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Basic Reading 400 Key Words 1 - TG

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Basic Reading 400 Key Words 1 - Scope and Sequence

Type of
Topic Unit Title Target Vocabulary

My Things 1 My House Fiction this / bed / hat / flower / house

Art 2 Painting Is Fun! Fiction paint / seed / frog / wall / bad
Pet 3 Your Pet Fiction that / pet / like / rabbit / spider
Breakfast 4 Breakfast Fiction breakfast / fruit / bread / tiger / look like
Monkeys and People 5 The Same? Fiction climb / tree / same / play / leaf
Pet 6 My Friend Fiction friend / sing / jump / fly / cricket
Camera 7 Camera Love Fiction love / camera / photo / look / bee
New Clothes 8 A New Hat Fiction new / socks / shoes / dress / home
Having a friend 9 On the Farm Fiction farm / horse / sad / come / say
Selfishness 10 It’s Mine! Fiction give / ball / mine / big / want
Hungry Puppies 11 Hungry Puppies Fiction puppy / hungry / find / tired / sleep
Brotherhood 12 Big Brother and Little Brother Fiction good / share / half / wear / little
Birthday Party 13 To the Door Fiction door / clown / man / cake / gift
Making A Sandwich 14 Time for Lunch Fiction meat / tomato / lettuce / ketchup / lunch
Going to Bed 15 A Place to Sleep Fiction sun / go / down / good night / blanket
One Saturday
16 Saturday Fiction bring / inline skates / park / great / lucky
In the Park
1 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Unit 1 My House
 New words: this, bed, hat, flower, house
 Sentence pattern: This is my _____.

Warm Up
• Greet your students.
• Check the WB homework, p. 6 and pp. 12-13.
Go through the answers as a class while
walking around the room to check students’
WBs and help with corrections.

• As an icebreaker, play the Name Game.

1. Divide students into two teams and
have them sit in two lines on the floor.
Give the first student on each team a
2. Explain that the two teams will race to
say the names of all the people on their
team. The first student says, “I’m Joe,”
and quickly gives the ball to the next student. The second student says, “He’s Joe. I’m Annie,”
and hands the ball to the next student, who says, “He’s Joe. She’s Annie. I’m Tom,” and so on.
3. If a student forgets a name, the ball goes back to the first student, and the team must start
4. The first team whose last student says all the names correctly wins.

Before Reading

New Words
 Have students open their SBs to pages 6-7. Direct their attention to the pictures.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, and have
students repeat.
 Play Track 02 and have students repeat. Practice the words a few more times, calling on students
individually or as a class.

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Find It!
 Explain that there are six hats in the
pictures. Have students work individually or
in pairs to find and circle all six hats.
 When they are done, they should raise
one hand. When all students’ hands are
raised, point to all six hats together as a class.

Picture Talk
 Direct students’ attention to the Picture
Talk question: “Who do you live with? Family?
 Give your answer to the question: “I live
with my husband/wife. I live with my dog/cat.”
(Optional: Bring in personal photos to show.)
Then let a few students volunteer to answer
the question.


Reading: “My House”

 Read the story once yourself, slowly, giving students time to follow along and look at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat each line.
 Play Track 03. Have students just listen the first time, and repeat the second time.
 Optional: Have one student read each line individually. Point to the first picture and then point to
one student to read. Point to the second picture and a different student, and so on.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the last word of each sentence and having students say it.
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.

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After Reading

Check It
This exercise checks students’
comprehension of the story and
reinforces the new words.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the
direction line, instructing students to
check the correct answers.
 Have students complete the
exercise alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Talk about family trees.
 Draw a simple family tree on the
board like the one in Check It,
number 3. Explain it to the class:
“This is my mom. This is my _____,”
 Instruct students to draw their own
family trees. Let a few volunteers
share their family trees by showing them to the class and explaining, “This is my mom,” etc.

Learn It
This exercise further reinforces the new vocabulary and provides writing practice.
 Have students trace the words and then match them to the correct pictures by themselves.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Writing Race.”
Have students line up in two teams in front of the board.
 Say a target word. The first student on each team hurries to write the word on the board. The first
student to write the word correctly gets a point. Those two students go to the back of the line.
 Repeat until all the students have had at least one turn. The team with the most points wins.

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Write It
This exercise provides writing practice using the
target sentence pattern.
 Read number 1 and have students call out the
answer. Give them time to write.
 Have students complete number 2 by
themselves. Walk around the class and check
their work, helping if necessary.

Write sentences on the board, with one spelling
error in the key word. Have students find the
mistakes and write the corrections.

Say It
This exercise provides listening and speaking
practice with the new words and sentence
 Have students look at the pictures. Explain
that they will listen and write the number under the correct picture.
 Play Track 04. After each sentence, pause to allow students to repeat the sentence and write the
number under the correct picture.
 Check the answers as a class.
 Instruct students to close their books. Play Track 04 again, having students repeat each sentence.

Play “Catch the Ball.”
 Write the target vocabulary words on the board. (If using a small number of words, you may write
each one twice.) Have students sit in a circle.
 Model the activity. Give a student a ball and have him/her toss it to you. Use one of the target
words in a sentence.
 Toss the ball to a student, who uses another word in a sentence. When a word is used correctly,
erase it from the board. The student then tosses the ball to another student.
 Continue until all the words have been erased.

 Workbook 1: page 6, Unit 1

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Unit 2 Painting Is Fun!

 New words: paint, seed, frog, wall, bad
 Sentence pattern: (S)he paints _______.

Warm Up
 Greet your students.
 Check the WB homework, p. 6 and pp. 14-15.
Go through the answers as a class while walking
around the room to check students’ WBs and
help with corrections.

Before Reading

New Words
 Have students open their SBs to pages 10-11.
Direct their attention to the pictures.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, and have
students repeat.
 Play Track 05 and have students repeat. Practice the words a few more times, calling on students
individually or as a class.

Find It!
 Explain that there are five brushes in the pictures. Have students work individually or in pairs to
find and circle all five brushes
 When they are done, they should raise one hand. When all students’ hands are raised, point to all
five brushes together as a class.

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Picture Talk
 Direct students’ attention to the Picture Talk
question: “How do you paint? Finger or brush?”
 Model your answer to the question, while
miming the action: “I paint with a brush.” Call on a
few volunteers to answer the question. Have
students say whether the girl in the picture is
painting with a finger or a brush.


Reading: “Painting Is Fun!”

 Read the story once yourself, slowly, giving
students time to follow along and look at the
 Go through the story again, having students
repeat each line.
 Play Track 06. Have students just listen the first time, and repeat the second time.
 Optional: Have one student read each line individually. Point to the first line and then point to one
student to read. Point to the second line and a different student, and so on.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the last word of each sentence and having students say
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Write the story on the board with blanks where the target words go. Give students a minute or
two to study the story, and then have them close their books. With books closed, ask students to
come up and fill in the blanks in the story.

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After Reading

Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension
of the story and reinforces the new words.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction
line, instructing students to check the correct
 Have students complete the exercise alone
or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Pictionary.”
 Write the eight words from the WB p. 6 (Unit
2) on separate slips of paper. Divide the
students into two teams.
 Model the activity. Tell the students they have
to guess what you are drawing, and then draw
a picture clue to one of the words from Unit 1 on the board. (No letters allowed.) When someone
guesses the word, choose a team to go first and ask for a volunteer.
 Give the volunteer one of the slips of paper. Say he/she has one minute to draw while his/her team
guesses the word. If the team guesses correctly within one minute, they get a point.
Repeat with the other team. Keep going, having different team members take turns drawing, until all
words are used. The team with the most points wins.

Learn It
This exercise further reinforces the new vocabulary and provides writing practice.
 Have students trace the words and then match them to the correct pictures by themselves.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Writing Race.”
 Have students line up in two teams in front of the board.
 Say a target word. The first student on each team hurries to write the word on the board. The first
student to write the word correctly gets a point. Those two students go to the back of the line.
 Repeat until all the students have had at least one turn. The team with the most points wins.

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Write It
This exercise provides writing practice using the target
sentence pattern.
 Read number 1 and have students call out the answer.
Give them time to write.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves.
Walk around the class and check their work, helping if

Instruct students to choose two or three target words
and write their own sentences with them. Have students
share their sentences with the class.

Say It
This exercise provides listening and speaking practice
with the new words and sentence pattern.
 Have students look at the pictures. Explain that they will listen and write the number under the
correct picture.
 Play Track 07. After each sentence, pause to allow students to repeat the sentence and write the
number under the correct picture.
 Check the answers as a class.
 Instruct students to close their books. Play Track 07 again, having students repeat each sentence.

