The Antibacterial Effect of Some Household Detergents Against
The Antibacterial Effect of Some Household Detergents Against
The Antibacterial Effect of Some Household Detergents Against
Detergents, The activity of Four commercial types of household detergents; Dettol,
Dettol and Clorex, Elrajih and Jett were assessed against Staphylococcus aureus. Filter
Clorex paper disks were impregnated with 100%, 50% and 25% concentration of
Article Info each detergent and applied on Mueller-Hinton Agar plates inoculated with S.
aureus. After incubation at 37ₒC for 24 hours inhibition zones were
06 December 2015 recorded. The largest inhibition zone (37 mm to 25 mm) was obtained by
Available Online: Dettol while the smallest one (13 to 7 mm) was obtained by Elrajih.
10, January 2016
Health is one of the most important factors These disinfectants cause distraction of
in human life. Contracting an illness can be microorganisms by two variables: the
bad, and can even cause death. Over the concentration of the detergent and the length
years, rather than using antimicrobial drugs, of time the detergent is applied (Levinson,
antiseptics and disinfectants have played 2012).
important roles in the control of infectious
disease, microbial food spoilage and For many years, hand washing with soap
unwanted microbial generally (Awodele et and water had been considered a measure of
al, 2007). personal hygiene.Bacteria are very diverse
and present everywhere such as in soil,
Using a disinfectant detergent that will water, sewage, standing water and even in
effectively kill harmful bacteria can help human body. Bacteria’s that attacks on
people stay healthy. Detergents are human body is of great importance with
substances, it could be liquid, solid or semi reference to health (Bhat et al, 2011).
solid, which are used to remove dirt, stains
and microorganisms in order to maintain Foodborne diseases affect human by
health (Moses et al, 2013 and Wang et al, ingestion or drinking contaminated water
2012). with specific microorganisms, these
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Mohamed M. Jouda, Zuhair Dardona and Mohammed Albayoumi. 2016. The Antibacterial
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Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 5(2): 459-463. doi: