Microchannel Article
Microchannel Article
Microchannel Article
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Due to rapid evolution in a wide range of technologies in twentieth century, heat dissipation requirement
Received 8 February 2014 has increased very rapidly especially from compact systems. There is an urgent need for high-
Received in revised form performance heat sinks to ensure the integrity and long life of these petite systems. Use of forced
11 May 2014
convection cooling has been limited by the requirement of the excessively high flow velocity and
Accepted 11 June 2014
Available online
associated noise and vibration problems. Microchannel heat sink seems to be most reliable cooling
technology due to its superior command over heat carrying capability. Understanding the flow boiling
phenomena in microchannel heat sink experimentally and analytically has been topic of intense research
in twenty first century. In this review paper, the experimental studies on flow visualization, pressure
Flow visualization drop and heat transfer characteristics of microchannels presented by different researchers are summa-
Pressure drop rized. Some different flow patterns observed in microchannel geometry such as bubble nucleation in thin
Heat transfer coefficient film, periodic variation of flow pattern, flow circulation, bubble suppression and cross-channel flow are
Instability explained briefly. The influence of vapour quality, heat flux, mass flux and channel geometry on pressure
drop and heat transfer characteristics of microchannel are reported. Different correlations reported for
single and two phase heat transfer characteristics are compared. The comparative analysis showed that
available single phase and two phase correlations are inconsistence and large variation is observed
among these correlations for same channel geometry, fluid and operating condition. Different in-
stabilities associated with microchannels are also briefly presented.
© 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction industry need up to 103 W/cm2 [5] and fusion reactor and defence
application contain components that require heat flux removal rate
With advancement in almost all technology sectors, the world is of the order of 104 W/cm2 [6,7]. Kandlikar [8] reported that the use
moving towards miniaturization. Hence, it becomes necessary to of enhanced microchannel geometry may provide heat dissipation
remove high heat flux from highly compact systems such as high- rate up to 103 W/cm2. Heat dissipation requirement will continue to
performance computer chips, laser diodes and nuclear fusion and rise with more advancement in technologies and further reduction
fission reactors for ensuring their consistent performance with long in the size of these applications. Considering above facts, it can be
life. Heat generated per unit area has measured up to 104 W/cm2 concluded that microchannel heat sinks seem to be the plausible
(nuclear reactor). Microchannels and minichannels are naturally solution of twenty first century cooling problems.
well suited for this task, as they provide large heat transfer surface In order to overcome the problem of high heat flux removal
area per unit fluid flow volume. Hence, facilitating very high heat from small area, first time Tuckerman and Pease [9] had developed
transfer rate. Use of microchannels can be explored in various ap- microchannel heat sink made up of silicon to remove heat flux of
plications i.e. turbine blades, rocket engine, hybrid vehicle, 790 W/cm2 with water as working fluid. They found that the per-
hydrogen storage, refrigeration cooling, thermal control in micro- formance of VLSI circuit was accelerated with such type of micro-
gravity and capillary pump loops [1]. Heat flux removal require- channel heat sink. Keyes [10] carried out theoretical analysis of
ment varies significantly based on the type of application. For finned microchannel heat sink with conventional heat exchanger
densely packed integrated circuit (ICs) [2,3] and laser mirror [4] the theory and concluded that the size of fin and channel dimensions
maximum power flux reported is 102 W/cm2, aviation and VLSI could be optimized to provide maximum cooling under wide range
of application. Thermal performance tests were conducted on sili-
con and indium phosphate microchannel heat sinks by Phillips [4].
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ91 7324 240734; fax: þ91 7324 240761. He found that the thermal performance of microchannel heat sink
E-mail address: ritunesh@iiti.ac.in (R. Kumar). was approximately two times better than conventional channel
1290-0729/© 2014 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
74 S.T. Kadam, R. Kumar / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 85 (2014) 73e92
heat sink. Missaggia et al. [11] developed a microchannel heat sink heat sink and different cross sections of microchannel used. It can
(40 channels of dimension (W, H) (100, 400) mm made through be concluded from Table 2 that majority of studies have been car-
etching on silicon wafer) for cooling of two dimensional high power ried out on copper and silicon substrate based test sections. Copper
density diode laser arrays, the use of microchannel heat sink pro- is very popular material in thermal process equipments due its high
vided significant increase in optical power output. thermal conductivity and silicon is good semiconductor extensively
Classification of the microchannel is controversial issues. Some used in VLSI and electronics industries. From Table 2, it can also be
authors have classified based on channel dimension, whereas concluded that most of studies have been carried out by using
others believe that it should be based on flow stability. Following is water or refrigerant as working fluid. Water is not an appropriate
the summery of criteria reported in literature to distinguish be- coolant for electronic devices due to its current carrying capability
tween microchannel and macrochannel. Kandlikar and Grande and corrosive nature, which may be responsible for complete
[12,13] had proposed the range as 10 D 200 mm and Mehendale burnout of electronic devices or scale formation hampering heat
et al. [14] had suggested the range as 1 D 100 mm for inden- transfer characteristics. However, common refrigerants used in
tifying microchannel, where D is the diameter of tube or smallest field of microchannel heat sink are R410A, R134a, FC-72, FC-77,
dimension for other cross-sections. Cornwell and Kew [15] and Kew HFE-7000 and HFE-7100. Table 3 compares thermo-physical
and Cornwell [16] had defined the confinement number (Co) in properties, ODP and GDP values of different refrigerant. Thermo-
order to distinguish between macro to microscale flow boiling as physical properties play an important role in boiling process like
given by Equation (1); high viscosity of liquid phase, stabilizes thin liquid layer in slug flow
and annular flow. Hence, ensure smooth boiling process (by slow-
" #1=2 ing down flow instabilities). Similarly, large density of vapour will
s facilitate boiling process by ensuring more energetic vapour bub-
Co ¼ (1) bles (vapour bubble will travel along heated wall after departure,
gðrl rv ÞD2h
discussed in the flow visualization section) are generated in boiling
As per their proposed criteria, channels with Co 0.5 can be process. High liquid density is not desirable as it tries to suppress
classified as microchannels, as influence of the gravity was sur- growth of bubble. Whereas, low enthalpy of vaporization, activates
passed by the surface tension above this level. large number of nucleation site at early stage. Hence, facilitating
Manufacturing of the microchannel of required shape and size boiling process and reduces the thermal non equilibrium of liquid
on required material is another major issue. Researchers have used and vapour phase. Thus, low enthalpy of vaporization also helps
different manufacturing techniques for the fabrication of micro- reducing the boiling instabilities associated with microchannel.
channel. Table 1 summarizes few of the typical manufacturing In this paper effort has been put to study different flow patterns
techniques and the type of microchannel produced. Kandlikar and observed, pressure drop characteristics, heat transfer characteris-
Grande [12,13] had reported that the technology to fabricate tics and flow instability in microchannels. Dependency of pressure
microchannels had quickly evolved from the miniaturization of drop and heat transfer characteristics of microchannels on various
traditional machining techniques (milling and sawing) to the parameters is described in pressure drop and heat transfer section.
adoption of modern techniques (anisotropic wet chemical etching, Eventually, instabilities associated with microchannels such as flow
dry plasma etching and surface micromachining, LASER cutting) reversal, pressure fluctuation, wall temperature fluctuation and
used in the semiconductor manufacturing industry. These tech- Ledinegg instability are addressed.
niques have changed the scenario of microchannel heat sink field,
lot of companies i.e. IBM Zurich Research laboratory, AAVID 2. Flow visualization
THERMALLOY, Furukawa electric Co., Ltd. and Siliton R&D Corpo-
ration have come in business related with microchannels. The study of different flow regimes that exist in microchannels
Table 2, presents the summary of geometric parameter of is important because the pressure drop and heat transfer charac-
microchannels, working fluid and operating conditions used by teristics can not be predicted accurately in absence of compre-
different researchers, Fig. 1 shows typical parallel microchannel hensive information about different types flow regime. It is very
difficult to predict the sequence of flow patterns in microchannels
unlike conventional channels without high speed photography. In
Table 1
conventional channels as explained by Thome [52], the sequence of
Different microchannel fabrication techniques.
flow pattern is bubbly, slug, churn, wispy-annular and annular flow
Author Process Material Dimensions in vertical flow, whereas for the horizontal flow bubbly, slug, plug,
(W, H) mm
annular, stratified, annular with mist and wave flow exists, as
Papautsky Electroplating Silicon and Rectangular, shown Fig. 2(a) and (b), respectively. In case of microchannels flow
et al. [17] glass W ¼ 300e1500,
patterns are quite different than conventional channels. Hence, two
H ¼ 50e100
Lee et al. [18] Micro-milling Copper Rectangular, phase flow pattern maps and flow boiling heat transfer methods
W ¼ 194e534, developed for macrochannels fail to predict behaviour of micro-
H ¼ 5*W channels through simple extrapolation. Pfahler et al. [53] carried
Wu and Photolithography Silicon Trapezoidal, out experiments on three different microchannels (W, H) (100, 8)
Cheng [19] method W1 ¼ 251, W2 ¼ 155.7,
H ¼ 56.5
(100, 17) and (53, 135). They found that the largest cross section
Mei et al. [20] Micro-moulding Copper and Rectangular, channel roughly followed NaviereStokes equation. However, as the
aluminium W ¼ 137e174, channel size reduced, they observed significant deviation from
H ¼ 400 NaviereStokes prediction.
