Ijms 23 04125 v2
Ijms 23 04125 v2
Ijms 23 04125 v2
Molecular Sciences
Clinical and Molecular Insights of Radiation-Induced Breast
Sarcomas: Is There Hope on the Horizon for Effective Treatment
of This Aggressive Disease?
Stefania Kokkali 1,2, *, Jose Duran Moreno 3 , Jerzy Klijanienko 4 and Stamatios Theocharis 1
1 First Department of Pathology, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
75 Mikras Asias Street, 11527 Athens, Greece; stamtheo@med.uoa.gr
2 Oncology Unit, 2nd Department of Medicine, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Hippocratio General Hospital of Athens, V. Sofias 114, 11527 Athens, Greece
3 Hellenic Group of Sarcoma and Rare Cancers, G. Theologou 5, 11471 Athens, Greece;
4 Department of Pathology, Institut Curie, 26 Rue d’Ulm, CEDEX 05, 75248 Paris, France;
* Correspondence: stefkokka@med.uoa.gr; Tel.: +30-6932326547
Abstract: Radiation-induced breast sarcomas (RIBS) are rare entities representing <1% of all primary
breast malignancies, limiting most reports to small retrospective case series. They constitute a
heterogeneous group of neoplasms, with high-grade angiosarcoma being the most common subtype.
Other sarcoma histotypes, such as undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma and leiomyosarcoma, can
also be identified. Radiation-induced breast angiosarcoma (RIBA) has an incidence of approximately
0.1% after breast-conserving therapy and arises mainly from the dermis of the irradiated breast.
MYC gene amplification is highly indicative of secondary breast angiosarcomas. Their clinical
Citation: Kokkali, S.; Moreno, J.D.; presentation often mimics benign port-radiation lesions, leading to a delay in diagnosis and a lost
Klijanienko, J.; Theocharis, S. Clinical window of opportunity for cure. Surgery with negative margins is the mainstay of treatment of
and Molecular Insights of Radiation- localized RIBS. In the case of angiosarcoma, technical difficulties, including multifocality, infiltrative
Induced Breast Sarcomas: Is There margins, and difficulty in assessing tumor margins, render surgical treatment quite challenging.
Hope on the Horizon for Effective
A limited number of studies showed that adjuvant radiation therapy reduces local recurrences;
Treatment of This Aggressive
therefore, it is proposed by many groups for large, high-grade tumors. Chemotherapy has been
Disease? Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23,
evaluated retrospectively in a small subset of patients, with some evidence supporting its use in
4125. https://doi.org/10.3390/
angiosarcoma patients. Approximately half of patients with RIBA will show local recurrence. In the
advanced setting, different therapeutic options are discussed in the review, including chemotherapy,
Academic Editor: Shinji Miwa antiangiogenic therapy, and immunotherapy, whereas the need for further research on molecular
Received: 3 March 2022 therapeutic targets is pointed out.
Accepted: 1 April 2022
Published: 8 April 2022 Keywords: breast sarcoma; angiosarcoma; radiation-induced sarcoma; radiotherapy
carcinoma (BC), whereas nodal involvement is very uncommon. The most common sub-
types of BS are angiosarcoma, stromal sarcoma, liposarcoma, fibrosarcoma, osteosarcoma,
chondrosarcoma, leiomyosarcoma, undifferentiated pleiomorphic sarcoma, and Kaposi
sarcoma [7–9], with the most common being angiosarcoma. Factors identified to have a
prognostic significance, associated with either overall survival (OS) or disease-free survival
(DFS), are tumor grade, angiosarcoma histology, surgical margins, and tumor size.
