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Surah al- 'Alaq which contains nineteen verses were revealed to the
Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. who was illiterate or ummi, and the Holy
Qur'an throws light on this matter. Allah states:
"And thou was not [able] to recite a Book before this [Book
came], nor art thou [able] to transcribe it with thy righthand: In
that case, indeed would the talkers of vanities have doubted."
(al-Ankabut 29:48)
Illiteracy was a common feature and almost universal in the Arab
community before Islam. (Tibawi 1972: 23-241; Ahmad.M 1997: 1-15)
As result we find that the pre-Islamic Arabian tradition, which is rich in
poems and stories was transmitted orally from generation to generation.
(Tibawi 1972: 23) Indeed, the Holy Qur'an itself was revealed orally to
the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h., proclaimed orally and transmitted by
word of mouth in the lifetime of the Prophet. In an illiterate environment
its passages and messages concerning reading and writing could be
considered revolutionary. The reason for this is that, apart from its religious
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content, the Holy Qur'an contains revelations about the importance and
value of learning as exemplified in Surah al- 'Alaq. Thus, a learned man
is placed in a high position, next to the Prophet in the Holy Qur' an. In the
tradition, the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. was reported saying:
"The learned are the successors of prophets."
The Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. being chosen to receive the
revelation of God is the teacher of the divine message. The preaching of
Islam was accompanied by two practical measures of special educational
significance which were: [i] literate believers were required to teach
illiterates to read and write, and [ii] literate preachers were sent out in
the communities to teach Islam. Therefore, the Holy Qur'an can be
considered as the first textbook for Muslims and the mosque as a place
of worship became the first school in Islam.
This Surah contains two parts in terms of its period of revelation. The
first part consists of five verses which is considered as the first revelation
and the second part consists of verses 6-19 which were revealed later
when the Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. had started his mission. (M.Asad
1980: 963) Discussion in this section will be confined to the first part of
the Surah due to its importance in the context of learning and seeking
for khowledge.
The word "read" which is repeated several times by the angel, according
to Fakhr al-Din al-Razi, has two implications. Firstly it indicates the
Prophet should read in the name of Allah, and the second meaning is
that the Prophet p.b.u.h. was asked in his vision to read the Holy Qur'an.
(al-Razi: 13)
When the angel asked the Prophet p.b.u.h. to read, the latter replied
that he could not read. This indicates that the angel had presented these
words of revelation before in the written form and the Prophet p.b.u.h.
was asked to read them. For if the angel had meant that he should
repeat what the angel had said, the Prophet p.b.u.h. would not have
The First Revelation in the Holy Qur'an
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their own idols and gods as divine. In General, this verse instructs the
Prophet p.b.u.h. to contact Allah, and before taking his first step in his
mission he should read in the name of Allah, the Lord of all creation and
the Creator. This should also apply to every muslim that he/she is required
to read "Bismillah" at the very beginning of any work or action.
The term khalaq which means created, appears in the form of a past
tense verb by which is meant that the act of divine creation has been and
is being continuosly repeated. This verse emphasizes the uniqueness
and importance among Allah's creation, of human beings. In this regard,
the Holy Qur'an points out:
"We have indeed created man in the best of moulds."
The above identifies that there is no fault in Allah's creation,
particularly in the creation of human beings. Allah has preserved the
pattern and form of human beings in its purest form and best creation.
The reason for this is that human beings are made to be.
