Aproximate Truth
Aproximate Truth
Aproximate Truth
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Department of Philosophy
San Diego State University
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tion is that this accident does not happen, and that technical devices de-
signed to accountfor vagueness, for example, would give the wrong answers
if applied to approximate truth.
One simple condition, which I will call the Accuracy Principle (AP)
distinguishes approximate truth from the other notions:
This principle separates approximate truth from each of the other no-
tions mentioned since a true statement is required to be accurate, but it
might be improbable (on available evidence), or vague, or far from com-
prehensive. In particular, theories of verisimilitude, which usually com-
bine treatments of accuracy with comprehensiveness, will not satisy AP.
Niiniluoto's theory of verisimilitude, for example, gives a treatment of
equations similar to that given below, but regards the statement that x is
in the interval (a,b), where a < b, as a positive distance from the truth,
even if x is in fact the midpoint of the interval (Niiniluoto 1982, 221).
Given Niiniluoto's intentions, this makes sense since locating x some-
where in the interval does not tell the comprehensive truth about x.
Since we are construing approximate truth as accuracy, it is easy to
see that AP should be true. If we speak, even figuratively, of "distance"
or "nearness"to the truth, then the truthmust be zero distance from itself.
We take "the truth" here not to be some grand comprehensive and final
account, but simply in the modest sense of making no errors of com-
mission. With truth understood in this usual way, a true statement is zero
distance from the truth, so it is true within any assigned limits since zero
is less than or equal to every distance.
Condition AP was defended (in effect) by Hilpinen (1976) and used in
Weston (1977, 1987). Weston (1987) has shown that under modest as-
sumptions, no truth-functionalmultivaluedlogic satisfies AP. I will sketch
below a non-truth-functionaltheory of degrees of approximate truth that
satisfies AP and has other pleasing properties.
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critical condition which may not always be stated, that gravitational force
due to any other bodies in the universe is zero.
We need to know that other forces are zero because, if they are not,
the deduction is hopeless. The presence of any other body which is grav-
itationally interacting with Mars and the sun yields an instance of the
famous "three-body problem", whose exact solution is possible only in
cases which never occur in the solar system (lyanaga and Kawada 1977,
1262). The absence of such an exact solution implies, however, that a
valid argument for the ellipticity of Mars's orbit cannot be constructed
unless it has at least one false premise: either an assertion that the grav-
itational effects of all but two bodies are zero, or a (strictly false) ap-
proximation for a three-body case.
Perversely, it is appropriatethat ellipticity cannot be deduced from true
premises, for the good reason that Mars's orbit is not elliptical. The orbit
is close to ellipticity in a certain sense, but strictly speaking, "The orbit
of Mars is an ellipse" is a false statement. The textbook example turns
out to be a deduction of a falsehood by means of falsehoods. That this
result is not exceptional but typical may be seen by casting a perfection-
ist's eye over the other examples in natural science texts, or indeed, over
specialists' research reports in the journals.
The appearance of absurdity in deducing falsehoods from falsehoods
is easily dispelled by means of approximate truth: While it is false that
the other planets have no gravitational effect on Mars, and false as well
that its orbit is elliptical, both of these statements are, in some sense,
approximately true. If we can show that the inference patterns used here
will yield approximately true conclusions from approximately true prem-
ises, we will avoid pointlessness in applying deductive logic to false the-
ories. Subject to later refinement, we use the term approximately valid
for inferences which preserve approximate truth.
The accuracy principle implies that some valid arguments will not be
approximately valid. Consider the modus ponens argument:
P D 0, 0, therefore 0.
Suppose that P is false although near the truth, so that by some method
of measuring inaccuracy, 0 is a positive distance a from the truth. If
"D" is understood in its classical sense (as are all logical symbols in this
paper), P D 0 must then be true by falsity of antecedent. Since ' D 0
is true, the accuracy principle implies that its distance from the truth is
0, which is necessarily less than a. Thus we have shown that both prem-
ises of a modus ponens can be made true within a without placing any
constraints at all on the conclusion 0, which may be as far from the truth
as one pleases. Thus no constraints on the degree of accuracy of the prem-
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ises can guarantee any accuracy in the conclusion, unless the premises
are actually true.
