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"THE MALLARD" Dec - January 2025

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The Mallard

Issue 39 December 2024/January 2025

Great Massingham & Harpley C of E Primary Schools Federation

I t was a very busy start to the autumn term for our two schools. Firstly, Great
Massingham received a two-day Ofsted inspection on the 18th and 19th September
and then, on the 9th October, Harpley had a SIAMs inspection. SIAMS no longer grades
schools following an inspection but the written report was very complimentary. Ofsted,
however, is also no longer giving an overall grade, but is still grading the four main
areas they inspect. We are pleased to say that Great
Massingham was graded GOOD for all areas. The
report was very positive indeed. For example,
comments include ‘pupils are happy and enjoy
school. They are enthusiastic and work hard.’ ..
‘the school is a close community and older pupils
look out for and support the younger ones’.. ‘The
school has high expectations of pupils’ behaviour
and makes sure that learning is engaging.’.. and A pupil giving his own power
‘Pupils with special needs and/or disabilities are point presentation about his
included well in the life of the school’. Both reports interest in rugby.
can be read on the Federation website -
gmhfed.norfolk.sch.uk. Other activities, at Great
Massingham, during this busy term, include the
Harvest Festival at the Church and a visit to
Norwich Museum as part of KS2 studies.
Sad to say goodbye….. We are all sad to be saying
goodbye to Mrs Kirsten Stibbon, our Head
Teacher, at the end of this term. Kirsten’s strong
leadership has enabled our two schools to continue Our music teacher is very
to grow and achieve under her guidance. It hasn’t impressed by progress made
with learning the trombone.
been the easiest of times to be a Head Teacher,
especially during the COVID pandemic, but her
professionalism, willingness and positive approach helped
us through. Kirsten joined the staff in 2018 as Assistant
Head and then, following the retirement of Ann Beardall,
was appointed to the Head Teacher role. We cannot thank
her enough for all she has done for our two schools and we
wish her all the best for the future. She can be proud that
she leaves both schools in a strong position going forward.
A huge thank you from us all.
New Head Teacher for January 2024….. The Governing
Body is pleased to announce that they have appointed Mrs
Hilary Myhill to the position of Head Teacher from 1st
January 2024. Mrs Myhill is an experienced teacher and
school leader and is very much looking forward to joining
Kirsten Stibbon the Great Massingham and Harpley team.

Mallard News
This parish magazine is
published every month for the WISHING ALL OUR READERS A MERRY
residents of Great and Little CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR
Massingham with the support of
the Great Massingham Parish Our Christmas 2024 Edition covers both December 2024 and
Council, the Parochial Church
Council and Massingham January 2025. You will find many interesting events on
Village Hall Trustees. pages 8 and 9 to help celebrate Christmas.
Contact Details: Please try and support as much as you are able.
Editor: Sarah Harvey
Byanoak, Leicester Road,
Tel: 01328 823391 Wow, thanks to everyone who donated items, money, shoe
e-mail: boxes and knitted items. You have been truly amazing and
because of you, 80 SHOE BOXES have been sent to children
Website: and families, mostly in Eastern Europe, who otherwise would
not receive anything this Christmas. Thank you all so much.
Deadline for the Please start saving and collecting for next year! Jenny Borley
next issue
17th January Great Massingham Craft and Chat group would like to thank
2025 everyone who bought the handmade Remembrance Poppies in
In This Issue the shop. A total of £43.80 was raised! Sue Nash


