energy based generation target as spelt out in our INDC. Looking at the
larger problem discussed earlier, we could perhaps do much more.
A question may be raised on the need to pursue both solar and nuclear energy. In
this context, it is important to recognise the need to have a basket of energy supply
with built in diversity. As it is, in the long run, we have only two options as of now.
Besides the two sources have different but complimentary features. One available
24 7, the other intermittent. One suitable for decentralised generation, the other
for central generation. To en-sure stable operation of the grid in a cost effective
way, there should be a minimum base load generation which can more easily be
from nuclear plants while distributed solar generation closer to load can help reg-
ulation. Concurrent use of both solar and nuclear is therefore inevitable.
4 A. Kakodkar
There are however challenges that we need to recognise and overcome. For large
scale deployment both solar and nuclear energy, establishment of competitive
domestic supply chain is a must. In case of nuclear energy, the technology for
manufacture of required materials and equipment has been developed for reactor
systems like PHWRs and FBRs developed locally. We need to be doing similar
thing for reactors based on imported technology. Thus while availability of tech-
nology may not be a big issue, the program deployment rate is rather slow. On the
other hand, in case of solar, the deployment rate has really picked up but there are
difficulties in sustaining manufacturing supply chain with basic raw material
manufacture in the country practically non-existent. Since large investments are
involved in such programmes, it is important that good part of that money is spent
in the country to support local industry and related job creation.
3 Solar Energy
4 Nuclear Energy
The three stage nuclear power programme of our country is well on its way in
technological terms. The international embargos that the programme was facing are
largely gone without our having to compromise on our strategic autonomy. While
we continue to pursue further advancing the technology, the need of the hour is to
accelerate programme deployment overcoming the barriers faced. While large scale
thorium utilisation remains the key long term objective, there are also possibilities
of a more rapid global deployment of nuclear energy leveraging some of the
attributes of thorium [3]. Use of thorium matrix fuels in most of existing reactors
could well address the concerns related to nuclear proliferation as well as safety and
long term waste management without adversely impacting on energy use and
economy. India with her advancement in the area of thorium is well placed to take a
lead in this context.
Accelerator driven sub-critical reactor systems have the potential to efficiently
transmute long lived radio-active species and also permit some growth with thorium
fuelled systems. This along with partitioning technologies could also virtually
eliminate the long term waste problem. In addition to the technologies related to the
three stages of our nuclear power programme, we also need to develop technologies
for use of nuclear energy as primary energy source providing high temperature to
permit pyro processes as mentioned earlier. We need high temperature reactors for
this purpose. Development on these fronts is well underway.
Apart from developing these two primary energy resources for production of
electricity, a major thrust would be needed to produce non-fossil
hydrocarbons/hydrogen from these primary resources, so that all segments of
energy demand can be addressed. Thus apart from building high temperature
capability in solar and nuclear energy technologies, one would require several other
technologies such as for production of hydrogen in a more economical way, use of
bio-mass and hydrogen for production of hydrocarbon substitutes for use in
transportation and other sectors, possibility of recycle of CO2 through biomass and
other modes [4] of CO2 sequestration, appliances/equipment that can use alternate
fluid fuel forms such as hydrogen and a host of such other technologies. Following
6 A. Kakodkar
such a strategy, one can indeed make a transition to nonfossil carbon energy cycle,
a matter of crucial importance to limiting the global warming. Such a programme
needs to be pursued with a time bound mission mode approach (Fig. 1).
6 Concluding Remarks
India’s energy challenges are very large with ramifications not just for India but for
the whole world. Fortunately the challenge of climate change, sustainability and
finance all point towards a common solution. However intense R&D in a mission
mode is necessary to develop appropriate solutions and put them in place.