Allah has created human beings from an insignificant and simple
substance alaqah but gradually they grow and develop into a perfect
human. The above verse indirectly refers to human development from
the prenatal period, through the attainment of maturity, into the period of
old age until they ultimately reach the point of death. The whole cycle of
human experiential development is shaped by Allah in an orderly and
structured manner. Thus, a human being's biological origins, with his
intellectual and spiritual potential, point out the purpose of his/her creation;
that is, to search for the ultimate truth and develop the self. This should
also contribute to the ultimate aim in human life which is to prostrate
oneself before Allah and glorify Him or worship the Creator. This ultimate
aim of human creation is stated in the last verse of this Surah:
".. .but bow down in adoration, and bring thyself the closer [to
This verse begins with an order to read or proclaim, similar to the first
verse of Surah al-Alaq, which reflects the importance of reading as
The First Revelation in the Holy Qur'an
Fakhr al-Din al-Razi comments that this verse can be rendered in two
ways. The first is that humanity is taught all the sciences and knowledge,
and in this case, the pen is cited in a metaphoric way. The second meaning
is that; Allah taught human beings to write through the medium of the
pen. In short, both meanings express clearly the importance of the pen
as a means of writing, knowledge and civilization. (al-Razi: 16)
Allah made human beings the possessors of knowledge and He taught
human beings the art of writing by the use of the pen. Had Allah not
taught the art of the pen [through inspiration], human's intellectual faculty
would not have had the opportunity to develop, expand and thus, would
have stagnated.
The fact that humanity was taught by the Creator through the pen
was not as clear at the time of the revelation as it is today. However,
Allah the Knowledge knows the value of the pen, therefore, reference
to the pen as a method of teaching, learning and writing is emphasized at
the very beginning of His revelation. Additionally, in another verse in the
Holy Qur'an, Allah has sworn in the name of the pen or qalam:
"Nun. By the pen and by the [record] which [men] write."
(al-Qalam68: 1)
The pen was honoured by being mentioned in the Holy Qur'an since
it has always been the most important tool of learning. The pen has
always been the most widespread means of learning from the past until
the present time and Abdullah Yusuf Ali regards it as "the symbolical
foundations of the revelation to mankind". (Abdullah Yusuf 1992: 1506)
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Fakhr al-Din al-Razi explains that this verse elaborates the verse before,
that is, "Allah taught human beings what they do not know and He taught
them through the medium of qalam". (al-Razi: 17) This verse clearly
names Allah as the ultimate source of knowledge where human beings
were given knowledge regarding the past, present and future. The Prophet
Muhammad p.b.u.h. being chosen as the messenger of Allah was taught
with knowledge as preparation for fulfilling his duty and mission. Similarly,
the Prophet Adam was also taught with knowledge before he was sent
to the earth. Generally speaking, whatever knowledge a human being
possesses has been given to him/her through His blessing and grace. Al-
Maududi in The Meaning of the Qur'an elaborates:
Man originally was absolutely illiterate. Whatever of Knowledge
he obtained, it was a gift from Allah. Whatever Doors of
knowledge at any stage did Allah will to open for man, they
went on opening up before him.
Thus, al-Maududi and other mufassirun unanimously agreed that
knowledge originally comes from Allah. Hence, Allah is the One who
creates, originates and teaches human beings, for they are chosen to be
His viceregents on earth. (al-Razi: 16-17; al-Maududi 1992: 133; Ibn.
Kathir: 564; S.Qutb 1979: 223-224)
The first revelation has shown great concern and attention towards human
education and human development in the Holy Qur' an. It is also undeniable
that this had a great impact on the subsequent methods of learning and
attaining knowledge. From the Islamic perspective, knowledge is seen
as a companion of religion which could help the community to face and
solve their problems and dilemmas. For the purpose of this study, the
discussion below will explore the three significant methods of learning in
the light of Surah al- 'Alaq.
The word iqra which comes at the beginning of the first and third verses
of the Surah indicates reading as an important tool of learning. The
The First Revelation in the Holy Qur'an
name of the Holy Book, al-Qur'an, is derived from the verb, qara'a
which means recitation. The verb qara'a preliminary means to study
the Holy Qur'an as it was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad
p.b.u.h., but in general, it was also used for the studying other fields of
knowledge. Allah says in the Holy Qur'an:
"When thou does read the Qur'an. Seek Allah's protection From
Satan the Rejected One."