Play “Musical Words.”
 Prepare a set of flashcards with the words from this unit: make enlarged photocopies of WB p. 6,
cut out the Unit 2 pictures and words separately, and paste them to opposite sides of index cards.
Have recorded music ready to play.
 Put chairs in a circle with a flashcard on each seat. Have students stand in a circle around them.
 Model the activity. Play the music and have students walk around the circle with you.
 Stop the music and say a word. Quickly sit in one of the chairs, but NOT the one with that word.
The student who sits in the target word chair, or is left standing, is “out.”
 Have the student who is “out” choose and say the word for the next round. Repeat until only one
student, the winner, is left.

 Workbook 1: page 6, Unit 2; pp. 16-17

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Unit 3 Your Pet

 New words: that, pet, like, rabbit, spider
 Sentence pattern: I like/don’t like _______.

Warm Up
 Greet your students.
 Check the WB homework, p. 7 and pp. 16-17.
Go through the answers as a class while
walking around the room to check students’
WBs and help with corrections.

Before Reading

New Words
 Have students open their SBs to pages 14-15.
Direct their attention to the pictures.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the
list, pointing to and saying the words, and
have students repeat.
 Play Track 08 and have students repeat. Practice the words a few more times, calling on students
individually or as a class.

Find It!
 Explain that there are three spiders in the pictures. Have students work individually or in pairs to
find and circle all three spiders
 When they are done, they should raise one hand. When all students’ hands are raised, point to all
three spiders together as a class.

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Picture Talk
 Direct students’ attention to the Picture Talk
question: “What pets do you like?”
 Give your answer to the question, briefly talking
about your pets and/or your favorite animals. Call on
several students to talk about their pets. Write any new
vocabulary on the board.
 Optional: Write five types of pets on the board and
take a vote on the class’s favorite kind of pet.


Reading: “Your Pet”

 Read the story once yourself, slowly, giving students
time to follow along and look at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat
each line.
 Play Track 09. Have students just listen the first time, and repeat the second time.
 Optional: Divide the class in half. One half asks in unison, “Is that your pet?” and the other half
answers. Then they switch. Encourage them to say the lines with feeling.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the last word of each sentence and having students say

Play “Find the Flashcard.”

 Prepare a set of flashcards with the words from this unit: make enlarged photocopies of WB p. 7,
cut out the Unit 3 pictures and words separately, and paste them to opposite sides of index cards.
Tape the target vocabulary flash cards around the classroom, picture side out.
 Divide students into two teams and have each team form a line.
 Model the activity. Say one of the words from the flashcards. Quickly go around the classroom
and search for the flashcard. Once you find it, use the word in a sentence, and then run to the back
of the line. (For an easier activity, use the sentence from the reading rather than making your own.)
 Pick another word, and have the first player from each team search for the flashcard. The first to
find it AND say a correct sentence with the word gets a point for his/her team.
 Play until every student has had a turn. The team with the most points wins.

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After Reading

Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of
the story and reinforces the new words.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction
line, instructing students to check the correct
 Have students complete the exercise alone or
in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Rock, Paper, Scissors, and Words.”
 Make one or more sets of vocabulary flashcards
(see “Find the Flashcard” on previous page.)
There should be at least one card per student.
 Have the students stand. Model the activity.
Choose a student partner. Each of you chooses a flashcard.
 Play “Rock, Paper, Scissors” with your partner. Then show each other your flashcards. The winner
must ask the other for his/her card: “May I please have the rabbit?” (Help the student until he/she
asks correctly.) The winner keeps both cards and plays the next student. The other sits down.
 Choose another student to begin the game. Continue until only one student, the winner, is left

Learn It
This exercise further reinforces the new vocabulary and provides writing practice.
 Have students trace the words and then match them to the correct pictures by themselves.
 Go through the answers as a class.

 Write sentences on the board, with one spelling error in the key word. Have students find the
mistakes and write the corrections.

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Write It
This exercise provides writing practice using the
target sentence pattern.
 Read number 1 and have students call out the
answer. Give them time to write.
 Have students complete number 2 by
themselves. Walk around the class and check
their work, helping if necessary.

 Write on the board: “I like _________. I don’t
like _________.” Encourage students to write
true sentences about themselves, filling in the
blanks with whatever they choose. Have students
share their sentences with the class.

Say It
This exercise provides listening and speaking
practice with the new words and sentence pattern.
 Have students look at the pictures. Explain that they will listen and write the number under the
correct picture.
 Play Track 10. After each sentence, pause to allow students to repeat the sentence and write the
number under the correct picture.
 Check the answers as a class.
 Instruct students to close their books. Play Track 10 again, having students repeat each sentence.

Play “Catch the Ball.”
 Write target vocabulary words on the board. (If using a small number of words, you may write each
one twice.) Have students sit in a circle.
 Model the activity. Give a student a ball and have him/her toss it to you. Use one of the target
words in a sentence.
 Toss the ball to a student, who uses another word in a sentence. When a word is used correctly,
erase it from the board. The student then tosses the ball to another student.
 Continue until all the words have been erased.

 Workbook 1: page 7, Unit 3; pp. 18-19

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Unit 4 Breakfast
 New words: breakfast, fruit, bread, tiger, look like
 Sentence patterns: (S)he eats _______; ______ looks
like ______.

Warm Up
 Greet your students.
 Check the WB homework, p. 7 and pp. 18-19. Go
through the answers as a class while walking around
the room to check students’ WBs and help with

Before Reading

New Words
 Have students open their SBs to pages 18-19. Direct their attention to the pictures.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, and have
students repeat.
 Play Track 11 and have students repeat. Practice the words a few more times, calling on students
individually or as a class.

Find It!
 Explain that there are a cow and three spoons in the pictures. Have students work individually or
in pairs to find and circle the cow and three spoons.
 When they are done, they should raise one hand. When all students’ hands are raised, point to
the cow and three spoons together as a class.

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Picture Talk
 Direct students’ attention to the Picture Talk question:
“What do you like for breakfast?”
 Model your answer to the question: “I like eggs, bacon,
and coffee for breakfast.” Call on several students to talk
about their favorite breakfast. Write any new vocabulary
on the board.


Reading: “Breakfast”
 Read the story once yourself, slowly, giving students
time to follow along and look at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat
each line.
 Play Track 12. Have students just listen the first time, and repeat the second time.
 Optional: Have one student read each line individually. Point to the first line and then point to one
student to read. Point to the second line and a different student, and so on.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the last word of each sentence and having students say
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Write the story on the board with blanks where the target words go. Give students a minute or
two to study the story, and then have them close their books. With books closed, ask students to
come up and fill in the blanks in the story.

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After Reading

Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension
of the story and reinforces the new words.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction
line, instructing students to check the correct
 Have students complete the exercise alone
or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

 Have students find partners. Write on the
board: “I eat breakfast. I eat
________ eats breakfast. ______ eats
 Point students to the Picture Talk question on p. 19. They should ask their partners the question
and make true sentences. Have students share their sentences with the class.

Learn It
This exercise further reinforces the new vocabulary and provides writing practice.
 Have students trace the words and then match them to the correct pictures by themselves.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Writing Race.”
 Have students line up in two teams in front of the board.
 Say a target word. The first student on each team hurries to write the word on the board. The first
student to write the word correctly gets a point. Those two students go to the back of the line.
 Repeat until all the students have had at least one turn. The team with the most points wins.

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Write It
This exercise provides writing practice using
the target sentence pattern.
 Read number 1 and have students call out
the answer. Give them time to write.
 Have students complete number 2 by
themselves. Walk around the class and check
their work, helping if necessary.

Write sentences on the board, with one
spelling error in the key word. Have students
find the mistakes and write the corrections.

Say It
This exercise provides listening and speaking
practice with the new words and sentence
 Have students look at the pictures. Explain
that they will listen and write the number under the correct picture.
 Play Track 13. After each sentence, pause to allow students to repeat the sentence and write the
number under the correct picture.
 Check the answers as a class.
 Instruct students to close their books. Play Track 13 again, having students repeat each sentence.

Play “Pictionary.”
 Write the eight words from the WB p. 7 (Unit 4) on separate slips of paper. Divide the students
into two teams.
 Model the activity. Tell the students they have to guess what you are drawing, and then draw one
of the words from a previous unit on the board. (No letters allowed.) When someone guesses the
word, choose a team to go first and ask for a volunteer.
 Give the volunteer one of the slips of paper. Say he/she has one minute to draw while his/her team
guesses the word. If the team guesses correctly within one minute, they get a point.
 Repeat with the other team. Keep going, having students take turns drawing, until all words are
used. The team with the most points wins.
 Workbook 1: page 7, Unit 4; pp. 20-21

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Unit 5 The Same?

 New words: climb, tree, same, play, leaf
 Sentence patterns: Monkeys _______. We’re
(not) the same.

