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Mahimai Don Bosco 2021 J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 1964 062014

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ICACSE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1964 (2021) 062014 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1964/6/062014

A Survey of Low-Latency IoT System Using FPGA


F P Mahimai Don Bosco1*, E Chitra2, and S Ryan Ebenezer1

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Loyola-ICAM College of
Engineering and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Kattankulathur Campus,
SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Email: *mahimaidonbosco.fp@licet.ac.in

Abstract. Internet of Things has taken its place in the world of technology fairly in the previous
few years. It is assumed that there will be approximately 4 billion IoT devices interconnected by
the year 2030. IoT has not widespread full feathered in all the fields of application. However,
the future holds a wide spectrum of implementations and dependency in IoT, which demands
digital computing parameters such as faster processing of data, reduced latency and parallel
processing of multiple data channel simultaneously. This publication provides a solution to
satisfy these parameters, using FPGA (field-programmable gate array) accelerators in the IoT
In IoT, it is necessary to achieve data-centric parameters such as higher bitrate at a seamless flow
rate avoiding data congestion and data traffic. The predictability of the endpoint is another
important parameter to be considered in an IoT system. In this paper, we will discuss the use of
Constrained Application Protocol and speculate the possibility of enhancing the performance
parameters such as latency and predictability by accelerating the cloud servers with FPGA
Keywords: Field Programmable Gate array (FPGA), Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP),
Hardware acceleration.

1. Introduction
The Internet of Things has fundamentally branched out from simple applications using menial sensors
and processing units to extraordinarily complex applications such as automated locomotives. IoT
systems have not been implemented commercially in a wide variety of fields [1]. Therefore, the number
of data transfers in IoT systems is relatively lower than the potential [2]. Therefore, systems use low-
frequency message transfer. Usage of lower frequency of message transfer between the endpoint devices
comes with a low risk-probability of data traffic, congestion. Complicated IoT applications tend to
produce a large amount of data transfer, resulting in Data congestion and Data traffic [3].
Hardware acceleration in IoT systems can be achieved by implementing [4] various methods; one
such method is by accelerated processing of the Application protocol used in the system [5]. In this
survey [6], we are using the CoAP protocol for reasons discussed as follows. CoAP (Constrained
Application Protocol) is the protocol used in IoT systems [7]. Hardware acceleration through the CoAP
application protocol can be implemented [8] by either accelerating the network or simply accelerating
the processing by allocating the accelerator [9] to compliment the CPU in handling the overhead data to
be processed, thus reducing the overload of the CPU; this method evidentially results in drastic [10]

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ICACSE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1964 (2021) 062014 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1964/6/062014

2. CoAP Accelerator
The FPGA based CoAP accelerator improves the performance of the system by handling the Handshake
protocol handled by the CPU [11]. The CoAP RTS and CTS semantics are passed in CoAP messages.
Request and response information [12], such as the URI and consignment media type, are carried as
CoAP options for further packet parsing and filtering [13]. In an IoT system, the request/response model
[14] is highly dynamic and increases the latency between two packets [15]. This paper's accelerator
architecture design is so that the accelerator handles the request/response, thus reducing the CPU's
overhead. The handshake request/response model between client and server in a CoAP network is shown
in Figure 1.

Figure1: CoAP Request/ Response model

2.1. Constrained Application Protocol

The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) is designed especially for solutions implemented in a
constrained environment with constraints such as limited power resources, bandwidth, processing
capabilities, etc. CoAP is a derivative of the HTTP protocol. CoAP is preferred over HTTP in
constrained environments due to the processing constraint, such as the nodes used in IoT networks often
have 8-bit microcontrollers with small amounts of ROM and RAM. CoAP is a lighter derivative version
of HTTP that can satisfy the constraints. CoAP is developed for applications with constrained
environments where power and bandwidth are limited. The CoAP also is inclusive of Methods such as
GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, and DELETE and CONNECT, which are highly resourceful in applications
such as the Internet of Things. The CoAP uses UDP as the transport layer protocol.

2.2. Field Programmable Gate Array

An FPGA is a reconfigurable programming unit. It is a derivative unit of its principle predecessors PLA
and PAL, and an FPGA is advantageous in implementing algorithmic architectures for specific
applications for the reasons listed below. FPGA, alike many other processing units, consists of digital
units such as Flip- Flops, Registers, LUT, and RAM in a reconfigurable fashion. These resources are
synthesized and dumped into an FPGA. FPGAs are extremely versatile and highly compatible with real-
time applications. Therefore, FPGAs are preferred to other alternatives such as GPU.
FPGAs have limited storage capability; however, storage is not a constraint in the applications of
IoT. 1. Parallel computing is the differentiating and pivotal feature of FPGA. The processor can accept
multi-channel input data and compute in a parallel manner to parse the CoAP packets for further
processing. 2. One of the significant features of FPGA is the Reconfigurable Hardware Architecture, its
benefits the Internet of Things to be versatile as it should be without any physical hardware modification.