A clear distinction exists between the de novo developing primary breast sarcomas
(PBS) and secondary breast sarcomas (SBS) developing after radiation therapy (RT), or in the
setting of chronic lymphedema, similarly to secondary sarcomas of the arm (Stewart-Treves
syndrome) after axillary lymph node dissection [6,10–12]. Both are rare, representing <1%
of all primary breast malignancies and <5% of all sarcomas [13]. The annual incidental
rate for breast sarcoma varies in the literature according to the histotypes included in the
different series. A retrospective analysis of the Swedish cancer registry identified an overall
incidence of 1.5–2 cases per million per year [14]. Radiation-induced BS (RIBS) comprises
approximately one-third of BS, with angiosarcoma being the most common subtype. The
cumulative incidence of RIBS was estimated at 0.3% at 15 years post-RT [15]. Karlsson et al.
reported a standardized incidence ratio of 1.9 for BS in women treated for BC [16].
The modified criteria, proposed by Cahan et al. [17] for radiation-induced bone sarco-
mas, are also used to define RIBS and include: different histological features between the
primary tumor and the present sarcoma; the development of sarcoma in a previously irra-
diated field; a latent period typically >5 years; and histological confirmation of the second
malignancy as sarcoma. These criteria were further modified by Arlen et al. in 1971, in-
cluding tissues adjacent to the irradiated field and a shorter latency period (3–4 years) [18].
The latency period is necessary to distinguish RIBS from PBS, but the minimum required
interval has been controversial among authors [19,20].
Common breast imaging studies, including mammography and ultrasound, are not
specific for BS in demonstrating a suspicious mass. Fine-needle aspiration cytology is
not very helpful, as adequate sampling is required for accurate preoperative diagnosis.
Therefore, core biopsy is the gold standard, coupled with histological examination by
an expert sarcoma pathologist, to distinguish BS from metaplastic carcinoma and malig-
nant phyllodes tumor [21]. Breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is indicated for
planning appropriate surgery. The staging system of the American Joint Committee on
Cancer/International Union Against Cancer is the most commonly used, just as for soft
tissue sarcomas (STS) arising in other sites.
In the current review, the clinical and histopathological characteristics of RIBS will
be discussed, as well as their management and prognosis, emphasizing their distinct
characteristics versus PBS.
Figure Radiation-induced osteosarcoma.
osteosarcoma. (A):(A): smears
smears showing
showing clustered
clustered spindlespindle and pleo-
and pleomorphic
morphic sarcomatous cells associated with pinkish/orange osteoid (May-Grunwald–Giemsa, 400×;
sarcomatous cells associated with pinkish/orange osteoid (May-Grunwald–Giemsa, 400×; Merck,
Merck, Darmstadt, Germany); (B): corresponding surgical sections of spindle-shaped and epitheli-
Darmstadt, Germany); (B): corresponding surgical sections of spindle-shaped and epithelioid pro-
oid proliferation showing osteogenesis (Hematoxylin-Eosin-Safran,200×; Merck, Darmstadt, Ger-
liferation showing osteogenesis (Hematoxylin-Eosin-Safran,200×; Merck, Darmstadt, Germany).
many). Schemes follow the same formatting.
Schemes follow the same formatting.
Αngiosarcomas are rare but aggressive tumors that account for less than 5% of all
Angiosarcomas are rare but aggressive tumors that account for less than 5% of all soft
soft tissue sarcomas (STS). They arise from the endothelial cells of blood vessels (he-
tissue sarcomas (STS). They arise from the endothelial cells of blood vessels (hemangiosar-
mangiosarcoma) or lymphatics (lymphangiosarcoma), either sporadically (as primary
coma) or lymphatics (lymphangiosarcoma), either sporadically (as primary neoplasms) or
neoplasms) or secondary to chronic lymphedema and previous irradiation. In this re-
secondary to chronic lymphedema and previous irradiation. In this review, only breast
view, only breast hemangiosarcoma will be discussed. Primary breast angiosarcoma
hemangiosarcoma will be discussed. Primary breast angiosarcoma (PBA) occurs in breast
(PBA) occurswhereas
parenchyma, in breast parenchyma, whereas
radiation-induced radiation-induced
breast angiosarcoma (RIBA)breast
mainly the
(RIBA) involves mainly the dermis and may or may not infiltrate
dermis and may or may not infiltrate breast parenchyma. Contrary to Stewart–Treves breast parenchyma.