Warm Up
 Greet your students.
 Check the WB homework, p.7 and pp. 20-21.
Go through the answers as a class while
walking around the room to check students’
WBs and help with corrections.

Before Reading

New Words
 Have students open their SBs to pages 22-23.
Direct their attention to the pictures.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the
list, pointing to and saying the words, and have students repeat.
 Play Track 14 and have students repeat. Practice the words a few more times, calling on students
individually or as a class.

Find It!
 Explain that there are three leaves in the pictures. Have students work individually or in pairs to
find and circle all three leaves.
 When they are done, they should raise one hand. When all students’ hands are raised, point to all
three leaves together as a class.

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Picture Talk
 Direct students’ attention to the Picture Talk
question: “Who do you look like, mom or dad?”
 Model your answer to the question: “I look like
my mom.” (Show a photo if possible.) Call on
several students to answer the question.

Reading: “The Same?”

 Read the story once yourself, slowly, giving
students time to follow along and look at the
 Go through the story again, having students
repeat each line.
 Play Track 15. Have students just listen the first
time, and repeat the second time.
 Optional: Have different students read different
parts of the story individually. Point to the first
picture and then point to one student to read. Point to the second picture and a different student,
and so on.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the last word of each sentence and having students say
the next word.
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Make several enlarged copies of pp. 22-23, and cut out the pictures and the lines of text (of the
reading) separately. Divide students into pairs and give each pair a set of pictures/text. With books
closed, students work together to match the text with the correct pictures. Circulate and help if
For extra difficulty, ask the students to put the pictures/text into the correct order from memory.

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After Reading

Check It
This exercise checks students’
comprehension of the story and reinforces
the new words.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the
direction line, instructing students to check
the correct answers.
 Have students complete the exercise
alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

 Write sentences on the board, with one
spelling error in the key word. Have
students find the mistakes and write the

Learn It
This exercise further reinforces the new vocabulary and provides writing practice.
 Have students trace the words and then match them to the correct pictures by themselves.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Catch the Ball.”
 Write target vocabulary words on the board. (If using a small number of words, you may write each
one twice.) Have students sit in a circle.
 Model the activity. Give a student a ball and have him/her toss it to you. Use one of the target
words in a sentence.
 Toss the ball to a student, who uses another word in a sentence. When a word is used correctly,
erase it from the board. The student then tosses the ball to another student.
 Continue until all the words have been erased.

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Write It
This exercise provides writing practice using the
target sentence pattern.
 Read number 1 and have students call out the
answer. Give them time to write.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves.
Walk around the class and check their work,
helping if necessary.

 Instruct students to choose two or three words
and write their own sentences with them. Have
students share their sentences with the class.

Say It
This exercise provides listening and speaking
practice with the new words and sentence pattern.
 Have students look at the pictures. Explain that
they will listen and write the number under the correct picture.
 Play Track 16. After each sentence, pause to allow students to repeat the sentence and write the
number under the correct picture.
 Check the answers as a class.
 Instruct students to close their books. Play Track 16 again, having students repeat each sentence.

Play “Copy and Read.”
 Write various target words or short sentences on different slips of paper. Make two copies of each
word or sentence.
 Divide students into two teams and put each team’s desks in a single-file line.
 Explain the activity. Hand the first student on each team a slip of paper with the same target
language on it. They read it and hand the slips back to you, without speaking.
 The two students then quickly copy down the language on a piece of paper and hand it to the
teammate behind them, who reads it aloud. The first team to copy AND read correctly gets a point.
 The students who wrote go to the back of the line, and everyone moves up a desk. Repeat with
new words/sentences until each student has read aloud. The team with the most points wins.

 Workbook 2: page 8, Unit 5; pp. 22-23

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Unit 6 My Friend
 New words: friend, sing, jump, fly, cricket
 Sentence patterns: I have a pet. (S)he is my

Warm Up
 Greet your students.
 Check the WB homework, p. 8 and pp. 22-23.
Go through the answers as a class while walking
around the room to check students’ WBs and
help with corrections.

Before Reading

New Words
 Have students open their SBs to pages 26-27. Direct their attention to the picture.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, and have
students repeat.
 Play Track 17 and have students repeat. Practice the words a few more times, calling on students
individually or as a class.

Find It!
 Explain that there are two crickets in the pictures. Have students work individually or in pairs to
find and circle the two crickets.
 When they are done, they should raise one hand. When all students’ hands are raised, point to
the two crickets together as a class.

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Picture Talk
 Direct students’ attention to the Picture Talk
question: “Say your friends’ names.”
 Model your answer to the question: “My friends’
names are Joe, Becky, Blair, and Jason.” Call on a few
volunteers to answer the question.


Reading: “My Friend”

 Read the story once yourself, slowly, giving students
time to follow along and look at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat
each line.
 Play Track 18. Have students just listen the first time,
and repeat the second time.
 Optional: Have one student read each line individually. Point to the first line and then point to one
student to read. Point to the second line and a different student, and so on.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the last word of each sentence and having students say it.
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Write the story on the board with blanks where the target words go. Give students a minute or
two to study the story, and then have them close their books. With books closed, ask students to
come up and fill in the blanks in the story.

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After Reading

Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the story
and reinforces the new words.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to check the correct answers.
 Have students complete the exercise alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Pictionary.”
 Write the eight words from the WB p. 8 (Unit 6) on
separate slips of paper. Divide the students into two teams.
 Model the activity. Tell the students they have to guess
what you are drawing, and then draw a picture clue to one
of the words from Unit 5 on the board. (No letters allowed.) When someone guesses the word,
choose a team to go first and ask for a volunteer.
 Give the volunteer one of the slips of paper. Say he/she has one minute to draw while his/her team
guesses the word. If the team guesses correctly within one minute, they get a point.
Repeat with the other team. Keep going, having different team members take turns drawing, until all
words are used. The team with the most points wins.

Learn It
This exercise further reinforces the new vocabulary and provides writing practice.
 Have students trace the words and then match them to the correct pictures by themselves.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Writing Race.”
 Have students line up in two teams in front of the board.
 Say a target word. The first student on each team hurries to write the word on the board. The first
student to write the word correctly gets a point. Those two students go to the back of the line.
 Repeat until all the students have had at least one turn. The team with the most points wins.

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Write It
This exercise provides writing practice using the target
sentence patterns.
 Read and repeat the example sentence together. Have
students trace the sentence.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves.
Walk around the class and check their work, helping if

Instruct students to choose two or three target words
and write their own sentences with them. Have students
share their sentences with the class.

Say It
This exercise provides listening and speaking practice
with the new words and sentence pattern.
 Have students look at the pictures. Explain that they will listen and write the number under the
correct picture.
 Play Track 19. After each sentence, pause to allow students to repeat the sentence and write the
number under the correct picture.
 Check the answers as a class.
 Instruct students to close their books. Play Track 19 again, having students repeat each sentence.

Play “Musical Words.”
 Prepare a set of flashcards with the words from this unit: make enlarged photocopies of WB p. 8,
cut out the Unit 6 pictures and words separately, and paste them to opposite sides of index cards.
Have recorded music ready to play.
 Put chairs in a circle with a flashcard on each seat. Have students stand in a circle around them.
 Model the activity. Play the music and have students walk around the circle with you.
 Stop the music and say a word. Quickly sit in one of the chairs, but NOT the one with that word.
The student who sits in the target word chair, or is left standing, is “out.”
 Have the student who is “out” choose and say the word for the next round. Repeat until only one
student, the winner, is left.

 Workbook 1: page 8, Unit 6; pp. 24-25

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25 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Unit 7 Camera Love

 New words: love, camera, photo, look, bee
 Sentence pattern: Look at the_______.

Warm Up
 Greet your students.
 Check the WB homework, p. 8 and pp. 24-25.
Go through the answers as a class while walking
around the room to check students’ WBs and help
with corrections.

Before Reading

New Words
 Have students open their SBs to pages 30-31.
Direct their attention to the pictures.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, and have
students repeat.
 Play Track 20 and have students repeat. Practice the words a few more times, calling on students
individually or as a class.

Find It!
 Explain that there is a red bee in the picture. Have students work individually or in pairs to find it.
 When they are done, they should raise one hand. When all students’ hands are raised, point to
the red bee together as a class.