ICACSE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1964 (2021) 062014 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1964/6/062014

3. Low power consumption is the biggest challenge in designing an IoT system; FPGA helps IoT devices
be energy-efficient yet faster than a conventional IoT system paradigm. The parallel processing
capability of FPGA allows the IoT systems to open up to handling multiple sensors/actuators
simultaneously. Applications such as Augmented Reality, Virtual reality and automated locomotives
require a huge amount of data to be sent every fraction of a second. When processed with IoT CPU, such
loads of data cause an enormous amount of latency that is not desirable for such critical applications of
IoT. Even though FPGAs' clock speed is lower (60MHz), its ability is unlocked with the help of its
multithreading and the throughput it offers. The data is processed and transmitted to a cloud computing
server for further processing. This publication focuses specifically on FPGA-based IoT accelerators.

2.3. Advanced eXtensible Interface

Advanced extensible Interface, or AXI, is part of ARM's AMBA specifications. It acts as the system bus
protocol for the communication between the different modules within the design architecture, thus
implementing Inter-Process Communication between the Processing modules. The AXI is pivotal in an
FPGA CoAP accelerator. The CoAP accelerator parses the CoAP data at high speeds within the
Processing modules. Thus the AXI ensures the imminent interconnect and data parsing. The Accelerator
Adapter IP core accessories accelerators developed using the Xilinx® Vivado High-Level Synthesis
(HLS) tool.

2.4. General Design

The IoT accelerator's general design architecture consists of a different block to parse and process the
CoAP data packets. Initially, the blocks can be divided into the coap_ingressand coap_egress. The
coap_ingress consists of blocks responsible for parsing the CoAP header and store the URI. The
coap_ingress handles the incoming request-to-send from the endpoint for every packet to be received
by the server; it also consists of the General control configuration register. The coap_egress is
responsible for compiling the information processed and push the data into the network, which is further
transmitted to the respective endpoint. The general block design is shown in Figure 2 as follows.

Figure 2: IoT Accelerator general design

The udp_stack_ingress is the first step of filtering [4]. The received data packet is dissected into the
header and the message. The parsed UDP and IP header is stacked down for filtering. The header is
parsed to verify whether the received packet belongs to the respective destination, thus avoiding
redundant data processing. The coap_header_parser extracts the header from the message; it parses
information from the header such as Version (Ver), Type (T), Token Length (TKL), Code, Message ID.
Figure 3 shows the CoAP header format.

ICACSE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1964 (2021) 062014 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1964/6/062014

Figure 3: CoAP Header Format

The header fields extracted by the coap_header_parser are fed into the coap_message_processor.
The coap_application-data stores the URI of the endpoint. The CPU uses this URI for further
information processing.

2.5. Hardware Acceleration

Hardware acceleration is the process in which the Accelerator co-processes the data alongside the CPU;
in our case, the IoT accelerator itself is the supporting hardware implementation, which supports
hardware acceleration which parses the CoAP header to complete the RTS, CTS interchange and thus
accelerating the data processing. Hardware acceleration drastically reduces latencies due to its
processing fashion, and the packet parsing and improves the performances of the system.
The accelerator we use in our survey is an FPGA that is extremely powerful in handling multithreaded
server processing requests, thus accelerating higher standards and reducing delays.

3. Evaluation
The primary objective of the accelerator is to reduce delays and improve predictability. A simple IoT
system is equipped with a CoAP blaster, which can vary the number of messages per second (mps). The
test is run with and without an accelerator.

Figure 4: Latency Evaluation

The results were satisfying as the latency was reduced from an average of 160 μs to 40 μs. It was also
observed that the accelerator varied its speed concerning the messages per second. Figure 4 shows a
box-and-whisker graph of accelerator vs. server latency.

ICACSE 2020 IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1964 (2021) 062014 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1964/6/062014

The brown boxes depict the latency of the server, and the purple boxes depict the Accelerator latency.
It can be comprehended that the variation in the accelerator output is significantly lesser compared to
the server performance; with this minimal variation in latency, the behavior of the endpoint device is
easily evaluated. The Table 1 provides information about the IoT system's accelerated performance for
each level of Messages per Second.

Table 1: Performance of iot system with and without accelerator

Rate (MPs) Accelerator Server Speed-up

2500 41.37 140.41 239.40%

5000 41.75 153.92 268.67%

7500 40.57 161.95 299.18%

10000 40.89 167.17 308.83%

4. Conclusion
From this, we can conclude that this accelerator model using CoAP processing has achieved both its
objectives of Reduced Delay and Improved Predictability. We observed and analyzed the working and
the improvements offered by an IoT Accelerator to an IoT system. Upon implementing industry standard
IoT application, such Accelerators are required to be installed alongside to avoid data malfunction. It
also lay the foundations for intensive cross- applications like IoT x AR etc.

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