Contrary to Stewart–Treves
angiosarcoma, RIBA usuallyangiosarcoma,
lacks lymphedema RIBAchanges
usually lacks
[26]. lymphedema changes [26].
Before RT became a common practice for breast cancer,
Before RT became a common practice for breast cancer, treatment-related treatment-related angiosar-
comas were
comas were usually
usually lymphangiosarcomas,
lymphangiosarcomas, arising arising inin the
the lymphedematous
lymphedematous breast breast and
upper arm following mastectomy and axillary dissection, and
upper arm following mastectomy and axillary dissection, and associated with chronic associated with chronic
lymphedema [27].The
introductionof ofbreast
node sampling has led to a decrease in treatment-related lymphedema
node sampling has led to a decrease in treatment-related lymphedema and consequent and consequent
lymphangiosarcoma, while
lymphangiosarcoma, while atat the
the same
same time,
time, toto an
an increase
increase inin the
RIBA typically
RIBA typically exhibits
exhibits aa vasoformative,
vasoformative,and andless
commonly, a solid growth
a solid growthpattern
tern An analysis
[26,28]. of 27 of
An analysis cases of RIBA
27 cases demonstrated
of RIBA a vasoformative
demonstrated patternpattern
a vasoformative of growth of
combined with sieve-like or solid pattern areas, mainly high-grade
growth combined with sieve-like or solid pattern areas, mainly high-grade nuclear fea- nuclear features (16
tures 3, grade
8 grade3, 2,8 grade
3 grade2, 1), high mitotic
3 grade 1), highrate, and rate,
mitotic rarely,
and necrosis
rarely, [26]. The [26].
necrosis predomi-
nance of high-grade angiosarcoma is reported in all studies of RIBA
predominance of high-grade angiosarcoma is reported in all studies of RIBA with available with available his-
tological data
histological data [29–33].
Furthermore,RIBA RIBAisismore
multi-focal, and the macroscopic
aspect shownininFigure
Figure 2. 2. Cytologic
Cytologic findings
findings andand corresponding
corresponding histological
histological sections
sections are
are shown
shown in Figure
in Figure 3. Cytological
3. Cytological smearssmears
showedshowednumerous numerous spindle-shaped
spindle-shaped sarcomatoussarcoma-
tous cells mild
exhibiting exhibiting mild cyto-nuclear
cyto-nuclear pleomorphism. pleomorphism.
Numerous naked Numerousnucleinaked nuclei and a
and a hemorrhagic
hemorrhagic background were also found. Histological sections
background were also found. Histological sections showed a typical angiosarcoma, showed a typical angi-
rich in
vascular rich in
spaces vascular
bordered byspaces bordered by
spindle-shaped spindle-shaped
sarcomatous cells. sarcomatous cells.
RIBA should be differentiated from atypical vascular lesion (AVL), a cutaneous vascu-
lar lesion arising in patients who have received RT for breast carcinoma. This entity, first
described by Fineberg and Rosen in 1994 [34], has been attributed to lymphatic obstruction
secondary to surgery and/or RT [35,36]. A constant finding of AVL is a variable degree of
chronic inflammatory infiltrate, and most of them resemble benign lymphangioendothe-
lioma and/or lymphangioma circumscriptum. Although most authors consider AVLs as
benign, a number of cases progressing to angiosarcoma have been reported, raising the
concern of whether AVLs are premalignant or not [35–38]. Differential diagnosis between
AVL and well-differentiated angiosarcoma can be extremely difficult in small biopsies [39].
Features that favor diagnosis of AVL include relative circumscription, bloodless spaces,
and delicate projections of endothelial-lined stroma into vessel lumens, while infiltrative
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 4125 4 of 18
Figure 2. Surgical
Figure mammary
2. Surgical specimen of radiation-induced
mammary specimen of breastbreast angiosarcoma. Note
radiation-induced violet, angio
Figure 2. Surgical
congestive skin andmammary
subcutaneousspecimen of radiation-induced
tumoral angiosarcoma.
infiltration. Morphological Note
cytologic and violet,
congestive skin
skin and and subcutaneous
findings are shown in Figure 3.
tumoral infiltration. infiltration.