It is necessary, therefore, to investigate which valid inferences are ap-
proximately valid. So far, there are no general treatments of approximate
validity, although the beginnings are in Weston (1987). There are sub-
disciplines of various sciences, however, which study concepts of ap-
proximate validity appropriateto their own areas. These concepts include
well-posedness in differential equations (Mikhlin 1970), stability (LaSalle
and Lefchetz 1961), structural stability (Thom 1975), similitude (Kline
1965), robust statistical inference (Huber 1972), and others (Davis 1975).
Two features are common to most of these treatments. First, there is
a distinctionin all of these cases between problemsthat have "well-behaved"
(or robust or well-posed) solutions, and those that do not. The distinctive
property of the well-behaved problem is the continuity condition that if
sufficiently accurate "data" for the problem are given, a sufficiently ac-
curate solution will result. In the Mars-orbit case, for example, the po-
sition, mass, and velocity of Mars and the sun, and so forth are the data
of the problem. The continuity condition would be satisfied if nearly ac-
curate values of this data yield a nearly correct orbit.
The second notable feature is that there are a variety of ways of mea-
suring accuracy, and whether a problem has well-behaved solutions de-
pends on the method chosen. We will see the importance of these two
points below. We turn first to several preliminaries needed to define ap-
proximate truth.
3. Approximate Truth: The Basic Idea. The general pattern of the ac-
count of approximate truth described here is that a statement is approx-
imately true under a given interpretationif it is actually true under some
"nearby"interpretation.This much is in agreement with Hilpinin's (1976)
earlier account, but my proposal differs from his by being considerably
more specific in several respects.
Distance between "nearby" interpretationsis to be reckoned by count-
ing distances between the values assumed by the causally significant mag-
nitudes mentioned in the statements to be assessed. Moreover, the as-
sessment of these magnitudes is to be made via a metric whose choice
is to be justified on empirical grounds, and will typically be derived from
existing scientific practice in the relevant discipline.
In the case of the ideal gas law, pv = kt, for example, we will count
this as approximately true within 8 if each of the "errorterms" dp, Av,
At, and Ak are at most 8 according to a suitable metric, and if
(p + Ap)(v + Av) = (k + Ak)(t + At)
is true. This supposes, of course, that the quantities p, v, k, and t are
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Figure 1.
"nearness" of two curves and the choice of the right one for a specific
purpose is a complex matter.
Figure 1 (after Thom 1975) illustrates one of many difficulties which
can arise. Let us try to determine which of the curves B and C is more
similar to curve A. The average distance between A and B is smaller than
that between A and C, but the shape of C is much closer to that of A. If
we must choose between curves B and C in order to make a numerical
prediction of A, it would be wise to select B as more similar to A. For
other purposes, however, C's greater qualitative similarity to A might
lead us to select it instead. We should not expect, therefore, to choose a
priori between B and C, but leave this choice to be determined by the
subject matter concerned.
Mathematically speaking, we will only require that the method of mea-
suring error be a function S, defined on pairs of values of quantities (i.e.,
on pairs of real numbers) and yielding magnitudes of error which obey
the usual conditions for metrics. Such a function will be called a sense
of approximation. We have already referred above to two common senses
of approximation: absolute difference, and relative error, functions of x
and y defined respectively as
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0% 40% 80%
Figure 2. Error in (5) as a function of velocity, measured in units of the speed of light.
The lower line is the error assuming (6) is true. The upper line is the error in (5) assuming
that (6) is true within 10%.
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significant" (ibid., 99; see remarksby Birkhoff and Synge quoted in Lay-
mon 1985, 153).
It is clear, to realists at least, that to use approximate truth for confir-
mation-realist aim (a)-or for deductive applications of theories-real-
ist aim (b)-any inaccuracy that a SA counts as small should have small
effects. This causal condition cannot be guaranteed by purely mathe-
matical conditions on SA's which can be applied to any theory, regardless
of subject matter. In particular, the absolute difference and relative error
SA's used in earlier examples cannot work equally well for other cases.
To see why not, consider the example of statistical thermodynamics.