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26 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Picture Talk
 Direct students’ attention to the Picture Talk
question: “What do you love to click? A camera or a
 Give your answer to the question while miming
the action: “I love to click my phone.” Call on a few
students to answer the question. Have students say
whether the boy in the picture has a camera or a


Reading: “Camera Love”

 Read the story once yourself, slowly, giving
students time to follow along and look at the
 Go through the story again, having students
repeat each line.
 Play Track 21. Have students just listen the first time, and repeat the second time.
 Optional: Have one student read each line individually. Point to the first line and then point to one
student to read. Point to the second line and a different student, and so on.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the last word of each sentence and having students say it.
Play “Find the Flashcard.”
 Prepare a set of flashcards with the words from this unit: make enlarged photocopies of WB p. 9,
cut out the Unit 7 pictures and words separately, and paste them to opposite sides of index cards.
Tape the target vocabulary flash cards around the classroom, picture side out.
 Divide students into two teams and have each team form a line.
 Model the activity. Say one of the words from the flashcards. Quickly go around the classroom
and search for the flashcard. Once you find it, use the word in a sentence, and then run to the back
of the line. (For an easier activity, use the sentence from the reading rather than making your own.)
 Pick another word, and have the first player from each team search for the flashcard. The first to
find it AND say a correct sentence with the word gets a point for his/her team.

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 Play until every student has had a turn. The team

with the most points wins.
After Reading

Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the
story and reinforces the new words.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to check the correct answers.
 Have students complete the exercise alone or in
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Rock, Paper, Scissors, and Words.”
 Make one or more sets of vocabulary flashcards
(see “Find the Flashcard” on previous page.) There
should be at least one card per student.
 Have the students stand. Model the activity. Choose a student partner. Each of you chooses a
 Play “Rock, Paper, Scissors” with your partner. Then show each other your flashcards. The winner
must ask the other for his/her card: “May I please have the camera?” (Help the student until he/she
asks correctly.) The winner keeps both cards and plays the next student. The other sits down.
 Choose another student to begin the game. Continue until only one student, the winner, is left

Learn It
This exercise further reinforces the new vocabulary and provides writing practice.
 Have students trace the words and then match them to the correct pictures by themselves.
 Go through the answers as a class.

 Write sentences on the board, with one spelling error in the key word. Have students find the
mistakes and write the corrections.

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28 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Write It
This exercise provides writing practice using the target
sentence pattern.
 Read number 1 and have students call out the
answer. Give them time to write.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves.
Walk around the class and check their work, helping if

 Write the story on the board with blanks where the
target words go. Give students a minute or two to
study the story, and then have them close their books.
With books closed, ask students to come up and fill in
the blanks in the story.

Say It
This exercise provides listening and speaking practice with the new words and sentence pattern.
 Have students look at the pictures. Explain that they will listen and write the number under the
correct picture.
 Play Track 22. After each sentence, pause to allow students to repeat the sentence and write the
number under the correct picture.
 Check the answers as a class.
 Instruct students to close their books. Play Track 22 again, having students repeat each sentence.

Play “Catch the Ball.”
 Write target vocabulary words on the board. (If using a small number of words, you may write each
one twice.) Have students sit in a circle.
 Model the activity. Give a student a ball and have him/her toss it to you. Use one of the target
words in a sentence.
 Toss the ball to a student, who uses another word in a sentence. When a word is used correctly,
erase it from the board. The student then tosses the ball to another student.
 Continue until all the words have been erased.

 Workbook 1: page 9, Unit 7; pp. 26-27

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29 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Unit 8 A New Hat

 New words: new, socks, shoes, dress, home
 Sentence pattern: (S)he has (a) new ________.

Warm Up
 Greet your students.
 Check the WB homework, p. 9 and pp. 26-27. Go
through the answers as a class while walking around
the room to check students’ WBs and help with

Before Reading

New Words
 Have students open their SBs to pages 34-35. Direct their attention to the picture.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, and have
students repeat.
 Play Track 23 and have students repeat. Practice the words a few more times, calling on students
individually or as a class.

Find It!
 Explain that there are four pairs of green socks in the picture. Have students work individually or
in pairs to find and circle the four pairs of green socks.
 When they are done, they should raise one hand. When all students’ hands are raised, point to
the four pairs of green socks together as a class.

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30 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Picture Talk
 Direct students’ attention to the Picture Talk
question: “What new things do you get?”
 Model your answer to the question and show the
items if possible: “I get new shoes. And I get new
books.” Call on several students to talk about the new
things they get. Write any new vocabulary on the


Reading: “A New Hat”

 Read the story once yourself, slowly, giving students
time to follow along and look at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat
each line.
 Play Track 24. Have students just listen the first time, and repeat the second time.
 Optional: Have one student read each line individually. Point to the first line and then point to one
student to read. Point to the second line and a different student, and so on.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the last word of each sentence and having students say it.
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Write the story on the board with blanks where the target words go. Give students a minute or
two to study the story, and then have them close their books. With books closed, ask students to
come up and fill in the blanks in the story.

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After Reading

Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the story
and reinforces the new words.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to check the correct answers.
 Have students complete the exercise alone or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

 Write sentences on the board, with one spelling error in
the key word. Have students find the mistakes and write
the corrections.

Learn It
This exercise further reinforces the new vocabulary and provides writing practice.
 Have students trace the words and then match them to the correct pictures by themselves.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Writing Race.”
 Have students line up in two teams in front of the board.
 Say a target word. The first student on each team hurries to write the word on the board. The first
student to write the word correctly gets a point. Those two students go to the back of the line.
 Repeat until all the students have had at least one turn. The team with the most points wins.

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32 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Write It
This exercise provides writing practice using the target
sentence pattern.
 Read number 1 and have students call out the answer.
Give them time to write.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves. Walk
around the class and check their work, helping if necessary.

 Instruct students to choose two or three words and write
their own sentences with them. Have students share their
sentences with the class.

Say It
This exercise provides listening and speaking practice with
the new words and sentence pattern.
 Have students look at the pictures. Explain that they will listen and write the number under the
correct picture.
 Play Track 25. After each sentence, pause to allow students to repeat the sentence and write the
number under the correct picture.
 Check the answers as a class.
 Instruct students to close their books. Play Track 25 again, having students repeat each sentence.

Play “Pictionary.”
 Write the eight words from the WB p. 9 (Unit 8) on separate slips of paper. Divide the students into
two teams.
 Model the activity. Tell the students they have to guess what you are drawing, and then draw one
of the words from Unit 7 on the board. (No letters allowed.) When someone guesses the word,
choose a team to go first and ask for a volunteer.
 Give the volunteer one of the slips of paper. Say he/she has one minute to draw while his/her team
guesses the word. If the team guesses correctly within one minute, they get a point.
 Repeat with the other team. Keep going, having students take turns drawing, until all words are
used. The team with the most points wins.

 Workbook 1: page 9, Unit 8; pp. 28-29

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Unit 9 On the Farm

 New words: farm, horse, sad, come, say
 Sentence pattern: On the farm, there is a(n) ______.

Warm Up
 Greet your students.
 Check the WB homework, p .9 and pp. 28-29. Go
through the answers as a class while walking around
the room to check students’ WBs and help with

Before Reading

New Words
 Have students open their SBs to pages 42-43. Direct
their attention to the pictures.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list,
pointing to and saying the words, and have students repeat.
 Play Track 27 and have students repeat. Practice the words a few more times, calling on students
individually or as a class.

Find It!
 Explain that there are three sad horses in the pictures. Have students work individually or in pairs
to find and circle all three sad horses.
 When they are done, they should raise one hand. When all students’ hands are raised, point to all
three sad horses together as a class.

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Picture Talk
 Direct students’ attention to the Picture Talk question:
“Which is faster, horses or dogs?”
 Ask a few students what they think. Then take a class
poll and write the results on the board. Ask students to
research the question for the next class.


Reading: “On the Farm”

 Read the story once yourself, slowly, giving students
time to follow along and look at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat
each line.
 Play Track 28. Have students just listen the first time,
and repeat the second time.
 Optional: Have different students read different parts of the story individually. Point to the first
picture and then point to one student to read. Point to the second picture and a different student,
and so on.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the last word of each sentence and having students say
the next word.
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Make several enlarged copies of pp. 42-43, and cut out the pictures and the lines of text (of the
reading) separately. Divide students into pairs and give each pair a set of pictures/text. With books
closed, students work together to match the text with the correct pictures. Circulate and help if
For extra difficulty, ask the students to put the pictures/text into the correct order from memory.

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After Reading

Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the
story and reinforces the new words.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to check the correct answers.
 Have students complete the exercise alone or in
 Go through the answers as a class.

 Write sentences on the board, with one spelling
error in the key word. Have students find the
mistakes and write the corrections.

Learn It
This exercise further reinforces the new vocabulary and provides writing practice.
 Have students trace the words and then match them to the correct pictures by themselves.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Catch the Ball.”
 Write target vocabulary words on the board. (If using a small number of words, you may write each
one twice.) Have students sit in a circle.
 Model the activity. Give a student a ball and have him/her toss it to you. Use one of the target
words in a sentence.
 Toss the ball to a student, who uses another word in a sentence. When a word is used correctly,
erase it from the board. The student then tosses the ball to another student.
 Continue until all the words have been erased.