• Support for Poppies On behalf of the church I would like to offer sincere thanks to
• St Mary’s Thank You
• News from the Hall the following people and groups for their excellent support we
• Village Hall Chair have received.
• Heartfelt Thank You The cleaning rota (see page 16) has been a tremendous success
• Neighbourhood Plan and the results have been sparkling. We are blessed with quite
• Scotsman's Pit a large population of bats which have probably been resident
• Christmas Event for several hundred years. During their wake months and as the
• Bingo nursery start flying means large amounts of bat poo. This is
• Craft & Chat
• Community Lunch easing now as they hibernate. We are very grateful for all your
• Harpley Coffee AM efforts.
• Carol Service The churchyard is kept very well maintained by our voluntary
• Afternoon Tea ground crew Pip, Robert and Keith. Many thanks. Your work
• Westacre Theatre is commented on very favourably by visitors and mourners.
• Christmas Eve Music Thank you. The church clock is wound every week by Dale
• Family Disco
and it is much appreciated by all. Our food bank is very ably
• Karaoke Night
• Historical Society run by Anna and June. Thanks to them and everyone who
• Quiz Night contributes to keep this necessity stocked. I would thank Judi
• Parish Council who sweeps and cleans the church every week helped by other
• Church Services PCC members
• From the Rector Personally I give my thanks to everyone who assists during
• Useful Contacts these difficult times during our vacancy. I have to mention Rev
• St Mary’s Messages
• Harpley Village Hall Michael Paddison, Rev Joy Fernando and Rev Adrian Bell
• St Mary’s Cleaning Rota who have taken some of our services and the PCC for their
• Mobile Library Visits help. All the best wishes and blessings for our Christmastide.
• Dates at a Glance Stephen Hudson, Churchwarden
Mallard News
has already been booked. Another idea is to
update events from the previous years that
have proved entertaining and successful.
But, before all this, don’t forget to look out
for a Christmas Bingo Evening and a
Christmas Quiz. The ‘Two Ats’, with their
own special brand of entertainment, have
already been booked for Christmas Eve and
NEWS FROM THE HALL New Year’s Eve celebrations are currently
Rumble in the Jumble on Sunday, 10th being organised…
November, raised a wonderful £350 - all of By the time you read this, there will have
it destined towards refurbishing the village been another sell-out ‘Hog Roast Dinner’,
hall. Knowing the bargains to be had 3 which will not only raise funds to help with
items of clothing for £1, up to £4 for nearly the upkeep of the hall, but provide a great
new dresses and coats, visitors came from evening for the 100 or so who are
other villages to pick up a bargain - or 10! attending. In case you missed the hog roast,
Another one is planned for next Spring - there is always the chance to buy a mouth-
even bigger and better. watering, freshly cooked pizza from the
This will join the regular programme of Pizza Wagon on a Friday night as well as
Craft and Chat meetings, Community making sure you join the queue for the
Lunches, Film Nights, Talks from the ‘Build your own Burger’ van - available
Historical Society, Bingo Nights as well as from 4.00 pm every Saturday.
the Creative Socials (held on a Wednesday That’s all for now - any thoughts for events
afternoon once a month). There are plans to for next year at the hall would be very
introduce new events to the village hall’s welcomed. You know where we are!
calendar for 2025, including ‘Music in the So, until next year, we wish you all a very
Bar’ evenings and, for those who can’t Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and
wait, a ‘Dee and Mindy Drag Bingo Night’ Peaceful 2025.


Hello – my name is Helen Morrell and I thought I should introduce myself as the new
chairperson of the Village Hall. I’m taking over from Phil Ward whose shoes it will be
difficult to fill after his ten years at the helm.
My husband, David Morrell, is the vice chairman. We have lived in Drunken Drove for
some 2 years and have enjoyed every minute. Previously we lived in Gayton for 35
years. We are now working with a dynamic group of Village Hall Trustees, Events and
Financial teams plus the Social Club staff. We all understand the importance of keeping
the Social Club and Village Hall buoyant as it is such a valuable resource for all the
village people. We are still getting to know characters in the village. If we accidently
tread on any toes please let us know. It takes time to respect and understand village
history and ‘politics’ but we are willing to learn. The Village Hall needs people to get
involved and to support events at the hall and bar. I have plenty of ideas as to the way
forward but would dearly love to hear thoughts from others, as would the trustees.
There is so much on offer in Great Massingham but the Hall and Social club should be
the hub of the community. It is owned by the community and is there for all of us. Please
get involved or just make contact for a chat or throw some ideas at us.
Helen Morrell (07766972647)
Bena Fanneran and family would like to thank the local community, and people
from further afield for their support and kindness during Richard's illness. We would
particularly like to thank everyone who attended Richard's funeral service on 23rd
October 2024, for the donations made and particularly the love that was felt on the day.
During October and November 2024, the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP)
Steering Committee engaged with members of the community to discuss some of the
emerging matters from the work so far. The theme covered was Housing with reference
to tenure, affordability and specific use.
The discussion covered such topics as, the definition of ‘affordable’ homes and the
conditions required to be able to deliver them, the desirability of extending the village
Development Boundary to facilitate future housing and if there should be provision for
planning dwellings for older people.
These meetings are part of a series of conversations and no decisions were made but, will
be taken on board by the NDP Steering Group. Thank you to those who participated in
the discussion.
Future planned consultation meetings are as follows:-
Tuesday 3rd December 19.00 -20.30hrs. Theme – Employment Land and Loss of
Residential Property – Meet at the Village Hall.
Saturday 7th December 10.00 – 13.00hrs. - Site visits to consider the details of our
identified Views. Meet at the Village Well.
Tuesday 17th December 19.00 – 20.30hrs. Theme – Greenspaces and Views. Meet at
the Village Hall.
For the most up-to-date reporting on progress with the Neighbourhood Development
Plan - please go to our website www.greatmassinghamndp.co.uk

