Pet Scan
Pet Scan
Pet Scan
: GGN231155982
Age / Sex : 77 Y / F Registration On : 10-11-2023
Referred By : Dr. RANDEEP SINGH Collection Date :
Patient ID : UGGN.0000026347 Received Date :
Centre : GURUGRAM Approved Date : 15/Nov/2023 09:18AM
Whole body PET/CT scan was done following intravenous administration of F18 – FDG.
Imaging was performed on a PET scanner with Multidetector Computerised Tomography
(MDCT), scanning from vertex to mid-thigh. A separate sequence with breath hold was
performed for the lung. A semiquantitative analysis of FDG uptake was performed by
calculating SUV corrected for dose administered and patient lean body mass (Weight: 38 kg,
Height: 145 cm). The blood sugar at the time of tracer injection was 146 mg/dl.
Indication: Complain of fever, weight loss (6 months); kappa light chain -123 mg/l; lambda
light chain 56.5; K/L ratio 2.183 (0.26-1.65). No ‘M’ spike. MRI- chronic ischemic changes.
PET-CT for ? multiple myeloma evalauation.
PET/CT scan is being done for disease status evaluation.
The overall bio distribution of FDG is within normal physiological limits.
Brain: Age related cortical atrophy noted. The rest of the supra and infra tentorial brain parenchyma
appears unremarkable. There is no ICSOL seen. The ventricular system appears prominent. The
brain parenchyma demonstrates preserved FDG uptake. MRI is a better modality to evaluate brain
Head and Neck: Mild increased FDG uptake in bilateral tonsils noted.
Subcentimetric bilateral cervical lymph nodes with some showing FDG uptake noted.
Mildly FDG avid right lower cervical (1.1x0.7cm; SUVmax 1.8)lymph nodes noted - likely
Bilateral paranasal sinuses appear clear. The nasopharynx including the fossae of Rosenmuller is
normal. The oral mucosa and the tongue appear normal.
Both lobes of the thyroid gland appear normal in size and demonstrate physiological FDG uptake.
Rest of head and neck structures appear unremarkable.
Thorax: The heart and mediastinal vascular structures appear normal. The trachea and both main
bronchi appear normal.
Subcentimetric paratracheal, subcarinal and bilateral hilar lymph nodes with no significant FDG
uptake noted.
House of Diagnostics Health Care Pvt. Ltd., SCO-304, Sec-29, Gurugram, Haryana 122002
Patient Name : SUSHILA NAUTIYAL Lab No. : GGN231155982
Age / Sex : 77 Y / F Registration On : 10-11-2023
Referred By : Dr. RANDEEP SINGH Collection Date :
Patient ID : UGGN.0000026347 Received Date :
Centre : GURUGRAM Approved Date : 15/Nov/2023 09:18AM
Non FDG avid fibrotic stranding noted in bilateral lungs. There is no pleural or pericardial effusion
Breasts & Axillae: Both breasts appear unremarkable. There is no FDG avid lesion noted in either
breast parenchyma. Mildly FDG avid bilateral axillary lymph nodes noted.
Abdomen & Pelvis: The liver appears enlarged in size ~ 17.7 cm in CC span - hepatomegaly.
The hepatic parenchyma demonstrates normal attenuation. The intrahepatic biliary radicals are not
dilated. The portal vein is normal. No abnormal FDG accumulation is seen in the liver parenchyma.
Mildly FDG avid portal (1.1x0.7cm; SUVmax 2.6) lymph nodes noted - ? significance.
Spleen measures ~ 6 cm in CC span. Diffuse increased FDG uptake in spleen noted (> liver).
Pancreas and both Adrenal glands appear unremarkable and demonstrate physiological FDG uptake.
Bilateral kidneys appear normal in size. Bilateral ureters are normal. Urinary bladder is normal in
shape, size and distention.
Hiatus hernia is noted. The small and large bowel loops appear unremarkable and show
physiological FDG uptake.
There is no FDG avid pelvic lymphadenopathy seen.
Uterus is visualized.
No free fluid in pelvis noted.
Subtle lucencies noted in bilateral scapulae, bilateral humerus, bilateral femur and bilateral tiba
in juxta articular region with no abnormal increased FDG uptake - likely degenerative.
Increased FDG uptake in periarticular soft tissue of bilateral shoulder, hip and knee joints -
Degenerative changes in spine noted.
The rest of the bones under survey appear normal and show normal FDG uptake.
Opinion: PET/CT scan findings reveal
Mild hepatomegaly.
Diffuse increased FDG uptake in spleen - ? reactive.
No definite evidence of metabolically active disease in the present study.
House of Diagnostics Health Care Pvt. Ltd., SCO-304, Sec-29, Gurugram, Haryana 122002
Patient Name : SUSHILA NAUTIYAL Lab No. : GGN231155982
Age / Sex : 77 Y / F Registration On : 10-11-2023
Referred By : Dr. RANDEEP SINGH Collection Date :
Patient ID : UGGN.0000026347 Received Date :
Centre : GURUGRAM Approved Date : 15/Nov/2023 09:18AM
House of Diagnostics Health Care Pvt. Ltd., SCO-304, Sec-29, Gurugram, Haryana 122002
Experience Care
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The report results are for information and interpretation for your referring doctor. Reports are to be
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Results of tests may vary from laboratory to laboratory and in some parameters from time to time for the
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Facilities Available
Radiology Pathology Nuclear Medicine
3T MRI & 1.5T MRI Biochemistry India’s First Simultaneous PET-MRI
CT Scan Immunoassay Whole Body PET/CT Scan
Digital X-Ray Hematology DTPA / DMSA Renal Scans
Mammography Clinical Pathology Thyroid Scan
Open / Standing MRI Serology Whole Body Bone Scan
Bone DEXA Scan Microbiology HIDA Scan • Rest MUGA