Gemh 110
Gemh 110
Gemh 110
Chapter 10
We have already come across simple algebraic expressions like x + 3, y – 5, 4x + 5,
10y – 5 and so on. In Class VI, we have seen how these expressions are useful in formu-
lating puzzles and problems. We have also seen examples of several expressions in the
chapter on simple equations.
Expressions are a central concept in algebra. This Chapter is devoted to algebraic
expressions. When you have studied this Chapter, you will know how algebraic
expressions are formed, how they can be combined, how we can find their values and
how they can be used.
We now know very well what a variable is. We use letters x, y, l, m, ... etc. to denote
variables. A variable can take various values. Its value is not fixed. On the other hand, a
constant has a fixed value. Examples of constants are: 4, 100, –17, etc.
We combine variables and constants to make algebraic expressions. For this, we use
the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We have already come
across expressions like 4x + 5, 10y – 20. The expression 4x + 5 is obtained from the
variable x, first by multiplying x by the constant 4 and then adding the constant 5 to the
product. Similarly, 10y – 20 is obtained by first multiplying y by 10 and then subtracting 20
from the product.
The above expressions were obtained by combining variables with constants. We can
also obtain expressions by combining variables with themselves or with other variables.
Look at how the following expressions are obtained:
x2, 2y2, 3x2 – 5, xy, 4xy + 7
(i) The expression x2 is obtained by multiplying the variable x by itself;
x × x = x2
Just as 4 × 4 is written as 42, we write x × x = x2. It is commonly read as x squared.
(Later, when you study the chapter ‘Exponents and Powers’ you will realise that x2
may also be read as x raised to the power 2).
In the same manner, we can write x × x × x = x3
Commonly, x3 is read as ‘x cubed’. Later, you will realise that x3 may also be read
as x raised to the power 3.
x, x2, x3, ... are all algebraic expressions obtained from x.
(ii) The expression 2y 2 is obtained from y: 2y 2 = 2 × y × y
Here by multiplying y with y we obtain y 2 and then we multiply y2 by the constant 2.
(iii) In (3x2 – 5) we first obtain x2, and multiply it by 3 to get 3x2.
From 3x2, we subtract 5 to finally arrive at 3x2 – 5. TRY THESE
(iv) In xy, we multiply the variable x with another variable y. Thus, Describe how the
x × y = xy. following expressions
are obtained:
(v) In 4xy + 7, we first obtain xy, multiply it by 4 to get 4xy and
add 7 to 4xy to get the expression. 7xy + 5, x2y, 4x2 – 5x
TRY THESE We have learnt how to write a term as a product of factors.
1. What are the terms in the One of these factors may be numerical and the others algebraic
following expressions? (i.e., they contain variables). The numerical factor is said to be
Show how the terms are the numerical coefficient or simply the coefficient of the term.
formed. Draw a tree diagram It is also said to be the coefficient of the rest of the term (which
for each expression: is obviously the product of algebraic factors of the term). Thus
8y + 3x2, 7mn – 4, 2x2y. in 5xy, 5 is the coefficient of the term. It is also the coefficient
of xy. In the term 10xyz, 10 is the coefficient of xyz, in the term
2. Write three expression each –7x 2y 2, –7 is the coefficient of x 2y 2.
having 4 terms.
When the coefficient of a term is +1, it is usually omitted.
For example, 1x is written as x; 1 x2y2 is written as x2y2 and
so on. Also, the coefficient (–1) is indicated only by the minus sign. Thus (–1) x is
written as – x; (–1) x 2 y 2 is written as – x2 y2 and so on.
Sometimes, the word ‘coefficient’ is used in a more general way. Thus
TRY THESE we say that in the term 5xy, 5 is the coefficient of xy, x is the coefficient of 5y
and y is the coefficient of 5x. In 10xy 2, 10 is the coefficient of xy 2, x is the
Identify the coefficients
coefficient of 10y 2 and y 2 is the coefficient of 10x. Thus, in this more general
of the terms of following
way, a coefficient may be either a numerical factor or an algebraic factor or
expressions: a product of two or more factors. It is said to be the coefficient of the
4x – 3y, a + b + 5, 2y + 5, 2xy product of the remaining factors.
