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Eng-Mobile-Murli (2-December-2024)

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02/12/24 Morning Murli

Om Shanti BapDada
Essence: Sweet children,
each of you has to look after
your own lamp for yourself.
You definitely need the oil of
knowledge and yoga in
order to stay safely alight in
any storm.
Question: Which effort
enables you to receive an
incognito inheritance from
the incognito Father?
Answer: Being introverted.
By remaining in silence and
remembering the Father you
will receive an incognito
inheritance. It is very good if
you shed your body in
remembrance. There is no
difficulty in this. Together
with having remembrance,
you have to serve with this
knowledge and yoga. If you
cannot do this, then do
karma yoga. You receive
blessings if you make many
people happy. Your words
and behaviour have to be
completely pure.
Song: This is a battle
between the strong and the
Om Shanti. Baba has
explained that, whenever
you listen to such songs,
each of you should churn
the ocean of knowledge for
yourself. You children know
that when someone dies, a
lamp is kept alight for twelve
days for that soul. You are
making preparations to die
and you are also making
effort to keep your own
lamps alight. It is those who
are to become threaded in
the rosary who make this
effort. The subjects do not
become part of this rosary.
You have to make effort to
go ahead in the rosary of
victory. You have to take
care that Maya, the cat,
doesn’t make you perform
any sinful acts which would
extinguish your lamp. You
need both the power of
knowledge and the power of
yoga for this. Together with
having yoga, you must also
have this knowledge. Each of
you has to look after your
own lamp. You must make
effort until the end. Whilst
you are racing, you have to
take great care that your
lamp doesn’t flicker and go
out. This is why you have to
add the oil of this knowledge
and yoga every day. If you
have no energy of the power
of yoga, you won’t be able
to run and would therefore
be left behind. There are
different subjects in schools,
and if someone is not good
at a particular subject, he
puts in a lot more effort in
maths (another subject). The
same applies here. The
subject of physical service is
also very good. You receive
blessings from many
through this. Some children
serve with this knowledge.
Day by day, service will
continue to increase. One
owner can have six to eight
shops, but not all the shops
can run in the same way.
Some have fewer customers
and others more. The day
will come when you too
won’t have time to sleep at
night. Everyone will come to
know that Baba, the Ocean
of Knowledge, has come to
fill their aprons with the
imperishable jewels of
knowledge. At that time, so
many children will come,
don't even ask! When there
is a shop that sells very good
things at a cheap price,
people tell one another. You
children know that these
teachings of Raj Yoga are
very easy to understand.
When everyone comes to
know that they can receive
the jewels of knowledge
here, they will continue to
come. You have to continue
to do service with this
knowledge and yoga. If you
can't serve with this
knowledge or yoga, you can
earn marks by doing
physical service. You will
receive blessings from many.
You have to give happiness
to others. This is a very
inexpensive mine. This is a
mine of imperishable
diamonds and jewels. They
make a rosary of eight jewels
and worship it, but they
don't know whom that
rosary represents. You
children understand how
you become worthy of
worship and how you
become worshippers.
This knowledge, that no one
else in the world knows, is
very wonderful. You children,
you lucky stars, now have
the faith that you were the
masters of heaven, and that
you have now become the
masters of hell. When you
become the masters of
heaven, you will take rebirth
there. You are now once
again becoming the masters
of heaven. Only you
Brahmins know about this
confluence age. The rest of
the world is in the iron age.
All the ages are different.
When you are in the golden
age, you will take rebirth in
the golden age. You are now
at the confluence age. If any
of you leave your bodies,
you would take rebirth here
according to your sanskars.
You Brahmins belong to the
confluence age. Those
shudras belong to the iron
age. You receive
this knowledge at this
confluence age. You Brahma
Kumars and Brahma Kumaris
are the Ganges of
knowledge who are now at
the confluence in
a practical way. You have to
run a race and look after a
shop. You cannot look after
a shop if you haven’t
imbibed this knowledge and
yoga. Baba will give you the
return of the service you do.
When a sacrificial fire is
created, many types of
brahmin go there. Some are
given large donations and
others are given less. The
Supreme Father, the
Supreme Soul, has now
created the sacrificial fire of
this knowledge of Rudra. We
are Brahmins and it is our
business to transform human
beings into deities. At no
other sacrificial fire would it
be said that they are
becoming deities from
human beings. This is called
the sacrificial fire of this
knowledge of Rudra and it is
also called a place of study
(pathshala). Every child can
attain a deity status by
studying this knowledge and
yoga. Baba has advised you
that you have come here
from the supreme abode
with Baba. You also say that
you are residents of the
supreme abode. At this time,
you are establishing heaven
by following Baba's
directions. Those who
establish that world will
definitely become the
masters of it. You
understand that we are
the most lucky stars in the
world, the ones who are the
sun of knowledge, the moon
of knowledge and the stars
of knowledge. The Ocean of
Knowledge enables us to
become this. That sun, moon
and stars are physical and
we are compared with them.