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36 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Write It
This exercise provides writing practice using the target
sentence pattern.
 Read number 1 and have students call out the answer.
Give them time to write.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves. Walk
around the class and check their work, helping if

 Instruct students to choose two or three words and
write their own sentences with them. Have students
share their sentences with the class.

Say It
This exercise provides listening and speaking practice with
the new words and sentence pattern.
 Have students look at the pictures. Explain that they will listen and write the number under the
correct picture.
 Play Track 29. After each sentence, pause to allow students to repeat the sentence and write the
number under the correct picture.
 Check the answers as a class.
 Instruct students to close their books. Play Track 29 again, having students repeat each sentence.

Play “Copy and Read.”
 Write various target words or short sentences on different slips of paper. Make two copies of each
word or sentence.
 Divide students into two teams and put each team’s desks in a single-file line.
 Explain the activity. Hand the first student on each team a slip of paper with the same target
language on it. They read it and hand the slips back to you, without speaking.
 The two students then quickly copy down the language on a piece of paper and hand it to the
teammate behind them, who reads it aloud. The first team to copy AND read correctly gets a point.
 The students who wrote go to the back of the line, and everyone moves up a desk. Repeat with
new words/sentences until each student has read aloud. The team with the most points wins.

 Workbook 1: page 10, Unit 9; pp. 30-31

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Unit 10 It’s Mine!

 New words: give, ball, mine, big, want
 Sentence patterns: Give me the ______. It’s mine.

Warm Up
 Greet your students.
 Check the WB homework, p. 10 and pp. 30-31.
Go through the answers as a class while walking
around the room to check students’ WBs and help
with corrections.

Before Reading

New Words
 Have students open their SBs to pages 46-47.
Direct their attention to the pictures.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, and have
students repeat.
 Play Track 30 and have students repeat. Practice the words a few more times, calling on students
individually or as a class.

Find It!
 Explain that there are a ball and five flowers in the picture. Have students work individually or in
pairs to find the ball and five flowers.
 When they are done, they should raise one hand. When all students’ hands are raised, point to
the ball and five flowers together as a class.

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Picture Talk
 Direct students’ attention to the Picture Talk
question: “What do you love to click? A camera or
a phone?”
 Give your answer to the question while miming
the action: “I love to click my phone.” Call on a few
students to answer the question. Have students
say whether the boy in the picture has a camera or
a phone.


Reading: “It’s Mine!”

 Read the story once yourself, slowly, giving
students time to follow along and look at the
 Go through the story again, having students
repeat each line.
 Play Track 31. Have students just listen the first time, and repeat the second time.
 Optional: Have one student read each line individually. Point to the first line and then point to one
student to read. Point to the second line and a different student, and so on.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the last word of each sentence and having students say it.
Play “Find the Flashcard.”
 Prepare a set of flashcards with the words from this unit: make enlarged photocopies of WB p. 10,
cut out the Unit 10 pictures and words separately, and paste them to opposite sides of index cards.
Tape the target vocabulary flash cards around the classroom, picture side out.
 Divide students into two teams and have each team form a line.
 Model the activity. Say one of the words from the flashcards. Quickly go around the classroom
and search for the flashcard. Once you find it, use the word in a sentence, and then run to the back
of the line. (For an easier activity, use the sentence from the reading rather than making your own.)
 Pick another word, and have the first player from each team search for the flashcard. The first to
find it AND say a correct sentence with the word gets a point for his/her team.

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 Play until every student has had a turn. The team

with the most points wins.

After Reading

Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the
story and reinforces the new words.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to check the correct answers.
 Have students complete the exercise alone or in
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Rock, Paper, Scissors, and Words.”
 Make one or more sets of vocabulary flashcards (see “Find the Flashcard” on previous page.)
There should be at least one card per student.
 Have the students stand. Model the activity. Choose a student partner. Each of you chooses a
 Play “Rock, Paper, Scissors” with your partner. Then show each other your flashcards. The winner
must ask the other for his/her card: “May I please have the ball?” (Help the student until he/she
asks correctly.) The winner keeps both cards and plays the next student. The other sits down.
 Choose another student to begin the game. Continue until only one student, the winner, is left

Learn It
This exercise further reinforces the new vocabulary and provides writing practice.
 Have students trace the words and then match them to the correct pictures by themselves.
 Go through the answers as a class.

 Write sentences on the board, with one spelling error in the key word. Have students find the
mistakes and write the corrections.

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40 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Write It
This exercise provides writing practice using the
target sentence pattern.
 Read number 1 and have students call out the
answer. Give them time to write.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves.
Walk around the class and check their work, helping
if necessary.

 Write the story on the board with blanks where
the target words go. Give students a minute or two
to study the story, and then have them close their
books. With books closed, ask students to come up
and fill in the blanks in the story.

Say It
This exercise provides listening and speaking practice with the new words and sentence pattern.
 Have students look at the pictures. Explain that they will listen and write the number under the
correct picture.
 Play Track 32. After each sentence, pause to allow students to repeat the sentence and write the
number under the correct picture.
 Check the answers as a class.
 Instruct students to close their books. Play Track 32 again, having students repeat each sentence.

Play “Charades.”
 Prepare flashcards or slips of paper with target words on them. (Use only words that can be
mimed fairly easily.) Divide the class into two teams. Put a chair at the front facing the class.
 Choose two students from the first team to demonstrate the activity. Have the “guesser” sit in the
chair and the “mime” stand facing him/her. Show a flashcard/target word to the mime and the class.
The mime must demonstrate the word without speaking.
 The guesser has thirty seconds to guess the word. (For extra difficulty, require him/her to use it in a
sentence as well.) If correct, the guesser keeps the flashcard/slip of paper.
 Repeat, with teams taking turns, until every student has played or all words have been used. The
team with the most words wins.

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 Workbook 1: page 10, Unit 10; pp. 32-33

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42 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Unit 11 Hungry Puppies

 New words: puppy, hungry, find, tired, sleep
 Sentence pattern: They want (to)_______.

Warm Up
 Greet your students.
 Check the WB homework, p. 10 and pp. 32-33. Go
through the answers as a class while walking around
the room to check students’ WBs and help with

Before Reading

New Words
 Have students open their SBs to pages 50-51.
Direct their attention to the pictures.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, and have
students repeat.
 Play Track 33 and have students repeat. Practice the words a few more times, calling on students
individually or as a class.

Find It!
 Explain that there are two Mama Dogs in the pictures. Have students work individually or in
pairs to find and circle the two Mama Dogs.
 When they are done, they should raise one hand. When all students’ hands are raised, point to
the two Mama Dogs together as a class.

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43 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Picture Talk
 Direct students’ attention to the Picture Talk
question: “What snacks do you like?”
 Model your answer to the question: “I like apples
and cheese.” Call on a few volunteers to answer the
question. Write any new vocabulary on the board.


Reading: “Hungry Puppies”

 Read the story once yourself, slowly, giving
students time to follow along and look at the
 Go through the story again, having students
repeat each line.
 Play Track 34. Have students just listen the first
time, and repeat the second time.
 Optional: Have one student read each line individually. Point to the first line and then point to one
student to read. Point to the second line and a different student, and so on.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the last word of each sentence and having students say
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Write the story on the board with blanks where the target words go. Give students a minute or
two to study the story, and then have them close their books. With books closed, ask students to
come up and fill in the blanks in the story.

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44 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

After Reading

Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension
of the story and reinforces the new words.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction
line, instructing students to check the correct
 Have students complete the exercise alone
or in pairs.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Pictionary.”
 Write the eight words from the WB p. 11 (Unit
11) on separate slips of paper. Divide the
students into two teams.
 Model the activity. Tell the students they have
to guess what you are drawing, and then draw a picture clue to one of the words from Unit 1 on the
board. (No letters allowed.) When someone guesses the word, choose a team to go first and ask for
a volunteer.
 Give the volunteer one of the slips of paper. Say he/she has one minute to draw while his/her team
guesses the word. If the team guesses correctly within one minute, they get a point.
Repeat with the other team. Keep going, having different team members take turns drawing, until all
words are used. The team with the most points wins.

Learn It
This exercise further reinforces the new vocabulary and provides writing practice.
 Have students trace the words and then match them to the correct pictures by themselves.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Writing Race.”
 Have students line up in two teams in front of the board.
 Say a target word. The first student on each team hurries to write the word on the board. The first
student to write the word correctly gets a point. Those two students go to the back of the line.
 Repeat until all the students have had at least one turn. The team with the most points wins.