1. World Energy Outlook (Executive Summary, Fact Sheet, Presentation to Press), International
Energy Agency, 2015
2. India Energy Outlook—World Energy Outlook special report, International Energy Agency
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Low Carbon Pathways for India … 7
3. Anil Kakodkar, in Towards Sustainable Secure and Safe Energy Future Leveraging.
Opportunities with Thorium” Thorium Energy Conference 2013 (ThEC 13) CERN Geneva
28–31 Oct 2013
4. C. Graves, S.D. Ebbesen, M. Mogensen, K.S. Lackner, Sustainable hydrocarbon fuels by
recycling CO2 and H2O with renewable or nuclear energy. Renew. Sustain. Energ. Rev. 15, 1
Fuel Cell Technologies for Defence
J. Narayana Das
Keywords Fuel cells Soldier power Portable power Auxiliary power
Unmanned vehicle propulsion AIP for submarines
1 Introduction
Defence forces look forward to self sufficiency in every situation and location.
Power and energy supply must be robust, reliable and versatile. Batteries of several
types and specifications have been specially engineered and are in wide use by the
Army for their forward area detachments and by the Air force and Navy for
autonomous vehicles and remote operation fields. The concept of fuel cell
demonstrated by Dr. William Grove in 1839, has undergone numerous innovative
up gradations and has got adapted and diversified into several types. Low acoustic
signature, low thermal signature, practically no chemical emission, improved
specific energy, high energy density, reduced recharging cycle times etc., are
important features of fuel cells weighing against the best of battery choices, as far as
the military segment is concerned. These features are of significance to the civil
sector as well. Still the industry has not been able to penetrate the market, to the
extent it should have; despite the global green energy campaign. According to a
2015 review, cumulative installed capacity of fuel cells since 1995 is just about
1 GW [1] and the shipment of units forecast for 2015 is around 160,000, all
categories included.
Batteries and Fuel cells are both power on demand devices based on electro-
chemical energy conversion. In batteries the stored chemical energy is released as
electrical energy as a result of reactions between the electrodes and the electrolyte.
Once the reactants are consumed, the battery stops delivering power and needs to be
recharged using electrical energy from external sources. In fuel cells, though
electrical energy is generated through electrode reactions, the reactants per say are
not stored in the cells and can continue to give rated power output as long as supply
of the fuel and oxidant could be maintained.
Polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) uses a solid polymer electrolyte membrane
for exchange of the H+ ion facilitating the anode and cathode reactions of Hydrogen
and Oxygen, using Platinum and alloy catalysts. Relatively lower service life,
stringency of material specifications and the need for extremely high purity of
Hydrogen, etc., are the limiting factors. Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) are made up
of ceramic and cermet electrodes and electrolyte systems such as Yttria Stabilized
Zirconia (YSZ). They are robust in nature. No gel or liquid or polymer membrane is
involved. However, the engineering challenges are several, since the operating
temperatures are as high as 800–1000 °C. Handling Hydrogen gas at such high
temperatures is a safety critical issue. In stationary systems SOFC is finding large
scale application, primarily due to the flexibility in fuel choice. Ni-cermet anode
used in SOFCs, has very poor sulfur tolerance below 800 °C. To be successful in
automobiles, PEFC system must operate at 110–120 °C, which causes associated
performance and degradation issues [2].
In Phosphoric acid fuel Cell (PAFC), phosphoric acid spread over a porous
supporting substrate forms the basic electrolyte layer. Platinum and platinum alloys
on Carbon form the catalysts. Handling the corrosive acid, maintaining its con-
centration and choice of acid resistant materials are the critical engineering chal-
lenges. Though the operating temperature is higher in comparison with PEFC,
better tolerance to impurities in the reactants is a specific advantage. Overall power
to weight ratio is lower than that of PEFC. But PAFC has much longer service life.
Alkaline Fuel Cells (AFC) have the fastest kinetics. The electrode support is typ-
ically Ni mesh or foam. The separator media is alkali (typically KOH) soaked
asbestos membrane. Such systems can use metallic bipolar plates, and thereby
reduce cost. However, their vulnerability to poisoning by CO2, corrosion of the
electrodes, dilution of alkali in the cell etc., are issues that restrict the use of AFC.
Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells (MCFC) use fused alkali carbonates as primary
electrolyte and bipolar plates are of metal alloys. Since operating temperature is
high, faster kinetics is possible. Major problem encountered is the corrosion of
In all of the above cases hydrogen fuel is supplied externally, either as stored
gas/liquid, or through reforming hydrocarbons. Alternately decomposition of per-
oxides is also practiced as an option. In Direct Fuel Cells (DFC) hydrogen
Fuel Cell Technologies for Defence Applications 11
Simplicity, durability, ruggedness and high level of autonomy, are essential features
of any military hardware. Systems should have fault diagnostics and self protection
features. Detailed maintenance plans, mean time between failures (MTBF), mean
time to repair (MTTR), etc. are important statistical parameters of interest to the
military customer.
Air force bases in forward areas and remote locations need assured electric
power for battery charging, auxiliary power for surveillance and regular power for
communication equipment. Long endurance unmanned aerial vehicles also need
agile power sources. Navy’s strategic need of electrical power is for running the
unmanned underwater vehicles and air independent propulsion systems for non
nuclear submarines. The land forces cannot be confined to pre chartered fields and
terrains. Power supply would have either been destroyed or had never existed in the
new posts they occupy. Based on the typical operating environment and user
perspectives, army’s power requirements can be classified into soldier power,
auxiliary power units (APU), autonomous systems, distributed power plants etc.
[3]. US department of defence has carried out a comprehensive study and has
identified the distinct areas, as soldier wearable and portable power, auxiliary power
units for ground vehicles, ships, and aircrafts, non-tactical light-duty vehicles,
propulsion power for ships, submarines, autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs)
and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) [4].
Portable high density power source is vital for the modern war fighter to meet his
C4I system needs. Apart from the communication equipment, power is required for
helmet mounted displays, mobile computer, data modems etc. Primary challenge is
to keep the system weight low. High temperature PEFC with methanol reformer is a
choice for 25–55 W systems. Portable model JENNY 600 S from M/s. SFC Energy
can directly power electrical devices or recharge secondary batteries. The fuel
cartridge contains methanol and has a capacity of 400 Wh each. Ultracell has been
able to pass several models of their reformed methanol fuel cells (RMFC) through
the rigorous test procedures of the US army. PEFC based prototypes developed by
M/s Ballard power systems is using sodium borohydride as the primary fuel. Naval
Materials Research Laboratory, (NMRL), India has developed a 100 W system
12 J. Narayana Das
based on PEFC technology, integrated with online hydrogen generator, for man
portable field power applications. The system can provide 100 W power for 10 h
for every 1 l of liquid fuel.
Operation at low ambient temperatures of the order of −20 °C, as well as per-
formance at low ambient oxygen levels, typical of the high altitudes has to be
specially factored in the design of fuel cells for such applications. For use in desert
regions, the system should take care of high temperature autocatalysis of hydrogen
donor materials employed. Similarly, if liquid fuels like methanol is used, due
consideration should be given to the fuel’s flash point. Air breathing systems should
employ dust filters engineered to take care of the desert storms. Practically no repair
is possible in the field. Systems should have long enough MTBF. Power condi-
tioning to meet the input requirement of specific devices and qualification of system
to MIL standards of EMI/EMC are other engineering challenges.
Lower end of soldier power, say around 20 W, can be met by direct ethylene
glycol—anion exchange membrane based fuel cell. Ethylene glycol being an
anti-freeze material is suitable for low temperature locations like northern sectors of
India. Direct Methanol Fuel cells are also showing high potential for such low
power applications. A wearable fuel cell together with disposable fuel cartridge can
provide higher energy density than the best of the lithium primary cells.
