Bill PDF
Bill PDF
Bill PDF
Invoice: 8532418243
Ways to pay
STUART, FL 34997-5503
My Verizon app
your bill.
Go to to find a
You'll be charged up to 1.5% per month (18% per year) on the unpaid balance, or a flat $7 per month, whichever is
STUART, FL 34997-5503
Make check payable to Verizon Wireless.
$ .
PO BOX 16810
Please see back for instructions on writing to us.
NEWARK, NJ 07101-6810
NOTICE: Bank account and routing numbers will be retained to enable future payments by phone or online. To opt out, call 1.866.544.0401.
Account: 326706097-00001
Invoice: 8532418243
Questions about paying your bill?
Billing period: Jun 22 - Jul 21, 2023
Important Information:
Verizon App. Customer service can also assist you by phone, chat or
below address:
PO Box 15069
Albany, NY 12212
Select a checkbox that describes how we can help you along with
By signing below, you authorize Verizon to electronically debit your bank account each month for the total balance due on your account. The check you send will be used to
setup Automatic Payment. You will be notified each month of the date and amount of the debit 10 days in advance of the payment. You agree to receive all Auto Pay related
communications electronically. I understand and accept these terms. This agreement does not alter the terms of your existing Customer Agreement. I agree that Verizon is not
liable for erroneous bill statements or incorrect debits to my account. To withdraw your authorization you must call Verizon. Check with your bank for any charges.
1. Check this box. 2. Sign name in box below, as shown on the bill and date. 3. Return this slip with your payment. Do not send a voided check.
Please select a checkbox that best describes how we can help you and include details in the box below with any written correspondence.
Invoice: 8532418243
Smartphone (772-278-8288)
Total: $110.87
free billing.
Account: 326706097-00001
Invoice: 8532418243
Devices $30.55
Agreement 1611337590
Surcharges $4.05
Account: 326706097-00001
Invoice: 8532418243
Additional information
of the telecommunications and interconnected VoIP services More On Wireless Taxes And Surcharges
you purchase from us, as well as related billing information. The Your total charges for this month's bill cycle are $110.87.
a right, and we have a duty, under federal law, to protect the This includes charges for one or more bundled Verizon service
confidentiality of your CPNI. plans that include voice, messaging, data, or other services for
We may use and share your CPNI among our affiliates and
agents to offer you services that are different from the services This bill cycle, your fixed monthly plan charges were $75.00
you currently purchase from us. Verizon offers a full range of (before applying any discounts or credits, and excluding other
services, such as television, telematics, high-speed Internet, charges such as overage, late payment, taxes, Verizon
video, and local and long distance services. Visit for surcharges, and equipment).
If you don't want your CPNI used for the marketing purposes look at past network usage by you and other customers with
described above, please notify us by phone any time at similar plans to allocate this fixed monthly plan charge among
Unless you notify us in one of these ways, we may use your In this bill cycle, we have allocated this amount as follows: $4.01
CPNI as described above beginning 30 days after the first time for voice, $0.83 for messaging, $70.16 for data, and $0.00 for
we notify you of this CPNI policy. Your choice will remain valid other services.
until you notify us that you wish to change your selection. Your
decision about use of your CPNI will not affect the provision of For more information, please go to
Note: This CPNI notice does not apply to residents of the state
Bankruptcy Information
of Arizona.
If you are or were in bankruptcy, this bill may include amounts
Verizon wireless surcharges include (i) a Regulatory Charge receives notice of a bankruptcy filing, pre-bankruptcy charges
(which helps defray various government charges we pay will be adjusted in future invoices. Mail bankruptcy-related
including government number administration and license fees); correspondence to 500 Technology Drive, Suite 550, Weldon
incur, including:
Account: 326706097-00001
Invoice: 8532418243
You have choices about the use of your For more information, view our FAQs:
information in Verizon Wireless programs
about websites you visit and apps you use on your mobile
The Business and Marketing Insights program helps us and
device to help us personalize our communications with you, give
others better understand consumer actions in aggregate. For
you more relevant product and service recommendations, and
example, we may create insights about the number of
develop plans, services, and offers that are more appealing to
customers in different age groups who visit a website, use an
app, or go to a retail store or stadium. We also can develop
The Verizon Custom Experience Plus program uses a broader
insights to help estimate traffic patterns about people who
set of information for the same purposes including information
move from one area to another during the morning rush hour.
about websites and apps you use, your Verizon Fios services,
The information we use and the insights we create do not
location information, and Customer Proprietary Network
identify you individually.
Information, including phone numbers you call or those that call
This program uses information about websites you visit and
The information in the Custom Experience programs is used
apps you use on your mobile device, device location, certain
only by Verizon. We do not use the information for third-party
information about your Verizon products and services (such as
targeted advertising or provide the information to others for
device type, and amount of use) and demographic and interest
them to use for their own advertising.
information we get from you or from other companies (such as
Your choices:
gender, age range and interests). We also use location and
- Your new line(s) will be included in the Custom Experience
point of interest information we obtain from others and
program unless you opt-out.
information provided by business and marketing insights clients
- You will need to opt in to the Custom Experience Plus program
who want to better understand their own customers or
to be included.
- You can view and change your choices at any time using
call 1-888-684-1888.