Wu et al. [21] Deep reactive Silicon Rectangular,
In the last two decades various researchers have carried out flow
chemical etching W ¼ 483.4, H ¼ 50
Chen and Saw- Cutting Silicon Rectangular, visualization study on a single microchannel, multiple micro-
Garimella [22] W ¼ 100, H ¼ 389 channels and microtubes.
Lee et al. [23] Dry Etching Silicon Rectangular, Sobierska et al. [37] performed experiments using water in a
W ¼ 100, H ¼ 100 single rectangular microchannel (W, H) (2000, 860) and observed
Hwang et al. [24] Laser Mythacrylate Circular, Dh ¼ 8e20
bubbly, slug and annular flow. Lee and Mudawar [5] visualized the
S.T. Kadam, R. Kumar / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 85 (2014) 73e92 75
Table 2
Summary of microchannel geometry and operating parameters.
1 Tuckerman and Water Rectangular, W ¼ 56, 50, 55, H ¼ 320, 287, 302 Silicon Pin ¼ 1e2 bar, q ¼ 1810e7900 kW/m2,
Pease [9] V_ ¼ 4.7 106e 8.6 106 m3/s
2 Peng and Wang [25] Dionised Rectangular, W ¼ 600, H ¼ 700 Stainless Tin ¼ 30e60 C, G ¼ 1480e3947 kg/m2 s
water steel
3 Qu and Mudawar [26] Water Rectangular, W ¼ 231, H ¼ 713, N ¼ 21 Copper G ¼ 135e402 kg/m2 s, Tin ¼ 30,
60 C, Pout ¼ 1.17 bar
4 Qu and Mudawar [27] Deionised Rectangular, W ¼ 215, H ¼ 821, L ¼ 44.8 mm Copper G ¼ 86e368 kg/m2 s, Tin ¼ 30, 60 C,
water Pout ¼ 1.13 bar
5 Steinke and Water Rectangular, W ¼ 214, H ¼ 200, L ¼ 57.15 mm Copper G ¼ 157e1782 kg/m2 s, q ¼ 5e930 kW/m2,
Kandlikar [28] Tin ¼ 22 C, Pout ¼ 1.13 bar, x ¼ 0e1
5 Coleman and R134a Dh ¼ 830, L ¼ 5 mm, N ¼ 18 ports G ¼ 185e785 kg/m2 s
Krause [29]
6 Lee et al. [30] Deionised Trapezoidal, W1 ¼ 102.8, W2 ¼ 59.18, Silicon q ¼ 1.47e449 kW/m2, G ¼ 170e477 kg/m2 s
Water H ¼ 30.1, N ¼ 1
7 Li et al. [31] Deionised Trapezoidal, W1 ¼ 100, W2 ¼ 41, H ¼ 41, N ¼ 2 Silicon q ¼ 12.4e303 kW/m2
water G ¼ 105e555 kg/m2 s
8 Lee and Mudawar [32] R134a Rectangular, W ¼ 231, H ¼ 713 mm Copper P ¼ 1.44e6.6 bar, xin ¼ 0.001e0.25,
xout ¼ 0.49esuperheated, q ¼ 316e938 kW/m2,
G ¼ 127e654 kg/m2 s
9 Kosar et al. [33] Water Rectangular, W ¼ 200, H ¼ 264, L ¼ 10 mm, N ¼ 5 Silicon q ¼ 280e4450 kW/m2, G ¼ 41e302 kg/m2 s
10 Ling et al. [34] Distilled D ¼ 13, 20, L ¼ 40e100 mm Silex glass At room temperature
11 Chen and FC-77 Rectangular, W ¼ 389, H ¼ 389, N ¼ 24 Silicon Tin ¼ 71 C, Pexit ¼ 1 atm., q ¼ 94e617 kW/m2,
Garimella [35] m_ ¼ 35, 47, 60 ml/min
12 Yun et al. [36] R410a Rectangular, Dh ¼ 1360 (N ¼ 8), 1440 (N ¼ 7) Tsat ¼ 0, 5, 10 C, q ¼ 10e20 kW/m2,
G ¼ 200e400 kg/m2 s
13 Sobierska et al. [37] Water Rectangular, W ¼ 860, H ¼ 2000, Copper Tsub ¼ 2e20 K, Tin ¼ 36.4e36.5, Pout ¼ 1 atm.,
L ¼ 330 mm, N ¼ 1 q ¼ 100 kW/m2, G ¼ 50e1000 kg/m2 s
14 Huh et al. [38] Deionised Rectangular, W ¼ 100, H ¼ 107 Silicon Pout ¼ 1 atm., q ¼ 200e530 kW/m2,
water G ¼ 170, 360 kg/m2 s
14 Qi et al. [39] Liquid Circular tube, D ¼ 531, 834, 1042, 1931, N ¼ 1 Stainless Re ¼ 10,000e90,000, system
nitrogen steel pressure ¼ 1e9 bar
15 Lee and Mudawar [5] HFE-7100 Rectangular, W ¼ 123.4e259, H ¼ 304.9e1041.3, Copper Tin ¼ 30 C, Pout ¼ 1.138 bar,
L ¼ 10 mm, N ¼ 24, 11 q ¼ 0e7500 kW/m2, G ¼ 670e6730 kg/m3 s
16 Wang et al. [40] Water Trapezoidal, W1 ¼ 427, W2 ¼ 208, H ¼ 146, N ¼ 8 Silicon Tin ¼ 35 C, q ¼ 184.2e485.5 kW/m2
17 Agostini et al. [41] R134a Circular, D ¼ 509, 790 Glass Tin ¼ 30 C, q ¼ 6.5e31.8 kW/m2,
G ¼ 200e1500 kg/m2 s, x ¼ 0.02e0.19
18 Singh et al. [42] Water Dh ¼ 142 constant, L ¼ 20 mm, b ¼ 1.24, 1.43, Silicon q ¼ 290e366 kW/m2, G ¼ 82.4e126.2 kg/m2 s
1.56, 1.73, 2.56, 3.6, 3.75, N ¼ 1
19 Ergu et al. [43] Distilled Water, Rectangular, W ¼ 3700, H ¼ 107.9, Acrylic Tin ¼ 25 C, for pressure drop:
Potassium L ¼ 35 mm, N ¼ 1 Re ¼ 100e845, for mass transfer: Re ¼ 18e550
20 Schilder et al. [44] Ethanol and Circular tube, Dh ¼ 600, L ¼ 110 mm Glass Tin ¼ 23 C, G ¼ 158e317 kg/m2 s,
water q ¼ 50e97 kW/m2, Re ¼ 25e202
21 Krishnamurthy HFE-7000 Rectangular, W ¼ 200, H ¼ 243, L ¼ 10 mm, N ¼ 5, Silicon q ¼ 100e1100 kW/m2, G ¼ 350e827 kg/m2 s
and pales [45] pin: D ¼ 100 mm dia, N ¼ 24, pitch ratio ¼ 4
22 Balasubramanian Deionised Rectangular, W ¼ 300, aspect ratio ¼ 4, N ¼ 40 Copper Tin ¼ 90 C, q ¼ 1400 kW/m2,
et al. [46] water G ¼ 100e133 kg/m2 s
23 Megahed [47] FC-72 Rectangular, W ¼ 225, H ¼ 276, L ¼ 16 mm, N ¼ 45, Silicon q ¼ 7.2e104.2 kW/m2, G ¼ 99e290 kg/m2 s,
Three cross linked channel 500 mm wide, Xout ¼ 0.01e0.71
24 Barlak et al. [48] Distilled Circular, Dh ¼ 200e589, L/D ¼ 16e265 Stainless Tin ¼ 25 C, Re ¼ 100e1000
25 Edel and Water Rectangular, W ¼ 201, H ¼ 266, L ¼ 25 mm, N ¼ 1 Brass Tin ¼ 64, 80, 98 C, m_ ¼ 0.41e0.82 ml/min
Mukherjee [49]
26 Lu and Pan [50] Water Rectangular varying cross section, inlet: W ¼ 100, Silicon G ¼ 99e293 kg/m2 s
H ¼ 76, outlet: W ¼ 560, H ¼ 76, N ¼ 10
27 Lee et al. [23] Water Rectangular, W ¼ 50, 100, H ¼ 46, 48, 100, Silicon Pin ¼ 1e10.15 bar, Tin ¼ 24 C,
L ¼ 64 mm, N ¼ 1 G ¼ 138.9 kg/m2 s
28 Park et al. [51] FC-72 Rectangular, Dh ¼ 67 (N ¼ 190), Dh ¼ 278 (N ¼ 95). Stainless Case I: Dh ¼ 67, q ¼ 0.6e3.6 kW/m2,
steel G ¼ 188e742 kg/m2 s
Case II: Dh ¼ 278, q ¼ 6e45.1 kW/m2,
G ¼ 449e1538 kg/m2 s
nucleate flow boiling at inlet, middle and outlet section of micro- on vertically upward microtubes of 531 and 1042 mm inner diam-
channel and related the flow patterns with boiling curve. Megahed eter using liquid nitrogen as working fluid. They reported bubbly
and Hassan [54] carried out experiments on 45 rectangular flow, slug flow, churn flow and annular flow as the main flow
microchannels (W, H) (225, 276) with FC-72 as working fluid over patterns. They also observed confined bubble flow (Fig. 3(a)), mist
wide range of the heat flux (q ¼ 60.4e130.6 kW/m2) and mass flux flow, bubble condensation (Fig. 3(b)) and flow oscillation in their
(G ¼ 341e531 kg/m2 s). They concluded that two phase flow in study. Two types of flow pattern were reported by Kawahara et al.