(al-Nahl 16: 98)
The above verse alludes to the fact that when reading the Holy
Qur'an, one should seek protection from the evil or Satan. (Abdullah
Yusuf 1992: 1544) Similarly, in Surah al- 'Alaq, the Prophet Muhammad
p.b.u.h. is taught to read in the name of Lord who created. Therefore,
human beings as weak creation of Allah should always ask for His
strength, protection and guidance when reading or learning, in order to
protect or prevent them from the persuasion, influences of Satan and
On the order hand, recitation of the Holy Qur'an can have great
impact and influence on a person's mind, feelings, faith and belief. The
Holy Qur'an mentions how a company of Jinns listened to the Holy
Qur'an and claimed that it is a wonderful recital. Allah says:
"Say it has been revealed to me that a company of Jinns listenes
[to the Qur'an] They said, "we have really heard a wonderful
(al-Jin 72:1)
The Holy Qur'an describes the Jinns, on hearing recitation from the
Holy Qur'an becoming absorbed with its uniqueness which invites them
to believe in the revelation and become mu'min. (Ibn Kathir: 156)
On another occasion, similarly, the second Caliph of Islam, Umar
Ibn al-Khattab became a muslim on hearing his sister reading the Holy
Qur'an. (Numani. S.1983: 198-200) Thus, it is undeniable that reading
the Holy Qur'an will influence the mind and heart not only of the reader
but also of the audience. This is why we are being asked to read the
Holy Qur'an in our best manner with good tone and beautiful
pronunciation. The Holy Qur'an emphasizes this:
".. .and recite the Qur'an in slow, measured rhythmic tones."
(al-Muzammil 73:4)
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Regarding this, on one occasion, Anas was asked about the Prophet's
method of reciting the Holy Qur'an. He replied, the Prophet Muhammad
p.b.u.h. stretched the words when he was reciting. For example, when
he recited Bismillahirrahmanirrahim he would stretch the word
Bismillah, and he also stretch the word al-Rahman and al-Rahim.
Regarding the above verse, Ibn. Kathir in his commentary, points
out that we are asked to read the Holy Qur'an slowly and distinctly, not
quickly or in haste. The reason for this is that it will give time for the
mind to understand the meaning and purport of the divine revelation;
thus, the heart will also be affected through the reading and recitation. In
this regard, al-Maududi has commented on the relation between reading
and the human heart as follows: (al-Maududi 1992: 121):
.. .if it contains the mention of Allah's Being and Attributes, it
may awe-inspire the heart with His glory and majesty; if it
expresses. His mercy, the heart may be filled with feelings of
gratitude to Him; if it mentions His wrath and His punishment,
the heart may be overwhelmed by fear of Him; if it enjoins
something or forbids something, one may understand what has
been forbidden.
Therefore, recitation of the Book does not only refer to the uttering
of its words and verses, but it should also include comprehension and
thoughtful consideration of the whole meaning. Generally, we could say
that reading the Holy Qur'an should involve its meaning and an
understanding of its message.
It is also noteworthy to elaborate the purpose of reading from the
Quranic perspective. Firstly, through reading, humanity will find and
discover the absolute truth, i.e. the Lord and the Creator. There are
many verses mentioning these, such as:
"Proclaim! [or Read], in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher,
Who created."
Secondly, through reading, human beings will be able to understand
the message of God, what is prohibit and what is permissible. Thirdly,
human beings are being asked to read the Holy Qur'an in order to seek
guidance on the right path. Fourthly, reading the Holy Qur'an could also
lead towards self development and self actualization.
The First Revelation in the Holy Qur'an
The word qalam or pen in the first revelation signals writing as a tool of
learning and teaching. Although most of the Arab community at the time
of revelation were illiterate, the word qalam were repeated in four
occasions in the Holy Qur'an.
