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Tectonic Evolution of Lalmai

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Vol.92, December 2018, pp.713-720

Geology and Active Tectonics of the Lalmai Hills, Bangladesh –

An Overview from Chittagong Tripura Fold Belt Perspective
Md. Sharif Hossain Khan, Md. Sakawat Hossain* and Md. Azim Uddin
Department of Geological Sciences, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh
*E-mail: sakawat@juniv.edu

ABSTRACT 1977; Brammer, 2012; Islam et al., 2001), structure (Morgan and
The Lalmai Hills is a low amplitude anticline with significant McIntire, 1959; Hossain et al., 2001; Islam et al., 2001), stratigraphy
variations in landforms, situated along the western fringe of the (Hossain et al., 2001; Monsur, 1995) and sedimentology (Roy et al.,
Chittagong-Tripura Fold Belt (CTFB) and immediate east of the 2010; Roy et al., 2012) of the Lalmai Hills. The study is an attempt to
Indo-Burmese deformation front. This fold belt of the Bengal Basin integrate the surface geology and geomorphology with the sub-surface
along with more easterly Indo-Burman Range (IBR) developed as geological information to infer the geomorphic evolution, tectonic
a consequence of the oblique collision between Indian and Burmese activity and fault kinematics of the area. Therefore, the purpose of this
plates. This neotectonic activity is still continuing and shaping the research will help identify the overall geomorphic evolution and to
geomorphology of the area. This study is conducted based on the find out the signature of active tectonics in and around the study area
geomorphological observation of the topo maps and satellite images, based on field work, topo maps and satellite images, and published
and through reconnaissance field work. Stream length gradient seismic reflection data. This study will not only enhance the
index (SL Index) and Mountain front sinuosity (Smf) reveals the understanding of geomorphic evolution and active tectonics of the
relative status of tectonic activity. Anomalous SL index values study area but also help comprehend the structural, tectonic and
confirm the position of the sympathetic minor faults and also relate geomorphic evolution of the westernmost folded part of the Bengal
to the local stratigraphy. A 2D structural model based on the Basin as a whole.
seismic section reveals thrusts controlled wedge-shape upliftment
of the central part as pop-up anticlinal structure. The western GEOMORPHOLOGY, GEOLOGY AND TECTONIC
thrust is the direct result of the collision of the Indian and Burmese SETTING
plates, and the eastern one is the back thrust of the western fault. The Lalmai hills area (Fig. 1b) lies between the latitudes 23°20' N
Low Smf value found in the western flank signifies recent tectonics to 23°30' N and longitudes 91°05' E to 91°10' E. Physiographically,
and relatively high Smf value in the eastern flank indicates that the area is bordered on the east by the Tripura hills of India particularly
weathering intensity is relatively greater compared to western the Raghunandan hill; on the west by the Meghna river; on the
flank. Finally, the findings not only enhanced the understanding north by the Gumti river; and on the south-southeast by the Dakatia
of geomorphic evolution and active tectonics of the Lalmai Hills river.
area but also the overall tectonic and geomorphic evolution of the
western most folded part of the CTFB. Geomorphology
According to Brammer’s (2012) physiographic classification of
INTRODUCTION Bangladesh, the Lalmai Hills area is included in the ‘Uplifted blocks’
The fundamental processes which have acted to shape the as physiographic unit Q. Bakr (1977) has divided the area into three
geomorphology of an area are the interactions between tectonic uplift, geomorphic units. From east to west, the units are Lalmai deltaic
river erosion and alluvial deposition (Schumm et al., 2002). Analysis plain of Pleistocene age, Chandina Deltaic Plain of Early Recent age,
of the geomorphic features of an area, therefore, helps to infer the and Meghna Flood Plain of Recent age. Lalmai geomorphic unit is
neotectonic activities and related processes. An attempt has been made also called as Lalmai terrace because of its flat topped and general
to decipher the active tectonics of the Lalmai hills and adjacent area. occurrence as piedmont surfaces much above the recent plains (Bakr,
The Lalmai structure popularly known as the ‘Lalmai Hills’ is situated 1977). These geomorphic units/ surfaces are characterized by different
along the western part of the Chittagong-Tripura Fold Belt (CTFB) elevations: Lalmai Deltaic Plain includes the Lalmai Hills, Chandina
(Fig. 1a). The Lalmai Hills and its adjacent area have significant Deltaic Plain with an intermediate elevation between Lalmai Deltaic
variations in landforms within a very small area consisting of hillocks, Plain and the Meghna Flood Plain, and the Meghna Flood Plain, which
piedmont plains, floodplains, paleochannels and rivers. Comilla Town, forms the present local base level. The area can be approximately
is located just east of Lalmai Hills, is one of the most prominent cities divided into low land areas (Chandina Deltaic Plain and Meghna Flood
and district towns of Bangladesh with lots of infrastructures and a Plain) and hill areas (Lalmai Hills). The low land areas comprise
considerable number of inhabitants. Comilla university, Comilla abandoned channels, floodplains, and rivers. The hilly region is mostly
Cantonment, and Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development covered by small hillocks. Sloping of the hill sides are actually
(BARD) are situated in the middle of Lalmai Hills. According to the controlled by the dip of the flanks of the Lalmai structure. The western
earthquake zonation map of Bangladesh (Hossain, 1988), Comilla is part of the hills abruptly meets the plain land while the eastern part
situated in Earthquake Zone II. The neotectonic activity in the area is merges gradually with the adjacent areas.
manifested by fault scarps, strath terraces, incised streams, river shifting
and a few earthquakes in the recent past. Topography and relief: The topography of the Lalmai Hills area
A number of researches have been carried out on the geology consists of hillocks (Fig. 1b), floodplains, and rivers. The structure is
(Morgan and McIntire, 1959; Khan, 1991), geomorphology (Bakr, approximately 17 km long, about 1 km wide in the north and 2.5 km

