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Planets and Forecast - Badhaka

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Planets & Forecast - - - - - - • --~ '~

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Dr. Rudra Prasanna Mohapatra, Bhuban eswar

ITI he principle of Badhaka is

widely used in Indian
and "Gulika" are mentioned. The Sloka
30 of Chapter 16 of the Jataka Parijata
astrology. It is also to many extents make more accurate connotations
incomplete understanding of Badhaka about Badhaka. It says the dasha of
that leads to confusion and Badhaka is prob lem atic for the
sometimes fallacious predictions. The natives. It also says any planet 4th,
literal meaning of Badhaka is that 7th, 10th from the Badhakastana also
which obstructs or create hindrances. delivers inauspicious results. However,
Therefore, any planet or lord of the a natural or functional benefic planet
house that creates hindrances or shall not be able to deliver completely
obstacles in known as Badhaka . adverse results during its dasha even
Maharshi Parasara has not clarified if associated with Badhaka. Excerpts
about Badhaka. In his Brihat Parasara of the Jataka Parijata is given below.
Hora Sastra, he has dedicated a The Jataka Parijata , Vol. I,
complete chapter for Maraka planets Chapter-II, Shloka 48
and also to longevity. But no such
'ii "ii'iq(i•if'a:tit\('41-1 l$qkr4qlfq(•llfd<{l:t1 I :
elaboration has been made by
Maharshi Parasara about Badhaka. &{:!l"ll~d<la1-11~1 ~ qi\\llqi(ftl: ~: I
Some scholars say that Maharshi "In the case of movable, fixed
Parasara has indicated about the and dual signs, planets occupying
concept of Badhaka under Chara respectively the 11th, 9th, and the 7th
Dasa where he has given the lordship houses from them or their lords will
to Rahu in Aquarius along with Saturn prove exceeding ly troublesome
and placement of house in obstructive planets if they happen to own at the
houses or 6th, 8th and 12th house same time the houses occupied by
from a sign, shall be dreadful. But the lord of Khara or Gulika".
here Parasara has not indeed defined The Jataka Parijata, Vol. I,
any house as Badhakastana (as in Chapter-V, Shloka 56
the Jataka Parijata) as per various f41f1q...j;::q ~cfil011\\lftl ,,fi:i:t,RI: (q;:?) l!l(:
signs except the four movable signs
viz. Aries , Cancer, Libra and ~lllcfi(l q•im,q_ ~=•rn~:t,cfil 1fCht:. 1
Capricorn. For some scholars , the "Khara is the 22nd Drekkana
Sarvartha Chintamani dedicate only from that of the Ascendant. The 64th
one verse for Badhaka also defined Navamsha is reckoned from that
dispositor of Rahu and Ketu as occupied by the Moon".
serious Badhaka. It can be said that The Jataka Parijata, Vol. 111,
the concept of Badhaka is mostly Chapter-XVIII, Shloka 30
defined in the Jataka Parijata where irrtm=Vfr-l"lf"(l!!d!H!G:fli :t~ cfi 1R(l •ISIGI
some additional conditions like "Khara" m~~G:fliqtjj(ijl,j~ ~ :1§ ~a:tllU'l I
l ',\! (/i Sep.-2 1
Planets & Forecast - - - - - - • ~~ ----------•

