ELTR Journal Article - Alfin
ELTR Journal Article - Alfin
ELTR Journal Article - Alfin
There are many methods in the English education world. One of them is a
cooperative learning method. This paper aims to find the students’ and teachers’
perceptions of the cooperative learning method in Senior High School classes.
This study used qualitative study. All data were analyzed qualitatively. The
instruments used were questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The
participants were 45 students of one of the Senior High School English classes
and 2 English teachers in Salatiga. Based on the findings, the cooperative learning
method could potentially become an effective method for students. Based on the
result, the students felt happy with this method. Moreover, this method could
develop students’ teamwork skills. In teachers' perceptions, they taught through
group work in this method could enhance students’ knowledge of the material.
However, both students and teachers argued that this method could be less
effective when there were uncooperative teammates in the group.
Keywords: Cooperative Learning Method, Students’ Perceptions, Teachers’
In Indonesia, English has become a part of the curriculum at school. Even
though it has been taught at school from primary school until senior high school,
however, English is only used at school and leaves the language at the school
every time students return back to their daily routine in the house or outside
school (Rerung, 2017). This condition makes exposure to English needs to be
developed. Thus, in the school context, an appropriate method or approach must
be used in the classroom. There are two main types of language learning
processes. They are student-centered and teacher-centered. Each of these types
has its strength and weakness. For example, in teacher-centered learning, such as
Grammar Translation Method, the teacher only explains in class. Thus, the time
used in the classroom was simply listening and taking notes based on the teacher’s
explanation (Chang, 2011). When the students only listen to the teacher’s
explanation, it can be good that they will be more focused on mastering the
material. However, this method can make students bored in the class, and the
students will have little involvement in the learning process. Vice versa, in
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
The study used a qualitative method. The researcher used questionnaires and
semi-structured interviews to collect the data. The participants of this study were
around 45 students and two teachers of English classes in one of the senior high
schools in Salatiga. The participants from students were male and female, and
their ages ranged from 16 to 18 years old. Similarly, the participants from teachers
were females, and their ages were around over the age of 30. Then, the
participants were students and teachers who took and taught an English class in
Semester one. The participants from the students were given questionnaires and
proceeded to an interview. Then, the researcher conducted an interview for only
around 15-20 minutes with the teachers. This method was expected to reveal
students’ and teachers' perceptions of the cooperative learning method. The data
were analyzed using thematic analysis. The purpose of using thematic analysis
was to draw themes based on the participants’ answers. Here were the following
steps to analyze the data that the researcher did:
1. Processed and analyzed the data from the questionnaire.
2. Coded the participants’ answers in the questionnaire by highlighting
keywords from participants’ answers.
3. Analyzed the data from the interview by transcribing the participants’
answers from the interview recording.
4. Coded the interview results by highlighting keywords from participants’
5. Categorized all the data from the questionnaire and interview into a group
according to particular categories based on participants' answers.
6. Themes emerged from the participants’ answers about their perceptions of
the cooperative learning method.
7. Last, conclusions were drawn.
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
useful for the group to achieve the group’s goals successfully. This is illustrated in
Figure 4.
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
Positive Opinions
Feeling Happy
In this research, the researcher has found that the cooperative learning
method can create a sense of happiness and convenience among the students
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
working in a group to gain the group’s goals. From the open-ended question and
interview, it was found that there were 28 (62.2%) students felt happy with
cooperative learning. In cooperative learning, happy feelings can arise from
students’ ability to work collaboratively with their group. Thus, the students can
feel connected and have a positive relationship with their group members. They
were more likely to feel happy and engaged during the learning process. It was
supported by Johnson and Johnson (1999)’s statement that cooperative learning
can promote positive interdependence, increasing students’ feelings of happiness
and well-being. Positive interdependence was one of the elements of cooperative
learning mentioned in the literature review that talked about each value of group
members. Moreover, according to Li and Huang (2017), students who participated
in cooperative learning reported having higher levels of happiness and life
satisfaction than those who did not. Following this, there were several answers
from the students below.