0016-7622/2018-92-6-713/$ 1.00 © GEOL. SOC. INDIA | DOI: 10.1007/s12594-018-1093-5

Fig.1. (a) Tectonic elements of the Bengal Basin and its surrounding areas (modified after Bakhtine, 1966; Kayal, 2008) and the location of the
study area. (b) Local tectonic map of the Lalmai Hills and surrounding areas (after Bakr, 1977) and location of the Lalmai Anticline.

wide in the south, and comprises a number of hillocks. It covers an Quaternary stratigraphic classification for this area including the
area of about 33 sq. km. The average elevation of the Lalmai Hills is Madhupur Clay and Sand Formation consisting three subunits, which
approximately 30 m above msl but some peaks rise up to 47 m or are Bhaluka Sand member (bottom), Mirpur Silty-Clay member
more. The elevation of the western part of the hill area is relatively (middle), and Dhaka Clay member (top). Oxidized reddish brown
higher than the eastern part. The Meghna Flood Plain is situated on coloured Madhupur Clay Formation (for convenience, the earlier
the western side of the hill range. nomemclature of Morgan and McIntire (1959) is used in this article)
capped the hill tops of the area (Fig. 2A). The Madhupur Clay
Drainage: Majority of the rivers flowing through the Lalmai and Formation unconformably overlies the Dupi Tila Formation, which is
adjoining areas originated from the Tripura hills in the east, and flow mainly exposed along the streams and channel beds (Fig. 2B, C). Dupi
towards west, north, and south in consonance with the general slope Tila Formation consists of yellowish brown coloured sand containing
of the land (Fig. 1b). The area is drained by five river systems, they manganese spots, petrified wood (Fig. 2D), and to some extent lignite/
are: (i) the Titas river in the northern part; (ii) the Gumti river and the peaty coal. Roy et al. (2010) and Roy et al. (2012) suggest a varied
Dakatia river in the central part; (iii) the Little Feni river in the south- depositional environment for the Dupi Tila Formation temporally and
eastern part; and (iv) the Meghna river in the western part. The Meghna spatially from a subaerial alluvial fan with a heavily loaded braided
river and Little Feni river meet the Bay of Bengal in the river to shallow marine through estuarine and tidal creek-tidal flat.
south. The Titas and the Gumti connect at some points; and the Dakatia The Chandina Deltaic Plain and Meghna Flood Plain units consist of
and the Little Feni join at their heads. unconsolidated to semi-consolidated clay, silty clay, silt and sand; and
Old meander scars, ox-bow lakes, and paleo-channels mark the the Meghna Flood Plain is the result of present day building process
area. Bakr (1977) has observed the shifting of Titas and Gumti river by the Meghna river and its tributaries. The Madhupur Clay, the Dupi
courses in the area. Numerous small ephemeral streamlets become Tila Formation and the recent alluvium constitute the exposed
active during the periods of heavy rainfall and build up an overall stratigraphy of the area.
dendritic drainage pattern (Zhang and Guilbert, 2012). More such Hossain et al. (2001) identified four seismic sequences in the
channels occur in the central and southern parts than in the northern Lalmai area separated by three unconformities. The four seismic
part. sequences from bottom to top are middle Bhuban (SL 4), Upper
Bhuban and Boka Bil (SL 3), Tipam Sandstone (SL 2), and Dupi Tila
Geology (SL 1) (Table 1, Fig. 7).
The Lalmai Hills area is located along the central arcuate bulge of The Lalmai structure is a north-south trending anticline. Morgan
the westernmost part of the CTFB of the Bengal foredeep. CTFB and McIntire (1959) presumed the structure as a horst block bounded
formed due to the still-ongoing collision between the Indian plate and by faults on both east and west margins. Two faults have been identified
the Burmese plate and exposing the Miocene to Recent deposits (Islam et al., 2001) along the western and southern edges of the Lalmai
(Steckler et al., 2008; Wang et al., 2014; Khan et al., 2015; Khan et Hills. The western one is longitudinal while the southern one is
al., 2017; Hossain et al., 2018). Monsur (1995) has proposed a transverse. The western one is known as ‘Mainamati fault’ (Islam et


