RepaymentSchedule C02310061670652053 27 11 24
RepaymentSchedule C02310061670652053 27 11 24
RepaymentSchedule C02310061670652053 27 11 24
Applicant Name: SOMA MOZUMDER Disbursement Date: 06-OCT-23 EMI Amount (Rs) : 6,278.00
Agreement No: C02310061670652053 Amount Sanctioned (Rs): 174,838.00 Instalment start date: 03-DEC-2023
Customer ID: 37630195 Amount Disbursed (Rs): 174838.00 Instalment End date : 03-NOV-2026
Central KYC: O50007028446430 Annualised Interest Rate %: 17.5 Frequency: Monthly
(CKYC) Id Interest Rate Type: FIXED EMI Due Date: 3rd of Every Month
Branch: KOLKATA-TECHNOPOLIS-82 Loan Tenure (Months): 36
Co-Applicant Name(s): Loan Status: ACTIVE
Currency : INR
Disclaimer: This is a system generated statement and does not require a signature
The figures stated above are system generated any inaccuracies noticed in this letter needs to be reported within 15 (fifteen) daysof
receipt of the letter failing which the contents of this letter would be construed as correct and deemed accepted.