Shop window

Little Massingham elementsatthemanor.co.uk

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Shop window

Monday - Saturday 7am - 7pm
Sunday 9am - 7pm
Chilled food, Chilled produce, Lunch to go
including award winning Bray’s Cottage pork pies
and sausage rolls, Chilled wine and beer, Lottery,
Newspapers, Fresh rolls, Post Office, Pay Station for
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phone: 01485 520272
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Mallard News
On Friday mornings, you may have noticed
the group of men plus one lady who are
busy paddling in Scotsman’s Pit.
The rationale behind this is that fishermen,
backed up by a bathymetric survey of the
pit, have noticed that it is rapidly silting up.
Now, both Post Office and School pits have
been successfully dredged, but why not this
Well, the main reason is that due to the fact
much of both the marginal and bank
vegetation has been denuded over the last
few years, there is nothing to stabilise the
banks and these have been eroding fast. This has been particularly noticeable on the
Station Road side, where partly due to the prevailing south-westerly winds, wave action
has undermined the edge by a considerable amount. Last year, it was possible to measure
an undercut of nearly three feet in places and over the winter months, a noticeable
quantity of turfs could be seen drifting away in the water. Apart from the obvious silting
up of the water, this also presented a hazard to anyone standing near to the edge if it
suddenly gave way.
Historically the pit edges were bare, but this was when there was mud right up to the
road edge and the horse and cart were the main form of transport. Later photographs
show a wealth of edge plants, but sadly, many of these have been mown away.
So, the volunteer group named “Friends of Scotsman’s Pit, Great Massingham” was
formed. Our aim is to help to stabilise the banks where possible by both reinforcing the
edges as well as reintroducing some of the missing plants. By achieving this, we aim not
only to help preserve this magnificent body of water
for anglers, but to also create a colourful village
centre for all to enjoy. Initially, efforts were
confined to the use of stones, many kindly donated
from local gardens and lengths of woven willow.
These were combined with mud dug from the pit.
This gave the opportunity for planting marginal
plants, transferred from other areas of the pit. As
well as this, a one metre “no mow” margin was
negotiated in order to allow the edges to stabilise.
Whilst this was partially successful, it was soon
decided that a more permanent solution was needed.
So, professional advice was sought, and with the
kind financial assistance of the Parish Council,
lengths of coir rolls were purchased. These were
staked close in to the banks where erosion was at its
worst. Again, this gave a firm edge which could be
back filled and planted. The main plants chosen
were Sweet and Yellow Flags, Juncus Grass and
Water Mint, all of which were readily available from the two main pits. Cont'd Page 10

Shop window
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The Dabbling Duck

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AND GARDEN For more information visit
Contact Su’en Miller
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Mob: 07968 246 083 Great Massingham,
11 Abbey Rd, Great Massingham.
King’s Lynn,
Or book via www.airbnb.co.uk PE32 2EY 01485 520 827

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Email: nealedavies4@gmail.com

Mallard News


From 2pm to 4pm
Village Hall Bar
Monday 9th and 23rd December
Everyone welcome.

Community Lunch
Please Massingham
join us Village Hall Bar
Tuesday 10th December
MENU Arrive 12.30pm, eat at 1pm
Traditional Christmas Lunch
Come & meet friends for a chat.
The Bar will be open.
To book lunch please contact Deborah
Lambert on or, email on
mrsdl1965@gmail.com by Tuesday 3rd.