Fig.2. (A) Reddish brown Madhupur Clay capping the hillocks, (B) Exposed Dupi Tila Formation, (C) Cross-stratification in the Dupi Tila
Formation, and (D) In-situ petrified wood (outline with broken white line) within the Dupi Tila Formation.

al., 2001). Movements along these faults also produce some subsided and received a massive volume of sediments from the late
geomorphic features, such as fault scarp, hill outcrop, presence of Mesozoic through the Tertiary to Recent times. According to Curiale
low-lying areas, and an abrupt change in lithology. Hossain et al. (2001) et al. (2002) and Curray et al. (2002), sediment contributions to the
also identifies two faults along the eastern and western borders of the basin is primarily from the Himalaya and Indo-Burman Ranges around
Lalmai Hills. For Mainamati fault, Islam et al. (2001) have considered the Early Oligocene (~35 Ma) and have been prograding southward
it as normal fault kinematics, whereas, Hossain et al. (2001) have to the present day. To keep the isostatic equilibrium, the mass of these
proposed those as thrust fault. huge sediments loaded and depressed the underlying lithosphere
further, leading to the creation of additional space for deltaic sediments.
Regional Tectonic Setting: The Bengal basin is one of the largest By considering the overall regional tectonic setting, the Bengal
collisional foreland basins in South Asia (DeCelles, 2012), which basin has been divided into three major geotectonic provinces: (i) the
consists a section of Mesozoic and Tertiary deposits covered by Recent stable shelf to the northwest – passive to extensional cratonic margin,
alluvium (Hossain et al., 2018). This is one of the thickest sedimentary (ii) the foredeep to the centre – remnant ocean basin, and (iii) folded
basins of the world consisting of up to 21 km thick Early Cretaceous– belt to the east – the CTFB (Bakhtine, 1966; Matin et al., 1983;
Holocene sedimentary succession (Curray, 1991; Curray and Shamsuddin and Abdullah, 1997; Alam et al., 2003; Hossain et al.,
Munasinghe, 1991). Geographically, the major portion of the Bengal 2018). The N–S trending fold belt, CTFB of the Neogene molasse
basin belongs to Bangladesh and also covers a part of the Indian states sediments forming low hill tracts to the west of the Indo-Burman
of West Bengal, Tripura, and Assam. The Bengal basin is bordered on Ranges (IBR) (Hossain et al., 2014). Hence, the CTFB of eastern
the west by the Indian Shield, the Shillong plateau to the north, the Bangladesh represents the less intensely deformed foreland of the IBR
Indo-Burman Range to the east, and the Bay of Bengal to the south (Gilbert, 2001; Acharyya, 2007).
(Fig. 1).
The basin evolution has gone through two major tectonic episodes. Local Tectonic Setting: Structural and stratigraphic studies carried
In the first episode, it was initiated as an intra-cratonic rift basin within out in this region indicate that the CTFB has not been developed
the Gondwana landmass during the Late Paleozoic–Mid Mesozoic synchronously; rather, the fold belt has grown progressively westward,
time and received the continental Gondwana sediments. This episode toward the present-day deformation front (Fig. 1a) (Steckler et al.,
of basin development ended with widespread volcanism as continental 2008; Maurin and Rangin, 2009; Wang et al., 2014; Steckler et al.,
flood basalts known as Rajmahal Trap covering the Gondwana 2016). This deformation front is represented by some isolated, low
sediments. The second episode of basin development began in the amplitude anticlines in the westernmost part of the CTFB. Many of
Late Mesozoic with the break-up of the Gondwana and is still going the folds in the western part of the CTFB have been active only from
on (Alam, 1989). In this stage, the tectonic evolution of the greater the Late Pliocene (Khan et al., 2005). However, Bakhtine (1966)
Bengal basin is fundamentally related to the collision pattern of the subdivided the CTFB into three zones- western quite zone of box-like
Indian plate with the Eurasian plate to the north and Burmese plate to structure, the middle zone of asymmetric thrust faulted structure and
the east forming the Himalayan orogenic belt and the Indo-Burman eastern narrow ridge-shaped zone. The Lalmai Hills area is the part of
Ranges, respectively (Alam et al., 2003; Steckler et al., 2008; Wang et the western quite zone which in turn represents the deformation front,
al., 2014; Steckler et al., 2016; Hossain et al., 2018). an isolated narrow strip of small hills situated along the centre of the