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45 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Write It
This exercise provides writing practice using the target
sentence pattern.
 Read number 1 and have students call out the
answer. Give them time to write.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves.
Walk around the class and check their work, helping if

Instruct students to choose two or three target words
and write their own sentences with them. Have
students share their sentences with the class.

Say It
This exercise provides listening and speaking practice
with the new words and sentence pattern.
 Have students look at the pictures. Explain that
they will listen and write the number under the correct picture.
 Play Track 35. After each sentence, pause to allow students to repeat the sentence and write the
number under the correct picture.
 Check the answers as a class.
 Instruct students to close their books. Play Track 35 again, having students repeat each sentence.

Play “Musical Words.”
 Prepare a set of flashcards with the words from this unit: make enlarged photocopies of WB p. 11,
cut out the Unit 11 pictures and words separately, and paste them to opposite sides of index cards.
Have recorded music ready to play.
 Put chairs in a circle with a flashcard on each seat. Have students stand in a circle around them.
 Model the activity. Play the music and have students walk around the circle with you.
 Stop the music and say a word. Quickly sit in one of the chairs, but NOT the one with that word.
The student who sits in the target word chair, or is left standing, is “out.”
 Have the student who is “out” choose and say the word for the next round. Repeat until only one
student, the winner, is left.

 Workbook 1: page 11, Unit 11; pp. 34-35

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46 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Unit 12 Big Brother and Little Brother

 New words: good, share, half, wear, little
 Sentence pattern: Do you want to _______?

Warm Up
 Greet your students.
 Check the WB homework, p. 11 and pp. 34-35.
Go through the answers as a class while walking
around the room to check students’ WBs and help
with corrections.

Before Reading

New Words
 Have students open their SBs to pages 54-55.
Direct their attention to the pictures.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list,
pointing to and saying the words, and have students repeat.
 Play Track 36 and have students repeat. Practice the words a few more times, calling on students
individually or as a class.

Find It!
 Explain that there are two sandwiches in the pictures. Have students work individually or in pairs
to find and circle the two sandwiches.
 When they are done, they should raise one hand. When all students’ hands are raised, point to
the two sandwiches together as a class.

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47 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Picture Talk
 Direct students’ attention to the Picture Talk
question: “Say anything you share.”
 Give your answer to the question: “I share cookies.
I make cookies and share them with my friends.” Call
on several students to talk about what they share.
Write any new vocabulary on the board.


Reading: “Big Brother and Little Brother”

 Read the story once yourself, slowly, giving
students time to follow along and look at the
 Go through the story again, having students
repeat each line.
 Play Track 37. Have students just listen the first
time, and repeat the second time.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the last word of each sentence and having students say
Play “Find the Flashcard.”
 Prepare a set of flashcards with the words from this unit: make enlarged photocopies of WB p. 11,
cut out the Unit 12 pictures and words separately, and paste them to opposite sides of index cards.
Tape the target vocabulary flash cards around the classroom, picture side out.
 Divide students into two teams and have each team form a line.
 Model the activity. Say one of the words from the flashcards. Quickly go around the classroom
and search for the flashcard. Once you find it, use the word in a sentence, and then run to the back
of the line. (For an easier activity, use the sentence from the reading rather than making your own.)
 Pick another word, and have the first player from each team search for the flashcard. The first to
find it AND say a correct sentence with the word gets a point for his/her team.
 Play until every student has had a turn. The team with the most points wins.

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After Reading

Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the
story and reinforces the new words.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to check the correct answers.
 Have students complete the exercise alone or in
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Rock, Paper, Scissors, and Words.”
 Make one or more sets of vocabulary flashcards
(see “Find the Flashcard” on previous page.) There
should be at least one card per student.
 Have the students stand. Model the activity. Choose a student partner. Each of you chooses a
 Play “Rock, Paper, Scissors” with your partner. Then show each other your flashcards. The winner
must ask the other for his/her card: “May I please have ‘share’?” (Help the student until he/she asks
correctly.) The winner keeps both cards and plays the next student. The other sits down.
 Choose another student to begin the game. Continue until only one student, the winner, is left

Learn It
This exercise further reinforces the new vocabulary and provides writing practice.
 Have students trace the words and then match them to the correct pictures by themselves.
 Go through the answers as a class.

 Write sentences on the board, with one spelling error in the key word. Have students find the
mistakes and write the corrections.

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49 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Write It
This exercise provides writing practice using the
target sentence pattern.
 Read number 1 and have students call out the
answer. Give them time to write.
 Have students complete number 2 by
themselves. Walk around the class and check
their work, helping if necessary.

 Write the story on the board with blanks where
the target words go. Give students a minute or
two to study the story, and then have them close
their books. With books closed, ask students to
come up and fill in the blanks in the story.

Say It
This exercise provides listening and speaking
practice with the new words and sentence pattern.
 Have students look at the pictures. Explain that they will listen and write the number under the
correct picture.
 Play Track 38. After each sentence, pause to allow students to repeat the sentence and write the
number under the correct picture.
 Check the answers as a class.
 Instruct students to close their books. Play Track 38 again, having students repeat each sentence.

Play “Catch the Ball.”
 Write target vocabulary words on the board. (If using a small number of words, you may write each
one twice.) Have students sit in a circle.
 Model the activity. Give a student a ball and have him/her toss it to you. Use one of the target
words in a sentence.
 Toss the ball to a student, who uses another word in a sentence. When a word is used correctly,
erase it from the board. The student then tosses the ball to another student.
 Continue until all the words have been erased.

 Workbook 1: page 11, Unit 12; pp. 36-37

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50 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Unit 13 To the Door

 New words: door, clown, man, cake, gift
 Sentence pattern: ______ come(s) to the door.

Warm Up
 Greet your students.
 Check the WB homework, p. 11 and pp. 36-37. Go
through the answers as a class while walking around
the room to check students’ WBs and help with

Before Reading

New Words
 Have students open their SBs to pages 58-59. Direct their attention to the pictures.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, and have
students repeat.
 Play Track 39 and have students repeat. Practice the words a few more times, calling on students
individually or as a class.

Find It!
 Explain that there are three cakes in the pictures. Have students work individually or in pairs to
find and circle the three cakes.
 When they are done, they should raise one hand. When all students’ hands are raised, point to
the three cakes together as a class.

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51 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Picture Talk
 Direct students’ attention to the Picture Talk
question: “What comes to your door? Pizza or
 Model your answer to the question: “I like pizza.
Pizza comes to my door.” Call on several students to
answer the question. Encourage them to talk about
other foods that come to their door. Write any new
vocabulary on the board.


Reading: “To the Door”

 Read the story once yourself, slowly, giving
students time to follow along and look at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat
each line.
 Play Track 40. Have students just listen the first time, and repeat the second time.
 Optional: Have one student read each line individually. Point to the first line and then point to one
student to read. Point to the second line and a different student, and so on.

 Make several enlarged copies of pp. 62-63, and cut out the pictures and the lines of text (of the
reading) separately. Divide students into pairs and give each pair a set of pictures/text. With books
closed, students work together to match the text with the correct pictures. Circulate and help if
 For extra difficulty, ask the students to put the pictures/text into the correct order from memory.

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After Reading

Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the
story and reinforces the new words.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to check the correct answers.
 Have students complete the exercise alone or in
 Go through the answers as a class.

 Ask students to create two questions about the
passage (alone or in pairs), and then take turns
asking their questions of the class.

Learn It
This exercise further reinforces the new vocabulary and provides writing practice.
 Have students trace the words and then match them to the correct pictures by themselves.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Writing Race.”
 Have students line up in two teams in front of the board.
 Say a target word. The first student on each team hurries to write the word on the board. The first
student to write the word correctly gets a point. Those two students go to the back of the line.
 Repeat until all the students have had at least one turn. The team with the most points wins.

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53 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Write It
This exercise provides writing practice using the target
sentence pattern.
 Read number 1 and have students call out the answer.
Give them time to write.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves. Walk
around the class and check their work, helping if necessary.

Write sentences on the board, with one spelling error in the
key word. Have students find the mistakes and write the

Say It
This exercise provides listening and speaking practice with
the new words and sentence pattern.
 Have students look at the pictures. Explain that they will
listen and write the number under the correct picture.
 Play Track 41. After each sentence, pause to allow students to repeat the sentence and write the
number under the correct picture.
 Check the answers as a class.
 Instruct students to close their books. Play Track 41 again, having students repeat each sentence.