Through the medium of the pen, human beings are able to transmit
and transfer their feelings, thoughts, experiences, insights and most of all
knowledge from individual to individual and from generation to generation.
This ability was granted by God to human beings through His grace and
mercy due to the fact that primarily humanity was taught through the
medium of the pen.
Today, we find that the basis of the entire civilization, the progress
and advancement of humanity in different fields, pivots on the existence
of the "pen". The rank of scholars has preceeded that of martyrs because,
generally, it is scholar's pen that is able to change minds, attitudes and
destinies of individuals in society. However, in the community,
improvement may begin from the pen of a responsible person, but vice
and corruption may also originate from what the pen propagates. These
outstanding positions of the pen is probably one of the answer to why the
Holy Qur'an invokes the pen. (al-Qalam 68: 1)
Furthermore, writing has been given a significant place since the
early period of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. was always
keen for the text of the Holy Qur'an to be written down immediately
after it was revealed in order to distinguish between his words and the
Word of God. There is evidence that the Word of God was written on
papyrus, palm leaves, pieces of leather and wooden boards. (al-Zinjani
Besides being a method of learning and teaching, writing plays a
decisive role for the purpose of communication in the society such as in
doing transaction. For example, in the Holy Qur'an, human beings are
taught to write details when dealing with transaction involving future
payment. Allah says:
"O ye who believe! When ye deal with each other, in transaction
involving future obligations in a fixed period of time, reduce them
to writing let a scribe write down faithfully as between the parties;
let not the scribe refuse to write; as Allah has taught him, so let
him write..."
(al-Baqarah 2: 282)
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The First Revelation in the Holy Qur'an
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The first revelation has shown its great concern for human development
and education by mentioning the means of acquiring and transmitting
knowledge in the community. Additionally, the Surah emphasizes the
personal growth of human beings and gaining knowledge through reading,
writing and memorization. Al-Alaq which is the name of the Surah,
refers to the origin of man in the third stage of embryogenesis as described
in the Holy Qur'an. (Hussain. S.1980: 107-109) In this context, the
physical growth of a person is closely related to his/her intellectual and
potential growth, which is considered as important in learning and
acquisition of knowledge.
The Surah also refers to the word "qalam" or pen as significant
tool of writing. By means of the pen, a student is able to take notes
[allaqa], dictation [imla], compose reports [khabar] and write [katabaj.
These are the various methods of learning and acquisition of knowledge
in the different branches of science. The difference between "kataba"
and "allaqa" as Makdisi explains is that "kataba" is usually applied to
hadith which were noted down from dictation. The term "allaqa" is a
process which depends safely on the competence of the learner in his/
her note-taking. Imla or dictation refers to copying word for word what
a teacher or lecturer is saying.
Additionally in order to obtain knowledge, Zarnuji explains that
learners should always respect knowledge, the knowledgeable person
and teachers. He further adds that, a learner should always respect his/
her teacher by his examples that he/she should not talk or leave the class
without permission, sit on the teacher's chair, disobey the rule of the
teacher and like. Learners who have caused inconvenience to the teacher
will benefit very little from the teacher's knowledge. Since an Islamic
society can only be sustained and advanced through faith, knowledge
and education, the role of the teacher is very important in the educational
system and society. Tibawi emphasizes that the relationship between the
teacher [Murabbi ] and learner is more towards a spiritual relationship
which is superior to physical relationship as;
The First Revelation in the Holy Qur'an
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Ali, Abdullah Yusuf (1992). The Holy Qur'an: New Edition With Revised
Translation and Commentary, Maryland: Amana Corp.
al-Maududi, Abul A'la (1992). The Meaning of The Qur'an, [5th. ed.],
Vol. XV-XVI, Lahore: Islamic Publications.
The First Revelation in the Holy Qur'an
Qutb, Sayyid (1979). In the Shade of the Qur'an, Vol. 30, Salahi, M.A.
and Shami A.A. [trs.], London.