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Group 17 RPH

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o ric al Sit e s ,

Str u ctu re s ,
an d M u se u m
P h i l i p p i n e
i n t h e
Week 17
There are several sources available to us to discuss and
study the past events. Variety of valuable tool like
research can help us learn more about the historical
experiences of our nation but to help us more, there are
also venues like historical shrines and museums that can
help us experience history more. It can help us better
understand the clearer information about the past
events through interacting with some artifacts, written
letters, garments of historical people and more.
Appreciate the importance of the historical sites,
structures, and museums.

Understand the importance of preserving the historical
sites, structures, and museums by stating their personal
learnings in the discussion and cooperating in oral

03 Be able to answer the given assessment at the end of the

discussion within the given period of time.
Historica l Site s
and St r u ctu r es
s it e is
iz e s a
e c o g n e
H C P r p la q u
t th e N rk e r , a
t o r t h a a l m a o f t h e
n d ic a is to r ic s e a l
An i b e a r s a h
b e a r s the
s t h e
it a t t a i l
when a s t ir o n t h
e s a n d d e
t e .
e o f c li p p in th e s i
m a d h e P h i a nt t o ,
c o f t re le v a n c e
e p u b li a tio n g n i f i c
R n f o r m i c a l s i o n ,
ri c a l i h i s to r a p e r s
his to e s o f e t h e r
n p l a c o n w h e d i n
p u t i a s e d r e s u l t
It is e d b t o o r
d e c i d e le d t he
is tu r o f
which e , o r st r u c
th e l i v e s
b le
n t , s i t g e s i n s id e r a
e v e ch a n a c o n
u n d y , o r
profo he c o u n tr
la t i o n .
n i ty , t r p op u
m m u f o u
co m e n to
Historic sites and structures are identified
through the following criteria:

•First, properties strongly

associated with
important historical
Second, properties that
bear strong foreign
historical or period
third, sites of first
establishments in the
Philippines (for example,
site of the first printing
press, commercial house,
theater, distillery, et
cetera); and
fourth, groups or clusters of buildings or
structures or a whole precinct, district,
ortown center, including plazas,
gardens, landscapes, historic ruins,
streets,pathways, stairs, bridges,
fences, visual corridors, vista points and
other openspaces, town plan patterns,
and immediate environs, whose historic
importance is seen in the entirety of
the setting, unit, or space rather
than its individual elements or
fifth, these sites or structures must be at
least 50 years old and 70 percent
authentic.The NHCP also maintains National
Historical Shrines. These are sacred sites or
structures in honor of a national hero or a
highly significant historical event.
The National Historical Commission of the
Philippines(NHCP) classifies historic sites and
structures according to the recognition
conferred. Level I 'recognition entails the
declaration of a historic site or structure and
the installation of a marker. These are
awarded to heritage zones or historic centers,
national cultural treasures, national historical
shrines, national historical monuments or
memorials, and national historical landmarks.
Level I recognition shall entail the
declaration of any of the following:

1. Heritage Zone/Historic Center - a

historic space, unit, district or
cluster of structures and their
environs, with distinctive historical
importance in its entirety
2. National Cultural Treasure - a unique
cultural property possessing outstanding
historical value and significance
Earthenware vessel
with anthropomorphic
figures. Quezon,
u lt u r a l
Palawan | 890-710 BCE l C
N at io n a “ a
(Late Neolithic Period) A C T , is
, o r N l y ,
u r e o c a l
Treas ec t f o u n d l
e o b j n d i n g
uniqu o utsta
e s s i n g a r tis t ic
poss c u lt u r a l ,
ri c a l , v a l u e
histo s c i e n t if i c
o r t o t h i s
and/ i g n if i c a n t
h i s s n a t io n ”
Anthropomorphic whic a nd l
r y de n t ia
count s i
pottery. Leta-Leta
o f P r e
Cave, Northern
c t io n 3
Palawan 11000-1500 (Se 7 4 ) .
BCE (Late Neolithic to
e e N o . 3
Metal Age) Dec r
3.National Historical
Shrine - A hallowed
site or structure in
honor of a national
hero or highly
historical event
4. National Historical Monument/Memorial

Rizal National Juan Luna

Bonifacio National
Monument Monument Monument

An object, structure or site that commemorates, memorializes or gives reverence to