Field deployed vehicles and battle tanks of army need on-board power for electrical
and electronic devices in use. Auxiliary power required during ‘silent watch’ should
leave absolutely low signatures. Such systems should be capable of autonomous
operation without operator intervention. The system should be engineered to give
high levels of reliability under extreme environments of temperature, dust,
humidity, shock and vibrations. Processes should not leave observable emissions of
chemicals, smoke, light or sound. Ideally their thermal signatures should also be
very low. Power conditioners and associated electrical circuitry should conform to
MIL standard EMI/EMC specifications. This is a specific application where the
conventional diesel power generators can be replaced with fuel cell generators for
significant strategic advantages. Weight and volume considerations are important;
but not as critical as in the case of man portable systems. However, the systems
need to be all weather resistant, robust and highly reliable. Operator intervention
and maintenance requirements should be minimal.
NMRL has developed a PAFC based 10 kW generator car that uses an inte-
grated methanol reformer for in situ hydrogen generation. This power source can be
used with advantage for ad hoc repair facilities for field equipment. They are also
handy for enhancing relief operations in distress management and for providing
emergency medical assistance camps in the remote locations.
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By Hamlin Garland
From “They of the High Trails,” copyright, 1916, by Harper
& Brothers. By special permission of the author.
It was deep moonless night when Alice woke with a start. For a
few moments she lay wondering what had roused her—then a bright
light flashed and her companion screamed.
“Who’s there!” demanded the girl.
In that instant flare she saw a man’s face, young, smooth, with
dark eyes gleaming beneath a broad hat. He stood like a figure of
bronze while his match was burning, then exclaimed in breathless
“Great Peter’s ghost! a woman!” Finally he stepped forward and
looked down upon the white, scared faces as if uncertain of his
senses. “Two of them!” he whispered. As he struck his second match
he gently asked: “Would you mind saying how you got here?”
Alice spoke first. “We came up with a geological survey. I got hurt
and they had to leave us behind.”
“Where’s your party gone?”
“Up to the glaciers.”
“When did they leave?”
“Yesterday morning.”
“When do you expect them back?”
“Not for two or three days.”
He seemed to ponder a moment. “You say you’re hurt? Where?”
“My horse slipped and fell on my foot.”
“Wait a minute,” he commanded. “I’ll rustle a candle. I left one
When his form came out of the dark blur behind his candle Alice
perceived that he was no ordinary hunter. He was young, alert, and
very good-looking, although his face was stern and his mouth bitter.
He laid aside his hat as he approached the bunk in which the two
women were cowering as mice tremble before a cat. For a full
minute he looked down at them, but at last he smiled and said, in a
jocular tone:
“You’re sure-enough women, I can see that. You’ll excuse me—
but when a man comes back to a shack in the middle of the night in
a place like this and finds a couple of women in a bunk he’s likely to
think he’s seeing pictures in his sleep.”
“I can understand that,” Alice returned, recovering her self-
command. “You’re the ranger, I suppose? I told my friend here that
you might return.”
“I’m mighty glad I did,” he said, heartily.
“Thank you; you’re very kind.”
He bent a keen glare upon her. “What’s your name?”
“Alice Mansfield.”
“What’s your friend’s name?”
“Mrs. Adams.”
“Are you a missis, too?”
She hesitated. This was impertinent, but then she herself was an
intrusive guest. “No,” she answered, “I am not married.”
“Where are you from?”
“New York City.”
“You’re a long way from home.”
“Yes, I’m feeling that this minute.” She drew the coverlet a little
closer to her chin.
He quickly read this sign. “You needn’t be afraid of me.”
“I’m not.”
“Yes, you are. You’re both all of a tremble and white as two sheep
“It isn’t that,” wailed the girl; “but I’ve twisted my foot again.” Her
moan of pain broke the spell that bound Peggy.
“Would you leave, please, for a moment?” she called to the owner
of the cabin. “I’ve got to get up and doctor my patient.”
“Sure!” he exclaimed, moving toward the door. “If I can do
anything let me know.”
As soon as her patient’s aching foot was eased Peggy opened the
door and peeped out. A faint flare of yellow had come into the east,
and beside the fire, rolled in his blanket, the ranger was sleeping.
