Bauerle, 2015
Bauerle, 2015
Bauerle, 2015
Jochen B€auerle, MD,* Anna Zitzmann, MD,* Karl Egger, MD,† Stephan Meckel, MD,†
Cornelius Weiller, MD,* and Andreas Harloff, MD*
Cerebral ischemia due to meningovascular syphilis is rare and more frequently af-
fects the anterior circulation than the posterior circulation. We describe clinical fea-
tures and imaging studies of a 50-year-old patient with Parinaud syndrome and a
syphilitic dorsal midbrain infarction. Brain magnetic resonance imaging indicated
vasculitis of the posterior circulation. The diagnosis of meningovascular syphilis
was established by serum and cerebrospinal fluid examinations. Although rare,
because of the high impact on treatment, clinicians should always be aware of me-
ningovascular syphilis in the differential diagnosis of stroke, particularly in young
and male patients with cryptogenic stroke. Key Words: Meningovascular
Ó 2015 by National Stroke Association
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Vol. 24, No. 1 (January), 2015: pp e1-e3 e1
e2 €
Treponema pallidum particle agglutination assay, vene- duplex sonography indicating chronic alteration of the
real disease research laboratory test, and fluorescent vertebrobasilar arteries.
treponemal anti-body absorption test were highly posi-
tive in both serum and CSF, and we diagnosed meningo-
vascular neurosyphilis. Additionally, we performed high
resolution black-blood imaging (pre- and post-contrast T1 Neurosyphilis occurs at any stage of syphilis, and
fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)-weighted) the central nervous system may be involved early in
MR imaging at 3 T. Here, only the vertebrobasilar arteries the course of the disease. Meningovascular syphilis
showed concentric vessel wall enhancement indicating seems to be the predominant manifestation of neurosy-
vasculitis (Fig 1).1 Further medical history analysis philis in HIV-uninfected individuals and appears
regarding risk factors for syphilis revealed homosex- approximately 5-12 years after the initial infection
uality. with T pallidum.2-4 Contrarily, in HIV-infected patients
Three days after admission, we initiated intravenous syphilitic meningitis may be more common than me-
treatment with penicillin G (4 million units every ningovascular syphilis.4 Two types of arteritis have
4 hours). Because CSF revealed an elevated cell count been described: endarteritis obliterans of medium
of 35 cells/mL after 14 days of treatment, penicillin G and large arteries (ie, Heubner arteritis) and Nissl–
was given for 21 days. Moreover, we added clopidogrel Alzheimer arteritis affecting small arterial vessels.
75 mg daily to 100 mg acetylsalicylic acid and atorvas- Predominantly, both variants emerge as acute
tatin 40 mg per day because of the high-grade intracra- stroke whereas the anterior circulation is affected
nial stenosis. Regarding the vasculitis, we prescribed more frequently than the posterior circulation.5,6
prednisone 100 mg, which was tapered over 8 weeks. Meningovascular syphilis is a rare etiology of
During hospital stay, ocular symptoms resolved almost ischemic stroke but screening should be performed in
completely. Four months later, CSF examination patients at increased risk for syphilitic infection.7
confirmed resolution of the pleocytosis. Otherwise, ver- Several previous case reports highlight this differential
tebrobasilar stenosis was still unchanged in color-coded diagnosis of stroke.8,9 Interestingly, in the 19th century,