microchannel can be divided into three main flow regimes; bubble, [56]; (a) quasi-homogeneous (Fig. 3(c)): shorter gas plugs at high
slug and annular flow. Zhang and Fu [55] performed experiments liquid flux (b) quasi-separated (Fig. 3(d)): longer gas bubble
76 S.T. Kadam, R. Kumar / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 85 (2014) 73e92
Table 3
Thermo-physical properties, global warming potential and ozone depletion potential index of different refrigerants.
Refrigerant Dynamic viscosity Liquid density Vapour density Thermal conductivity Enthalpy of evaporation Surface tension ODP GWP
(104 kg/m s) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (W/m K) (kJ/kg) (N/m)
Courtesy: properties collected from various websites and product data sheets.
Ts ¼ 56.6 C, # Psat ¼ 1 bar, ODP ¼ Ozone Depletion Potential.
S.T. Kadam, R. Kumar / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 85 (2014) 73e92 77
Fig. 2. Flow patterns in conventional channel (a) vertical channel, (b) horizontal channel.
film on the tube. They attributed the shear between vapour and This pressure suppressed preceding bubble, hence the size of pre-
liquid phase during slug flow for the formation of wavy pattern on ceding bubble was reduced as shown in Fig. 5(c). This smaller size
the film surface. Lee et al. [23] also carried out similar flow visu- bubble again started growing, when larger bubble pushed enough
alization study for microchannel with single artificial cavity. An liquid out of the channel for decreasing built up pressure as shown
explosive bubble growth was observed at cavity due to high degree in Fig. 5(d). The small vapour bubble growth continued until it
of superheat at artificial nucleation site. Krishnamurthy and Peles pushed larger bubble out of the channel, as shown in Fig. 5(e).
[45] observed the flow for rectangular microchannels Entire process repeated itself in the same sequence after some time
(Dh ¼ 222 mm) containing a single row of 24 pin fin of 100 mm in interval.
diameter. Flow visualization revealed the existence of isolated David et al. [64] performed experiments with single copper
bubbles, bubbles interacting (Fig. 3(l)), multiple flow and annular microchannel (W, H) (124, 94) using mixture of air and water as
flow. working fluid. One side wall of the microchannel was made up off
Barber et al. [63] had observed the variation in interfacial ve- the hydrophobic Teflon membrane of 65 mm thicknesses and
locities of growing vapour slug over time along with bubble 220 nm pore diameter in order to study the effect of venting pro-
nucleation and growth in a single microchannel (Dh ¼ 727) using cess. This wall acted as venting wall, which helped in removing the
refrigerant FC-72. The downstream end of the bubble was called as air only through it, thus avoiding instability due to vapour locking.
nose and upstream end was named as bubble tail. The tail and the Air was injected from opposite site of hydrophobic thin membrane.
nose moved with same velocity until bubble was not confined. They also observed that with increase in inlet air flow, flow patterns
After confinement, tail velocity was reduced due to inertia of followed sequence of bubble, wavy, wavy-stratified, stratified, slug
incoming fluid suppressing the bubble tail. Whereas, the bubble annular, annular at constant water flow rate. At higher water flow
nose velocity increased as negligible resistance of fluid was present rates, jetting type breakup was observed and no air venting could
in downstream direction. take place as annular flow followed by jetting type breakup. Table 4
Megahed [47] carried out flow visualization study on 45 straight presents main summary of few important flow visualization
microchannels (Dh ¼ 727) connected through three cross-links of studies.
width 500 mm. They carried out experiments under heat flux range Use of flow map for predicting two phase pattern is extremely
(37e69.6 kW/m2), mass flux range (109e195 kg/m2 s) and vapour popular and well established for conventional size channels
quality range (0.2e0.4). They observed only slug flow under entire [65e69]. Flow map is basically twoedimensional graph with
range of experimentation. They did not observe transition from slug transition criteria for separating various flow regimes of two phase
flow to annular flow, which they attributed to transverse flow flow. As the state is transformed towards boundary (separating two
within the cross link. regimes), it become unstable and further transition beyond
Edel and Mukherjee [49] observed that elongation of the vapour boundary converts flow patterns. Few authors have tried to develop
bubble after confinement Fig. 5(a)e(b) resulted into suppression of flow map for microchannel. Perhaps, Triplett et al. [70] were the
preceding vapour bubble. As vapour bubble started expanding after first to develop flow map for microchannel. They identified the
confinement, pressure spike was generated in upstream direction. transition boundaries between different flow patterns using gas
78 S.T. Kadam, R. Kumar / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 85 (2014) 73e92
Fig. 3. Various types of flow patterns in microchannel (a) confined bubble flow [55], (b) bubble condensation [55], (c) quasi-homogeneous flow [56], (d) quasi-separated flow [56],
(e) elongated bubble flow [57], (f) liquid ring flow [57], (g) bubble nucleation in the liquid film [59], (h) swirling pattern in churn flow [60], (i) serpentine-like gas core in churn flow
[60], (j) liquid bridge in slug-annular flow [60], (k) circulation in microchannel [62], (l) bubble interacting [45].
liquid superficial velocities as coordinates. Harirchian and Gar- higher gas superficial velocity as the channel dimension is reduced
imella [71] developed comprehensive flow regime map for FCe77 from 324 mm to 100 mm.
using non dimensional form of heat flux (Bl$Re) as abscissa and From the reviewed literature related to flow regime map, it has
convective confinement number (Bo0.5Re) as ordinate on flow map. been observed that exact location of the transition boundaries on
They also suggested new transition criteria (Bo0.5Re < 160) for flow map varies dramatically even for microchannels of same ge-
physical confinement in microchannel. Sur and Liu [72] developed ometry under same flow conditions. More efforts are needed for
flow map for adiabatic air water two phase flow using modified developing comprehensive flow map for microchannels.
Weber number (WeG (D/l)2, WeL) as X and Y coordinates. They also Authors have also studied complete bubble dynamics in
observed that boundary of the annular flow regimes shifted to microchannel since its inception through flow visualization. Bubble
S.T. Kadam, R. Kumar / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 85 (2014) 73e92 79
Fig. 4. Periodic variation of flow patterns with time (Chen and Garimella [35]).
dynamics (bubble nucleation, growth, departure and its motion nucleation is possible only if the minimum surrounding tempera-
along the flow) plays an important role in heat transfer and pres- ture of nucleation site being at least equal to the saturation tem-
sure drop characteristics as well as various flow instabilities during perature corresponding to liquid pressure. Bubble growth at
two phase flow of microchannels. First step in the bubble dynamics nucleation site is divided between two regions; inertia controlled
is the inception of the bubbles at active nucleation site. Basically, region and diffusion controlled region (Lee et al. [30]; Meder [75]).
