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The Antibacterial Effect of Some Household Detergents Against

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Sci (2016) 5(2): 459-463

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 5 Number 2(2016) pp. 459-463
Journal homepage: http://www.ijcmas.com

Original Research Article doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2016.502.051

The Antibacterial Effect of some Household Detergents against

Staphylococcus aureus

Mohamed M. Jouda1*, Zuhair Dardona2 and Mohammed Albayoumi3

Department of Microbiology, College of Intermediate Studies, Al-Azhar University of Gaza, Palestine
Department of Microbiology, Medical services, Gaza, Palestine
Department of Microbiology, Ministry of Agriculture, Veterinary services, Gaza, Palestine
*Corresponding author

Detergents, The activity of Four commercial types of household detergents; Dettol,
Dettol and Clorex, Elrajih and Jett were assessed against Staphylococcus aureus. Filter
Clorex paper disks were impregnated with 100%, 50% and 25% concentration of
Article Info each detergent and applied on Mueller-Hinton Agar plates inoculated with S.
aureus. After incubation at 37ₒC for 24 hours inhibition zones were
06 December 2015 recorded. The largest inhibition zone (37 mm to 25 mm) was obtained by
Available Online: Dettol while the smallest one (13 to 7 mm) was obtained by Elrajih.
10, January 2016


Health is one of the most important factors These disinfectants cause distraction of
in human life. Contracting an illness can be microorganisms by two variables: the
bad, and can even cause death. Over the concentration of the detergent and the length
years, rather than using antimicrobial drugs, of time the detergent is applied (Levinson,
antiseptics and disinfectants have played 2012).
important roles in the control of infectious
disease, microbial food spoilage and For many years, hand washing with soap
unwanted microbial generally (Awodele et and water had been considered a measure of
al, 2007). personal hygiene.Bacteria are very diverse
and present everywhere such as in soil,
Using a disinfectant detergent that will water, sewage, standing water and even in
effectively kill harmful bacteria can help human body. Bacteria’s that attacks on
people stay healthy. Detergents are human body is of great importance with
substances, it could be liquid, solid or semi reference to health (Bhat et al, 2011).
solid, which are used to remove dirt, stains
and microorganisms in order to maintain Foodborne diseases affect human by
health (Moses et al, 2013 and Wang et al, ingestion or drinking contaminated water
2012). with specific microorganisms, these

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2016) 5(2): 459-463

microorganisms may be ingested directly or water, serial dilutions of each of the

indirectly. One way of indirect infections is disinfectant were prepared to obtain 50%
using contaminated kitchen utensils, and 25% concentrations.
Staphylococcus mainly S. aureus causes
foodborne gastroenteritis. The symptoms of Preparation of Sterile Disc
staphylococcal food poisoning usually
develop within 4 hours of the ingestion of Filter disks about 5 mm in diameter were
contaminated food, although a range of 1 - made from Whatman’s No.3 filter paper and
hours has been reported. The symptoms wrapped in aluminum foil and sterilize in an
include nausea, vomiting, abdominal oven at 75oC for 30 minutes. Each sterile
cramps, diarrhea, sweating, headache and disc was incorporated individually with 40
prostration (Jay et al, 2005). In order to μl of detergent with various concentrations
prevent infection it's highly important to use (25%, 50% and 100%). These discs were
trusted detergents that kill pathogenic allowed for air drying.
Assay of Antimicrobial Activity
This study was done to evaluate the
effectiveness of some cleaning products that Using sterile forceps, discs impregnated
widely used in homes and healthcare with different dilution and different
settings by determining how effective they disinfectants were placed on each of the
are in inactivate one of the most commonly plates inoculated with the test organisms.
encountered pathogenic microbes in day to The forceps was used to press down each of
day activities, Staphylococcus aureus. the disc gently against the agar surface so as
to ensure good contact. The plates were
Materials and Methods incubated in an inverted position at 37oC for
24 hours. The zones of inhibition were
Source of Detergents and their observed, and then measured accurately
Constituent (Okore et al, 2014).

Each of the following detergents (Table 1) Results and Discussion

was obtained from a local market, Gaza,
Palestine. Commercial products of four detergents
(Dettol®, Clorex®, Elrajeh® and Jett®)
Inoculation of the Test Organisms were used with three concentrations 100 %,
50 % and 25 %.
S. aureus was obtained and confirmed at
microbiology laboratory of the Islamic After 24 hours of cultivation, inhibition
University of Gaza. Bacteria colonies were zones were measured. All detergents showed
maintained on Mueller-Hinton Agar medium considerable antimicrobial activity. The
(Himedia, India). Twenty-four hour old pure results show that S. aureus vary in its
cultures were prepared for use each time. response to different types of antiseptics and
detergent. Elrajih® was the least effective
Preparation of the Disinfectants one. On the other hand, Dettol® was found
highly effective against S. aureus where the
Disinfectants from the original packages zones of inhibition ranged from 25mm to 37
were considered to be absolute mm (Fig.1). The zones of inhibition
concentration (100%). Using sterile distilled exhibited by the detergents with their
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2016) 5(2): 459-463

dilutions against S. aureus are shown in antibacterial effects of antiseptics and

table 2. disinfectants are not only dependent on the
types of antiseptics and disinfectant but also
The effect of Dettol® was assessed by (El- on their concentrations. Sodium
Mahmood and Doughari, 2008) against hypochlorite has a good activity against
some microorganisms associated with S.aureus, and it is the most used antiseptic
nosocomial infection including S. aureus, it compound in homes cleaning, (Lee et al,
was highly effective like this study results, 2009) concluded from this study that the
results of this study regarding Dettol® are optimum washing and sanitizing conditions
similar to that obtained by (Saha et al, 2009) for lettuce containing S. aureus using
as the study recorded inhibition zones sodium hypochlorite are depending on
ranging from 28 to 17 mm for 100% to 5% concentration, period of immersion and
concentration. The results proved that the temperature.

Table.1 The Main Chemical Constituent of Detergents

Detergents Chemical constituent

1. Dettol Chloroxtlenol 4.85% w/w, Pine oil, Isopropyl
Alcohol, Castor Oil, Caramel and Deionized Water.
2. Clorex Sodium hypochlorite 12 %.
3. Elrajeh Sodium alkyl benzene sulphonate and coconut
diethanol amide (12%) concentration.
4. Jett Chloroxylenol 1.2 %

Table.2 Zone of Inhibition Produced by the used Four Detergents

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2016) 5(2): 459-463

Fig.1 The Diameter of the Zones of Inhibition after 24 Hours. A= Dettol®,

B= Clorex®, C= Elrajeh® and D= Jett®

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Dettol® on viability of some
Awodele O, Emeka P, Agbamuche H and microorganisms associated with
Akintonwa A. The Antimicrobial nosocomial infections. African Journal
Activities of Some Commonly used of Biotechnology. 2008; Vol. 7, (10).
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How to cite this article:

Mohamed M. Jouda, Zuhair Dardona and Mohammed Albayoumi. 2016. The Antibacterial
Effect of some Household Detergents against Staphylococcus aureus.
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 5(2): 459-463. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2016.502.049


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