Excerpt 1:
Excerpt 2:
Excerpt 3:
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
Based on the student’s answers above, it can be concluded that the happy feeling
in cooperative learning was likely the result of a combination of reasons,
including collaboration, active participation, interaction, good relationship, and
communication. According to Ryan and Deci (2000), students who participated in
cooperative learning tend to have more positive emotions such as enjoyment,
interest, and excitement. Thus, the cooperative learning method can create a
positive learning and engaging learning environment that can contribute to happy
feelings and convenience among the students.
The researcher also found that cooperative learning can develop students’
teamwork skills. From the open-ended questionnaire, 26 students (57.7%) thought
cooperative learning could develop their teamwork skills. By participating in a
group, students can practice and develop teamwork skills such as communication,
collaboration, taking on responsibility, and problem-solving collaboratively.
According to Johnson, Johnson, and Smith (2014), "Cooperative learning has
been found to be an effective way of developing teamwork skills among students.
Through collaborative activities, students learn to communicate effectively,
resolve conflicts, share responsibilities, and work towards common goals, all of
which are important aspects of effective teamwork". Below were several answers
from the students that cooperative learning can develop students’ teamwork skills.
Excerpt 4:
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
Excerpt 5:
Excerpt 6:
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
Based on the student's answers above, it can be concluded that through the
cooperative learning method, the students have valuable opportunities to develop
teamwork skills because this method requires them to work together,
communicate effectively, have a responsibility, and solve problems
collaboratively. According to Johnson and Johnson (1999), when this method can
be done successfully by promoting five elements of cooperative learning, it will
be possible that these elements can create an environment where the students are
motivated to work together, help each other and communicate effectively in order
to achieve their goals. Thus, this method can enhance teamwork skills that are
useful in various contexts such as in the classroom, workplace, etc.
Negative Opinion
Uncooperative Teammates
Apart from the positive opinions above, the researcher also found negative
opinions from the students. Previously, the cooperative learning method has been
mentioned that this method encourages students to work in a group. But, in fact,
based on the finding, it was found that when the students worked in a group, some
students didn’t participate fully and burdened others. Johnson and Johnson (2009)
said, "Despite its many benefits, cooperative learning is not without its challenges.
One potential weakness is the possibility of social loafing, where some group
members may contribute less than others or even disengage altogether, relying on
the efforts of others to complete the task. Additionally, some students may not
thrive in a cooperative learning environment due to individual differences in
learning styles or preferences for working independently." Following this, there
were answers from the students below that argue about uncooperative teammates
in the cooperative learning method.
Excerpt 7:
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
Excerpt 8:
Excerpt 9:
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
From the student’s answers above, it can be concluded that the cooperative
learning method also has its weaknesses, potentially for uncooperative teammates
or unequal participation among the group members. According to Johnson and
Johnson (1999), it can be tough to ensure that all group members equally
participate in the task. Several students may rely on others to do the work. So,
cooperative learning can potentially become an effective teaching method, but
uncooperative teammates can reduce its effectiveness.
Neutral Opinion
Despite the positive and negative opinions above, the researcher also
found neutral opinions on the cooperative learning method. This method has been
a topic of debate among educators and scholars. Some believe that this method is
a beneficial method to implement in the classroom for improving students’
academic accomplishment and social skills, while others argue that this method
has many limitations. According to Johnson, Johnson, and Stanne (2000),
cooperative learning undoubtedly has many advantages, including enhanced
academic performance and social skills, but it is not a universal solution for all
classrooms or circumstances. While some students might do well in group
projects, others might find it difficult to contribute or become a burden to their
classmates. Moreover, some tasks or projects may be better suited to be done
individually. The cooperative learning method relies on thoughtful preparation
and application, as well as constant evaluation and modification to be successful
in the classroom. Thus, in this part, the researcher will show neutral opinions on
cooperative learning from students’ perceptions that acknowledge both its benefits
and limitations. Following this, below were several students that answered
neutrally on the cooperative learning method.
Excerpt 10:
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
Excerpt 11:
Excerpt 12:
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
Positive Opinions
In this research, the researcher also found out from the teachers’
perspective that cooperative learning can enhance students' knowledge when
working in a group. It is supported by Johnson, Johnson, and Smith (2007) that
“cooperative learning enhances students' knowledge acquisition and retention,
critical thinking skills, motivation, and positive attitudes toward learning”. Here
were the opinions of the teachers on the cooperative learning method.