nucleation site is small cavity, where the phase change process In the initial stage size of bubble is very small, bubble growth is
starts. Bubble grows for certain duration at nucleation site then it governed by the reaction force of the surrounding liquid at the
departs from it. Bubble departure diameter from nucleation site bubble interface. This stage is called as inertia controlled region. As
governs subsequent bubble dynamics. If departure diameter is the bubble starts growing, thermal diffusion (between vapour
around equivalent to channel dimension (in case of high heat flux liquid interface and surrounding liquid) effect increases. Once it
or very small sized microchannel) then confinement may occurs at overcomes inertia effect, subsequent bubble growth is governed
nucleation site itself [30,31]. Bubble basically do not detach in such entirely by thermal diffusion process [76]. Liu et al. [73] observed
case before start of confinement process. However, if bubble de- linear bubble growth at nucleation site from its inception to the
parture diameter is small in comparison to channels dimension departure. Whereas, Lee et al. [30] observed explosive bubble
then bubble starts travelling along the flow direction [73] at heated growth also for a few combinations of heat flux and mass flux
surface after departing from nucleation site. Once bubble diameter values. However, they failed to explain reason behind explosive
grows equivalent to channels dimension then confinement process bubble growth. In case of Lee et al. [77] experimental study, bubble
initiates. The bubble growth process rapidly increases after this due even stretched away in flow direction during its growth at nucle-
to heating from side walls. Once bubble confines complete cross ation site. Further, they observed that bubble confined entire
section then starts elongating in flow direction. Elongated bubble channel cross-section before departing from the nucleation site.
finally leaves the microchannel or may lead to flow reversal phe- Kew and Cornwell [16] were first to report the confined bubble
nomena (explained in instability section) at high heat flux values. growth in case of the small tube. Barber et al. [63] classified the
Fig. 6 shows complete bubble dynamics for microchannel. confinement as the partial confinement (Dbubble ¼ min (W, H)) and
Hsu [74], first time proposed the phenomena of bubble incep- full confinement (Dbubble ¼ max (W, H)). They observed that partial
tion at nucleation site during boiling. As per his theory bubble confinement produced both radial and elongated growth, whereas
Fig. 5. Sequence of interacting bubble suppression in microchannel (Edel and Mukherjee [49]).
80 S.T. Kadam, R. Kumar / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 85 (2014) 73e92
Table 4 very small, it is expected that single phase pressure drop per unit
Summary of important flow visualization studies. length associated with microchannel will be much higher than
Author Remark macrochannels under same operating conditions. Boiling in
Kasza et al. [59] Bubble growing pattern inside thin liquid
microchannels even promotes the two phase pressure drop asso-
film (below vapour slug) tries to avoid early ciated in comparison to conventional size channels. In spite of be-
occurrence of dryout condition ing associated with large pressure drop, microchannel heat sinks
Chung and Kawaji [60] They studied effect of microtube diameter had attracted lot of attention due to their strong command over
on flow pattern
heat transfer characteristics. Large pressure drop is responsible for
Lee and Mudawar [61] Bubbly, slug, alternating wispy-annular
flow and churn flow huge power consumption of the pump utilized. Thus, the study of
Schilder et al. [44] Temporary dryout can even initiate at pressure drop in microchannels is equally important similar to
low vapour quality due to instable liquid film other aspects associated. Two phase flow/pressure drop can be
Instability issues are more severe in case of
modelled using the homogeneous flow model and separated flow
low viscous flow
Krishnamurthy Extended surface can help in mitigating
model. In homogeneous flow model, two phases (liquid phase and
and Peles [45] early stage flow instability vapour phase) are treated as a single phase. Another fundamental
Megahed [47] Flow stability can be improved by mass assumption of homogeneous model is that liquid and vapour have
flux retardation from downward direction equal velocity. The separated flow model considers the phases to be
Edel and Mukherjee [49] Instability issues easily provoke in case
artificially segregated into two streams, one contains only liquid
of single microchannel
David et al. [64] Bubbly flow was observed towards the and anther contains only vapour. The fundamental assumption of
end of channel due to air venting by the separated flow model is that liquid and vapour have constant
hydrophobic membrane but not necessarily equal velocities. The pressure drop across the
channel is mainly dependent on the fluid properties (density, vis-
cosity and surface tension), mass flux (flow velocity, mass flow rate
full confinement was coupled with elongated growth only. Fu et al. or Reynolds number), effective heat supplied (wall temperature),
[78] carried out bubble growth study before and after bubble de- vapour quality and channel geometry (aspect ratio, hydraulic ratio
parture from nucleation site for minichannel (D ¼ 1.3e1.5 mm) and cross section). Various researchers have studied the effect of
using nitrogen as working fluid. They reported linear and constant these parameters on the pressure drop characteristics of
bubble growth in both cases. Gedupudi et al. [79] carried out ex- microchannels.
periments for the studying the growth of confined bubble in rect- Researchers have carried out pressure drop analysis in single
angular microchannel using water as working fluid. They observed phase, two phase with subcooled and saturated inlet condition in
exponential bubble growth after confinement from microchannel microchannels. Very few studies have been carried out in single
wall. Yin et al. [80] concluded that elongation of the bubble after phase mode. Qu and Mudawar [82] carried out experimental and
confinement is influenced by effective heat supplied and bubble numerical study to predict the pressure drop for single phase in
moving velocity along the flow. Recently, Tuo and Hrnjak [81] rectangular microchannel heat sink using water as working fluid.
carried out complete bubble dynamic study using R134a refrig- They observed that pressure drop reduced with increase in heat
erant. They observed linear bubble growth before confinement and flux at constant Reynolds number. They accredited it to the
exponential bubble growth in axial direction after confinement. decrease in viscosity of water at elevated temperature. Ergu et al.
Exponential bubble growth was accredited to intensive evaporation [43] carried out experiments in the range of Reynolds number from
of thin liquid layer trapped between vapour bubble and micro- 100e845 using water as working fluid on rectangular microchannel
channel wall. (W, H) (3700, 107.4). They observed that pressure drop increased
linearly with Reynolds number and concluded that single phase
3. Pressure drop pressure drop behaviour of microchannel is very much similar to
the macrochannel for laminar flow region. Barlak et al. [48] con-
It is of significant interest to understand the pressure drop ducted experiments on microtubes (D ¼ 200, 250, 400, 505 and
characteristics across microchannel, when designing applications 589) having L/D ratio in the range of 16e265 using water as cooling
based on microchannel. As hydraulic diameter of microchannel is fluid. They observed that at low Reynolds number (Re < 2000),
pressure drop was weak function of L/D ratio and linear relation-
ship existed between pressure drop and Reynolds number.
Whereas, pressure drop was strongly dependent on L/D ratio at
high Reynolds number. Unlike large diameter tubes, smaller
diameter tubes faced a noticeable change in pressure drop with L/D
ratio beyond Re > 2000. Ling et al. [34] carried out pressure drop
analysis on circular tubes of 13 and 20 mm diameter and length
ranging from 40 to 100 mm under pressure driven force condition.
Linear relationship between the flow rate and pressure drop was
projected by them. They further concluded that the flow charac-
teristics of the microtubes are basically in agreement with macro-
scopic liquid flowing lows. Qi et al. [39] carried out pressure drop
study on different diameter tubes (D ¼ 531, 834, 1042 and 1931) of
constant length (L ¼ 250 mm) in the range of Reynolds number
104e9 104. They observed that the total single phase pressure
drop increased with increase in mass flux and decrease in tube
diameter. It was also observed that friction factor obeyed conven-
tional channel theory for tubes having diameter of 1042 and
1931 mm. However, for the 531 and 834 mm tubes, friction factor
value deviated from conventional channel theory. They attributed it
to the effect of the surface roughness on friction factor in case of
small tubes. Akbari et al. [83] carried out pressure drop analysis on Fig. 7. Normalized plot of pressure drop versus wall heat flux for subcooled boiling
(Lee and Mudawar [85]).
rectangular microchannels of varying aspect ratio in the range of
0.13e0.76. They observed that pressure drop increased with in-
crease in the aspect ratio. However, it increased very rapidly as the
width of channel also approached to the limiting criteria of two phase, effect of frictional pressure drop supersede gravitational
microchannel. They also characterized different type of losses such effect.
as contraction and expansion loss, developing region and fully Yun et al. [36] carried out two phase experiments on micro-
developed region loss and loss due to electro-viscous effect. Peiyi channels of hydraulic diameter of 1.44 mm. They found that pres-
and Little [84] carried out single phase experiments on nitrogen, sure drop increased with increase in mass flux at constant
hydrogen and argon gas with eight different microtubes having saturation temperature. At given mass flux, pressure drop
diameter ranging from 55.81 to 83.08 mm. They concluded that decreased with increase in saturation temperature, which they
friction factor is dependent on the channel geometry, roughness attributed to change in viscosity and density of R410A.