For thermodynamic systems of any complexity, individual quantity values
of momentum, energy, and so forth figure only in averages computed
over many particles or long times. Only average values have causal sig-
nificance in the theory, but these averages can only be described by mak-
ing reference to the quantity values of individual molecules. Thus the
theory must be expressed in a vocabulary including quantity symbols for
quantities of individual molecules, for example k(x,t) for the kinetic en-
ergy of molecule x at time t, so that the averages may be computed from
them. Using a SA like absolute difference would count two systems of
molecules X and Y as nearby (i.e., a-close) when the position and mo-
mentum of each molecule in X differs from that of a corresponding mol-
ecule in Y by an amount no greater than a. Even if X and Y are composed
of the same molecules in a gas, but at slightly different times, a is likely
to be enormous, while thermodynamic laws would imply that the ther-
modynamic properties of X and Y are almost the same. A SA that does
not drastically overestimate errors can be constructed by averaging over
all molecules and some appropriateperiod of time. Knowledge of at least
the general class of systems under study might be needed to select the
method of averaging (see, e.g., Soo 1962, 374-380 for examples), but
the fact that averaging is necessary at all, and the form most appropriate
for it, is already a consequence of physical principles, not solely math-
ematical ones.
Knowledge that a particularSA is appropriatefor evaluating statements
about a subject matter requires that we have some knowledge of the sub-
ject matter of the theory. Thus we must know some part of what a theory
might tell us before we can say with any precision exactly what it means
to claim that the theory is approximatelytrue. Since the informationneeded
to select a SA is generally much less than that contained in the theory to
be evaluated with it, we will seldom risk entering the vicious circle of
needing to know something is true before we know how to say it. Specific
cases might arise, however, where appeal to approximatetruthmight really
involve some kind of vicious circle.
Fortunately, the information required for correct formulation will often
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only with respect to a given set of quantities, and that such judgements
can be reversed by choosing formulations in terms of other, equally suit-
able quantities.
Miller bases his argument on the method of measuring accuracy of an
equation by taking the absolute difference between the left and right sides.
Weston (1987) shows this method to be unsatisfactory since pairs of ob-
viously equivalent statements, such as real number equations a = b and
lOOa = 100b, have different degrees of inaccuracy. Miller uses a similar
technique of error inflation to construct quantities about which a false
theory will yield inaccuracies as large as desired. These quantities will
not have any causally significant role in the subject matter of the theory.
If the theory is about the mechanics of motion, for example, it may have
small errors in the values it assigns to primitives like kinetic energy K or
potential energy P, but give large errors in a "quantity" like 4093K -
Although Miller's techniques for measuring accuracy are inadequate,
his point can still be made another way. If we add a symbol for one of
his cooked-up quantities to the vocabulary of the language, the assess-
ment of a-closeness for interpretations of the theory would include the
distance between denotations of this symbol within the interpretations.
This device would allow arbitrarilylarge alterations in the degree of ap-
proximate truth of statements of the theory.
Clearly, then, we must establish an appropriatevocabulary for a state-
ment or theory in order to assess its approximate truth, even when other
choices of vocabulary yield a theory which is (in a sense we will not
elaborate here) mathematically equivalent. Miller argues that we cannot
measure accuracy, because to do so requires us to regard some magni-
tudes as "more important, more significant, more fundamental" (1975,
184) than others, a view incompatible with his "critical or falsificationist
standpoint" (ibid.).
From the point of view of the (strong) realist, part of the aim of science
is to identify the causally significant entities and relations within the sub-
ject matter of a given theory, so that it is only reasonable that a theory
be formulated in terms of these entities for assessment of approximate
truth. Since Miller denies that this is possible, I will briefly describe some
examples that show that it has physical significance to distinguish be-
tween what is real and what is a (mathematically equivalent) fiction.
According to classical mechanics, for example, the centrifugal and
Coriolis "forces" which appear in rotating coordinate systems are fic-
tional forces. These "forces" appear only as the result of choosing a non-
inertial coordinate system; there is, in fact, nothing pushing or pulling as
the "forces"are supposed to do. Classically speaking, it makes good sense
to prefer inertial formulations of the laws, despite their mathematical
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proach and show its dim prospects for a realist explanation of compre-
hensiveness. Since Niiniluoto's philosophical framework is a version of
realism (although a weaker one than that assumed here), and since his
work on truthlikeness is the most thorough in the literature, poor pros-
pects for his theory extend to the whole project of verisimilitude.