Excerpt 13:
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
Excerpt 14:
Excerpt 15:
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
Based on the students’ answers above, it could be concluded that when teachers
applied the cooperative learning method in the class, it could potentially enhance
students’ knowledge of the material. According to the teachers’ answer above,
through group work, the students will ask their friends when they were shy to ask
their teacher. Moreover, Johnson, Johnson and Stanne (2014) said that the
cooperative learning method had been shown in a growing body of research to be
a successful pedagogical strategy for improving students’ knowledge, critical
thinking abilities, and learning motivation. Finally, this method can still be
categorized as an effective way to be applied in the class by the teachers.
Negative Opinion
Uncooperative Teammates
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
teachers faced difficulties when grouping the students. According to Johnson and
Johnson (1999), it can be tough to ensure all group members equally participate in
the task. Several students may rely on others to do the work. Below were answers
from teachers about uncooperative teammates in cooperative learning.
Excerpt 16:
Excerpt 17:
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
From the teachers’ answers above, it can be concluded that the teachers also argue
the same opinions as the students. It was more likely that the students had their
own learning styles and just only left a burden to the others. It was supported by
Arribas and Zorrilla (2020) said that students who were used to learn individually
felt less comfortable in cooperative learning activities. In addition, the students
may have different learning styles and may prefer to work independently. Thus,
uncooperative teammates still became a problem when implementing the
cooperative learning method in the class.
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
The results of the study showed that the cooperative learning method
could be a potentially effective method to be implemented in the class. This
method encouraged the students to work in a group. By working in a group, the
students were able to share information and exchange ideas with each other. Thus,
this can lead to the development of students’ communication skills and create
good relationships with their friends. Not only that, but cooperative learning also
engaged the students to be more active in class. While the students worked
together in a group, they could learn how to make decisions and solve problems
together with their group members. This will develop students' teamwork and
leadership skills. This method is also seen as an exciting method to be applied in
the class instead of simply listening to the teacher’s explanation. This was because
this method promoted the students to participate fully in the lesson in an
interactive way. In addition, when the students worked in a group, it potentially
made the students understand the materials easily and could exchange knowledge
with each other.
Based on the findings, the students were happy with this method because
most of the students were seen to be happy when learning and working with their
friends in the class rather than learning individually. Then this method also
increased students’ teamwork skills because it encouraged them to work in a team,
which made the students learn from each other from their group members with
different backgrounds.
This study has some limitations. The first limitation is the participants.
This study only had 47 participants consisting of 45 students and two teachers.
The age of the students ranged from 16-18 years old. Thus, the results of the
findings cannot be generalized to the other age groups. It is suggested that future
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
researchers have various participants so that the data can be more varied and they
can investigate the cooperative learning method more profoundly.
Then, this study was also limited in methodology. This study just only
used questionnaires and semi-structured interviews to collect the data. It would be
better for future researchers to use more methods to make the data more accurate.
For example, the future researcher can use the observation method to observe
cooperative learning classes and compare them with other classes that use the
traditional method. Finally, additional explanations about the cooperative
learning method in senior high school classes can be elaborated more. This means
there is a lack of sufficient information or understanding about this particular
teaching method. Thus, there is a need for additional research or explanations
about the cooperative learning method.
Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, F. (2009). Joining together: Group theory and group
skills (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Johnson, D. W., Johnson, R. T., & Smith, K. A. (2007). The state of cooperative
learning in postsecondary and professional settings. Educational
Psychology Review, 19(1), 15-29. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-006-
ELTR Journal, e-ISSN 2597-4718, Vol. 7, No. 1, April 2023, pp. 1-23
Li, J., & Huang, L. (2017). The Effect of Cooperative Learning on Students’
Happiness and Life Satisfaction. Journal of Happiness Studies, 18(5),
1425–1438. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-016-9777-0
Li, M. P., & Lam, B. H. (2005). Cooperative Learning. The Hong Kong Institute
of Education. Retrieved from http://www.ied.edu.hk/aclass/
Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations: Classic
definitions and new directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology,
25(1), 54-67. https://doi.org/10.1006/ceps.1999.1020