Morphological cytologicMorphological
and histologic cy
findings are shown in Figure 3.
findings are shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3.
Figure Thesame
3. The samecase
caseofof radiation-induced
radiation-induced breast
breast angiosarcoma
angiosarcoma fromfrom
thethe Figure
Figure 2. (A):
2. (A): cyto-
smears showing
logic smears numerous
showing spindle-shaped
numerous sarcomatous
spindle-shaped cells exhibiting
sarcomatous mild cyto-nuclear
cells exhibiting pleo-
mild cyto-nuclear
pleomorphism. Note the presence
Note the presence of nuclei
of naked nakedandnuclei and background
hemorrhagic hemorrhagic background
Giemsa 400×; Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). (B): Corresponding surgical sections showingsections
400×; Merck, Darmstadt, Germany). (B): Corresponding surgical
showing typical angiosarcoma A
rich inbordered
vascularbyspaces bordered by spindle-shaped
angiosarcoma rich in vascular spaces spindle-shaped sarcomatous cells (Hematoxylin-
cells (Hematoxylin-Eosin-Safran, 400×; Merck, Darmstadt, Germany).
Eosin-Safran, 400×; Merck, Darmstadt, Germany).
in patients with Li–Fraumeni syndrome and a history of breast carcinoma was reported by
Heyman et al. [40], whereas a recent study found a much lower risk of 6% [41]. Alterations
of the tumor suppressor gene TP53 were also identified in a large proportion of AVLs and
RIBA, suggesting that the two entities are the extremes of a morphological continuum [42].
The TP53 gene is considered a guardian of the genome, as it is involved in DNA repair,
the regulation of cell cycle checkpoints, etc. TP53 mutations have been associated with
impaired repair of DNA damages induced by RT in some studies, and its use is avoided in
patients with Li–Fraumeni syndrome [43].
A very limited number of RIBS cases in BRCA mutation carriers have been reported,
raising the question of a possible association between BRCA mutation and secondary
sarcomas [44]. BRCA proteins, encoded by the tumor suppressor genes BRCA1 and BRCA2,
regulate DNA double-strand breaks repair. Ionizing radiation induce mainly double strand
breaks of DNA, and BRCA mutations may lead to impaired radiation response, raising
concerns about the use of RT in these patients [45]. However, the largest study of breast
cancer patients with BRCA mutations treated with RT, which included 230 women in Israel
(of whom 80% with an Ashkenazi Jewish founder mutation), found no increased risk of
RIBS [46]. Thus, RT can be administered in BRCA-associated breast carcinoma.
Carriers of the retinoblastoma (Rb) germline mutation have a strong predisposition
to cell cycle dysregulation, and an increased risk of STS post-radiation for retinoblastoma
has been established, in a dose-dependent manner [47]. However, there is no data on the
susceptibility to breast sarcoma. Similar to BRCA and TP53 mutations, concerns have been
expressed about a deleterious role of RT in patients carrying Rb mutations [48].
In angiosarcomas in particular, recent comparative genomic hybridization studies
revealed genetic differences between primary and secondary tumors. MYC gene amplifica-
tion as a result of recurrent genetic alterations on chromosome 8q24.21 is highly indicative
of secondary angiosarcoma [49–51]. However, there is a small subset of primary angiosar-
comas harboring also MYC amplification [52]. Further research on MYC in secondary
angiosarcomas, AVL and other RIS revealed high levels of MYC amplification by fluores-
cence in situ hybridization (FISH) only in secondary angiosarcomas, as opposed to AVL
cases or AVL lesions adjacent to RIBA [51,53]. Moreover, incidence of MYC alteration
was low in radiation-induced non-breast angiosarcomas [52], or absent in RIS without
angiosarcoma morphology [54]. The incidence of MYC amplification, detected by FISH,
in radiation- or lymphedema-induced angiosarcomas, ranges between 54% and 100% of
studied cases [49,50,54]. A high concordance between MYC gene amplification and pro-
tein expression by immunohistochemistry (IHC) was reported in subsequent studies in
secondary mammary angiosarcomas, AVLs, and primary mammary AS [50,55].