Saturday 14th December
10.00 - 12.00 Midday

Mallard News


for an evening of festive favourites at its
2024 Christmas Concert at 5.30 pm on
Saturday 14th December at Fakenham
Parish Church.


Archive Evening
Friday 17th January
Come along & see our collection of
31st December, 8.00pm till late
Free to members, guests £5 entry photos, documents, research
studies & maps.
Village Hall 7.30pm
10th January 7.30 - 11 pm
Free to members guests £2 entry.
At Great Massingham Village Hall

If any children would like to take Members Free, Guests £3.00 Bar open
part in our live nativity on 15th
December at the Carol service could they THURSDAY
contact Anna Burpitt on 07896040971. We 23rd January 2025
shall be having the lovely donkeys & sheep We will be holding an
joining us & taking part. The nativity scene informal quiz in the bar of
will be in the church porch as people enter the the Village Hall at 7.00pm.
Carol Service. Shepherds, Wise Men and
Angels all welcome! Your quizmaster will be Malcom Tibble.

Restoring Scotsman’s Pit: A Community Conservation Effort... CONT’D
These efforts have proved to be very successful in stopping further erosion as well
as adding colour and interest to the edges. In addition, strimming and further mowing
can now be carried out much closer to the edge without damaging the banks.
Now, apart from passers-by, the main users of the pit are the anglers. The group have
regularly liaised with them to seek both their views and wishes. Many compliments have
been received as to the improvement to both water quality and the fish. Gaps in the taller
edge plants are being left to allow access for fishermen to their favourite fishing spots.
The other change has been the increase in both flowers and insects seen. Dragon and
Damsel flies, beautiful moths, colourful flowers are all there to be admired. An
organised walk around the village was organised this summer by the Biodiversity Group,
with many of the plants labelled for all to see. This was
very popular, gaining a great deal of interest and praise
from both villagers and visitors alike. One couple re-
marked that what was once a muddy pit was now a riot
of colour and life.
Geese! Yes, the bane of many in the village!
Unfortunately, close mown grass plus clear water edges
are their favourite habitat, so if you wish to discourage
them, then do not create this in the first place! Also, on
one day this year, a pair of swans were spotted on the water. Many residents had fond
memories of when these were a regular sight, but as many of the reeds, in which they
would nest, were removed, there is nothing to attract them back.
Now the winter season, with high, cold, water levels is upon us, the group have slowed
down their work, but we will be back in the spring, busy planting and repairing. The Par-
ish Council purchased a quantity of daffodil bulbs and the group have planted these
around the greens ready for a welcome spring greeting next year.
Next year, we hope to continue our efforts to stabilise the banks and reintroduce
marginal plants to not only help, but to create a habitat for fish and aquatic life to thrive
in. Some parts are however beyond our capabilities and the Parish Council are looking
into ways of helping here, as professional help and equipment may well be needed. Once
this has been achieved, it may well be time for the pit to be dredged, but this will be a far
more serious undertaking than the last two, so we will have to wait and see.
So, if you see us paddling, do stop and say hello, or perhaps even join us! You do not
need to get your feet wet, as many villagers have supplied us not only with materials, but
coffee, cake and ice creams in the hot weather as well. Regular thanks and praise are
offered and this perhaps shows that many appreciate our efforts. Peter James
Due to the later than planned Parish Council meeting held on the 25th November please
see this month’s full article on the Parish Council website by visiting the ‘News’ page.
Join us for a festive Christmas event on December 6th at 6:00 pm (details on page 8).
Enjoy mulled wine and mince pies provided by The Dabbling Duck, along with a
delightful performance by the Harpley Community Choir.
There is no Parish Council meeting in December. Both the annual budget and the
precept requirement will be discussed and approved at the January meeting, which will
be held in the Village Hall on Monday 20th January, 2023 at 7.30pm.
To contact the Clerk, Sarah Harvey you can telephone 01328 823391, email
gmparishclerk@gmail.com or write to Byanoak, Leicester Road, South Creake, NR21
Shop window

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Plumbing & Heating

Justin Anderson Company


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For any enquiries please contact Justin on: A.T. Norfolk Plumbing & Heating
Mobile: 07879 087497 Call 01485 518 648 or 0773 333 5845 or
Email: justinanderson0876@gmail.com Find us on GOOGLE & FACEBOOK

