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[3793] 102

P.G.D.M.L.M. (Semester I) Examination, 2010 102 : MATERIALS MANAGEMENT (New) (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Note : i) Answer any five questions. ii) All questions carry equal marks. 1. Scope and importance of materials management function has increased with globalization and competition. Discuss. 2. Discuss the factors affecting materials planning. Explain the concept of material requirement planning (MRP) system. 3. List the documents commonly used in receipt, storage and issue of materials in store. Explain content and uses of any two such documents. 4. Describe approach for controlling raw material and work in progress inventory for a manufacturing organization. 5. Explain the role of standardization and codification in managing materials. 6. Explain the concept of and derivation of EOQ model. 7. Describe methodology for carrying out ABC and FSN analysis. 8. Write notes on any two of the following : a) Merits of inventory b) Symptoms of poor inventory management c) Modified EOQ formula d) Objectives of purchasing.

Max. Marks : 70



[3793] 103

P.G.D.M.L.M. (Semester I) Examination, 2010 103 : LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT (2008 Pattern) (New)
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks i.e. 14 each. 1. Discuss the concept of logistics with significance of logistics. Why has logistics gained importance in recent years ? 2. As a Logistics Manager; how customer service logistics would you consider for Tour and Tourism company ? Explain with reasons. 3. Discuss in brief factors to be considered for decision on number of warehouses and their capacity for car manufacturing company. 4. Write in detailed note on Economics of Logistics. 5. Material Handling, Transportation, Warehousing and Inventories are four pillars on which the building of logistics is constructed. Comment on this statement. 6. What are the costs associated with logistics ? Where and how you would like to reduce cost of logistics ? 7. Write short notes on any two : a) Total distribution concept b) Integrated logistics c) Role of IT in physical distribution d) Logistics in International trade.

Max. Marks : 70



[3793] 202

P.G.D.M.L.M. (Sem. II) Examination 2010 202 : INTERNATIONAL BUYING (2008 Pattern) (New)
Time : 3 Hours Note : 1) Attempt any 4 questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 1. What do you understand by buying internationally ? Why do firms buy internationally rather than locally ? 2. Enumerate the steps involved in International Purchasing from source selection to receipts. 3. List out various documents required in International Buying and explain any five in brief. 4. Compare and contrast International buying of capital goods and consumer goods. 5. Explain the role of clearing and forwarding agents, freight brokers and shipping companies. 6. Explain in detail what you understand by letter of credit. What are the different types of letter of credit ? 7. Discuss in detail the composition of Imports in India. Max. Marks : 70



[3793] 12
P.G.D.M.L.M. (Semester I) Examination, 2010 102 : MATERIALS MANAGEMENT (2005 Pattern) (Old)

Time : 3 Hours Note : i) Answer any five questions. ii) All questions carry equal marks.

Max. Marks : 60

1. Explain the scope and importance of Materials Management in globalised and competitive business environment. 2. State the meaning of Material Planning. Explain how does material planning function is performed in manufacturing organizations. 3. Describe the stages involved in purchase cycle. 4. No organization can function smoothly at zero inventory; some inventories will always be needed. Discuss the statement. 5. Explain the basis and methodology for carrying out VED and ABC analysis. 6. What is codification ? Discuss types of codification of materials. 7. Explain the concept and derivation of EOQ model. 8. Write short notes on any three of the following : a) Material Requirement Planning (MRP) b) Standardization c) Documents used in stores operations d) Integrated materials management e) Pricing issues in purchasing.



[3793] 101

P.G.D.M.L.M. (Sem. I) Examination, 2010 101 : PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF MANAGEMENT (New) (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Note : 1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. 2) Solve any 3 questions from following. 1. a) Define Management. Explain different functions of management. b) Discuss Fayols Principles of Management. 2. Explain in detail Taylors Principles of Scientific Management in detail. 3. Explain the nature of Planning. Explain different steps in planning process. 4. Explain the concept performance appraisal and also its methods in detail. 5. Explain different sources of Recruitment in detail. 6. Write short notes on (any 3) : 1) Controlling 2) Direction 3) Training and development 4) Coordination 5) M.B.O. 6) Organising.