.&1 ..•l l.-4 11!¥1<4s•1t1-il<~t q1q; 1ql'!1{ wi otherwise afflicted) to the native. For
Leo ascendant, Sun is exalted in the
~lllfcti• i'l1vfl\1e:g~: d ~~ ~ 11
ninth house (Aries) and for Aquarius
'The dasha of a planet owning a
ascendant Saturn in exalted in the
Badhakastana (house/ sign of
ninth house (Libra). Undoubtedly, they
Badhaka) as well as of the one
can not be considered as Badhaka
associated therewith leads to disease,
rather Yogakaraka for the native.
distress, and other such evils. During
3. Badhaka is only obstructive
the dasha and antar-dasha of a planet
when it is depositor of Gulika or Khara.
occupy ing a Kendra from the
In that case, if the 11th, 9th and 7th
Badhakastana, sorrow and foreign
lords in a chart are not related to
travel will crop up. If two planets
Khara and Gulika, then they are not
occupy the 6th and the 8th places in
Badhaka or serious Badhaka. Besides,
respect to each other, the astrologer
normally the placement of Gulika in a
may predict danger, exile or some
house hampers the significations of
untoward event during their maha-
that house. Hence segregation of
dasha and antar-dasha; but if the
obstruction due to Badhaka or due to
planets in question be benefic and
Gulika is to be seen carefully. Whether
friendly, the effect will be mixed" ..
the results are more inauspicious in
It is now evident that the classics
lord of Badhaka maha-dasha and
in Vedic astrology have not mentioned
Gulika (lord of the sign where Gulika
about the concept of Badhaka in a
is placed) antar-dasha or vice-versa.
systematic manner. It is only explained
4. The ve rses says the
limitedly in the planetary significations
Badhakastana but nothing about the
and relationship chapter in the Jataka
obstructive effects of Badhaka.
Parijata. The Brihat Parasara Hora
Diseases and distress may be due to
Sastra is silent on it and so also
the 6th lord or Moon. Or even
other classics. Based on the
unnecessary travel can be credited to
definitions given in the Jataka Parijata,
the 8th and 12th lord in a natal chart.
some defying queries are given below.
The role of Badhaka can not the only
1. For a movable sign, eleventh
reason for these sorts of obstruction.
house is termed as Badhaka. Eleventh
5. If a planet is promising the
house is praised by one and all as
1st or 2nd highest lshta Phala in a
giver of desired results (Labha Bhava).
natal chart and also a Badhaka, then
However, as the 11th lord is one of the
can it be capable of delivering more
Trishadaya lords (Lords of 3rd, 6th and
Kashta Phala during its major and
11th houses), it is said to be not good
sub-period is the other side of query.
for any native. But the planet in the Lagna is a movable sign. Eleventh
11th house (as explained in the Sloka house (Badhakastana), lord of 11th
48, Chapter II) may not necessarily a house and occupant of 11th house
Badhaka if it is a Poorna Yogakaraka are Badhaka. Eleventh lord is Venus.
planet for the specific ascendant. Occupant of 11th lord is Jupiter. 11th
2 . For fixed signs, lord or house/ Badhakastana is Libra
occupant of 9th house is Badhaka. It (Chapter-II, Shloka 48). As per the
seems to be unscientific as Bhagyesh Chapter-V, Shloka 56 , the 22nd
or 9th lord is the most auspicious Drekkana from Lagna is Libra and
planet and more over 9th house is the the lord is Venus. Similarly, the 64th
most auspicious house in a natal chart. Navamsha from Moon is Taurus and
Hence this house and its lord shall lord of the Navamsha is Venus. Thus,
deliver: often, auspicious results (if not Venus is the lord of both the Khara.
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Hence, Venus is expected to be and Mercury is related to Saturn as

inauspicious for the native as it is the it is in conjunction with Saturn and
Badhaka too. Point of Gulika is in also placed at Badhakastana.
Gemini and the lord is Mercury. As Therefore , this native Mercury and
Jupiter is in the Badhakastana, during Saturn are found to be the Badhaka.
the dasha of Jupiter and antar-dasha Interestingly, she was born in Mercury
of Mercury (11.07.1959-18.10.1961) maha-dasha and had no problem till
Indira Gandhi losses her son Feroze the end of Mercury maha-dasha i.e.,
Gandh i. Similarly, during the dasha of 04.05.1916. Even if the lagna lord
Venus is in Badhakastana, the native
did not suffer from any diseases. It
is a case where the principle of
Badhaka did not work at all.
The native is of Sagittarius
ascendant and hence 7th house is the
Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat Rahu
27034 4og ffY.37 1G024 13015 150()1 21~ 21°48 1CJl35 3

