Stress Analysis Summary
Stress Analysis Summary
Stress Analysis Summary
In the layout of the beam shown to right the beam is subjected to pure bending moment "mx " only. Where: = Radius of curvature = Angle of deflection mx mx
Layout of Beam
Y x
At any cross section the beam is subjected to axial stress "z " only.
Area subjected to compression Area subjected to tension
dz dz
The Y-axis is an axis of symmetry. At Y > 0 the beam is subjected to compression. At Y < 0 the beam is subjected to tension. At Y = 0 the stresses are zero, it is the neutral axis (N.A.).
1. Equilibrium:
M)x = 0 Mx + z . dA . Y = 0 M)y = 0 My + z. dA . X = 0 Mx = - z . y. dA My = 0 1
2. Continuity:
mx mx
Compression N. A. Tension dz dz
- dw Z
z = dw/dz
;but dw = - y . d dz = .d
z = -y/ z = -E . Y/
Mx = (E/) . Ix
z = - Mx
. Y/ Ix
The equation above gives a relation for the axial stress variation as a function in "Y" at certain cross-section. At acertain distance " Z" the angle of deflection is " ". = 0 Z d from eqn. (3) at Z = L = = Mx / k ; dZ = . d = 0 Z (1/) . dZ = (Z/)
; where k = E Ix/ L from defenition: The strain energy = area under curve of Load vs. Deformation =1/2 * Load * corresponding Deformation let: U = strain energy Mx U = 1/2 Mx
Shearing Force:
Q In the layout of the cantilever shown to right the cantilever is subjected to pure Shearing Force " Q " only. Where: M R is the Reaction Moment . FR is the Reaction Force.
Layout of Cantilever
Before we consider the stresses acting on the beam, we note that any shearing force acting on a beam must be accompanied with bending moment. The beam is deflected as shown to the right. This means there are longitudinal stresses, which should be taken into consideration.
Axial Stress: z : is the stress acting at a distance Z z + d z : is the stress acting at a distance Z + dZ
y Y`
z + dz
Shear Stress: zy :is the stress acting clockwise in the Z-Y plane - zy :is the stress acting anticlockwise in the Z-Y plane
- zy
- zy
Equilibrium: Fz = 0 - (z + dz ) dA + z dA + (- yz ) b dZ = 0 - dz dA = yz b dZ
Recall the equation of longitudinal stress distribution along the cross-section for the element of area dA: z = - Mx . Y`/ Ix by differentiation w.r.t. long dz / dZ = - Y`/ Ix . dMx / dZ but: Mx = Q . Z dMx / dZ = Q dz = - Q Y` dZ / Ix
(Q / Ix)
Y` dA =
= Sx
= Q S x / (b Ix )
r dr R .
Forces acting on the cross-section. The stress distribution over the cross-section.
MT = dQ . r dQ = 2 r dr from stress distribution over the cross section: from above equations: MT = ( max r / R) 2 r dr . r = (2 max / R) 0 R r3 dr = (2 max / R) R4 / 4 = ( max / R) R4 / 2 = ( max / R) IP MT = ( / r) IP
/ r = max / R
= MT r / IP
The arc AB = L = R = R/L = shear strain max= G = G R/L max/R = G /L = /r
= G r /L
Material Relation:
G = max / = maxL / (R )
Torsional Rigidity:
G IP = MT L /
Modulus of Section:
Z = IP / R
Angle of Twist:
= MT L /(G IP)
Series Connection
Parallel Connection
Combined Stresses:
dy sec
dy dz dy tan