Church Services December 2024/January 2025
Date Time Service Location

Sunday 1st December 8.30 am Holy Communion Roydon

Advent Sunday 9.30 am Family Service Harpley
10.30 am Holy Communion Grimston
Wed 4th December 9.00 am Holy Communion Harpley
Sunday 8th December 8.30 am Holy Communion Congham
2nd Sunday in Advent 10.30 am Holy Communion Gayton
10.30 am Songs of Praise Lt Massingham
10.30 am Songs of Praise Gt Massingham
Sunday 15th December 9.30 am Sung Eucharist Harpley
3rd Sunday in Advent 10.30 am Advent Holy Communion Grimston
10.30 am Holy Communion Gt Massingham
3.00 pm Carol Service Gayton
3.00 pm Carol Service Gt Massingham
7.00 pm Carol Service Roydon

Monday 16th December 6.00 pm Carol Service Ashwicken School

Tuesday 17th December 6.00 pm Carol Service Grimston
Wed 18th December 9.00 am Holy Communion Grimston
7.00 pm Carol Service East Walton
Friday 20th December 6.00 pm Carol Service Congham
Saturday 21st December 6.00 pm Carol Service Gayton Thorpe
Sunday 22nd December 8.30 am Holy Communion East Walton
10.30 am Holy Communion Gayton
10.30 am Family Service Gt Massingham
10.30 am Holy Communion Lt Massingham
6.00 pm Carol Service Harpley
Tuesday 24th December 8.30 am Holy Communion Congham
Christmas Eve 4.00 pm Family Carols & Crib Service Gayton
4.00 pm Christingle Service Gt Massingham
11.30 pm Midnight Communion Grimston
Wed 25th December 10.30 am Holy Communion Ashwicken
Christmas Day 11.00 am Family Worship Harpley
Sunday 29th December 10.30 am Holy Communion Congham

For more news and alterations to services please visit our benefice website at

Message for Parishioners from Rev’d Sue Martin
Dear Friends,
It all began in Bethlehem!
Christmas is coming, a time full of great joy and wonder. When the
Christmas lights twinkle in our streets and houses, lifting our spirits. It’s a
time to share with friends and families, spending time together, bringing and receiving
The Christmas story is as wonderful today as ever it was. Jesus, the Son of God, born to
Mary and Joseph in a stable in Bethlehem. I’ve been to Bethlehem twice, it’s such a spe-
cial place and very evocative of that time over 2000 years ago. It would have been buzz-
ing with people coming to be registered, families getting together and travellers stopping
to rest before journeying on. It is very close to Jerusalem but today there are borders and
checkpoints which mark the boundaries and it’s not always easy to get through. A fa-
vourite carol of mine is…
O Little Town of Bethlehem, how still we see these lie.
Above the deep and dreamless sleep, the silent Stars go by.
Yet in the dark streets shineth, the everlasting light
The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.
There are so many carols, old and new which tell the story of that special night over
2000 years ago. In each of our ten churches we have a Carol Service before Christmas.
It’s a wonderful time to come to church, join in the singing and hear the Christmas story.
We have lots going on in December, from Christmas Tree Festivals to school Nativity
plays and Christingles. It’s all in the magazines and on our website.
The best place to read about the Christmas Story is in the Bible, try Luke, Chapter 2,
when the shepherds were on the hillside and the Angel Gabriel told them to go the stable
where they would find a baby born to Mary.
Let’s remember those who find it hard to celebrate, loneliness and hardship make it a
tough time. It doesn’t all have to be about spending money
Christmas is also about being together, round the Christmas tree, not forgetting Father
Christmas of course!! So, however you spend your Christmas you can always find a
space for the time to welcome Jesus into the world as a baby born in a stable in
God Bless and have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year! Rev’d Sue Martin

January/February Time Service Location

2025 Services For
Great & Little
Sunday 5th January 10.30 am Family Service Great Massingham
Sunday 12th January 10.30 am Songs of Praise Little Massingham
10.30 am Songs of Praise Great Massingham
Sunday 19th January 10.30 am Holy Communion Great Massingham
Sunday 26th January 10.30 am Holy Communion Little Massingham
Sunday 2nd February 10.30 am Family Service Great Massingham