We will then become the sun
of knowledge, the moon of
knowledge and the stars of
knowledge. It is the Ocean of
Knowledge who is making us
into those. These names
would definitely be given to
us. We are the children of
the Sun of Knowledge who is
also called the Ocean of
Knowledge. He doesn’t
reside here. Baba says: I
come and make you equal to
Myself. It is here that you
have to become the sun of
knowledge and the stars of
knowledge. You understand
that you will definitely
become the masters of
heaven again, here, in the
future. Everything depends
on effort. We are
the warriors who gain victory
over Maya. Those people
endure a lot of hardship, etc.
in order to control their
minds. You don’t have to do
hatha yoga, etc. Baba says:
You don’t have to experience
any hardship, etc. I simply
say: You have to come to
Me, and you therefore just
have to remember Me. I
have come to take you
children back home. No
human being would say this.
Even if some of them do
have themselves called
Ishwar (God), they wouldn’t
call themselves the Guide.
Baba says: I am the main
Guide. I am the Death of all
Deaths. There is a story
about Satyavan Savitri.
Because she had love for a
physical being, she
experienced sorrow. You
souls become happy
knowing that I will take you
souls back home and that
you will never become
unhappy. You understand
that Baba has come in order
to take you back to
your sweet home. That home
is called the place of
liberation, the place beyond
sound. It is said that I am the
Death of all Deaths. That
(death) only takes one soul,
whereas I am the Great
Death. It was 5000 years ago,
too, when I became
the Guide and took everyone
back home. This Bridegroom
takes all of you brides back
home and so you have to
remember Him. You
understand that you are now
studying and that you will
come here again. First, you
have to go back to
your sweet home and then,
you come down here again.
You children are the stars of
heaven. Previously, you were
the stars of hell. You children
are called stars; you are
called lucky stars,
numberwise, according to
the efforts you make. You
receive your Grandfather’s
property. This is a very
powerful mine. However, this
mine only emerges once.
There are many other types
of mine that continue to
emerge. If you were to
search for them, you would
find many. You only find this
mine of these imperishable
jewels of knowledge once.
There are many books, but
they wouldn’t be called
jewels. Baba is called the
Ocean of Knowledge. This is
the incorporeal mine of
these imperishable jewels of
knowledge. Our aprons are
being filled with these
jewels. You children should
experience happiness. You
should all have spiritual
pride in this. A shop that
does a lot of business
becomes well known. You
have to create subjects as
well as heirs. You have to fill
your aprons here with these
jewels and then go and
donate them to others. The
Supreme Father, the
Supreme Soul, is the Ocean
of Knowledge and He is
filling your aprons with these
jewels of knowledge. It is not
the ocean that they have
portrayed with deities being
offered platefuls of jewels.
You cannot receive jewels
from that ocean. It is a
question of the jewels of this
knowledge. According to
the drama, you will again
take jewels from these
mines. When you go on to
the path of devotion again,
there will be limitless
diamonds and jewels with
which you will build your
temples etc.
When earthquakes, etc. take
place, everything is buried.
Many palaces, etc. will be
built there, not just one.
Here, too, the rulers have
many competitions with one
another. Therefore, you
children understand that the
buildings will be made
exactly as they were a cycle
ago. Buildings, etc. are built
there very easily. Science will
give a great deal of help, but
the word "science" won’t
exist there. In Hindi, the
word "science" is called
"vigyan". Nowadays, the
name Vigyan Bhavan is used.
The word "vigyan" applies to
knowledge. Gyan and yoga
together are called vigyan.
We receive jewels through
this knowledge and we
become ever healthy throug
h yoga. This is
the knowledge of gyan and
yoga, with which many huge
buildings will later be built in
Paradise. We have now come
to know the whole of
this knowledge. You
understand that you are
making Bharat into heaven.
You must no longer have
any attachment to your
bodies. You souls will have
to shed your bodies and go
to heaven, where you will
take new bodies. When you
are there, you will also
understand when you are to
shed your old bodies and
take new ones. There, there
is no shock or sorrow. It is
good to take a new body.
Baba is making us the same
as He did in the previous
cycle. We are becoming
deities from human beings.
There were definitely the
same innumerable religions
a cycle ago as there are now.
These things are not written
in that Gita. It is said:
Through Brahma, there is the
establishment of the original,
eternal deity religion. You
can explain how the
destruction of all the
innumerable religions takes
place. Establishment is now
taking place. Baba came
when the deity religion had
completely disappeared.
Therefore, how could that
have continued from time
immemorial? These are very
easy things. What was
destroyed? All of the
innumerable religions. There
are now innumerable
religions. It is now the end;
you should have all of this
knowledge in your intellects.