4. Pathophysiology
For RIBS, RT is likelythe main causative factor, although a clear dose–response rela-
tionship has not yet been established. Childhood high-dose fractionated radiation exposure
(10+ Gy) has been linked to an increased risk of bone and STS, and a linear relationship
was found between dose and risk [56]. Such a dose–response relationship has also been
described in women receiving RT for BC [57]. According to an earlier report, a direct dose–
risk relationship between RT dose and sarcoma risk was observed until 150–200 Joules [16].
Apart from the dose, the techniques of radiotherapy also seem to play a role in the de-
velopment of secondary tumors in cancer survivors. Technological efforts during the last
two decades aiming at a better radiation distribution and a reduction of normal tissue
damage are expected to reduce the incidence of these neoplasms. The combination of RT
and alkylating chemotherapy agents is also considered a risk factor for BS [58,59].
A large single-institution study of 13,472 patients who received RT for breast cancer at
the Curie Institute reported a cumulative incidence of 0.48% for RIBS at 15 years [22]. In
another large Canadian population-based study, the standardized incidence ratio was 26.2
for RIBA and 2.5 for RIBS [12]. The estimated incidence of RIBA after breast-conserving
therapy ranges from 0.05% to 0.1% [15,60,61].
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 4125 6 of 18
The clear role of RT in SBS reflects different hypotheses regarding its exact patho-
physiological mechanism. The first hypothesis supports a direct effect of RT due to tissue
damage [62]. On the other hand, a central role of lymphedema, as a result of lymphatic
channels obstruction from RT or surgery, has also been speculated to be the principal
causative factor of SBS [26]. In support of the second hypothesis, there are several reports of
SBS in patients who underwent surgery for breast carcinoma without adjuvant RT [12,15],
likely related to surgical sequelae, prior chemotherapy, and other environmental factors. In
addition, a large Swedish study of secondary sarcomas post-treatment for BC found that
the risk of STS, other than angiosarcomas, correlated with RT dose, whereas angiosarcomas
risk correlated only with lymphoedema [16]. Furthermore, lymphangiosarcomas develop
in patients with chronic lymphedema, even in the absence of RT [63]. Cases of out-of-field
sarcomas have also been described in patients who underwent RT for BC [15]. Finally,
radiation-induced angiosarcomas also occur in female reproductive organs after RT for
previous cancers, raising the question of a possible association with female hormones [64].
The clinical presentation of RIBS is analogous to PBS. Most patients present with a
unilateral, painless breast lump arising within the irradiated region, with a median diameter
of approximately 5 cm in most series (Table 2). Irradiated fields may be more fibrotic or
sclerotic, rendering physical examination and evaluation of the lesion more difficult. RIBA
have distinct clinical findings, including discoloration, purplish-red nodules, thickening or
elevation of the skin, and a diffuse pattern of extension. There is often a delay in diagnosis,
as typical lesions mimic ecchymosis, eczema, and benign post-radiation skin changes [69].
Consequently, the window of opportunity for timely treatment can be lost. Multifocality is
another common feature of RIBA, combined with microsatellite lesions, in some cases. An
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 4125 7 of 18
AVL, on the other hand, arises in irradiated skin as solitary or multiple well-circumscribed,
small, flesh-colored/reddish papules, or small erythematous patches/plaques, with a
mean diameter of 8 mm (1–60 mm). Usually, these lesions are limited to superficial and
middermis, although cases extending into the deep dermis and subcutis have also been
described [36,38]. In one study, angiosarcomas presented as larger lesions compared to
AVLs (median diameter of 7.5 cm versus 0.5 cm) [70]. The latency period of AVL is shorter,
ranging from 3.5 to 6 years [36–38,70].