Marks : 70

15 10 15 15 15 15 15


[3793] 11

P.G.D.M.L.M. (Semester I) Examination, 2010 101 : PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF MANAGEMENT (Old) (2005 Pattern)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60

N.B. : 1) Answer any two questions from Section I. 2) Answer any one question from 5th and 6th questions from Section II. 3) Question No. 7 is compulsory. Answer any one case. 4) All questions carry equal marks. SECTION I 1. Define management. Explain the theory of Henry Fayol. 2. Forecasts are only estimates of future conditions and not the indicators of actual positions. Discuss the statement and bring out the limitations and techniques of forecasting. 3. Informal organisation is detrimental to the interest of formal organisation and therefore it is an evil to be nipped in the bud itself. Comment and explain how managers should handle informal organisations. 4. Write short notes on any three : a) Functions of management b) Performance appraisal c) Management by obejectives (MBO) d) Steps in recruitment and selection e) Steps in training f) Scientific management. SECTION II 5. What are the essentials of effective control system ? How you will design effective control system ? 6. Discuss the various techniques and principles of coordination.

[3793] 11



7. Solve any one of the case. Methodical presentation of the case is necessary. Case No. 1 Ramesh was an ambitions youth when he started his enterprise. He wanted to start the enterprise in a particular field, which would reflect his personality and ambition. Though he had received little formal training and though his experience was mainly in manufacturing, he himself went on managing the accounts, finance, got credit whenever required, besides manufacturing and sales. He went on taking calculated risks and sought others help whenever required. Due to his innovativeness and hardwork, the enterprise grew in size. This posed certain difficulties and Ramesh sought the help and advice of others and realised the need for the application of specialised knowledge of human relations and modern management etc. Realising the fact, Ramesh tried to procure such knowledge for his enterprise. Not being accustomed to this and being successful so far, he often bypassed it and reverted to old adhoc methods and even criticised the modern techniques of management. But on seeing the efforts involved and the difficulties arising out of them, Ramesh used to re-accept the modern concepts temporarily. The enterprise grew finally to large proportions without satisfaction to Ramesh, though many felt that the progress was possibly slower than what could have been ? Analyse the case and advise Mr. Ramesh for future line of action. OR Case No. 2 Mr. Apte considers that people in general are reluctant to work and therefore feels that the subordinates must be told precisely what they should do from time to time and see that the work is got done. Suddenly Mr. Apte has taken to serious illness and is not likely to resume duties at least for a year or even two. The remaining staff is unable to decide what it should do ? They have brought the consultant who is thinking on the following alternatives : 1) Select the temporary assistant as per recommendations of Mr. Apte, or 2) Bring totally an outsider who can establish new traditions. What alternative will you support ? Do you have any other alternative in mind ?


[3793] 13

P.G.D.M.L.M. (Semester I) Examination, 2010 103 : LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT (2005 Pattern) (Old)
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60

Instructions : 1) Attempt any four questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks i.e. 15 each. 1. Discuss the concepts of Integrated Logistics and The Total Distribution with significance of logistics. 2. Explain the role of material handling, packaging and transportation system in Logistics Management. 3. As a Logistics Manager; how you could use Information Technology in warehousing and physical distribution. 4. Discuss the phenomenon Economics of Logistics in Logistics Management. 5. What are the costs associated with logistics ? Where and how you would like to reduce cost of logistics ? 6. Write short note on any two : a) Role of Insurance in logistics b) Third party logistics c) Significance of logistics d) Supply Chain Management.



[3793] 201

P.G.D.M.L.M. (Semester II) Examination, 2010 201 : PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT New (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 1. Discuss the role and significance of physical distribution for any manufacturing company. 2. Write the meaning and importance of marketing channels for a consumer product manufacturing company. 3. Retailing in India is slowly changing from traditional to modern. Discuss the reasons and functions performed by retailor. 4. Explain the role of logistics in supply chain with suitable example. 5. Explain the process of benchmarking in supply chain with suitable example. 6. Write notes on : 1) Role of information technology in supply chain. 2) Elements of cost in physical distribution system. 3) Third party logistics.

Max. Marks : 70



[3793] 21

P.G.D.M.L.M. (Semester II) Examination, 2010 201 : PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (Old) ( 2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours Instructions : 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 1. Write the meaning and importance of physical distribution for a manufacturing company of motorbikes. 2. Explain the various functions performed by distribution channel members taking example of any manufacturing company. 3. Discuss the factors that influence the selection and design of distribution channel. 4. Discuss the role of Logistic management in J.I.T. with suitable example. 5. What are the elements of supply chain process and how does supply chain management influence cost ? 6. Write notes on any two : 1) Use of Information and communication technology in supply chain process. 2) Third Party Logistics. 3) Role of a Retailer for Automobile spare parts.

Max. Marks : 60

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