The peri-cratonic part on the eastern margin has continuously westernmost part of the CTFB. These hills together constitute an


approximately north plunging anticline known as Lalmai anticline. Steckler et al., 2008; Maurin and Rangin, 2009; Hirschmiller et al.,
The Lalmai anticline is delineated to the east by the Comilla syncline 2014), ii) establishing the relationship among the stratigraphic units
and the Tichna anticline; the Kachua and Daudkandi anticlines to the from sub-surface lithology and well data (Hossain et al., 2001), iii)
west; the Begumganj anticline to the south; and the Rokhia anticline outlining the distribution of the surface geology and possible location
to the north east (Fig. 1b). of the faults based on the field work data.
The Lalmai anticline consists of small hillocks; and the western
part of the hill area is more uplifted than the eastern part. As a result, RESULTS
the western part of the hill area is steeper than the eastern part. On the
Surface Geology
other hand, the northern and southern parts of the area gradually merge
with the plain land. Steepness along the western part of the hill area A surface geological map has been prepared based on the
probably occurs due to faulting. Hossain et al. (2001) and Islam et al., previously published works (Bakr 1977; Roy et al., 2012), the Google
(2001) have identified three faults along the eastern, western and Earth Images, and through field reconnaissance survey (Fig. 4). During
southern edges of the Lalmai Hills. Except in the east (Tichna anticline), the field reconnaissance in the Lalmai Hills area, it is observed that if
there is no surficial expression of the anticlinal structures in the north the ground elevation is approximately 20 m or more, the exposed layer
(Bangora anticline), south (Begumganj anticline), and west (Kachua is the Madhupur Clay. When the ground elevation is less than 20 m,
anticline) of the Lalmai structure. Dupi Tila Formation is exposed, which means Dupi Tila Formation is
mostly exposed along the streams and channel beds of the Lalmai
The overall stratigraphic succession of the area is given in
Table 1. Geomorphic Indices
Stream length gradient index (SL Index) and mountain front
METHODOLOGY sinuosity (Smf) have been calculated from the Lalmai Hills area to
This study attempts to infer the geologic evolution and tectonic understand/ explore the relative level/ status of tectonic activity.
activity of the Lalmai Hills area through geomorphological observation
from the topo maps and satellite images, and have been checked Stream Length Gradient Index (SL index): The SL index is used
through the field reconnaissance. Lithologic features and possible to identify Recent tectonic activity by identifying anomalously high
location of the faults have been registered along with the stream and index values on a particular rock (Keller and Pinter, 2002). The
surface morphological features. Here, river morphology particularly following equation is used to calculate the values of SL indices:
stream straightness, stream initiation, stream confluence/ convergence,
SL = (∆H /∆L) × L
stream bends (Figs. 1b, 3) as well as the surface morphology were
carefully observed on the map and have been checked in the field to Where, ∆H is the change in elevation of the reach, ∆L is the length
explore their significance/ causes. These observed nick points of the of the reach, and L is the total channel length from the midpoint of the
streams of the mapped area have been further checked to correlate reach of interest upstream to the highest point of the channel. ∆H/∆L
with geology of the area in particular the lithologic control or the is the channel gradient or slope of the reach. Depending upon the
structural control. Drainage map (Figs. 3) has been prepared based on morphology of the river, the rock exposures and inferred faults/
the satellite imageries. Mountain Front Sinuosity (Smf) and Stream lineaments the stream course is divided into different segments (Fig.
Length Gradient Index (SL Index) have been calculated to understand 5a). Stream length gradient index has been calculated (Uddin, 2015)
whether the area is tectonically active or not. Finally, to construct a for those segments (Fig. 5b, c) (Table 2).
2D structural modelling, some procedures have been followed: i)
perceiving the regional structural style from the seismic section and Mountain Front Sinuosity: Mountain front sinuosity (Smf) is an
previous investigations (Hossain et al., 2001; Sikder et al., 2003; index to measure the relative amount of tectonic activity (Keller and