Jupiter and antar-dasha of Venus

(24.09.1962- 22.05.1965), her father
Jawaharlal Nehru died on May 27, Ase
1964. Even though in the classical
scriptures no such loss of family Lag Sun Moon Mars Mer Jup Ven Sat Rahu
members has been described, till 003 28024 l°29 4°17 14~ 29113 14057 zrol26'03
then some mis-happenings happened Badhakastana and lord of 7th house
during the period and sub-period of i.e., Gemini is Mercury. Sun and Moon
planets related to Badhakastana. are placed in 7th house and hence they
The native was born in Madurai. are also Badhaka for the native. Gulika
The native is Taurus ascendant which is in Leo and hence the lord of Leo is
Sun. As Sun is in Badhakastana and
associated with Gulika, it is then found
to be serious Badhaka for the native.
. . As Moon is the 8th lord and signify
Ve1 M:r 11:54 :4
Sat 8E07 09N56
foreign travel. Verses from the Jataka
Parijata Vol. Ill, Chapter-XVIII, Shloka
8 7 6
30 indicate that if the Badhaka is
Lag Sun Moon Sat Rahu associated with 8th lord then it implies
15013 1So46 20>31 gm 26'°23 7018 13046 221'26 So12 exile and danger. The native indeed got
is a fixed sign and hence 9th house married in Pakistan . The relation
is Badhakastana. In this case, 9th between the 7th lord and 8th lord did
house is Capricorn and the Badhaka not give a happy marriage for which
planet is Saturn. Three planets viz. the native returned from Pakistan.
Saturn, Mercury and Venus are Based on the literature review of
placed in the 9th house. Hence, astrological scriptures and some
these planets are also considered as sample studies following conclusions
Badhaka. Mars is in 22nd Drekkana can be derived.
and also in 64th Navamsha. But it is 1. A Badhaka is not a Badhaka if
no way related to Saturn for which it not related to Khara and Gulika. A
shall not be considered as a Badhak needs to be associated with
Badhaka. Gulika is placed in Gemini Khara or Gulika or to both. Similarly, if
Planets & Forecast - - - - - - • --~
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the lord of Badhakastana is not found and, in some cases, the expected
to be a Badhaka, then there shall be malefic consequences are completely
no malefic consequences from the void. This is why, most probably, the
planets situated in the Badhaka houses. principles of Badhaka are not widely
2. A Badhaka for fixed sing is and clearly discussed in the classical
questionable even if it is related to works. Many modern books of
Khara or Gulika. After all, the 9th lord astrology just keep it quite simple
shall not deliver expected negative saying the 7th, 9th and 11th are
results even if found to be Badhaka. Badhaka for Dual, Fixed and Movable
3. As per the Jataka Parijata, a signs respectively. But the principles
Badhaka delivers diseases. Hence, the of Badhaka does not work in this
use of Badhaka is more need to be rudimentary fashion. As explained the
verified in Medical astrology while Jataka Parijata, the 22nd Drekkana,
locating a disease. placement of Gulika and 64th
4. The association of a Badhaka Navamsha form Moon are also to be
is to be verified with 6th, 8th and 12th linked to find out whether a Badhaka
lord. It is to be clarified whether the is indeed a Badhaka for the native. If
obstacles are occurring due to the no relation can be established between
Badhaka or the lord of Dusthanas. these parameters set by the classical
5. Dispositor of Rahu and Ketu scriptures, Badhaka should not be
are to be verified with Badhaka. considered as a Badhaka rather just
Though, these two nodes always do as a natural or functional benefic or
not harm the native, the association malefic planet for the native and so
between these nodes and Badhaka is also the Badhakastana. Shri Vined
to be clearly established before Prakash Goel has concluded form his
reaching any conclusions. original research that a "Badhak planet
7. The odds of a Badhaka is said in Trikbhava (6th, 8th and 12th houses)
to be diseases, some external danger in any divisional chart can't harm the
or exile. The external danger is not significations of the chart". Here he is
clearly mentioned which could be essentially considering Badhaka as a
possible life threats via some accidents natural or functional malefic that do not
or hospitalisation due to severe harm the significations of a chart in
diseases. Exile also refers to imprison- the Dusthanas. In conclusion, the
ment. Hence, the odd consequences relevance of Badhaka in modern day
are to be decided based on the predictive astrology is very minimum.
significations of the Badhaka planet. Only if proper co-relation is
For example, Mars in Badhaka-stana established, the Badhaka should be
(if at all Badhakastana is identified in considered as real Badhaka. As
the natal chart) may give accidents remedies are not defined in classical
while Rahu in Badhakastana may give scriptures, Vedic remedies for the
hospitalization or imprisonment. Badhaka Planet or Planets are to be
8. As the concept of Badhaka is prescribed. As prevalence of Badhaka
not widely discussed, hence the leads to some external danger, a Ten-
remedies are also not prescribed in Faced Rudraksha (ruled by Yama) can
astrological classics. Therefore, if at also be prescribed to the native.
all, Badhaka is detected and used in Therefore, before any attention to
prediction, the remedies are questionable Badhaka, the Badhaka is to be carefully
The concept of Badhaka remain identified. Or else, rudimentary
sceptic in Vedic astrology. In some application of the principle of Badhaka
cases, it delivers inauspicious results i.e., 7th, 9th and 11th lord for dual, fixed

