I Introduction
II What does it mean to have an adhesion problem in coating systems and industrial paints?
III What types of failures exist in coating systems and industrial paints?
1. Spider webs
2. Blisters (“blistering”)
3. Bubbles or holes
4. Orange peel
5. Drip
6. Eruptions
7. Fisheye
8. Cracks
9. Particulate pollution
10. Loss of shine
IV Main reasons why failures occur in coating systems and industrial paints
V How to be successful: We resolve defects and failures in coating systems and industrial
paints to preserve and maximize industrial investments
1. Identify the type of adhesion defect and define the root cause of the problem
2. Provide proposals for improvement
3. Follow up on the implementation of the solution
I Introduction
The application of coatings is imperative in material and machinery maintenance processes. These
coatings protect and give new functionality to the products and materials where they are applied. An
example is the facades of buildings where coatings not only act as an aesthetic element but also have an
important protective function. Industrial examples are coatings for galvanized steel, metals, ships,
airplanes and the construction industry, among others, which seek to protect against corrosion, isolate
substrates from extreme climates and preserve the industrial value of the investments made.
Despite their benefits, the application of coatings can cause multiple adhesion failures on the various
materials where they are applied. These adhesion failures can lead to other types of failures that include
aesthetic failures, loss of functionality or even more serious problems such as the lack of protection of a
critical area. For this reason, detecting the type of adhesion failure that has occurred is essential in order
to resolve it, avoid possibly more serious problems, and thus preserve the industrial value of various
Within our Research and Technical Analysis area, the identification and solution of adhesion failures is a
very important topic. For this reason, in this Guide we explain the most common types of adhesion
failures, the reasons why they occur and how to solve them.
II What does an adhesion problem mean in coating systems and industrial paints?
Industrial paints and coating systems are multi-component products that contain resins, solvents,
plasticizers, pigments and additives, among others. All of these components, once applied and cured,
form a film that adheres to the surface of the material we are trying to protect. The adhesion problem
occurs at this stage, in which it is precisely essential to achieve the greatest possible adhesion between
the film and the material to be coated. The adhesion problem as such is broad and we see that there are
multiple different types of failures that arise for different reasons in the adhesion process. Being aware
that in every industrial project the goal is to maximize investment, it is important to understand the
different types of defects that can arise, determine their cause and be able to correct them as well as
prevent them.
III What types of failures exist in coating systems and industrial paints?
Failures in the adhesion of coating systems and industrial paints occur in different forms. Characterizing
the defect and then determining the type of failure that has occurred is imperative to determine its cause
and be able to solve it. Common examples of these failures include:
.6. Eruptions
Random eruptions in industrial paint and coating systems is a fairly common adhesion failure. The reason
for their formation is due to small holes/voids containing air that erupt during curing and give rise to the
Possible solutions to this problem include: (i) Force the cavities to erupt prior to application of the last
layer of the coating system, (ii) select a coating that has a low curing temperature and thus prevent
eruption during curing.
.7. Fisheye
The so-called fisheye defect is an adhesion failure that appears as a hole that penetrates all the way
through to the material. The cause of this problem is the presence of some contaminant in the substrate
to be painted that prevents it from getting wet or achieving adhesion contact during the application of the
paint. For example, oily substances prevent adhesion during application.
To avoid this defect, the part or the substrate to be treated must be perfectly cleaned, and the technical
staff must avoid the existence of contaminants in the application stage.
.8. Cracks
When small cracks form, similar to those of dry mud, these indicate that the coating used has been too
thick, especially if it was water-based. A distinction must be made between this failure in the application
of coating systems and that of large cracks that occur after several years in which temperature and
humidity are the main causes. Our focus being the small cracks that arise as defects in the application
process, we must resolve this adhesion failure by reducing the viscosity of the coating or applying thinner
.9. Particulate pollution
Particulate pollution can be the cause of quite serious adhesion failures and occurs when particles are
present in the work environment within shared spaces or inside a curing oven.
We can resolve this defect in the following ways: (i) Ensure that the cleaning of the surfaces prior to
applying coatings is truly impeccable and in accordance with the requirements of the industrial project, (ii)
isolate and strategically protect the application areas of the coating as well as the areas where curing will
occur. Strategic planning of our projects will always bring us success and we will avoid costly mistakes.
IV Main reasons why failures occur in coating systems and industrial paints
Adhesion failures may appear shortly after applying the paint or coating system. The origin of these
failures can be due to different causes and below we indicate some important examples:
V How to be successful: We resolve defects and failures in coating systems and industrial paints to
preserve and maximize industrial investments
At COSMOS Coatings we know that each defect must be analyzed by the project's technical team together
with our Research and Technical Analysis area in order to find the root cause of the problem and provide
the best solutions. We have experience in solving these types of failures and we follow certain guidelines:
.1. Identify the type of adhesion defect and define the root cause of the problem
As explained in this Guide, many defects tend to be similar to each other or difficult to define if they are
emerging for the first time, so it can be difficult to differentiate or define them. COSMOS Coatings has
practical and scientific knowledge within its Research and Technical Analysis area, which allows us to
identify the type of adhesion defect that is occurring and define the cause of the problem along with
possible solutions.
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