a special historic personage event
n a l H i s t o r i c a l
5.Nat i o
Land m a r k
a s s o c i a t e d
u r e c l o s e l y
e o r s t r u c t v e n t ,
(a) A s i t i s t o r i c a l e
g n i f i c a n t h i n g
wi t h a s i i s t i c , t u r n
c h a r a c t e r ) a
e m e n t , o r o r ( b
achiev P h i l i p p i n e h i s t
o r s t a g e i n a n a t i o n a
p o i n t c r e a t e d b y
e m a d e o r
structu r
D. Level II recognition shall entail the
installation of a historical marker in a
historic site or structure that is not declared
a heritage zone/historic center, national
cultural treasure, shrine, monument or
memorial, or historical landmark, but
nonetheless has some historical
significance. Such a site or structure may
later be elevated to Level I recognition
pending further research and re-evaluation.
The museum
T h e m u s e u m bj e c ts,
. A rt w o rk s , o
d f or l e a r n i n g
s a r e d e s ig n e v ie w e r s to
Museum p re s e n te d to
m a te r ia ls ar e
and historica i o n a n d a p p r e c ia t i on.
d u c a t ra l
enable e n 's c u lt u r al a n d n a t u
n , c it y , o rt o w
o u n tr y , r e g io je c t s t h a t
The c s m u s e u m o b
a re t r e a te d a o f
heritag e g o f th e w o rk
u n de r s ta n d in
r ib u te t o o u r s a s e n s o ry
cont ro vi d e s v is i tor
s o c ie t i e s . Itp it h
d u a l s a n d t o g e t h e r w
indivi m u s e u m o b j e c t s
t io n o f th e s e c h o b je c ts
exp lo ra e v a lu e o f s u
a t e x p la in t h
ts t h
museum tex e d t o in te r a c t w it h it .
e n e
and why w
T h e m u s e u m
e in w h a t t h e
e fr e e c h o ic
se u m s p ro v id n e o us
Mu o u g h a s p o n t a
s t o le a rn th r
visitor wa n t t s , a n d
d e a s , c o n c e p
e re i
process wh m m u n ic a t e d . A s
a r e o p e n ly c o
info rm a tio n e " o r th e
o o m , th e "h o m
d to a c la s s r
oppos e g ( w rit in g )
r e a d i n g , 'ri ti n
three "Rs":
The m u s e u m is i t o rs
s t h a t a l lo w v
e n v iro n m e n t
a r e a e s t h e t ic e p a s t , th e
Museum s um s m a ke th
s e n s e s .M u s e
a g e w it h th e to t h e vi s i to rs
to eng gin e d a c c e ss ib le
, a n d t h e im a o s c h o o l
pre se n t u p p l e m e n t t
n e s sen ti a l s u r
u m s a re a e p o in t in o
Muse s o n w h y, a t s o m
ich is th e re a he
uc a tio n , w h u s e u m . In t
ed v e v is i te d a m
e n t lif e , w e ha u d e n t s c a n
stud s e u m s th a t st
a r e m a n y m u
lip p in e s, th e re c a ti on
Phi d in g o n th e ir lo
visit d e p e n
In Metro Manila, the National Museum
of the Philippines is a museum complex
that consists of several museums. One
of which is the National Museum of Fine
Arts, which holds important works, such
as religious art from the;

Spanish colonial period, paintings

by artists Juan Luna, Félix
Resurrección Hidalgo, and their
sculptures by Guillermo Tolentino,
and many other collections.
National Museum
of the Philippines
Another museum in the complex is the National Museum of Anthropology, which houses
ethnological and archaeological exhibitions, such as the wreck of San Diego, a warship of the
Spanish Navy sunk in 1600, the Manunggul Jar, a secondary burial jar excavated from the Tabon
Caves in Palawan, and the Laguna Copperplate Inscription

The Wreck of San Manunggul Jar The Laguna Copperplate

Diego Inscription

The National Museum also maintains regional museums, in Butuan, Vigan, Benguet,
Ilocos Sur, Puerto Princesa, Zamboanga City, Cebu, Romblon, Davao Oriental, and
Batanes, among others.
There are numerous other museums in
Metro Manila, such as the Ayala Museum

A private museum with a rich collection of

dioramas about Philippine history,
ceramics and porcelain collections, and
the largest collection of archaeological
gold in the country, among others.
In the historic Intramuros, another
museum called Bahay Tsinoy by the
Kaisa-Angelo King Heritage Center
documents the history. lives, and
contributions of ethnic Chinese in the
Philippine life and history
Ayala Museum
Metropolitan Museum of
The Metropolitan Museum of
Manila exhibits the Bangko
Sentral ng Pilipinas Collection
of classical Philippine
goldwork from the eighth to
the thirteenth centuries, while
the GSIS Museum of Art
features the largest mural
publicly on display created by
Fernando Amorsolo

Fernando amorsolo
Universities also host museums that
are worth a visit, such as the
University of Santo Tomas (UST)
Museum of Arts and Sciences, the
oldest existing museum in the
The University of the Philippines
also has the Jorge B. Vargas
Museum, the Filipiniana Research
Center, and the Bulwagan ng
Dangal University Heritage
Museum. (UST) Museum of rts and
Outside Metro Manila, the notable university museums include the Southwestern
University Museum that exhibits iron age potteries, rare ceramics, and other
important artifacts,
the Silliman University Anthropology Museum in Dumaguete that houses unique
and priceless collections of ethnographic and archaeological artifacts,
and the Aga Khan Museum of Islamic Arts of the Mindanao State University, the
largest Filipino Muslim collection in the country

There are also local community museums managed by local governments in the
Philippines, which house collections of local importance and features local
histories. Examples of these are the Pasig City Museum, the Cagayan Provincial
Museum in Tuguegarao, Tanauan City Museum in Batangas, and Pila Museum in
-As a student visiting a museum, how do you make the most out of your trip?

First, be mindful of your instructor's instructions on what the visit is for and what
you should be looking for when you get there. Usually, there are worksheets to fill
out or a reflection paper to write. Take note of these, so you know what to do
when you get to the museum. You can also search for the museum online, and if
they have a website, you may be able to read a short description of the
museum's exhibits

When you get to the museum, be mindful of the rules, such as taking
photographs or touching the displays. If there is a guided tour that you will join,
listen carefully, and do not be afraid to ask questions

After the visit, take time to re-envision what you just saw, and contemplate on it.
You may even want to talk to your peers regarding the experience, so that you
can better engage your memory of the visit
We also have our museums that mostly are free
Historical sites, structures, and
or have a minimal fee, that are designed for
museums are one of the tangible tools learning. It will provide visitors a better
we can experience to learn more understanding of the objects or places by
about the past. It can serve as our personally seeing it and having the chance to
know its details. These are also tools available
firsthand experience that can improve
for us that can surely give us the opportunity to
the impact of knowledge to our learn more about our history in different
minds. Historical sites and structures aspects that could also serve as portals to the
are identified with different levels of past. As visitors, we have to abide and give
respect to the rules set by the establishments
criteria by the National Historical
we are about to visit while enjoying the
Commission of the Philippines (NHCP). knowledge we will absorb.

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