Frost covered everything and the air was keen.
“He’s out there on the cold ground—with only one blanket.”
“What a shame! Tell him to come inside—I’m not afraid of him.”
“Neither am I—but I don’t believe he’ll come. It’s ’most morning,
anyway—perhaps I’d better not disturb him.”
“Take one of these quilts to him—that will help some.”
Mrs. Adams lifted one of the coverlets and, stealing softly up, was
spreading it over the sleeper when he woke with a start, a wild glare
of alarm in his eyes.
“Oh, it’s you!” he said in relief. Then he added, as he felt the extra
cover: “That’s mighty white of you. Sure you don’t need it?”
“We can spare it. But won’t you come inside? I’m sorry we drove
you out of your cabin.”
“That’s all right. I’m used to this. Good night. I’m just about dead
for sleep.”
Thus dismissed, Peggy went back and lay down beside Alice. “He
says he’s quite comfortable,” she remarked, “and I hope he is, but he
doesn’t look it.”
When she woke again it was broad daylight and Alice was turning
restlessly on her hard bed. In the blaze of the sun all the mystery of
the night vanished. The incident of the return of the ranger to his
cabin was as natural as the coming of dawn.
“He probably makes regular trips through here,” said Mrs. Adams.
But the wounded girl silently differed, for she had read in the
man’s eyes and voice a great deal more than belonged to the
commonplace character of a forest-ranger. That first vision of his
face burned deep.
She had seen on the wall of the station at “the road” the
description of a train-robber which tallied closely with this man’s
general appearance, and the conviction that she was living in the
hidden hut of an outlaw grew into a certainty. “I must not let him
suspect my discovery,” she thought.
Mrs. Adams (who had not read the placard) treated the young
fellow as if he were one of the forest wardens, manifesting complete
confidence in him.
He deftly helped her about breakfast, and when she invited him
into the cabin he came readily, almost eagerly, but he approached
Alice’s bed with a touch of hesitation, and his glance was softer and
his voice gentler as he said:
“Well, how do you stack up this morning?”
“Much better, thank you.”
“Must have been a jolt—my coming in last night the way I did?”
“I guess the ‘jolt’ was mutual. You looked surprised.”
He smiled again, a faint, swift half-smile. “Surprised! That’s no
name for it. For a minute I thought I’d fallen clear through. I hope you
didn’t get a back-set on account of it.”
“Oh no, thank you.”
“How many men are in your party?”
“Six, counting the guides.”
“Who are the men?”
She named them, and he mused darkly, his eyes on her face. “I
reckon I can’t wait to make their acquaintance. I’m going on down
the Green River to-day. I’m sorry to miss ’em. They must be a nice
bunch—to leave two women alone this way.”
He ate heartily, but with a nicety which betrayed better training
than is usual to men in his position. He remained silent and in deep
thought, though his eyes were often on Alice’s face.
As he rose to go he said to Peggy: “Would you mind doing up a
little grub for me? I don’t know just when I’ll strike another camp.”
“Why, of course! I’ll be glad to. Do you have to go?”
“Yes, I must pull out,” he replied, and while she was preparing his
lunch he rolled a blanket and tied it behind his saddle. At last he re-
entered the cabin and, again advancing to Alice’s bedside, musingly
remarked: “I hate to leave you women here alone. It doesn’t seem
right. Are you sure your party will return to-night?”
“Either to-night or to-morrow. Professor Ward intends to climb
Frémont Peak.”
“Then you won’t see him for three days.” His tone was that of one
who communes with himself. “I reckon I’d better stay till to-morrow. I
don’t like the feeling of the air.”
She explained that Gage, one of the guides, would return in case
the professor wished to remain in the heights.
“Well, I’ll hang around till toward night, anyhow.”
He went away for half an hour, and upon his return presented a
cleanly shaven face and a much less savage look and bearing. He
hovered about the door, apparently listening to Peggy’s chatter, but
having eyes only for the wounded girl. He seized every slightest
excuse to come in, and his voice softened and his manner changed
quite as markedly, and at last, while Mrs. Adams was momentarily
absent, he abruptly said:
“You are afraid of me; I can see it in your eyes. I know why. You
think you know who I am.”
“Yes; I’m sure of it.”
“What makes you think so?”
“I saw your picture in the railway station.”
He regarded her darkly. “Well, I trust you. You won’t give me away.
I’m not so sure of her.” He nodded his head toward the open door.
“What would be the good of my betraying you?”
“Two thousand dollars’ reward is a big temptation.”
“Nonsense! If I told—it would be for other reasons. If I were to
betray your hiding-place it would be because society demands the
punishment of criminals.”
“I’m not a criminal. I never lifted a cent from any man. I didn’t get a
dollar from the express company—but I tried—I want you to know,
anyway,” he continued, “that I wouldn’t rob an individual—and I
wouldn’t have tried this, only I was blind drunk and desperate. I
needed cash, and needed it bad.”
“What did you need it for?” asked Alice, with a steady look.
He hesitated, and a flush crept across his brown face. His eyes
wavered. “Well, you see, the old home was mortgaged—and mother
was sick—”
“Oh, bosh! Tell me the truth,” she demanded. “The papers said
you did it for a girl. Why not be honest with me?”
“I will,” he responded, impulsively. “Yes, that’s right. I did it for a
girl—and afterward, when I was on the run, what did she do? Threw
me down! Told everything she knew—the little coyote—and here I
am hunted like a wolf on account of it.” His face settled into savage
lines for a moment. But even as he sat thus another light came into
his eyes. His gaze took account of Alice’s lips and the delicate
rounded whiteness of her neck and chin. Her like he had never met
before. The girls he had known giggled; this one smiled. His
sweetheart used slang and talked of cattle like a herder, but this
woman’s voice, so sweet and flexible, made delightfully strange
music to his ears.
Peggy’s return cut short his confidence, and while she was in the
cabin he sat in silence, his eyes always on the girl. He seized every
opportunity to speak to her, and each time his voice betrayed
increasing longing for her favor.
Mrs. Adams, who had conceived a liking for him, ordered him
about as freely as though he were a hired guide, and he made
himself useful on the slightest hint.
Alice, on her part, was profoundly interested in him, and whenever
her foot would permit her to think of anything else, she pitied him. In
the madness of his need, his love, he had committed an act which
made all the world his enemy, and yet, as she studied his form and
expression, her heart filled with regret. He was very attractive in the
Western way, with nothing furtive or evasive about him.
With a directness quite equal to his own she questioned him about
his reckless deed.
“Why did you do it?” she exclaimed in despair of his problem.
“I don’t know. Hanged if I do, especially now. Since seeing you I
think I was crazy—crazy as a loon. If I’d done it for you, now, it
wouldn’t have been so wild. You’re worth a man’s life. I’d die for you.”
This outburst of passion, so fierce and wild, thrilled the girl; she
grew pale with comprehension of his mood. It meant that the sight of
her lying there had replaced the old madness with a new one. She
was unprepared for this furious outflaming of primitive admiration.
“You mustn’t talk like that to me,” she protested, as firmly as she
He sensed her alarm. “Don’t you be scared,” he said, gently. “I
didn’t mean to jar you. I only meant that I didn’t know such women
as you were in the world. I’d trust you. You’ve got steady eyes. You’d
stick by the man that played his whole soul for you, I can see that. I
come of pretty good stock. I reckon that’s why you mean so much to
me. You get hold of me in a way I can’t explain.”
“Why don’t you fly?” she asked him. “Every minute you spend
here increases your danger. The men may return at any moment.”
“That’s funny, too,” he answered, and a look of singular, musing
tenderness fell over his face. “I’d rather sit here with you and take my
“But you must not! You are imperiling your life for nothing.”
