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Stress Analysis Summary

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Bending Moment:

In the layout of the beam shown to right the beam is subjected to pure bending moment "mx " only. Where: = Radius of curvature = Angle of deflection mx mx

Layout of Beam

Y x

At any cross section the beam is subjected to axial stress "z " only.


Area subjected to compression Area subjected to tension

dz dz


The Y-axis is an axis of symmetry. At Y > 0 the beam is subjected to compression. At Y < 0 the beam is subjected to tension. At Y = 0 the stresses are zero, it is the neutral axis (N.A.).

Now let us go to the equations.

1. Equilibrium:
M)x = 0 Mx + z . dA . Y = 0 M)y = 0 My + z. dA . X = 0 Mx = - z . y. dA My = 0 1

=0 (Moments cancel each other due to symmetry about y-axis) F)z = 0 N+ z. dA = 0 Fz = 0

=0 (compression force at Y > 0 cancels tension force at Y < 0 )

2. Continuity:

mx mx
Compression N. A. Tension dz dz

- dw Z

z = dw/dz

;but dw = - y . d dz = .d

z = -y/ z = -E . Y/

from stress - strain rellation: z = E . z

from (1)&(2) get: Mx =A (E/) . Y2 dA =(E/) A Y2 dA = (E/) . Ix


Mx = (E/) . Ix

Note that for same cross-section radius of curvature is constant. ( =const.)

from (2) & (3) :

z = - Mx

. Y/ Ix

The equation above gives a relation for the axial stress variation as a function in "Y" at certain cross-section. At acertain distance " Z" the angle of deflection is " ". = 0 Z d from eqn. (3) at Z = L = = Mx / k ; dZ = . d = 0 Z (1/) . dZ = (Z/)

= (E/Mx) . Ix = (Mx/E Ix) . Z = (Mx/E Ix) . L

; where k = E Ix/ L from defenition: The strain energy = area under curve of Load vs. Deformation =1/2 * Load * corresponding Deformation let: U = strain energy Mx U = 1/2 Mx

Load vs. Deformation

Vertical Displacement due to "Mx "only:

From Figure shown: slope of elastic curve = tan = -dv/dz for small "": tan = -dv/dz d/dz = -d2v/dz2 but: dz = d d/dz = 1/ =Mx/E Ix from above equations: d2v/dz2 = - Mx/E Ix

The last equation is called the elastic curve equation.

Shearing Force:
Q In the layout of the cantilever shown to right the cantilever is subjected to pure Shearing Force " Q " only. Where: M R is the Reaction Moment . FR is the Reaction Force.



Layout of Cantilever

Before we consider the stresses acting on the beam, we note that any shearing force acting on a beam must be accompanied with bending moment. The beam is deflected as shown to the right. This means there are longitudinal stresses, which should be taken into consideration.

The deflected beam dA

Axial Stress: z : is the stress acting at a distance Z z + d z : is the stress acting at a distance Z + dZ

y Y`

: The area we want to calculate shearing stress acting on it.

z + dz

Y` : vertical coordinate of the element dA.

: Lower limit of the blue area.

Shear Stress: zy :is the stress acting clockwise in the Z-Y plane - zy :is the stress acting anticlockwise in the Z-Y plane


- zy

Element (side view)


- zy

Equilibrium: Fz = 0 - (z + dz ) dA + z dA + (- yz ) b dZ = 0 - dz dA = yz b dZ

Recall the equation of longitudinal stress distribution along the cross-section for the element of area dA: z = - Mx . Y`/ Ix by differentiation w.r.t. long dz / dZ = - Y`/ Ix . dMx / dZ but: Mx = Q . Z dMx / dZ = Q dz = - Q Y` dZ / Ix

From eqns. (1) & (2): (Q / Ix) Y` dZ dA = yz b dZ

(integration w.r.t. Z is cancelled)

(Q / Ix)

Y` dA =
= Sx


(First moment of area)


= Q S x / (b Ix )


For circular cross sections only.



r dr R .

Forces acting on the cross-section. The stress distribution over the cross-section.

MT = dQ . r dQ = 2 r dr from stress distribution over the cross section: from above equations: MT = ( max r / R) 2 r dr . r = (2 max / R) 0 R r3 dr = (2 max / R) R4 / 4 = ( max / R) R4 / 2 = ( max / R) IP MT = ( / r) IP

/ r = max / R

= MT r / IP

The arc AB = L = R = R/L = shear strain max= G = G R/L max/R = G /L = /r

= G r /L

Material Relation:

G = max / = maxL / (R )
Torsional Rigidity:

G IP = MT L /
Modulus of Section:

Z = IP / R
Angle of Twist:

= MT L /(G IP)

Property Loading Figure Total Torque Ttot Total Deflection


Series Connection

Parallel Connection

Constant on all members ( Ttot = Ti = const.) Distributed on all members ( tot = i )

Distributed on all members ( Ttot = Ti ) Constant on all members ( tot = i = const.)

Combined Stresses:
dy sec

dy dz dy tan

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