Shop window
Weasenham Road, Great Massingham
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FIRING Heath Farm Shop

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Comprehensive stock to view at our 9 - 6 Thursday and 9 - 1 Saturday
showroom on Closed Mondays
The West Raynham Business Park.
01328 838 665
e-mail: firingsquadwoodburners@yahoo.com

Great Massingham
Village Hall and Bar
Opening Hours
Wednesday to Friday - 7pm to 11pm
Saturday 3.45pm to 11pm High quality fitted and free-standing
Sunday 12 noon to 6.30 pm furniture. Individually designed,
With some flexibility for special events
and occasions. All Welcome.
personally installed by experts from
Memberships Excellent facilities.
due from the Good beer, wines and
our Great Massingham workshops.
1st April. spirits at competitive www.tenacityinteriors.com
The fee is £12.50 prices. Outdoor
per person for drinking area.
all adults over WiFi, Pool Table & CALL TODAY
eighteen. Sky on large screen. 01485 521888
Please come along and support.
Useful Contacts
Organisation Contact Phone No/Email Address
Allotment Association Daisy Robinson 07979 723 288
Biodiversity Project Tim Baldwin 520 813
Borough Councillor Alistair Beales cllr.alistair.beales@west-norfolk.gov.uk
Bell Ringing Dale Gagen 520 024
Bowls Club Peter Wadham 520 796
Church Contacts Stephen Hudson 520 450
Community Car Scheme Office 520 823
Coronation Club Jill Whitmore 520 609
County Councillor Stuart Graham Dark 07450 679 355
Craft & Chat Sue Nash 520 476 & 07802670711
Dabbling Duck Pub Mark Dobby 520 827
Doctors Massingham Surgery 520 521
The Film Night Arthur Allen 07810 042816
Fishing Warden Connor Macleod PC Clerk 01328 823391
Trefoil Guild Rita Gostling 520 730
Massingham Historical Society Jeanne Robinson 520 455
Neighbourhood Plan Jess Cunningham gmndplan@yahoo.com
Parish Council Sarah Harvey (Clerk) 01328 823391
Pre-School Pip Grange 07807 185 746
Police Non-emergency 101
School Kirsten Stibbon 520 362
Tennis and Multi-Sports Club Steven Gould 07557 357415
Village Hall (Hall & Bar) Debs Lambert 520 588
Village Stores and Deli Mark and Kerry Eldridge 520 272

MONDAY 2.30 - 4.30 PM
THURSDAY 5.00 - 7.00 PM
Or phone/text 07775 703 513

St Mary’s, Great Massingham

Cleaning Rota
January - Historical Society
February - Tennis Club
Mar - Coronation Club/Craft & Chat
April - School/Ducklings
May - Biodiversity/FOSPGM
June - Church/Food Bank
July - Historical Society
August - Tennis Club
Sep - Coronation Club/Craft & Chat
October - School/Ducklings
November- Biodiversity/FOSPGM
December - Church/Food Bank

MOBILE LIBRARY NEXT VISITS 20th December 2024 & 17th January 2025
Outside 59 Station Rd 1.35 to 1.50 pm - Sunnyside 1.55 to 2.15 pm
Outside the Church 2.20 to 2.40 pm - Weasenham Rd 2.45 to 2.55 pm
Some December 2024 & January 2025 ‘Dates at a Glance’
Date Event Time Place
3/7/17 Dec NDP Community Conversations See Page 4 for details Village Hall
6 Dec Christmas Event (See page 8) 6.00pm Dabbling Duck PH Green
6 Dec Christmas Prize BINGO 6.45 for 7.30pm Village Hall
8 Dec Afternoon Tea 3pm to 5.30pm Village Hall
9/23 Dec Craft & Chat 2pm to 4pm Village Hall Bar
10 Dec Community Lunch 12.30 for 1.00pm Village Hall Bar
15 Dec Carol Service 3.00pm St Mary’s Church
24 Dec Christmas Eve Music - ‘Two Ats’ 7.30pm to 10.00pm Village Hall Bar
31 Dec Family Disco 8.00pm till late Village Hall
10 Jan Karaoke Night 7.30pm to 11.00pm Village Hall
17 Jan Historical Society 7.30pm Village Hall
23 Jan Quiz Night 7.00pm Village Hall


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