E XAMPLE 1 Identify, in the following expressions, terms which are
not constants. Give their numerical coefficients:
xy + 4, 13 – y2, 13 – y + 5y2, 4p2q – 3pq2 + 5
S. No. Expression Term (which is not Numerical
a Constant) Coefficient
(i) xy + 4 xy 1
(ii) 13 – y2 – y2 –1
(iii) 13 – y + 5y2 –y –1
5y2 5
(iv) 4p2q – 3pq2 + 5 4p2q 4
– 3pq2 –3
(a) What are the coefficients of x in the following expressions?
4x – 3y, 8 – x + y, y2x – y, 2z – 5xz
(b) What are the coefficients of y in the following expressions?
4x – 3y, 8 + yz, yz2 + 5, my + m
(a) In each expression we look for a term with x as a factor. The remaining part of that
term is the coefficient of x.
S. No. Expression Term with Factor x Coefficient of x
(i) 4x – 3y 4x 4
(ii) 8–x+y –x –1
2 2
(iii) yx–y yx y2
(iv) 2z – 5xz – 5xz – 5z
(b) The method is similar to that in (a) above.
S. No. Expression Term with factor y Coefficient of y
(i) 4x – 3y – 3y –3
(ii) 8 + yz yz z
(iii) yz2 + 5 yz2 z2
(iv) my + m my m
Following simple steps will help you to decide whether the given terms are like
or unlike terms:
(i) Ignore the numerical coefficients. Concentrate on the algebraic part of the
(ii) Check the variables in the terms. They must be the same.
(iii) Next, check the powers of each variable in the terms. They must be the same.
Note that in deciding like terms, two things do not matter (1) the numerical
coefficients of the terms and (2) the order in which the variables are multiplied in the
1. Get the algebraic expressions in the following cases using variables, constants and
arithmetic operations.
(i) Subtraction of z from y.
(ii) One-half of the sum of numbers x and y.
(iii) The number z multiplied by itself.
(iv) One-fourth of the product of numbers p and q.
(v) Numbers x and y both squared and added.
(vi) Number 5 added to three times the product of numbers m and n.
(vii) Product of numbers y and z subtracted from 10.
(viii) Sum of numbers a and b subtracted from their product.
2. (i) Identify the terms and their factors in the following expressions
Show the terms and factors by tree diagrams.
(a) x – 3 (b) 1 + x + x2 (c) y – y3
(d) 5xy2 + 7x2y (e) – ab + 2b2 – 3a2
(ii) Identify terms and factors in the expressions given below:
(a) – 4x + 5 (b) – 4x + 5y (c) 5y + 3y2
(d) xy + 2x2y2 (e) pq + q (f) 1.2 ab – 2.4 b + 3.6 a
3 1
(g) x+ (h) 0.1 p2 + 0.2 q2
4 4
3. Identify the numerical coefficients of terms (other than constants) in the following
(i) 5 – 3t2 (ii) 1 + t + t2 + t3 (iii) x + 2xy + 3y
2 2
(iv) 100m + 1000n (v) – p q + 7pq (vi) 1.2 a + 0.8 b
(vii) 3.14 r (viii) 2 (l + b) (ix) 0.1 y + 0.01 y2
4. (a) Identify terms which contain x and give the coefficient of x.
(i) y2x + y (ii) 13y2 – 8yx (iii) x + y + 2
(iv) 5 + z + zx (v) 1 + x + xy (vi) 12xy2 + 25
(vii) 7x + xy2
(b) Identify terms which contain y2 and give the coefficient of y2.