and mass flux. Lee and Mudawar [32] carried out experiments using R134a to
Two phase pressure drop is of significant interest as far as flow study the pressure drop characteristics in microchannels. Based on
boiling in microchannels is concerned. Fig. 7 shows the variation of combined pressure drop data of R134a and water (Qu and Mudawar
pressure drop for single phase and two phase with respect to [86]), they developed two phase pressure drop multiplier empirical
00 00
ðq =qsat Þ for subcooled boiling and saturated boiling region in relations for separated flow model incorporating liquid viscosity
horizontal orientation of microchannel, following Lee and Muda- and surface tension effect. These correlations were used to examine
war [85]. In the single phase, pressure drop is primarily governed the effect of vapour quality, heat flux and mass flux on total pres-
by the behaviour of liquid viscosity with temperature. For fluid like sure drop characteristics of R134a. They found that at constant heat
water pressure drop reduces with increase in wall heat flux at flux total pressure drop decreased with an increase in exit vapour
constant mass flux due to decrease in liquid viscosity for single quality, which they attributed to decrease in mass velocity. They
phase region. Pressure drop reduction starts decreasing once onset also found that for constant mass flux, pressure drop increased up
on nucleate boiling (ONB) condition is approached. ONB is the to particular heat flux value beyond which pressure drop became
location, where the first bubble forms. ONB indicates the termi- constant or slightly decreased. Up to particular heat flux value, two
nation of single phase flow and inception of the subcooled boiling phase frictional and accelerational losses increases due to conver-
region as shown in Fig. 7. Formation of bubble introduces two phase sion of liquid into vapour. After complete conversion into vapour,
pressure drop components, frictional and acceleration. The two phase frictional loss decreases but it is compensated by the
magnitude of these components increases with increase in heat increase in single phase vapour pressure loss. However, accelera-
flux due to growth of vapour bubble or due to formation of new tion loss remains at same value over complete conversion into
bubble at newly activated nucleation sites. They try to pull up vapour phase. Thus total pressure drop remained constant or
pressure drop associated with microchannel unlike viscosity. In slightly decreased beyond particular heat flux value. Balasu-
subcooled boiling region pressure drop initially reduces after ONB bramanian et al. [46] had reported increasing trend of pressure
and attains minima. This was attributed to the higher degree of drop for the variation of heat flux at constant mass flux in stepwise
subcooling, which suppressed the bubble growth initially after expanding microchannels with deionised water. However, they
ONB. On further increase of heat flux beyond minima condition, the observed that in stepwise expanding microchannels pressure drop
vapour bubble pressure drop components become dominating. decreased with increase in mass flux, which was due to increase in
Therefore, pressure drop starts increasing with increase in heat mass flux (inducing reduction in saturation flow length). Reduction
flux. This trend continued even in saturated boiling region. How- in saturation flow length reduces the magnitude of two phase
ever, in case of the vertical orientation gravitational pressure drop/ pressure drop per unit length, which is substantially higher than
gain (upward flow/downward flow) will influence pressure drop magnitude of single phase pressure drop per unit length. They also
characteristics of both single and two phase flow. Gravitational observed that pressure drop associated with stepwise expanding
pressure drop/gain is more dominating than frictional pressure microchannel was smaller than straight microchannel, which they
drop in case of single phase flow. As flow shifts from single phase to attributed to the deceleration of vapour in downstream direction.
82 S.T. Kadam, R. Kumar / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 85 (2014) 73e92
Megahed [47] carried out pressure drop analysis of cross linked occurrence of minima, they speculated in favour of the opposite
rectangular microchannels. They observed that two phase pressure nature of frictional and accelerational pressure drop with respect to
drop increased linearly with exit vapour quality at a given mass flux aspect ratio. With increase in b, acceleration pressure drop
and it increased very rapidly with increase in mass flux at constant decreased and frictional pressure drop increased.
vapour quality. They further reported slight increases in slope of Choi and Kim [57] and Choi et al. [58] carried out experiments
pressure drop verses vapour quality line at low mass fluxes using water liquid-nitrogen gas adiabatic two phase flow in
(G ¼ 111, 141 kg/m2 s) and rapid increase in slope at high mass microchannel. They concluded that the typical two phase pressure
fluxes (G ¼ 191, 245, 290 kg/m2 s). They accredited it in favour of drop characteristics of microchannel can be divided in three re-
presence of cross links between microchannels. The presence of gions. Region I: Bubbly flow regime, including bubbly, slug bubble
cross link also increased associated sudden expansion and and elongated bubble, Region II: transition flow region, Region III:
contraction pressure losses in addition to increase in pressure loss Liquid ring flow regime. In the Region I, number of bubbles
due to cross flow. Furthermore, they also compared experimental amplified the pressure drop on increase in superficial gas velocity.
two phase pressure drop data with pressure drop correlations In the Region II, pressure drop decreased due to collapse of elon-
published by Lee and Garimella [87] for straight microchannels. gated bubble on increase in superficial gas velocity. In the Region III,
They found that two phase pressure drop in cross link micro- pressure drop increased very rapidly with increase in superficial
channels is almost 1.5 times greater than regular straight micro- gas velocity.
channels over tested range of mass flux, except at minimum value Table 5 summarizes relations proposed by different researches
of mass flux (G ¼ 111 kg/m2 s). From Balasubramanian et al. [46] to predict pressure drop across microchannels. Bowers and
and Megahed [47] experimental study, it can be concluded that Mudawar [89] considered the total pressure drop as summation of
expanding microchannels have superior pressure drop character- the single phase, two phase frictional, two phase acceleration and
istics than straight and cross link microchannels. Sobierska et al. two phase outlet pressure drop components. Qu and Mudawar [86]
[37] carried out experiments using water as working fluid on a split the single phase pressure drop into the developing and the
straight vertical single rectangular microchannel in the range of fully developed region pressure drop components and also intro-
mass flux from 50 to 1000 kg/m2 s. They also observed that pres- duced contraction and expansion pressure drop components to
sure drop associated with two phase increases with increase in calculate exact total pressure drop associated in microchannels. In
mass flux and exit vapour quality separately. However, pressure two phase flow, vapour has higher velocity than the liquid due to its
drop increased moderately in the range of mass flux (50e300 kg/ low density in comparison to corresponding liquid phase. In order
m2 s) and rapidly beyond of it. Megahed and Hassan [54] and Park to accommodate this effect of liquid and vapour, Lee and Mudawar
et al. [51] measured experimentally the pressure drop per unit [32] defined two phase frictional pressure drop component in
length across rectangular microchannels. In both works, it was terms of two-phase pressure drop multiplier (∅). Two phase
observed that pressure drop per unit length increased with in- pressure drop multiplier was defined in terms of Martinelli
crease in mass flux and vapour quality respectively. Megahed and parameter (X) and two-phase multiplier parameter (C), which
Hassan [54] attributed this behaviour to the impact of void fraction defined the type of the two phase flow (Table 5). Megahed [47]
on pressure drop. Park et al. [51] used rectangular microchannels introduced dynamic two phase pressure drop component, which
(Dh ¼ 61 and 278 mm) in their experimental study on refrigerant FC accounted for the enlargement at outlet and bends of
72. They observed that for a microchannel (Dh ¼ 278 mm) at mass microchannels.
flux of G ¼ 112 kg/m2 s, the pressure drop increased continuously
beyond vapour quality of 0.9. This was attributed to the absence of 4. Heat transfer
turbulent wave at higher vapour qualities because of very thin
liquid film. Eventually, they concluded that existing macroscale Heat transfer coefficient is the most important parameter gov-
pressure drop correlations could not be directly used for microscale erning the usefulness of microchannel heat sinks. Heat transfer
(below Dh ¼ 100 mm) due to change in flow patterns below this coefficient for flow boiling in microchannels is impressively high
dimension. due the combined effect of very small hydraulic diameter and
Phan et al. [88] analysed experimentally the effect of surface associated latent heat of evaporation. Heat transfer coefficient is
wettability on two phase pressure drop using four test-sections primarily influenced by fluid properties (density and viscosity),
having single rectangular microchannel (W, H) (5000, 500) and mass flux, effective heat flux, channel geometry (cross section area
coated with hydrophilic (polydimethylsiloxane (SiOx), titanium (Ti), and aspect ratio) and vapour quality. Various researchers had car-
diamond like carbon (DLC)) and hydrophobic (poly- ried out experimental studies in single phase as well as two phase
dimethylsiloxane (SiOC)) substances. These surfaces had static heat transfer in microchannels. However, major focus had been
contact angle of 29 , 49 , 63 and 103 respectively. They found that given to two phase heat transfer studies.