Similar to BS in general, mammography and ultra-sound findings of RIBS are not
specific. False negative results can be obtained in the case of breast angiosarcoma, since
both post-RT, and angiosarcoma-related skin changes may be mammographically indis-
tinct [71,72]. According to available data, around 33% of angiosarcomas are not detected
in mammography [73]. MRI can accurately detect tumor extension. Pronounced skin en-
hancement is a constant MRI finding of RIBA [74]. A large retrospective study of RIBA [71]
reported diffuse T2 high-signal skin thickening, with persistent enhancement and rapidly
enhanced T1-weighted images in all patients. Seven out of sixteen patients showed nodular
foci of rapid, early arterial enhancement with washout hypointense lesions on T2-weighted
images. Only four patients displayed distinct intraparenchymal masses.
6.1. Surgery
Positive surgical margins have been consistently reported to have a detrimental impact
in overall survival [4,23,30,75] and a higher risk of local recurrence [76], turning this into
the most important prognostic factor. Closer margins have also been associated with a
higher risk of local recurrence when compared to wider margins [76], although this issue
may be discussed, since McGowan et al. [30] concluded, after the analysis of a large breast
sarcoma cohort with 26 RIS, that negative margins are adequate, irrespective of how close
they are, but the tendency for satellite deposits of RIBA suggests that margins of 2 to 5 cm
are preferable [33,77,78].
Prior RT-related tissue changes and the diffusively infiltrative margins of angiosarcoma
make the complete excision of the tumor a surgical challenge, mandating the performance
of surgery at experienced, high-volume centers. Pencavel et al. [3] retrospectively analyzed
a large series of breast sarcomas, including both PBS and SBS, and indicated a better
prognosis when the primary surgery was performed in a high-volume tertiary sarcoma
center, when compared to patients who were referred to complete their treatment after
a primary surgery with margin involvement. Unfortunately, these data support that
wide local excision (WLE) may only be an option for low-grade tumors of up to 5 cm
of diameter. The excision of all irradiated tissues should be preferred, and mastectomy
more often achieves negative margins compared to WLE [78]. In most series, the majority
of patients underwent mastectomy [3,22,31,32,78–80], providing a robust base of data for
recommending this approach.
As with other STS, BS rarely metastasize to regional lymph nodes. In most series,
only anecdotal cases of nodal metastases are reported [81]. According to a large Surveil-
lance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database study, approximately 40% of breast
sarcoma patients undergo some degree of lymphadenectomy, with only 6/246 positive
cases [82]. In most studies with RIBS, the incidence of nodal metastasis is not mentioned or
not investigated, while those reporting any regional lymph-node involvement corroborate
the low incidence indicated by the SEER. However, only one series of 20 RIBA patients
from Brazil [83] reports a higher frequency of axillary nodal involvement, with two patients
initially diagnosed with axillary metastases and another four with axillary recurrence.
The available data support that sentinel lymph node biopsy, or systematic lymph-node
dissection, is not indicated as part of the treatment of RIBS.
Approximately one out of two patients will present local recurrence, despite an initial
wide surgical treatment. Resection of local recurrence improves local control and survival,
with an estimated benefit in overall survival of over two years (34 versus 6 months) [78].
therapy was administered mainly in patients with unresectable disease with a response
rate of 75%, whereas in the second case, the therapy was also delivered in the adjuvant
setting. However, the median overall survival in these studies was 1–1.5 years.
tients, of which 33% had breast angiosarcoma, the PFS at four months was 45% [24].Weekly
paclitaxel was compared with doxorubicin as a fist-line treatment in a retrospective study
of 117 metastatic angiosarcomas, of which 36 had secondary and 28 had cutaneous an-
giosarcoma [97]. The two drugs were found equal regarding PFS. Cutaneous angiosarcoma
exhibited a higher response rate to paclitaxel compared to non-cutaneous angiosarcoma,
and radiation-induced angiosarcomas exhibited more objective responses to both drugs
when compared to primary tumors. According to a retrospective series that evaluated RIBA
specifically, the median treatment time (MTT) on first-line paclitaxel was 3.5 months [98].