“You’re mistaken there. I’m getting something every minute—
something that will stay with me all my life. After I leave you it
doesn’t matter. I came into the hills just naturally, the way the elk
does. After that girl reported me, life didn’t count. Seeing you has
changed me. It matters a whole lot to me this minute, and when I
leave you it’s stormy sunset for me, sure thing.”
Alice gazed upon him with steady eyes, but her bosom rose and
fell with the emotion which filled her heart. She debated calling for
Mrs. Adams, but there was something in the droop of the outlaw’s
head, in the tone of his voice, which arrested her. However sudden
and frenzied his admiration might seem to others, it was sincere and
manly, of that she was persuaded. Nevertheless, she was deeply
“I wish you would go,” she entreated at last, huskily. “I don’t want
to see you taken. You have made yourself a criminal and I ought not
to find excuses for you, but I do. You’re so young. It doesn’t seem as
if you knew what you were doing. Why don’t you ride away into the
wild north country and begin a new life somewhere? Can’t you
escape to Canada?”
He seized eagerly upon her suggestion. “Will you write to me if I
“No, I cannot promise that.”
“Why can’t I play the ranger here and wait upon you till the men
“Because Professor Ward read that placard with me. He will know
you instantly. I wish you’d go. Gage may come at any moment now.”
Peggy came in with a disturbed look. “It looks like rain,” she
announced; “the clouds are settling down all over the peaks.”
The outlaw sprang up and went to the door. “It looked bad when I
got up,” he said, as he studied the sky. “I guess we’re in for trouble. It
may be snow.”
His fears were soon realized. Rain began to fall in a thin drizzle,
and at four o’clock the first faint flakes of snow began to flash amid
the gray veils of the water-drops. The women looked at each other in
alarm as the cabin’s interior darkened with the ominous shadow of
the storm.
“I don’t like this a bit,” said Peggy, after a while. “This is no
mountain squall. I wish the men were here.”
“It can’t be anything that will last,” replied Alice. “It isn’t time for the
winter snows.”
“I know,” replied Peggy. “But it’s snowing perfect feather beds
now, and no wind. Lucky this forest-ranger is here. The men may get
lost in this storm.”
“Mercy! Don’t speak of such a thing!” exclaimed Alice; but she
knew, just the same, that Ward and his party were high in the peaks,
far, far above the cabin, and that the storm there would be
proportionately fiercer. She listened with growing thankfulness to the
outlaw’s blows upon the dry limbs of wood that he was chopping for
the fire. He was very capable and would not desert them—of that
she felt assured.
As the man worked on, the women both came to keen realization
of the serious view he took of the storm. He mounted his horse and
with his rope dragged great bundles of fagots from the thickets. As
he came up, laden with one of his bundles of hard-won fuel, Mrs.
Adams asked:
“You don’t think it will keep this up, do you?”
“You never can tell what will happen in these mountains. It doesn’t
generally snow much till later, but you can’t bank on anything in this
Alice called to him and he stepped inside. “What do you think we’d
better do?” she asked.
“There isn’t a thing you can do, miss. It’s just a case of stick it out.
It may let up by sundown; but, as it is, your party can’t get back to-
night, and if you don’t mind I’ll camp down just outside the door and
keep the fire going.”
“You will be a comfort to us,” she replied, “but I feel that—that you
ought to be going. Isn’t it dangerous for you? I mean you will be shut
in here.”
“If I’m shut in, others are shut out,” he answered, with a grim
smile. “My job is to keep fire.” With these words he returned to his
work of breaking limbs from the dead firs.
Alice said: “If it does turn out as this—this ranger says—if the
storm keeps up, you mustn’t let him sleep out in the snow.”
“Of course not,” said Peggy. “He can sleep inside. I trust him
perfectly—and, besides, you have your revolver.”
Alice smiled a little, wondering how Peggy’s trust would stand the
strain of a fuller knowledge concerning their guardian’s stirring