at a given mass flux and exit vapour quality, two phase pressure Peng and Wang [25] studied the effect of force convection on
drop increased significantly with increase in static contact angle, single phase heat transfer characteristics using rectangular micro-
which they attributed to the effect of contact angle on surface channels (W, H) (700, 600). They observed that decrease in liquid
tension force generated. For unwetted surface (SiOC) having higher subcooling and increase in flow velocity induced steep increase in
contact angle, surface tension force intended to maintain the heat transfer coefficient. Wang and Peng [90] also carried out single
bubble at the solid wall, which resulted into increase in frictional phase forced convection study using six heat sinks of microchannel
pressure drop. On the other hand for wetted surface (SiOx), surface dimensions (W, H, N) (800, 700, 4), (600, 700, 4), (400, 700, 4), (400,
tension helped in proper wetting of the surface. Thus, wetted sur- 700, 6), (200, 700, 4) and (200, 700, 6) using water as working fluid.
faces were subjected to low two phase pressure drop in comparison They observed three different trends for the variation of single
to unwetted surface. phase heat transfer coefficient in above microchannels. In first the
Singh et al. [42] investigated the effect of aspect ratio (b ¼ W/ trend on (800, 700, 4) heat sink, heat transfer coefficient smoothly
H ¼ 1.23, 1.44, 1.56, 1.73, 2.56, 3.6 and 3.75) of rectangular micro- increased with wall temperature.
channel theoretically as well as experimentally. They observed that In second trend on (600, 700, 4), (400, 700, 4) and (400, 700, 6)
the pressure drop first reduced with increase in b, attained minima heat sink, steep increase in heat transfer coefficient at low wall
at b ¼ 1.56, then started increasing rapidly with increase in b. The temperature was observed. This was followed by moderate increase
S.T. Kadam, R. Kumar / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 85 (2014) 73e92 83
Table 5
Summary of pressure drop correlations for microchannel.
Bowers and Circular, D ¼ 2540, 510 Pin ¼ 1.38 bar, DPT ¼ DPsp þ DPf þ DPa þ DPout, nh
Mudawar [89] R113 Tsub ¼ 10e32 C, 2 v
G fg
m ¼ 19e95 ml/min DPa ¼ rf ðxL Þ
Subcooled boiling and 2fsp G2 Lsp
DPsp ¼ rf D
saturated boiling
h v i
2ftp G2 Lb fg
DPf ¼ rf D 1 þ x2L
h v i
2ftp G2 Lo fg
DPout ¼ rf D h 1 þ xL
fsp ¼ 64/Re, ftp ¼ 0.005
Qu and Rectangular, W ¼ 231, Tin ¼ 30, 60 C, DPT ¼ DPc1 þ DPc2 þ DPsp,dev þ DPsp,fdev þ DPf þ DPa þ DPe1 þ DPe2
Mudawar [86] H ¼ 713 Pout ¼ 1.17 bar, vf 2 v K
DPc1 ¼ ðG G21 Þ þ f c1 G22
Deionised water G ¼ 134.9e400.1 kg/m2 s 2 2 2
Subcooled boiling and vf 2 v K
DPc2 ¼ ðG G22 Þ þ f c2 G2
saturated boiling 2 2
vf þ xe vfg 2 ðvf þ xe vfg Þ 2 NA 2
DPe1 ¼ ðG1 G22 Þ þ Ke1 G2 , Ke1 ¼ 1
2 2 Ap2
vf þ xe vfg 2 ðvf þ xe vfg Þ 2 Ap2
DPe2 ¼ ðG2 G2 Þ þ Ke2 G , Ke2 ¼ 1
2 2 Ap1
2fapp G2 Lsp;dev vf
DPsp;dev ¼
fsp,devResp,dev ¼ 24 (1 1.355b þ 1.947b2 1.701b3 þ 0.956b4 0.254b5)
Resp;d ¼ ; b¼
msp;dev H
2fapp G2 Lsp;fdev vf
DPsp;fd ¼
2 3
6 þ þ fsp;fdev Resp;dev 3:44ðLþ Þ0:5 7
1 6 ð4Lsp;fdev Þ sp;fdev
fapp ¼ 63:44ðLþ Þ0:5 þ 7
Resp;fdev 6
1 þ 1:31 104 ðLþ Þ2 7
Lsp;fdev GDh
Lþ ¼ ; Resp;fdev ¼
sp;fdev Resp;fdev Dh msp;fdev
fsp,fdevResp,fdev ¼ 24 (1 1.355b þ 1.947b2 1.701b3 þ 0.956b4 0.254b5)
" !#
2ftp G2 Ltp vf xe vfg
DPf ¼ 1þ ; ftp ¼ 0:003
dh 2 vf
DPa ¼ G2vfxe
Lee and Rectangular, W ¼ 231, P ¼ 1.44e6.6 bar, DPT ¼ DPc þ DPf þ DPa þ DPsp,g DPe
" #"
2 #
Mudawar [32] H ¼ 713 mm xin ¼ 0.001e0.25, vfg xe; in
DPc ¼ G2vf
þ 1 s121 1þ
R134a xout ¼ 0.49esuperheated, Cc c vf
q ¼ 316e938 kW/m2, " #
G ¼ 127e654 kg/m2 s 2
vfg xe;out
DPe ¼ G se ð1 se Þvf 1 þ
Saturated boiling vf
2Lsp;g 2
DPsp;g ¼ Dh fsp;g G vg
fsp,gReg ¼ 24(1 1.3553b þ 1.947b2 1.701b3 þ 0.956b4 0.254b5) for Reg <2000
fsp;g ¼ 0:079Re0:25
g for 2000 < Reg < 20,000
fsp;g ¼ 0:046Re0:2
g for 20,000 < Reg
(" # " 2 #) " 2=3 #1
v g x 2
e;out vf ð1 xe;out Þ2 vg xe;in vf ð1 xe;in Þ2 1x vf
DPa ¼ G2 þ þ a¼ 1þ
aout ð1 aout Þ ain ð1 ain Þ x vg
2G2 Ltp xo C 1
DPf ¼ f ð1 xÞvf ∅2f dx; ∅2f ¼ 1 þ þ 2 ; X 2 ¼ ½ðdP=dzÞf =ðdP=dzÞg
Dh xe xi f X X
Cvv ¼ 2:15Re0:047
laminar liquid-laminar vapour
Cvt ¼ 1:45Re0:25
laminar liquid-turbulent vapour
Megahed [47] Rectangular, W ¼ 225, q ¼ 7.2e104.2 kW/m2, DPT ¼ DPsp þ DPtp
H ¼ 276 G ¼ 99e290 kg/m2 s, r 4fsp; l Lsub
DPsp ¼ f þ Kc þ K∞ u2ch þ 2K90 u2
FC-72 Xout ¼ 0.01e0.71 2 Dh
subcooled boiling and _ p ðTsat Tin Þ
saturated boiling Lsub ¼
2 4 5
fsp; l ¼ 24
Re ð1 1:3553b þ 1:9467b 1:7012b þ 0:9564b 0:2537b Þ
K∞ ¼ 0.6796 þ 1.2197b þ 3.3089b2 9.5921b3 þ 8.9089b4 2.9959b5
K90 ¼ bending pressure loss coefficient
DPtp ¼ DPf þ DPa þ DPtp,dyn
" !#
DPtp;dyn ¼ G2vf ð1 sc Þ2 1 þ xe
vf ; sc ¼ AAp
xe ¼ h1 Cp ðTsat Tin Þ
fg m
Qnet ¼ Qinput Qloss
84 S.T. Kadam, R. Kumar / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 85 (2014) 73e92
in heat transfer coefficient at high wall temperature. In third trend above discussion it can be concluded that vapour quality limit
on (200, 700, 4) and (200, 700, 4) heat sink, heat transfer coefficient which determines the dominance of either nucleate boiling or
decreased first and then moderately increased as the wall tem- convective boiling is dependent on individual fluid.
perature was increased. They further concluded that heat transfer Kosar et al. [33] monitored variation of the two phase heat
characteristics in laminar and transition region of microchannels transfer coefficient with heat flux and mass flux. They observed
are highly complicated compared to conventional channel. This that at low (G ¼ 41 kg/m2 s) and moderate (G ¼ 83 and 166 kg/m2 s)
was attributed to the considerable change in thermo-physical mass fluxes, two phase heat transfer coefficient dropped rapidly
properties of the flowing fluid because of large variation in liquid after critical heat flux condition due to complete dryout. However,
temperature along the length of microchannel. Qu and Mudawar at higher mass flux (G ¼ 302 kg/m2 s), two phase heat transfer
[82] carried out experimental and numerical study of single phase coefficient decreased continuously from nucleate boiling to critical
heat transfer using twenty one rectangular microchannels (W, H) heat flux condition. They also observed large fluctuations in two
(231, 713) heat sink. They compared the result of numerical study phase heat transfer coefficient at low mass flux with exit vapour
with experimental data and suggested that NaviereStokes and quality. They attributed it to the oscillatory flow pattern. Oscillatory
energy equation can successfully predict heat transfer behaviour of flow pattern continuously shifted between confined bubble moving
the single phase flow. Unlike previous studies, they did not observe back and forth along the channel. Eventually, they concluded that
the flow transition in the tested range of Reynolds number from nucleate boiling is dominant at low mass flux under all heat fluxes
139 to 1672. Qi et al. [39] carried out experiments of the single and moderate mass fluxes under low heat flux conditions. Whereas,
phase heat transfer analysis on microtube using liquid nitrogen as for moderate mass fluxes under high heat flux and for high mass
working fluid. They observed that contrary to water in case of ni- flux under all heat fluxes convective boiling is a dominant heat
trogen heat transfer coefficient and local heat transfer coefficient transfer mechanism. Schilder et al. [44] performed the experiments
both decreased in the flow direction with increase in heat flux, on circular glass tube (Dh ¼ 600) using ethanol as working fluid.