(i) 8 – xy2 (ii) 5y2 + 7x (iii) 2x2y – 15xy2 + 7y2
5. Classify into monomials, binomials and trinomials.
(i) 4y – 7z (ii) y2 (iii) x + y – xy (iv) 100
2 2
(v) ab – a – b (vi) 5 – 3t (vii) 4p q – 4pq (viii) 7mn
2 2 2 2
(ix) z – 3z + 8 (x) a + b (xi) z + z
(xii) 1 + x + x2
6. State whether a given pair of terms is of like or unlike terms.
(i) 1, 100 (ii) –7x, x (iii) – 29x, – 29y
(iv) 14xy, 42yx (v) 4m2p, 4mp2 (vi) 12xz, 12x2z2
7. Identify like terms in the following:
(a) – xy2, – 4yx2, 8x2, 2xy2, 7y, – 11x2, – 100x, – 11yx, 20x2y,
– 6x2, y, 2xy, 3x
(b) 10pq, 7p, 8q, – p2q2, – 7qp, – 100q, – 23, 12q2p2, – 5p2, 41, 2405p, 78qp,
13p2q, qp2, 701p2
S OLUTION Putting x = 2
(i) In x + 4, we get the value of x + 4, i.e.,
(ii) In 4x – 3, we get
4x – 3 = (4 × 2) – 3 = 8 – 3 = 5
(iii) In 19 – 5x2, we get
19 – 5x2 = 19 – (5 × 22) = 19 – (5 × 4) = 19 – 20 = – 1
(iv) In 100 – 10x3, we get
100 – 10x3 = 100 – (10 × 23) = 100 – (10 × 8) (Note 23 = 8)
= 100 – 80 = 20
(i) Putting the value of n = – 2, in 5n – 2, we get,
5(– 2) – 2 = – 10 – 2 = – 12
(ii) In 5n2 + 5n – 2, we have,
for n = –2, 5n – 2 = –12
and 5n2 = 5 × (– 2)2 = 5 × 4 = 20 [as (– 2)2 = 4]
5n2 + 5n – 2 = 20 – 12 = 8
(iii) Now, for n = – 2,
5n2 + 5n – 2 = 8 and
n3 = (–2)3 = (–2) × (–2) × (–2) = – 8
n3 + 5n2 + 5n – 2 = – 8 + 8 = 0
We shall now consider expressions of two variables, for example, x + y, xy. To work
out the numerical value of an expression of two variables, we need to give the values of
both variables. For example, the value of (x + y), for x = 3 and y = 5, is 3 + 5 = 8.
1. If m = 2, find the value of:
(i) m – 2 (ii) 3m – 5 (iii) 9 – 5m
(iv) 3m2 – 2m – 7 (v) 4
2. If p = – 2, find the value of:
(i) 4p + 7 (ii) – 3p2 + 4p + 7 (iii) – 2p3 – 3p2 + 4p + 7
3. Find the value of the following expressions, when x = –1:
(i) 2x – 7 (ii) – x + 2 (iii) x2 + 2x + 1
(iv) 2x2 – x – 2
4. If a = 2, b = – 2, find the value of:
(i) a2 + b2 (ii) a2 + ab + b2 (iii) a2 – b2
5. When a = 0, b = – 1, find the value of the given expressions:
(i) 2a + 2b (ii) 2a2 + b2 + 1 (iii) 2a2b + 2ab2 + ab
(iv) a2 + ab + 2
6. Simplify the expressions and find the value if x is equal to 2
(i) x + 7 + 4 (x – 5) (ii) 3 (x + 2) + 5x – 7
(iii) 6x + 5 (x – 2) (iv) 4(2x – 1) + 3x + 11
7. Simplify these expressions and find their values if x = 3, a = – 1, b = – 2.
(i) 3x – 5 – x + 9 (ii) 2 – 8x + 4x + 4
(iii) 3a + 5 – 8a + 1 (iv) 10 – 3b – 4 – 5b
(v) 2a – 2b – 4 – 5 + a
8. (i) If z = 10, find the value of z3 – 3(z – 10).
(ii) If p = – 10, find the value of p2 – 2p – 100
9. What should be the value of a if the value of 2x2 + x – a equals to 5, when x = 0?
10. Simplify the expression and find its value when a = 5 and b = – 3.
2(a2 + ab) + 3 – ab