Bathing A Newborn Module and Checklist 2
Bathing A Newborn Module and Checklist 2
Bathing A Newborn Module and Checklist 2
1. Bathing should be done prior to or before feeding to prevent spitting up, vomiting,
and possible aspiration.
2. Bathe should proceed from the least soiled areas of the body to prevent
3. Handwashing should be employed since newborn have few defense mechanism to
combat microorganism
4. Sponge bath is given to the infants until the cord is fall off to prevent
contamination, then tub bath may be given.
1. To keep the skin clean and dry
2. To make the baby feel safe and comfortable
3. To stimulate circulation
4. To give the baby “mothering care”
Preparing the bath:
1. Make certain that the room is free from drafts by closing the windows and doors.
Air currents increases lose of heat from the body by convection
2. Small items should be placed out of the infant’s reach
3. Feces in the perinium should be wiped away with tissue before bath
⮚ Soft washcloth ⮚ Clothing
⮚ Basin with water ⮚ Diaper
⮚ Cotton balls ⮚ Mild soap
⮚ Tissue to remove feces ⮚ Towel
⮚ Alcohol for cord care ⮚ Safety pin
⮚ Paper bag for soiled cotton balls
1. Wash the hands thoroughly. ● Reduces transmission of organism.
2. Undress the baby and wrap him in a ● Protect the baby from possible heat
towel loss.
3. Clean the eyes with water only, by ● Doing the procedure in order
using wash cloth or cotton balls. ensures that all parts of the baby’s
Start from inner to outer canthus body has been cleaned well.
using one CB for each stroke or
using separate corners of the
4. Wash and dry the baby’s face, neck, ● Drying after washing one part of
and ears using water only. Inside of baby’s body will protect them from
the ear can be cleansed well rolled heat loss.
wisp of damped cotton balls gently. ● Soap irritates eyes,
5. Pick the baby using a football hold ● Football hold ensures good grasp of
and position the baby’s head over the baby, thus preventing accidental
the water basin. Lather the scalp slipping from the nurse’s arm.
using mild soap. Massage then later
the scalp using soft bristled brush,
baby comb or your fingertips. For
football forearm supports the body
and infant is held against the
nurse’s side securely. Cover ears
with middle finger and thumb.
6. Rinse the scalp well and place the ● Scalp should be dried well as heat
baby lying on his back on the table. can be lost through the scalp.
Dry scalp well with towel.
7. Wash, rinse, and dry arms and hand. ● Rubbing can cause skin irritation
Avoid excessive rubbing, pay and moisture can cause.
particular attention to the axilla and
dry thoroughly.
8. Wash, rinse, and dry the baby’s ● Prevents chilling and exposure of
chest and abdomen. Keep baby body parts.
covered with blanket in between
washing and rinsing.
9. Turn the baby on his back. Wash, ● Exposes back for bathing.
rinse, and dry his back.
10. Wash, rinse, and dry baby’s ● To cleanse leg thoroughly. Support
legs and feet. Expose one leg and of joint and extremity prevents
foot at a time. strain on musculoskeletal structure.
11. Clean and dry the anterior
perineal from front top back as
a. Clean the folds of the groin
b. For females separate the labia
● Wiping from perineum to rectum
and clean genital area from
reduces chance of transmitting fecal
top back, using moistened
organisms to urinary meatus.
cotton balls. Use clean swab
● Secretions capable of harboring
for each stroke.
microorganisms collect underneath
c. For uncircumcised males:
retract the foreskin, if possible
and clean the glands penis
using moistened cotton balls.
If it is tight for retraction, do
not exert too much force. After
swabbing, replace foreskin to
prevent edema of the glans
penis. Clean the shaft of the
penis and scrotum.
12. To clean the posterior ● Skin folds near buttocks and anus
perineum and buttocks, grab both of may contain fecal secretions that
the baby’s ankles and raise the feet harbor microorganisms.
and elevate the buttocks. Wash,
rinse and dry with washcloth.
13. Apply drops of alcohol at the ● Alcohol has antiseptic effect and it
base of the cord before putting a promotes drying.
shirt on.
14. Change crib linen, position ● This allows more air and facilities
baby on the crib on his side with drainage of mucus.
rolled towel behind back.
15. Cover baby with blanket. ● Maintains warmth to prevent
16. Clean and dry articles, dispose ● Prevents transmission of
of used materials properly. microorganism
17. Wash hands to avoid
transmitting to other.
Babies can drown in less than 5 cm of water so never leave your newborn, or any
child. If you have to leave the bath area, wrap baby in a towel and take them
with you.
It’s usually not necessary to use soap – it can make your newborn slippery and hard to
hold. However, if you do decide to use soap, consider
Make sure your newborn is secured in a bouncer or cot before disposing of the
Daet, Camarines Norte
College of Nursing and Midwifery
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