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All the muslims around the world make one muslim ummah. Islam as a religion defines muslims any where all over the world as brothers. No one is superior to the other.All are equal. When islaim emerged the most common problem of the arabs was disunity. They were again and again overthrown by the surrounding non arabs. Also among them there were fought unlimited and repeated wars. The basis of war were not even defined they may be on killing of a person or may be if one's horse drank water from others pool.

We do not need to look any further than the realm of Islam to find out the aspects of unity.it can be found easily through the holy Quran and hadith.As it is said in Quran

"And hold fast, all together, by the rope of Allah, and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude Allah's favour on you, for you were enemies and He united your hearts, so that by His grace you became brothers"(3:103)

It is clear from the above ayeh that Allah (SWT) has made unity an obligation for all Muslims, irrespective of their opinion.Unity of the Muslim Ummah has an important objective of establishing and spreading Islam. without a state of unity an Islamic Ummah cannot live in peace and harmony . A single united ummah can only be actualized when all follow one political, social and ideological path, and fall under one law, one system of economics, etc. Establishing such an ummah is a duty whose burden is shared by all Muslims. Allah says in the Quran: Indeed this Ummah (Community) of yours is one community, and I am your Lord. So worship me 21:92. It is an obligation on Muslims to strive for a single Ummah, same as they are obligated on a basis of Tawhid to worship one God.Another lesson learnt from this verse is regarding the unity of the Ummah itself. The phrase (Ummah Wahidah) is the answer to the question,"what is unity?" forms of unity that appear in the Quran next t tawheed are: 1-Unity of the Ummah 2-Unity of all those who follow the heavenly books, which stated by the Holy Quran (Say, 'O People of the book! Come to a word common between us and you: that we will worship no one but Allah, and that we will not ascribe any partner to Him...) Q: 3:64 3-Unity of all religions: (where the Holy Quran Says}: He has prescribed for you the religion which He had enjoined upon Noah and which We have(also) revealed to you, and which We had enjoined upon Abraham, Moses and Jesus, declaring, 'maintain the religion, and do not be divided in it...) Q: 42:13. And the other verse where the apostle and the faithful declare, (...We make no distinction between any of His apostles).Q: 2: 285 4-Unity of humanity: (O mankind! Indeed we created you from a male and a female, and made you nations and tribes that you may identify yourselves with one another.) Q:49: 13.


Perhaps it may be said that the sermon of the messenger given in the early days after the Emigration encompasses all these forms: "O mankind! Surely you have only one Lord and your father is one. Each one of you is from Adam, and Adam is made of clay. Indeed the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most God wary among you. There is no preference for an Arab over a non-Arab except due to his taqwa (God wariness).


Also there exist many hurdles facing a disunited society regarding teh spread of Islam.In addition, a consequence of disunity is that the Ummah becomes weak, suffers from low morale and wastes energy addressing minor problems. This of course leads to personality conflicts and hatred or tension,.Above all this ,the enemies of islam rejoice and continue to implement their 'wicked' plans against the Ummah.


The fundamental causes of disunity are: Siyasat (Politics) of a perilous nature, political exploitation of MADHAB (School of Jurisprudence, theology, or thought), and nationalism The worst enemies of Islam are from within - The Reverend Amos
Brown said in no uncertain terms that America must ask herself what she has done either wittingly or unwittingly to incur the wrath and hate of people around the world. Muslims on the other hand, generally prefer to attack the West as the sole reason for their problems when the truth is we are bankrupt as a religious community and our spiritual bankruptcy has led to our inability to even deliver the message of Islam to Westerners in a time when they were giving us platforms to do so Pakistan We Have Selective Islam - The biggest factor that drove people like me away from religion was the selective Islam practised by most of its preachers. In other words, there was a huge difference between what they practised and what they preached. Also, rather than explaining the philosophy behind the religion, there was an over emphasis on rituals. I feel that humans are different; to animals whereas the latter can be drilled, humans need to be intellectually convinced. That is why the Quran constantly appeals to reason. The worst of course, was the exploitation of Islam for political gains by various individuals or groups muslims silent While Muslims Die - The Muslim world has been exposed for its impotence, incompetent leadership, lack of Islamic honor, dignity, courage, and hypocritical support for Palestine, Chechnya, Kashmir, and even the Afghan refugees HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/loyalties.html"Muslims Debate Diverging Loyalties - Muslims who urge their communities to engage