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obvious i.e. their wages were coming

from Kundra's income. Hora Lagna i.e.
Sat Kundra's (wealth) Pisces 24°53 also
gets the aspect of Rahu and Mercury.
en(R) The dasa on the day of his arrest was
2 Ase Moon Mer Mer-Ven-Moon-Ven. Venus is posited
in Magha nakshatra-Vinashik from
The ascendant Scorpio (a ascendant. Venus also owns Bandhan
secretive sign) is afflicted by Rahu- saham Taurus 24°53-arrest. The chart
Ketu axis and the lord Mars is placed analysis also highlights the importance
in the 7th house conjunct with Ketu . of a strong Jupiter lest the native can
Jupiter, the giver of all good qualities go astray as seen in this case.
like truthfulness, wisdom, character According to a saying a person
etc., neither aspects the ascendant or can earn honour (or shame) to his
its lord and being at o0 , has become parents. Raj Kundra is perhaps the
powerless too. Moon (Mind) is conjunct first person to bring shame to his
with Gulika in the 12th house having famous wife ! -0. D. Mande, Pune
19 bindus only. This position is further (~ Page 37)and movable signs, shall
damaged by the placement of Saturn
lead to fallacious predictions. This shall
in Cancer. Mercury (intelligence/
lead to underestimate the significations
thinking) owns the 8th cum 11th and
occupies the 11th conjunct with A8. It of a planet in the natal chart as well as
is observed that Mercury occupies the abuse of the principles of Badhaka
Nirriti dasamsa indicative of indulgence given in classical texts of astrology.• •
in unethical activity. The 10th house is
occupied by 7th cum 12th lord Venus
conjunct with inimical 10th lord Sun
who becomes debilitated in navamsa
(not shown). Pardara saham (adultery)
Libra 14°31 gets the argala of Rahu
(shady activities/photography) and its
owner Venus is posited in the 10th, prepare
pointing towards pornography as illicit Yantras in Silver on
part of his karma. This saham and its Deepabali &
lord Venus (females) get the aspect of Dhanteras days or in
Jupiter, who as the 5th lord, represents every Purnima night
Kundra's employees involved in making ' - - - = = - - ' in a very nominal price
pornographic videos. (Venus as the with three days Laxmi Puja taking your
horoscope and planets disturbing your
7th lord represents Kundra's former financial condition into consideration. So
wife and not Shilpa Shetty) The aspect please contact immediately by sending
of ascendant lord Mars on Venus your copy of horoscope or date, time and
indicates that some females may have place of birth with slight raw rice & a betel
been coerced to act in pornographic nut touching your forehead with your name,
gotra & Rs. 11,000/- in the name of Milan
videos. Their income is shown by the Banerjee by Google Pay/Phonepe/Paytm to
11th lord from Venus i.e. Mercury- 986123214 or ask for bank details for doing
income from unethical karma. The all these things & to send you after
income of his other employees is necessary japam.
shown by the 11th lord from the 5th Planets & Forecast, Pithapur, P.O.- Buxi
Bazar, Cuttack-753001. (0671)-2421197,
i.e. Saturn. Saturn is placed in the Mob- 7008415224/9861230214(W).
---------------~· ,,,...______________..
11th from the 11th, confirming the

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