which they attributed to the inverse relationship between tem- They observed that for single phase liquid flow, the measured
perature and thermal conductivity of nitrogen. They concluded that Nusselt number approached the classical value for constant heat
thermal properties of working fluid play an important role on flow flux under Poiseuille flow (Nu ¼ 4.36) at about 80% of the heated
and heat transfer characteristics of microchannels. Herwig and tube length. Based on two phase experiments they concluded that
Mahulikar [91] had proved importance of change in thermal evaporation of thin liquid film covering the tube wall is dominating
properties of the working fluid on heat transfer characteristics heat transfer mechanism. They further concluded that presence of
through their numerical study. Sui et al. [92] carried out experi- wavy patterns on the film surface indicated the existence of shear
ments using deionized water on three wavy microchannels test force between the vapour and the liquid phase.
pieces (W, H) (205, 404) with different wavy magnitude (0, 138 and Steinke and Kandlikar [28] carried out flow boiling experiments
259 mm). They compared the heat transfer performance of the wavy on six rectangular microchannels with Dh ¼ 207 mm using sub-
microchannels with straight microchannels and concluded that cooled inlet conditions. They carried out experiments in heat flux
wavy microchannels had superior heat transfer performance than range of 5e950 kW/m2 and mass flux range of 157e1782 kg/m2 s.
straight microchannels. They accredited it in favour of secondary They found that local heat transfer coefficient value was very high
flow inside curves of wavy microchannels. at very low vapour quality (xe z 0), which they attributed forma-
It is widely accepted that the saturation flow boiling in micro- tion of first bubble (carting maximum energy) on that location.
channels is governed by nucleate boiling and forced convection Local flow boiling heat transfer coefficient decreased very sharply
boiling (Collier and Thome [93]). The nucleate boiling region is with increase in vapour quality irrespective of heat flux value, this
normally associated with the bubbly and slug flow pattern, and the was accredited in favour of rapid bubble growth. Yen et al. [94] and
forced convection boiling region is associated with the annular flow Sobierska et al. [37] also observed similar kind of trend in their
pattern. In the nucleate boiling region, the wall temperature is few studies as Steinke and Kandlikar [28]. Sobierska et al. [37] attrib-
degree higher than the saturation temperature of the working fluid, uted the above to the following possible reasons; (i) partial dryout
which is sufficient for the bubble nucleation and its growth. In this due to complete cross section filled by bubble, (ii) high pressure
region the heat transfer coefficient is primarily influenced by the gradient associated with microchannels. Qu and Mudawar [26] also
heat flux, whereas the effect of mass flux and vapour quality is less observed the same trend in their study and attributed it to appre-
significant. In forced convection region, heat is mainly transferred ciable droplet entrainment at the onset of annular flow regime.
through the single phase annular liquid film and is carried away by However, above reasons can not affect heat transfer characteristic
the evaporation at an interface of liquid and vapour. In this region in the vicinity of ONB, where vapour quality is very small. Retar-
heat transfer coefficient mainly depends on mass velocity, vapour dation in local liquid phase velocity after ONB may be responsible
quality and heat flux. Peng and Wang [25] observed that flow for it. Park et al. [51] observed the same trend using FC-72 but for
boiling was reached to the fully developed nucleate boiling for wall low heat flux (q < 8.6 kW/m2) region only, they attributed it to the
temperature slightly higher than saturation temperature and was insufficient heat flux for generating active boiling in microchannels.
not affected by liquid velocity and subcooling. At high heat flux values (q > 8.6 kW/m2), the local heat transfer
Two phase heat transfer coefficient along the length of the coefficient first increases up to certain vapour quality and then
microchannel was measured by Lee and Mudawar [61]. In their decreased. They also observed decreasing trend of local heat
experiment, the quality of vapour was maintained by changing the transfer coefficient with increase in mass flux at constant heat flux
mass flow rate of R134a. They suggested dividing the quality region value, which they attributed to the possible dryout of the liquid film
into smaller interval for better estimate of heat transfer coefficient. surrounding the elongated bubble and annular flow.
They proposed three regions, xe < 0.05 for nucleate boiling gener- Bubble at nucleation site in microchannel is another aspect of
ated at low heat flux, 0.05 < xe < 0.55 for annular film evaporation important aspect of study considering various instabilities associ-
generated at high heat flux and high mass flux and xe > 0.55 for ated with it. Bubble at nucleation site in microchannel either grows
annular film evaporation generated at high heat flux and low mass linearly or exponentially (i.e. rapid bubble growth). Numerical
flux. Whereas, Yen et al. [94] claimed through their experiments study of the vapour bubble growth at nucleation site has been
that nucleate boiling region remained dominate up to xe < 0.4 in carried out by Zhuan and Wang [95]. However, detailed numerical
case of HCFC123 followed by convective boiling region. From the bubble growth study is cumbersome and time consuming.
S.T. Kadam, R. Kumar / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 85 (2014) 73e92 85
Furthermore, Rayleigh equation (used for determining the bubble inclinations e90 (vertical downward), e45 , 0 , 45 and 90
growth in homogeneous superheated bulk medium [96e98]) pre- (vertical upward). They observed that heat transfer coefficient
dicts larger bubble growth rate than experimental value for het- increased by 30% at an inclination of 45 relative to horizontal
erogeneous bubble growth in microchannels [23,52]. Recently, orientation. They attributed the above to the two possible reasons
Kadam et al. [99] developed simplified energy based model for (i) rise of distance between the bubble nose and contact surface
prediction of the bubble growth at nucleation site in microchannel. brought the increase of velocity adjacent to the contact surface, (ii)
Yun et al. [36] carried out experiments to study the effects of concurrent nature of the inertia and buoyancy force. The heat
mass flux, heat flux and saturation pressure on heat transfer transfer coefficient associated with vertical up (q ¼ 90 ) and hori-
characteristics. They observed that effect of mass flux, heat flux and zontal (q ¼ 0 ) arrangements had almost same values due to the
saturation pressure on heat transfer coefficient was more signifi- symmetric nature of the elongated bubble in both arrangements.
cant after dryout vapour quality. After dryout vapour quality region, For the vertical downward inclination heat transfer coefficient
heat transfer coefficient increased with increase in mass flux, heat showed 50% lower value as compared to the inclination of 45 due
flux and saturation pressure respectively. to opposite direction of inertia and buoyancy forces.
The variation of heat transfer coefficient of HFE 7100 with wall Lu and Pan [50] observed significant enhancement in heat
temperature and heat flux for different rectangular microchannels transfer coefficient in microchannels with artificial nucleation sites,
(W, H), (123.4, 304.9), (123.4, 526.9), (235.2, 576.8) and (259.9, which facilitated bubble nucleation. Yen et al. [94] observed high
1041.3) was studied by Lee and Mudawar [85]. They concluded that heat transfer coefficient in case of square microchannel as
smaller microchannel dimensions helped in improving the heat compared to circular microchannel upto vapour quality of 0.4. This
transfer characteristics by increasing mass velocity and wetted was attributed to square corners that acted as host for active
area. However, smaller width microchannels are more likely to face nucleation sites. They reported similar heat transfer at high vapour
premature stability problems due to early transition from bubbly to quality for both cases. However, the trend may be opposite at
slug flow. Balasubramanian et al. [46] compared the heat transfer annular flow regime, surface tension force intends to attenuate
coefficient in straight and expanding microchannel. They reported liquid film (on the wall) more effectively in case of square cross
that heat transfer coefficient increased more rapidly with heat flux section. Resulting local dryout in case of square channel will reduce
supplied in case of expanding microchannel as compared to its heat transfer performance in comparison to circular channel.