It is not that only Shiv Baba
explains; does this Baba not
explain anything? He too has
his part to play. The shrimat
of Brahma too has been
remembered. You wouldn’t
say that Shri Krishna gave
shrimat. Everyone there is
“shri” (elevated), and so they
have no need for directions.
It is here that you receive
Brahma's directions. There,
the directions of all - the
king, the queen and the
subjects - will be elevated.
Surely, someone must have
given those to them
previously. Deities are the
ones who had been given
elevated instructions. It is
through shrimat that heaven
is created and it is through
the devil’s directions that
hell is created. Shiva gives
you shrimat. These things
are very easy to understand.
All of these shops belong to
Shiv Baba, and you are the
children who run them.
Those who run a shop well
have their names glorified,
just as in other businesses.
However, only very few can
do this business. All of you
must do this business. Even
little children can do the
business of this knowledge
and yoga. Just keep the land
of peace and the land of
happiness in your intellects.
Those people say: “Rama!
Rama!” Here, you have to
remain silent and have
remembrance; there’s no
need to say anything. The
land of Vishnu and the land
of Shiva are very easy things
to understand. Remember
your sweet home and
your sweet kingdom. They
give physical mantras,
whereas this is a subtle
mantra. This remembrance is
extremely subtle. By having
this remembrance we
become the masters of
heaven. You don’t have to
chant any mantras, but
simply have remembrance.
You don't have to make any
noise. We attain our
incognito inheritance from
the incognito Father by
becoming introverted and
remaining silent. It is very
good to shed one’s body
whilst staying in this
remembrance. There is no
difficulty in this at all. Let
those who cannot stay in
remembrance practise this.
Tell everyone that Baba says:
Remember Me and your final
thought will lead you to your
destination. It is by having
this remembrance that your
sins are absolved and that I
then send you to heaven. It
is very easy to connect your
intellects in yoga with Shiv
Baba. Here, you have to take
all precautions. If you want
to become completely pure
(satopradhan), your
behaviour should be pure,
and your words and
everything else should be
pure. This means you have
to talk to yourself. When you
speak to your companions,
you must do so with love.
There is a song: “O beloved,
always speak invaluable
words!” You are Rup Basant
(yogi showering jewels of
knowledge). You souls
become rup. The Father is
the Ocean of this
Knowledge. Therefore, He
would surely come and
speak that knowledge. He
says: I only come once and
adopt a body. This magic is
no less. Baba is also Rup
Basant. However, the
Incorporeal cannot speak,
which is why He takes a
body, but He does not enter
into the cycle of birth and
death. You souls take birth
and rebirth. You children
surrender yourselves to the
Father. Therefore, Baba says:
Have no attachment to
anything. Do not consider
anything to be yours. Baba
creates clever ways for you
to finish attachment. You
have to ask the Father at
every step. Maya is such that
she punches you. It is
completely like boxing.
Many get hurt but then get
up again. They even write:
Baba, Maya slapped me and
dirtied my face. It is as
though they fall from the
fourth floor. If you have
anger, that is like falling from
the third floor. These things
have to be understood very
well. Just look, some children
are asking for tapes. They
ask Baba to send
them tapes, so that they can
hear the murli accurately.
This facility too is being
arranged. When many listen
to them, many of them will
have their intellects opened
and many will benefit. When
a person opens a college, he
receives a lot of wisdom in
his next birth. Baba says: Buy
a tape recorder and many
others will benefit from that.
To the sweetest, beloved,
long-lost and now-found
children, love, remembrance
and good morning from the
Mother, the Father,
BapDada. The spiritual
Father says namaste to the
spiritual children.
Essence for dharna:
1. In order to become
satopradhan, you have to
take a lot of precautions.
Keep your food, drink,
words, behaviour and
everything else very pure.
Become rup basant like
the Father.
2. Fill your apron with the
imperishable jewels of this
knowledge from the
incorporeal Mine and stay
in limitless happiness as
you continue to donate
these jewels to others.
Blessing: May you become
an embodiment of
remembrance by being a
destroyer of attachment and
thereby finishing all name
and trace of sorrow and
Those who constantly stay in
the awareness of the One
can make their stage
constant and stable (ek-ras).
To have a constant and
stable stage means to
experience the sweetness
(ras) of all relationships and
all attainments in the One.
Those who make the Father
belong to them in all
relationships and remain
embodiments of
remembrance easily become
destroyers of attachment.
Those who are destroyers of
attachment cannot feel any
waves of sorrow in earning
money, in looking after their
wealth or in anyone
becoming ill. A destroyer of
attachment means to have
no name or trace of sorrow
or peacelessness and to be
constantly carefree.
Slogan: A forgiving person
is merciful and continues to
give everyone blessings.
*** Om Shanti ***

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