Play “Pictionary.”
 Write the eight words from the WB p. 12 (Unit 13) on separate slips of paper. Divide the students
into two teams.
 Model the activity. Tell the students they have to guess what you are drawing, and then draw one
of the words from a previous unit on the board. (No letters allowed.) When someone guesses the
word, choose a team to go first and ask for a volunteer.
 Give the volunteer one of the slips of paper. Say he/she has one minute to draw while his/her team
guesses the word. If the team guesses correctly within one minute, they get a point.
 Repeat with the other team. Keep going, having students take turns drawing, until all words are
used. The team with the most points wins.

 Workbook 1: page 12, Unit 13; pp. 38-39

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54 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Unit 14 Time for Lunch

 New words: meat, tomato, lettuce, ketchup,
 Sentence patterns: Who wants ______?
_____ does.

Warm Up
 Greet your students.
 Check the WB homework, p.12 and pp. 38-
39. Go through the answers as a class while
walking around the room to check students’
WBs and help with corrections.

Before Reading

New Words
 Have students open their SBs to pages 62-63.
Direct their attention to the pictures.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, and have
students repeat.
 Play Track 42 and have students repeat. Practice the words a few more times, calling on students
individually or as a class.

Find It!
 Explain that there are a girl and ketchup in the pictures. Have students work individually or in pairs
to find and circle the girl and the ketchup.
 When they are done, they should raise one hand. When all students’ hands are raised, point to
the girl and the ketchup together as a class.

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55 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Picture Talk
 Direct students’ attention to the Picture Talk question:
“What do you like on your sandwich? What don’t you
 Model your answer to the question: “I like turkey and
mustard on my sandwich.” Call on several students to
talk about the sandwiches they like. Write any new
vocabulary on the board.


Reading: “Time for Lunch”

 Read the story once yourself, slowly, giving students
time to follow along and look at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat
each line.
 Play Track 43. Have students just listen the first time, and repeat the second time.
 Optional: Have different students read different parts of the story individually. Point to the first
line and then point to one student to read. Point to the second line and a different student, and so

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the last word of each sentence and having students say
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Write the story on the board with blanks where the target words go. Give students a minute or
two to study the story, and then have them close their books. With books closed, ask students to
come up and fill in the blanks in the story.

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After Reading

Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the
story and reinforces the new words.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to check the correct answers.
 Have students complete the exercise alone or in
 Go through the answers as a class.

 Write sentences on the board, with one spelling
error in the key word. Have students find the mistakes
and write the corrections.

Learn It
This exercise further reinforces the new vocabulary and provides writing practice.
 Have students trace the words and then match them to the correct pictures by themselves.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Catch the Ball.”
 Write target vocabulary words on the board. (If using a small number of words, you may write each
one twice.) Have students sit in a circle.
 Model the activity. Give a student a ball and have him/her toss it to you. Use one of the target
words in a sentence.
 Toss the ball to a student, who uses another word in a sentence. When a word is used correctly,
erase it from the board. The student then tosses the ball to another student.
 Continue until all the words have been erased.

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57 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Write It
This exercise provides writing practice using the
target sentence pattern.
 Read number 1 and have students call out the
answer. Give them time to write.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves.
Walk around the class and check their work,
helping if necessary.

 Instruct students to choose two or three words
and write their own sentences with them. Have
students share their sentences with the class.

Say It
This exercise provides listening and speaking
practice with the new words and sentence pattern.
 Have students look at the pictures. Explain that
they will listen and write the number under the correct picture.
 Play Track 44. After each sentence, pause to allow students to repeat the sentence and write the
number under the correct picture.
 Check the answers as a class.
 Instruct students to close their books. Play Track 44 again, having students repeat each sentence.

Play “Copy and Read.”
 Write various target words or short sentences on different slips of paper. Make two copies of each
word or sentence.
 Divide students into two teams and put each team’s desks in a single-file line.
 Explain the activity. Hand the first student on each team a slip of paper with the same target
language on it. They read it and hand the slips back to you, without speaking.
 The two students then quickly copy down the language on a piece of paper and hand it to the
teammate behind them, who reads it aloud. The first team to copy AND read correctly gets a point.
 The students who wrote go to the back of the line, and everyone moves up a desk. Repeat with
new words/sentences until each student has read aloud. The team with the most points wins.

 Workbook 1: page 12, Unit 14; pp. 40-41

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Unit 15 A Place to Sleep

 New words: sun, go, down, good night, blanket
 Sentence patterns: I go ______. / They go _____.

Warm Up
 Greet your students.
 Check the WB homework, p. 12 and pp. 40-41.
Go through the answers as a class while walking
around the room to check students’ WBs and help
with corrections.

Before Reading

New Words
 Have students open their SBs to pages 66-67. Direct their attention to the picture.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list, pointing to and saying the words, and have
students repeat.
 Play Track 45 and have students repeat. Practice the words a few more times, calling on students
individually or as a class.

Find It!
 Explain that there are three blankets in the picture. Have students work individually or in pairs to
find the three blankets.
 When they are done, they should raise one hand. When all students’ hands are raised, point to
the three blankets together as a class.

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59 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Picture Talk
 Direct students’ attention to the Picture Talk
question: “When do you go to bed?”
 Model your answer to the question: “I go to bed at
11 p.m.” Call on several volunteers to answer the


Reading: “A Place to Sleep”

 Read the story once yourself, slowly, giving students
time to follow along and look at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat
each line.
 Play Track 46. Have students just listen the first time,
and repeat the second time.
 Optional: Have one student read each line individually. Point to the first line and then point to one
student to read. Point to the second line and a different student, and so on.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the last word of each sentence and having students say it.

Play “Find the Flashcard.”

 Prepare a set of flashcards with the words from this unit: make enlarged photocopies of WB p. 13,
cut out the Unit 15 pictures and words separately, and paste them to opposite sides of index cards.
Tape the target vocabulary flash cards around the classroom, picture side out.
 Divide students into two teams and have each team form a line.
 Model the activity. Say one of the words from the flashcards. Quickly go around the classroom
and search for the flashcard. Once you find it, use the word in a sentence, and then run to the back
of the line. (For an easier activity, use the sentence from the reading rather than making your own.)
 Pick another word, and have the first player from each team search for the flashcard. The first to
find it AND say a correct sentence with the word gets a point for his/her team.
 Play until every student has had a turn. The team with the most points wins.

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After Reading

Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the
story and reinforces the new words.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to check the correct answers.
 Have students complete the exercise alone or in
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Rock, Paper, Scissors, and Words.”
 Make one or more sets of vocabulary flashcards
(see “Find the Flashcard” on previous page.) There
should be at least one card per student.
 Have the students stand. Model the activity. Choose a student partner. Each of you chooses a
 Play “Rock, Paper, Scissors” with your partner. Then show each other your flashcards. The winner
must ask the other for his/her card: “May I please have ‘down’?” (Help the student until he/she asks
correctly.) The winner keeps both cards and plays the next student. The other sits down.
 Choose another student to begin the game. Continue until only one student, the winner, is left

Learn It
This exercise further reinforces the new vocabulary and provides writing practice.
 Have students trace the words and then match them to the correct pictures by themselves.
 Go through the answers as a class.

 Write sentences on the board, with one spelling error in the key word. Have students find the
mistakes and write the corrections.

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61 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Write It
This exercise provides writing practice using the
target sentence pattern.
 Read number 1 and have students call out the
answer. Give them time to write.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves.
Walk around the class and check their work, helping
if necessary.

 Write the story on the board with blanks where
the target words go. Give students a minute or two
to study the story, and then have them close their
books. With books closed, ask students to come up
and fill in the blanks in the story.
Say It
This exercise provides listening and speaking practice
with the new words and sentence pattern.
 Have students look at the pictures. Explain that they will listen and write the number under the
correct picture.
 Play Track 47. After each sentence, pause to allow students to repeat the sentence and write the
number under the correct picture.
 Check the answers as a class.
 Instruct students to close their books. Play Track 47 again, having students repeat each sentence.
Play “Copy and Read.”
 Write various target words or short sentences on different slips of paper. Make two copies of each
word or sentence.
 Divide students into two teams and put each team’s desks in a single-file line.
 Explain the activity. Hand the first student on each team a slip of paper with the same target
language on it. They read it and hand the slips back to you, without speaking.
 The two students then quickly copy down the language on a piece of paper and hand it to the
teammate behind them, who reads it aloud. The first team to copy AND read correctly gets a point.
The students who wrote go to the back of the line, and everyone moves up a desk. Repeat with new
words/sentences until each student has read aloud. The team with the most points wins.
 Workbook 3: page 13, Unit 15; pp. 42-43

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62 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Unit 16 Saturday
 New words: bring, inline skates, park, great, lucky
 Sentence pattern: ______ brings his/her ______.

