Đề thi thử số 2
Đề thi thử số 2
Đề thi thử số 2
Dự án giáo dục TinZ Chứng chỉ Tin học Quốc tế MOS
4. Insert a Summary Zoom slide between slides 1 and 2. Include all of the slides
except the title slide. Accept all other default settings.
5. Create a PDF by using a feature in Powerpoint. Name the document
Backcountry.pdf and save it into the Document folder. Do not open the file after
Project 4: PropertyAuction Project
1. Add the image Badge.png located in the Document folder to the bottom-right
corner of the slide master.
2. Apply the Smoothly transition effect to all of the slides in this presentation.
3. Animate the entrance of the list items on the last slide using the Fly In effect.
4. Change the duration of the transition to .75 and apply it to all the slides in this
5. Restrict editing by marking this presentation as Final.
Project 5: LeadershipCamp Project
1. Configure printing options to print slides 1, 3 and 4 as full-page slides.
2. Prepare this presentation to be printed in Grayscale.
3. Format the text on slide 4 into two columns with 0.5” (1.27 cm) spacing between
the columns.
4. On slide 5, add a new shape to the SmartArt graphic between Invite Students from
Course and Get Accepted to Camp. Insert the text Enroll Students in to the new
5. On the last slide, change the animation path for the MOS Certificate to Square.
Project 6: Eco-FriendlyStock Project
1. Remove the Header and Footer from the Notes Master.
2. Change this presentation to be viewed in Widescreen (19:6) and ensure the fit.
3. Configure the print settings to print Notes Pages for the presentation.
4. On slide 5, add a Pareto Histogram chart using default settings and data
5. Create an Upward Arrow Process SmartArt graphic on the last slide
Dự án giáo dục TinZ Chứng chỉ Tin học Quốc tế MOS