Table 1. Stratigraphic succession of the study area (Hossain et al., 2001; Roy et al., 2012)
Age Formation Lithology
Recent Alluvium Grey coloured loose siltstone and clay forming soil that support cultivation.
Pleistocene Madhupur Clay Mottled, reddish brown coloured sticky clay.
Dupi Tila Yellowish brown colored sand containing manganese spots, petrified wood and in some
extent coal.
Pliocene ……………………..Unconformity………………….
Tipam Sandstone Sandy succession with alternation of siltstone, shale, sandstones, yellowish brown and
medium grained, ferruginous, contain numerous intercalations of fine pebble conglomerate
Boka Bil Bluish grey shales with intercalation of thick bands of sandstone and siltstone.
Miocene Upper Bhuban Sandy clayey strata; sandstones are massive, bedded fine grained, very compact; lens
like concretions of sandstones and siltstones are present
Middle/Lower Predominantly shale with numerous intercalation of siltstones and sandstones; some
Bhuban calcareous band of sandstones are also available


Fig.3. (a) Google Earth Image shows the structural outline and drainage pattern of Lalmai Hills area. Black broken lines outline the Lalmai
Anticline. (b,c,d) Elevation profiles across Lalmai Hills area along lines b, c, and d, respectively (two times vertically exaggerated).