Warm Up
 Greet your students.
 Check the WB homework, p. 13 and pp. 42-43. Go
through the answers as a class while walking around
the room to check students’ WBs and help with

Before Reading

New Words
 Have students open their SBs to pages 70-71.
Direct their attention to the pictures.
 Introduce the New Words. Go through the list,
pointing to and saying the words, and have students repeat.
 Play Track 48 and have students repeat. Practice the words a few more times, calling on students
individually or as a class.

Find It!
 Ask if students know what a four-leaf clover means. If necessary, explain that clovers usually have
only three leaves. Therefore, a four-leaf clover is special, and people think it brings good luck.
 Explain that there is a four-leaf clover in the pictures. Have students work individually or in pairs to
find and circle it.
 When they are done, they should raise one hand. When all students’ hands are raised, point to
the four-leaf clover together as a class.

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63 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

Picture Talk
 Direct students’ attention to the Picture Talk question:
“Can you use inline skates or a kickboard?”
 Have students find the inline skates in the picture.
Make sure students know that a kick board is a small board
that you hold onto while kicking your legs in the water.
(Show photos if possible.) Model your answer to the
question while miming the action: “I can use inline skates.”
Call on a few volunteers to answer the question.


Reading: “Saturday”
 Read the story once yourself, slowly, giving students
time to follow along and look at the pictures.
 Go through the story again, having students repeat each line.
 Play Track 49. Have students just listen the first time, and repeat the second time.
 Optional: Have one student read each line individually. Point to the first line and then point to one
student to read. Point to the second line and a different student, and so on.

 Read the passage aloud, stopping before the last word of each sentence and having students say
 Assign students to work in groups of three or four to read the passage aloud, with each student
reading one word or sentence at a time.
 Write the story on the board with blanks where the target words go. Give students a minute or
two to study the story, and then have them close their books. With books closed, ask students to
come up and fill in the blanks in the story.

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64 Basic Reading 400 Book 1

After Reading

Check It
This exercise checks students’ comprehension of the
story and reinforces the new words.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to check the correct answers.
 Have students complete the exercise alone or in
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Pictionary.”
 Write the eight words from the WB p. 13 (Unit 16) on
separate slips of paper. Divide the students into two
 Model the activity. Tell the students they have to
guess what you are drawing, and then draw a picture clue to one of the words from a previous unit
on the board. (No letters allowed.) When someone guesses the word, choose a team to go first and
ask for a volunteer.
 Give the volunteer one of the slips of paper. Say he/she has one minute to draw while his/her team
guesses the word. If the team guesses correctly within one minute, they get a point.
Repeat with the other team. Keep going, having different team members take turns drawing, until all
words are used. The team with the most points wins.

Learn It
This exercise further reinforces the new vocabulary and provides writing practice.
 Have students trace the words and then match them to the correct pictures by themselves.
 Go through the answers as a class.

Play “Writing Race.”
 Have students line up in two teams in front of the board.
 Say a target word. The first student on each team hurries to write the word on the board. The first
student to write the word correctly gets a point. Those two students go to the back of the line.
 Repeat until all the students have had at least one turn. The team with the most points wins.

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Write It
This exercise provides writing practice using the
target sentence pattern.
 Read number 1 and have students call out the
answer. Give them time to write.
 Have students complete number 2 by themselves.
Walk around the class and check their work, helping
if necessary.

Instruct students to choose two or three target
words and write their own sentences with them.
Have students share their sentences with the class.

Say It
This exercise provides listening and speaking practice
with the new words and sentence pattern.
 Have students look at the pictures. Explain that
they will listen and write the number under the correct picture.
 Play Track 50. After each sentence, pause to allow students to repeat the sentence and write the
number under the correct picture.
 Check the answers as a class.
 Instruct students to close their books. Play Track 50 again, having students repeat each sentence.

Play “Musical Words.”
 Prepare a set of flashcards with the words from this unit: make enlarged photocopies of WB p. 13,
cut out the Unit 16 pictures and words separately, and paste them to opposite sides of index cards.
Have recorded music ready to play.
 Put chairs in a circle with a flashcard on each seat. Have students stand in a circle around them.
 Model the activity. Play the music and have students walk around the circle with you.
 Stop the music and say a word. Quickly sit in one of the chairs, but NOT the one with that word.
The student who sits in the target word chair, or is left standing, is “out.”
 Have the student who is “out” choose and say the word for the next round. Repeat until only one
student, the winner, is left.

 Workbook 3: page 13, Unit 16; pp. 44-45

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Review 1
This review unit covers the vocabulary and sentence patterns
that students have learned in units 1-8.

Sing It
Have students open their SBs to p. 38. Direct their attention to
the picture.

Find It
 Explain that there are a rabbit and four bees in the picture.
Have students work individually or in pairs to find and circle
the rabbit and four bees.
 When they are done, they should raise one hand. When all
students’ hands are raised, point to the rabbit and four bees
together as a class.
 Ask students to look for other vocabulary words in the
pictures. Elicit hat, rabbit, tiger, tree, spider, etc.

Listen to the song.

 Have students turn to the song transcript on page 78.
 Play the song (Track 26) once through as the students
read the words. Then play it again with the students
singing along. Repeat.
 Optional: Divide the class into four groups. Play the
song again, having each group sing one verse. Give them
time to practice. If they seem ready, challenge them to
sing their verse without looking at the book.

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Write It
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to listen to the song again and
write the correct words.
 Do number 1 together. Read the sentence and
have students call out the missing word. Give them
time to write.
 Have students complete the activity alone or in
pairs. Walk around the class and check their work,
helping if necessary.
 Have students check the answers on p. 78. Go
over the answers as a class.

Have students create their own conversations with the target vocabulary.
 Divide students into pairs or groups of three. Optional: Assemble various props based on the
target words for students to use in their performances (e.g. a hat, a camera, a toy rabbit, etc.)
 Explain that they should create a conversation using their own ideas. The conversation must be at
least six lines long and use at least six words from units 1-8—but the more, the better. (Direct them
to the Table of Contents in the SB for a list of the vocabulary words.)
 Allow plenty of time for students to write and practice their conversations. Circulate and help as
 When they seem ready, have students act out their conversations for the class.

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Play It

 Divide the students into groups of three or four. Give each group a coin.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the game instructions.
 Model the activity by taking a turn. (At this point, also explain how students should mark their
places on the game board. They may use a small bit of paper with their initials on it; or they may
simply write their initials on each square that they land on.) Flip a coin and move one or two spaces.
Say the word that you landed on, and then say a sentence with the word.
 When students understand the game, let them begin. Circulate and help as needed.
 Have students continue playing until everyone has reached the Finish line.

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Review 2
This review unit covers the vocabulary and sentence patterns
that students have learned throughout the book.

Sing It
Have students open their SBs to p. 74. Direct their attention to
the pictures.

Find It
 Explain that there are ketchup, a tiger, and four horses in the
pictures. Have students work individually or in pairs to find and
circle all of them.
 When they are done, they should raise one hand. When all
students’ hands are raised, point to the ketchup, tiger, and four
horses together as a class.
 Ask students to look for other vocabulary words in the
pictures. Elicit lunch, ball, park, puppy, etc.

Listen to the song.

 Have students turn to the song transcript on page 79.
 Play the song (Track 51) once through as the students read
the words. Then play it again with the students singing along.
 Optional: Divide the class into three groups. Play the song
again, having each group sing one verse. Give them time to
practice. If they seem ready, challenge them to sing their
verse without looking at the book.

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Write It
 Read, or ask a student to read, the direction line,
instructing students to listen to the song again and
write the correct words.
 Do number 1 together. Read the sentence and have
students call out the missing words. Give them time to
 Have students complete the activity alone or in pairs.
Walk around the class and check their work, helping if
 Have students check the answers on p. 79. Go over
the answers as a class.

Have students create their own conversations with the target vocabulary.
 Divide students into pairs or groups of three. Optional: Assemble various props based on the
target words for students to use in their performances (e.g. a toy horse, a ball, a wrapped gift,
 Explain that they should create a conversation using their own ideas. The conversation must be at
least six lines long and use at least six words from units 9-16—but the more, the better. (Direct them
to the Table of Contents in the SB for a list of the vocabulary words.)
 Allow plenty of time for students to write and practice their conversations. Circulate and help as
 When they seem ready, have students act out their conversations for the class.

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Play It

 Divide the students into groups of three or four. Give each group a coin.
 Read, or ask a student to read, the game instructions.
 Model the activity by taking a turn. (At this point, also explain how students should mark their
places on the game board. They may use a small bit of paper with their initials on it; or they may
simply write their initials on each square that they land on.) Flip a coin and move one or two spaces.
Say the word that you landed on, and then say a sentence with the word.
 When students understand the game, let them begin. Circulate and help as needed.
 Have students continue playing until everyone has reached the Finish line.

Basic Reading 400 Book 1 | Teacher’s Guide

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