Weaving Made Easy
Weaving Made Easy
Weaving Made Easy
Liz Gipson
two-skein scarf
the trick to weaving with variegated yarns is use
them in such a way as to bring out their beauty without
combining too many colors so that end up looking
muddy. One trick is to grab a skein of beautifully
variegated yarn and find a coordinating solid that will
complement the variegated colorway, as in this scarf of
subtle beauty. For a different look, use the solid color
in the warp and weave with the variegated. Simple
hemstitching allows beauty of the variegated yarn to
show in the fringe.
project gallery
Bamboo Obi
The Basics
Warping and Weaving
Getting Up to Warp Speed
Problem Solving
Terms to Knot
Brooks Bouquet Shawl
Illustrated Glossary
Warping Checklist
Project Planning Sheet
Sources for Supplies
Paperbound, 8½ x 9, 128 pages About the author Liz Gipson, former managing editor of Spin-Off
150 photographs magazine and the current managing editor of Handwoven magazine,
ISBN 978-1-59668-075-3 learned to weave at age five. Liz has made appearances on the DIY
$24.95 and HGTV programs Knitty Gritty and Uncommon Threads and is a
November 2008 co-host of public television’s Knitting Daily TV. She is the president
of the Spinning and Weaving Association and lives in Loveland,