Both of the above drugs show dose-limiting toxic effects (cardiac and neurological).
Gemcitabine is another chemotherapeutic agent that can be used in the treatment of RIBS.
It was evaluated retrospectively as single agent in 25 angiosarcomas from the Italian Rare
Cancer Network (including eight radiation-induced angiosarcomas and seven RIBA). The
ORR was 68%, the median PFS was 7 months, and the median OS was 17 months [99]. Six
out of eight radiation-induced angiosarcomas responded to the drug. Gemcitabine can
also be combined with docetaxel, with an increased ORR, although there is no data on
breast sarcoma in particular. In addition, liposomal pegylated doxorubicin, trabectedin,
and navelbine are other therapies that can be used, based on extrapolated evidence from
STS trials.
7.2. Bevacizumab
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptor (VEGFR) are expressed
in breast angiosarcomas [100] and angiosarcomas in general [101], and they likely play a
significant role in carcinogenesis and angiosarcoma progression. VEGFR expression was
associated with grade 1 or 2 angiosarcoma of the breast [100], whereas specific data regard-
ing RIBA (usually a grade 3 tumor) are lacking. Bevacizumab is a monoclonal antibody
targeting VEGF that is approved for the treatment of different tumors. The activity of
bevacizumab monotherapy was demonstrated in a small study of epithelioid hemangioen-
dothelioma and angiosarcoma, including four patients with breast angiosarcoma [102]. Of
the 30 patients, 15 exhibited stable disease and four had a partial response. The combi-
nation of bevacizumab and paclitaxel was also compared to paclitaxel monotherapy in a
randomized phase 2 study of 49 angiosarcoma patients, of which 24 had a primary breast
tumor and 24 had a history of RT [103]. The combination was more toxic and did not
improve efficacy, although there was no separate analysis for breast sarcoma.
A high positivity for Kit RTK by IHC has been demonstrated in a small study of RIS,
including RIBAs, which is not coupled with exon 11 mutations [110]. Whether Kit expres-
sion drives oncogenesis or not remains unknown. However, this observation provides a
rationale for imatinib testing in RIBS.
7.4. Immunotherapy
Immunotherapy (IO) constitutes a novel approach in the armamentarium against
cancers. The immune profile of RIS was explored in a small study of 20 cases, including
three angiosarcomas [111]. A higher mutational rate was found, compared to other cancer
types, coupled with 45% positivity to PD1/PDL1 and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes,
whereas primary breast angiosarcomas exhibit a lower PDL1 expression [112]. In most
studies of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI), as a monotherapy or in combinations, for the
treatment of STS, breast sarcomas were underrepresented. It is worth mentioning that there
are some isolated responses reported in angiosarcomas, without information on tumor
location or radiation history [113,114]. In a small retrospective series of angiosarcomas,
responses to ICI have been reported for seven patients, including a patient with RIBA [115].
8. Prognosis
Prognosis of breast sarcomas is highly dependent upon histotype, histological grade,
and tumor size [25,30,31,76,116]. The extent of surgery and margin status is also an im-
portant prognostic factor. In general, RIS are considered as aggressive tumors. In a large
multivariate analysis that adjusted for age, tumor size, depth, and margin status, it was
demonstrated that RIS are associated with inferior survival rate compared to sporadic STS,
and previous radiotherapy is an independent prognostic factor [117]. For these patients,
previous treatments and subsequent side effects (i.e., bone marrow dysfunction) also reduce
therapeutic options.