straight microchannel. They attributed to it to the improved sta- Few correlations to predict heat transfer coefficient in single
bility provided by expanding microchannel. phase and two phase flow are reported in open literature. Tables 6
Study of Choo and Kim [100] was concentrated for finding the and 7 present details of these correlations for single phase and two
heat transfer characteristics of nonboiling two phase flow in phase respectively. These correlations for single phase and two
microchannel. They observed the effect of microchannel hydraulic phase heat transfer are plotted in Figs. 9 and 10, respectively against
diameter on the heat transfer coefficient as shown in Fig. 8. When of experimental data of Koyuncuoglu et al. [104] for single phase
the channel diameter was smaller than about 235e260 mm, the two and Qu and Mudawar [26] for two phase. Form Figs. 9 and 10, it can
phase heat transfer was even lower than the single-phase case. be concluded that existing heat transfer correlations are inconsis-
They concluded that this may be due to the dominant effect of tent and show large deviation in comparison to experimental data.
surface tension and liquid viscosity that prohibited the turbulent This may be due to limited range of experimentation, difference in
mixing in liquid film covering the wall. Furthermore, the transition operating conditions, and difference in type of channel geometries
channel diameter did not change once the gas Reynolds was used in these studies.
increased beyond Re ¼ 300. Experiments were performed with Therefore, still lot of efforts are needed so that generalized
mixture of water and air on circular tubes of 140 mme506 mm equations can be found for finding out heat transfer coefficient
diameter under different flow rates of air and water. associated with single phase and two phase flow in microchannels.
Wang et al. [101] experimentally analysed the effect of channel
inclination (rectangular microchannel Dh ¼ 825) by carried out 5. Instability
experiments at different heat flux (25, 37.5) and mass flux values
(100, 200, 300). Experiments were performed at five different Instability is also called as malfunctioning of the flow in
microchannels. Instability in microchannel may cause several
problems such as vibration, problems of system control, thermal
fatigue and in extreme circumstances it may even be responsible
for surface burnout. The well known instabilities associated with
microchannels are flow reversal, pressure fluctuation, wall tem-
perature fluctuation, flow maldistribution and Ledinegg instability.
Out of above mention instabilities Ledinegg instability is static
instability, whereas pressure fluctuation, wall temperature fluctu-
ation and flow reversal are dynamic instabilities. A thorough un-
derstanding and determination of these associated instabilities are
Qi et al. [106] carried out experiments in order to study the two
phase flow instabilities using liquid nitrogen as working fluid on
two microtubes of diameter 1.042 and 1.931 mm. They observed
repetitive regular oscillation of mass flux, pressure drop and wall
temperature at ONB in both microtubes. These oscillations were
referred as stable oscillation, as it remained stable, if system pres-
sure, heat flux and outlet condition of the system did not change
significantly. They explained that after ONB, many small bubbles
Fig. 8. The variation of the Nusselt number with channel hydraulic diameter for nucleate, grow, detach from nucleation cavities and finally move
different Reynolds number (Choo and Kim [100]). along the flow in microtube. These small vapour bubbles entered
86 S.T. Kadam, R. Kumar / International Journal of Thermal Sciences 85 (2014) 73e92
Table 6
Single phase heat transfer correlations.
Wang and Peng [90] Rectangular, Pin ¼ 1 bar, Tin,w ¼ 10e35 C, Nu ¼ [0.00805Re4/5Pr1/3]
W ¼ 200e800, H ¼ 700 Tin,m ¼ 14e19 C, Re ¼ 1000e1500.
Water and methanol
Vidmar and Circular, D ¼ 131 Ps ¼ 500e4500 psi, Tin ¼ 23.4e31.4 C, Nu ¼ 4.36, for Re < 2300
" #
Barker [102] Water Tout ¼ 74e163.1 C, ðf =8ÞðRe 1000ÞPr
m ¼ 1.510 103e 4.43 103 kg/s Nu ¼ 1=2
; for 2300 < Re < 20,000
1 þ 12:7ðPr 2=3 1Þðf =8Þ
" #
ðf =8ÞRePr
Nu ¼ ; for 104 < Re < 107
k1 þ k2 ðPr2=3 1Þðf =8Þ1=2
k1 ¼ 1 þ 13:6ðfD =4Þ; k2 ¼ 11:7 þ 1:8=Pr 0:33
rVDh mCp
Re ¼ ; Pr ¼
m k
< 0:079Re0:25 4000 < Re < 20000
f ¼ 0:049Re0:25 20000 < Re < 106
½1:581 lnðReÞ 3:282 10000 < Re < 107
1 e 9:35
¼ 1:14 2log10 þ 0:5
fD D h Ref
Nacke et al. [103] Rectangular, Tin ¼ 24.4 C, m ¼ 0.001e0.0053 kg/s. D
0:0668 h RePr
W ¼ 254, H ¼ 762 L
Nu ¼ 3:66 þ 2=3 ; for Re <2300 and Pr 5
Water Dh
1 þ 0:04 RePr
RePr 1=3 ml
Nu ¼ 1:86 ; for Re <2300 and Pr <5
L=Dh ml;s
Koyuncuoglu Rectangular, Tin ¼ 24.4e25.1 C, Tout ¼ 70.7e96.8 C, Nu ¼ (W/H)0.053(Re)0.782(Pr)0.041
et al. [104] W ¼ 200, H ¼ 50 m ¼ 2.91 106e 6.67 106 kg/s
Table 7
Two phase heat transfer coefficient correlations.
Lee and Mudawar [61] Rectangular, Pin ¼ 1.44e6.6 bar, For xe ¼ 0e0.05,
W ¼ 231, H ¼ 713 q ¼ 159e938 kW/m2, ðdp=dzÞf K
htp ¼ 3:856X 0:267 hsp;l ; where X 2 ¼ ; hsp;l ¼ Nu3 f
R134a G ¼ 127e654 kg/m2 s, ðdp=dzÞg Dh
xin ¼ 0.001e0.25, !0:5 !0:5
1 xe 0:5 mf vf 0:5 ff Re0:25
g 1 xe 0:5 vf 0:5
xout ¼ 0.49esuperheat Xvv ¼ Xvt ¼
xe mg vg mg xe vg
Nu3 ¼ 8.235(1 1.883b þ 3.767b2 5.814b3 þ 5.361b4 2b5)
For xe ¼ 0.05e0.5
htp ¼ 436:48Bo0:522 We0:352 X 0:665 hsp;l ; where hsp;l ¼ Nu3 ðKf =Dh Þ
For xe ¼ 0.55e1
htp ¼ max{108.6X1.667hsp,g, hsp,g}
hsp;g ¼ Nu3 for laminar flow
hsp;g ¼ 0:023Re0:8 0:4
g Prg for turbulent flow
Kosar et al. [33] Rectangular, q ¼ 280e4450 kW/m2, 00
htp ¼ 1:068ðq Þ0:64 Nucleate boiling,
W ¼ 200, H ¼ 264, G ¼ 41e302 kg/m2 s
1 xe 0:02
L ¼ 10 mm htp ¼ 4:068 104 ðRel Þ0:12 ð1 xe Þ0:8 Convective boiling
Bertsch et al. [105] Dh ¼ 160e2920 Tsat ¼ e194e90 C, h ¼ hnb ð1 xe Þ þ hcb ð1 þ 80ðx2e x6e Þe0:6Co Þ
q ¼ 4e1150 kW/m2, ð0:120:2ðlog R ÞÞ
ðlog10 Pr Þ0:55 M 0:5 q 0:67
hnb ¼ 55Pr 10 p
G ¼ 20e3000 kg/m2 s
hcb ¼ hconv; l ð1 xe Þ þ hconv; v xe ;
0:0668Dh =LRel Prl kl
hconv; L ¼ 3:66 þ
1 þ 0:04½Dh =LRel Prl 2=3 Dh
0:0668Dh =LRev Prv kv
hconv; v ¼ 3:66 þ ;
1 þ 0:04½Dh =LRev Prv 2=3 Dh
Pr ¼ Inlet pressure/critical pressure ¼ reduced pressure,
" #0:5
s GDh GDh Cp; l ml Cp; v mv
Co ¼ ; Rel ¼ ; Rev ¼ ; Prl ¼ ; Prv ¼
gðrl rv ÞD2h ml mv kl kv
Circular, Dh ¼ 140e506, q ¼ 340e950 kW/m2, Nutp ¼ 0:023Rem n ; m ¼ 0:8 0:8½1 þ eðd *
37Þ=7 1 ;
L PrL F; F ¼ CX
Choo and Kim [100] 0:4
tion. Chang and Pan [107] concluded that large magnitude of the
Vidmar and Barker
Lee and Mudawar
Kosar et al.
100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Fig. 11. Effect of nucleation location ((a) towards outlet, (b) towards) inlet on flow
Fig. 10. Two phase heat transfer coefficient variation with Reynolds number. reversal (Kandlikar [110]).
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