To apply Niiniluoto's framework, we must first pick a language and a
"cognitive problem" in that language. Specifying a cognitive problem
requires (1) a set of mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive statements
Oi of potential complete answers to some question, (2) a metric A(0i, Oj)
on this set, and (3) designation of one of these answers 0* as the most
complete true answer, called the "target". An answer 0 to the problem
is a disjunction 0 = 0 V . . .V k of one or more of the potential
complete answers.
It is not obvious how to use the metric A to specify what it means for
an answer 0 to be close to the target, or closer than some other answer
0'. Niiniluoto's proposal is to give a metric A, that depends on A and
two real parameters T and 7r, 0 - T, Tr - 1. The metric AS is a weighted
average of two terms, Amin and Asum,and T and' 7 are their respective
weights. The term Amin is intended to express degree of inaccuracy, and
for some choices of the metric A it does so in a manner essentially the
same as approximate truth.5Other A's give results incompatible with ap-
proximate truth. The term Asumis intended to measure information defi-
ciency of a problem answer 0, so is a maximum if 0 is a tautology,
which expresses no information. For answer 0 = 01 V . . . V 0K, Asum
is the sum (or an integral, if the Oi form a continuum) of the distances
A(0i, ,):
ZAsum(0,0) = Ai(i,0*)/N
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accompany these devices in Carap's work (see Nagel 1963), and several
especially troubling difficulties result. We mention a few.
For approximate truth, it is easy to prove that adding to the vocabulary
of a language L will not affect the approximate truth of statements not
containing the new vocabulary. In contrast A, behaves badly under ex-
tension of the language: The A1 of a statement in the old vocabulary will
nearly always change-increasing for some vocabulary additions, de-
creasing for others. It can also easily happen that a statement 0 is closer
to the truth than statement O' (via A,) before additions to the vocabu-
lary, but O' is closer than 0 afterwards.
The upshot is that A, can only give an assessment of comprehensive-
ness useful in describing progress toward the whole truthif the vocabulary
of the cognitive problem is already known to be complete in the sense
that no further additions will help give a fuller description of the subject
matter. It is doubtful, to say the least, that we ever have strong evidence
that this is the case. Lacking such evidence we will be unable to use A,
to assess comprehensiveness since part of what is being asked in the
question "how comprehensive is this theory?" is precisely whether the
vocabulary will need further supplementation to present the truth more
Acknowledging these difficulties, Niiniluoto maintains that truthlike-
ness of a statement "is not a measure of its distance from the 'whole
truth', but from a chosen target" (1987, 449), and expanding the language
will change the target. It is hard to see, however, how he can grant this
and still maintain that the concept of truthlikeness is "crucially important
for developing a realist view of science" (ibid., 471) if it does not in fact
allow assessment of comprehensiveness. Worse yet, Niiniluoto does not
seem to be able to give even one realistic application of Asum,the com-
prehensiveness term in A,, to an example from the history of science.
The examples in Niiniluoto (1987) divide roughly into two categories:
(a) those that use an approach similar to approximate truth, and (b) those
which use the apparatus of Q-predicates. Cases of the first sort include
some assessments of actual or candidatephysical laws, (e.g., Snell's Law).
These examples either do not use the comprehensiveness measure Asumat
all, or use it only to assess a vague statement against a precise target
(e.g., Niiniluoto 1987, 391).
Cases of type (b), which do use Asum,are exclusively toy examples,
which illustrate the technical apparatusof verisimilitude, but are not real
applications of it. One example describes a problem of classification of
the sex and age at death of a skeleton of homo erectus in terms of the
five predicates: male, female, child, young adult, older adult (ibid., 293).
Niiniluoto calculates the distance of various incorrect classifications from
the supposed correct classification of female child, subject to some ar-
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ever, and the supposition that it does is not a modest idealization from
scientific practice.
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