in self-introspection are being labelled traitors, while protestors say too much public self-criticism will divide their community, play into the hands of those they call "Muslim bashers" and weaken their efforts to influence U.S. foreign policy HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/both-eyes.html"Seeing with Both eyes, by Abdul Hakim Murad - The Dajjal, as everyone knows, has only one eye. Those ulema who are concerned to understand and apply their intuition rather than simply to act as historical relay stations have sometimes interpreted this attribute as a reference to the characteristic sickness of decadent religious communities; a sickness that will necessarily be at its most prevalent as the end of time approaches. The Dajjal represents, in human form, a cosmic possibility which occurs throughout history, gathering momentum as Prophetic restorations are forgotten, until, for a time during the last days, he is the one-eyed man who is king.

HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/beyondtheory.html"Moving Beyond Theory - "In Islam, you..." "Islam teaches that the state is..." "A Fatwa issued by a scholar in..." There is always someone propounding on what Islam teaches, how Islam shapes our behavior and what Islam says about halal/haram issues. But we never seem to move beyond the theoretical. HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/missionary_muslimweaknes s.htm"Stopping the onslaught of missionaries in Muslim Homes - The Christians are not the problem. The Muslims are the problem because they are failing their own people in the way of establishing permanent institutions for the teaching of Islam. Let's look at ourselves because we have no control over what the Christians do, but we do have control over what we do with Muslims. HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/kafr.html"Be Careful who you Call a Kafir - The fastest way to leave Islam is to wrongly call another person a Kafir. Waste no time debating what a good Muslim should be. Be one! HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/dog.html""What Color Was The Dog?" - Why Muslims are in such a dire state today HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/emotion.html"The Pitfalls of Emotion - Leaving the heart as the centre of decision leaves its owner vulnerable to the whispering of Shaytan. His choice of right and wrong, of punishment and mercy, does not waver with his own temper and emotions. Rather, his choice is decisive, based on the Criterion which is pure and just and universal. Had it been any other way, Islam could not have withstood the onslaught from its enemies, just as every other religion was ultimately corrupted according to the whims and desires of its followers.

HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/responsible.html"Who is Responsible? - "You have health care and hospitals, but the first health care center was in the home. The first store was in the home. The first government was in the home. The first governmental order was in the home. The first school was in the home. The first bank was in the home. The first transportation was home. If the home is run well, society does not have to worry." HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/deedhell.html"Good Deed that will lead to Hell - A hadith which relates how the consequences of committing sin, as opposed to doing good deeds, could lead a person to be successful in the life hereafter. HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/misc/an/arrogancemistreat.html"Arrogance against others and mistreatment of animals - List of Hadiths and Quranic verses which severely prohibit mistreatment of other people and of animals HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/prejudice.html"Muslims in the Mirror - Prejudice in the Muslim community - Islam is the most anti-racist and anti-prejudicial way of life. Islamic history testifies to the openness Muslims have shown towards people of different cultures and religions. Yet, there is a problem in the Ummah today. Prejudices are not the problems of others. They have become the very sad reality amongst a number of Muslims as well. HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/frustrations.html"Frustration s of Converts, Complacency of the Ummah - How sincere is our worship of God if we pray 5 times a day but when a new Muslim turns to us for friendship, we become judgemental and assume they cannot be worth as much as "us born Muslims." They say a man's true nature is revealed when he is confronted with dealing with those who are of no direct importance to him. How do you treat those who are not important to you? HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/culture.html"Ethnic Culture Versus Islam - Islam is a religion. But, to many, Islam is a culture. It is something they do out of habit rather than out of the education they have received. Sometimes even the culture over-rides religion and they rush out to implement a cultural practice as if it would be unIslamic in not doing so. HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/opinion.html"Difference of Opinion: A Cause of Weakness? - Is it Wrong for Muslims to Differ? In short, No. Evidence for this is an incident in which the Prophet (SAW)

witnessed the companions disputing, but did not rebuke them for doing so.

HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/confusion.html"The Confusion of the Scholars - Have you ever been confronted with such stupidity that you were speechless? What about Muslims? Are there any incredibly stupid actions which have built up to a dangerous level? Of course! I'm going to point out how some (not all) "scholars" have steered us wrong and taken us away from the path of Islam. HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/muslimracist.html"It's time to face an uncomfortable truth: Muslims can be racists- When were Muslims like me going to tell the world how badly Muslims treat people of other faiths? Muslims have been far too reluctant to condemn the persecution of people of other religions in some Islamic countries, and it is time we spoke up. HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/divide.html"Divide and Conquer - Muslims are supposed to be brothers and sisters. We are not supposed to oppress one another by making it impossible to practice our religion. When someone denies an aspect of Islam to the non-believers it gives them a chance to hurt us or oppress us. It gives them a basis for their oppression - a precedent. HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/wakeup.html"Muslims Wake up - Too many are trying to "make the deen easier" by watering it down. Necessity in Islam is defined as life and death - and only as much as is necessary to sustain life. HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/america.html"Allah Bless America - With Islam - Muslims were like dogs at the feet of their master, waiting for any scrap he might throw from his table. He was singing "God Bless America"!!!!! God Bless America! HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/ummah.html"The Ummah is a stalled car - Sadly, this is our current state. At the most, we are idling on the shoulder of the road, and even that is a generous description. It seems we have forgotten the glorious early days of Islam when the proverbial Muslim engine was running at maximum efficiency. HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/basic/charac/muslim_poverty.ht ml"The Meaning of Pride in Poverty - Muslims should not reject economic realities and they should try to earn a living for themselves

and their families. Pride in poverty rather means that they should be prepared to become poor in the way of God and truth and if and when they do become poor they should not be ashamed of their poverty but feel proud of it.

HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/uglyIslamicTradition.html"The Living Character of Islamic Tradition - A great deal of controversy, confusion and disunity among Muslims is caused by a careless use of the argument that such and such a thing did not exist in the days of the Prophet and the rightly guided caliphs or was not allowed by them and therefore it is un-Islamic. Often this argument is used with a measure of hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty.... HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/misc/charity/charity_muslims.htm "How Charitable are Muslims? A big hint ... NOT VERY. We do very poorly compared to the Americans whom many Muslims do nothing but backbite and slander HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/misc/charity/charity_instrumentp oor.htm"Zakat and Charity should be Instruments for Developing the Poor But affluence has made Muslims arrogant and negligent HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/ugly_distortedimage.htm"M uslims Earn A Distorted Image How blind we are to the extent to which we have deviated from the example of the Holy Prophet HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/women/w_afghan.htm"The Women of Afghanistan: Whose Concern Is It, Anyway?This is a crisis that both our Muslim brothers & the media of the west is to blame for. This article gives a balanced opinion showing the drawbacks of both sides. HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/internet.html"Muslims on the Internet: The Good, the Bad...the Ugly This article shows how Muslims are misbehaving and acting irresponsibly on the Internet. This is a shame since the Internet is a fantastic tool for Dawah. HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/women/w_pak.htm"Women are Falling Behind In Pakistan! This article sheds light on the crisis that Pakistani women are facing - the situation is terrible and again, this is a great paradox since Pakistan pays lip-service to being an "Islamic" country. A Quranic society does not treat its women this way.

HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/dawah/dawah_methodology.htm" Obligation of a Muslim Towards a Disbeliever This article gives details on how we should treat Non-Muslims. Many Muslims are rude and unfair toward Non-Muslims and this is WRONG. Don't forget that when our Prophet received his first revelation, almost EVERYONE was a disbeliever. Do you think he could have converted so many people if treated them the way some Muslims today treat Non-Muslims? HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/ugly_women.htm"Women are ABUSED in the name of Islam This is a article that briefly describes how women are mistreated in the name of religion i.e. Muslim men - fathers, brothers, husbands, etc. are using religion as an excuse to abuse women. This article is good because the NonMuslim writer points out the various examples of abuse but concludes firmly, that what these Muslim men are doing is against Islam. HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/unholy.html"The Unholy war between Iraq and Iran This article shows how irresponsibly leaders such as Khomeini and Saddam Hussein act, in the expense of ruining the reputation of Islam - a religion they claim to represent. HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/ugly_eiddate.htm"Disunity over Eid Date Reflects More Muslims remain divided even on this special occasion. HYPERLINK "http://www.themodernreligion.com/ugly/ugly_ego.htm"An Islamic Perspective on the Ego The Qur'an and Sunnah attack the root of the problem by reminding the human being, in many places, of his origin (mire, clay, a worthless drop of fluid, etc.) so that he would have no reason to become arrogant.

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