Pinter, 2002). Mountain-front sinuosity is calculated by the following front of the Lalmai Hills is 1.79 (Fig. 6).
2D Structural Model of the Study Area
Smf = Lmf / Ls
2D structural model has been constructed based on the seismic
Where, Lmf is the length of the mountain front along the foot of reflection data along the line KAL-3 (Fig. 4), outlining the distribution
the mountain, at the pronounced break in slope, and Ls is the straight- of the surface geology and possible location of the faults based on the
line length of the mountain front. Mountain fronts associated with field work, and perceiving the regional structural style from the seismic
active tectonics and upliftment are relatively straight and with low section and previous investigations (Hossain et al., 2001; Sikder et
values of Smf. If the tectonic activity is less compared to erosional al., 2003; Steckler et al., 2008; Maurin and Rangin, 2009; Hirschmiller
processes, a curve and more irregular mountain front developed with et al., 2014). The study of seismic section by Hossain et al. (2001)
high values of Smf. The most active mountain fronts generally have a suggests that the faults of thrusting in nature have developed along
Smf value between 1.0 and 1.6. Mountain fronts with lesser activity with folding in very Recent time, which are similar to the regional
generally have Smf between 1.4 and 3. Inactive mountain front has structural style from the seismic section and previous investigations
sinuosity from 1.8 to greater than 5 (Keller and Pinter, 2002). The (Fig. 7). Both the east and west flanks are thrusted and dip towards
calculated value of Smf (Uddin, 2015) of the western front of the the core of the structure. In the south, the structure is terminated by a
Lalmai Hills is 1.22. On the other hand, the Smf value of the eastern transverse normal fault (Islam et al., 2001). Although there is no
surficial expression of the Lalmai structure after the 23°29'20" N line,
Table 2. Calculated Stream Length Gradient Index (SL) values (Uddin, 2015). the observation of seismic line KAL-1 indicates that the structure is
Channel division SL values in meter continued in the subsurface with very low amplitude to the north
( From west to east) (Hossain et al., 2001), indicating that the structure is gradually plunging
Channel (A) 35.83 to the north.
19.17 The Chittagong Tripura Fold Belt (CTFB) has been divided into
4.57 three structural compartments (Bakhtine, 1966). Lalmai Hills belongs
Channel (B) 21.72 to the western quite zone which is a low amplitude anticline. Bakr
13.51 (1977) has divided the area into three geomorphic units from East to
29.46 West, Lalmai Deltaic Plain of Pleistocene age, Chandina Floodplain
14.45 of Early Recent Age, and Meghna Floodplain of Recent age. The
1.46 Lalmai geomorphic unit contains the Lalmai anticline proper and is


Fig.4. Geological map of the Lalmai structure shows the surface
geology and major faults. Black lines on the map (KAL-1 to KAL-3)
are the locations of the seismic profiles. Fig.5. (a) SL indices of the channels of the study area. Broken lines
represent the inferred faults/ lineaments crossing through the knick
points on the streams (disposition of inferred fault/lineaments
also called as Lalmai terrace. Roy et al. (2012) has worked on the
intersected the line KAL-3 are marked as iii–vi shown in Fig. 7). (b,
depositional environment of the Dupi Tila Formation and inferred
c) SL indices of the two channels in the Lalmai anticline.
alluvial fan through estuarine to shallow marine condition.
The Lalmai anticline is surrounded by Comilla syncline in the
east, Rokhia anticline in the north-east, Kachua anticline on the boundary of the Lalmai Hills is very sharply raised from the adjacent
southwest, Daudkandi anticline in the far west (Fig. 1b). Keeping in low land, whereas in the eastern part there is a minor relief break and
mind the spatial positions of these small-scale structures on the it merges gradually to plain land (Figs. 3, 6). The surface observations,
piedmont of the Chittagong Tripura Fold Belt, especially Tripura hills, seismic section (Hossain et al., 2001) as well as the structural style of
it is assumed that the Lalmai deltaic plain occupying the area of alluvial the surrounding area suggest that these two faults are thrust in nature
fan deposition. Towards the west and south-west, it becomes relatively (Fig. 7). The western thrust is the direct result of Indian and Burmese
deeper basinal areas in present Chandina Deltaic and Meghna Flood plate collision, whereas the eastern thrust is the antithetic back thrust
Plain during the deposition of the Dupi Tila Formation, at least in of the western fault. Continuous tectonic compression has taken place
part. The Dupi Tila Formation contains clay galls and petrified wood by movement along these thrusts, and resulted wedge-shaped
(Fig. 2D). These features as well as the sedimentation nature suggest upliftment of the central part as pop-up structure. Few minor faults
that this is a continental (fluvial) deposition. However, during the have been identified during field observations which are correlated
deposition of this formation, the area under influence of estuarine with the seismic line KAL-3 (Fig. 5a). These minor faults within the
condition, at least in part of the Lalmai Hills (Roy et al., 2012). After anticlinal core are of sympathetic to the two major faults (Fig. 7), and
the deposition of the Dupi Tila Formation, the Madhupur Clay was produced to compensate the movement along these two thrusts. On
possibly deposited in a fluvial and swampy environment. the other hand, based on the field observation and satellite image
Islam et al. (2001) suggest that there are two normal faults in this analysis, it has been found that the western flank of the Lalmai Hills is
area, one is on the western flank and another is in the southern edge of in higher elevation than the eastern flank. The Smf of the eastern and
the Lalmai Hills. Whereas, Hossain et al. (2001) identified two thrust western flank are 1.79, and 1.22, respectively (Fig. 6). The result of
faults on the western and eastern boundaries based on seismic section. Smf and the study of seismic section by Hossain et al. (2001) suggest
They also suggest that the core of the anticline is transected by a few that the faults have been developed along with folding in very recent
minor faults. Pre-field investigation of the present study identified time. The present study anticipates the development of the faults
these western and eastern faults based on relief features as the western probably continued even after the deposition of the Madhupur Clay.


