Soal B. Inggris Ix Ypi Dua Semseter 1 2024
Soal B. Inggris Ix Ypi Dua Semseter 1 2024
Soal B. Inggris Ix Ypi Dua Semseter 1 2024
Desa Songo Makmur Kec.Selat Penuguan Kab.Banyuasin Prov.Sumatera Selatan 30959
A. Multiple Choice
a. Happy b. Walk
c. Sad d. annoyed
a. Why b. Fine
c. Good d. How much
6. Ellen : I was annoyed with my new boss.
He is such a flirt. It’s Realy …………..!
a. Fine b. Good
c. Disgusting d. Nice
a. Nice b. Good
c. Thanks d.Terrible
a. Lation b.Suit
c. Rainy d.Swimming
a. Cool b. Cold
c. Rainy d. Stormy
a. 5 People b. 7 People
c. 6 People d. 8 People
a. 2 Windows b. 1 Windows
c. 3 Windows d. 6 Windows
a. 1 People b. 3 People
c. 2 People d. 4 People
a. 1 People b. 5 People
c. 3 People d. 7 People
17. How many male and female in the Picture?
a. One male and four females b. Four males and one female
c. There males and one female d. Five females and one male
18. What the woman hold with her hand in the Picture?
a. Glass b. Food
c. Book d. Cup
a. 1 People b. 5 People
c. 3 People d. 7 People
a. 1 People b. 5 People
c. 3 People d. 7 People
B. Essay
1. Berikan Contoh kalimat dan Ekspresi yang sering digunakan dalam bahasa
Inggris masing-masing 2 contoh.
a. Maaf/Apology
b. Undangan/Invitation
c. Klarifikasi/Clarification
d. Meminta Bantuan/Request
e. Saran/Suggestion