Furthermore, the high frequency of angiosarcoma histology among RIBS partially
accounts for their aggressive behavior. Both primary and therapy-related angiosarcomas
have been associated with poor prognosis. Although some studies report a worse prognosis
of RIBA compared to PBA [83,86,87], it has not been confirmed in all series [32,66,81]. In
most of these studies, survival endpoints have been compared between primary and
secondary breast angiosarcomas without analyzing potential confounding factors, such as
tumor grade and stage. Only the USA comparative cohort study from the SEER database
adjusted for prognostic characteristics of patients and concluded that the worse prognosis
of RIBA was due to advanced stage, grade, and age [87].
More specifically, in the older studies, the median OS for RIBA was approximately
two to three years [78,80,83] (Table 3). Early local recurrences are reflected by a short LRFS
of 1.29 year in the MSKCC series, in which tumor depth was associated with RFS, and one
out of four patients with local recurrence died of the disease [98]. However, there are recent
data from large series reporting longer survival. A median OS of five years was reported in
a large UK study [81]. According to a recent study analyzing a national database from the
Netherlands, 5-year and 10-year OS in RIBA patients was 40.5% and 25%, respectively [61].
A higher 5-year OS of 63.5% was found in a study from Stanford, in which most patients
received total mastectomy plus wide excision of the skin [91]. This improved survival
rate is likely due to the increased awareness of RIBA and the multimodal management
of sarcomas.
this disease. RIBS are, in general, aggressive tumors with poor prognosis, driven at least
partially by the high incidence of angiosarcoma histology and grade 3 tumors. RIBA is the
most common subtype of RIBS and has unique histological, molecular, and clinical features.
For localized disease, early diagnosis allowing for proper surgery with negative
margins is the only chance for cure. Given the high rate of local recurrence and the
challenging surgical management in RIBA, including the assessment of tumor margins, we
believe that an aggressive approach, i.e., mastectomy, is indicated. In addition, the poor
outcomes, even in series with negative margins, may suggest that surgery alone is not
curative, and maximum treatment should be offered to RIBA patients. There is limited
evidence for LRFS prolongation with adjuvant RT. Improved global outcomes have been
reported with HART, making it an interesting treatment option to evaluate further. Despite
the very limited data on adjuvant/neoadjuvant chemotherapy, we recommend its use in
fit patients. Randomized trials through international collaboration assessing the role of
adjuvant therapies should be a priority.
In the advanced setting, there are limited therapeutic options, most of which have not
been tested in RIBS or RIBA patients. The need for histotype-tailored therapies, as well as
personalized therapies based on molecular profiling, has emerged in the management of
STS. Next-generation sequencing data on RIBS and RIBA are required, as no molecular
candidates have yet been recognized to guide targeted treatments. For example, a small
study demonstrated that 10% of patients with primary and secondary angiosarcomas
uniquely to the breast exhibit activating mutations in KDR (also known as VEGFR2) [118].
VEGFR inhibitors could be studied in these tumors, based on their activity in vitro. In addi-
tion, immunohistochemical studies in angiosarcomas, including both RIBA and primary
breast angiosarcomas, have shown activation of the PIK3CA/Akt/mTOR pathway in an
important subset of the disease [97,116]. Therefore, mTOR and PIK3CA inhibitors may
be relevant targeted therapies to explore. The mTOR inhibitor sirolimus, in combination
with cyclophosphamide, was evaluated in a small study of different STS, leading to SD in
approximately 20% of patients [119]. In the study from MSKCC, one RIBA patient received
sirolimus, with a MTT of 14.9 months [98]. Finally, the relatively high levels of immunother-
apy biomarkers in RIS should be further investigated in larger studies, specifically in RIBS.
If these results are confirmed, immune checkpoint inhibitors or other IO approaches should
be tested in clinical trials.
To conclude, the current therapies which are beneficial for RIBS are very limited, both
in the early and the advanced settings. There is an urgent medical need for new therapies
to reversethe current dismal prognosis.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.K. and S.T.; methodology, S.K.; validation, J.D.M. and
S.T.; formal analysis, J.K.; investigation, S.K.; data curation, J.D.M.; writing—original draft prepara-
tion, S.K.; writing—review and editing, S.T. and J.D.M.; supervision, S.T. and J.K. All authors have
read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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