On the basis of young-aged soils from the crestal portion of these
anticlines, Khan et al. (2005) suggest the uplift in the Maheshkhali
anticline during the past 18,000 years and in the Jaldi anticline during
the last 35,000 years. Farther north, the upper surface of the Sandwip
structure is estimated to be about 7000 years old as indicated by
radiocarbon date (Goodbred and Kuehl, 1999). Similar young
neotectonic activities are also reported by Ansary et al. (2000) and
Steckler et al. (2008) in this area. Moreover, the northern-most part of
the deformation front is limited by the Dauki Fault, one of the active
and largest boundary fault of the Bengal Basin (Biswas et al., 2007;
Hossain et al., 2016). In the eastern part, to the immediate south of the
Dauki Fault, some small hillocks present in the Jaintiapur area, Sylhet
which are capped by the Dihing Formation. The Optically Stimulated
Luminescence (OSL) dating of this formation indicates young
depositional age (73-24 ka), and variable uplift rate (Khan et al., 2006).
The authors suggest that the area is tectonically active and gone through
a differential upliftment in the recent past. As the Lalmai structure is
situated at the middle of the same deformation front, therefore, we
can rightly assume that the deformation age of this structure is quite
recent and still going on.
In the Lalmai anticline proper, there are a number of charas or
streamlets which are incised. Whenever the incision deeps below 20
m amsl, they expose the Dupi Tila Formation. But, when they have
not incised below 20 m amsl, they generally expose the lower part of
the Madhupur Clay (Fig. 4). The SL index values of two minor channels
Fig.6. (A) Outline of the mountain front of the Lalmai anticline on within the Lalmai anticline range from 35.83 m to 1.46 m (Fig. 5).
the Google Earth Image, and (B) Calculated mountain front sinuosity The high SL values are generally found at a higher elevation or close
(Smf). to 20 m. Up to this elevation, the Madhupur Clay Formation is exposed.
But where the value is low, stream is exposing the Dupi Tila Formation
Geotectonically, the Lalmai structure is at the western margin of (Fig. 4). As the rocks of both the formations have similar resistance,
the CTFB, which is a convergence deformation front. From south to the authors anticipate the stream incision/ exposer of the Dupi Tila
north, this deformation front is represented by some structures with Formation is controlled by the minor faults running across the stream
low to moderate amplitude, e.g., Dakhin Nhila, Inani, Maheskhali, course which are correlated with the seismic line KAL-3 (Fig. 5a). It
Jaldi, Lalmai, Habiganj, Sylhet. The seismic reflection profiles across should be mentioned here that Bakr (1977) has shown a number of
a few of these anticlinal structures reveal growth strata that constrain shifting episodes of Gumti and Dakatia rivers flowing through the
the initiation of folding (Mandal et al., 2004; Steckler et al., 2008; northern and southern edges (Fig. 3) of the structure during the recent
Najman et al., 2016). The age of the growth strata of the Sylhet, past which is not only because of climate fluctuation but also due to
Habiganj, Jaldi, and Kutubdia structures constrain the initiation of recent tectonics.
anticlinal growth to the Pliocene or younger (Johnson and Alam, 1991; Active tectonics have defined the geomorphology and
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(Received: 13 October 2017; Revised form accepted: 8 March 2018)


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